Sabtu, 21 Januari 2017


Mad Scientists, Propaganda & Covert War part 1

  The Western notion of “democracy” currently offered in the West is a sham, where every three of four years we demean ourselves by choosing the lesser of two evils. True democracy is enshrined in the Golden Rule, which not only ennobles the right, but the ability, of the average person to have a say in the political process. Not to say that every citizen must directly participate in that process, but rather that his opinion, if properly informed, can offer a legitimate critique of the rightness or wrongness of any particular course. The occult, which           secretly defines the outlook of    many of our            nations’ leaders, proffers the diametrical opposite . It is ultimately fascistic, by denying such a right or  ability, claiming instead that only those able to face unshaken the dark nihilism of the absence of truth are entitled to rule without mercy over those who “can’t handle the truth,” who must instead be manipulated through false propaganda, an extension of what Plato called the “Noble Lie.”

  Despite celebrating Stalin as a hero during World War II, a chill came over US/Soviet relations near the end of the war. Because of the perceived need to maintain “perpetual war,” communism immediately became the new enemy of the West after the war’s end. While the US represents a system of state control as thorough and complete as that of the Soviet Union, it’s success is attributable to its strategy of avoiding being recognized with that impression, by producing a system of propaganda that operated through what appeared to be an independent “free” system of media. Rather than overt slogans, the CIA insinuated its propaganda through the arts and entertainment, giving the illusion that the patriotic output was spontaneously produced by fellow citizens who had become amorous of their society by their own volition.

  Assisting the Americans in fabricating the supposed threat of a “Red Menace” was Reinhard Gehlen who, along with Otto Skorzeny, was the primary agent of American covert action against the Soviets. However, the Americans’ recruitment of former Nazis also suggests a deeper more sinister association. After being condemned to death for war crimes in 1946, the chief philosopher of Nazi Ariosophy Alfred  Rosenberg    declared: “Within   fifteen years we will begin to be talked about again, and within twenty years Nazism  will again be a force.”1 As Carl Oglesby explained, while it is popularly assumed  that the Nazis suffered defeat, “on the contrary, the evidence as of 1990 is that…  Nazism did not surrender unconditionally and disappear, that indeed it finessed  a limited but crucial victory            over the Allies, a victory   no less significant for having been kept a secret from all but the few Americans who were directly involved.” 2 The Americans were integral to this reorganization. Collaboration with the   Nazis prior to   World War II suggests that a number of America’s leaders evidently harbored hidden sympathies for the cause of  fascism. In fact, according to   SS Major-General Prince Maximilian von Hohenlohe, who had been in contact with Dulles on  Himmler’s orders as of mid-1943, “Dulles does not reject the basic idea and deeds of National Socialism” but he supposedly deplored its excesses. Hohenlohe was later appointed to a top job in the  Gehlen organization and made an adviser to the US State Department. 3

  Not only did the top  Nazis escape to safety with American assistance, but they would be absorbed into the heart of the American intelligence establishment, and become indispensible in their sham fight with communism. As explained in The   Nazi Hydra in Americaby Glen Yeadon and John Hawkins:

  Gehlen is perhaps the man most responsible for starting the  Cold War.  At first, the military was skeptical        of  Gehlen and his reports. However,  because of the meddling of   Allen Dulles and postwar rivalries between the  OSS and the Pentagon’s Military Intelligence Service,   Gehlen soon became the leading expert on the Soviets. 4

  In 1945, the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency was established and given direct responsibility for  Operation Paperclip, which was a precursor of the  CIA’s notorious  MK-Ultra program of human research into behavioral modification. Several secret US           government projects grew out      of        Operation Paperclip. These projects included Project CHATTER (established 1947), and  Project BLUEBIRD (established 1950), which was renamed Project ARTICHOKE in 1951. Their purpose was to study mind control, interrogation, behavior  modification  and  related  topics.  While  the  CIA was particularly interested in scientists specializing in aerodynamics and rocketry, chemical weapons, chemical reaction technology and medicine as Christopher Simpson has shown, the  CIA also hired former  Nazis “for their expertise in propaganda and psychological warfare.” 5

  One such scientist was purportedly the notorious  Nazi concentration camp “Doctor” Joseph  Mengele, the “Angel of Death,” whose innumerable torturous “medical experiments” on detainees at   Auschwitz had been directly financed by IG Farben. 6 Mengele’s superior, Otmar  von  Verschuer, as wartime director of the  Rockefeller Foundation created  Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics, and Human Heredity in Berlin, and secured funds for experiments at    Auschwitz from the German Research council. The foundation’s German centers combined the search for organic signs of mental illness with eugenic projects. The  Kaiser Wilhelm Institute had also been endowed by the  Krupp family and James Loeb,  Paul Warburg’s brother-in-law of the Kuhn-Loeb banking family. Through the barbarous experimentation that took place in the concentration camps, thousands were murdered, and their organs and other body parts were sent to  Verschuer and the Rockefeller group at the  Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.7

