In 1944,
while World War
II still raged,
Lord Montagu Norman resigned from
his position at the Bank
of England. Norman,
a man prone to
repeated mental problems
and hospitalizations, and who
had been a
staunch supporter of
Hitler prior to
the war, announced the
beginning of the
British National Association
for Mental Health, which was in fact only a renaming ofthe National Councils of
Mental Hygiene, a group that
had been heavily involved in
pushing eugenics programs
prior to the
war. With Hitler's downfall,
eugenics had an extremely unsavory
odor that needed to
be deodorized with
a name change.
Certainly eugenics never vanished,
as witness, for
example, the thousands of
women involuntarily sterilized
in Sweden and
other European countries until
the mid-1970s. The
NAMH functioned as a
Tavistock-front organization which
would soon become
the controlling body for world psychiatry. [1]
An examination
of the officers
of NAMH provides
clues as to its
direction: Richard Austen
Butler, the pro-Nazi
deputy foreign minister to
Lord Halifax, became
president. Lord Halifax's
son- in-law, the Earl
of Feversham, became
chairman. Vice chairman was
Norman's wife, Priscilla
Reyntiens Worsthorne Norman,
a vocal proponent of
eugenics programs and the
Nazis, who had assisted German
rearmament by releasing
6,000,000 British pounds in
Czech gold to
the Germans after
the occupation of Czechoslovakia. Otto
Niemeyer, Norman's assistant
at the Bank of
England, became treasurer
of the organization.
Perhaps the group should
have been titled
the Nazi Association
for Mental Health?
In 1948
an International Congress
on Mental Health
at the Ministry of
Health in London
was convened by
Norman. The Congress was
hosted by the
British National Association,
whose patron was the
Duchess of Kent,
widow of the
Grand Master of Masons
and mother of
the Grand Master
of Masons to
follow. A World Federation for
Mental Health was formed at the Congress with
Brigadier General Dr.
John Rawlings Rees,
head of the British psychological
warfare department and
of the Tavistock Institute, named
president. Co-director of the World
Federation was Dr. Frank
Fremont-Smith, chief medical
officer of the Rockefeller-spawned Josiah Macy Foundation that would later be the primary
funnel for CIA MKULTRA mind control funding.
According to
Nina Ridenour, technical
coordinator of the
U.S. delegation to the
Congress, "The World
Federation for Mental Health... had
been created upon
the recommendation of the
United Nations' World Health Organization and UNESCO because they needed
a non-governmental mental
health organization with which
they could cooperate."
The vice
presidents of the
Congress, again, provide a
sense of its direction:
Dr. Hugh Chrichton-Miller was
a founder of Tavistock,
and vice-president of
the C.G. Jung
Institute in Zurich. The
blatantly anti-Semitic Jung
himself was another vice president
of the Congress.
Dame Evelyn Fox
was a leading light of
the British eugenics
movement. Lord Thomas Jees Horder was
president of the
Eugenics Society of
Great Britain. Dr. Winfred
Overhulser was a
high-ranking representative of the
Scottish Rite Masons,
and reportedly linked
to German spy activities in the U.S. Dr. Alfred Frank
Tredgold was a member of Britain's Ministry of Health Committee on
Providing additional
insight into the
goals of the
manipulators of the WFMH
are statements of Dr. G.
Brock Chisholm, first director and
later head of the World
Health Organization of the
United Nations. Chisholm
delivered an address
to psychiatrists and government
officials in Washington, D.C. in 1945, confiding:
basic psychological distortion
can be found
in every civilization of
which we know
anything? The only
psychological force capable of
producing these perversions
is morality—the concept of
right and wrong.
The re-interpretation and
eventual eradication of the
concept of right
and wrong are
the belated objectives of nearly
all psychotherapy." [2]
Chisholm also
said that, "The
people who have
been taught to believe
whatever they were
told by their
parents or their teachers are the
people who are the menace to the world." [3]
Given these
sentiments, that right
and wrong do not
exist and that parents
are the persons
least fit for
educating their children, can
any excesses and
crimes of the
"mental health" field
be a surprise? [4]
The words
of a declaration
issued by the
National Institute for Mental
Health in the
United States further
reveal that psychiatry has its masters, even beyond the
Nazis, Tavistock, British aristocracy, and the Freemasons:
of mental health
cannot be successfully furthered in any
society unless there
is progressive acceptance
of the concept of
world citizenship. World
citizenship can be widely extended among
all peoples through
applications of the principles of
mental health... At a major
turning point in
world history there is
an obligation on
social scientists and psychiatrists
to attempt this new formulation."
