Jumat, 03 Februari 2017


The Christian Right Part  1

   The advent of the Reagan administration marked a watershed moment for the neoconservative movement, which had been building up its power for nearly a decade. As Gilles Kepel explained, in The War for Muslim Minds, by the advent of the Reagan administration in 1981, and through the “revolution” initiated by Irving Kristol, Leo Strauss’ ideas for a militaristic defense of “democracy” had become an integral part of establishment political philosophy.1 The Neoconservatives had,in effect,succeeded in redefining the basis of classical American conservatism to align it with their own values, which included not only an aggressive American foreign policy, but unconditional support for Israel, and the promotion of neoliberaleconomicpoliciesTheirinfluenc.is such that, as Ribuffo noted, “What Americans now call conservatism much of the world calls liberalism or neoliberalism.”2

The supposed political alternatives of conservatism and liberalism, despite their apparent opposition, are both used to cultivate the acceptance of related ideals surreptitiously. Unlike socialism or communism, conservatism hasn’t typically represented a well-articulated economic philosophy. In 1973, British psychologist Glenn Wilson published an influential book providing evidence that a general factor underlying conservative beliefs is “fear of uncertainty.”3 Traditionally, conservatism has been a reactionary ideology primarily concerned about stemming the troubling consequences of revolution and, therefore, conserving the status quo or traditional systems of authority. However, by cleverly aligning themselves with the American Christian right, using the vocabulary of Christian “family values” as the sugar coating to the poison pill, the neoconservatives have deluded millions of unsuspecting Christians into associating conservatism with neoliberal economics.

Conversely, the dogmatism and bigotry that characterizes certain segments of the Christian Right has been used to malign Christian values in general, and to substantiate the supposed superiority of “liberal” values of “human rights” upheld by the left. Therefore, Christians who recognize the relativism of “human rights” are duped into justifying American imperialism and accepting neoliberalism as a natural component of conservatism, despite its contrary basis to Christian charity, while leftists, who see through the dishonesty of American foreign policy and the injustices of neoliberalism, are duped into accepting relativistic “human rights.”

It was the conservative administrations of Thatcher and Reagan that truly heralded the advent of neoliberal policies known in the US as Reaganomics, and brought forth an era of unprecedented wealth accumulation in the hands of a very few. The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), founded by Hayek protégé Antony Fisher of the Mont Pelerin Society, experienced the height of its  influence  during  theMargaret right Thatcher and  Reagan that truly  heralded the advent of  neoliberal policies known in the US as  Reaganomics,  and brought forth an era of unprecedented wealth accumulation in the hands  of a very few. The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), founded by  Hayek  protégé  Antony Fisher of the  Mont Pelerin Society, experienced the height of  its           influence during     the right-wing Tory administration of Margaret Thatcher. In a strategy paper written in February 1985, Fisher wrote of the need to transform the “extremist” anti-government, radical free market policies of the Mont Pelerin Society into the “new orthodoxy” through the launching of hundreds of small think tanks on every continent.4 Milton Friedman characterized the IEA’s intellectual that, “the U-turn in British policy executed by Margaret Thatcher owes more to him (i.e., Fisher) than any other individual.”5 Of seventy-six economic advisers on Ronald Reagan’s 1980 campaign staff, twenty-two were from Mont Pelerin, providing them the opportunity to push their neoliberal agenda. As many of the world’s economies were suffering as a result of the Oil Crisis and stagfation by   the 1970s, Reagan and Thatcher,  were able to propose their drastic reforms, breaking down trade barriers and reducing government power, to supposedly revitalize their stagnant economies, thus ushering in the modern rush of neoliberal policy implementations.

Funding for these foundations derives from, among others, primarily Exxon Mobil, which then funds other foundations or known CIA fronts who fund the many conservative organizations and think tanks.6 Funding is therefore also supplied  by a number of other Rockefeller-affiliated foundations like the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Sarah Scaife Foundation and John M. Olin Foundation, who are also responsible for funding the right-wing and Tavistock-connected Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).

   AEI is the most prominent think tank associated with American neoconservatism after Irving Kristol became a senior fellow, arriving there from the Congress for Cultural Freedom. Created in 1943, the stated mission AEI, which included Milton Friedman among its early advisors, is an economic doctrine of neoliberalism: “to defend the principles and improve the institutions of American freedom and democratic capitalism—limited government, private enterprise, individual liberty and responsibility, vigilant and effective defense and foreign policies, political accountability, and open debate.”7 Ronald Reagan said of the AEI in 1988: “The American Enterprise Institute stands at the center of a revolution in ideas of which I, too, have been a part. AEI’s remarkably distinguished body of work is testimony to the triumph of the think tank. For today the most important American scholarship comes out of  our  think  tanks  —  and  none  has  bee Enterprise Institute.”8 More than twenty AEI scholars and fellows served either in a Bush administration policy post or on one of the government’s many panels and commissions. Among the prominent former government officials affiliated with AEI are also high profile and notorious neoconservatives Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Michael  Ledeen.