  In 1946,  Verschuer wrote to the Bureau of Human Heredity in London asking for help in continuing his research. In 1947, the Bureau moved from London to Copenhagen where  Verschuer joined the group in a new Danish building         funded by  Rockefeller  money.            The first  International  Congress  in Human Genetics following  WWII was held there in 1956.  Verschuer’s former  assistant, Dr. Kallmann, who had been forced to leave his job by the  Nazis for being “half-Jewish,” helped save  Verschuer by testifying at his  denazification proceedings. Kallmann, a director of the American Eugenics Society, became an icon at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, which remains to this day a hub of the Eugenics Society. With  Verschuer and other  Nazi notables, Dr. Kallmann also created the American Society of Human Genetics, which organized the “Human Genome Project.” 4

  Verschuer’s assistant Joseph  Mengele, however, was wanted for war crimes. But, as part of   Operation Paperclip, Otto  Skorzeny used the resources of  Die  Spinneto help  Mengele escape to  Argentina in 1949. This kind of collaboration  with the  CIA purportedly stemmed from the perpetuation of the relationship between the  Muslim Brotherhood and the  Nazis. Its purpose was apparently to employ the age-old indoctrination methods of the  Ismaili  Assassins through the use of drugs, in their case marijuana. According to Dean Henderson, author of Geopolitics: The Global Economy of Big Oil, Weapons and Drugs:

  Part of this Faustian bargain may have involved the House of Saud chieftains providing information to US intelligence on how to create mind-controlled assassins. The  Muslim Brotherhood claims to have first perfected this technique during the 11th century Crusades  when it launched a brutal parallel secret society known as the   Assassins , who employed mind-controlled “lone gunmen” to carry out political assassinations of Muslim Saracen nationalists. The  Assassins worked in concert with Knights  Templar Christian invaders in their attacks on progressive Arabs, but were repelled. 9

  MK-Ultra was an extension of the behavior control research conducted by  the  Tavistock Institute. Formed at Oxford University, London, in 1920 by the RIIA, the  Tavistock Clinic became the Psychiatric Division of the British Army during  World War II.10 The clinic took its name from its benefactor Herbrand Russell, Marquees of  Tavistock, 11th Duke of Bedford. The Dukes of Bedford was the title         inherited by the influential Russell family, one of the most prominent aristocratic families in Britain who came to power and the peerage with the rise of the Tudor dynasty. Herbrand Russell and arch-conspirator  Bertrand Russell shared the same great grandfather, John Russell, 6th Duke of Bedford.   Bertrand Russell was descended from John Russell’s third son, Bertrand’s grandfather, John Russell, 1st Earl Russell, who served twice as Prime Minister of the England in the 1840s and 1860s. Herbrand Russell’s son, Hastings Russell, Lord Tavistock, the 12th Duke of Bedford, went on to become patron of the British Peoples Party, a far-right political party founded in 1939 and led by ex-members of  Oswald Mosley’s  British Union of Fascists. It was he whom  Rudolf Hess flew to England to contact about ending  World War II.

  The basis of the project of the Tavistock Institute was explained by Lord Bertrand Russell, who is considered one of the founders of analytic philosophy along with his predecessor Gottlob Frege and his protégé Ludwig  Wittgenstein, and is widely held to be one of the twentieth century’s premier logicians. Russell offered a revealing glimpse into  Frankfurt School’s mass social engineering efforts, in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society:

  I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology… Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential            is what is called “education.” Religion plays a part, though a            diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part… It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment. …Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confi         ned to the governing class. The populaci  will            not be allowed to   know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen. 11

  A successor organization, the  Tavistock Institute of Human Relations,  was then founded in 1946 under a grant from the  Rockefeller Foundation  when it separated from the  Tavistock Clinic. According to John Coleman,  a former British Intelligence agent, it was  Tavistock-designed methods that  got the US into  World War II and which, under the guidance of Dr. Kurt Lewin, established the  OSS.  Tavistock became known as the focal point in Britain for psychoanalysis and the psychodynamic theories of Sigmund  Freud and his followers.  Tavistock is ostensibly a British charity concerned with group behavior and organizational behavior.  Tavistock engages in educational, research and consultancy work in the social sciences and applied psychology. Its  clients  are  chiefly public  sector organizations,       including the           European Union, several British government departments, and some private clients. Its network now extends from the University of Sussex to the US through the Stanford Research Institute ( SRI),  Esalen Institute,   MIT,  Hudson Institute, Brookings Institution,  Aspen Institute,  Heritage Foundation, the Center of Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown, US Air Force Intelligence, and the  RAND Corporation.12