By 1961,
the NIMH, under
the direction of
Masonic controller Robert Felix,
had distilled a
group of psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, chemists,
and others, including many participants in the CIA's
infamous MKULTRA program, into
the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. One segment of the college,
the Study Group
for the Effects
of Psychotropic Drugs on
Normal Humans, held a 1967
conference to chart
out the directions mind control would follow until the year 2000.
The Evans-Kline
Report, authored by
MKULTRA mind control psychiatrists Wayne O. Evans, director
of the U.S. Army Military Stress Laboratory,
and Nathan Kline,
eugenicist and Columbia University psychiatrist,
reported that the
group "concluded that the
present breadth of
drug use may be
almost trivial when
we compare it to
the possible numbers
of chemical substances
that will be available
for the control
of selective aspects
of man's life in the year 2000."
The study
theorized, in obvious
reflection of the
Tavistock Institute's plan, that
American culture is
"moving toward a 'sensate
society'. A greater
emphasis is being
placed on sensory experience and
less upon rational
or work-oriented philosophies.
Such a philosophical
view, coupled with
the means to separate sexual
behavior from reproduction
or disease, will undoubtedly enhance sexual freedom.
"It seems
obvious that the
youth of today
are no longer
afraid of either drugs
or sex. Again,
the philosophers and spokesmen for the
avant-garde advocate the
personal sensory experience
as the raison d'etre
of the coming
generation. Finally, we are
moving into an
age in which
meaningful work will
be possible only for a minority: In such an age, chemical aphrodisiacs
may be accepted as a commonplace means to occupy one's time...
"If we accept
the position that human mood,
motivation, and emotion are
reflections of a
neurochemical state of the
brain, then drugs can
provide a simple,
rapid, expedient means
to produce any desired neurochemical state that we wish.
sooner that we
cease to confuse
scientific and moral statements
about drug use, the sooner we can rationally consider the types
of neurochemical states
that we wish
to be able
to provide for people."
Shades of Brave New World.
In 1975,
NIMH funded an
overall evaluation of
behavior modification
approaches. Its conclusions
were—surprise!—that these
techniques should be
applied to the
general population of the world, and to larger numbers than ever
before. [5]
At about
the same time,
the Association for
the Advancement of Psychotherapy, in
their Mankind 2000
report, introduced the following dark vision:
"In the organization
of a civilization
of the future
we anticipate that the
man will become an
anachronism. Indeed, he
will be viewed
as a threat
to the group organization
as well as to his
fellow man. Hence,
as stated, he in
all likelihood will
have few individual
While such
a picture may
not be pleasant
to contemplate, when viewed
with our present
orientation and value
judgement, we would be
amiss were we
to deal with
unrealistic imageries that would blind us to future
"The new
world of the
closed, automated system
will necessitate a radical
change in political,
technologic, and social thinking. All
too often, however,
we remain bound
by the conventional tenets
and wisdom of
past generations... The cybercultural revolution
is altering all this.
It differs radically from previous innovations because
now man has devices that will largely supplant his labor and certain activities
of his mind." [6]
1. Chaitkin,
Anton. "British Psychiatry:
From Eugenics to Assassination," EIR,
October 7, 1994;
Dicks; Higham, Charles,
Trading With the Enemy. (New York: Dell, 1983)
2. Chaitkin; Chisholm, Dr. G. Brock, Psychiatry,
February, 1948
3. Chisholm,
Dr. G. Brock.
Speech, Conference on
Education, Asilomar, Calif. Sep.
11, 1954
4. Chisholm, Psychiatry
5. Mental
Health and World
Citizenship, Int. Cong.
On Mental Health, London, 1948
5. Packard,
Vance, The People
Shapers. (New York:
Bantam Books, 1977. pg. 29)
6. Less, Stanley and Wolf, William, Mankind
2000; Chaitkin
In 1940,
President Roosevelt's special
emissary General William "Wild Bill"
Donovan returned from
the Mediterranean burning with a
conviction. He told
Roosevelt that, "neither America nor Britain
is fighting the
new and important
type of war
on more than the
smallest scale. Our
defenses against political
and psychological warfare are
feeble, and even
such gestures as
have been made toward
carrying the fight
to the enemy
are pitifully inadequate."
So goes
the story of
the beginning of
the Office of the Coordinator of
Information (COI), that
was to evolve
into the Office of
Strategic Services (OSS),
and in turn,
the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA). Donovan's COI
took the idea
of the "Secret Vote"—what has
come to be
termed "black funding"
or "black
operations"—from the British,
allowing the organization and its successor organizations
almost complete latitude
in its psychological warfare
In June,
1942, the COI
morphed into the
OSS. A period
of time passed between the formation of the OSS and the issuing of its charter
due to Donovan's
insistence that the
psychological warfare unit of
the organization should
head up the operation.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff
finally agreed, saying that "All plans for projects to be undertaken
by the Office of Strategic Services will
be submitted to
the Joint U.S.
