Selasa, 22 Januari 2019

VOL 6.8 (END)

'Amir b. Fuhayrah was a half-breed from the tribe of Azd belonging
to al-Tufayl b. 'Abdallah b. Sakhbarah (who was Abu al-Harith)
b. al-Tufayl, who had the same mother as Abu Bakr's daughter
'A'ishah and his son 'Abd al-Rahman. 'Amir b. Fuhayrah became
a Muslim while he was their slave, and Abu Bakr bought him and
set him free. He was a good Muslim. At the time when the Prophet
and Abu Bakr set out, Abu Bakr had the rights to the milk of a
flock of sheep which used to come to his family in the evening.
Abu Bakr sent 'Amir with the sheep to Thawr, and he used to bring
them in the evening to the Messenger of God in the cave there,
which is the cave named by God in the Qur'an. 231

They sent ahead with their mounts a man from the Banu 'Abd
b. 'Adi, a confederate of the family of al-'As b. Wa'il of Banu Sahm
of Quraysh. At that time, this man 'Adi was a polytheist, but they
hired him as a guide for the journey. During the nights which they
spent in the cave 'Abdallah b. Abi Bakr used to come to them in
the evening and bring them all the news of Mecca, and then return
to Mecca by morning. 'Amir would bring the sheep every
evening so that they could milk them, and would then drive them
to pasture at daybreak, and spend the morning with other people's
shepherds, so that nobody realized what he was doing. When
the clamor about Muhammad and Abu Bakr died down and news
came to them that people were no longer talking about them,
their guide brought them their camels and they set off, taking
with them 'Amir b. Fuhayrah to serve them and assist them. Abu
Bakr mounted him behind him and shared the saddle with him by
[1237] turns. There was nobody with them but 'Amir b. Fuhayrah and
the brother of the Banu 'Adi, who guided them along the road.
He took them through the Meccan lowlands, then along a route
parallel to the coast below 'Usfan, then across country, rejoining
the road after Qudayd, then along the al-Kharrar path, then across
the pass of al-Marah, and then along a road called al-Mudlijah, between
the 'Amq road and the Rawha' road. He then met the 'Arj
road, coming to a spring called al-Ghabir to the right of Rakubah,

231. The verse is 9:40.

and then ascended the Batn Ri'm, finally arriving, one day at high
noon, at the quarter of the Banu 'Amr b. 'Awf in (the south of) al-
Madlnah. I have been told that the Messenger of God only stayed
among them for two days, although the Banu 'Amr b. 'Awf assert
that he stayed among them for longer than that. Then he led his
camel, which followed him to the quarter of the Banu al-Najjar.

There the Messenger of God showed them a drying floor in the
midst of their dwellings.

Ibn Humayd — Salamah— -Muhammad b. Ishaq— Muhammad b.

'Abd ai-Rahman b. 'Abd Allah b. al-Husayn al-Tamiml — 'Urwah
b. al-Zubayr~ A'ishah the wife of the Prophet: 232 The Messenger
of God never failed to come to Abu Bakr's house at the two ends
of the day, early morning and evening. When the day arrived upon
which God gave his Messenger permission to emigrate and to go
away from Mecca from among his tribe, the Messenger of God
came to us in the heat of the day at a time at which it was not his
custom to come. When Abu Bakr saw him he said, ''The Messenger
of God can only have come at such an hour because of something
special." When he came in, Abu Bakr rose from his bed, and
the Messenger of God sat down. There was nobody with Abu Bakr
except for myself and my sister Asma', and when the Messenger of
God said, "Send out those who are with you," he said, "O Prophet
of God, these are my daughters,* there is no need for that, may my
father and mother be your ransom."

Then the Messenger of God said, "God has given me permission
to leave Mecca and to emigrate." Abu Bakr said, "May I accompany
you, O Messenger of God?" "You may accompany me." he
replied. By God, I was never aware that anyone could weep for
joy until that day when I saw Abu Bakr weeping for joy. Then he
said, "O Prophet of God, these are my two riding camels which
I have prepared for this." They hired as a guide for the road 'Abdallah
b. Arqad, a man from the Banu al-DIl b. Bakr, whose mother
was from (the Meccan clan of) the Banu Sahm b. 'Amr, a polytheist.
They handed their two riding camels over to him and he kept
them with him to pasture them until the appointed time.

According to what I (Ibn Ishaq) have been told not a single person
knew of the Messenger of God's departure when he went

232. Ibn Hisham, Slrah, 327-30.

148 Muhammad at Mecca

except for 'All b. Abi Talib and Abu Bakr al-Siddlq and his family.
As for 'All b. Abi Talib, the Messenger of God is said to have informed
him that he was leaving and to have commanded him to
stay behind in Mecca to hand back those things which people had
entrusted to his custody. Everyone in Mecca who had any possession
which he feared to lose would deposit it with the Messenger
of God because they knew of his honesty and reliability. When the
Messenger of God decided upon departure, he went to Abu Bakr b.
Abi Quhafah, and the two of them left by a window in the back of
Abu Bakr's house and went to a cave in Thawr, a mountain below
Mecca, and entered it. Abu Bakr told his son 'Abdallah to listen to
what people were saying about them during the day and to bring
them the day's news in the evening. He also told his mawla 'Amir
b. Fuhayrah to pasture his flocks during the day and to bring them
to them in the cave in the evening. Abu Bakr's daughter Asma'
brought them enough food for their needs in the evening.

The Messenger of God and Abu Bakr spent three days in the
cave. When Quraysh realized that he was missing, they offered a
hundred she-camels for whoever would bring him back to them.
'Abdallah b. Abi Bakr spent his time among Quraysh listening to
what they were plotting and to what they were saying about the
Messenger of God and Abu Bakr. Then he would come to them
in the evening and give them the news. 'Amir b. Fuhayrah, Abu
Bakr's mawla, pastured his flocks among the other Meccan shepherds,
and brought Abu Bakr's sheep to the cave in the evening,
when the two men would milk them and slaughter (one of) them.
When 'Abdallah b. Abi Bakr left for Mecca the following morning,
'Amir b. Fuhayrah would follow after him with the sheep in order
to erase his trail.

When the third day had gone past, and the people's interest in
the two had died down, the man whom they had hired brought
them their camels and Asma' brought them their travelling provisions.
She had forgotten to bring them a strap, and when they
set off, she went to attach the travelling provisions and found that
[1240] there was no strap. She took off her girdle and used that as a strap
to attach the provisions. Thereafter she was known as "She of the
two girdles" on account of this incident.

When Abu Bakr brought the two riding camels to the Messenger
of God, he gave him the better of the two and said, "Mount, may

Other Events up to the Hijrah


my father and mother be your ransom." The Messenger of God
replied, "I will not ride a camel which does not belong to me." "It
is yours, O Messenger of God whom I value more than my father
and mother," he said. "No," said the Messenger of God. "What
is the price which you paid for it?" He named the price, and the
Messenger of God said, "I will take it for that price." Abu Bakr
said, "It is yours, O Messenger of God." They mounted and set
off, and Abu Bakr mounted behind himself his mawla 'Amir b.
Fuhayrah, who was to serve them during the journey.

