Sabtu, 21 Januari 2017


The UFO Phenomenon Part 2

  Despite widespread agnosticism about the existence of “aliens,” to leading  UFO researchers, the weight of the evidence eventually points to non-otherworldly origin of these manifestations. One example is the highly-respected Jacques  Vallée who had originally intended to prove validity of the popular Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (or ETH), before finally arriving at      a completely contrary conclusion. As  Vallée indicated, most witnesses do not typically report seeing an object or a craft, but a massive, multicolored, intense, pulsating light, accompanied by strange sounds. Actual entry into “space crafts” is typically described as an out-of-body experience. Occurrences often involve losses of memory, recaptured only through hypnosis. And a professor of English at California State University in Long Beach, Al Lawson has demonstrated that contactee experiences can be induced in almost anyone. 17 Vallée has suggested a multidimensional visitation hypothesis. In Messengers of Deception, Vallée concluded: “I believe that  UFOs are physically real. They represent a fantastic technology controlled by an unknown form of consciousness. But I also believe that it would be dangerous to jump to premature conclusion about their origin and nature, because the phenomenon serves as the vehicle for images that can be manipulated to promote belief systems tending to the long-term transformation of human society.” 18

  Vallée began exploring the commonalities between  UFOs, cults, religious movements, demons, angels, ghosts, cryptid sightings, and psychic phenomena. Another well-reputed researcher John  Keel, best known as author of The Mothman Prophecies, has arrived at the same conclusions.  Keel believes the data point to what he suggests is a “paraphysical” basis to contactee  experiences. According to   Keel, the contacted beings are not extra-terrestrials,  but “ultraterrestrials.” He summarizes:

  Sensible research must be dictated by this basic precept: any acceptable theory must offer an explanation for all the data. The paraphysical hypothesis meets this criterion. The extraterrestrial hypothesis does not. The  UFO enthusiasts have solved this problem by selecting only those  sighting         and    events that seem to  fit the extraterrestrial thesis. They have rejected a major portion of the real evidence for this reason and, in many cases, have actually suppressed (by ignoring and not publishing) events that point to some other conclusion. 19 To explain the nature of his “paraphysical” hypothesis, John  Keel makes reference to the remarks made by   RAF Air Marshal Sir Victor Goddard, a very high-ranking member of the British government. However,  Keel warns, “If you are not familiar with the massive, well-documented occult and religious literature, his words may be incomprehensible to you.” 20  In 1969, at a public  lecture in London, Goddard said:

  That while it may be that some operators of  UFOs are normally the  paraphysical denizens of a planet other than Earth, there is no logical need for this to be so. For, if the materiality of  UFO is paraphysical  (and consequently normally invisible),  UFO could more plausibly be creations of an invisible world coincident with the space of our physical Earth planet than creations in the paraphysical realms of any other physical planet in the solar system… The astral world of illusion, which on physical evidence is greatly inhabited by illusion-prone spirits, is well known for its multifarious imaginative activities and exhortations. Seemingly some of its denizens are eager to exemplify principalities and powers. Others pronounce upon morality, spirituality, Deity, etc. All of these astral exponents who invoke human consciousness may be sincere, but many of their theses may be framed to propagate some special phantasm, perhaps of an early incarnation, or to indulge an inveterate and continuing technological urge toward materialistic progress, or simply to astonish and disturb the gullible for the devil of it. 21

  As Brenda Denzler noted, in The Lure of the Edge: Scientifi c Passions, Religious  Beliefs, and the Pursuit of  UFOs, “the contactee movement was, in effect, a conduit through which established spiritualist and  Theosophical ideas and practices moved into the  UFO community.”22

  Lynn E. Catoe, the senior bibliographer who read thousands of  UFO articles to compile  UFOs and Related Subjects: An Annotated Bibliography for the US Government     Printing Office, issued for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, commented:

  A large part of the available  UFO literature is closely linked with  mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing, and invisible entities, as well as phenomena like poltergeist manifestations and possession… Many of the  UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demoniac possession and psychic phenomena which has long been known to theologians and parapsychologists. 23

  Thus, the channeled Ascended Masters came to be presented as visitors from outer space which, combined with the New Age doctrines and race theories of Theosophy and legends of advanced Nazi technologies, contributed to constructing the modern myth of extra-terrestrials. Among the fantastic legends associated with the Fourth Reich is the myth that the  Nazis learned to make use of the  Vril to power  flying          saucers . 24