Chiefs of Staff
through the Joint Psychological Warfare
Committee for approval.
The Joint Psychological Warfare
Committee will take
final action on all
internal administrative plans
pertaining to the
Office of Strategic Services."
existed for three
years and, according
to Walter Bowart, in
Operation Mind Control,
"it developed psychological warfare into
an effective weapon
against the minds
of civilian and military
populations foreign and
domestic alike. To
wage effective psychological warfare
the OSS needed
background information on United States citizens. Thus the burglary of private
files was sanctioned."
An early
proponent of mind
war was George
Estabrooks, of Colgate University.
Estabrook contacted the
Department of War early
in World War
II and proposed
the use of
hypnosis in warfare. Although
the government took
Estabrooks up on his offer,
he destroyed his
diaries covering the
years 1940-45, and was unwilling to talk much about what he
had done. Eastabrooks is, however,
said to have
intimated to associates
that he had researched the
creation of hypnotically
programmed couriers and the
hypnotic induction of split personalities.
Estabrooks became
loose-lipped on one
occasion when, in 1968,
he chatted with
a reporter for
the Providence Evening Bulletin. According
to the article
that resulted, "Dr.
Estabrooks said that the
key to creating
an effective spy
or assassin rests in...
creating a multiple
personality, with the
aid of hypnosis, a procedure
which the good
doctor described as
'child's play'. Estabrooks even
offered the suggestion
that Lee Harvey
Oswald and Jack Ruby
'could very well have been
performing through hypnosis.'"
Estabrooks quite possibly
would have been
in the position to know. [1]
One of
the top secret
projects that the
OSS participated in during
its formative years
was the development
of a "truth drug" to
break down resistance
in spies and
POWs. This project
was run in conjunction
with the Freemasons,
and supervised by Superintendent Winfred
Overhulser, the Scottish
Rite's chief psychiatrist, at St.
Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington, D.C., along with a
research team composed
of Harry J.
Anslinger, head of the
Federal Bureau of
Narcotics, and Dr.
Edward Strecker, then president of the American
Psychiatric Association. The
study assessed the uses
of mescaline, scopolomine,
peyote, and barbiturates, but
settled upon a
mixture of marijuana
and tobacco, attempting to
perfect a concoction
that would stimulate a
"state of irresponsibility." OSS
scientists then came
up with a potent
extract of marijuana
called "TD." Its
results were noted in an OSS report:
"TD appears
to relax all
inhibitions and to
deaden the areas
of the brain which
govern an individual's
discretion and caution.
It accentuates the senses
and makes manifest
any strong characteristics of
the individual. Sexual
inhibitions are lowered, and
the sense of
humor is accentuated
to the point
where any statement or
situation can become
extremely funny to the
subject. On the
other hand, a
person's unpleasant characteristics may
also be heightened." The
results obtained with TD,
however, were inconsistent, and research was reported discontinued. [2]
John Marks
writes in his
seminal The Search
for the Manchurian Candidate
that members of
Overhulser's working group included
secret agents inside
the U.S. government's Manhattan Project
to develop an
atomic bomb, as
well as informers inside the FBI.
On Halloween,
1944, President Roosevelt
asked Donovan to work
out the details
of an intelligence
service that would operate
after the end
of the war.
In November, Donovan submitted his
plan, constructing the
organization so that
it bypassed the Joint
Chiefs of Staff
and reported directly
to the president. On
September 20, 1945, the
OSS was terminated
by executive order.
Although Donovan
was primarily responsible
for the creation of
the COI and
the OSS, due
to his dislike
for traditional organization he
was cut off
from participating in
the creation of the
CIA. The man
who would take over control
of the CIA was Allen Dulles.
1. Bowart,
Walter, Operation Mind
Control. (New York:
Dell Paperback, 1977); Cannon,
Martin, "Mind Control
and the American
Government," Lobster 23; Bowart
2. Cannon,
Martin, "The Controllers:
A New Hypothesis
of Alien Abductions", MUFON
UFO Journal, Number
270, October, 1990:
Lee and Shlain, Acid Dreams. (New York: Grove Press,
3. Marks,
John, The Search
for the Manchurian
Candidate: The CIA
and Mind Control. (New York: Times Books, 1979)
The major
operations of mind
control in the
20th century have been
initiated by agents
dedicated to the
New World Order. Bolstering this
proposition is information
on the background
of Allen Dulles, the
director of the
CIA at its
outset and during the period of its greatest involvement in
mind control research.
