Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016




  According to Ibn Humayd-Jarir-Mughirah-al-Harith Abu  Zur`ah-Abu Hurayrah: The best thing he said to nabi ibraham  a.s was when he lifted up the cover from him when he was in the fire alone, his brow covered with sweat. And he said, "How excellent is the Lord, your Lord, 0 Ibrahim a.s!"

  According to al-Qasim-al-Husayn-Mu ' tamir b . Sulayman al-Taymi-some of his companions : Jibril a.s came to Ibrahim a.s while he was being tied up and shackled to be thrown into the fire, and he said, "0 Ibrahim a.s ! Do you need anything?"  Ibrahim a.s replied, "From you, no!"

  According to Ahmad b. al-Miqdam-al-Mu'tamir-his father-Qatadah-Abu Sulayman: The fire burned nothing on Abraham except his fetters.

 Abu Ja ' far said the account returns to that of Ibn Ishaq.

  Some of Ibrahim ' s a.s people became his followers when they saw what God did for him, though they were still afraid of Nimrod and of their community. Lot, the son of his brother, believed in him. He was Lot b. Haran b . Terah. Haran was Ibrahim's a.s brother, and they had a third brother who was called Nahor b. Terah. Haran was the father of  Lut a.s, and Nahor was the father of Bethuel. Bethuel was the father of Laban. Rebecca, Bethuel's daughter, was the wife of  Isaac b. Ibrahim a.s and the mother of Yacub a.s. Yacub's a.s wives Leah and Rachel were both daughters of Laban. Sarah, the daughter of Abraham's paternal uncle, believed in him. Her father was Haran the Elder, Ibrahim ' s a.s paternal uncle . She had a sister named Milcah, who was Nahor's wife. Some claim that  Sarah was the daughter of the king of Haran

Discussion of Who Made That Claim

  According to Musa b. Harun-'Amr b. Hammad-Asbat-alSuddi: Ibrahim a.s and Lut a.s set out for Syria. On the way Ibrahim a.s met Sarah, who was the daughter of the king of Harran. She had criticized her people about their religion, so he married her, since he would thus be able to have a believing wife without having to convert her. Ibrahim called on his father Azar to join his religion, saying to him, "0 my father! Why do you worship that which cannot hear nor see , and which you do not need at all?" His father, however, refused to respond to his call, whereupon Abraham and his companions who followed his command decided to leave their people. They said, "We are free from you and from those things other than God which you worship. We disbelieve in you, 0 you [idols] who are worshipped beside God! And eternal enmity and hatred have arisen between us, 0 worshippers [of them], until you believe in God alone!"

  Then Ibrahim a.s went forth, a fugitive for the sake of his Lord, and Lot went with him. [174. Qur'an, 29:26] Ibrahim a.s married Sarah, the daughter of his paternal uncle, and took her out with him when he fled for the sake of being able to practice his religion and worship his Lord in safety. He settled in Harran and stayed as long as God willed him to stay. Then he left as a fugitive and traveled to Egypt, which was then under the rule of one of the earliest Pharaohs.

  It is said that Sarah was one of the best human beings that ever existed. She would not disobey Ibrahim a.s in any way, for which God honored her. When her goodness and beauty were described to Pharaoh , he sent a message to Ibraham a.s asking, "Who is this woman who is with you?" He replied, "She is my sister ." He feared that if Pharaoh learned that siti Sarah was his wife, he would kill him to possess her. Pharaoh said to Ibrahim a.s, "Adorn her and send her to me so that I may look at her." Ibrahim a.s went back to Sarah and ordered her to prepare herself, then sent her to Pharaoh. She went in and approached him. When she sat next to him, he reached out to her with his hand, but his arm suddenly became stiff all the way up to his chest. When he saw that , he looked at her with awe and said, "Pray to God to release me! By God , I shall not cast suspicion on you. I shall indeed be good to you." So she said, "My God, if he is being truthful, release his hand ." And God released his hand and he sent her back to Abraham. Pharaoh also gave her siti Hajar, a Coptic slave -girl of his.  [175. See Tha'labi Qisas, 69-70, and Ginzberg, Legends, I, 222 - 223. In Kisa’i, 150-151 , the king is called Zadok and rules over Jordan . In both Kisa’i and the aggadic accounts , Hagar is the daughter of the king or Pharaoh, who gives her to Sarah as a servant.]

  According to Abu Kurayb-Abu Usamah-Hisham-Muhammad-Abu Hurayrah- the Messenger of God: Ibrahim a.s told only three lies in his life. Two of them were about God-his saying "I feel sick " [176. Qur'an, 37:89.] and his saying " But this, their chief, is the one who did it ." [177. Ibid., 21:63.] While he was traveling through the land of a certain tyrant, he stopped at a place, and a man went to the tyrant, saying : " There is in your land"-or "There is here-a man with a wife who is one of the most beautiful of mankind." So the tyrant sent for Ibrahim a.s, and when he came, he asked him, "What [relation] is this woman to you?" Ibrahim a.s replied, "She is my sister." The tyrant said, "Go and send her to me." Ibraham a.s went back to Sarah and said, "This tyrant asked me about you, and I told him that you are my sister. So do not give me the lie when you see him. You are my sister in God, for in all this land there are no Muslims except ourselves."