  The  Tavistock Institute’s projects were a follow-up on the work of the  Frankfurt School, a predominantly Jewish group of philosophers and Marxist  theorists  who fled           Germany  when  Hitler shut down their Institut für Sozialforschung, “Institute for Social Research,” at the University of Frankfurt. The school’s main figures sought to        learn  from   and synthesize the            works  of such varied thinkers as  Kant,  Hegel,  Marx,  Freud,  Weber and Lukacs, and focusing on the study and criticism of culture developed from the thought of  Freud. The Frankfurt School’s most well-known proponents included Max  Horkheimer, media theorist Theodor  Adorno, Herbert  Marcuse,  Walter Benjamin and Jurgen Habermas. Dr. Kurt  Lewin, the founder of the study of “group dynamics,” was a        member of   the Frankfurt school in America, and   an important influence on the work of the  Tavistock.

  In producing their critical theory, the  Frankfurt School brought together  the dialectical versions of history of  Hegel and  Marx. They were deeply influenced  by Hegel’s idealism and dialectical interpretation of history, and derived a sense of the power of Spirit(Geist) or of cultural forms in human cultural life. From  Marx they derived a sense of the importance of material forces in history and the role of economics in human and social life. They were also heavily influenced     by  Nietzsche, particularly his critiques of mass culture, society, morality and the state, which in Thus Spake Zarathustra, he had denounced the new idol and object of worship.  Nietzsche also criticized “mass man”       and conformity, and was one of the first critics of the role of journalism in creating mass opinion. The  Frankfurt School agreed with  Nietzsche that a lot of the common cultural forms repressed natural instincts, and therefore tried to develop a philosophy that would lead to the supposed emancipation of the human being in society.

  The  Frankfurt School recognized that modern consumer society was the new form of   capitalism, creating novel forms of social institutions that integrated the working class into advanced capitalist systems. Important, therefore, was their attempt to update traditional  Marxist interpretation by analyzing the role of what they recognized as state and monopoly  capitalism. While, beginning in the late nineteenth century, a new era of monopoly  capitalism had arrived, additionally, with the Great Depression the state began to play a much more important role in managing the economy, resulting in the new model of state  capitalism exemplified by the New            Deal.  There were  two forms    of state monopoly  capitalism: there was the fascist and authoritarian state  capitalism of Nazi Germany and the democratic state  capitalism of the United States. In both of these forms of state  capitalism, new types of administration, bureaucracy  and methods of social domination emerged that contributed, they believed, to a curtailing of individual freedom and   democracy, giving rise to conformity and massification. In particularly, the           Frankfurt School explored the role of the mass media. Where control of mass media was overt in  Nazi Germany, and similarly in the  Soviet Union, the  Frankfurt School saw that the instruments of mass culture and communication were playing an equally important role in marketing  capitalism,  democracy and the American way of life.

  The members of the  Frankfurt School were, for the most part, from assimilated Jewish families. And it would seem, due to their secularism, despite retaining a Jewish identity, as well as their cohesiveness and theories promoting a reinterpretation of traditional morality, particularly sexual morality, that they must have been of  Sabbatean origin. When they treated religious topics, as in the case of  Walter Benjamin, it was of a decidedly mystical orientation. Benjamin was highly influenced by          his close friend Gershom Scholem, the renowned twentieth- century expert on the  Kabbalah, regarded as having founded the academic study of the subject.  Scholem, by tracing to the origins of Jewish mysticism from its beginnings in  Merkabah and all the      way forward to its          final culmination in the messianic movement of  Sabbatai Zevi, rehabilitated perceptions of the  Kabbalah as not a negative example of irrationality or heresy but as supposedly vital to the development of  Judaism as a religious and national tradition. 13 According to Scholem’s “dialectical” theory of history,  Judaism passed through three stages. The first is a primitive or “naïve”           stage  that    lasted to the destruction of the second Temple. The  second is Talmudic, while the final is a mystical stage which           recaptures the lost            essence of the first  naïve stage, but reinvigorated      through a highly abstract and even esoteric set of categories.