Allen Dulles
and his brother,
John Foster Dulles,
stood at the pinnacle
of American government
and strategic planning
during the 1940s and
1950s—while at the same
time being among
the most influential agents
for the New World
Order. Both brothers were
brought into the
State Department prior
to World War
I by their uncle,
Secretary of State
Robert Lansing. According
to the Dulles family
biography, "Robert Lansing
was... so pro-English that he
even took elocution
lessons to perfect
the English accent he was
Lansing was
good friends with
British spy Alex
Gaunt, and "Allen
[Dulles]... thought Gaunt was one of the most exciting men he had
ever met, and
he made up his mind
that one of
these days he would
become an intelligence
operative just like him—except
for the accent, of course." [1]
Lansing brought
both of the
Dulles brothers into
the Paris peace negotiations,
an affair guided
by members of
the Rhodes Round Table
group. Other members
of the Wilson
delegation were Bernard Baruch,
J.P. Morgan's Thomas
Lamont, and Paul Warburg.
It is alleged
that the 14
points of the
peace plan were formulated at
a secret meeting
of the Grand
Orient Freemasonic Lodge of
France and the International Masonic
Conference, on June 28-30,
1917. Whether that
is true or
not, on the
American side, President Woodrow
Wilson was accompanied
by Colonel E.M. House,
the consummate one-worldist
who was the engineer of Wilson's domestic and foreign
policies, who chose his cabinet, and ran the State Department.
House offended
Wilson by excluding
him from some
of his negotiations conducted behind closed doors—this is known—but the nature
of those negotiations
may have been
revealed by the allegation that
the Versailles Peace
Conference was actually conducted in
three tiers: the
public conference, covered
by the press; secret
conferences of the
Big Four; and
a third tier
of Masonic conferences conducted behind closed doors.
It is
also alleged that,
to guarantee his
continued efforts in the creation
of a League of Nations, Woodrow Wilsonwas given a bribe of one million dollars
in gold and gems, and that his subsequent nervous
breakdown was based
on his belief
that he would have to return the money after the
failure of the League. [2]
House was
an intimate of
major international bankers,
and persuaded Wilson to
lobby for the
League of Nations,
the precursor to the
United Nations. In 1916,
upon House's urging, Wilson created
the first President's
Brain Trust to formulate plans for
a world government.
House headed up
the committee, with 150
members including Norman
Thomas (later to
be head of the American Socialist
Party), and the Dulles brothers.
At the
Paris conference the
Dulleses made the
acquaintance of members of the Round Table, and a dinner party was
arranged by House and
held at the
Majestic Hotel, in
Paris, with the Dulles
Brothers, other Americans
in the Wilson
camp, and English members
of the Round
Table. An agreement
was made to form
a group "for
the study of international affairs." John Foster
Dulles acted in
1920 as an
agent of the
group in setting up the Council on Foreign Relations
in New York.
According to
a 1953 CFR
publication: "The Royal
Institute of International Affairs
and the Council
on Foreign Relations
were founded in 1920
as a result
of discussions between
members of the British
and American delegations
at the Peace
Conference in Paris in
1919. The two
institutions, though completely
independent, have developed
their work along
parallel lines in Britain and the United States."
With funding
from J.P. Morgan,
Rockefeller, and members
of the Round Table,
the CFR acquired its
headquarters at Harold Pratt House, 58 East 68th Street, in
New York. [3] At Versailles, Dulles
was able to
fulfill his ambition
of working in espionage,
by meeting T.E.
Lawrence, "Lawrence of
Arabia," and gaining entree
into British intelligence
circles. Lawrence ran
the British Intelligence
Arab Bureau, whose
head at the
time was Harry St.
John Philby. Philby's
son, Cambridge Apostle Harold "Kim" Philby
coordinated both British
and American intelligence agencies
beginning in 1949,
training officers for
the CIA and staying
in contact with
Allen Dulles on
a daily basis.
Philby later defected to the
Soviet Union when his role as a Soviet mole functioning in both British and
American intelligence was discovered.
In 1921
Allen Dulles was
posted to Berne,
Switzerland by his uncle,
Secretary Lansing, where
he took over
the roll of
chief of intelligence in
the American ligation. In
Switzerland, Dulles was met
by his cousins,
members of the Mallet family.
Dulles' uncle, Petit Dulles,
had married the Swiss-American Julia
Mallet- Prevost. Both the
Prevosts and the
Mallets were uniquely powerful families
in international politics
and finance, holding hereditary seats
in the "Council
of 200" ruling
Geneva, Switzerland. This group,
with the British
royals, formed a
joint committee of spymasters
working for the
aristocracy that went back to
at least the
18th century. The
Mallet-Prevosts were also responsible for
injecting the Scottish
Rite of Masonry
into the United States. [4]
By the
mid-1920s, Dulles was
tapped to be
the First Secretary of
the American Embassy
in Berlin. Dulles was
also a director of the Schroder
Bank, that handled
Hitler's personal funds. In
June 1920, American
army Captain Truman
Smith was brought in
to the Berlin
mission as a
observer." In 1922, after
Mussolini, in the
pay of British
intelligence, had taken over
Italy, Captain Smith
was dispatched by
the embassy on a mission to
According to
his 1964 report
of the visit,
"I talked at
length about National Socialism
with the Munich
consul, Mr. Robert Murphy
(later a very
distinguished American ambassador), General Erich
Ludendorff, Crown Prince
Ruprecht of Bavaria, and
Alfred Rosenberg. The latter became
the political philosopher of the
Nazi party.