  Ibrahim a.s took her to the tyrant and stood up to pray. When she came into the tyrant's presence , he bent forward to touch her, but was suddenly seized by a powerful paralysis. He said, "Pray to God and I will not harm you." So she prayed for him, and he was set free. Then he reached out for her again, and again, he was seized by the paralysis . And he said, " Pray to God and I will not harm you ." So she prayed for him and he was released . Then he did the same thing yet again, and again he was seized . And he asked siti Sarah to pray for him and was released. He called the lowest of his chamberlains and said, " You did not bring me a human being , you brought me a devil. Take her away and give Hajar to her ." She was taken out and given Hajar, and she went away with her. When Ibraham a.s saw her coming back, he interrupted his prayer and said, "What is the matter?" She answered, "God has protected me from the unbelieving libertine and has given me Hagar as a servant."

  According to Muhammad b. Sirin: When Abu Hurayrah related this account, he would say, "This is your mother, 0 Arabs! " [178. In Arabic , ya bani ma ' al-sama ' , " 0 sons of the water of heaven."]

  According to Ibn Humayd-Salamah-Muhammad b. Ishaq -'Abd al-Rahman b. Abi al-Zinad-his father -`Abd al-Rahman al-A'raj-Abu Hurayrah-the Messenger of God: Ibrahim a.s said only three things that were not true. He said , " I am sick ," when there was no sickness in him; he said, "But this , their chief, is the one who did it, so question them if they can speak;" and when Pharaoh asked him about  siti Sarah, "Who is this woman with you?" he answered, "My sister." Ibrahim a.s never said anything untrue except these things.

  According to Said b. Yahya al-Umawi-his father -Muhammad b. Ishaq-Abu al-Zinad-'Abd al-Rahman alA`raj-Abu Hurayrah: The Messenger of God said, "Ibrahim a.s never lied except about three things ." Then he mentioned the same.

  According to Abu Kurayb-Abu Usamah-Hisham-Muhammad-Abu Hurayrah -the Messenger of God: Ibrahim a.s lied only three times, twice about God-his saying, "I feel sick;" his saying, "But this, their chief, is the one who did it;" and his saying about Sarah, "She is my sister."

  According to Ibn Humayd-Jarir-Mughirah-al-Musayyib b. Rafi`-Abu Hurayrah: Abraham told only three lies-his saying, " I feel sick;" his saying , " But this, their chief, is the one who did it," but this second lie was only by way of admonition; and his saying, "She is my sister," when the king asked him about his wife siti Sarah.

  According to Ya'qub-Ibn `Ulayyah-Ayyub-Muhammad: Ibrahim a.s told only three lies, two about God and one about himself. The first two were his saying, "I feel sick," and his saying, "But this, their chief, is the one who did it;" the other was his tale about siti Sarah. And Nabi Muhammad s.a.w related the story of her and the king.

  Abu Ja'far said : The account returns to that of Ibn Ishaq. Hajar was a servant -woman of good appearance and Sarah gave her to Ibrahim a.s, saying, "I consider her a clean woman, so take her. Perhaps God will grant you a son from her." For siti Sarah was barren and had grown old without bearing a son for Ibrahim a.s.

  Ibrahim a.s had prayed to God to grant him a pious son, but the prayer was not answered until he had become old and siti Sarah barren. So he had intercourse with siti Hajar, and she bore him Ishmail a.s. [179. See the Jewish account in Ginzberg , Legends, op. cit ., 237. See also Kisai, 151, and Tha 'labi, Qisas, 70.]

  According to Ibn Humayd-Salamah-Ibn Ishaq-al Zuhri-'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Abdallah b. Ka'b b. Malik al Ansari-the Messenger of God: When you conquer Egypt, treat its people well, for they are kin (to you) and deserve protection.

  According to Ibn Humayd-Salamah-Ibn Ishaq: I asked al Zuhri, "What is their kinship that the Messenger of God mentioned?" Al-Zuhri answered, " Hajar, the mother of Ishmail, was one of them."

  It is said-though God knows best-that when this happened siti Sarah grieved greatly because her own years of childbearing were over. Ibrahim a.s had left Egypt for Syria, for he was afraid of the Egyptian king and anxious about his evil ways. He settled in Beersheba in the land of Palestine, which is the desert land of Syria. Lot had settled in al-Mu'tafikah, [180. See Qur' an, 53 :53. The Arabic name for the "cities of the plain" overthrown and destroyed by God, from the root 'fk, "to change a state or manner of being, to turn anything away or back ." See Lane, 1:69-70 ) LeStrange, Palestine, 510.] less than one day-and-night's journey from Beersheba [181. An obvious reference to the division of land between Ibrahim a.s  and Lot. See Gen 13 , where Lot chose the Jordan plain, and Abram, as he was then known, chose the land of Canaan.] God sent Ibrahim a.s  as a prophet, and it is said that he stayed in Beersheba, dug a well there, and set up a place of worship there. That well provided pure water which flowed copiously up over the ground, and his flocks came to drink there. Then the people of Beersheba harmed him in some way, so he left there and went to another part of  Palestine a village called Qatt or Qitt [182. See Yaqut, Mu'jam, IV, 137 ; LeStrange, Palestine, 483, reads Katt. No further identification or location is given. Tha'labi , Qisas, 70, has Qattah.] between al-Ramlah and Iliya. [183. That is, Jerusalem, from the Latin , Aelia Capitolina, the name given to the city by the Emperor Hadrian after the suppression of Jewish revolts in 117-18 . See Baron, Social, II, 107; Yaqut , Mu'jam, I, 423ff.] When he left Beersheba, the water sank back into the ground and vanished. So the people of Beersheba followed him until they overtook him, regretting what they had done. They said, "We have driven a pious man out of our community." They asked him to come back. He answered, "I will not come back to a place from which I was driven out." They said, "The water from which you used to drink, and we as well, has sunk back into the earth and disappeared." So he brought them seven goats from his flocks and said, "Take them with you. If you take them to drink from the well, the water will appear again as pure and flowing as it was before. Drink from it and do not let a menstruating woman dip water from it. " They took the goats back with them; and when they stopped at the well the water reappeared for them, and they were able to drink from it. It remained thus until one day when a menstruating woman came to it and dipped water from it. Whereupon the water withdrew, and the well dried up again. It has remained dry to this day.[ 184. Probably a jumbled reference to the story of the covenant of Beersheba between Ibrahim a.s and Abimelech regarding a well dug by IbrahIm A.S. The covenant is marked by the symbolic present of seven ewe - lambs by IbrahIm A.S. See Gen 21; Tha'labi, Qisas, be. cit.]