Ibn Humayd — Salamah — Muhammad b. Ishaq — Asma' bt. Abl
Bakr: When the Messenger of God and Abu Bakr left, a number
of men of Quraysh, including Abu Jahl b. Hisham, came to us and
stood at Abu Bakr's door. I went out to them and they said, "Where
is your father, daughter of Abu Bakr?" I replied, "By God, I do not
know where my father is." Abu Jahl raised his hand, for he was a
loathsome and evil man, and gave me a blow on the cheek which
knocked off my earring. Then they left, and for three days we did
not know where the Messenger of God had gone. Then a man of
the jinn came from the lower part of Mecca singing lines of verse
in the manner of the Arabs, followed by people who were listening
to his voice but could not see him, until at last he went out from
the upper part of Mecca. He sang these lines:

May God the Lord of Men give his best recompense

to two Companions who took their siesta, in the two
tents of Umm Ma'bad.

They halted there bringing guidance and set off in the
morning bearing it;

may whoever becomes Muhammad's Companion prosper!
May the Banu KaT> be given joy by the position of their
young woman,

and by her sitting as a lookout for the Believers . 233

When we heard what he said we knew where the Messenger of
God had gone, and that he was making for al-Madlnah. There were
four of them, the Messenger of God, Abu Bakr, 'Amir b. Fuhayrah,
and 'Abdallah b. Arqad, their guide.

Abu Ja'far |al-Tabari)— Ahmad b. al-Miqdam al-ljll — Hisham b.


233. Umm Ma'bad was a woman of the clan of Banu Kalj of the tribe of Khuza'ah.

Muhammad b. al-Sa'ib al-Kalbi — 'Abd al-Hamid b. Abi 'Abs b.
Muhammad b. Abi 'Abs b. Jabr — his father: In the night, Quraysh
heard a voice on (the hill of) Abu Qubays saying;

If the two Sa'ds accept Islam, Muhammad will no longer
fear the opposition of any opponent in Mecca.

[1242] The next morning Abu Sufyan said, "Who are the two Sa'ds?
Sa'd Bakr? Sa'd Tamim? Sa'd Hudhaym?" The following night
they heard the voice saying:

Sa'd, Sa'd of the Aws, be a helper (nasir)
and Sa'd, Sa'd of the noble Khazraj,

Respond to him who calls you to right guidance,
and wish

through God for the object of desire in Paradise
of one who knows.

God's reward for the seeker after right guidance
is pavilioned gardens of Paradise.

In the morning, Abu Sufyan said, "By God it is Sa'd b. Mu'adh
and Sa'd b. 'Ubadah." 234

The Messenger of God Arrives in al-Madinah

Abu Ja'far (al-Tabari): Their guide brought them to Quba' 235 in the
quarter of the Banu 'Amr b. 'Awf on Monday, the twelfth of Rabi'
I (September 24, 622) when the heat of the forenoon had grown
intense and the sun had almost reached its midpoint in the sky.

Ibn Humayd — Salamah — Muhammad b. Ishaq — Muhammad b.
Ja'far b. al-Zubayr — 'Urwah b. al-Zubayr — 'Abd al-Rahman b.
'Uwaym b. Sa'idah — some men of his clan from the Companions
of the Messenger of God: 236 When we heard that the Messenger of
God had left Mecca and we were expecting his arrival, we used to
go out after the morning prayer to the far side of our (lava-flow)

234. Sa'd b. Mu'adh was the chief of the clan of 'Abd al-Ashhal of the tribe of the
Aws, and was the leader of all the Muslims of al-Madinah until he died of wounds
received in the siege of al-Madinah in A.D. 627. Sa'd b. Ubadah was chief of the
clan of Sa'idah of the tribe of al-Khazraj; he was latterly the leading man of the
Khazraj, and after A.D. 627 of the Muslims of al-Madinah as a whole.

235. A district in the south of the oasis of al-Madinah.

236. Ibn Hisham, SIrah, 333-35.

Other Events up to the Hijrah


harrah to wait for him, and did not depart until the sun left us no
shade to shelter in. When we could no longer find any shade we
returned to our houses; this was during a hot period. When the
day came on which the Messenger of God arrived, we sat as usual
until there was no shade left and then went into our houses. The
Messenger of God arrived after we had gone home, and the first
person to see him was one of the Jews, who had observed what
we were doing and knew that we were expecting the arrival of the
Messenger of God. He shouted out at the top of his voice, "Banu
Qaylah, 237 here is your good fortune who has come!"

We went out to where the Messenger of God was sitting in the
shade of a palm tree with Abu Bakr, who was about the same age
as he. Most of us had not seen the Messenger of God before then,
and we crowded around without knowing him from Abu Bakr.

Then the shade left the Messenger of God and Abu Bakr rose up
and shaded him with his cloak, and we knew.

Some say that the Messenger of God lodged with Kulthum b.

Hidm the brother of the Banu 'Amr b. 'Awf, of (the subclan of)
the Banu TJbayd, while others say that he lodged with Saf d b.
Khaythamah. Those who say that he lodged with Kulthum b.
Hidm say that when he came out of Kulthum b. Hidm's house
he sat to receive people in Sa'd b. Khaythamah's house. This was
because Sa'd was a bachelor without any family, and those of the
Messenger of God's Emigrant Companions who were unmarried
were lodging with him. This is why it is said that Muhammad
lodged with Sa'd b. Khaythamah. The latter's house was called
"the bachelors' house." God knows best which of these reports is
correct; this is all that we have heard.

Abu Bakr b. Abi Quhafah lodged with Khubayb b. Isaf the  
brother of the Banu al-Harith b. al-Khazraj at al-Sunh; but there
are some who say that he lodged with Kharijah b. Zayd b. Abi
Zuhayr the brother of the Banu al-Harith b. al-Khazraj.

'All b. Abi Talib remained in Mecca for three full days until he
had returned to their owners on the Messenger of God's behalf the
deposits which had been in his keeping. When 'All had completed
this task, he joined the Messenger of God and lodged with him
with Kulthum b. Hidm. 'All used to say that he lodged at Quba'

237. The tribes of the Aws and the Khazraj together.


Muhammad at Mecca

for a night or two with a Muslim woman who had no husband.
He used to tell the following story: "I was lodging at Quba' with
a Muslim woman who had no husband, and I noticed a person
coming to her in the middle of the night and knocking on her door.
She would open the door for him and he would give her something
which he had with him. I had misgivings about this and said to
her, 'Handmaid of God, who is this man who knocks on your door
every night and who gives you something, I do not know what, and
you a Muslim woman with no husband?' She answered, 'This is
Sahl b. Hunayf b, Wahib, who knows that I am a woman living on
my own. In the evening he falls upon his people's idols, smashes

them, and brings them to me, saying, "Use this as firewood. 'All

used to tell this story about Sahl b. Hunayf after Sahl died while
he was with 'All in Iraq.

Ibn Humayd — Salamah — Muhammad b. Ishaq: This story was
related to me by 'All b. Hind b. Sa'd d. Sahl b. Hunayf — 'All b.
Abl Talib.

The Messenger of God remained at Quba' among the Banu
'Amr b. 'Awf for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and
founded their mosque. 238 Then God caused him to leave them on
Friday. The Banu 'Amr b. 'Awf assert that he remained among
them longer than that, but God knows best. Some say that his
stay at Quba' lasted for ten days or so.

238. This presumably means that he discovered a suitable piece of ground and
conducted prayers there, not that he started building anything. The Muslims of
Quba' may have continued to use the same ground for prayers.

The Beginning of the Prophetic Mission



Abu Ja'far (al-Tabari): The early scholars differ as to the length of
the Messenger of God's stay in Mecca after he became a prophet.
Some say that the length of his stay there, until he emigrated to
al-Madinah, was ten years.