  For nearly four decades, conservative foundations like the Bradley, the Olin and other foundations have mounted a concerted campaign to reshape politics and public policy according to neoliberal princi and bigotry. These organizations pursue an agenda based on industrial and environmental deregulation, the privatization of government services, deep reductions in federal anti-poverty spending and the transfer of authority and responsibility for social welfare from the national government to the charitable sector and state and local government. Three books in particular, written by Bradley-funded writers played key roles in this effort: Wealth and Poverty by George Guilder; Losing Ground by Charles Murray and Beyond Entitlement by Lawrence M. Mead. In Losing Ground, Murray argued that poverty is the result not of economic conditions or injustices, but of individual failings, maintaining that most government-sponsored anti-poverty programs were ill-conceived and should be eliminated. Murray teamed up with the late Harvard psychologist Richard Hernstein to write the book The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life, which argued that poverty is the result not of social conditions or policies, but of the inferior genetic traits of a sub-class of human  beings It relied heavily on research        financed        by the Pioneer Fund, a Neo-Nazi organization that promoted eugenics research. 9

These foundations also form the nexus of the Christian Right, which was cultivated by the combination to gain support for their of neoliberal and imperialistic objectives, following Strauss’ doctrine of using religion as a Noble Lie. According to Shadia Drury, “Secular society in their view is the worst possible thing,’’ because it leads to individualism, liberalism, and relativism, precisely those traits that may promote dissent that in turn could dangerously weaken society’s ability to cope with external threats.10 Therefore, as Adam Curtis explained in his BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares, many neoconservatives had been advisers to Reagan’s Presidential campaign, and as they became more deeply involved with the Republican Party, they forged an alliance with the religious wing of the party. Until the late 1970s, the millions of fundamentalist Christians in the United States had been instructed by their preachers not to vote, as it would mean compromising with a corrupt and immoral society. But the neoconservatives and their new Republican allies made an alliance with a number of advised their followers to become involved with politics.

The birth of the Christian Right is usually traced to a 1979 meeting where televangelist Jerry Falwell was urged to create a “Moral Majority” organization. Falwell founded the Moral Majority along with Paul Weyrich who had also founded the Heritage Foundation in 1973, with funding from brewery magnate Joseph Coors of the Coors beer empire and Richard Scaife, heir of the Carnegie-Mellon fortune. As Paul Weyrich explained:

The conservative movement, up to that point, was essentially an intellectual movement. It had some very powerful thinkers, but it didn’t have many troops. And as Stalin said of the Pope, “where are his divisions?” Well, we didn’t have many divisions. When these folks
became active, all of a sudden the conservative movement had lots of divisions. We were able to move literally millions of people. And this is something that we had literally no ability to do prior to that time.11

By pointing to the excesses and real intolerance of the “political correctness,” the neoconservatives have managed to mobilize the Christian Right by appealing to genuine Christian principles. Led by Robert Grant’s advocacy group Christian Voice, Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority, Ed McAteer’s Religious Roundtable Council, James Dobson’s Focus on the Family, and Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network, the new Christian Right combined neoconservative politics with evangelical and fundamentalist teachings.12 They are especially amenable to neoconservative objectives for their interpretation of the role of Israel during the end times, an interpretation known as Christian Zionism. As explained by Ian Buruma, in a New York Times article “How to Talk About Israel”:

Indeed, Israel enjoys a zealous following among some gentiles, particularly Christian fundamentalists. (In electoral terms, Christian fundamentalists are more important to the Republican Party than Jews — there are many more of them, the Christian Coalition is highly and  most Jews still vote for the Democrats anyway.)Even though Israel is often described as the only democracy in the Middle East, the Christian right’s remarkable devotion to Israel is not necessarily driven by democratic principles. The ‘’Christian Zionists’’ are convinced by a literal reading of the Bible that Christ will reappear only once the Jews have repossessed the Holy Land. Their other conviction, that Jews will either die in an apocalypse or be converted to Christianity, is not so reassuring.13

But the Christian Right is also used to further neoliberal principles. Following Margaret Thatcher’s victory, Mont Pelerin launched an ambitious overhaul of Heritage, importing several British economists from Mont Pelerin in anticipation of the 1980 Presidential run by Ronald Reagan. In 1981, the Heritage Foundation published a comprehensive report aimed at reducing the size of the federal government called “Mandate for Leadership” that proved to be the intellectual blueprint for the so-called “Reagan Revolution.”14 The report was well received by the White House, and several of its authors went on to take positions in the Reagan administration.15 As a result, proximately 60% of the 2,000 proposals were implemented or initiated by the end of Reagan’s fi year in offi ce. Heritage also advoca missile defense system, which Reagan adopted as his top defense priority in 1983, calling it the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), popularly known as “Star Wars.” By the mid-80s, Heritage had emerged as a key organization in the national conservative movement, publishing influential reports on domestic and defense issues, as well as pieces by prominent conservatives, such as Bob Dole and Pat Robertson. In 1986, Time called Heritage “the foremost of the new breed of advocacy tanks.”16