  Frankfurt School historian Martin Jay concedes that a certain degree of Jewish identity nurtured the  Frankfurt School’s perspectives. Having attempted to live assimilated lives in Weimar Germany with dubious success, he says, must have had an impact. “The sense of role-playing that the Jew eager to forget is origins must have experienced,” says Jay, “could only have left a residue of bitterness, which might easily feed a radical critique of the society as a whole.” 14Jay additionally concedes that the  Kabbalah would have had  some influence as            well, as noted by one of its own members, Jurgen  Habermas. Jay summarizes:

   Jurgen  Habermas has recently argued that a striking resemblance  exists between certain strains in the Jewish cultural tradition and in that of German Idealism, whose roots have often been seen in Protestant Pietism. One important similarity, which is especially crucial for an understanding of Critical Theory, is the old cabalistic idea that speech rather than pictures was the only way to approach God. The distance between Hebrew, the sacred language, and the profane speech of the Diaspora made its impact on the  Jews who were distrustful of the current universe of discourse. This, so  Habermas has argued, parallels the idealist critique of empirical reality, which reached its height in Hegelian dialectics… The same might be argued for its [the  Frankfurt School’s] ready acceptance of [Freudian] psychoanalysis, which proved especially congenial to assimilated Jewish intellectuals. 15

  Habermas cites the example of the Minima Moraliaof Theodor  Adorno who, despite his apparent secularism, explains that all truth must be measured with reference to            the Redemption, meaning the            fulfillment of Zionist prophecy  and the advent of the  Messiah.

  Philosophy, in the only way it is to be responsive in the face of despair, would be the attempt to treat all things as they would be displayed from the standpoint of redemption. Knowledge has no light but what shines on the world from the redemption; everything else is exhausted in reconstruction and remains a piece of technique. Perspectives would have to be produced in which the world is similarly displaced, estranged, reveals its tears and blemishes the way they once lay bare as needy and distorted in the messianic light. 16

  David Bakan in Sigmund  Freud and The Jewish Mystical Tradition, has shown that  Freud too was a “crypto- Sabbatean,” which would explain his extensive interest in the occult and the Kabbalah.  As shown in “The Consolation of Theosophy II,” an article by Frederick C. Crews for The New York Review of Books, several scholars have established that   Freud was among the key figures  who            developed therapy  through the retrieval of forgotten trauma, by way of debt to Franz Anton Mesmer. 17 Adam Crabtree’s From Mesmer to Freud: Magnetic Sleep and the Roots of Psychological Healing traces Mesmer’s use of artificially induced  trance-states to uncover          the influence of unconscious      mental activity as the source of hidden thoughts or impulses. Jonathan Miller traced the steps by which psychologists gradually stripped Mesmerism of its occult associations, reducing it to mere hypnosis, thus paving the way for recognition of unconscious mental functioning. 18

  Hypnotism is nothing new. It is merely what had been known as putting someone under a spell, and practiced for thousands of years by witch doctors, spirit mediums, shamans, Buddhists, and yogis.   Freud himself was renowned in Vienna as a suggestive healer, and his practice relied heavily on the use of hypnosis, a method he characterized as essentially “mystical.” 19  Freud also engaged in magical propitiatory acts and tested the power of soothsayers. He confided to           his biographer Ernest Jones his        belief  in “clairvoyant visions of episodes at a distance” and “visitations from departed spirits.” 20

  He even arranged a séance with his family members and three other analysts. He also practiced numerology and believed in telepathy. In Dreams and Occultism, he declared, “It would seem to me that psycho-analysis, by inserting the unconscious between what is physical and what was previously called ‘psychical,’ has paved the way for the assumption of such processes as telepathy.” 21

  Freud, when he was made aware of the  Kabbalah of Isaac   Luria apparently exclaimed, “This is gold!” and asked why these ideas had never previously been brought to his attention. 22 Carl  Jung, who had worked with   Freud, commented approvingly of the Jewish mystical origins of Freudian psychoanalysis, stating that in order to comprehend the origin of  Freud’s theories:

  …one would have to take a deep plunge into the history of the Jewish mind. This would carry us beyond Jewish Orthodoxy into the subterranean workings of Hasidism… and then into the intricacies of the  Kabbalah, which still remains unexplored psychologically.23

  Freud’s theories were excessively concerned with sex and even incest, which is  reflected          in  Sabbatean antinomianism. As Gershom  Scholem noted, the  Sabbateans were particularly obsessed with upturning prohibitions against  sexuality, particularly those against incest, as the Torahlists thirty-six prohibitions that are punishable by “extirpation of the soul,” half of them against incest. Baruchya Russo(Osman Baba), who in about the year 1700 was the leader of the most radical wing of the  Sabbateans in  Salonika and who directly influenced          Jacob Frank, not only declared these prohibitions abrogated but went so far as to transform their contents into commandments of the new “ Messianic Torah.” Orgiastic rituals were preserved for a long time among  Sabbatean groups and among the  Dönmeh until about 1900. As late as the seventeenth century a festival was introduced called Purim, celebrated at the beginning of spring, which reached its climax in the “extinguishing of the lights” and in an orgiastic exchange of wives. 24