Those who say this:

Ibn al-Muthanna— Yahya b. Muhammad b. Qays al-Madani,
who is known as Abu Ziikayr — Rabi'ah b. Abi 'Abd al-Rahman —
Anas b. Malik: The Messenger of God received his mission at the
age of forty and stayed in Mecca for ten years.

Al-Husayn b. Nasr al-Amuli — TJbaydallah b. Musa — Shayban —
Yahya b. Abi Kathir — Abu Salamah b. 'Abd al-Rahman — 'A'ishah
and Ibn 'Abbas: The Messenger of God remained in Mecca for ten
years receiving revelation of the Qur'an.

Ibn al-Muthanna — 'Abd al-Wahhab — Yahya b. Sa'id — Sa'Id b. al-
Musayyab: The Qur'an was first revealed to the Messenger of God
when he was aged forty-three, and he remained in Mecca for ten

Ahmad b. Thabit al-Razi — Ahmad — Yahya b. Sa'id — Hisham —
'Ikrimah — Ibn 'Abbas: It was first revealed to the Prophet when
he was aged forty-three, and he remained in Mecca for ten years.

Muhammad b. Isma'il — 'Amr b. TJthman al-HimsI — his father
—Muhammad b. Muslim al-Ta'ifi— 'Amr b. Dinar: The Messenger
of God emigrated ten years after his emergence as a prophet.

Abu Ja'far (al-Tabari): Others say that this is not so, and that he
remained in Mecca for thirteen years after becoming a prophet.

Those who say this:

Ibn al-Muthanna — Hajjaj b. al-Minhal — Hammad, that is, Ibn



Salamah — Abu Jamrah — Ibn 'Abbas: The Messenger of God remained
in Mecca for thirteen years receiving revelations.

Muhammad b. Khalaf — Adam — Hammad b. Salamah — Abu
Jamrah al-Duba'I — Ibn 'Abbas: The Messenger of God received his
mission at the age of forty, and remained in Mecca for thirteen

Muhammad b. Ma'mar — Rawh — Zakariyya' b. Ishaq — 'Amr b.
Dinar — Ibn 'Abbas: The Messenger of God remained in Mecca for
thirteen years.

'Ubayd b. Muhammad al-Warraq — Rawh— Hisham— 'Ikrimah—
Ibn 'Abbas: The Prophet received his mission at the age of forty
and remained in Mecca for thirteen years receiving revelations;
then he was commanded to emigrate.

Abu Ja'far (al-Tabari): The account of those who say that the
Messenger of God received his mission at the age of forty and remained
in Mecca for thirteen years agrees with the account of Abu
Qays Sirmah b. Abi Anas the brother of the Banu 'Adi b. al-Najjar
which is found in his qasldah (poem) in which he says, describing
how God ennobled them with Islam and how the Messenger of
God came to stay with them:

He stayed among Quraysh for some ten years

reminding people of Islam if he found a favorable friend,
Offering himself to the pilgrims,

yet did not see anyone taking refuge in Islam or
summoning others to it.

But when he came to us God gave victory to his religion,
and he became joyful and satisfied at Taybah.

He found a friend and his aim became secure
and he had manifest support from God.

He related to us what Noah said to his people

and what Moses saw when he answered the Caller.

He came to fear none of mankind,

whether near or far.

We expended the greater part of our wealth upon him
and our own lives in the clamor of battle and at
the time of consolation.

We know that there is nothing but God

and we know that God is the best guide.

The Beginning of the Prophetic Mission


Abu Qays informs us in this poem that the length of the Messenger
of God's stay among his people of Quraysh after he became
a prophet and made public his revelations from God was some ten

Some of them say that he remained in Mecca for fifteen years.

Those who say this:

Al-Harith-Ibn Sa'd — Muhammad b. 'Umar-Ibrahim b. Isma'Il —

Dawud b. al-Husayn — Tkrimah — Ibn 'Abbas: He quoted the line
by Abu Qays Sirmah b. Abl Anas except that he recited it as fol-

He stayed among Quraysh for fifteen years

reminding people of Islam if he found a favorable friend.

Abu Ja'far (al-Tabari): It is related on the authority of al-ShaTn
that (the angel) Israfil was associated with the Messenger of God {1249]
for three years before he received any revelation.

Al-Harith — Ibn Sa'd — Muhammad b. 'Umar al-Waqidi — al-
Thawri — Isma'Il b. Abl Khalid — al-ShaTn: He (al-Waqidi) also said
that he had this from al-Mansur by dictation — al-Ash'ath — al-
ShaTbl: Israfil was associated with the Messenger of God's prophethood
for three years. The Messenger of God was aware of him, but
could not see his person. After that came Gabriel.

Al-Waqidi: I mentioned that to Muhammad b. Salih b. Dinar,
who said, "By God, nephew, I heard 'Abdallah b. Abl Bakr b. Hazm
and 'Asim b. 'Umar b. Qatadah conversing in the mosque. An
Iraqi man was saying this to them and they both denied it, saying,
'We have neither heard nor learnt anything other than that it
was Gabriel who was associated with him and used to bring him
revelations from the day he became a prophet until he died.' "

Ibn al-Muthanna — Ibn Abi 'Adi — Dawud — 'Amir: Prophethood
descended upon him when he was forty. Israfil was associated
with his prophethood for three years, and used to teach him the
word and the deed, 239 but the Qur'an was not revealed by his
tongue. After three years had gone by Gabriel was associated with
Muhammad's prophethood and the Qur'an was revealed by his

239. The Qur'an presupposes that the religion of Islam had already been given
certain forms, such as those of the salat, or worship; and this pre-Qur'anic nonverbal revelation to Muhammad would appear to be what is here ascribed to Israfil.

tongue for ten years in Mecca and ten years in al-Madinah.

Abu Ja'far (al-Tabari): Perhaps those who say that the length
of Muhammad's stay in Mecca after the revelation was ten years
count this period from the time that Gabriel brought him the revelation
from God and he began to summon men to acknowledge
that God is one, while those who say that the length of his stay
was thirteen years count from the beginning of the time that he
became a prophet, when Israfil was associated with him, this being
the first three years in which he was not commanded to summon men to Islam.

A different account from the two which I have mentioned is
related on the authority of Qatadah. This is as follows: Rawh b.
TJbadah — Sa'id — Qatadah: The Qur'an was revealed to the Messenger
of God for a period of eight years in Mecca and ten years in
al-Madinah) after the emigrated.

Al-Hasan used to say: Ten in Mecca and ten in al-Madinah.


The Institution of the Islamic Calendar


The Date of the Institution of the Islamic Era

Abu Ja'far (al-Tabari): It is said that when the Messenger of God
came to al-Madlnah he ordered the establishing of a new era. 240

Zakariyya' b. Yahya b. Abi Za'idah — Abu 'Asim — Ibn Jurayj —

Abu Salamah— Ibn Shihab: When the Prophet came to al-
Madlnah, which was in Rabf I (September 624), he ordered the
establishing of a new era.

Abu Ja'far (al-Tabari): It is said that they used to reckon the
date by the number of months after Muhammad's arrival (in al-
Madlnah), until the (first) year was completed. It is also said that
the first person to order the establishing of a chronology was
TJmar b. al-Khattab.

Reports on This Subject

Muhammad b. Ismail — Abu Nu'aym — Hibban b. 'All al-'Anazi —

Mujalid al-ShalDi: Abu Musa al-Ashari wrote to TJmar saying,

"Letters have come from you to us which do not have a date."