  The mythos was popularized in the 1990s by two Austrians, Norbert Jürgen-Ratthofer and Ralf Ettl, developed from the Gnostic ideas propagated by Ralf Ettl through his Tempelhofgesellschaft (Temple  Society) in Vienna. 25 German researchers have in fact recently discovered that a  Vril group did exist in Germany. An obscure astrological publisher, Wilhelm Becker, published a short brochure  Vril: Die kosmische Urkraft(1930), which described the Atlanteans as possessors of a spiritual “dynamo-technology,” superior to the mechanistic notions of modern science. Based on  Vril energy,  this technology also enabled the Egyptians and Aztecs to build their pyramids. The brochure claimed that this ancient knowledge should now be applied for the benefit of modern mankind. The group’s second brochure, Weltdynamismus (1930), rejected explosive technology and spoke of the release of free energy, a concept that would become highly popular among  UFO            aficionados.26

  In 1917, four members of the  Vril society apparently met in a cafe in Vienna. They discussed secret revelations, the coming of the new age, the Spear of Destiny, the magical violet black stone, and making contact with ancient peoples and distant worlds. Their source of power was the  Black Sun,  an infinite beam of light which, though invisible to the human eye, exists         in anti-matter. The  Vril emblem therefore became the  Black Sun, representing a secret ancient philosophy on which the occult practitioners of the  Third Reich would later build.

  Among this group were two women, spiritual mediums known as “Vrilerinnen.” They wore their hair unusually long, believing it to act as cosmic antennae to receive alien communication from beyond. One of these, a Croatian woman named Maria   Orsic, claimed to have received telepathic transmissions in a secret German   Templar script.  Vril documents mention that these telepathic messages had their origin in Aldebaran, a solar system 68 light-years away in the constellation Taurus. A second set of scripts were purportedly written in Sumerian, the language of the ancient Babylonians. The scripts were to have contained technical data for the construction of something called the  Vril Machine. It allegedly was a saucer-shaped interdimensional time travel machine. By 1934 the  Vril Society        had    apparently developed  its  first UFO shaped aircraft, known as the   Vril 1, which was propelled by an antigravity effect. The ship was to have been inspired by the historical German development of specialized engines such as Viktor Schauberger’s “Repulsine.”

  A well-known promoter of this mythology is Vladimir Terziski, a  Bulgarian engineer who bills himself as president of the American Academy of Dissident Sciences. In  UFO Secrets of the  Third Reich, Vladimir Terziski describes that antigravity research began in Germany in the 1920s with            the first hybrid antigravity circular craft, the RFZ-1, constructed by the  Vril Society. In 1942–43 a series of antigravity machines culminated in the giant 350-foot long,  cigar-shaped Andromeda space station, which was constructed in old zeppelin hangars near Berlin by E4, the research and development arm of the  SS. Terziski claims that the Germans collaborated in their advanced craft research with Axis powers  Italy and Japan. However, following their defeat during  World War II, the  Nazis escaped with their crafts to secret underground bases in Antarctica, South America or the United States. He also alleges that Germans may have landed on the Moon as early as 1942 and established an underground base there. Terziski relates that when Russians and Americans secretly landed on the moon in the 1950s they stayed at this still-operating base. According to Terziski, “there is atmosphere, water and vegetation on the Moon,” which NASA conceals to exclude the  Third World from moon exploration.27

  Though the Discovery Channelrecently explored these claims in a documentary called  Nazi  UFO Conspiracy, presenting them as an open question, according to Kevin McClure in The  Nazi  UFO Mythos: An Investigation:

  An extensive search in the mainstream, ‘consensus’ historical record of  this, the most researched and chronicled period in history, found no mention of even the most prominent features of the mythos. Putting these two findings  together, the only reasonable conclusion on the available evidence is that the long-held belief that high-performance, German, disk-shaped craft   actually flew during the Second World War can be shown to be a false belief. I hope that this investigation into the ‘ Nazi  UFO’ mythos has demonstrated that the evidence presented to date—at least,            that    of which I am aware—is irrevocably    flawed. 28

  Indicating the ultimate import of the  UFO visitations, contactees are  typically instructed in various  New Age prognostications: humankind stands now in the transitional period before the dawn of a  New Age. The extraterrestrials, they are told, are here to teach, to help awaken the human spirit, to help humankind rise to higher levels of vibration so that the people of Earth may be ready to enter new dimensions. To mark the immanent changes, crop circles,  UFO sightings and contactee and abductee experiences are preparing those who are receptive of these changes. Instructions often betray a racialist inclination, where ETs are described as  Aryans with blonde hair and blue eyes, and advise their abductees that some humans are part extra-terrestrial, and therefore comprise a “superior race.” Others are being told that the chosen ones will be saved by benevolent ET’s, and taken away in their “motherships”  when  the time of disasters finally take place.