  Ibrahim a.s used to give hospitality to whoever came to visit him, since God had made him prosperous and given him ample sustenance, wealth, and servants. When God wished to destroy the people of  Lot, He sent His messengers to Ibrahim a.s commanding him to leave their community. They had done vile deeds which no one in the two worlds had ever done before, disbelieving their prophets and rejecting the good counsel which Lot had brought them from their Lord. The messengers were ordered to visit Ibrahim a.s and give him and siti Sarah tidings of the coming of Isaac and also of Yacub a.s who was to come after him. When they came to Ibrahim a.s he had had no guests for two weeks , and it was becoming unbearable to him to have no one visiting him or receiving hospitality from him . So when he saw the messengers he rejoiced . [185. Ibrahim 's a.s need for guests to share his food so that he could enjoy it is mentioned in Kisai, 155-61 Tha'labi, Qisas, 70- 71. Ginzberg Legends, I, 241-2 relates that this visit took place almost immediately after Ibrahim's a.s circumcision by God's command . In spite of his pain , Ibrahim a.s himself went out on the road to find some stranger to whom he could give hospitality. For the biblical account see Gen 18.] He saw guests who had more goodness and beauty than any guests to whom he had given hospitality before, and he said, "No one but I myself will serve these people, with my own hands ." So he went to his house servants and brought -as God says -a fatted calf'" [186. See Qur' in, 51:26.] which he had roasted until it was well done. God says, "He brought forth a roasted calf.” [187. Ibid., 11:69.] He offered it to them, but they did not reach out to eat of it. When he saw this, Ibrahim a.s mistrusted them and conceived a fear of them” [188. Ibid., 11:70] since they did not eat his food. They said, "Do not be afraid! We are sent to the people of Lot ."  [189. Id.]  siti Sarah was standing nearby, and when she heard of God ' s command she laughed , knowing what she knew of the people of Lot. Then they told her of the coming of Isaac and, after Isaac, of Yacub a.s [190. Ibid., 11:71]that is, they told her she would have a son and grandson . She struck her face [191. Qur an, :51:29.] (in surprise) and said, " Woe is me! How can I have a child when I am a barren old woman? " [192. Ibid., 11:72] the quote continuing until : " He is the Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory!" [193. Ibid ., 11:73.]

  According to what some scholars have told me, siti Sarah was ninety years old at the time and Abraham was one hundred and twenty.[ 194. Note the discrepancies in the various ages attributed to Ibrahim as and  siti Sarah at the time of Isaac 's birth as well as that of his sacrifice in the paragraph below.] When Ibrahim a.s lost his fear and heard the news about Isaac and Yacub a.s and the descendants he was to have through Isahak a.s, his fear evaporated and he felt safe. He said, "Praise be to God Who has granted me, despite my age, Ishmail a.s and Isahak a.s . Verily my Lord is One Who hears prayer!"

  According to al-Qasim-al-I iusayn-Hajjaj-Ibn Jurayj Wahb b. Sulayman-Shu'ayb al-Jaba'i: Ibrahim a.s was sixteen when he was thrown into the fire, and Isaac was seven when he was sacrificed, while siti Sarah was ninety when she bore him. The place of his sacrifice was about two miles from Bayt Iliya. When siti Sarah learned what God wanted with Isaac, she fell ill for two days and died on the third. It is said that siti Sarah was one hundred and twenty-seven years old when she died.

  According to Musa b. Harun-`Amr b. Hammad Asbat-al-Suddi: God sent the angels to destroy the people of Lot. They approached in the form of young men and visited Abraham, seeking his hospitality. When Ibrahim a.s saw them he honored them, went to his servants, and brought a fatted calf, which he slaughtered and then roasted on hot stones. This was roasted meat (hanidh), and when he had roasted it he brought it to them. He sat with them while siti Sarah stood serving them. As God said, "And his wife, standing by" [195. Qur'an, 2I:71.] while he was sitting-this according to Ibn Mas`ud's version. When he brought it to them, he said, "Will you not eat?" [196. Ibid., 51:27.]They said, "Verily, Ibrahim a.s, we eat food only for a price." He said, "This has a price." They said, "What is its cost?" He said, "That you mention God's name at the beginning and praise him at the end." Jibril a.s looked at Michael and said, "This one is worthy of the Lord's having taken him as a friend." When he saw that their hands did not reach out for the meat, he said to himself, "They do not eat," and grew afraid of them. When siti Sarah looked at him, she saw that he had honored them and that she stood to serve them. She laughed [197. Note this second mention of  siti Sarah's laughter; the first !Taban, 272), was when she heard of the punishment of Lot's people, and not -as in the Bible-on hearing the promise of a son, Gen. 18 : 12. Thalabi, Qisas, 71, inserts here the discussion of the scholars about what caused  siti Sarah ' s laughter] and said, "How strange these guests of ours are-we serve them by ourselves , honoring them, and they do not eat our food!"