  William Greider’s bestseller, Who Will Tell the People: The Betrayal of American Democracy revealed: “Not withstanding its role as ‘populist’ spokesman, Weyrich’s organization, for instance, has received grants from Amoco, General Motors, Chase Manhattan Bank [David Rockefeller] and right-wing foundations like Olin and Bradley.”17 Joseph Coors was a member of Ronald Reagan’s “Kitchen Cabinet,” helpingReagan’spolitical careerfi asnancegovernorof California and US president.18 Coors was also a generous supporter of the Moral Majority. Weyrich and Coors also founded the Free Congress Foundation, the political arm of Heritage Foundation. The FCF adopts the Neoconservatives’ critique of liberalism, but compliments it with a white -supremacist tone. According to the FCF website, America is on the verge of a second American Revolution:

…what people are thinking but are often afraid to say: that the cultural Marxism of Political Correctness is destroying our country, that “multicultural” nations break apart in civil war, and that uncontrolled immigration and rising crime are turning America into a Third World nation. They ask the “forbidden” questions: is real reform still possible, or will a new Revolution be necessary to restore America’s traditional— and very successful—culture? Is the United States Government still a legitimate government? Is “racism” the real problem or do cries of racism arise as a result of bad behavior by minority groups?19

  The Heritage Foundation’s fascist orientation is divulged through its ties to neo-Nazis and the American farChristianity-righ disguises a white-supremacist orientation connected to the Christian Identity movement. Christian Identity, which traces its origins to British-Israelism, and is based on the pre- Adamite hypothesis first proposed by La Peyrère,  Menasseh ben  Israel’s,  co-conspirator, offers a racist interpretation of Christianity where in some cases non-whites are regarded to not have souls.20 During the Enlightenment, pre-Adamism was adopted widely as a challenge to the biblical account of human origin, whereas in the nineteenth century the idea was adopted by advocates of white superiority. According to them, the pre-Adamites were a race of inferior bestial creatures that pre-dated the creation of Adam. Satan supposedly seduced Eve resulting in an offspring who was a hybrid creature called  Cain. Later Cain    flees to East Turkestan  to establish colony of followers intent on realizing the Devil’s plan for domination of the earth. Further elaboration  of the  Jews with the cursed Canaanites, the purported descendants of Cain. It followed that, if the tribes of Judah were supposed to have intermarried with Cain’s descendants, then the Jews were the offspring of Satan as well as various nonwhite pre-Adamic races.21

  The idea that the mark of Cain’s curse was his blackness arose in eighteenth century Europe, but also became popular in nineteenth century America.22 In nineteenth century Europe polygenism and pre-Adamism were attractive to those intent on demonstrating the inferiority of non-Western peoples, while in the United States they appealed to those concerned with racial theories. Scientists such as Charles Caldwell, Josiah C. Nott and Samuel G. Morton, rejected the view that non-whites were the descendants of Adam. Paschal Beverly Randolph, under the name of Griffin Lee, wrote Pre Adamite Man in 1863,  claiming that preAdamite men existed on all continents around the globe 35,000 years to 100,000 years ago. The book was dedicated, with permission, to Abraham Lincoln. Randolph’s book was a unique contribution towards pre-Adamism because it wasn’t strictly based on biblical grounds, but used a wide range of sources from many different world traditions, esoterica and ancient religions.

A key component in these theories is British Israelism, whi in Britain during the nineteenth century, before being imported to the United States. It teaches that many white Europeans are the descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel and God’s Chosen People, whereas modern Jews are Khazars and impostors.23 By the 1960s, when Christian Identity was established as an  important influence on the extreme right, the  Khazar ancestry of the  Jews was  firmly believed. Two books came to exercise     a strong influence: John Beaty’s Iron  Curtain over America (1951) and Wilmot Robertson’s Dispossessed Majority (1972).

 Through its links with the Patriot Movement, Christian Identity and the Christian Right feed on various conspiracy theories that aim to justify their rabid fears of “godless communism.” The Christian Patriot Movement originally referred to the late 1980s’ Posse Comitatus group, a militant far-right organization which inspired the militia movement of paramilitary groups in the United States. The group is named after legislation southern Democrats pushed through Congress in 1878, to limit the ability of the federal government to marshal troops on US soil. Known as Posse Comitatus, the law’s authors hoped to constrain the government’s ability to protect Black southerners from violence and discrimination.24 Posse Comitatus charters were issued in 1969 in Portland, Oregon, by Henry Lamont Beach, a one-time member of the Silver Shirts, the Neo-Nazi organization of William Dudley Pelley.