TJmar assembled the people for consultation. Some said, "Date
from the beginning of the Messenger of God's mission," while
others said, "From the Messenger of God's emigration, for that

240. It is very improbable that Muhammad was concerned about this matter,
and almost certainly true that the formal institution of the Islamic era was due to
TJmar, the second Caliph. Doubtless, however, people spoke of events as so many
months after Muhammad's arrival in al-Madlnah, as Tabari mentions below; and
there are in fact several examples of such dating in his accounts of the earlier years
at al-Madinah.

158 Muhammad at Mecca

distinguished between truth and falsehood."

Muhammad b. Ismail — Qutaybah b. Said — Khalid b. Hayyan
Abu Yazld al-Kharraz — Furat b. Salman — Maymun b. Mihran: A
money order was brought before 'Umar which fell due in (the
month of) Sha'ban. 'Umar said, "Which Sha'ban? The one which
is coming or the one we are in now?" Then he said to the Messenger
of God's Companions, "Contrive something for the people
which they can recognize." Some said, "Write according to the
chronology of the Greeks; it is said that they date their letters
from the time of Alexander, but that was a long time ago." Others
said, "Write according to the chronology of the Persians; it is
said that whenever a king rises up amongst them he discards the
era of his predecessors." In the end they agreed that they should
see how long the Messenger of God had remained in al-Madinah.
They found this to be ten years, and the era was reckoned from
the Messenger of God's emigration.

Umayyah b. Khalid and Abu Dawud al-TayalisI — Qurrah b.
Khalid al-SadusI — Muhammad b. Sirin: A man rose up before
'Umar b. al-Khattab and said, "Institute a chronology." Umar
said, "What is that?" The man replied, "It is something which
the non- Arabs do. They write, 'In such-and-such a month of such-
and-such a year.' " Umar b. al-Khattab said, "This is good. Institute
a chronology." They said, "Which year shall we begin from?"
Some said, "From the beginning of Muhammad's mission," and
others said, "From his death." Finally they agreed upon his hijrah
or emigration. Then they said, "From which month shall we begin?"
They said, "Ramadan," and then they said, "al-Muharram,
for that is the month when people depart from their pilgrimage,
and it is a sacred month." So they agreed upon al-Muharram.

Muhammad b. Isma'il — Sa'Id b. Abi Maryam; and 'Abd al-
Rahman b. 'Abdallah b. 'Abd al-Hakam — his father; both from
'Abd al-'Aziz b. Abi Hazim — Abu Hazim— Sahl b. Sa'd: Whenever
people calculated the date, they did not reckon from the beginning
of the Messenger of God's mission, nor from his death; they only
reckoned from his arrival in al-Madinah.

Muhammad b. Isma'il — Sa'id b. Abi Maryam — Ya'qub b.
Ishaq — Muhammad b. Muslim — 'Amr b. Dinar — 'Abdallah b.
'Abbas: The era began in the year in which the Messenger of God
came to al-Madinah, which is the year in which 'Abdallah b. al-

The Institution of the Islamic Calendar


Zubayr was born.

'Abd al-Rahman b. Abdallah b. Abd al-Hakam — Ya'qub b. Ishaq
b. Abi 'Abbad — Muhammad b. Muslim al-Ta'ifi — 'Amr b. Dinar —

Ibn 'Abbas: The era began in the year in which the Messenger of
God came . . . (his comment is) followed by a report similar to the
one above.

Muhammad b. Isma'Il — Qutaybah b. Sa'id — Nuh b. Qays al-
Tahi — Uthman b. Mihsan: concerning the Qur'anic verses "By
the dawn, and ten nights/' 241 Ibn 'Abbas used to say, "The dawn
is al-Muharram, the dawn of the year."

Muhammad b. Isma'Il — Abu Nu'aym al-Fadl b. Dukayn —

Yunus b. Abi Ishaq — Abu Ishaq — al-Aswad b. Yazid — 'Ubayd b.

Umayr: Al-Muharram is God's month, and it is the beginning
(that is the first month) of the year. In it, the KaTjah is clothed,
dating commences, and silver is struck. In it is a day upon which
people repented, and God forgave them.

Ahmad b. Thabit al-Razi— Ahmad— Rawh b. TJbadah— Zakariyya'
b. Ishaq — 'Amr b. Dinar: The first person to date letters was
Ya'la b. Umayyah, when he was in the Yemen. The Prophet of God
came to al-Madlnah in Rabi' I (September 624} and people began
their chronology from the beginning of the year in which he came
to al-Madinah

Ali b. Mujahid — Muhammad b. Ishaq — al-Zuhri and Muhammad
b. Salih — al-ShaTl: The children of Ishmael dated from the
fire of Abraham 242 until the building of the Ka’bah, when Abraham
and Ishmael built it. Then they dated from the building of
the KaTjah until they dispersed, and every time a people departed
from Tihamah they dated from their departure. Those of the descendants
of Ishmael who remained in Tihamah dated from the
departure from Tihamah of Sa'd, Nahd, and Juhaynah, the sons of
Zayd, until KaT) b. Lu'ayy died; then they dated from his death
until the Year of the Elephant. After that they dated from the Elephant
until Umar b. al-Khattab established the era of the hijrah.

This was in the year 17 or 18 (A.D. 638 or 639).

Abd al-Rahman b. 'Abdallah b. Abd al-Hakam — Nu'aym b.

241. 89:1-2.

242. According to the Qur'an (21:68-70, 29:24, 37:97), when Abraham attacked
the idolatry of his people, they prepared a fire to bum him, but God saved him
from them.

160 Muhammad at Mecca

Hammad — al-Darawardi — 'Uthman b. 'Ubaydallah b. Abl Rafi' —
Sa'Id b. al-Musayyab: 'Umar b. al-Khattab assembled the people
[1254] an d asked them, "From what day shall we begin our dating?" 'All
said, "From the day on which the Messenger of God emigrated and
abandoned the land of polytheism." 'Umar followed this advice.

Abu Ja'far (al-Tabari): The acount given by 'All b. Mujahid nar-
rated from his authorities for the chronology of the descendants of
Ishmael is not far from the truth, which is that it was not their custom
to date from an established (and well-known) event which the
majority of them could adopt, but that, when they dated an event,
they did so from (a local happening, such as) a drought which took
place in some part of their country, a barren year which befell
them, the reign of a governor who ruled over them, or an event the
news of which became widespread among them. This is shown by
the way in which their poets differ in their dating; if they had had
a dating from an established event and a generally adopted basis,
this difference among them would not have arisen. An example
of this can be seen in the lines of al-Rabi' b. Dabu' al-Fazari:

Here I am, hoping for immortality, and yet

my knowledge and my time of birth go back to Hujr,

The father of Imru' al-Qays - have you heard of him?

How far from the mark! How long have I lived!

Here he dates his life by Hujr b. 'Amr, the father of Imru' al-
Qays. 243

Likewise Nabighah of the Banu Ja'dah says:

Whoever asks about my age, let him know

that I was young at the time of the glanders.

Here he dates his life by an epidemic which afflicted them.
Another poet says:

I was still wearing boy's garments at the time

when Ibn Hammam raided the encampment of Khath'am.

243. Imru' al-Qays is a well-known poet who is thought to have died about A.D.
550. See El 2 s.v. Imru' al-Kays b. Hujr. He was the youngest son of Hujr, king of the
tribe of Kindah. Al-Rabi' al-Fazari and Nabighah al-Ja'di are minor poets, of whom
the latter (who is not to be confused with the famous Nabighah al-Dhubyanl) lived
to become a Muslim.