"On this visit
I also saw
much of Ernst
F.S. Hanfstaengl, of the
well-known Munich art
family. "Putzi" was
a Harvard graduate and later
became Hitler foreign
press chief. Hanfstaengl
states in his 1957
memoirs, Unheard Witness,
that it was I
who brought him into
contact with Hitler.
This may well be
so, but the actual
facts of this
introduction are not
firmly fixed in my memory.
interview with Hitler
lasted some hours.
The diary I kept
in Munich indicates
that I was
deeply impressed by his
personality and thought
it likely that
he would play
an important part in
German politics. I
must confess, however,
that I did
not see him as the future ruler of Europe." [5]
The memory
of another who
was present was
somewhat sharper. As related
by Smith, "Fourteen-and-one-half years
later —on March 3, 1937 — he accompanied Mr. Hugh Wilson, our newly appointed
ambassador to Germany
to the chancellors palace... for
his initial reception
by Adolph Hitler.
Smith together with other
members of the
embassy staff entered
a large formal reception
hall to be
presented to the
fuhrer- chancellor. The embassy
staff... passed down
the reception line... When
Smith's turn came,
he shook hands
with Hitler and
was about to pass
on, when he
felt a hand grasp
his sleeve. 'Have
I not seen you
before?' Hitler asked.
I was somewhat
surprised but answered immediately,
"Yes, Mr. Chancellor,
in Munich in 1922.'
'Oh yes,' replied
Hitler, 'you introduced
me to Hanfstaengl.'"
There are
other aspects of
Smith's memory which
seem to have dulled
over the years.
The German-American Hanfstaengl, a friend
of Franklin Roosevelt,
noted in his
1957 memoirs that he
had been assigned
by Captain Smith
to join Hitler's movement, and
to promote Hitler's
rising star. As
Hitler succeeded in Germany
beyond anyone's expectations,
Hanf-staengl and his
highly-placed American connections
served as press agents
to the world
for Der Fuhrer.
Hanfstaengl, according to one
credible account, was
the man who
provided access to the
Reichstag when conspirators
set it afire—the aftermath of
the fire being
that Hitler was able to claim
a Communist revolution and
to seize totalitarian
control of Germany. After
he fell out of favor
with the Nazi
regime, Hanfstaengl worked as an
American psychological warfareadvisor. [6]
Although the
thought is only
speculative, in 1918
Hitler had been gassed in World War One, and was removed
from the front lines to
a hospital in
Bavaria. A Doctor
Forrester, cited as "the father of
modern hypnosis" was
brought in and
treated Hitler for what
was thought to
be hysterical blindness.
At about that
time Hitler dreamed that
he would be
prominent in politics
and would rise up to control Germany. Although there isprobably no way of
verifying it as
this late date,
Hitler may have
been, as researcher John
Judge puts it,
"one of the
earliest psycho- patsies." [7]
John Foster
Dulles, newly graduated
from Princeton, was hired by the
law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, where he would later become
the chief executive. Sullivan
and Cromwell were the
premier lawyers to
the Eastern Establishment, as
well as representing a
host of German
cartels including I.G.
Farben, central in the
prosecution of Germany's
war. John Foster
Dulles was one of the primary organizers of American funding for Hitler through international
elitist financier Hjalmar
Schacht, who later ran the Nazi
economy. He was also the lawyer for Richard Merton, the founder of I.G. Farben.
The Dulles
family had been
among the key
players in the International eugenics
movement, advocating, according
to John Foster Dulles,
that "it is
only by eliminating
the lower members (of the human race] that a higher
average is maintained." [9]
John Foster
Dulles' business partner,
Council on Foreign Relations and Bonesman Averill Harriman—later
to bethought of as the elder
statesman of the
Democratic Party—was the son of robber
baron railroad man
E.H. Harriman. Averell
Harriman ran the private
banking firm of
Brown Brothers, Harriman,
heavily staffed with Bonesmen
including Prescott Bush,
the father of Bonesman
George Bush. As
an example of
his devotion to the Illuminati cause,
Harriman chose 322,
the Skull and Bones secret number,
for the combination
on his briefcase when he had
carried secret messages
between London and
Moscow in World War II.