Posse Comitatus followed an ideology based on the teachings of its founder, Christian Identity minister William Potter Gale. Gale, a former senior officer on General Douglas MacArthur’ Jewish conspiracy disguised as commun the courts, undermining the United States and wrecking its divinely inspired Constitution. Jews, explained Gale, were offspring of the devil, while non-whites were “mud people” and whites were the real Hebrews of the Bible. “Arise andGalepreachedfi inght!”aninfamous sermon broadcast to Kansas farmers in 1982. “If a Jew comes near you, run a sword through him,” he summoned them. But, it turns out that Gale was descended on his father’s side from a long line of devout Jews, as explained Daniel Levitas.25

    Some date the Patriot Movement back to the 1950s. The reformist wing of the movement is considered to have begun in 1958 with the formation of the John Birch Society (JBS) and opposition to communism, the United Nations and the civil rights movement. It was the JBS, founded by Robert W. Welch Jr. in 1958, that published Cleon Skousen’s The Naked Communist. Skousen served sixteen years in the FBI, but lied that for four of them he was an “Administrative Assistant to J. Edgar Hoover during World War II, a top assignment.” Hoover denied such a position even existed within the FBI.26 In 1956, Skousen  became  Chief  of  Police Mayor J. Bracken Lee in 1960 who described him as “a very dangerous man because he preaches one thing, practices another, does not tell the truth, and cannot be relied upon.”27 Nevertheless, the January 1968 issue of the John Birch Society Bulletin, described Skousen as “for many years a top aide to J. Edgar Hoover.” The JBS continues to claim that in that capacity, “Skousen became knowledgeable about the subversive communist threat, knowledge that led him to publish The Naked Communist in 1958.”28 The FBI, which was repeatedly required to corroborate Skousen’s claims, noted in a memo:

The activities of Skousen are well known to the Bureau… In recent years he has been aligned closely with the extreme right-wing such as the John Birch Society and has been characterized as an ‘unprincipled racketeer in anticommunism’ who is ‘money mad’ and who is doing everything and anything to exploit the subject of anticommunism.29

The John Birch Society also published None Dare Call it a Conspiracy, the work of its spokesman Gary Allen, which discussed the Rothschilds, Warburgs, the Federal Reserve banking system and the Council on Foreign Relations, and which is said to have sold fi ve to Allen’s book was written by another member of the John Birch Society, John G. Schmitz who was regarded as the third most conservative member of Congress between 1937 and 2002. Schmitz’s political career came to an end in 1982, after he admitted that he had engaged in an extra-marital affair and fathered two children with one of his former college students. Schmitz did not support or seek custody of his children by his lover Carla Stuckle. When she died in 1994, the children were placed in the care of a close friend of Schmitz’s wife, Jeane Dixon, who was one of the best-known American astrologers and psychics of the twentieth century. One of Schmitz’s daughters with his wife Mary was Mary Kay Letourneau who became the subject of much notoriety in the 1990s, when she engaged in a sexual relationship with one of her 12-year-old male students. Two of Schmitz’s other children, sons John and Joseph, have held prominent posts in Republican presidential administrations. His son Joseph  Schmitz  has  also  worked  for Blackwater USA.

Gary Allen was also the speechwriter for George Wallace during the Alabama Governor’s Presidential campaigns. George Corley Wallace Jr. was an American politician and the 45th governor of Alabama, having served four non-consecutive terms between 1963 and 1987. After four unsuccessful runs for US president, he earned the ti century American politics. He is remembered for his support for segregation during the desegregation period. He complained: “The President (John F. Kennedy) wants us to surrender this state to Martin Luther King and his group of pro-Communists who have instituted these demonstrations.”30

  Wallace’s anti-desegregation campaign galvanized much of the far-right and white supremacist groups. A memo in the FBI fi le of Eu Mullins, well-known author of Secrets of the Federal Reserve and member of Madole’s National Renaissance Party, discusses an article he wrote which was published in Conde McGinley’s Common Sense, that developed the theme “that the Supreme Court decision outlawing segregation in schools is the culmination of a Communist International directive to the CPUSA to use the Negro racial issue and the issue of civil rights as a method to weaken America.” Mullins lied, claiming the document: FBI today but the Director“is in t is under strict orders not to reveal (it) at any cost because it would brand the Supreme Court as a front or agent of the Communist International.”31 No such document was ever found.

In Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States,sociologist Sara Diamond noted that to reduce the cost of producing and  distributing  anti-Communist  mater organizations such as the JBS.32 According to Eustace Mullins, who claims that he was told personally by one of its founders, Revilo Oliver, whom heregarded as a “good friend,” the JBS was created by Nelson Rockefeller whoappointed Robert C. Welch, a 32nd degree Mason, to found and run the organization.33 Ultimately, the JBS castigates the Illuminati, who they claim infiltrated Freemasons, an otherwise noble and truly patriotic organization. The organization qualified their publication          of the John  Robison’s Proof of a  Conspiracy, exposing the  Illuminati, and originally published in 1789, with:

Let it be stressed that the present publication of Robison’s work is not intended to open old wounds or create new animosity or distrust toward Freemasonry, whose adherents today certainly number among our staunchest patriots and anti-Communists… The conspirators have long since discarded Freemasonry as their vehicle. If clever conspirators could use—of all groups—so fine         a group       as the Masons, we must open our  minds to  consider  what  infinite possibilities  are            available to them in   our own present day society. Their main habitat these days seems to  be the great subsidized universities, tax-free foundations, mass media  communications, governmental bureaus such as the State Department,  and a myriad of private organizations such as the  Council on Foreign  Relations…34