The Institution of the Islamic Calendar 161

All of these poets whose chronology I have quoted in these lines
lived close in time to one another, and the events from which they
dated were also close in time to one another, and yet they all chose
different events. If they had had a recognized era, as the Muslims
and other communities do today, they would not, God willing,
have used other than that; but matters stood with them, I believe,
as I have stated.

As for the Quraysh among the Arabs, the latest epoch which
I have been able to establish as being used by them in computing
dates before the emigration of the Prophet from Mecca to al-
Madinah is that of the Year of the Elephant, which is the year in
which the Messenger of God was born. There were twenty years
between the Year of the Elephant and the Sacrilegious War, fifteen
years between the Sacrilegious War and the rebuilding of the
Kabbah, and five years between the rebuilding of the Ka'bah and
the beginning of the Prophet's mission.

Summary of Meccan Chronology


Abu Ja'far (al-Tabari): The Messenger of God received his call to
prophethood at the age of forty. According to al-ShaTjI, Israfil was
associated with the Messenger of God's prophethood, for three
years, this being before he was commanded to call people to Islam
and to proclaim it openly. We have already quoted the narratives
and stories to this effect. After three years, Gabriel was associated
with his prophethood, and he commanded him to summon
people openly to God. He did this for ten years while resident in
Mecca, and then emigrated to al-Madinah in Rabi' I fourteen years
after becoming a prophet. He left Mecca for al-Madinah on a Monday
and arrived in al-Madinah on Monday the twelfth of Rabi' I
(September 24, 624).

Ibrahim b. Sa'Id al-Jawhari — Musa b. Dawud — Ibn Lahi'ah —
Khalid b. Abi 'Imran— Hanash al-San'ani — Ibn 'Abbas: The
Prophet was born on a Monday, became a prophet on a Monday,
lifted the (Black) Stone on a Monday, left Mecca to emigrate to al-
ii 256] Madinah on a Monday, arrived in al-Madinah on a Monday, and
passed away on a Monday.

Ibn Humayd — Salamah— Ibn Ishaq — al-Zuhrl: The Messenger
of God arrived in al-Madinah on Monday, the twelfth of Rabi' I.

Abu Ja'far (al-Tabari): If the matter of the Muslim chronology
is as I have described it, then although it is based on the emigration
it actually begins two months and twelve days before the
Prophet's arrival in al-Madinah. This is because the year begins
in al-Muharram, and the Prophet arrived in al-Madinah after this
period of time had elapsed; the era did not begin with the time of
his arrival but with the beginning of that year.



El 1 , El 2 : Encyclopaedia of Islam, 1 st ed., 2d ed., Leiden and London,

EI(S) : The Shorter Encyclopedia of Islam, Leiden 1953.

GAL : C. Brockelmann, Geschichte der arabischen Literatur, 2nd ed., vol.
1 Leiden 1943.

Guillaume : The Life of Muhammad (translation of Ibn Ishaq), London
1955 -

Lane : E.W. Lane, An Arabic-English Lexicon, London 1863 - 93.

Lisan : Ibn Manzur, Lisan al-'Arab,

Watt, Mecca: W.M.Watt, Muhammad at Mecca, Oxford 1953.

Medina : Muhammad at Medina, Oxford 1956.


Bibliography of Cited Works


Goldziher, Ignaz, Muslim Studies, 2 vols., ed. S.M. Stern, London 1967,

Guillaume, A., The Life of Muhammad: a Translation of ( Ibn ) Ishaq’s
Sirat Rasul Allah, London 1955; puts Ibn Hisham's editorial notes
into an appendix.

Hassan b. Thabit, Diwan, ed. W. Arafat, 2 vols., London 1 971.

Ibn Habib, K. al-Munammaq, Hyderabad 1964.

Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib al-Tahdhib, 12 vols., Hyderabad 1907 - 9.

Ibn Hisham, Sirat Rasul Allah, ed. F.Wiistenfeld, Gottingen 1858, 1859;
incorporates the Sirah of Ibn Ishaq.

Ibn Manzur, Lisan ah' Arab, various editions; a dictionary in twenty

Ibn Sa'd, K. al-Tabaqat al-kabir, ed. E. Sachau et al., 9 vols., Leiden 1904
- 17; references are all vol I, part I.

al-Mas udi, Muni; al-dhahab, ed. and trans. C.Barbier de Meynard and
Pavet de Courteille, 9 vols., 1861 - 76.

Noldeke, Th., Geschichte des Qorans 2 , ed. F. Schwally, G.Bergstrasser,
and O. Pretzl, 3 vols., Leipzig 1909 - 38.

Schacht, Joseph, The Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence, Oxford
1950 -

Sezgin, Fuat, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, vol. I, Leiden 1967.

al-Waqidi, Kitab al-Maghdzi, ed. Marsden Jones, 3 vols., London 1966;
Muhammed in Medina, abbreviated German translation by J. Wellhausen, Berlin 1882.

Watt, W.Montgomery, Bell’s Introduction to the Qur’an, Edinburgh

Muhammad at Mecca, Oxford 1 953.

Bibliography of Cited Works

1 66

Muhammad at Medina, Oxford 1956.

Wellhausen, J., Reste aiabischen Heidentums^ , Berlin 1897.


The index contains all proper names of persons, places, tribal and other groups,
and the like occuring in the foreword, the text, and the footnotes, except that some
minor names from the early genealogies have been omitted. As far as the foreword
and footnotes are concerned, however, only those names that belong to the
medieval or earlier periods are listed.

The definite article al-, the abbreviations b. (ibn, son) and bt. (bint, daughter),
and all parenthetical material ahve been disregarded in the alphabetical
arrangement. Where a name occurs in both the text and the footnotes on the same
page, only the page number is given.

Abbreviations: 'AA. =* 'Abdallah; B. — Banu (sons of); M. = Muhammad. An
asterisk after a name indicates that it occurs only in the isnads, the chains of
transmitters. The letter "f. " indicates one following page only.


Aaron 79

Aban al- ‘Attar * 98, 136, 145
'Abbad b. 'AA. * 23, 81, 95
al- ‘Abbas b. ‘Abd al-Muttalib 81-83,
90, 9in. ; 131-33;
al- ‘Abbas b. M. * 45
‘Abbas b. 'Ubadah 126, 134!.
al- ‘Abbas b. al-Walid * 60
'Abd b. ‘Adi, B. 146
'AA, B. 121

‘AA. b. ‘Abbas * If., 7, 49, 60-62,
66, 80, 84f., 89, 95, 106, 140,
153-55, I58f., 162
‘AA, b. Abd al-Hakam * 158
‘AA. b. ‘Abd al-Muttalib 1 -9, 44
‘AA. b. Abi Bakr 146, 148
'AA. b. Abi Bakr b. M.

, 137, 155

AA. b. Abi Najih * 57, 83f., 140
‘AA. b. Abi Rabi'ah 105

‘AA. b. ‘Amr 132, 1350.

‘AA. b. ‘Amr b. al-‘As * ioif.
'AA. b. Arqad 147, 149
‘AA. b. al-Harith * 89
‘AA. b. al-Hasan * 73
‘AA. b. Ja‘far * 8
‘AA. b. Jahsh 139
‘AA. b. Jud'an 103
'AA. b. Ka'b * 6sf., 121, 130
‘AA. b. Ma'bad * 62
‘AA. b. Masud 100, 104
‘AA. b. Muslim * 49
'AA. b. Safwan * 57
‘AA. b. Shaddad * 69

AA. b. Ubaydallah * 120
‘AA. b. Ubayy 134, 137
‘AA. b. ‘Umar if., 31
44, 127, I33f., ‘AA. b. Wahb * 85
‘AA. b. Zayd * 62
‘AA. b. al-Zubayr xvi, 70, 158
‘Abd al-Ashhal, B. 123, 126-130, i33f.