  Christopher Partridge wrote that the works of  Bailey and  Theosophy in general  all influenced  the  so-called           “ UFO religions.”29 He explained that  “… Theosophy has several prominent branches, and, strictly speaking, the branch which has had the most important influence on the  UFO religion is that developed by Alice  Bailey.” 30 “ UFO religions” are commonly groups which  deal with alleged communication between humans and extra-terrestrial beings.  Forms of communication include telepathy and astral projection. Groups often believe that humanity can be saved after being educated by the aliens as to how to improve society.  Scientology is probably the largest and most commonly known. Others include the  Aetherius Society, Church of the SubGenius, Heaven’s Gate, Industrial Church of the New World Comforter, Raëlism and the  Nation of   Islam.

  While it is widely recognized that the  Nation of  Islam is only remotely associated with the true religion of  Islam, it happens to be connected to a fringe African-American tradition of the religion that traces its decent again to  Jamal ud Din al  Afghani. The  Nation of   Islam was founded by  Elijah  Mohammed, who was instructed by a mysterious person of Arab background  named Wallace  Fard Muhammed who claimed he was God. According to the  FBI,  Fard had as many as 27 different aliases and was a sometime petty criminal.  Fard initially joined the Moorish Science Temple, a quasi- Masonic and pseudo-Islamic organization founded by  Noble Drew Ali. According to Peter Lamborn  Wilson, in Sacred Drift: Essays on the Margins of  Islam, Ravanna Bey of the Moorish Academy of Chicago claimed that the Drew family had settled in Newark, New Jersey, in the early 1880s and there encountered the “master adept”  Jamal ud Din al  Afghani who was visiting the United States  In 1882–1883. The           Drews            were initiated into  Afghani’s  Salafi movement and supposedly into the  Brethren of Sincerity . 31

  But  Fard seems to have been involved in a conspiracy to usurp leadership of that order by having its leader  Noble Drew Ali killed. However,  Fard’s activities were brought to wider public notice after a major scandal involving an apparent ritual murder in 1932, reportedly committed by one of his early followers, Robert Karriem. Karriem later confessed that he had committed the murder “to bring himself closer to Allah.” Karriem had quoted from  Fard’s booklet titled Secret Rituals of the Lost-Found  Nation of  Islam: “The unbeliever must be stabbed through the heart.” Karriem told the detectives that he intended to carry out more murders,            which he called “sacrifices.” He referred to Fard as the “gods of  Islam,” and told the investigators, “I had to kill somebody. I could not  forsake my gods.” 32 When  Fard was interviewed, he told detectives, “I am the Supreme Ruler of the Universe,” resulting in his being placed in a straightjacket and padded cell for psychiatric examination. 33

  However,  Fard’s religion was a hodge-podge of   Islam, Jehovah’s Witness doctrine,  Gnosticism, ufology, and heretical Christian teachings and Prince Hall  Freemasonry, a branch of North American  Freemasonry composed predominantly of African Americans. 34 It basically sets the history of the  occult in reverse, where an  anthropomorphic doctrine is the “true  Islam.” The “ Sons of God” or Nephilim, are God, a man, and his council, in “ Shambhala,” explicitly associated with the “ Great White Brotherhood” of  Blavatsky. 35 Its  former leader,  Elijah Muhammed, claimed that the Book of  Ezekieldescribes a  “Mother Ship,” an aircraft built by black scientists in Japan many thousands of years ago. This aircraft, undetectable by radar, still circled the earth and carried powerful weapons which would be used on white America if she dared to harm the members of the  Nation of   Islam. 36

  Partridge writes  that the first  UFO religion was the “ I AM” Activity, founded  by  Guy Ballard, in 1930. The term “I AM” is a reference to the ancient Sanskrit mantra “So Ham,” meaning “I Am that I Am.” The name of the organization was derived from the belief among  Theosophists that  Ascended Masters are individuals who have lived in physical bodies, acquired the Wisdom and Mastery to have become free of the cycles of “re-embodiment” and karma, and have attained their “Ascension” (the Sixth Initiation). They consider the Ascension to be the complete permanent union with the Mighty “I AM” Presence, that True Identity that is the unique Individualization of Almighty God residing in each person. This knowledge is believed to have previously been taught for millions of years only within “ Ascended Master Retreats” and “Mystery Schools.”