Among the
major accomplishments of
Harriman, guided by Skull and
Bones, was financial
and diplomatic support
for the Soviets—at the time quite
illegal by dint of regulation of the State Department. Harriman
had possessed large
business holdings in both Russia and Germany since the early
days of thecentury, and was also involved in RUSKOMBANK, the first Soviet commercial
bank, whose first
vice president was
Skull and Bonesman
Max May of Guaranty
Trust. Harriman and
other Bonesman also owned
a large percentage
of the Union
Bank, which was
key in supporting Hitler
in the early
days. Out of
the eight directors
of Union Bank, six were Nazis or members of Skull and Bones.
Harriman would
later be in the thick
of organizing CIA
mind control programs, creating
the Psychological Strategy
Board (PSB) in 1951. [10]
The Harrimans,
again, were represented
by Sullivan and Cromwell,
and were the single most
prominent Eastern Establishment promoters
of eugenics, a
study later to be furthered through
the horrific programs
of Hitler's psychiatric and medical
establishments. Harriman's mother
had bankrolled International Eugenics
Congresses and the
Eugenics Records Office in
New York, that
had called for
the sterilization of 15 million Americans
by 1980, in order to
create the "perfect man." Averill
Harriman himself had
contributed large sums
to eugenics causes. [11]
The director
of the Psychological
Strategy Board was
Gordon Gray, a Naval
Intelligence officer, who later
became a close
ally of Bonesman George
Bush. Another close
Harriman associate was Bonesman
Eugene Stetson, who had been assistant manager for George
Bush's father, Prescott
Bush, at Brown
Brothers, Harriman in New
York. Stetson organized
the H. Smith Richardson Foundation,
an organization involved
control funding, particularly
in financing the testing
of psychotropic drugs at
Bridgewater Hospital in Massachusetts, alleged
to have been the center
of some of the
most horrific MKULTRA experimentation.
The H.
Smith Richardson Foundation
later was involved
in the Iran-Contra affair,
where it functioned
as a "private
donors steering
committee" in tandem with
the National Security Council. In
later years the
Foundation ran the
Center for Creative Leadership
training "leaders of the CIA." [12]
As the
careers of Allen
and John Foster
Dulles and their friends
had been in
many ways integrated
with Nazi interests,
so it was with
the formation of the CIA.
After the defeat
of Stalingrad in January
1943 the German
general staff were unified in
their belief that
the war was
lost. Deputy Fuhrer
and head of the
Nazi Party Martin
Borrmann and Hermann
Schmitz, chief executive of
I.G. Farben, developed
a plan whereby
large numbers of Nazis
would flee Europe
and hunker down
in hideouts around the
world, waiting for that
bright day when
they might take another
shot at world
power. The first
step in this plan
was the transferal
of large amounts
of Nazi loot
to safe positions, this
including three tons of gold,
large quantities of other precious
metals and stones,
and perhaps a
billion dollars in currency.
Hitler's "favorite commando," Otto
Skorzeny, was put in
charge of moving
Nazi assets and
in the creation
of "rat lines," escape routes
to Nazi colonies
around the globe.
An estimated 5,000 members of
Hitler's SS and
Gestapo were exfiltrated through Catholic
monasteries, in a plan
concocted by Papal Chamberlain and
Knight of Malta
Luigi Parelli. Assisting
in the project was
the U.S. Army
Counter Intelligence Corps
(employing Henry Kissinger) and the Office of Naval Intelligence. [13]
General Reinhard
Gehlen, in charge
of the Third
Reich's military
intelligence in Eastern
Europe and the
Soviet Union, and utilizing
fascist organizations in
Eastern Europe, had an
even bolder plan
for continuing his
influence after the end of
World War II.
Using his top
aides, the most
important of his intelligence files
were stripped, with the
rest burned. Fifty-two crates of
files were buried
in the Bavarian
Redoubt, in a mountainous region called Misery Meadow.
Within two
weeks of the
war's end, Gehlen
walked into an Army command center in Bavaria, and
announced "I am head of the
Section Foreign Annies
East in German
Army headquarters. I have
information to give
of the highest
importance to your government." Gehlen
was ignored and
sent to the
prison camp at Salzburg,
but within a
month someone had
taken notice and he
was brought to
Augsburg for interrogation. Soon
after that, Gehlen's associate
Hermann Baun was forming up whatwould be called
the "Gehlen Org,"
and Gehlen himself
was flying to the
U.S., dressed in
an American military
uniform to escape detection, to confer with top American
military officials.
On August
24, 1945 Gehlen
stepped out of
a U.S. Army transport plane
at Washington National
Airport, and was driven to
Fort Hunt, located
outside of Washington,
D.C. At Fort
Hunt an agreement was worked out between Gehlen, Allen Dulles, and others, whereby
Gehlen's intelligence organization
would be grafted almost intact
onto the OSS, giving birth tothe CIA.
