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326-28, 330-39, 342-43, 346,
348-52, 354-57, 359, 371-3, 375“
82, 384-98
Abbas the squinter, Arab raider, 300
Abdallah b. Abbas, tawi, 414
Abdallah b. Abd al-Muftalib, father
of the Prophet Muhammad, 161,
268, 283
Abdallah b. al-Harith, the Prophet's
foster-brother, 271
Abdallah b. al-Thimir, of Najran, 192,
200-202, 204, 206
Abd Kulal b. Muthawwib, king in Ye-
men, 124
Abd al-Masib b. Amr al-Ghassani,
Abd al-Muftalib b. Hashim, grandfather of the Prophet, 224-28,
233-35, 270-71, 284
Abdal-Qays, Banu, 51, 55, 65, 291-92
Abd al-Rahman b. Abi Bakrah, tawi,
Abd al-'Uzza b. Imri’ al-Qays al-Kalbi,
poet, 76-79
Abid b. al-Ajram, Banu, of Quda'ah,
Abkhaz, 153
Abrahah, Abu Yaksum al-Ashram,
Abyssinian governor in Yemen,
164, 207, 212-35, 242, 244, 266
Abruwan, town on the Persian Gulf
shores of Fars, 51, 105
Abu Bakr al-§idd!q, caliph, 326
Abu Bakr b. Abdallah, tawi, 327
Abu Kalbah al-Qaysi, poet, 368-69
Abu Mas'ud al-Thaqafl, 234
Abu Murrah al-Fayyad b. Dhi Yazan,
216, 242-44
Abu Righal, Abrahah's guide, 223
Abu Salamah b. 'Abd al-Asad al-
Makhzuml, 272
Abu al-Salt al-Thaqafl, poet, 249-50
Abu Talib, the Prophet's uncle, 284
Abu al-Tamahan al-Qayni, poet, 76
Abu 'Ubaydah Ma'mar b. al-
Muthanna, iawi, 339, 358-59
Abu Ya'fur b. 'Alqamah b. Malik,
Lakhmid ruler, 163
al-Abwa’, place in Hijaz, 283
Abyan, place in Yemen, 179, 18 1
Abyssinia, Abyssinians, al-Habashah,
159, 160, 179* 182-83, 204, 208,
212, 224, 231, 235-36, 238, 241,
242, 245, 248, 262, 266
Achaemenids, the Daras, 1 n. 1
Adam, place near Dhu Qar, 3 66
Adam, Adam, the first man, 412, 4r 6
Aden, 159, 240
Adhin Jushnas, 306
Adhri'at, in Transjordania, 325, 327
'Adi b. Aws b. Marina, 343-45
'Adi b. Hanzalah al-Ta’i, uterine
brother of 'Adi b. Zayd, 340
'Adi b. Zayd al-'Ibadi, poet and secretary, 37, 8r, 33r, 341-52
Afrasiyab, legendary king of Turan,
Agathias, Byzantine historian, xvi
ahbai, rabbis, r45 and n. 370
ahl al-dhimmah, protected peoples,
Ahlaf, of al-Hirah, 21
Ahmar, of the Banu 'Adi b. al-Najjar of
Yathrib, 165
al-Ahwaz, 11-13, 39, 58, 64-65, 255,
291, 407
'A’ishah bt. Abi Bakr, wife of the
Prophet, 4t4
Akhshunwar, king of the
Hephthalites, 1x3-20
Alans, al-Lan, people of the Caucasus
region, 151-52
Alar, village on the Persian Gulf coast
of Fars, 16
Aleppo, 254
Alexandria, 158, 318
Allat, pre-Islamic goddess, 223, 281
Amaj, place in the Hijaz, 168
Amid, Amida, 137
'amil, tax collector, 261
Aminah bt. Wahb, the Prophet's
mother, 269, 271, 274 n. 651, 275,
'Amir, Banu, 275-76, 279-82
'Ammar or Ubayy b. Zayd, brother of
'Adi b. Zayd, 340, 348-49, 35 1
'Amr b. 'Adi, Lakhmid ruler, 22, 44
'Amr b. 'A’idh al-Makhzumi, 234
'Amr b. Hujr al-Kindi, chief of Kindah,
'Amr b. Hah (?), poet, 33, 35
'Amr b. Imri’ al-Kays al-Bad’, Lakhmid
ruler, 67, 74
'Amr II b. al-Mundhir HI, 'Amr b.
Hind, Lakhmid ruler, 163, 237,
242, 370
'Amr b. al-Tallah, chief of the Ansar
in Yathrib, 165-66
'Amr b. Tubba', Tubba' king in Yemen, 122-24
'Amr the Blue-Eyed One, Arab raider,
'Amr, brother of Hassan b. Tuban
As'ad Abu Karib, called
Mawthaban, Tubba' king, 184-87
'Amr or Sumayy b. Zayd, brother of
'Adi b. Zayd, 340
'Amr b. Mabdhul, Banu, of the An§ar,
Anahidh, fire temple of, at I§takhr, 4,
al-Anbar, Fayruz Sabur, 21-22, 57
An§ar, of Yathrib, 165-67, 174
Antioch, 29, 157, 254*55, 3<H
Anusharwan, Khusraw or Kisra I, son
of Qubadh I, Sasanid emperor,
128, 136, 138-39, 146-62, 237-
45, 252-66, 285-89, 294, 306, 353
'Aqil b. Abi Talib, 269
al-'Aqlq, Wadi, at Yathrib, 172
'Aqr Babil, palace in Iraq, 378
Aramaeans, al-Aramaniyyun, 19 and
n. 70
Ardashir I, son of Babak, Sasanid emperor, 2-20, 23-27, 40, 87
Ardashir II, son of Hurmuz n, Sasanid
emperor, 66-68
Ardashir HI, son of Shiruyah, ephemeral Sasanid emperor, 400-402
Ardashlr's fire temple at Jur or
FIruzabad, n, 410
Ardashir Khurrah or Jur or FIruzabad,
10-12, 15-16, 40, 51, 105, 112,
1 16, 130, 382
Ardawan, Artabanus IV, Arsacid emperor, 8, 11, 13-14, 18-20, 22
Ardawanls, Nabataeans of Syria, 19
Arish, forebear of Bahram Jubln, 309
arjabadh, castellan, 6 and n. 15, 104
Armenia, 14, 95, 147, 151, 153, 306,
Airajan, Buqubadh, Warn Qubadh, 12,
130, 137-38
Arsacids, al-Ashakaniyyah, 1 n. 1, 23-
Arya*, Abu $aham (? Arethas), Abyssi-
nian commander, 207-209, 212-
15, 232,236
Asad al-Qura?I, Jewish rabbi of
Yathrib, 166
al-Asawif, date palm grove at Yathrib,
asawirah, cavalrymen of the Sasanid
army, 102 and n. 258, 245, 378,
Asfadh Jushnas, 382, 384-86, 395
al-A'sha of the Banu Rabi'ah, poet,
al-A'sha Maymun b. Qays of the Banu
Qays, poet, 34, 183, 293-94, 341,
358, 366-67, 369
al-Ashahib "the Shining Ones," sons
of the Lakhmid ruler al-Mundhir
IV, 341
Ashak, son of Khurrah, progenitor of
the Arsacids, 23-26
al-Aswad b. Maq$ud or Maf$ud,
Abyssinian commander, 224
al-Aswad b. al-Mundhir I, Lakhmid
ruler, 126, 162
al-Aswad b. al-Mundhir IV, Lakhmid,
340, 34S
'Ata’ al-Khurasanl, rawl, 327
'Athrn and Yam, Yemeni tribes, 172
'Atwadah, 'Attidah, slave of Abrahah,
'Awf, Banu, 167
Aws b. Qal(l)am, governor of al-HIrah.