  Almost all communication from Ballard’s  Ascended Masters though came telepathically. When Ballard claimed to physically encounter Ascended Masters, he   said they appeared to him from            the etheric plane.  During his first encounter he met the  Ascended Master  St. Germain in a cave underneath Mount  Shasta, who showed him a television set that could receive transmissions from the planet  Venus. An  “I AM” offshoot was the Church Universal and Triumphant,
established in 1958 in Montana and led by Mark Prophet and later by  Elizabeth  Clare Prophet, where  St.  Germain  was also  a  central  figure.      According  to Prophet, St. Germain is to the   Age of Aquarius what  Jesus was to the Age of Pisces. The movement gained media attention in the late 1980s and early 1990s while preparing for potential nuclear disaster.

  Mount  Shasta is a volcanic peak in northern California, which has long been rumoured  to be  inhabited  by           faeires  and Sasquatch figures and known     for frequent  UFO sightings. It was  first brought to attention in novel A Dweller on Two Planets (1894), in which Frederick Oliver related information he received telepathically from “Phylos the Tibetan.” Oliver’s account, which discussed a  hidden citadel of Atlantean Masters within the mountain, became popular with occult and  Theosophical communities in America. Spencer Lewis, founder of the Rosicrucian order  AMORC, published  Lemuria: The Lost Continent of the Pacific (1931), which claimed Shasta was riddled with caverns in which ancient Lemurian masters preserved their ancient wisdom. According to the ancient manuscripts allegedly in his possession, northern California was once part of Lemuria, where Shasta was among the highest mountains in the world, making it an ideal refuge for those seeking to escape the great deluge.

  A similar account was also put forward by Maurice  Doreal, also known as Claude Doggins—or Dr.  Doreal as he preferred to be called. In Denver about 1930, Doreal founded the Brotherhood of the White Temple,        the first major occult movement to refer to  Shambhala as an underground city.  Doreal claimed that as he was lecturing in Los Angeles in 1931, the year after Ballard’s experiences, he met two Atlanteans who transported him to a gigantic cavern twelve miles beneath  Shasta. 37 Fearful of nuclear attack, he relocated the Brotherhood to a rockbound valley west of Sedalia, Colorado, in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

  Doreal was also in part responsible for the dissemination of the theory that linked  UFOs to  “Reptoids,” which gained popularity in  UFO and conspiracy circles. In a pamphlet called Mysteries of the Gobi,  Doreal offered a revisionist history of the world, which featured an ancient war between human beings and a “Serpent Race.” The latter, he wrote, had “bodies like man, but… heads… like a great snake and… bodies faintly scaled.” They also possessed hypnotic powers that allowed them when necessary to shapeshift into fully human form. 38 Similar ideas appeared in a long poem, The  Emerald Tablets, reputedly  the work of “ Thoth, an Atlantean Priest-King.” The work recalls a text by the same title prized by the Arab alchemists, which claimed to be the work of Hermes Trismegistus, who was a combination of the Greek god  Hermes and the Egyptian god  Thoth.  Doreal claimed to have translated the work when he was given the tablets from the Great Pyramid of Egypt in 1925. In his accompanying commentary,   Doreal adds a dire political warning about this Serpent Race: “gradually, they and the men who called them took over the control of the nations.” 39

  These ideas, suggests Barkun, may have their origin with an obscure pulp fiction author,  Robert E. Howard (1906–1936). Howard        is regarded   as the father of the sword and sorcery subgenre and is probably best known for his character Conan the Barbarian. In 1929, Howard published a story in Weir d Tales magazine called “The Shadow Kingdom” in which the evil power was the snake-men whose adversary Kull came from  Atlantis. These creatures had bodies of men but the heads of serpents, and like  Doreal’s Serpent Race, had the capacity to shapeshift into human form. In Howard’s story they were thought to have been destroyed, but returned by insinuating themselves into positions of power.

  Howard became a member of “The  Lovecraft Circle,” a group of writers all linked to H. P.  Lovecraft, who consequently also incorporated serpent men into his own work.   Lovecraft            (1890 –1937) was  an American            author of horror, fantasy, and science fiction,            especially the subgenre known as weird fiction.  Stephen King called  Lovecraft “the twentieth century’s greatest practitioner of the classic horror tale.”40 Lovecraft is best known for his Cthulhu Mythosstory cycle and the Necronomicon, a fictional grimoire of magical rites and forbidden lore.

  Lovecraft subscribed to a nihilistic philosophy of cosmic indifferentism, referring to a horror similar to that potrayed by Munsch’s The Scream, stating in the opening sentence of his 1926 short story “The Call of Cthulhu” that, “The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind  to correlate all its contents.” 41 Lovecraft believed in a purposeless, mechanical, and merciless universe that human beings could never fully understand, and that the cognitive dissonance caused by such a realization leads to insanity. To Lovecraft, there was no room for religion which could not be supported by scientific fact, and therefore,     in his tales,   he portrayed cosmic forces that had little regard for humanity.