Gehlen's Org,
it is said,
was initially funded
by Dulles to the
tune of
$200 million and,
minimally supervised and
working out of a
fortified stronghold in
Bavaria, grew to
control the entirety of
the West German
intelligence service. Gehlen's
intelligence agency also dominated
NATO, providing an
estimated 70 percent of
the intelligence provided
to that organization
on the Soviet Union
and Europe. Thus,
American intelligence was infiltrated by
the Nazis, who
found their association
with men like the
Dulles brothers, Harriman,
and George Bush to
be friendly and of a strangely familiar nature. [14]
Key to
and other mind
alteration programs—both
scientifically and philosophically—was the
Nazi connection. From the
1930s until the
end of World
War II, Nazi psychiatrists in
Germany had been horrifically implementing
the Darwinian
philosophy that they
had inherited from the
West, from men like the Englishman Francis
Galton, a cousin of
Charles Darwin. The
basics of this
philosophy dealt with the
improvement of hereditary
qualities of a
race. This can be
accomplished, per the
eugenicists, in a
number of ways, including selective
mating and the
sterilization of mental defectives
and members of "inferior" races.
During this
period it is
reported that at
least 300,000 mental patients were
exterminated in Germany.
After the war
the psychiatrists involved in
these extermination programs
were not punished. In
fact, some of the most
prominent workers in psychiatry, chemical
warfare, and mind
control-related areas were imported
to the U.S.
to work in
the scientificestablishment and
the military under
Project Paperclip, through which as many as 5,000 German
scientists were sneaked into the country, with others immigrating later.
Among the
Nazis imported to the U.S.
were Karl Tauboeck, who
had been the
chief plant chemist
at I.G. Farben's Ludwigshaven factory,
and who was
the Nazi's expert on sterilization drugs
and had done
work that paralleled
the OSS and CIA
in attempts to
formulate a "truth
drug"; Friedrich Hoffman, who
discovered a paralysis
drug based on
conch shell venom; and
scientists Theodore Wagner-Jauregg, Karl Rarh,
and Hans Turit, who
were specialists in poison gases
like Tabun and Sarin (the latter allegedly the gas of
choice of Japan's AUM cult).
Another Nazi
imported to the
U.S. was Dr.
Huburtus Strughold, who had
overseen murder and
torture of inmates
at the Dachau concentration camp. Strughold was
employed by NASA and later lauded by that organization as the
"father of spacemedicine." Another
Nazi employed by
the U.S. after
the end of
the war was former
SS Brigadier General
Walter Schieber, described
by one army officer
as "the prototype of
an ardent and convinced Nazi who
used the Party
to further his
own ambitions." Schieber worked for
over ten years
at the Chemical
Division in West Germany
on chemical warfare
and the production
of nerve gas.
Many Nazis
scientists, some of
whom like Schieber could
not be brought to the U.S.
because of their notoriety, were
employed in chemical warfare
research in West Germany. [15]
Combing the
7,104 entries in the 1957
edition of the Biographical Directory
of the Fellows
and Members of the
American Psychiatric Association,
1,125 came from
Germany and Eastern European countries. [16]
It is
instructive to note
that CIA mind
control scientists, like the
Nazis, used certain
target groups for
experimentation, including
ethnic minorities, foreigners,
mental patients, prisoners, sex
deviants, addicts, and the terminally ill.
Another connection
of the Nazis,
the British, and
chemical mind control deserves
to be mentioned
in passing. Although
the mere thought that
a mass chemical drugging
of the population could ever
take place is
ridiculed in the
popular media, that
was not the position
of Charles Eliot
Perkins, one of
America's top industrial chemists.
Perkins was dispatched
by the U.S.
government to
assist in taking
over the German
industrial giant I.G. Farben
after World War
II. In a letter that
Perkins wrote to the
Lee Foundation for
Nutritional Research in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin on October 2, 1954, he stated, "I have
your letter of
September 29 asking
for further documentation regarding
a statement made
in ray book
The Truth About Water Fluoridation to the effect that the idea of water fluoridation
was brought to England from
Russia by the Russian Communist, Kreminoff.
"In the
1930's Hitler and
the German Nazis
envisioned a World to
be dominated and controlled by
the Nazi philosophy
of pan-Germanism... The German
chemists worked out
a very ingenious and
far-reaching plan of
mass control which
was submitted to and
adopted by the
German General Staff.
This plan was to
control the population
in any given area through mass
medication of drinking
water supplies. By
this method they could control
the population of
whole areas, reduce population by
water medication that would
produce sterility in the
women, and so
on. In this
scheme of mass
control, sodium fluoride occupied
a prominent place.