'Ayn al-Tamr, place in Iraq, 36
Azerbaijan, 14, 95-96, 98-99, 113,
146, 149, 1 5 1, 303, 306-307, 3 1 1,
313/ 388
Aywan Kisra or Taq-i Kisra, at al-
Mada’in, 285, 287-88, 332, 335
Azadh Firnz, son of Jushnas, called al-
Muka'bir, 290-93
Azadhbih, son of [Adhurj Mahan (?),
Persian governor, 372
Azarmidukht, daughter of Khusraw II
Abarwiz, ephemeral Sasanid em-
press, 399, 406-408
Ba Jarma, Beth Garme, district in Iraq,
31 / 58
Bab al-Abwab, al-Bab, Darband, the
Caspian Gates, 162, 299
Baba, king of the Aramaeans, 19-20
Babak, son of \ (?), head of
the Persian army department,
Babak, son of Sasan, 5, 8
Badaraya, district of Iraq, 254
Badhghis, 299, 302
Badhan, Persian governor in Yemen,
iSi, 331, 375
badiab, purse, 377 and n. 935
Bagh al-Hinduwan, garden at al-
Mada’in, 379
Bahram I, son of Sabur i, Sasanid emperor, 43, 45
Bahram n, son of Bahram I, Sasanid
emperor, 4 6
Bahram HI, son of Bahram II,
Sakanshah and Sasanid emperor,
Bahram IV, son of Sabur II, Kirman-
Shah and Sasanid emperor, 69
Bahram V Jur or Gur, son of Yazdajird
I, 75, 82-106
Bahram VI, son of Jushnas, known as
Bahram Jubin or Chubln, 301-
304, 306-11, 313-17, 338
Bahram, son of Siyawush, commander
of Bahram Jubin, 310-11
al-Bahrayn, 15-16, 51, 54 - 55 / 63, 253,
290, 347 , 372
Bahurasur, Bahraslr, town of al-
Mada’in, 118, 376
Bakr b. Wa’il, Banu, 55-56, 65, 289,
359 - 63 , 366
Bakusaya, district of Iraq, 254
Balanjar, people of the Caucasus region, 151, 153
Balash, Walash, son of Yazdajird II,
Sasanid emperor, 126-28, 130
Balash, Walash, local king in Kirman,
Balashawadh or Sabat, town, 127
Balkh, 15, 99, 160
Band-i Qaysar, the "emperor's dam,"
3° n. 94
banjakan, five-arrow volley, 247 and
n. 600
Banu al-Ahrar, "the Free Ones," name
for the Persians, 367, 369
baqaya, arrears of land tax, 99 and n.
253, 376, 404
Baqi' al-Gharqad, at Yathrib, 172
Baraz, head of the Christians in Ahwaz, 255
band, postal and intelligence system,
50 and n. 147, 328
Bariq, fortress in Iraq, 361
Bariz, people in Kirman, 150
Basak (?), son of Mahbudh, 291
al-Bayda’, town in Pars, 6
Baynin, fortress in Yemen, 209
Bazranjin family of Fars, 4-5
Bih Ardashir or the western side of al-
Mada’in, 15-16, 61, 87-88, 376
Bihraslr, district of Iraq, 15
Bil, indicator of the site for Junday
Sabur, 38-39
Bilqis, queen in Saba’, 174
al-Binajan (?), son of al-Marzuban, son
of Wahriz, 252
Binduyah, Bind!, uncle of Khusraw
Abarwiz, 303-304, 307, 309-1 1,
Bint al-Qarin, of Shayban, poetess, 365
Bishtasb, Gushtasp, legendary Iranian
ruler, 390
Bistam, Isbahbadh, 91
Bistam, vmcle of Khusraw Abarwiz,
303-304, 307, 309-10, 313
B.n. du (?), king of Maysan, 13
B.n.j.r, people of the Caucasus region,
the Bosphoms, al-khalij, 327
'.b.ras.yai, tax arrangement, 260 and
n. 626
B.r.mudhat, son of Shabah, ruler of the
Bukayr, the Deaf One of the Banu al-
Harith b. 'Ubad, poet, 367-68
Bukht Nassar, Nebuchadnezzar, 22,
Buqaylah, Banu, of Ghassan, 286, 349
Buran(dukht), daughter of Khusraw
Abarwiz, 399, ephemeral Sasanid
empress, 403-405
Burd b. Harithah al-Yashkuri, 365-66
Burjan, the Bulghars of the Middle
Volga region, 161-62
Busra, 270, 282, 327
buzurg fiamadhar, buzuijfarmadhar,
chief minister among the later
Sasanids, 9 and n. 29, 99, 105
Buzurj Sabur, 'Ukbara, town in Iraq,
Byzantium, the Byzantines, 28, 299,
304, 317-18, 320, 324-27, 378,
394, 400, 404. See also the Romans, al-Rum
Caucasus Mountains, 99
China, Chinese, 143-44, 160, 177
Christians, Christianity, at al-Hirah,
the 'Ibad, 21-22 and n. 78, 44; — ,
in Persia, 255, 298, 314-15,—,
among the Romans, 58-59, 61-
62, — , in South Arabia, 124, 192-
202, 205ff., 216
Constantinople, al- Qus{antiniyyah,
58, 103, 143, 319, 321, 376
Ctesiphon, 14, 52, 60-61, 87-88, 97,
1 18, 304, 377, 401, 409
Dadhbundadh, secretary of Ardawan,
14 ,