Revilo Oliver left JBS, which he called “the Birch hoax,” to express a more anti-Semitic worldview, and eventually to assist William Luther Pierce in forming the National Alliance. William Pierce fit within influence Aryan Nations, of founded by another ex-Silver Shirt, Richard Butler, and which also included such notorious far-right leaders as ex-Texas Grand Dragon Louis Beam and White Aryan Resistance founder Tom Metzger. Aryan Nations is a “white Christian separatist” religious organization originally based in Hayden Lake, Idaho, founded by Richard Girnt Butler in the 1970s as an arm of the Christian Identity organization, Church of Jesus Christ–Christian Aryan Nations’ ideology.The is based on the teachings of Wesley  Swift,  a  significant  figure in the early Christian Identity movement,  who combined  British Israelism, extreme  anti-Semitism and political militancy. The  FBI has called  Aryan Nations a “terrorist threat” and the  RAND Corporation has labeled it the “first            truly nation wide terrorist network” in the US. 35 These  religious and political circles overlapped with the neo- Nazi movement when senior Identity figures  collaborated  with  Lincoln  Rockwell to launch the National States Rights Party in 1958. Butler himself introduced  Rockwell to  Christian Identity in the early 1960s. In June 1964,  Rockwell met with Wesley  Swift to discuss a close working relationship, motivated by  Rockwell’s view  that the  American  Nazi Party needed a pseudo-Christian theology to attract  more members.

Aryan Nations, explains Goodrick-Clarke, “became the theological  college from which the most violent racist radicals would graduate.” 36 In 1983,  Robert Jay Mathews, who had visited the  Aryan Nations compound many  times, formed The Order along with other  Aryan Nations members. The  Order, whose mission was to bring about a race war, committed a number of  violent crimes including murder between 1983 and 1984. Dennis McGiffen,  who also had ties to  Aryan Nations, formed a cell called The New Order based  on Mathews’ group. However, members were arrested before they could follow  through with their violent plans. Buford O. Furrow Jr., who was accused of a  shooting at the Jewish Community Center in Los Angeles, California and of  the murder of Filipino American postal worker Joseph Ileto, had spent some  time at the  Aryan Nations compound working as a security guard.

According to  a 1976 investigation by the New York  Assembly’s Office of Legislative Oversight, John Birch Society member John Rees’ Information Digest was supplying information to the  FBI,  CIA, and the National Security Agency  ( NSA).37 Roy Cohn, who was legal counsel to Sen.  Joseph  McCarthy during the anti-Communist Senate investigations of the 1950s, later became a member of the  John Birch Society ( JBS). Cohn also    became principle figure in its intelligence gathering operation, the  Western Goals Foundation. Like the  Safari Club created  with the  Saudis,  Western Goals was set up to side-step restrictions imposed after  the  Watergate and  COINTELPRO revelations. As a consequence, intelligence  files            passed into the hands of “retired” officers and their most trusted operatives. Many of these officers, like John Rees and Congressman Larry McDonald, were members of the  World Anti-Communist League ( WACL), the  John Birch Society and similar organizations, and joined Major General John K.  Singlaub in forming the  Western Goals Foundation in 1979.  Western Goals acquired a reputation of acting as a “clearinghouse” for some police departments whose intelligence-collecting functions were restricted by laws such as the Freedom of Information Act. 38

According to  Western Goals, the group’s objective was to “rebuild and  strengthen the political, economic, and social structure of the US and Western  Civilization so as to make any merger with the totalitarian world impossible.” 39 As part of this effort, the group was formed in order  to  “fill the critical gap caused by the crippling of the FBI, the disabling of the House Un-American Activitie Committee ( HUAC) and the destruction of crucial government files.”40 According to reporters Jon Lee Anderson and Scott Anderson, groups like  Western Goals allow “the ultra-right [to keep] tabs on its ‘subversive’ domestic  opposition…” 41 McDonald kept official files in his office, described by    one staff       member as  “HUAC  in  exile.” These files, which had been ordered destroyed under Privacy Act provisions, were supposedly transferred by McDonald to Western Goals.42

   Western Goals was also associated to Reinhard  Gehlen, with whom they shared a connection with the Order of the Knights of Malta ( SMOM). Instrumental in obtaining Rees’ entrance to  Western Goals was  J. Peter Grace, who was also chairman of the Knights of  Malta in the United States, as well as belonging to the  CFR, and key figure in  Operation Paperclip.43 Grace’s company, W. R. Grace & Company, stands out as the center of the   SMOM in  the United States, where no less than eight knights, including the chancellor of
the order, John D. J. Moore, who was ambassador to Ireland under  Nixon and  Ford, have been its directors. 44 W. R. Grace was founded by Peter’s grandfather,  William Grace, who was a close associate of George  de Mohrenschildt, who has been suspected of involvement in the JFK assassination. After the end of  World War II, de Mohrenschildt moved to Venezuela where he worked for Pantepec Oil, a company with abundant connections with the newly created  CIA, and owned by the family of SMOM and Skull and Bones member,  William F. Buckley.