"We are
told by the
fanatical ideologists who
are advocating the fluoridation
of water supplies
in this country
that their purpose is
to reduce tooth
decay in children,
and it is the
plausibility of this
excuse, plus the
gullibility of the
public and the cupidity
of the public
officials that is
responsible for the present spread of artificial water
fluoridation in this country.
"However—and I
want to make
this very definite
and very positive—the real
reason behind water
fluoridation is not to
benefit children's teeth.
If this were the
real reason there
are many ways in
which it could
be done that
are much easier, cheaper and
far more effective.
The real purpose
behind water fluoridation is
to reduce the resistance of
the masses to domination and control and loss of
"In the rear
occiput of the
left lobe of
the brain there
is a small area
of brain tissue
that is responsible
for the individual's power to
resist domination. Repeated
doses of infinitesimal amounts of
fluorine will in
time gradually reduce
the individual's power to
resist domination by
slowly poisoning and
narcotizing this area of
brain tissue and
make him submissive
to the will
of those who wish to govern him...
"I was
told of this
entire scheme by
a German chemist
who was an official
of the great
Farben chemical industries
and was also prominent
in the Nazi
movement at the
time. I say
this will all earnestness
and sincerity of a scientist
who has spent
nearly 20 years' research
into the chemistry,
biochemistry, physiology and pathology
of fluorine—any person
who drinks artificially fluorinated water
for a period
of one year
or more will
never again be the same person, mentally or physically." [17]
Mosley, Leonard, Dulles: A Biography of Eleanor, Allen, and John
Foster Dulles and
their Family Network.
(New York: The
Dial Press/James Wade, 1978)
2. Hansen,
Harry, "The Forgotten
Men of Versailles," The
Aspirin Age, 1919-1941. Ed.
Isabel Leighton. (New
York: Simon and
Schuster, 1949); Smoot, Dan,
The Invisible Government.
(Dallas, Texas: The
Dan Smoot Report,
Mullins, Eustace,
The Curse of
Canaan. (Staunton, Virginia.
Revelation Books, 1987)
3. Hansen;
Smoot; Wilgus, Neal,
The Illuminoids. (Sun
Publishing Company, Santa Fe, 1978)
4. Chaitkin,
Anton, Treason in
America. (New York:
New Benjamin Franklin House,
1984.); Mullins; Pincher,
Chapman, Too Secret,
Too Long. (New York: St. Martin's
Press, 1984)
5. Smith,
Truman, Berlin Alert,
The Memoirs and
Reports of Truman Smith.
(Stanford, California: Hoover
Institution Press, 1984);
Perloff, James, Shadows of Power.
(Appleton, Wisconsin: Western Island, 1990)
6. Smith;
Sutton, Antony C,
Wall Street and
the Rise of
Hitler. (Seal Beach, California:
'76 Press, 1976)
7. Judge,
John, "The Secret
Government," Dharma Combat magazine, number 10
8. Rauh
and Turner, "Anatomy
of a Public
Interest Case Against the CIA," Hamline
Journal of Public
Law and Policy,
Fall 1990; Chaitkin,
Anton, "British
Psychiatry: From Eugenics
to Assassination," EIR,
October 7, 1994;
Chaitkin, Treason
in America; Sutton,
Antony C, Wall
Street and the
Rise of Hitler, ('76 Press, Seal
Beach, California, 1976)
9. Chaitkin, Treason in America
10. Isaacson
and Thomas, The
Wise Men. (Simon
an Schuster, New York, 1986);
Chaitkin. Treason in America
11. Isaacson and Thomas; Chaitkin, Treason in
12. Skull
&Bones: The Very
Heart of the
Shadow Government, obtained from the internet at alt. conspiracy
13. Judge,
John, "Nazis in the White
House, The Reagan
Administration & the Fascist International," Overthrow, Fall
14. Scott,
Peter Dale, "How
Allen Dulles and
the SS Preserved
Each Other,"
CovertAction Information Bulletin,
undated reprint; Oglesby,
Carl, "The Secret Treaty
of Fort Hunt,"
CovertAction Information Bulletin,
Fall, 1990;
Oglesby, Carl, The Yankee
and Cowboy War. (New York, Berkley, 1977)
15. Cannon,
Martin. "Mind Control
and the American
Government", Lobster
magazine, issue 23;
Lee and Shlain,
Acid Dreams. (New
York: Grove Press, 1985); Hougan,
Jim, Secret Agenda. (New York: Random House, 1984)
16. Prouty,
Fletcher, Free Thinking,
newsletter of the
Freedom of Thought Foundation,
volume 1, number 4, March 1995
17. Perkins,
Charles Eliot, letter
reprinted in The American
Mercury, undated issue, reprinted in Contact, January 31, 1995.
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