1 68

'Abd al-'Aziz b. Abl Hazim * 158
Abd al-Dar 18, 20, 25f.

'Abd al-Dar, B. 26, 57!., 141
'Abd al-Ghaffar b. al-Qasim * 89
'Abd al-Hamid b. Abl 'Abs * 150
'Abd al-Hamid b. Bahr * 80, 99
'Abd al-Ka'bah 1
'Abd al-Majid b. Suhayl * 31
'Abd al-Malik, caliph xvi, 30, 98
'Abd al-Malik b. Maslamah * 86
'Abd al-Malik b. Rashid * 24
Abd Manaf, xiv, 18-20, 25
'Abd Manaf, B. 10, isf., 18, 57, 89,

92, 113, 115, 119, 142
Abd Manat b. Kinanah 31
'Abd al-Muttalib xiv, xliv, 1-16, 18,

44, 55/ 64, 89-92, 1 21
'Abd Qusayy (or 'Abd) 18, 20, 25
'Abd al-Rahman b. 'AA. * 86, is8f.
'Abd al-Rahman b. Abi Bakr 146
'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Awf 87, 99
'Abd al-Rahman b. Maghra * 84
'Abd al-Rahman b. al-Qasim * 92
f Abd al-Rahman b. 'Uwaym * 150
'Abd al-Samad b. 'Abd al-Warith *

98, 136, 145
'Abd Shams 16-18
'Abd Shams, B. 13, 100, no, ll6n.,
H9n., 140

'Abd al-'Uzza 18, 20, 25
'Abd al-Wahhab * 61, 153
'Abd al-Wahid b. Ziyad * 69
'Abd al-Warith b. 'Abd al-Samad *

98, 136, 145
'Abd Yalayl 115
Abrahah xiii

Abraham xxviif., 36, 38-40, 42, 5lf.,
64, 7 f, «4/ 159

Abu 'AA. Abd al-Rahman * 127
Abu 'Abd al-Rahman 126
Abu Ahmad b. Jahsh 139
Abu 'Asim * 157

Abu al-Aswad al-Asadi * xvii, 37, 86f.
Abu 'Awanah * 127
Abu al-Bakhtari 93, io6f., H3f., 141
Abu Bakr, caliph xiv, xxiii, xxvi, xli,

8in., 84-87, 102, 140, 142,

144-49, I5i

Abu Bakr b. Abi Musa * 45
Abu Bakr (b. 'AA.) b. Abi Sabrah
3° f -

Abu Bakr b. 'ubaydallah * 31
Abu Balj * 80

Abu Dawud al-Tayalisi * 75, 158
Abu Dharr 75, 85, 87
Abu Hamzah * 8of.

Abu Hashim al-Wasiti * 78
Abu Hatib b. 'Amr 1 00
Abu al-Haysar b. Anas 123
Abu al-Haytham 126, 133!.

Abu Hazim * 158
Abu Hilal * 62

Abu Hudhayfah b. 'Utbah 99!., no
Abu Ihab b. 'Aziz 56
Abu Ishaq * 159

Abfl Jahl 93-96, I03f., 106, 1 12-14,
Ii9f-, 141—43, 149
Abu al-Jald * 63
Abu Jamrah al-Duba i * 60, 154
Abu Khalaf * 106

Abu Kurayb * 61, 74, 8lf., 85, 89, 9sf.
Abu Lahab xliv, 50, 56, 89f., 98, 105,
Ii8n., 120
Abu Ma'n Isa * 11
Abu Ma'shar * xv, in
Abu Mu'awiyah * 66, 89
Abu Musa * 45
Abu Musa al-Ash an 157
Abu Nu'aym * 157, 159
Abu Nuh * 45
Abu Qatadah * 62
Abu Qays b. al-Aslat 130
Abu Qays Sirmah * 154!.

Abu Qubays 150

Abu Sabrah 100

Abu Sa'd b. Udas 12

Abu Sadiq * 91

Abu al-Sa'ib * 89

Abu Salamah 73f., 99, 139

Abu Salamah b. 'Abd al-Rahman *

31, 76, 102, 153, 157
Abu Salih * 140

Abu Shurahbil * 60

Abu Sufyan b. Harb 140, 150

Abu Talhah * 85

Aba Talib xxxi, xliiif., I, 44-46, 70,
83I, 90f., 93-98, 100, iosf.,
H4f. / n8n.

Abu Umanah * 85

Abu Umayyah b. al-Mughlrah 58

Abu Usamah * 61, 89, 95

Abu Wahb b. 'Amr 57

Abu Yahya * 85

Abu al-Yaman * 60

Abu Yazid al-Kharraz * 158

Abu Zibyan * 66

al-Abwa' xx

Abyssinia xliiif., 16, 18, 98-101, 105,
109, 112, 114, 136, 139
'Ad 125

Adam xxvii, 42, 78

Adam, traditionist * 60, 154

'Addas 117

Aden 37

'Adi 146

'Adi b. Hamra' 50

'Adi b. Ka'b, B. 57f., 100, 139

'Adi b. al-Najjar, B. 10-12, 14, 154

'Adnan xiif., xxvii, 37-40

'Adwan 25, 29

al-Af'a al-Jurhumi 34-36

'Affan b. Muslim * 91

'Afif * 8if.

Afsa b. Harithah 53
Ahmad (name of Muhammad)

64, 66

Ahmad b. al-Hasan * 81
Ahmad b. Mansur * 62
Ahmad b. Miqdam * 149
Ahmad b. al-Mufaddal * 94
Ahmad b. M. b. Habib * 75
Ahmad b. Sinan * 66
Ahmad b. Thabit * 61, 153, 159
Ahmad b. 'Uthman * 67
'A'idh Allah b. 'AA. * 127
'A'ishah xxiii, xxxv, 49, 66, 69,
145-47/ 153
al-Ajyad 18

al-Akhnas b. Shariq Ii8n., 119
'Akk 36f.
al-'Ala' * 81
Alexander 158
Alexandria xii

'Ali b. Abi Talib xiiif., xvi, xli, 47,
80-84, 86f., 89-91, 140, 142-44,
148, 152

'All b. Harb * 7, 11
'Ali b. Isa al-Hakami * 64
'All b. Mas'ud 3if.

'Ali b. al-Mubarak * 73!

'Ali b. M. b. 'Ubaydallah * 63
'All b. Mujahid * 66, 82, I59f.

'Ali b. Nasr * 98, 136, 145
Allah xxxii-xxxvi, 2n.

Allat, al-Lat xlii, I07f., 1 10-12, 120

'Amaliqah, Amalekites 52

ai-A'mash * 66, 89, 95

Aminah bt. Wahb 6-8

'Amir b. Fuhayrah 146, 148

'Amir b. al-Hirith 53

'Amir b. Lu'ayy, B. 100, 112, n8n.,

119, 138

'Amir b. Rabi ah 64, 99, 139, 155
'Amir b. Sa'sa'ah, B. 66f., 121
'Ammar b. Yasir 100
'Amq 146

'Amr b. 'Abasah 85, 87
'Amr b. Abi Salamah * 60, 85
'Amr b. 'Ali * 60
'Amr b. 'Amir, B. 53
'Amr b. al-'As 105
'Amr b. Asad 49
'Amr b. 'Awf, B. 122, 126, 147,

'Amr b. Dinar * 61, 153!., is8f.