  In 1951, when the  CIA smuggled  Klaus Barbie out of Germany, he was sent to Bolivia to join Nazi Colonel Brite, which W. R. Grace had been accused in a military report of protecting during the war. J. Peter Grace assisted Otto Ambros, who held a supervisory role in the construction of IG Farben’s plant at Auschwitz, in his bid to enter the US, after his sentence for slavery and mass murder was commented by American recruiters from Operation Paperclip. J.  Peter Grace was also connected to the son of Frederick Flick, a Nuremberg defendant as an accessory to the crimes of the SS, released by John J. McCloy.
Grace has a long history of involvement with  CIA-linked enterprises, such as  Radio  Liberty and  Radio Free Europe, which was the brainchild of General Reinhard  Gehlen. He is also the board chairman of the American Institute for Free Labor Development (AIFLD), whose graduates were active in covert operations that led to the military coup in Brazil in 1964. During the early 1970s, the Grace representative in Washington was a member of  ITT’s Ad Hoc Committee on  Chile, which was instrumental in the overthrow of   Allende, and AIFLD’s National Workers’ Confederation served as the chief labor mouthpiece for the  Pinochet junta. 45

  Western Goals      was finally wound up in 1986 when the Tower Commission revealed it had been part of the  Iran-Contra funding network.  Oliver North identified  Western Goals founder John  Singlaub as his liaison to the White House. Singlaub had served as an officer in the  OSS during  World War II, and then became  CIA deputy chief in South Korea during the Korean War. He served for two years in Vietnam during the 1960s, and was commander of the  Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force, known as MACSOG. In that role, he was one of the commanders of the CIA’s Operation Phoenix which was designed to identify and “neutralize” key assets of the Viet Cong. In 1984, he headed a Pentagon panel to make recommendations on conducting military activities in Central America through nonconventional, counterinsurgency warfare strategies. Under the Reagan administration, he received assistance from White House and National Security Council (NS supply activities.46

  Singlaub, along with John Birch society members like Cleon Skousen and J. Peter Grace were also members of the Council for National Policy (CNP). Another member of the CNP is John Stormer, whose None Dare Call It Treason,

which is promoted by the John Birch Society,Councilon id Foreign Relations as a pro-Communist and a Rockefeller-funded organization aimed at undermining American society. The CNP was therefore ostensibly formed to counter the CFR and the so- called liberal agenda. However, researchers revealed that the early leadership of the CNP was, on the contrary, also represented in the CFR.47 The CNP is an umbrella organization and networking group for American conservative activists. It was described by The New York Times as a “little-known group of a few hundred of the most powerful conservatives in the country,” who meet three times yearly behind closed doors at  undisclosed  locations48Max Blumenthal for in  the Nation  referred to it a secretive organization that “networks wealthy right-wing donors together with top conservative operatives to plan long-term movement strategy.”49 Among CNP’s founding members were: Tim LaHaye, then the head of the Moral Majority, Nelson Bunker Hunt, one of the chief sponsors of Western Goals Foundation, and Joseph Coors and Paul Weyrich. Members of the CNP have also included Rev. Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Senator Trent Lott, former United States Attorneys General Ed Meese and John Ashcroft, gun-rights activist Larry Pratt, Col. Oliver North, and philanthropist Else Prince, mother of Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater USA.

CNP members have supported legislation proposed by the Church of Scientology, and John Singlaub is also a member of the national policy board of the American Freedom Coalition, a political organization with extensiveties to the Unification  Church.  Also  known Korean religious leader and self-professed “messiah” Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who also founded the conservative Washington Times newspaper, and are aligned with various other groups supported by Moon such as CAUSA International.50 CNP also has membership links to the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), an international anti-communist political organization founded in 1966 in Taipei, under the initiative of Chiang Kai-shek, with the aim of opposing communism around the world through “unconventional” methods. The US chapter of WACL, the United States Council for World Freedom (USCWF), was founded in 1981 by Singlaub. It has been alleged but not proven that the League had close ties with the governments of Taiwan under Kuomintang rule, and to a lesser extent South Korea. Numerous groups participated, including Moon’s Unifi cation Church. Its core acti material aid to right-wing organizations and anti-communist militias around the globe. By the mid -1980s, WACL had become the leading non-governmental supplier of arms to anti-communist rebel movements in southern Africa, Central America, Afghanistan and the Far East. The WACL also enjoyed support from both the Carter and Reagan administrations in the United States, particularly with regard to its backing of right-wing paramilitary death squads in Latin America, like Nicaraguan guerrillas in the Iran-Contra affair.51 Joseph Coors privately donated $65,000 through National Security Council adviser Oliver North to buy a light cargo plane for the Contras’ effort.52