al-Danaq (?), plain in Azerbaijan, 313
Daniyal, Daniel, the Prophet, 57
Data, son of Bahman, 3
Dara, local ruler in Fars, 7
Dara, town in Upper Mesopotamia,
Darin, place in eastern Arabia, 55
Darabjird, 6-9
Dardistan, 150
Dasht-i Birin, plain in Fars, 105
Daskarat al-Malik, town in Iraq, 322-
23, 399
dawd, ink holder, 257 and n. 622
Daws, Jew of Najran, 204
Daws Dhu Tha'laban, 203, 206-208
Dawsar, corps of troops in the
Lakhmids' service, 79
Dawud, King David, 187, 416
al-Daybul, in Sind, 107
Daylam, the Daylamis, 160
al-Payzar. See al-Satirun
Dhat Tuman, well of, 165
Dhi’b b. Hajar, tribal group in Yemen,
Dhu Jadan al-Himyari, poet, 208-10
Dhu al-Jaddayn, house of Rabi'ah, 356
Dhu Nafar al-Himyari, 22r-22, 225
Dhu Nuwas, Zur'ah b. Tuban As'ad
Abi Karib, 190-91, 194-95, 202-
207, 210-12
Dhu Qar, Day of, Quraqir, al-Hinw,
etc., 338-39, 356, 358, 362-70
Dhu al-Qamayn, 173
Dhu Ru'ayn al-Himyari, 184-86
Dhu Yazan, house of, in South Arabia,
Dih, man from Ardashlr Khurrah, 112
dihqdn, Persian landholder, 296, 375
Dijlat al-'Awra’, "the Blind Tigris,"
Dinak, mother of Hurmuz II and
Fayruz I, 109
diiafsh-i Kabiyan, the banner of Kawah, 308 and n. 720
diwan, government exchequer, 116-
diwaniyyah, diwan rolls, 302
diwan al-muqatilab, department of
the army, 262
al-Duff, place in western Arabia, 168,
Dunbawand, 147
Egypt, 416
Euphrates River, al-Furat, 80, 300, 210
faddam, pandam, cover over the
mouth, 367 and n. 892
fadhusban, provincial civil governor,
146-7 and n. 375, 318, 321, 392,
395, 397
Fah.r ( ? ), Chief Mobadh, 9
Farruyah, Apamea, 254
Far'ahbt. Sa'd al-Ta’iyyah, wife of the
Lakhmid al-Nu'man III, 3 5 5
Faraz-mara-awar-khudaya, fire temple
in southwestern Persia, 105
Farghanah, 160
farr(ah),xwariah, "royal glory," 88 n.
Farrukh Hurmuz, commander of
Khusraw II Abarwlz, 313
Farrukh Hurmuz, Isbabadh of Khurasan,
Farrukhzadh, son of Sumayy, 376, 378
Farrukhzadh Khusraw, son of Khusraw
II Abarwlz, Sasanid emperor, 408-
Fars, 3-4, 12-13, 19, 5 i, 54 , 63, 185,
Fasa, 147
Fasin, local ruler in Fars, 7
fatrah, the interval between prophets,
4i3andn. 1021,414
fay’ al-riyah "plunder of the winds," 394
Faymiyun, Christian ascetic of Najran,
193-94, 196-200
Fayruz, Firuz, Peroz I, son of Yazdajird II,
Sasanid emperor, 96, 107-21,
Fayruz, Firuz, Peroz II, son of Mihran
JushnasandSaharbukht, Sasanid
emperor through the female line,
Fayruz, minister of Shlruyah, 398
Fayruzdukht, daughter of Fayruz 1 , 1 1 9-
al-Fayyum, bridge of, 140
Firas,rawf, 364
Fudaylb. 'Abd al-Wahhab, rawl, 413
Fuqa, Phocas, Byxantine emperor, 317,
Fuqay m, Banu, of Malik of Kinanah,
Furumisha, probably Pulakesinll of the
Chalukya dynasty, king of India,
Fus Farrukh, 402-403
Ghalib b. Fihr, Banu, of Quraysh, 180-
Ghassan, Ghassanids, 347, 349
Ghumdan, fortress at San'a’, 209-10,
al-Hadr, Hatra, 31, 34
Hadramawt, 245
Haftanbukht (?), local ruler in the Persian Gulf coastlands, 10
Hajar, 54, 56, 291-92
Hallmah bt. Abi Dhu’ayb, the Prophet
Muhammad's foster-mother, 271-
Hamadhan, 14, 372, 376
al-Hamarz, Persian commander, 365-
al-Hamim b. 'Awf, Banu, 77
Hammad al-Rawiyah, zawi, 340
Hamzah b. 'Abd al-Muttalib, the
Prophet's uncle, 272
Hani’ b. Mas'ud al-Shaybanl, 356,
358 - 59 / 361
Hani’ b. Qabisah, 359, 363-64
Hanzalah, Banu, 56
Hanzalah b. Tha'labah al-'Ijll, 360-64,
Harat, 299, 302
al-Harith b. 'Abd al-’Uzza, the
Prophet's foster-father, 271
al-Harith (Arethas) b. Abi Shamir,
Ghassanid, 353
al-Harith b. 'Amr Akil al-Murar, ruler
of Kindah, 16 1 and n. 408
al-Harith b. 'Amr al-Maqsur, ruler of
Kindah, 125, 139-42
al-Harith b. Mariyah al-Ghassanl, Ibn
Jafnah, Ghassanid or Jafnid, 77-79
Harjand, son of Sam, 24
han as, volcanic regions of Arabia, 179
and n. 460, 181
Harun, Aaron, the Patriarch, 414
Harun al-Rashld, caliph, 66 n. 180
al-Hasan al-Ba?ri, proto-$ufi, 35s