'Amr b. al-Harith, B. 29

'Amr b. al-Harith b. Mudad, poet

f 52, 54
Amr b. al-Jamuh 138
'Amr b. Maymun * 80
'Amr b. Murrah * 8of., 89
'Amr Muzaytjiya' 53n.

'Amr b. Rabi ah b. Harithah 53f.
'Amr b. 'Ubayd * 92



"Amr b. Umayyah 114

"Amr b. Uthman * 153

"Amr b. Zayd b. Labid 9

Anas b. Malik * 60, 78, 153

"Anbasah * 78

Anmar b. Nizar 34-36

Ansar 11, 13, 124b, 130, 133, 136, 139

"Anz b. Wa'il, B. 99

al-"Aqabah xlv, 23, 124-26, 130-39

'Aqil b. Abi Talib 83

"Arafah 22, 55

f Arj 146

al-'As b. Wa'il 93!., 107, 146

Asad b. "Abdah * 81

Asad b. "Abd al-'Uzza, B. 5 , 57 ,

100, 141

Asad b. Khuzayraah, B. 29, 32

As ad b. Zurarah 125-30, 134

Asbat * 94

al-Ash'ath * 155

al-Ashath b. Qays 82

"Asim b. 'Umar * xxii, 122, 124,

134 , 155

Asma' bt. Abi Bakr xxiii, 145,


Asma' bt. Adi 26
Asma' bt. "Amr b. "Adi 132
al-Aswad b. "Abd Yaghuth 94
al-Aswad b. al-Muttalib 93!., 107
al-Aswad b. Yazid * 159
'Ata' * 7

'Atikah bt. *Abd al-Muttalib I, 112
’Atikah bt. r Adwan 29
' Atikah bt. Murrah 16
"Atikah bt. Yakhlud 27
"Awanah bt. Sa'd 32
"Awf b. al-Harith 125!.

"Awf b. Kalb 27

"Awf b. al-Khazraj, B. 126

al-Aws, B. 124, 126, 130, 133, 138, 150

al-Awza"i * 60, 102

"Aylan 34

Ayyub * 62

Azabb 135

Azd, B. 28, 146

Azd Shanu"ah, B. 19


Badr 29, 32, 130
Baghdad xii, xv
Bahira xxix, 44-46
Bahr b. Nasr * 85
Bakr, B. 20, 23b
Bali, B. 126

al-Bara' b. Ma"rur 131-33, 135
al-Baridah bt. "Awf 27
Barrah bt. "Abd Manaf 18
Barrah bt. "Abd al-Muttalib r
Barrah bt. "Abd al-"Uzza 6
Barrah bt. Abi Tajrah * 63
Barrah bt. "Awf 6
Barrah bt. Murr 3if.
al-Basrah xv
Bayharah b. Firas 121
Bilal 85

Bint al-Miqdad * 38

Bishr b. Bakr * 102

Black Stone 53m, sjf., 101, 162

Bu"ath I23f.

al-Bukhari xix

Busr b. "Amr 15

Busra (Bostra) 44f.

Buwanah 66
Byzantines 46


Christian(s) 64, 72, 117


Damrah, B. xx

Damrah b. Habib * 85

al-Darawardi * 160

Dariyyah bt. Rabiah 32

Dawud b. al-Husayn * 49, 106, 155

Dhakwan b. "Abd Qays 126

Dharih 66

al-Dil, B. 19, 147

Dinar b. al-Najjar, B. 12, 14

al-Dith b. 'Adnan 36f.

Duwayk 56


Fatimah bt. "Amr 1

Fatimah bt. ai-Husayn * 73
Fatimah bt. M. 48, 61
Fatimah bt. Murr 7
Fatimah bt. Sa'd 19
Fazarah b. Dhubyan, poet 27
Fihr xxix, 2in., 22, 28f.

Fijar (war) xii, 49f., 161
Fuhayrah bt. 'Amir 53
Furat b. Salman * 158
fuiqdn 63


Gabriel xxxvii-xxxix, 61, 63, 67-80,
90. 109, III, 142, I55f., 162
Gaza, 9, 18
al-Ghabir 146
Ghalib b. Fihr 28
Ghanm b. 'Awf, B. 126
Ghassan 16, 32n.

Ghaufan, B. 27
al-Ghawth b. Murr 55
Ghaylan b. Jarir * 62
Ghudaynah, B. 126


Habib b. Amr 115
al-Hajir 137
ha/; 120, I 22 n.

Hajja * ill

al-Hajjaj b. al-Hajjaj * 85
Hajjaj b. al-Minhal * 61, 153
al-Hajun 54, 113
al-Hakam b. 'Utaybah * 140
Hakim b. Hizam 106, 141
Hakkam b. Salm * 78
Halah bt. Uhayb 8
Halimah 63

Hammad b. Salamah * 6of., I53f.
Hamzah b. Abd al-Muttalib 48, 90,

Hanash al-San'ani * 62, 162
Hanifah, B. 121

Haram b. Ka'b, B. I25f., I35n.

Harb b. Umayyah 18
al-Harith b. 'Abd Manat, B. 9
al-Harith b. 'Abd al-Muttalib 8

al-Harith b. Abi Usamah xvi
al-Harith b. 'Amir 56, 140
al-Harith b. Fihr, B. 28f., 100, Il8n.
al-Harith b. al-Fudayl * 99
al-Harith b. Hillizah, poet 3on.
al-Harith b. Hisham I35f.
al-Harith b. al-Khazraj 151
al-Harith b. M. * 7, 9, I7f., 3of., 36,
38f., 49, 63f., 77, 84, 86, 92,

99 , 155

al-Harith b. Umayyah 138
Harithah, B. (al-Madinah) 129
Harithah b. 'Amr, B. 53
Harun b. al-Mughirah * 78
Harun al-Rashid xv
al-Hasan b. Abi al-Hasan * 92
al-Hasan b. Dinar * 62
al-Hasan b. M. b. 'All * 26, 47
al-Hasan b. Musa * 62
al-Hasan b. 'Umarah * 140
Hashim xiv, 9-11, 16-18
Hashim, B. xxii, xliiif., 7, l3f., 83, 97,
I05f., 112-14, Ii8n., H9n.

Hassan b. 'Abd Kalal 28f.

Hassan b. Thabit, poet 84
Hatib b. 'Amr 100
al-Haytham b. 'Adi * 85
al-Hazwarah 10
Heraclius 42
Hibban b. All * 157
Hijaz 4

Hijr (of Ka'bah) 10, 12, 57, ioif.

Himyar 16, 28L

Hind bt. Amr 32

Hind bt. Bakr 31

Hind bt. Fahm 29

Hind bt. Harithah 26

Hind bt. Surayr 26

Hira' 70, 7^., 76

Hisham b. Amr 112, 114

Hisham b. Hassan * 61, 153!.