  Lovecraft constantly refers to the “Great Old Ones,” a pantheon of ancient, powerful deities from outer space who once ruled the Earth and founded ancient civilizations and were worshipped as gods. Lovecraft summed up the significance in “The Call   of Cthulhu,” where in a young man discover the shocking secret of a race of aliens that served as gods to a strange cult:

  There had been aeons when other Things ruled on the earth, and They had had great cities. Remains of Them… were still be found as Cyclopean          stones on islands in the Pacific. They all died vast epochs of time before men came, but there were arts which could revive Them when the stars had come round again to the right positions in the cycle of eternity. They had, indeed, come themselves from the stars, and brought Their images with Them. 42

  The Great Old Ones formed a cult in dark places all over the world, “until the time when the great priest Cthulhu, from his dark house in the mighty city of R’lyeh under the waters, should rise and bring the earth again beneath his sway. Some day he would call, when the stars were ready, and the secret cult would always be waiting to liberate him.” 43 At the time, according to Lovecraft,  in his diabolical pessimism:

  … free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and revelling in joy. Then the liberated Old Ones would teach them new ways to shout and  kill and         revel and enjoy themselves,       and all the Earth would  flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom.”44

  Lovecraft derived his notion of extra-terrestrial visitors from his reading of both Fort’s The Book of the Damned and Scott-Elliott, in the compilation volume The Story of Atlantis and Lost   Lemuria (1925). Although  Lovecraft referred to Theosophical material as “crap,” he drew inspiration from the  Book of Dz yan, which formed the basis of  Blavatsky’sThe Secret Doctrine, in developing the Cthulhu Mythos’own account of pre-human or occult texts.  Blavatsky claimed to have discovered the book, written in the language of Senzar in  Tibet, where it was guarded by an Occult Brotherhood.  Lovecraft declared that they “antedate the earth,” in The Diary of Alonzo Typer, in which he transformed  Theosophy’s  spirit  Venusians into aliens who flew across   the solar system            in space ships to    “civilize” planet Earth.

  Lovecraft’s The Great Old Ones from the Cthulhu Mythos equate with The Great Old Ones of the Night Time, a phrase which occurs in rituals of the Golden Dawn. Colin Low has suggested that Lovecraft’s wife, Sonia Greene, had had an affair with Aleister  Crowley months before she met Lovecraft, and  to whom she confided the idea        of the Necromicon, which she would have learned from Crowley. 45 Crowley’s disciple  Kenneth Grant, head of the Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis, suggested in his book The Magical Revival(1972) that there was an unconscious connection between  Crowley and Lovecraft. He thought they both drew on the same occult forces— Crowley through magic and Lovecraft through the dreams which inspired his stories and the Necronomicon. Grant claimed that the Necronomiconexisted as an astral book as part of the Akashic records and could be accessed through ritual magic or in dreams.

  The Necronomicon  is  a fitional 1,200  year  old  grimoire  mentioned  in     Lovecraft’s stories. It was supposedly written by the “Mad Arab” called Abdul Alhazrad, who worshipped the  Lovecraftian entities Yog-Sothoth and Cthulhu.  The book was supposedly originally titled Al Azif, an Arabic word Lovecraft  defined as “that nocturnal sound (made by insects) supposed to be the howling of demons.” Alhazred was born in Yemen, a country with historically a strong  Jewish and   Kabbalistic community. Alhazred is said to have visited the ruins of Babylon, the “subterranean secrets” of Memphis, and discovered the “nameless city” below Irem in the Empty Quarter of Arabia, living his last years in Damascus, before his death in 738 AD. Al Azif was translated into Greek and Latin,     and despite attempts at its  suppression,     was finally acquired by    John Dee. According to History of the Necronomicon, the very act of studying the text is inherently dangerous, as those who attempt to master its arcane knowledge generally meet terrible ends.

  Also contributing to the   Reptoid theory was the 1951 publication of Robert Ernst  Dickhoff ’s Agharta.  Dickhoff styled himself the “Sungma Red Lama of the Dordjelutru Lamasery,” though his lamasery was located in his New York City bookshop.  Dickhoff referred to The  Emerald Tablets, but without mentioning their “translator”  Doreal.  Dickhoff claims to have studied in Asia, from a Buddhist Lama who told him, in apparent reference to  Sanat Kumara, that the King of the World came from  Venus, and initially inhabited a serpentine or reptilian form, but has since transformed into a human one.   Dickhoff asserts that this being is the serpent of the Bible. In addition,   Dickhoff also wrote about humanoid serpent men who came from  Venus, who exploited an antediluvian tunnel system in     order to infiltrate and capture   Atlantis and  Lemuria. Survivors of these sunken continents supposedly escaped to underground hideouts in Agartha and in the Antarctic Rainbow City. Although the serpent men were to have been defeated,     they and their agents have infiltrated circles of political authority through their powers of mind control. The remaining reptilians lie in polar suspended animation, waiting for the moment to strike. 46