Hassan b. Tuban As' ad Abu Karib, Ibn
Ruhm, ruler in Yemen, 183-88
Hassan b. Tubba', king in South Arabia, 122-24, 142, 144-45
Hawdhah b. 'All al-Hanafi, 289-91,
al-Hayjumanah bt. 'Amr, 126
al-Haytham b. 'Adi, rawi, 41
frazi, prognosticator, 331 and n. 781
Hazzah or Budh Ardashir, in northern
Iraq, 16
Hephthalites, al-Hayafilah, 107, 1 ro-
ll, 136, 152, 160
Heraclea, 158-59
herbadh, Zoroastrian priest, 33, 298
tJijaz, 332
hima, sacred area, 227 and n. 558, 228
Him?, Homs, 254
Hiniyar, Himyarites, i2iff., 145, 170-
71, 183-84, 188-89, I9 1 , 102,
207, no, 216, 233, 235, 245, 248,
Himyaritic language, 243
Hind, woman apostrophized in verse,
Hind bt. al-Harith b. 'Amr b. Hujr,
princess from Kindah, Lakhmid
queen, 163, 37°
Hind bt. al-Nu'man, mother of the
Lakhmid al-Aswad, 126
Hind bt. Zayd Manat al-
Ghassaniyyah, mother of the
Lakhmid al-Mundhir 1 , 125
Hira’, mountain outside Mecca, 234-
al-Hirah, 20-22, 44, 67, 74ff., 124,
142, 177, 182, 237, 347 - 48 , 352,
370 , 371
Hiraql, Heraclius, Byzantine emperor,
319-24, 378
hiibadhan-biibadh, chief herbadh,
Hirr bt. al-Nu'man, mother of al-
Mundhir n, Lakhmid, 163
Hisham b. Muhammad, Ibn al-Kalbl,
rawi, 5, 18, 20, 32-33, 444, 67, 7°,
79-81, 109, 111, 125, 139, 161-
62, 187, 21 1, 220, 242, 268, 283,
289, 294-95, 298, 330, 338, 372-
73 , 376 , 379 , 415-16
Hi?n al-Hijara, the "Stone Fortress,"
407, 409
Hubal, pre-Islamic Meccan god, 271
Hubayrah b. Hudayr al-'Adawi, rawi,
Hudaybiyah, Day of, 330
Hudhayl, Banu, 168-69, 172-73, 219,
224, 226
Hulwan, town in Jibal, 130
Hulwan, Banu, of Qu^a'ah, 35
Hunatah al-Himyari, 224-26
Hurmuz I, Hormizd Ardashir, son of
Sabur I, Sasanid emperor, 39-43
Hurmuz, Hormizd n, son of Narsi,
Sasanid emperor, 49-50
Hurmuz, Hormizd m, son of Yazdajird
n, Sasanid emperor, 107-10
Hurmuz, Hormizd IV, son of Khusraw
I Anusharwan, Sasanid emperor,
265, 294-98, 301, 303-307, 373,
Hurmuz, agent sent against Bahram
Jubin, 315-16
Hurmuzjan, plain of, 13
'Ibad. See Christians, Christianity, in
Ibn Dhi’bah al-Thaqafi, poet, 210-n
Ibn Humayd, Abu 'Abdallah Muham-
mad al-Razi, rawi, 146, 164, 166,
170, 174, 176, 178, 183, 195, 204,
235, 242, 268-69, 272, 282-84,
33 i , 335
Ibn al-Muqaffa', xix
Ibrahim, Abraham, the Patriarch, 169,
225,275,413, 416
*Ijl, Banu, 362, 366
'Ikrimah, rawi, 326-27
'Ilaf, Banu, 33
'ilj, "rough one, barbarian," 78 and n.
210, 37s, 378
Imru’ al-Qays I al-Bad’, Lakhmid, 44,
Imru’ al-Qays II b. 'Amr b. Imri’ al-
Qays I al-Bad’, 74-75
India, 100- 102
Iram of Dhu Yazan, 180
Iran-Khurrah-Sabur, or Karkh, 57
Iranshahr-Sabur, town in Ahwaz, 65
Isa, Jesus, the Messiah, 192, 196, 199,
202, 275, 413-14, 416
i$babadh, provincial military governor, 91 and n. 237, 104, 131,
3°3, 309, 401, 406
Isbahan, Isfahan, 12, 62, 313
Ishu'hab, Nestorian Christian
catholicos, 405
al-Iskandar, Alexander the Great, 2-3,
416-17. See also Dhu al-Qamayn
Israel, Children of, 276, 414
Istakhr, 3-5, 8, 12, 15, 62, 235, 285,
292, 402, 409-10
I?takhr, fire temple at, 285
Iyad. Banu, 363
Iyas b. Qabisah al-Ta’i, 341-42, 3 5 9—
60, 363, 366, 371-72
Izadh Jushnas, 307
al-Jabal, al-Jibal, 14
Jabalah, Day of, 267
Jabbar (or Hayyan] b. Fayd, of Najran,
Jabir b. Abjar al-'Ijli, 364
Jadls, Banu, 122
Jafnah b. al-Nu'man al-Jafni,
Ghassanid, 347-8
Jahjaba b. 'Atik b. Lakhm, 74
(al-) Jalabzin, Persian commander,
360-61, 363
Jamasb, Zamasb, son of Fayruz I,
Sasanid emperor, 133-36
Jaramiqah, people of Ba Jarma, 32
jarlb, measurement of surface area,
256 and n. 621, 258, 260-61
Jayhalah, mother of al-Dayzan, 32
Jayumart, Kayumarth, the legendary
first man, 390
al-Jazirah, 137
Jerusalem, al-Bayt al-Maqdis, 318,
Jews, Judaism, in Yathrib, 165-66,
191; — , in South Arabia, 191,
Jilinus, Jalinus, Persian guard com-
mander, 384-86
Jirih, place in Fars, 13
jizyat al-jamajim, poll tax, 255 and n.