  As Bakan indicated, in his book Moses and Monotheism,  Freud makes clear that, as in the case of the Pharaohs of Egypt, incest confers god-like status on its perpetrators. In the same book,  Freud argued that Moses had been a priest of Aten instituted by Akhenaten, the Pharaoh revered by Rosicrucian tradition, after whose death Moses was forced to leave Egypt with his followers.  Freud also claims that Moses was an Egyptian, in an attempt to discredit the origin of the Law conferred by him. Commenting on these passages, Bakan claims that his attack on Moses was an attempt to abolish the law in the same way that Sabbatai Zevi did.

  Thus,  Freud disguised a  Frankist creed with psychological jargon, proposing that conventional morality is an unnatural repression of the sexual urges imposed during childhood.  Freud instead posited that we are driven by  subconscious impulses, primarily the sex drive. In Totem and Taboo published in 1913, which caused quite a scandal,  Freud theorized about incest through the Greek myth of Oedipus, in which Oedipus unknowingly killed his father and married his mother, and incest and reincarnation rituals practiced in ancient Egypt.          He used the  Oedipus conflict    to point out       how much he believed that humans desire incest and must repress that desire.

  Freud also read  Nietzsche as a student and analogies between their work were pointed out almost as soon as he developed a following.  Freud and Nietzsche had a common acquaintance in Lou Andreas- Salomé, a Russian-born psychoanalyst and author. Her diverse intellectual interests led to friendships and affairs with a broad array of well-known western intellectuals, giving her a reputation of somewhat of a femme fatale.  These included Richard   Wagner and  Rainer  Maria Rilke,  considered   one of the most significant poets in the German language, and who was a friend to  Gurdjieff’s collaborator, Thomas de Hartmann. Salomé claimed that  Nietzsche was desperately in love with her and that she refused his proposal of marriage to her. During her lifetime she achieved some fame with her controversial biography of  Nietzsche,  the first major study of his life.

  Salomé was a pupil of  Freud and became his associate in the creation of psychoanalysis. She was one of the first female psychoanalysts  and   one of the first  women  to  write psychoanalytically  on  female   sexuality.  She        developed Freud’s ideas from his 1914 essay On Narcissism, and argued that love and sex are a reunion of the self with its lost half. She was eventually attacked by the  Nazis as a “Finnish Jewess,” though her parents were supposedly of French Huguenot and Northern German descent. A few days before her death the  Gestapo confiscated her library,  because  she  was  a   colleague of   Freud, practiced “Jewish science” and had many books by Jewish authors. The fact that  Salomé would have secretly been Jewish despite professing a Christian heritage would suggest that her family were  Sabbateans. We may suppose that their deviant sexual practices might have contributed to a trauma that gave rise to her inability to develop normal relationships with other men, and in turn to her unconventional theories. We may speculate that, sadly, the origin of Salomé’s dysfunctions were possibly incestuous relationships with her father and  five older brothers. In fact, Lou would  claim           to see a brother hidden         in every man she met. She married linguistics scholar Friedrich Carl Andreas, though they never consummated the marriage, and yet remained together from 1887 until his death in 1930. Nevertheless,  Salomé maintained sexual relationships outside marriage and visited regularly a gathering place for gay men and lesbians.  Freud considered  Salomé’s article on anal eroticism from 1916 one of the best things she wrote. This led him to his own theories about anal retentiveness, where prohibition against pleasure from anal activity “and its            products”     is the first occasion during which a child experiences hostility to            his supposedly instinctual impulses. 25

  Essentially, by rejecting that man could be driven by a higher moral inclination,  Freud believed all that was left was man’s animal nature, particularly what he called the libido, a belief that was reflective of his association with the traditions of occult thought and its veneration of the act of sex as the only true vital impulse.   Freud believed that the libido developed in individuals by changing its object of        desire, a process codified by the concept of “sublimation.” He argued that humans are born “polymorphously perverse,” meaning that any number of objects could be a source of pleasure. He further argued that as  humans  develop  they become  fixated on different and           specific objects through  their   stages  of development.   The first is the oral stage,  exemplified by an infant’s pleasure in nursing, then in the anal stage marked by a child’s “pleasure”    in evacuating his or her  bowels, and   finally in the phallic stage.            In the phallic stage,  Freud contended, male   infants become fixated on the mother as a sexual object, referred to as the Oedipus Complex, a phase brought to an end by threats of castration, resulting in the castration complex, the severest trauma in man’s young life.