  While the  UFO religions first    “contacts”    were  telepathic communication with Ascended Masters, it was not until the advent of the Roswell crash of 1947  that the myth of extra-terrestrials as pilots of “flying-saucers”           emerged. On June 24, 1947, Kenneth Arnold, an American businessman from Boise, Idaho, reported a sighting of ten shining discs over the Cascade Mountains while flying     his private plane near Mount Rainier in Western Washington. According to Arnold, “they flew        l ike a saucer would if you skipped it across   the water.” While there had            been   sightings of   “balls  of  fire” (nicknamed “foo fighters”) by  World War II fighter pilots, or        cigar and disc-shaped objects, such as the wave of Scandinavian “ghost rockets,” the research of Robert Bartholomew and George Howard has shown that before 1947, “there is not a single recorded episode involving mass sightings of saucer-like objects.” 47 It was Arnold’s  “ flying saucers”        that both began the modern waves of  sightings and ushered UFOs into popular culture. According to Partridge, “the interest in Arnold’s story was immediate and massive.” 48 Public interest was such that the US Air Force felt compelled to carry out an investigation. By the end of the year, 850 UFO sightings were reported in America alone. Within a few weeks of the Arnold incident, the famous crash took place at Roswell.

  The   first of the so-called contactees of the 1950s            was George  Adamski  (1891 –1965), a Polish-born American       citizen who became widely known in ufology circles, and to some degree in popular culture. He claimed to have photographed ships from other planets, met with “ Venusians” he called “ Space Brothers,”         and to have taken flights with them. The “ Nordic” spaceman he encountered was described as “ Aryan” looking, with long blond hair and blue eyes.  Swedenborg’s descriptions of beings from other planets in The Earths in the Universewere appropriated by Adamski for his lectures and books, including Flying Saucers Have Landedand Inside the Space Ships.  Adamski had an interest in Theosophy that dated back to the mid 1930s, when he founded what was called the Royal Order of  Tibet. According to Partridge, “the overall point to note is that  Adamski’s  fundamental thesis is little more than a modified version of popular theosophical teaching which stresses  spiritual evolution and the role of the masters/aliens in that process.” 49

  Adamski’s purported saucers were identical to those depicted in alleged  captured  Nazi blueprints, fueling the mythos that the  Nazis had developed antigravity crafts.  Adamski likely drew his Nazi influences from    the American fascist          leader, William Dudley  Pelley, with whom he was involved in the  “I AM” cult.  Prior to founding the  “I AM” movement,  Pelley was a successful  Hollywood screenwriter     at the height of the silent-film   era. In the late 1920s and 1930s, he popularized the idea of near-death experiences. Beginning in 1929,   Pelley wrote the first widely read article on           the subject,  describing     his visit to the spirit world where heavenly Mentors counseled him in the hidden truths of life. However, acting under “clairaudient” instructions from his Mentors, who extolled the destiny of Adolf  Hitler,  Pelley was inspired to form his own pro- Hitler, fascist paramilitary order, the  Silver Shirts, begun in 1932. By the mid-1930s,  Pelley attained such infamy that Sinclair Lewis was inspired to model his American dictator, Buzz Windrip, after him, in It Can’t Happen Here.   Pelley was later interned during the War for his  Nazi sympathies.50 But, he eventually abandoned organized  Nazism and went on to help found the “ I AM” movement. 51

  Pelley published a major work on  extraterrestrials called Star Guests. It consists mainly of channeled communications that  Pelley claimed to have been receiving since the late 1920s. According to  Pelley, sentient life came to earth from planets near  Sirius, sent by the divine principle he called “Thought Incarnate.”  However, the “semiintelligent spirits” who arrived on earth seventeen million years ago interbred with indigenous apelike life forms. This interracial breeding, which caused the Fall, he linked to the Genesisaccount of the “sons of God.”  Pelley asserted that this “half-god, half-human progeny” was symbolized by the Sphinx, and that the hawk-headed gods of the Egyptians represent the beings from  Sirius. However, according to  Pelley, the hybrid races became corrupt, so the intelligences sent messengers, of which  Jesus was one, to repair the damage. The Evil spirits, explains  Pelley,          first incarnated in  Napoleon and later in the leaders of the  Soviet Union. If they are not stopped, wrote  Pelley, “a coalition of oriental nations—of which   Russia is leader—… [will] subjugate the globe, reducing its white and Christian peoples to bondage.” 52 All is building up to the  Second Coming with the advent of the  Age of Aquarius.