jizyah, poll tax, 259-60 and n. 625
al-Jubabat, 262-63
Jubanan, place in Fars, 7
al-Jubb, near Dhu Qar, 363
Judhamah bt. al-Harith, called
Shayma’, the Prophet Muham-
mad’s foster-sister, 271-72
Jumdan, place in western Arabia, 173
Junday Sabur, Jundishapur, Bih-az-
Andiw-i Sabur, 29, 38-39, 45, 64-
Jur. See Ardashir Khurrah
Jurash, in Yemen, 179
Jurhum, Banu, 169
Jurjan, Gurgan, 15, 73, 112, 153
Jushnas Dih, ephemeral Sasanid emperor, 405
Juwani, head of the Persian chancery,
Juwatha, battle of, 372
Juzhir, Juzhir, local ruler in Istakhr, 5-
Ka’b al-Ahbar, rawi, 145
Ka’b al-QurazI, Jewish rabbi in
Yathrib, 1 66
Ka'bah, at Mecca, and its haram, 168-
70, 172-73, 177, 218, 221-24, 226-
28, 232-35, 266, 271, 281
Ka'ba-yiZardusht inscription, 3 n. 5, 29
n. 93, 46 n. 137
Kabulis tan, 150
kahin, soothsayer, 175 and n. 445, 179,
Kalb, Banu, 78
Karazin, place in the district of Ardashir
Khurrah, 130
Kardfar], son of Mihr Narsi, supreme
commander of the army, 104-105
Kardadhan, fire- temple of, 105
al-Karkhbyal-Sus, inAhwaz, 65
Karkh Maysan or Astabadh Ardashir, in
Lower Iraq, 13, 16
Karun river, here called the Dujayl, 1 2
al-kayiyyah, the qualities of Persian
kingship, 41 and n. 127
Kazarun, in Fare, 1 3
al-Kazimah, in eastern Arabia, 5 1
Kerder, Chief Mobedh, 46 n. 1 37
Khalidb. Jabalah, Ghassanidor Jafnid,
* 5^-53
Khalidb. *Abdal-'Uzza,poet, 166-67
Khalidb. al-Walid, 372
khandaq, trench, 1 1 5
Khandaq, village of Bih- Ardashir, 376
Khaniqin, in eastern Iraq, 357-58
Khaqan of the Turks, 94-99, 126, 128,
kharaj, land tax, 255,258,261
Khath'am, Banu, 216, 222
al-Khatt or Fasa ( ? ) Ardashir, town in
eastemArabia, 16, 54-55
Khatun, wife of the Khaqan of the
Turks, 98 and n. 251, 265 , 318 -17
al-Khawamaq, palace of the Lakhmids,
al-Khayzuran, wife of the caliph al-
Mahdi, 269
Khazars, 59-60, 149, 160, 299
KhunI Sabur ( ? ), town in Ba Jarma, 58
Khumay, building of, 8
Khumaniyah, village in the Sawad, 380
Khir, district near I$takhr, 4
Khurasan, 15, 28, 58, 99, 109-11, 113,
118, 149, 160, 313-14, 406
Khurrakhusrah, son of al-Binajan, 252
Khurrakhusrah, son of al-Maruzan,
Khurshidhan, 310
Khusraw I Anusharwan. See
Khusraw II Abarwiz. See Abarwiz
Khusraw, Kisra n, son of Mihr
Jushnas, ephemeral Sasanid emperor, 407-408
Khusraw Khurrah-zadh, descendant of
Khusraw II Abarwiz, ephemeral
Sasanid emperor, 407
Khusraw Shah Qubadh, palace of, 401
Khuwaylid b. Wathilah al-Hudhali,
Khwaday-namag, Book of Kings , xix
Khwarazm, 15, 99
Kinanah, Band, 219, 224, 226
Kindah, tribal group, 122
Kirman, 9-10, 56, 65, 66, 69
kiswah, covering of the Ka'bah, 232
and n. 572
Kujaran, district on the Persian Gulf
coast of Fare, 16
Kun.s (?), place in Fare, 7
kurah, province, 15, 38, 43, 58, 254-
Kurdi, brother of Bahram VI Jubln,
304, 308-309, 313
Kurdiyah, sister of Bahram VI Jubin,
309, 316-17
Kurds, 11
Kusa', the proverbial man of, 345
Kushans, 15
Kutha, in Iraq, 15
al-Lan. See Alans
Lahazim, Arab tribal group, 368
Lakhi’athah (?) Yanuf, Dhu Shanatir,
ruler over Himyar, 188-91
Layth b. Bakr, Banu, 2,76
L.r.w!r (?), place in Fars, 7
Lu’ayy, Banu, of Quraysh, 17s
Lulyanus, the Roman emperor
Julian[us], 58-62
Ma’ al-Sama’ al-Namariyyah, Mariyah
bt. 'Awf, mother of the Lakhmid
al-Mundhirl, 124-25, 161, 163
Ma'add, Arab tribal group, 124, 345
ma'afii, Yemeni cloth, 169
al-Mada’in, 14-16, 65, 109, 130, 141,
157/ 159-60, 292, 303-304, 306,
309-10, 313, 323, 336, 376, 407,
Ma'di Karib, son of Abu Murrah al-
Fayyad Dhu Yazan, 242, 244
Mah, Media, 97, 296
Mahmud, the elephant sent against
Mecca, 228-29, 233, 235
Mahyay (?), instructor of the cavalry-
men, 403
Majushnasfan, fire-temple in south-
western Persia, 105
Majusnas, son of Mihr Narsi, head of
the department of the land tax,
Makran, 15, 102
Malik b. al-Nadr, 181
manar, lighthouse, 144
manaiah, tower, 118
manazir, frontier guard posts, 55 and
n. 155
Manbij, 254
al-Mandab, Bab al-Mandab, 21 1
Mam, Mani, Manichaeans, 238, 45,
Mani's Gate, at Junday Sabur, 45
Mankah, Indian physician, 66 n. 180
al-Mansa'ah, near Yathrib, 167
Manushihr, legendary Kayanid ruler,
302, 309
Manushihr, local ruler of Pars, 7
Marasfand, 382
Mardanshah, courtier of Khusraw II
Abarwiz, 395-97
Marina, Banu, of al-HIrah, 341, 343
Mariyah bt. Hanzalah, 364
Mariyah bt. al-Harith al-Taymi,
mother of al-Aswad b. al-Mundhir
IV, 340
al-Maruzan, Persian governor in Yemen, 294, 373-75
Marw, 15
Marwan al-Qaraz, 356
Maryam, daughter of the Byzantine
emperor Mawriq or Maurice, 305,
maizban, warden of the marches, 96
and n. 247, 239, 185, 303, 365,
al-Marzuban, son of Wahriz, 251
ma$alih, garrison posts, 140
al-Masani', mountain in Yemen, 374-
mashzafi, type of sword, 367 and n.