In 1978, Roger Pearson, who had close neo Nazi associations, became the World Chairman of the WACL. When Joseph Coors established the Heritage Foundation, he had chosen Pearson, an outspoken anti-Semite and pro -Nazi, as co-editor of the Heritage Foundation publication Policy Review. Pearson was also elected to head University Professors for Academic Order (UPAO), composed of members of the Heritage Foundation, the Reagan Administration and the Mont Pelerin Society, including Milton Friedman and Friedrich von Hayek.53

In the late 1950s, Pearson founded the Northern League, an organization promoting anti-Semitism and neo-Nazi ideologies that included former Nazis. Pearson served the British Army in the Indian subcontinent, and later directed various British-controlled companies in East Pakistan. It was during his time in South Asia that he became interested in Aryanism and the Indo-Aryan populations of the Subcontinent. Pearson also founded the academic Journal of Indo-European Studies. His books, including Eugenics and Race, Blood Groups and Race, Race & Civilisation and Early Civilizations of the Nordic Peoples were distributed in the US by Rockwell’s American Nazi Party. As well, Pearson was a member of  the  Eugenics  Society,  and    an important figure     on the racist journal, Mankind  impor Quarterly. Von Verschuer, Josef Mengele’s co-researcher at Auschwitz, was on the editorial advisory board of the journal before his death in 1970.54 When Pearson was elected World Chairman of the WACL in 1978, according to William H.Tucker, he “used this opportunity            to fillthe  WACL with European  Nazis—ex officials of the Third Reich and  Nazi collaborators from other countries during  the war as well as new adherents to the cause,  —in what one journalist called ‘one of the greatest fascist blocs in postwar Europe’.”55 But Pearson was forced to leave Heritage after the Washington Post exposed the racist and fascist orientation of the WACL. But Pearson’s connection with other organizations continued, and as late as 1986 Covert Action criticized his continued association with James Jesus Angleton, General Robert C. Richardson and other American Security Council members.56

CFR member Jesse Helms was also CNPa. key fi Jesse Helms (1921-2008) was a five- term Republican United States Senator from North Carolina who served as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from 1995 to 2001. A leading conservative, Helms helped organize and fund the conservative resurgence in the 1970s, aiding Ronald Reagan’s quest for the White House. The Almanac of American Politics once wrote that “no American politician is more controversial, beloved in some quarters and hated in others, than Jesse Helms.”57 He believed, writing in When Free Men Shall Stand, that “such utopian slogans as Peace with Honor, Minimum Wage, Racial Equality, Women’s Liberation, National Health Insurance, Civil Liberty” are ploys by which to divide humanity “as sons of God.”58 Helms was regarded as a “master obstructionist,” being proud of his nickname, “Senator No.” He opposed, at various times, civil rights, disability rights, feminism, gay rights, affirmative action, abortion and support  for “gay-oriented artwork of photographer Robert Mapplethorpe.” A 33º Mason, Helms was also a Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons in North Carolina.59 He played a leading role in the development of the Christian right, and was a founding member of the Moral Majority in 1979. Helms was close to fellow North Carolinian Billy Graham, as well as Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell, whose Liberty University dedicated its Jesse Helms School of Government to him.

Helms’ top aide, attorney Tom Ellis, who would later be instrumental in Ronald Reagan’s 1976 campaign and also become the chair of the National Congressional Club, succeeded Tim LaHaye in 1982 as president of the CNP. Ellis was former director of the Pioneer Fund, a foundation established in 1937 “to advance the scientifi c study has also been criticized for its ties to eugenics. The Pioneer Fund has been an important source of funding for research on the partly genetic hypothesis of IQ variation among races. The 1994 publication of The Bell Curve drew heavily from Pioneer-funded research. Recipients of Pioneer grants have included William Shockley, Arthur Jensen and Roger Pearson, who has written that “inferior races” should be “exterminated.”60 At the Institute for the Study of Man, Roger Pearson received over a million dollars in grants in the 80s and 90s from the Pioneer Fund. Going by the pen-name of Stephan Langton, Pearson was editor of The New Patriot, published in 1966–67 t penetrating inquiry into every aspect of the Jewish Question,” which included articles such as “Zionists and the Plot Against South Africa,” “Early Jews and the Rise of Jewish Money Power,” and “Swindlers of the Crematoria.”61

  When Pearson established himself in the United States, he had worked together with Willis Carto in contributing to publications of white supremacist and anti-Semitic literature, such as Western Destiny and Noontide Press. Carto, a longtime figure on the American far-right through the Liberty Lobby and successor organizations which he helped create. The Liberty Lobby, which was active in the 1950s, is regarded as the source of an insurgent wing of the Patriot Movement through its promotion of themes of White supremacy and anti- Semitism. While in passports, Francis Parker Yockey was visited by Carto who eventually became the chief advocate and publisher of his ideas. Carto also belonged at one time to the John Birch Society.62 When Revilo Oliver left the JBS, he became editorial advisor for Carto’s Institute for Historical Review. Carto ran a group called Youth for George Wallace to aid the third party presidential campaign of George Wallace in 1968. When the campaign failed, he converted what remained of the organization into the National Youth Alliance. As National Chairman for this group, Carto was successful in recruiting Dr. William Pierce, who after Rockwell’s death, reorganized it into the American neo-Nazi group, the National Alliance in 1974, of which Pierce became the leader.