  Through  Freud’s  influence, the “ incest taboo” would become an issue  of fundamental concern to the   Frankfurt School. For example,   Claude LeviStrauss         (1908 –2009), a French anthropologist and one of the central figures in the structuralist school of thought, considered the universal taboo against incest as the cornerstone of human society. Incest, he believed, was not naturally repugnant, but became prohibited through culture.  Lévi- Strauss’ theory was based on an analysis of the work of   Marcel Mauss who believed that the basis of society is the need for the exchange of gifts. Because fathers and brothers would be unwilling to share their wives and daughters, a shortage of women would arise that would threaten the proliferation of a society. Thus was developed the “Alliance theory,” creating the universal prohibition of incest to enforce exogamy. The alliance theory, in which one’s daughter or sister is offered to someone outside a family circle starts a circle of exchange of women: in return, the giver is entitled to a woman from the other’s intimate kinship group. This supposedly global phenomenon takes the form of a “circulation of women” which links together the various social groups in single whole to form society.

 Carl  Jung,  Freud’s associate, who was also affiliated with Tavistock,  founded analytical psychology, and proposed and developed the concepts of the extraverted and the introverted personality, archetypes, and the collective unconscious.  Jung    became  the  central  figure  at  Eranos,  is  an          intellectual discussion group dedicated to the study of psychology, religion, philosophy and spirituality which has met annually. The group was founded by Olga Froebe-Kapteyn in 1933, and these conferences have been held annually on the grounds of her estate near Ascona in Switzerland. Originally a resort area for members of the  Children of the Sun and Helena   Blavatsky’s Theosophy cult, Ascona became a sort of early New Age haven of bohemianism and the occult, featuring experimentation in surrealism, modern dance, Dada, paganism, feminism,  pacifism,  nudism, psychoanalysis   and    natural  healing. Crowley’s OTO            had    its only female lodge at Ascona. The dominant influence  in the area came from Dr. Otto Gross, a student of  Freud and friend of Carl Jung, who had been part of Max Weber’s circle when Frankfurt School founder Georg Lukacs was also a member. Based on his interpretation of Nietzsche and Freud, Gross’ aim was to revive the cult of Astarte to bring about a “sexual utopia” through “sexual revolution and orgy.”
26 Among the members of his  cult were Frieda and D. H. Lawrence, Franz Kafka, philosopher Martin Buber, and Alma Mahler, the wife of composer and  Theosophical Society member, Gustav Mahler.27

  Froebe-Kapteyn established Eranos at the suggestion of the eminent German religious historian, Rudolf Otto (1869-1937), an early theorist of the psychology of religion. Over the years, interests at Eranos included, Yoga and Meditation in East and West, Ancient Sun Cults and the Symbolism of Light in the Gnosis and in Early  Christianity, Man and Peace, Creation and Organization and The Truth of Dreams. Participants over the years have included the scholar of  Hinduism, Heinrich Zimmer, Karl Kerényi the scholar of Greek mythology, the  Traditionalist Mircea Eliade, Gilles Quispel the scholar of Gnosticism,  Gershom Scholem, and Henry Corbin a scholar of Islamic mysticism.

  Jung’s appointment to the WFMH was despite the fact that in 1934  he published an attack on  Freud as a proponent of “insidious Jewish psychology,” and his 1938 essay   Wo ta n he praised  Hitler as a “visionary, an inspired shaman with magical power, a spiritual vessel.” Carl  Jung, who is considered the founder of analytical psychology, was also heavily interested in various occult subjects, like astrology,  alchemy,  Gnosticism and Eastern mysticism. In Memories,  Dreams,  Reflections,  Jung recounted that his turn to psychiatry while in medical school was accompanied by an avid interest in the literature on psychic phenomena. In particular, he was drawn to Kant’s Dreams of a Spirit Seerand the writing of Swedenborg.