Masruq b. Abrahah, Abyssinian gover-
nor in Yemen, 160, 236, 240, 242,
Mas'ud b. Mu'attib al-Thaqafi, 223
matmurah, pi. matamir, underground
storehouse, 10 and n. 33, 112
Mawriq, Maurice, Byzantine emperor,
304, 311-15, 3i7, 3i9, 383
al-Maw§il, Mosul, 14, 16, 322
Maysan, in Lower Iraq, 13, 37, 408
Mazdak, son of Bamdadh, Mazdakites,
132-35, 148-49, 153
M.dh.riyyah (?), 148
Mecca, 173, 224-29, 266, 273, 325,
Medina. See Yathrib
Mih Adhar Jushnas, 400-401
Mihisht, title, 83
Mihr Hurmuz, son of Mardanshah,
395, 397-98
Mihr Narsi, son of Burazah, 99-100,
103-106, 108
Mihr Narsi Hazarbandah, vizier of
Yazdajird I, 7a
Mihr Narsiyan, fire-temple in south-
westem Persia, 105
Mihrak, king of Abarsas (?), ro-n,
Mihran, Persian family, 131-32, 288
mikhlaf, administrative division of
Yemen, 179 n. 462, 212, 249
Minwar, place in Hijaz, 293
al-Mirba', place in northern Iraq, 37
mubadhan mubadh, chief Mobedh, 9
and n. 30, 90-92, 104, 119-20,
132, 245, 265, 285-87, 397
Muijar, Arab tribal group, 44, 67, 219
al-Mughammis, valley near Mecca,
Muhallim, river in eastern Arabia, 291
Muhallim, clan of Shayban, 367
Muhammad b. 'Abd Allah, the
Prophet, 163-64, 172-73, 175 ,
252, 266, 268-84, 330, 381, 413,
Muhammad b. Ishaq, raw!, 146, 188,
199, 202, 214, 217, 221, 235, 251,
^83, 33i
Muhammad b. Ka'b al-Qura?i, raw!,
199, 202
Muhammad b. Khuza'i al-Sulami,
Muhammad b. Sa'd, iawi, 231
Muhammad b. 'Umar al-Waqidi, idwi,
283, 413, 415
Muhammad b. Yusuf, brother of al-
Hajjaj, 269
al-Muha$§ab, valley near Mecca, 230
Muluk al-Tawa’if, the Party Kings, the
Parthians or Arsacids, 1, 3, 17, 22
al-Mundhir I b. al-Nu'man I, Lakhmid
ruler, 83-89, 93, 124-26, 139,
159, 161, 163
al-Mundhir II b. al-Mundhir I,
Lakhmid ruler, 163
al-Mundhir HI b. al-Nu’man II,
Lakhmid ruler, 253, 353
al-Mundhir IV b. al-Mundhir TIT,
Lakhmid ruler, 341-42, 370
al-Mundhir b. al-Nu'man in al-
Gharur, last of the Lakhmids, 372
Musa, Moses, the Patriarch, 275, 413-
14, 416
al-Mushaqqar, in eastern Arabia, 291-
Mushil, Mushel, Armenian ruler, 313
Mufim b. 'Adi al-Nawfali, 234
Muzdbuwadh (?), adviser of Fayruz I,
al-Nabaf, al-Anbat, the Nabataeans of
Iraq, 19 and n. 71, 375-76
al-nabatiyyah, Aramaic language, 37
al-Nabighah, building of, in Yathrib,
al-Nadirah bt. al-Payzan, 34-37
Nahr Darqit, in Iraq, 15
Nahr Jawbar, in Iraq, 15
Nahrawan, in Iraq, 254
Nahrawan river, 304, 307-308
na'ibdh, extraordinary levies, 112 and
n. 288
al-Najaf, 80, 142
NajashI, the Negus, king of Abyssinia,
205-208, 211-18, 221, 232
al-Najjar, Banu, (?) al-Najarah, 165,
167, 284
Najran, 181, 192-96, 198-206
al-Nakhirjan, Persian commander, 372
Namdar Jushnas, 401
al-Namir, Banu, 125, 161
Naqsh-i Rustam, 3 n. 5, 14 n. 56
Narsi, Narseh, son of Sabur I, Sasanid
emperor, 48
Narsi, brother of Bahram Jur, 99
Na$r b. Rabi'ah, the house of the
Lakhmids, 370, 372-73
al-nas, leading men in the state, 1 1
and n. 38, 27, 132
al-Natff, of the Banu Sail*, 289
Nawzadh, son of Wahriz, 240
Naysabur, NIshapur, 58, 65, 128, 130
Nimruz, "the region of the south,"
395 - 97 , 401
Niniwa, Nineveh, 32,2
Nlrufarr (?], ruler of al-Ahwaz, 12
Ni?ibin, Nasibis, 28, 62, 321-22, 407,
Niw Khusraw, commander, 401
Niwandukht, mother of Khusraw I
Anusharwan, 128-29, 136
N.tra (?), brother of the Khaqan of the
Turks, 317
Nufayl b. Habib al-Khath'ami, 221-
23, 228, 230-31, 233-34
Nuh, Noah, the Patriarch, 413, 416
Nu'm, the gap or slope of, in Arabia,
188, 294.
al-Nu'man I b. Imri’ al-Qays II,
Lakhmid ruler, 75, 79-81, 124-25
al-Nu'man II b. al-Aswad, Lakhmid
ruler, 163
al-Nu'man III b. al-Mundhir IV,
Lakhmid ruler, 339 - 47 , 350-52,
354 - 58 , 361, 370-71
al-Nu'man b. al-Mundhir I, Lakhmid,
85, 87-88, 139
al-Nu'man b. Zur'ah al-Taghlibl, 359—
60, 369
Paikuli inscription, 15 n. 60, 48 n. T41
Procopius, Byzantine historian, xvi
Qabus b. al-Mundhir HI, Lakhmid
ruler, 341, 370-71
Qadhuqiyyah, Cappadocia, 29
qafiz, measure of quantity, 260 and n.
267, 261
qalls, qullays, church at San'a’, 217-
Qaluqiyyah, Cilicia, 29
Qa'nab al-Riyahi, 292
al-qaryatayn, sc. Mecca and al-Ta’if,
qayl, miqwal, petty ruler in South
Arabia, 185 and n. 473, 211, 287
Qays, Arab tribal group, 368
Qays b. Khuza'I al-Sulami, 219-20
Qays b. Mas'ud, of Dhu al-Jaddayn,
356 - 57 , 36i, 367, 369
Qay$ar, Caesar, the Roman or Byzantine emperor, 28, 64-65, 157,
205-207, 21 1, 220-21, 236-37,
253 , 309, 3 i 5 , 327 , 329 - 30 . See
also Byzantium the Byzantines,
and the Romans, al-Rum
Qinnasrin, 254
Q.t.mah (?), Byzantine commander,
Qubadh, Kawad I, son of Fayruz I,
Sasanid emperor, 126, 128-42,
152, 255-56, 377
Qubadh, Kawad II Sheroy. See
Qubadh Khurrah, town in the district
of Ardashir Khurrah, 130
Qubath b. Ashyam al-Kinanl, 268-69
Quda'ah, Arab tribal group, 20, 32-33,
qudat al-kuwar, judges of the prov-
inces, 261
Quraysh of Mecca, 225, 227, 276-77,
283, 327
Qurayzah, Banu, 165-66, 173
Qusayy, Banu, of Quraysh, 175
Qustantin, Constantine, Roman
al-Qutqutanah, fortress in Iraq, 360
Rabi'ah, Arab tribal group, 44, 67, 356
Rabi'ahb. Nasr, Lakhmid, 176-79,
al-Rahidah, place near Dhu Qar, 366
Rahzadh, Persian commander
al-Ramaliyyah, 56
Rambihisht, wife of Sasan, 4-5
Ram-abzud-Yazdajird, title, 83
Ram Ardashir, town in Pars, 1 r, 16
Ram Fayruz, town near al-Rayy, 112
Ram Hurmuz, town in Ahwaz, 12, 43,
Rathashtaran Salar, rank of the supreme commander of the army,
Rawahah b. Sa’d, of the Banu 'Abs,
Rayhanah bt. 'Alqamah Dhi Jadan,
216, 242, 244
al-Rayy, 109, 112, 301
Ri’am, sacred site of the Himyarites,
Riw Ardashir, Reshahr, on the coast of
Fars, 16
al-Riyanus, Valerian, Roman emperor,
’.r.n.j.d.h (?). slave of Abrahah, 213
Romans, al-Rum, the Roman empire,
2, 28, si, 59-60, 63-65, 84, 103,
108, 137, 143/ 159/ 244, 3*5- See
also Byzantium, the Byzantines,
and Qay$ar, Caesar, the Roman or
Byzantine emperor
\, legendary Persian
archer, 302
al-Ruha, Edessa, 254
al-Rumaqan, place in Iraq, 15
al-Rumiyyah, town of al-Mada’in,
157 - 58 / 254-55
Rumiyuzan, Persian commander, 318
Rushan Fayruz, town in Jurjan, 113
Rustam, son of Farrukh Hurmuz, 406-
Saba’, 'Abd Shams, ancestor of the
Tubba’s, 176
Sabat, place near al-Mada’in, 297,
Sabur, Shabur I, Sabur al-Junud, Shah
Bur, Ashah Bur, son of Ardashir I
and Khurrazad, Sasanid emperor,
13-14, 16, 22-31, 33-39/ 41-43,
Sabur, Shabur n, Dhu al-Aktaf, son of
Hurmuz n, Sasanid emperor, 49-
Sabur, Shabur m, son of Sabur n, 68
Sabur, son of Afriyan, 313
Sabur, son of Babak, 8
Sabur of al-Rayy, 131-32
Sa'db. Bakr, Banu, 271-3, 282
al-Sadir, palace of the Lakhmids, 81
al-$afa, fortress in eastern Arabia, 291
Safawan, the toff of, 361
al-Sa’ib, kahin or diviner, 331-32
§alih, ascetic follower of Faymiyun,
Sali(, rawi, 3 66
Sallt, Banu, 289
Sal4 b. Sa'd, poet, 76
Salma, Sulma bt. Wa’il, mother of the
Lakhmid al-Nu'man m, 241
al-Samahij, place in eastern Arabia, 5 5
Samarqand, 143-44, 177
al-Samawah, in the Syrian Desert, 288
Sanbil (?), place in Ahwaz, 12
§an'a’, 203, 212, 217-21, 249
Sanan, tribal group in Yemen, 287
Sanatniq, king of al-Bahrayn, 15
Sarandib, Ceylon, 264
Sarjis, Sergius, Byzantine commanderin-chief, 312-13
Sasan, forebear of Ardashir I, 2-5, 23-
$a'$a'ah b. Najiyah al-Mujashi'i, 289
Satih, kahin or soothsayer, 178-81,
183, 286-88
al-Safirun, al-Dayzan b. Mu’awiyah,
king of Hatra, 31-37
Sawad of Iraq, the, 14, 16, 56, 62, 97,
127, 140, 291, 300, 354, 380
Sawah, 285, 288
Sayf b. Dhi Yazan, Sayfan b. Ma'dI Ka-
rib, 236-42, 249, 251, 264
Shabah, ruler of the Turks, 298-99,
Shadh Sabur, king of I$bahan, 12
Shadh Sabur or Dima, town in Lower
Iraq, 37
shadurwan, dam, 30 and n. 94
Shaff b. Kulayb, kahin or soothsayer,
Shahanshah, title, 14 and n. 56
al-Shahba', corps of troops in the
Lakhmids' service, 79
Shahin, Persian commander, 318, 321
Shahram Fayruz, town in Azerbaijan,
113, 151
Shahrazur, town in Kurdistan, 33
Shahrbaraz, Farruhan, Farrukhan, Per-
sian commander and ephemeral
emperor in al-Mada’in, 219, 321-
13/ 326-30, 400-403
Shahriyar, son of Khusraw II Abarwiz,
Shamir Dhu al-Janah, Tubba' king in
Yemen, 142-45
Shamir Yur’ish, Tubba' king in Yemen, 176-77
Shamta, son of Yazdin, 398
Sham'un, Simon, the Apostle Simon
Peter, 414
Shann, Banu, of 'Abd al-Qays, 292
Shaqiqah bt. Rabi'ah, mother of the
Lakhmid al-Nu'man I, 75
Sharahil and 'Abd al-Harith, sons of
‘Abd al-'Uzza b. Imri’ al-Qays al-
Kalbi, 77
Shayban, Banu, 356, 363-65, 367
Shiqq, kahin or soothsayer, 178, 18 1-
Shiraz, no
Shirin, wife of Khusraw II Abarwiz,
379-80, 389, 403
Shiruyah, Sheroy, Qubadh or Kawad
II, epemeral Sasanid emperor,
378-79, 381-99, 409
Shlz, fire temple of Adhur-Gushnasp,
in Azerbaijan, 95, 97-98
sijill, sealed document, 6 and n. 18
Sijistan, Sistan, 15, 47, 65, 107, 116,
118, 380
Silhin, fortress in Yemen, 209
Sind, Sindis, 65, 102, 150, 238, 243
Sinjibu, Khaqan of the Turks, 152-53
Sinnimar, builder of al-Khawamaq,
75-76, 78
Sinnin, fortress near al-Hirah, 350
Sogdia, al-§ughd, 142
al-su'ada’, "the fortunate ones," corps
of Persian troops, 400
Sukhra, son of Wisabur, called Qarin,
in, 116-18, 120, 127, 131-32,
sukhiah, forced labour or corvde, 112
Sul, people of the Dihistan steppes,
Sul, the gates of, at the southeastern
end of the Caspian Sea, 1 12-13
Sulayman b. Dawud, King Solomon,
Suq al-Ahwaz or Hurmuz Ardashir,
town, 12, 16
Surayd b. Abi Kahil al-Yashkuri, poet
Surraq, district in Ahwaz, 12
Suristan, Beth Aramaye, the Sawad of
Iraq, 14
al-Sus, Susa, 52, 65-66
Syria, 33, 79-80, 198, 229, 254, 270,
282-83, 286, 288
Tabaristan, 147
al-taff, frontier zone of western Iraq,
Taghlib, Banu, 55, 65
al-Ta’if, 223, 253
tajmii, garrisoning of troops along distant frontiers, 53 and n.