  Adamski’s fellow contactee, George Hunt  Williamson (1926–1986), was a prolific writer on occult matters. After hearing about the          flying- saucer – based religious cult of  Adamski, perhaps through  Pelley,  Williamson and his wife became members of his Royal Order of   Tibet. About 1950,   Williamson had begun writing for  Pelley’s periodical, Va l o r.  Pelley’s         infl            uence on       Williamson was extensive. Although,  Pelley did not directly refer to  flying saucers until            after  Williamson had stopped working for him in 1952. Subsequently, in 1952 and 1953,  Williamson and his associates supposedly established radiotelegraphic contact with  extraterrestrials, in which they received Morse code messages from “the Planet   Hatonn in Andromeda,” the alleged site of the universal “ Temple of Records.” 53

  Williamson eventually combined his own channeled communications with the beliefs of a small contactee cult known as the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, led by Marion Dorothy Martin, to produce a series of books about the secret, ancient history of the world Other Tongues—Other Flesh(1957), Secret Places of the Lion(1958), UFOs  Confi dential with John McCoy (1958), Road in the Sky (1959) and Secret of the Andes(1961). These books rewrote the Oldand New Testamentsto depict every important person as a reincarnation of one of only six or eight different “entities.” They also expanded on  Theosophical teachings that, in the distant past, Adamski’s friendly  Space Brothers had taught the human race the rudiments of civilization and, according to   Williamson, aliens had also helped found the Jewish and Christian religions, impersonating “gods” and providing “miracles” when needed.  Reflecting what would            later become the basis of            the Ancient Aliens hypothesis, Williamson additionally claimed that some South, Central and North American ancient civilizations actually began as colonies of aliens in human appearance.

  Other Tongues--Other Fleshwas an extended treatment on the benevolence of the extra-terrestrials from Sirius, who supposedly provided mankind with  civilization in the far distant past. In Secret Places of the Lion, speaks of the  “Goodly Company” or “Star People,” who migrated to earth, the “dark star,” many millions of years ago and have worked ever since as the Creator’s mentors to advance a fallen race. In the same book, Williamson outlined the entire significance of the      UFO mythos in its relation to the aspirations of   Zionism and the  Rosicrucian myth of  Egyptian Freemasonry, which traces its origins to a sun cult of which the Pharaoh Akhenaton was an exemplar:

  Throughout the entire history of the earth, the “Goodly Company” or  the multitude of “Christ Souls” have incarnated in a group…
  Pharoah was addressed as “The King, the Ra, the Sun.” This  Signified his position as leader       of the      “Goodly Company” of star born            beings dedicated to the salvation of a planet!…
  A special hereditary order of men was now created to keep a semblance of Aton (One God) worship amongst the Israelites; although the Greater Light could not be theirs because they were not yet ready for it, a less spiritual worship was set up, based on pagan ritualism, that nevertheless was     symbolic in its sacrifices, ceremonies, vestments, etc…
  The promise of an Eternal King, to arise out of David’s Family, was repeated over and over again: to David, to Solomon, and again  and again...
  There are references to the breaking of the bread and drinking of the wine as a symbol of “the sacred repast.” The wine represents the “Holy Vine of David” and the bread “the life and knowledge of God.” Those “Children of the Greater Light” who are descendants of the “Holy Vine of David” serve, through the “sacred repast,” “the life and knowledge of God!! God made a covenant with David of an eternal  dynasty.”...
   David and Bathsheba prepared the way for the coming of the Master or the Fulfillmentin Israel…
  When Solomon ascended the throne of his father, he consecrated
his life to the erection of a temple to God and a palace for the kings of  Israel. David’s faithful friend, Hiram, King of Tyre, hearing that a son  of David sat upon the throne of Israel, sent messages of congratulation  and offers of assistance to the new ruler…
  Now we are entering the “twilight of the gods,”    when the final destruction of the Old Age will take place and man and the gods will be regenerated and reunited! Man will have revealed unto him a true vision of his eternal heritage--that earthly things may show him the nature of his spirit! 54

  In May 1959,  Adamski received a letter from the head of the Dutch Unidentified Flying  Objects  Society,         informing  him  that  they  had  been contacted by officials at the palace of  Queen Juliana of the  Netherlands, wife of  Prince Bernhard, former  SS           officer and founder of the  Bilderberg meetings, and “that the Queen would like to receive you.”  Adamski informed a London newspaper about the invitation, which prompted the court and cabinet to request that the queen cancel her meeting with him, but she went ahead with it saying, “A hostess cannot slam the door in the face of her guests.” 55