Hisham b. M. al-Kalbi * xvi, xxvi,

1, 9, 13, 16-20, 26-29, 33, 36,
3&V 42, 45, 47, 51, 74, 149
Hisham b. Urwah * 49, 98, 115,

136, 145



Hubal xlii, in., 3-5

Hubashah 49

Hubba bt. Hulayl 18-21

al-Hudaybiyah 114

Hudhafah b. Ghanim * 21

Hudhayfah b. Puqaym 55

Hujr b. Amr 160

Hulayl b. Hubshiyyah 20-22

Humaynah bt. Khalaf 87

al-Husayn b. f AA. * 120

al-Husayn b. Abd al-Rahman * 123

al-Husayn b. Dawud * ill

al-Husayn b. Nasr * 153


Ibn 'Abd al-Rahim * 60, 85
Ibn Ab! 'Adi * 155
Ibn Abl Dhi'b * 86
Ibn Abi Habibah * 49
Ibn Abl Salih * 18
Ibn Abi al-Zinad * 49
Ibn 'A'idh * 85
Ibn 'Alqamah 50
Ibn Hammam 160
Ibn Hisham xi-xiv, xx, xxv, and
footnotes passim

Ibn Humayd * xii, If., 6, 19, 23f., 26,

28, 33, 38, 44, 46f., 51, 57f., 6if.,
65*-, 70, 73, 77 *-, 80, 82-86, 89,
92f., 96, ioof., 104, 108, 112, H4f.,
120-24, 127, 130, I33f-, I37f-,

140, 142, 147, 149b, 162
Ibn Ishaq * xi-xv, xvii-xxvi, if., 6,

I9f., 23f., 26-29, 33, 38, 44, 4^f.,
51, 55, 57f-, 62, 6sf., 70, 73, 77,
82-84, 86f., 89, 92f., 96, ioof.,
I03f., I07f., 112, H4f., H7f., i2of.,
I23f., 127, 130, I33f., 136-38,

140, 142, 147, I49f., 159, 162
Ibn Jurayj * 7, 157
Ibn al-Kalbi see: Hisham b. M.

Ibn Lahi'ah * 37, 62, 86, 162
Ibn al-Muthanna * 60-62, 73f.,

80, 153

Ibn Sa'd * xxf., 8f., I7f., 3of., 36, 38!.,
49, 63f., 77, 84-87, 92, 99, *55

Ibn Thawr * 76
Ibn Umm Maktum xxiv
Ibn Wahb * I, 37, 69, 76
Ibn Waki' * 95
Ibn al-Ziba'ra * 16
Ibrahim b. Isma'il * 155
Ibrahim b. al-Mukhtar * 80
Ibrahim b. Naff* * 84
Ibrahim al-Nakha i * 85
Ibrahim b. Sa'id * 62, 162
Ibrahim b. Tahman * 85
Idam 54
Idris 42, 79
ifadah 55
ijazah 55

'ikrimah * 49, 61, 106, 153-55
'ikrishah bt. f Adwan 29
Ilyas xiv, 33f.

Imran b. Abi Anas * 86
Imru' al-Qays 160
Iram 125
Iraq 16, 18, 152
Isa al-Hakami * 64
Isaf 4, 52

Ishaq b. Yasar * xii, 6
Ishmael, Ismael xxviif., 6, 15, 20,
38-40, 42, 5lf., 64, 159
Isma'il b. Abi Hakim * 73
Isma'il b. Abi Khalid * 155
Isma'il b. 'Ayyash * 60
Isma'il b. Iyas * 82
Israelites 79
Israfil I55f„ 162
Iyad b. Nizar 34-36
Iyas b. 'Afif * 82
Iyas b. Mu'adh I23f.

Jabir b. 'AA. * 74, 76, 80, 125

Ja'dah, B. 160

Ja'dah b. Hubayrah 57

Jaddalah bt. Wa'lan 34

Ja'far b. 'AA. * 75

Ja'far b. Abi Talib 83, 101

familah bt. 'Adwan 28

Jandalah bt. ('Amir b.| al-Harith 28



Jarir * 6l, 67, 8<j
Jariyah bt. Abi Imran * 92
Jeddah 56

Jerusalem xii see also: Syria

Jesus 61, 78, 134

Jews 45, 64, 124L, 133, 1 51

jimai 22f.

jinn H7f., 120, 149

John {the Baptist) 78

Jonah 117

Jordan 143

Jubayr b. Mut'im 137, 140

Jubayr b. Nufayr * 85

Judaism 7

Judham, B. 29

Juhaynah, B. 53, 159

Jumah, B. 57, n6, 141

Junadah b. Awf 55

Jurhum xxviii, 23, 34, 37, 52-55


Ka'b, B. 149
Ka'b b. 'Amr, B. 14
Ka'b b. Lu'ayy xiv, 24, 159
Ka'b b. Malik II, Il8n., 119, 131,
f 134-37

Ka b b. Zuhayr, poet 32
Ka'bah xxii, xxviiif., xxxi, xlif., 1-5,
15, 20f., 23-25, 29, 51-59, 70,
78, 81, 103, 105, 113, 116, 119,
131 f-, 138, 159, 161
Kalb, B. I2t
Kathir b. 'AA. * 31
Khadijah bt. Khuwaylid xxii, xxxi,
xxxiii, xxxix, xliv, 47-51, 68,
70, 72-74, 76!., 80-82, 86f.,
106, 115

Khadijah bt. Sa'id 10
Khalid b. *AA. al-Qasri 28
Khalid b. Abi 'imran * 62, 162
Khalid b. Hayyan * 158
Khalid b. Sa'id 87
Kharijah b. Zayd 151
al-Kharrar 146
Khath'am, B. 7, 160
Khatmah, B. 130

Khaybar 4, 114

al-Khazraj, B. 13, 123L, I 33 ~ 35 ,

138, 150

Khind if 32f.

Khubayb b. Isaf 151
Khuwaylid b. Asad 48f.

Khuza'ah, B. xxviii, I4f., I7f., 2of.,
33, 53, 55f-, 87

Khuzaymah b. Lu'ayy 27, 29, 32
Kilab b. Murrah I9f., 26
Kinanah B. 20, 23, 29, 32, son.
Kinanah b. Jabalah * 85
Kulthum b. Hidm 151
kunyah, patronymic isn.


al-Lat see: Allat

Layla bt. Abi Hathmah 100, 139
Layla bt. al-Harith 28
Layla bt. Hulwan 32
Lu'ayy b. Ghalib xiv, iji.

Luqman 123


Ma'add xiv, 36-40, 55
Ma'bad b. Ka'b * 130, 134
al-Madlnah xii-xv, xxiv, xlvf., If., 8,
II, 13, no, 123-27, I30f.,
136-40, 145, 150, 153-62; see
also: Yathrib
Magians 64

Mahdad bt. al-Lihamm 36
Mahmud b. Labid * 123!.

Makhshi b. 'Amr xx

Makhshiyyah bt. Shayban 26

Makhzum, B. 57, 104, 139, 141

Malik b. Anas xii

Malik b. Kinanah, B. 25, 32, 55

Malik b. al-Nadr 29-31

Malik b. al-Najjar, B. 12, 14, 125

Ma 'mar b. al-Muthanna * 28

Ma'mar b. Rashid * xv, 8, 49, 76

Manaf 19

Manat 108, 110-12

al-Mansur, caliph xii

Mansur b. 'Abd al- Rahman * 63-155



Mansur b. r Ikrimah 114
al-Marah 146
Ma'rib xxvii^ 53n.

Marthad b. AA. * 127
Ma'ruf al-Kharrabudh * 17
Marwan, caliph 2
Mas ud, b. Amr 115
Matrud b. Ka'b * 1 6, 21
Mawiyyah bt. Ka'b 27
mawla, mawali I24n.
mawqif 22

Maymun b. Mihran * 158
Maymun b. Siyah * 78
Maysarah 48

Mazin b. al-Najjar, B. 12, 14, 132
Mecca passim
Michael 78

Mina 22b, 26^ 55, 82, 120, 135, 137
al-Minhal b. Amr * 81, 89
Miqsam * 140

Moses xxxi, xxxviii, 68, 79, II 8 , 154
Mu'adh b. 'