Jumat, 09 Oktober 2015

OccultTheocracy Chapter XLV - XLVIII

(Founded 1754)

Martinez Paschalis first founded in Paris an order called the Elus Cohens or Priests, then in 1754 that of the Martinists. This order was reformed by Louis Claude de Saint Martin in 1775. It had ten degrees.

St. Martin was on intimate terms with the Illumine Jean Willermoz who presided at two of the Great Masonic Conventions — that of Les Gaules in 1768 and that of Wilhelmsbad in 1782 at which was voted the death of the King of France.

The Modern Martinist Order was established with three degrees in Paris in 1887 and was constituted in England in 1902.

Its Grand Master, Marquis Stanislas de Guaita, died in 1897 and was succeeded by T. Ch. Barlet whose successor was Dr. Encausse, generally known as Papus, who became the occult adviser of the ill-fated Czar Nicholas II.

Mr. A. E. Waite tells us that, while Papus was its Grand Master, a Martinist " Supreme Council " was founded with power for the formation of regular lodges, male and female members being admitted on equal terms. This was in 1894. By the year 1899, there were general and special delegations of the Order established in a number 'of European Countries — Great Britain included — in the United States, the Argentine and Guatemala and even in more than one Oriental land.

As regards the Martinist relations with Masonry, Mr. Waite tells us on page 161, Vol. II, of his New Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry that Martinism " had of course shut its doors against Masons under authorized obediences. " Yet we are able to reproduce (see Appendix IV) a private letter, dated March 26, 1906, written by " Dorec " to Theodore Reuss 33° 90° 96°, English Mason, etc. in which the latter is incidentally informed " that John Yarker is our (' the Martinist') delegate in London. "

Another private letter in which Papus refers to himself as the Delegate of John Yarker for the Swedenborg Rite in France is also in existence. Such a correspondence with one of the most noteworthy Masons of their day does not look as if Mr. Waite's information concerning the alleged feud between Masonry and Martinism can have been very reliable !

The Martinist sign is :;:

By 1920, Mr. Waite states that Martinism had abandoned the Rituals of 1887 and appeared to have become a clandestine organization!

For root of this movement see Chapter XXII.

For development of this movement see Chapter LI.

(Founded 1760)

The Illuminati of Avignon were founded in 1760 by Antoine Joseph Pernety, an unfrocked Benedictine, a Cabalist and alchemist. Modified in 1766 by Chastanier, one of the founders of the English Rite of Swedenborg, this rite was introduced into Paris in the Lodge Socrates of Perfect Union under the name of Theosophical Illumines. In 1770, Pernety, founded La Grande Loge Ecossaise du Comtat Venaissin. This Lodge was raided in 1774 and its papers confiscated by order of the Pope. It was revived in 1789 '.

Among its members were Cagliostro and his friend Baron de Corberon, Mesmer, Marquis de Thome and the Marquis de Puysegur, self-styled Professor of " Mesmerism ".

In Les Illumines d' Avignon by Joanny Bricaud (page 103) we read that " today, its members having become affiliated to Martinism, the society has ceased to exist ". This author also states that the degree of Knight of the Sun, founded by Pernety, which is divided into two degrees, forms now the 27th and 28th grades of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites.  

(Founded 1761)


The reader has already been made acquainted with the formation phase of this rite in Chapters XXVIII- XXX of this book. We are here therefore mainly concerned with the framework of the order.

This rite, of Jewish origin, has 33 degrees. They are named as follows : —

Symbolic or Blue Masonry : — the Craft Degrees. These are practically the same as in Lodges under the Grand Lodge of England, Scotland and Ireland.

1. Entered Apprentice
2. Fellow Craft
3. Master Mason

Red Masonry or Chapters : — these degrees are conferred in a Lodge of Perfection, the presiding officer must be of the 16th degree at least.

* 6
Secret Master
Perfect Master
Intimate Secretary
Provost and Judge
x 8. Intendant of the Buildings
+ 9. Elected Knight of Nine or Elect of Nine
+ 10. Illustrious Master Elect of Fifteen
+11. Sublime Knight Elect
x 12. Grand Master Architect
Royal Arch of Enoch or Knight of the 9th Arch or Royal Arch of Solomon.
x 14. Scottish Knight of Perfection or Grand Scottish Knight of the Sacred Vault or Sublime Mason.

A Council of Princes of Jerusalem confers the next two degrees : —

x 15. Knight of the East or Knight of the Sword
x lti. Prince of Jerusalem

A Chapter of Princes of Rose-Croix confers the next
two degrees : —

x 17. Knight of the East and West

Knight of the Eagle and Pelican, Sovereign Prince Rose Croix of H. R. D. M.

Black Masonry, or Philosophical Lodges or Areopagi: these degrees are conferred in a Consistory of Princes of the Royal Secret.

Grand Pontiff or Sublime Scotch Mason
Grand Master of all Symbolic Lodges
Patriarch Noachite or Prussian Knight
Prince of Libanus or Knight of the Royal Axe

*Of Illuminati Origin
oOf Templar Origin
+Of Jewish Origin

093. Chief of the Tabernacle
'034. Prince of the Tabernacle

Knight of the Brazen Serpent
Prince of Mercy or Scotch Trinitarian
Sovereign Commander of the Temple
Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept
Grand Scottish Knight of St. Andrew
Grand Elected Knight Kadosch.
Illustrious Knight of the Temple
Knight of the White and Black Eagle


Grand Elected Knight Kadosch


"White Masonry is Administrative and consists of three degrees conferred by the Supreme Councils : —

31. Grand Inquisitor Commander
32. Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
33. Sovereign Grand Inspector General '

In A sketch of the Philosophy, Traditions, and records of the Masonic Order of the Red Cross of Constantine by the Editor, (see The Rosicrucian and Masonic Record,page 204) we read : —

" The Premier Conclave of England, which has existed from time immemorial, gave rise, it is said, to the foundation of the Council of ' Emperors of the East and West ', a body which was established in Paris about the year 1758 and is considered as the parent of the Antient and Accepted Scottish Rite. (Compare with page 336).

" The Scottish Rite ", according to Le Forestier, " issued from the Chapter of Clermont, as a develop- ment of the Ramsay Rite. Its foundation dates from 1748 at which period it was introduced into Germany
by Count de Schmettau. "  

The Supreme Council is the arch-stone of this edifice of degrees. It is composed of a minimum of nine and a maximum of thirty-three members, Grand Inspectors General of 33°. Is that a secret 33 ? 3

In its present form, the Rite in France dates from 1804. " At that date the pecuniary situation of the Grand Central Lodge was however not up to its pretentions. It was already in debt. Brother de Grasse had personal debts and Brother Abraham was a man of venal character. The Grand Orient paid the debts of the Grand Scottish Lodge and of Brother de Grasse, making a life " But the one ' mission and object' (Mackey) of Masonry is kept steadily in view ; which is the worship of the god of this world, who is Satan, as the ' Grand Architect of the Universe ; ' and to accomplish this by inventing ' a religion in which all mankind agree ; ' and this, by putting all earth's religions upon a level, and uniting them together in Masonic worship, which is boldly avowed in rituals, lexicons, and philosophical degrees. This is (in Revelation, X III, 14) called the image of the beast, made by ' them, that dwell on the earth' that is, everybody ; every creed, and no creed ; all who join the secret lodges. But this world-religion must have some form, and shape, to hold together ; and be taxed ; hence, it takes the form, or image, of the beast. Lodge despotism is as absolute as Romish despotism and is the image of it...

" Note now the profound craft, by which this is to be accomplished, viz., Masonry promises men salvation by ceremonies invented by men, administered by priests, and inhabited by devils. This is the sum and substance of all the false religions on earth, and will ultimately unite them against Christ. But the only opponent Masonry dreads is Christ, who refused to worship Satan, and his followers. "

pension of 800 francs to Brother Abraham and proposing the annexation of the Grand Central Lodge to the Antient and Accepted Scottish Rite among those recognized by the Grand Orient. "

In 1804, in France, a Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the 33rd degree of the Antient and Accepted Scottish Rite was duly constituted. In the construction of this Council, Comte Alexandre F. A. de Grasse-Tilly, (the son of the Admiral) played a leading part. He had been initiated in Paris several years before he went to America where we find him a colonist of San Domingo.

His successor was the Due Decazes.

As regards the development of Scottish Rites in England, Stillson and Hughan state that : —

" After the Antient and Accepted Scottish Rite had been established in England, the Templar body resigned control over the degrees of the ' Rose-Croix ' and ' Kadosch, ' which then became incorporated with the rite, as the 18th and 30th ; it was therefore necessary to suppress the old ceremonies and relegate them to Templar history, but they were still retained in some of the older English encampments.

A revised ritual was issued in 1851 consequent on the omission of the ' Rose-Croix ' and ' Kadosch '.

Another authority, Paul Rosen, makes the following comment : —

" The philosophy of the degree of Kadosch (30°), the apotheosis and real aims of Masonic teaching, can be summed up in the following words : — I, I alone, All mine, All for me, by any and every means.

There are seven different ways of carrying out this programme and consequently seven different grades of Knight Kadosch which are : —

N° 1. The Jewish Kadosch

N° 2. The Primitive Christian Kadosch

N° 3. The Kadosch of the Crusades

N° 4. The Kadosch of the Templars

N° 5. The Kadosch of the Puritan

N° 6. The Kadosch of the Jesuit

N° 7. The Scottish Kadosch (alone true Freemasonry).

Presidents of the United States are honoured by being made 33rd degree Masons, Scottish Rites. King Edward VII and countless other magnates were 33rd degree Masons. What does this prove ? — Unfortunately nothing!

This is the great deception. The success of the entire system depends on the solid integrity and political and social prominence of its affiliates whose virtues make them valuable as decoys.

" Antient and Accepted Scottish Rites " runs its own Secret Service which cooperates with the national Secret Services of all countries thus serving the aims and purposes of Internationalism.

Blanchard, himself a high Mason whose masonic studies were induced by a keen desire to fathom the truth and impart the result of his discoveries to those whom he feared might also be duped, thus sums up Scottish Rites : —

" Let the authoritative teaching of Dr. Mackey be continually borne in mind, that : — 'the mission and object of Masonry is the worship of the Great Architect of the Universe '. It follows that the lodges must have something for their dupes to do, called worship. And what could wicked men and devils invent craftier or better suited to deceive the simple, than this very scheme of ' the Ancient Scottish Rite ', which now rules the rites of the world. It seizes and appropriates all of religion but its holiness and justice ; and all of Christ but his truth and his atonement. It mixes things sacred with things profane, till the whole compound is profanity ; and quoting the Bible' as if it believed it true, which notoriously it does not, it has furnished a dark system, which angels flee from and which devils inhabit 7 . Every Lodge is a Synagogue of Satan and its ritual is Sorcery. " 8

Anyone interested in the rituals etc. of this rite will find much that is interesting in D. Margiotta's Le Culte de la Nature dans la Franc-Magonnerie Universelle.

Masonic philosophy is well summarised in the following expose made of it by a Jewish mason, Paul Rosen, in Satan et C ie . —

Official ritual of the 33rd and last degree of Antient and Accepted Scottish Rites

" For the Sovereign Grand Inspector General the 33rd is the last degree of the Rite. The Order is the Great Avenger of the assassinated Grand Master and the grand champion of humanity, for the innocent Grand Master is man, man who is Master, King of Nature, man who is born innocent and unconscious.

" Our innocent Grand Master was born for happiness and for the enjoyment of all rights without exception.

"But he has fallen under the blows of three assassins, three scoundrels have thwarted his happiness and rights and have annihilated him.

" The three infamous assassins are Law, Property and Religion.

" Law, because it is not in harmony with the rights of the individual man and the duties of social man in society, rights which belong to all. Duties are but the immediate consequence of the right inherent in all, for the enjoyment of all rights.

" Property, because the earth belongs to nobody and its fruits belong to all in proportion as they are required by each for the needs of his own well being.

" Religion, because religions are but philosophies evolved by men of genius and adopted by the people in the belief that they would increase their well being.

" Neither law, property nor religion can be imposed on man and as they annihilate him by depriving him of his most precious rights they are assassins on whom we have sworn to wreak vengeance, enemies against whom we have declared war to the death and without quarter.

" Of these three infamous enemies it is on religion that we must concentrate our most deadly attacks, because no people has ever survived its religion. Once Religion is dead, Law and Property will fall to our mercy, and we shall be able to regenerate society by founding on the corpses of the assassins of man, Masonic Religion, Masonic Law, and Masonic Property ". "

Who will not see therein the dreaded theories of Marxism and Bolshevism and their results, as they are practised in Russia ?

9. Esoteric explanation of the legend of Hiram.
10. Paul Rosen, op. cit., p. 335. (Documents justificatifs).
Also compare with The Theosophical Society Programme.

For root of this movement see Chapters II, III, IV.

(Founded 1763)

Pope Clement XIV having excommunicated the Freemasons in 1763, many German Catholics, frightened by the Papal Bull, definitely renounced the society.

They formed however another association which, while restoring their former organization, should not expose them to the censure of the Vatican and, having found a protector in the person of one of the most august German Sovereigns of the day, they secured an influential German nobleman as Grand Master. Many distinguished persons joined the " new " order which, like the Freemasons, had laws, words, signs of recognition, reception ceremonies and appointed officers.

One of the principal lodges was at Frankfort.

Adherence to the Roman Catholic faith was declared a requisite of membership, but the rule was not enforced and as a protection from papal excommunication a promise, instead of an oath of secrecy, was exacted from candidates.

Women were eligible to any dignity in the order, excepting that of Grand Master, which position was held for life. There were two Lodge Masters or Grand Mopses in each lodge, one of which was a man and one a woman, while the lodge was governed six months by a man and six months by a woman alternately, '

In Italy, the Mopses called themselves Xerophagists.

The following is quoted from an article in Freemasonry Universal Vol. 2, part 4, Spring Equinox, 1927 : —

" Mingled with points clearly stolen from the Masonic ritual, such as the use of the square and compasses, was the veneration of a sort of mascot which was a dog, known as the Mopse, and resembled a rather large pug dog with a curly tail.

" During the ceremony the candidates were admitted blindfolded and were instructed to kiss something. This was nothing more nor less than a life sized model of a mopse, and on the bandage being removed the initiate found that he or she had kissed the tail end of the dog. Whether the ceremonies were merely boisterous fooling, or whether they had any esoteric significance it is difficult to say, as students differ on the point.

" The Order was certainly at one time wide spread and popular, but seems to have entirely died out. Probably its death blow was given by the Revolution, which swept away so many of the aristocrats of France and brought secret societies into disrepute, owing ta the supposed share of the Illuminati in starting that tremendous upheaval. "

The statement in the last paragraph can hardly be accurate as certain official papers are in existence bearing, as letter head, under the insignia of the double headed masonic eagle, the following words : —

" Antichi ed Ortodossi Sup,-. Cons. - . Dei.'. 33/. Federal! Italiani de Rit.\ Scoz,-. Ant.-, ed Ace.-. Delle Vulli Sebetoe d Oreto e Delle Sorelle Mopse.

Qr.\ Orienli D* Italia Sedenti in Napoli e Palermo.

Liberta-Uguaglianjia-Fratellanza Sup.'. Cons.'. Gen.'.

These papers bear the date 1902.

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