  Jung was convinced that he had been chosen by God for a prophetic mission to herald the dawning  Age of Aquarius and it is through him that the  idea became a mainstay of the counterculture of the 60s and 70s. 28  Richard  Noll in The Aryan Christ: The Secret Life of Carl  Jung, has argued that the early  Jung was  influenced  by  Theosophy, sun worship and völkisch nationalism in  developing the ideas on the collective unconscious and archetypes. 29 Among the formative influences         on Jung were writings of  Blavatsky’s secretary, G.R.S.
Mead, on Gnosticism, Hermeticism, and Mithraism. As   Jung himself admitted,  “the main body of the collective unconscious cannot be strictly said to be psychological, but psychical.” 30

  Jung developed these theories during the sixteen years he worked on the Red Book. In 1913, at the age of thirty-eight,  Jung  repeatedly induced trance states using methods he had learned from his experience with spiritualism. This technique, which he would later call “active imagination,” cause him to experience a horrible “confrontation with the unconscious,” when he saw visions and heard voices. These altered state of conscious  Jung understood as a visionary “descent” into the unconscious, which he refers to as the Land of the Dead, corresponding to the traditional pagan underworld.

  Though at   first he worried he might be schizophrenic,  Jung decided that it was a valuable experience.   Jung began to transcribe his notes into what came to be called the Red Book. After years of  Jung’s heirs refusing access to it, Jung’s grandson Ulrich Hoerni decided to publish it. In it,  Jung described that he was visited by two figures, an old man and a young woman,           who identified themselves as Elijah and Salome, accompanied by a large black snake. The Elijah  figure            became his  guiding  spirit, that Jung called Philemon, “a mythological creature recalling centaurs, mermaids and the Minotaur.” 31 In Memories, Dreams and  Reflections,            he  reveals           that this figure,  was  a    “pagan”  having  “an  EgyptoHellenistic atmosphere with a gnostic coloration.”32 It is from his discussions with Philemon, as recounted in Memories, Dreams and Refl ections, that  Jung received his most profound insights about the nature of the human psyche.

  Salome, who was identified by            Jung  as an  anima            figure,began            worshipping Jung, saying to him, “You are Christ.” Then the snake coiled itself around Jung, and he realized as he struggled that he had assumed the attitude of the crucifixion.           While the snake was squeezing     him, Jung felt his head change into that of a lion, and described, “The animal face which I felt mine transformed  into was the famous  Leontocephalus of the Mithraic Mysteries.’’ 33 Jung became a god, known as the Aion. Near the end of his life  Jung published a book in 1951 on “the phenomenology of the self” named after this god, with a cover photograph featuring Deus  Leontocephalus.

  The Mysteries of  Mithras, according to  Jung, are nature worship “in the best sense of the word; while the primitive Christians exhibited throughout an antagonistic attitude to the beauties of the world.” 34 Jung regarded   Christianity as a Jewish religion that was cruelly imposed on the pagan peoples of Europe, who were therefore cut off from the primordial heritage of Aryan peoples.  Jung was influenced          by Franz Cumont, at the  time the leading scholar of Mithraism, who saw  Mithras as “the old Aryan deity” worshipped by different names in the religions of ancient  India and Iran. It is not surprising, therefore, as Noll indicates, that between 1909 and 1914,  Jung and his assistants believed the mythological elements in psychotic symptoms in patients were survivals from ancient Aryan cultures. According to Noll, “When  Jung became one with Aion in his visionary initiation experience, in his imagination he was not only becoming a full participant in the mysteries of  Mithras; he was experiencing a direct initiation into the most ancient of the mysteries of his Aryan ancestors.” 35

  The accusation that  Jung was a  Nazi sympathizer stems from a magazine article he wrote in 1918, in which he drew distinctions between Jewish and German psyches to illustrate the variety of heritable elements of the collective unconscious.  Jung is also accused of complying with the  Nazi authorities, in particular with the cousin of Hermann  Göring, Matthias   Göring, who became the leader of organized psychotherapy in Germany. He remained affiliated with German psychoanalysis from the rise of the  Nazi regime in the 1936s, through the first years of the war,            though he insisted that his main motivation was to aid disenfranchised  Jews. As his Jewish friend James Kirsch noted,  Jung was  “a man with his contradictions.” Another commentator later argued that  Jung was “—to put the best face on it—confused by the politics of his day.”36

  In  Black Sun:   Aryan Cults, Esoteric  Nazism and the Politics of Identity, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke reports how  Jung described “ Hitler as possessed by the archetype of the collective  Aryan unconscious and could not help obeying the commands of an inner voice.” In a series of interviews between 1936 and 1939,  Jung characterized   Hitler as an archetype, often taking the place of his own personality. “Hitler is a spiritual vessel, a demi-divinity; even better, a myth. Benito  Mussolini is a man.”   Jung, explained Goodrick-Clarke, likened Hitler to Mohammed, the messiah of Germany who teaches the virtue of the sword. “His voice is that of at least 78 million Germans. He must shout, even in private conversation… The voice he hears is that of the collective unconscious of his race.” 37