Concerning the Command to Build the House [198. That is, the Ka ' bah in Mekkah. The roles of Ibrahim a.s and Ishmail a.s in building the House are central in Islamic belief and are thus placed here, interrupting the narrative of the fulfillment of the messengers' prophecies regarding the birth of Ishaaq and the destruction of the people of Lot . Kisai,1 54 deals with this account with great brevity . Tha'labi, Qisas, 71 - 79 on the other hand, devotes much space to the stories of Zamzam and of the Ka ' bah. See also the biblical account of Sarah sending Hagar and Ishmael away , Gen z 1, and Ginzberg Legends, I, 263f. ]

  After Ishmael a.s and Isahaq a.s were born, God commanded Ibrahim a.s to build a House for Him in which He would be worshipped and His name mentioned. Ibrahim a.s did not know exactly where he was expected to build it , since God had not made this clear, and he felt uneasy about the matter . Some scholars say that God sent the Sakinah [199. Mentioned in the Qur ' an, 2:248 . Obviously based on the Hebrew Shekhinah, " the presence of God " in a spiritual sense. Muslim exegetes give a jinnlike description of Sakinah , which is what is meant here ; see below. See shorter Encyc., 489.] to him to show him where to build the House . The Sakinah went with Ibrahim a.s, who was also accompanied by his wife Hagar and his son Ishmael, who was a small baby.

  Other scholars have said, rather , it was Jibril a.s whom God sent to him to show him where to build the House and what do do.

Concerning Those Who Said that God Sent the Sakinah to Him for That

According to Hannid b. al-Sirri-Abu al-Ahwas-Simak b. Harb-Khalid b. 'Ar'arah : A man came to ' Ali b. Abi Talib ra and said, " Will you not tell me about the House ? Was it the first House to be built on earth ?" He replied, "No, but it was the first House built with the blessing of the standing place of Ibrahim a.s, and whoever enters it will be safe. If you wish, I will tell you how it was built". God said to Abraham, 'Build Me a House on earth !' Abraham felt uneasy, so He sent the Sakinah.

  The Sakinah is a gale -force wind with two heads, and one head followed the other until they reached Mecca and coiled up at the site of the House, the way a snake coils . Ibrahim a.s was commanded to build where the Sakinah had rested. When Ibrahim a.s had finished it except for one stone, the boy went away to build something else. But Ibrahim a.s said, 'No, I still need one more stone, as I will order you.' So the boy went looking for a stone, and when he found one he brought it to Ibrahim a.s. But he found that Ibrahim a.s had already set the Black Stone in place. He said, '0 my father, who brought you this stone?' Abraham answered, 'Someone who did not rely on your building brought it to me. It was Jibril a.s who brought it to me from heaven.' Then the two of them finished it."

  According to Ibn Bashshar and Ibn al-Muthanni-Mu'ammal-Sufyan-Abu Ishaq-Harithah b. Muclarrib-'Ali: When Abraham was commanded to build the House, Ishmail a.s and siti Hajar went forth with him. When he approached Mekkah he saw on his head, in the place of the House, the likeness of a muzzle which was the likeness of the head. Then God spoke to him, saying, "0 Abraham! Build on My protection and My might, neither add nor subtract." When he had built, he went forth and left Hagar and Ishmael behind. siti Hajar said, "0 Abraham! To whom are you entrusting us?" He replied, "To God." She said, "Then go! He will not lead us astray."

  Ishmail a.s became very thirsty.  Siti Hajar climbed al-Safi to look (for water) but saw nothing. Then she went to al-Marwah, but the same thing happened. Then she returned to al-safa and looked around, but could not find Ishmael. After looking seven times [200. That is, prefiguring the rites of the Muslim pilgrimage] without success , she said, " 0 Ishmail a.s! You have died where I cannot see you!" Then she found him, and he was scraping the ground with his foot from thirst. Jibril a.s called out to her saying, "Who are you?" She answered, " siti Hajar, mother of the son of Ibrahim a.s." Jibril a.s said, "To whom did he entrust you?" She said, "He entrusted us to God." He answered, "He has entrusted you to One who is sufficient." The boy scraped the ground with his finger and the spring of Zamzam welled up. She began to dam up the water, but Gabriel said, " Leave it! It is sweet water. " [201. In the Jewish aggadic sources Ishmael is saved because of his piety and his father's merits, while Hagar is portrayed as still praying to the idols of her youth. See Ginzberg, Legends, 1, 264-66.]

  According to Musa b. Harun-'Amr • b. Hammad—Asbat -al-Suddi: God gave Ibrahim a.s and Ishmail a.s the order, "Cleanse My House for those who walk around it," Ibrahim a.s set out for Mecca. He and Ishmail a.s took pickaxes, without knowing where the House was. So God sent a wind, the galeforce wind, which had two wings and a head like that of a snake. It swept the area around the Ka'bah clear for them to let them build the foundations of the original House. They followed it with pickaxes, digging until they had placed the foundations. That was when God said, "When We prepared for Ibrahim a.s the place of the House. " [202. Qur'an, 22:26]

  According to Ibn Humayd-Salamah-Muhammad b. Ishaq-al-Hasan b. 'Umarah-Simak b. Harb-Khalid b. 'Ar'arah--'Ali b. Abi Thalib ra: When God commanded Ibrahim a.s to build the House and to call on humanity to perform the pilgrimage, he left Syria with his son Ishmael a.s and Ishmael's a.s mother siti Hajar. With him God sent the Sakinah, a wind which had the power of speech. Ibrahim a.s followed it wherever  it led him until it had led him to Mecca. When it came to the place of the House , it spun round and round and said to Ibrahim a.s, "Build on me! Build on me! Build on me !" Ibrahim a.s laid the foundations and raised the House , working with Ishmael a.s, until they came to the cornerstone. Ibrahim a.s said to Ishmail a.s, "0 my little son! Find me a stone which I can put here as a sign to the people." He brought a stone, but Ibrahim a.s did not like it and said, "Look for another one." Ishmael a.s went to look, but when he came back a cornerstone had already been brought and Ibrahim a.s had put it in place. He asked, "0 my father! Who brought you this stone?" Ibrahim a.s replied, "One who did not entrust me to you, 0 my son!"

  Others have said that the one who left Syria with Ibrahim a.s to guide him to the place of the House was Jibril a.s, and that the reason he took siti Hajar a.s and Ishmael a.s to Mecca with him was that siti Sarah was jealous of siti Hajar's having borne Ishmael a.s by him. [203. Kisa', 15 r, implies that Sarah had not yet given birth to Ishaq when she made Ibrahim a.s send siti Hagar away; here ( Tabari, 1274), both Ishmail a.s and Ishaq were born when God told Ibrahim a.s to build a house and when Ibrahim a.s took siti Hagar and Ishmael to Mecca with him. Tha' labi, Qisas, 7rff., has differing accounts, but one, similar to Tabari ' s account below , says that the expulsion of siti Hajar from the household was due to boyish conflicts between Ishmail a.s and Isahaq-which reflects the aggadic tales . See Ginzberg , Legends, 1, 263-64.]

Concerning Those Who Said That

  According to Musa b . Harun-'Amr b . Hammad-Asbat-alSuddi ( with a chain of authorities which we have already mentioned ):  siti Sarah said to Ibrahim a.s , " You may take pleasure in siti Hajar, for I have permitted it." So he had intercourse with siti Hajar and she gave birth to Ishmael a.s . Then he had intercourse with Siti Sarah , and she gave birth to Isaac. When Isahaq grew up, he and Ishmael a.s fought . siti Sarah became angry and jealous toward Ishmael's a.s mother and sent her away. Then she called her back and took her in . But later she became angry and sent her away again, and brought her back yet again. She swore to cut something off of her, and said to herself, "I shall cut off her nose, I shall cut off her ear-but no, that would deform her . I will circumcise her instead ." So she did that , and Hagar took a piece of cloth to wipe the blood away . For that reason women have been circumcised and have taken pieces of cloth down to today. [204. This strange tradition probably reflects the antiquity of the practice of circumcision ( both male and female) among the Arabs, which antedates Islam. See Shorter Encyc ., 254-55, s.v. khitan . Tha'labi, Qisas, 71, mentions only That siti Sarah had siti Hagar ' s ears pierced, and gives that as the origin of this general practice.]

  Siti Sarah said, " She will not live in the same town with me." God told Ibrahim a.s to go to Mecca, where there was no House at the time . He took siti Hajar and her son to Mecca and put them there. Hagar said to him, "To whom have you left us here?" Then he told the story of her and her son.

  According to Ibn Humayd-Salamah-Ibn Ishaq-'Abdallah b. Abi Najih-Mujahid and other scholars: When God pointed out to Abraham the place of the House and told him how to build the Sanctuary, he set out to do the job and Jibril a.s went with him. It is said that whenever he passed a town he would ask, "Is this the town which God's command meant, 0 Jibril a.s?" And Jibril a.s would say, "Pass it by." At last they reached Mecca, which at that time was nothing but acacia trees, mimosa, and thorn trees , and there was a people called the Amalekites outside Mecca and its surroundings. The House at that time was but a hill of red clay. Ibrahim a.s said to Jibril a.s, "Was it here that I was ordered to leave them?" Jibril a.s said, "Yes." Ibrahim a.s directed siti Hajar and Ishmael a.s to go to al-Hijr, and settled them down there. He commanded siti Hajar, the mother of Ishmail a.s, to find shelter there. Then he said, "My Lord! I have settled some of my posterity in an uncultivable valley near Your Holy House . . ." with the quote continuing until ". . . that they may be thankful. " [205. Qur' an, 14:37.] Then he journeyed back to his family in Syria, leaving the two of them at the House.

  Then Ishmail a.s became very thirsty. His mother looked for water for him, but could not find any. She listened for sounds to help her find water for him. She heard a sound at al-Safi and went there to look around, but found nothing. Then she heard a sound from the direction of al-Marwah . She went there and looked around, but found nothing.

  Some also say that she stood on al-Safi, praying to God for water for Ishmail a.s, and then went to al-Marwah to do the same. Then she heard the sounds of beasts in the valley where she had left Ishmail a.s. She ran to him and found him scraping the water from a spring which had burst forth beneath his hand, and drinking from it . Ishmael ' s mother came to it and made it swampy. Then she drew water from it into her waterskin to keep it for Ishmail a.s . Had she not done that , the waters of Zamzam would have gone on flowing to the surface forever. According to Mujahid ' s version, Jibril a.s dug out Zamzam with his heel for Ishmail a.s when he was thirsty.

  According to Ya ` qub b. Ibrahim and al - Hasan b. Muhammad -Ismail b . Ibrahim-Ayyub -Sa'id b . Jubayr-Ibn `Abbas: The first person to run between al-Safa and al-Marwah was the mother of Ishmail a.s. And the first Arab woman who voided ordure and dragged the edges of her garment over it was the mother of Ishmail a.s. When she fled from Sarah, she let her garment trail behind her to wipe her footprints out. Ibrahim a.s took her and Ishmail a.s until he reached the place of the House with them, and he left them there . Then he set off to go back to Syria . She followed him and said, " To what have you entrusted us? What will we eat ? What will we drink?" At first he did not answer, but then she said : " Did God order you to do this?" He replied, " Yes." She said, "Then He will not let us go astray." So she went back , and Abraham kept going . When he reached a mountain pass full of large rocks and came upon the valley, he said, " My Lord ! I have settled some of my posterity in an uncultivable valley near Your Holy House, etc.... " [206. Id.]

  Siti Hajar had a worn- out waterskin which contained some water, but it gave out and she became thirsty . Then her milk ceased and Ishmail a.s became thirsty. So she looked for the lowest mountain in the area-it was al - Safa-and climbed it. Then she listened, hoping to hear a voice or to see a friendly person . But she did not hear anything, so she climbed down. When she reached the valley she ran even though she did not want to run, as is sometimes the case with exhausted people.

  Then she looked for another low mountain and climbed alMarwah to have another look around . Then she heard a faint voice . Being unsure that she had really heard it, she said "Hush! " to herself, until she was sure of it . Then she said, "You have made me hear Your voice , so give me water, for I am  dying and so is the one with me."

  The angel took her to the place of Zamzam. Then he stamped his foot, and a spring gushed forth. Siti  Hajar hurried to fill her waterskin. The Messenger of God said, "May God have mercy on the mother of Ishmael a.s! If she had not been in such a hurry, Zamzam would still be a free-flowing spring." The angel said to her, "Do not fear that the people of this town will go thirsty, for this is a spring made for God's guests to drink. The father of this boy will come, and they will build a House on this site."

  A group of people from the tribe of Jurhum [207. This tribe and the Amelekites were mentioned (Tabari , I, 219) as al-'Arab al-'aribah or "the authentic Arabs." Thus, when Ishmail a.s - marries a daughter of this tribe, it represents a blending of these " authentic " Arabs with the "Arabized " Arabs, that is, the descendants of Ishmael who settled among them; see Tabari, I, 215.] passed by on the way to Syria. Seeing birds over the mountain, they asked each other, "That kind of bird only circles over water-do you know of any water in this valley?" None of them did. Then they went to a high place and saw Hagar. They came to her and asked whether they might stop with her, and she allowed it.

  At length death came to Hagar as it comes to all people, and after she died Ishmail a.s married a woman from the Jurhumite group. Later Ibrahim a.s came, asking after Ishmael's dwelling. It was pointed out to him and he went there to visit his son. But Ishmail a.s was out, and instead of him Ibrahim a.s met his wife, churlish and rude. He said to her, "When your husband comes home, tell him that an old man of such-and-such description has come here, and that he says to you (that is, to Ishmail a.s), 'I am not pleased with the threshold of your door."' Then he left her and went away. When Ishmail a.s came she told him, as Ibrahim a.s had ordered, and he said, "That was my father, and you are the threshold of my door." So he divorced her and married another Jurhumite woman. Later Ibrahim a.s came to visit again, and, as before, it was not Ishmail a.s but his wife-this one compliant and generous-who was there when he came. He said to her, "Where did your husband go?" She said, "He went hunting." He said, "What food do you have?" She said, "Meat and water." He said, "My God! Bless their meat and water threefold." And he said to her, "When your husband comes back tell him that an old man of such-and-such description has come here and says to you , 'I am satisfied with the threshold of your door, so hold firm to her."' When Ishmail a.s came home she told him this. Later Ibrahim a.s came a third time and worked with Ishmail a.s to raise the foundations of the House. [208. This tale occurs in Kisa 'i, 153-54 , and Tha' labi, Qisa., 72-73, the latter giving a more detailed account. A variation occurs in the Jewish aggada, with tent- pin instead of threshold as the key word; see Ginzberg, Legends, I, 267-69.]

  According to al-Hasan b. Muhammad-Yahya b. 'Abbad-liammad b. Salamah-'Ata' b. a1-Sa'ib-Said b. Jubayr-Ibn 'Abbas: Ibrahim a.s, the Prophet of God, brought Ishmail a.s and siti Hajar and set them down in Mecca at the place of Zamzam. As he was leaving, siti Hajar called out to him, "0 Ibrahim a.s, I ask you three times, who commanded you to set me down in a land without grain, without cows' udders, without people, without water, and without provisions?" He said, "My Lord commanded me." She said, "Verily, He will never lead us astray." As Ibrahim a.s was retracing his path (back to Syria) he said, "0 Lord! You know both the sadness we hide and the sadness we reveal. Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from God." [209. Qur' an, 14:38]

  When Ishmail a.s grew thirsty, he began to scuff at the ground with his heel.  Siti Hajar climbed the mountain of al-Safi. At that time the valley was 16kh, that is to say, deep, so when she climbed al-Safa and looked down to see whether she could see anything, she saw nothing . So she came down and ran along the valley until she came to al-Marwah. She climbed it but could not see anything from there either. She did that seven times and then came down from al-Marwah to Ishmail a.s, and she found him scuffing the ground with his heel. The spring Zamzam had begun to flow, and she began scraping the ground away from the water with her hand. Wherever some water collected on the ground she scooped it up in her cup and poured it into her waterskin.

  The Prophet said, "May God have mercy on her! Had she let it be , it would have remained a flowing spring until the Day of Resurrection."

  At that time there were Jurhum people in a valley near Mecca. Some birds had stayed in the valley because they saw the water, and when the jurhumites saw the birds they said, "They would not be there unless there was water there." So they came to Hagar and said , " If you wish , we will stay with you and keep you company for as long as the water belongs to you." She replied, "Yes." So they stayed with her while Ishmail a.s grew up. When Hagar died , Ishmael married a Jurhumite woman.

  Ibrahim a.s asked siti Sarah 's leave to go to visit siti Hajar and siti Sarah permitted it, laying down the condition that he not settle down there . Hagar had already died when Ibrahim a.s came to Ishmael's a.s house . He said to Ishmael's a.s wife, " Where is your master?" She said, " He is not here . He went hunting ." Ishmael a.s often left the Sanctuary to go hunting . Ibrahim a.s said, " Do you have any hospitality? Do you have any food or drink? " She said, " I have nothing, and there is no one with me." Ibrahim a.s said, "When your husband comes , call out greeting to him and tell him that he should change the threshold of his door."

  Ibraham a.s went, and when Ishmail a.s came back he found the smell of his father . So he said to his wife, "Did anyone come to you?" She said, "An old man of such - and-such description came to me"-as though she were making light of him. Ishmail a.s said, "What did he say to you ?" She said, " He told me, 'Greet your husband with peace and tell him that he should change the threshold of his door ."' So he divorced her and married another.

  IbrahIm a.s stayed in Syria as long as God willed and then asked siti Sarah 's leave to go to Mecca again to visit Ishmael. Once again she permitted him on the condition that he not settle down . Ibrahim a.s came to Ishmail ' s a.s door and said to his wife, "Where is your master?" She answered, "He has gone hunting, but he will soon come back, God willing, so stay, and may God be merciful to you! " He asked her, "Do you have any hospitality?" She said , "Yes." He said , "Do you have bread or wheat or barley or dates? " She brought milk and meat , and he prayed for blessing for both of them. Had she brought bread or wheat or dates or barley, Mecca would have been the most plentifully supplied with those things of any place on God's earth. She said, "Stay so that I may wash your head." But he would not stay, so she brought him the standing- place [210. Maqam, today usually , means " shrine" or "place of martyrdom ." In the precincts of the Ka'bah there is the maqam Ibrahim a.s, which is the shrine of Ibrahim a.s but harks back to the literal sense, as here, of his " standing place."] and put it at his right side. He set his foot on it and the trace of his foot remained on it. Then she washed the right side of his head, then turned the standing-place to his left and washed the left side. He said to her, "When your husband comes , greet him with peace and say to him, 'The threshold of your door has been put in order.'" When Ishmail a.s came he sensed the smell of his father, so he said to his wife, "Did anyone come to you?" She answered, "Yes, an old man, the handsomest and best- smelling in the world. He said to me such-and-such and I answered suchand-such, and I washed his head, and this is the place of his feeton the standing-place." He said, "What did he say to you?" She replied, "He said to me, 'When your husband comes, greet him with peace and say to him: The threshold of your door has been put in order.'" Ishmael said, "That was Ibrahim a.s."

  Ibrahim a.s stayed as long as God willed, and then God ordered him to build the House. So he and Ishmail a.s built it. And when it was finished they were told, "And proclaim unto mankind the pilgrimage “ [211. Qur'an, 22:28] So Ibrahim a.s began, whenever he passed people, to say, "0 people! A House has been built for you, so go on pilgrimage to it." But everything that heard him-stones, trees, everything- said, "Here I am, my God, here I am. [212. Arabic Labbayka allahumma labbayka, the cry of the pilgrims as they perform the rites of the pilgrimage.] Between the time when Ibrahim a.s said, "Our Lord! I have settled some of my posterity in an uncultivable valley near Your Holy House, [213. Qur'an, 14:37.] " and the time when he said, "Praise be to God, who has given me Ishmail a.s and Ishaq in my old age, [214. Ibid., 14:39.] there passed a number of years which `Ata' did not memorize.

  According to Muhammad b. Sinan-'Ubaydallah b. 'Abd alMajid Abu 'Ali al-Hanafi Ibrahim b. Nafi' -Kathir b. Kathir-Sa'id b. Jubayr-Ibn 'Abbas: Abraham came and found Ishmael mending his arrows behind Zamzam and said to him, "0 Ishmail a.s! Your Lord has ordered me to build Him a House."