  Williamson and  Adamski were two of the “four guys named George” among the mid-1950s contactees. The others were  George King and George Van Tassel.  George King founded the  Aetherius Society, a  UFO religion that combined  UFO claims,  yoga and ideas from various world religions, notably Buddhism,  Christianity, and  Theosophy. The  Aetherius Society’s stated goal is to prevent the annihilation of the Earth by improving cooperation between humanity and various alien species. The society is named after  Aetherius, a being King claims to have telepathically contacted and channeled.  Aetherius is believed to be a “Cosmic Master” from  Venus, along with Buddha and  Jesus. The society also believes that it is to make the way for the “Next Master,” a messianic figure who will descend upon Earth in a flying saucer, possessing magic more powerful than all the world’s armies.

  George  van Tassel  was a  former  aeronautic  engineer            and flight     inspector     who at various times between 1930 and 1948 worked for Douglas Aircraft, Hughes Aircraft, and Lockheed. He met Frank Critzer, an eccentric loner who during  World War II was under suspicion as a German spy. Critzer claimed to be working a mine somewhere near Giant Rock, a 7-story boulder near Landers, California, which the Native Americans of the area held to be sacred. Upon receiving news of Critzer’s death,   van Tassel built a home and airstrip at Big Rock and started hosting group meditation in 1953 in a room underneath excavated by Frank  Critzer. In 1952, over a week before           they happened,      Van Tassel notified the US air force, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner,and Lifemagazine of the future events of the 1952 Washington DC  UFO incident via registered letters. This event, which was witnessed by thousands of people in and around the Washington DC area is one of the most publicized sightings to have ever taken place.

  In 1952, Van Tassel had begun to channel an extraterrestrial entity named Ashtar whose messages became the basis for Van Tassel’s Ministry of Universal Wisdom. Van Tassel hosted the annual Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention at Giant Rock in the Mojave Desert that at its peak in 1959 attracted as many as 10,000 attendees. The gatherings began in 1954 with Williamson and   Adamski prominent among the speakers. Also in 1954, Van Tassel and others began building the Integration based on the design of Moses’ Tabernacle, the writings of Nikola Tesla and telepathic directions from  extraterrestrials, to perform the “rejuvenation.”

  Williamson’s “ Hatonn” was later metamorphosed from a planet into a being through the experiences of Richard T. Miller, a Detroit television repairman who heard a lecture by  Williamson in 1954. Inspired by  Williamson,  Miller and some friends established radio contact with   extraterrestrials and entered his spacecraft, the Phoenix. The entity they spoke with was not  Hatonn, however, but a being named Soltec. Miller and  Williamson jointly founded an organization called the Telonic Research Center in  Williamson’s home in  Arizona, but      parted company about a   year later. Miller finally published space messages of the being named  Hatonn in 1974.

  In the 1970s, other channellers claimed access to Ashtar’s messages. The most prominent among them was Thelma B. Terrell, also known as Tuella, who emphasized the role of  extraterrestrials in evacuating “purified” souls from          the earth in order to escape coming calamities. While Tuella’s messages come from many of Ashtar’s associates, Hatonn seems to have gained a special prominence among them.  Hatonn is not only a “Great Commander” but also “the Record Keeper of the Galaxy and the records are kept on the planet bearing his name.”56 Hatonn went on to inspire the creation of Phoenixmagazine to publish  his radio communications. Central to the development of Phoenixpublications was George Green who claimed to have seen an alien craft at Edwards Air Force Base in 1958. According to Green, he was contacted by “space beings” and entered into an agreement with them to “publish the material transmitted from the spacecraft called ‘the phoenix.’” Hatonnn’s full title is Commander Gyeorgos Ceres  Hatonn, and he claims to be “Commander in Chief, Earth Project Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet—Ashtar Command; Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Federation Council on Earth Transition.” He said that he had “well over a million ships” under his command and that his mission “is to remove God’s people from the planet when that becomes necessary… if that becomes necessary.” 57

  Another early contactee with  Nordic aliens, who also met the so-called Venusian saucer in the desert in 1946, was Jack Parsons. Parsons was the creator of solid rocket propellant fuel, who went on to become one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Houston and the Aerojet Corporation. He was a leader of the Agape lodge, the American chapter of Aleister  Crowley’s  OTO. Charles Stansfeld Jones, or Frater Achadby his occult name, who   Crowley considered his “magical son” and the “one” prophesied in the Book of the Law, started a lodge of the  OTO in Vancouver. Jones’s initiate W. T. Smith started his own group, Agape Lodge, in California in the 1930s.

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