151, 383
Takrit, 31
al-Talaqan, town in Bactria or
Tukharistan, 108
Tamim, Banu, 55-56, 289-94, 360
Tansai, Kitab, the Letter of Tansar,
xviii, 17 n. 66
Tanukh, Banu, 20-21, 79
Taq-i Kisra, Aywan-i Kisra, palace at
al-Mada’in, 332, 334-36
Tashan, place in Ahwaz, 12
Tawwaj, town in Fars, 65
Tawq b. Malik, desert tract of, in Arabia, 188
Tayyi’, the two mountains of, 35s
Tazid b. Hulwan, fianu, of Quda'ah,
32, 35-36
Thakan, place in Arabia, 287
al-Thamir, man of Najran, 200
Thaqif, of al-Ta’if, 223
Tharthar river, in northern Iraq, 37
Thiyadhus, Theodosius n, Roman em-
peror, 86
Thiyadhus, Theodosius, brother of the
emperor Maurice, 3i2-r3
Thuwaybah, the Prophet Muhammad's foster-mother, 272
Tigris, river and its bridge, 52-53, 112,
285, 287, 322
Tihamah, coastal district of Yemen,
219, 226
tinnln, seven-headed serpent, 197 and
n- 493
Tira, eunuch of Babak, son of Sasan,
al-Tirbal, palace at Jur, 11
Tirudih, village near I$takhr, 3
Torah, al-Tavnat al-$uiah, 4x2
Tukharistan, X09, rso
Turan, district of the modem Baluchistan, 15
Turks, the Turkish lands, sr, 94ff.,
152-53, 265, 297, 304, 314-17/
Tustar, Shushtar, in Ahwaz, 30
Tuban As'ad Abu Karib, Tubba' II,
X46, r 64-78
Tubba' I, t76
Tubba’ b. Hassan b. Tubba', 124, 142
Ubayy b. Khalaf al-Jumahi, 326
Ubayy b. Wahb al-Tamlmi, 292
al-Ubullah, town in Lower Iraq, 357
al-ukhdud, the trench at Najran,
a$hab al-ukhdud, the men of the
trench, 195, 202, 204
'Uman, 153
'Umar lb. al-Kh&ttaib, caliph, 206, 260
'Umar II b. ’Abd al-’Aziz, caliph, 336
'Umayr, Arab warrior at the Day of
Dhu Qar, 364
Umayyah b. ’Abd Shams, 268
Umm al-Malik bt. 'Amr b. Hujr, al-
Kindiyyah, 163
Unays, keeper of the elephant Mahmud, 225-26
’Urwah b. Hayyad al-Milasi, 220
'Usfan, place in the Hijaz, 168
’Uthman b. 'Affan, caliph, 268, 289
al-’Uzza, pre-Islamic goddess, 28 r
wada’i', rates of taxation, 256
Wahb b. Munabbih, rawi, 195, 199,
331, 415-16
Wahriz, Persian commander in Yemen, 239-42, 245-51, 289, 294
Wari, son of al-Nakhirjan, X47
Wastra’i’ushan Salar, rank of the head
of the department of the land tax,
W.r.z, king of the Hephthalites, t52
W.y.n (?), Persian governor in Yemen,
294, 373
Ya'fur, Tubba' commander, 143-44
Yakh^iyanus, Justinian, Byzantine em-
peror, 252-53, 255
Yaksum b. Abrahah, Abyssinian gov-
ernor in Yemen, 235-36, 242, 244
al-Yamamah, district of eastern Arabia, 55, 63, 253, 289
Ya'mar b. Nufathah al-Kinanl, 226
Ya'qub, Jacob, the Patriarch, 4x6
Ya'qub b. Ibrahim, rawi, 414
Yarbu', Banu, of Tamim, 289
Yathrib, the Islamic Medina, 145,
164-74, 283-84
Yazdajiid I, son of Bahram IV, Sasanid
emperor, 70-75, 82-83, 86-87
Yazdajird II, son of Bahrain V Jur,
Sasanid emperor, 106-109
Yazdajird HI, son of Shahriyar, last
Sasanid emperor, 380, 409-12,
Yazld b. Himar al-Sakuni, 363
Yazid b. Iyas al-Nahshali, poet, 76
Yazld b. al-Mukassir b. Hanzalah,
poet, 364
Yazid b. Mus'hir al-Shaybani, 363, 366
Year of the Elephant, in Meccan
chronology, 268-69
Yemen, 106, 121, 149, x6o, 170, 180,
i83ff., 240ff., 264, 331, 373 - 7 S
Yusanus, Jovian, Roman emperor, 59-
Zabulistan, 150
Zadhl, Zadhuyah, ra'is al-khawal
"Chief of the Servants," 408-10
Zafar, in Yemen, 187
zamzamah, Zoroastrian religious for-
mula, muzamzimun "mur-
murers," 377 and n. 932, 397
Zaradusht, son of Khurrakan, proto-
Mazdakite, 148-49
Zarawandadh, son of Mihr NarsI, 105
Zarawandadhan, fire temple in south-
western Persia, 105
Zarmihr, son of Sukhra, 128, 130, 134
Zayd b. 'Adi b. Zayd, 35 1—5 5 / 357
Zayd b. 'Amr b. Tubba' I, 176
Zayd b. Hammad, father of 'Adi, 340
Zaynab bt. Aws, al-Ta’iyyah, wife of
the Lakhmid al-Nu'man HI, 355
zindiq, zandaqah, 38 andn. 118, 139,
Zoroastrians, al-Majus, Zoroastria-
nism, 2, 313-15, 3 ^ 5 , 387,
al-Zuhri, Muhammad b. Muslim,
raw i, 336
Zur, place in Hijaz, 293 Zurwandadh or Zarawandadh, son of
Mihr NarsI, Chief Herbadh, 104-
Zutt, gypsies, 94 n. 243
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