  Ishmail a.s said to him, "Then obey your Lord and do what He ordered you to do." Then Ibrahim a.s said, "He has commanded that you assist me ." Ishmael answered, " Then I will do it." They began together, Ibrahim a.s doing the building while Ishmail a.s handed him the stones, and both of them saying, "0 Lord! Accept this from us. You and You alone are the Hearer, the Knower. " [215. Ibid ., 2:127.]

  When the building had become tall and old Ibrahim a.s was too weak to lift the stones that high, Ishmael came upon a stone which was the standing-place of Ibrahim a.s. He started to hand it over, while both of them were saying, "Accept this from us. You and You alone are the Hearer, the Knower." [216. Id.] When Ibrahim a.s had finished building the House as God had ordered, God ordered him to proclaim the pilgrimage among mankind, saying to him, "And proclaim unto mankind the pilgrimage. They will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every deep ravine. [217. Ibid ., 22:28.]

  According to Ibn Humayd-Jarir-Qabus b. Abi Zabyan -his father-Ibn 'Abbas: When Ibrahim a.s completed the building of the House, he was ordered, "Proclaim to mankind the pilgrimage." He then said, "0 Lord! What will my voice reach?"-(that is, Who will listen to me?). God answered, "Proclaim! The reaching is My responsibility." So Ibrahim a.s proclaimed, "0 people! Pilgrimage to the ancient House is prescribed for you." And everything between heaven and earth heard him-do you not see people coming from the ends of the earth, answering the call?

  According to al-Hasan b. 'Arafah-Muhammad b. Fudayl b. Ghazwin al-Dabbi-'Ata' b. al-Sa'ib-Sa'id b. Jubayr-Ibn 'Abbas: When Abraham built the House, God inspired him to "proclaim the pilgrimage to mankind ." Abraham said, "Did not your Lord adopt a House and command you to go on pilgrimage to it?" And everything that heard him- stones, trees, hills, dust, or anything else-answered him with , " Here I am, my God, here I am."

  According to Ibn Humayd-Yahya b. Wadih-al-Husayn b. Waqid-Abu al-Zubayr-Mujahid - Ibn `Abbas : God's words are, "So proclaim the pilgrimage to mankind ." Ibrahim a.s, the friend of God, stood up on the stone and proclaimed , " 0 people! The pilgrimage is prescribed for you !" And his voice reached even those yet unborn in the loins of men and the wombs of women. All who believed among those of past generations in God's knowledge that they would perform the pilgrimage between then and the Day of Resurrection answered Ibrahaim a.s, "Here I am , my God, here I am."

  According to Ibn Bashshar -'Abd al- Rahman-Sufyan -Salamah-Mujahid: Ibrahim a.s was told, "Proclaim the pilgrimage to mankind ." And he said : " 0 Lord, how shall I say it?" God replied , " Say, 'Here I am, my God, here I am ."' This was the first Labbayka.

  According to Ibn Humayd -Salamah-Muhammad b. Ishaq- ' Umar b . ' Abdallah b . ' Urwah : ` Abdallah b . al-Zubayr asked ` Ubayd b . ` Umayr al- Laythi, "Have you heard how it was that Ibrahim a.s called mankind to the pilgrimage ?" And `Ubayd b. `Umayr al-Laythi gave the following account: When Ibrahim a.s and Ishmael had raised the foundations of the House and had finished the work God wanted them to do on it, and the pilgrimage was at hand, Abraham faced to the south and called ( mankind) to God and to pilgrimage to His House . And he was answered with " Here I am, my God, here I am." Then he faced to the east and called (mankind) to God and to pilgrimage to His House , and he was answered with "Here I am, my God, here I am ." Then to the west he called [28 (mankind ) to God and to pilgrimage to His House, and he was answered with " Here I am, my God, here I am." Then to the north he called (mankind ) to God and to pilgrimage to His House and was answered with " Here I am, my God, here I am."

  Then he took Ishmail a.s out and went with him on the day of Tarwiyah [218. The eighth day of the pilgrimage. The name is interpreted as meaning either " satisfying thirst " (because camels are given drink ) or, more likely, "paying attention," because Abraham gave attention (rawwd ) to the vision which instructed him to sacrifice his son on this day.] and stayed at Mina with him and with the Muslims who were with him, and he prayed with them the prayers of midday, afternoon, sunset, and late evening. Then he spent the night with them until they arose, and he prayed the dawn prayer with them. In the morning he went out with them to 'Arafah, and he spoke to them there until sunset drew near. Then he joined the two prayers, midday and afternoon, and then he went and stood with. them at the thorn-bush which is the standing-place of 'Arafah, where the prayer-leader stood teaching him and demonstrating to him. When the sun had set, he urged on the prayer-leader and those who were with him until they came to al-Muzdalifah. There he joined the two prayers of sunset and late evening. Then he spent the night with him and those with him until, when the dawn broke, he prayed the morning prayer with them. Then he stood with them at Quzah of al-Muzdalifah. This is the standing-place where the prayerleader stands. When day came, he demonstrated and explained to them what to do, including the throwing of the great stone. He showed them the sacrifice-ground of Mina, then performed the sacrifice and shaved his head. From Mina he went into the crowd to show them how to perform the march around the Ka'bah. Then he took them back to Mina to show them how to throw the stones, until he had compelted the pilgrimage and proclaimed it to mankind. [219. All of the above are mandsik a1-1 ajj or the ritual acts of the pilgrimage.]

  According to Abu Ja'far-the Messenger of God and some of his companions: Jibril a.s was the one who showed Abraham the ritual acts when he made the pilgrimage.

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