In 1978, Carto founded the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) as an organization dedicated to publicly challenging the commonly accepted history of the Holocaust. Sharing in Carto’s denial was Frank Collin. Due to a disagreement over Koehl’s successorship of the American Nazi Party (ANP), following Rockwell’s assassination, some members chose to support William Luther Pierce, eventually forming the National Alliance, while Frank Collin created the National Socialist Party of America (NSPA). In 1977, Colin’s NSPA created national controversy when it announced plans to march through the Chicago suburb of Skokie, Illinois, where there was the largest Jewish population per-capita in the United States, among whom were many Holocaust survivors. It prompted a landmark legal battle where the NSPA won the right to exercise their “freedom of speech” and to march in their Nazi military uniforms, but without their swastika armbands. However, Collin’s downfall came when it was discovered that his father Max Simon Collin was a Jew whose original surname had been “Cohen.” Max Cohen claimed to have been a prisoner at Dachau concentration camp, where Frank was said to have been conceived. Frank Collin was also convicted of child molestation in 1979, serving only three years of a seven-year sentence. After his release, Collin re-emerged as “Frank Joseph.” In 1987 he had a book published, The Destruction of Atlantis: Compelling Evidence of the Sudden Fall of the Legendary Civilization. “Frank Joseph” is now a self-described neo-pagan and edits The Ancient American magazine.

   Frank Collin was not a unique case. As Daniel Levitas remarked in “Exploring What is Behind the Rare Phenomenon of Jewish Anti -Semites,” for Intelligence Report, “Some of the most zealous anti-Semites on the American white supremacist scene have turned out to have direct family links to the religion and the people they have devoted their lives to hating.”63 The KKK was founded, as already mentioned, by Dr. Kuttner Baruch, grandfather of Bernard Baruch, and Judah P. Benjamin, of the B’nai B’rith and the Order of Zion. Daniel Burros, whoLincoln Rockwell,firstwas linke the New York State organizer for Robert Shelton’s United Klans of America (UKA), the most notorious Klan group of the period. A front-page article in The New York Times in 1965 exposed his Jewish roots and Burros shot himself. In the 1980s, Jordan Gollub managed to rise to the post of Mississippi state leader of the Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, until it was discovered he was Jewish, after which he created an offshoot, called the Royal Confederate Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Another case is Bill White of the American National Socialist Workers’ Party, which could boast of a total of 6 members, but came to public attention in 1996 in a frontpage article in The Washington Post. David Wolfgang Hawke, born Andrew Britt Greenbaum, created the Knights of Freedom, later renamed American Nationalist Party, to  make  the  “fi nal  solution  a  rea “spam Nazi,” earning an estimated $600,000 for spamming ads for penis enlargement pills, before being sued by AOL.64 Hawke told his supporters, who called him “the chosen one”:

We must all carry with us in our hearts this knowledge, that the dreams of Adolf Hitler have not faded away, but are just as alive today as they were years ago! The German army w the ideals of Adolf Hitler live on in the hearts and souls of those who now carry the torch of the Aryan peoples.65

The repeated occurrence of Jews posing as neo-Nazis should not be taken as haphazard. Their persistence would suggest they are not acting alone. We must reasonably assume that they are in the service of some agency, perhaps the Mossad, for the purpose of maintaining the impression of an enduring anti-Semitic threat, to justify the US government’s continued support for Israel. The  media  attention  garnered  by these misfits is typically disproportionally higher than their place in the white supremacist community itself. Their antics are obviously staged and absurdly exaggerated spoofs of neo-Nazism.

   We may therefore also assume that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which was originally founded in October 1913 by the B’nai B’rith, must also be complicit in bringing these impostors to public attention. In fact, as demonstrated by Yoav Shamir in True Stories: Defamation, a 2010 documentary aired by Channel 4, the ADL tends to exaggerate or even fabricate the threat of anti-Semitism, with the purpose of generating support for Israel.66 Noam Chomsky has characterized the ADL as having become solely an advocate for Israeli policy, and in 2005 Norman G. Finkelstein published Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, which argues that the specter of a “new anti-Semitism” has been invented by supporters of Israel to brand any serious criticisms of Israel’s human rights abuses as anti-Semitism.

   Foxman, the ADL’s head since 1987, has a very close relationship with the Israeli government, and is sought after by Washington and governments and political leaders around the world. To Yoav Shamir he explained his power and influence  as  exploiting anti-Semitism .Jews, explains, “are not as powerful as  Jews think we are, nor as powerful as our enemies think we are. Somewheres [sic] in between. They do believe we can make a difference in Washington, and we are not going to convince them otherwise.” Foxman asks, “How do you fi ght Jewsthiswithout conspiratousingit?”Yoav Shamir interprets Foxman’s explanation to mean, “It’s like a poker game, in which Foxman bluffs the other side into thinking the Jews have mor and power in Washington than they really have. The downside is, that the idea of Jews being so powerful can result in envy, even hate.”67

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