  US military intelligence apparently found that claims of  Jung’s Nazi sympathies were unsubstantiated, and cleared him for employment in the OSS, where he was known as “Agent 488” by Allen Dulles.  Jung had a devoted student in  Mary Bancroft, who became  Allen Dulles’ mistress while he was stationed in Berne during  World War II. Bancroft affectionately referred to Jung as a “sex symbol,” despite his age, and acted as an intermediary through which he was able to conduct a case study of Dulles, who he considered a “quite a tough nut.” 38 Nearing the end of the war, Dulles exchanged letters with  Jung on the best use of psychological techniques for turning the German “collective mind” from   Nazism towards   democracy. Jung was  also briefly involved in a plot to overthrow Hitler, and his essay “ Wotan,” in his which he presents Nazism as evidence that Germany, which he called a “land of spiritual catastrophes,” had been overcome by the archetype of the ancient Teutonic god, became required reading  throughout  the British Foreign          Office. Eisenhower            himself turned to Jung’s analyses for insight into how best to convince German civilians that defeat was inevitable. 39 Dulles later remarked: “Nobody will probably ever know how much Prof  Jung contributed to the allied cause during the war.” 40

  After the war,  Jung tried to excuse his over-zealous characterizations of the  Nazi era. “However,” notes Sanford Drob, in an article titled “ Jung’s  Kabbalistic Vision,” for the Journal of Jungian Theory and Practice, “he exhibited a clear tendency to reinvent rather than repent of his earlier views.” 41 By the 1950s,  Jung began to  include numerous references to  Kabbalistic ideas and sources in his works.  Jung  claimed to have read the “whole of  Kabbalah Denudata,” of Christian Knorr von  Rosenroth, and quoted the works of Gershom Scholem. 42 He acknowledged his  debt to the  Kabbalah of Isaac Luria, in the writing of his Answer to Job, for the idea  that man must help God in completing creation. 43 Jung’s last great work, Mysterium  Coniunctionis,       a treatise on alchemy completed  in 1954, is filled with discussions of such  Kabbalistic symbols as Adam Kadmon, the divine archetypes or        Sefiroth, and the union of the Holy One and his Shekhinah. As Drob explains:

  These Jewish symbols (which in some but not all instances were mediated for  Jung through the Christian   Kabbalah) became important pivots around which   Jung constructed his final interpretations of   such notions as the archetypes and the collective unconscious, and his theory of the ultimate psychological purpose of man.44

  In an interview conducted in 1955,  Jung remarked that “the Hasidic Rabbi Baer from Mesiritz, whom they called the Great Maggid…anticipated [my] entire psychology in the eighteenth century,” calling the Maggid “a most impressive man.”45 The Maggid had posited that the Godhead has a hidden life within the mind of man, and that while the Godhead himself is the foundation and source of thought, actual thinking can only occur within the framework of the human mind, a notion, as Drob points out, that clearly anticipated  Jung’s own “psychologization” of the objects of religious discourse. 46

  In his autobiographical  Memories,  Dreams,  Reflections,   Jung described experiencing visions, following his heart attack in 1944, that were “the most tremendous things I have ever experienced.” The visions, which involve overtly Kabbalistic  themes,  occurred,      he  relates,  “as  though          I were floating  in  space,           as though I were safe in the womb of the universe.” 47 The visions involved the divine        wedding  between  Tifereth  and  Malchut,   the  Sefiroths  which represent the masculine and feminine aspects of both God and the world. Finally, in his Kabbalistic vision,  Jung    identifies himself with Rabbi Simon      ben Yochai,  who, according to Jewish tradition, is the author of the Zohar.

  The  Tavistock Institute began behavior control research in the 1950s coordinated with the  Scottish Rite  Freemasons, the  CIA and other British, American, Canadian, and UN agencies.In 1934, the  Scottish Rite of  Freemasonry joined the Rockefellers in sponsoring psychiatric research into dementia praecox ( schizophrenia). 48 In 1936, the  Scottish Rite’s Field Representative of Research  on dementia praecox, Dr. Nolan D. C. Lewis, director of the New York State Psychiatric Institute, reported to the  Scottish Rite Northern Supreme Council  “on the progress          of the            fourteen research projects being financed by the Supreme Council.” 49 The head of the  Scottish Rite Research Committee was Dr. Winfred Overholser Sr., president of the American Psychiatric Association who provided overall leadership for the Rite’s psychiatric research.  Overholser was for twenty five years the super intendent of St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C., the first large-scale, federally run psychiatric hospital in the         US, where he pioneered     the use of “group therapy, tranquillizing drugs and psychodrama.” 50

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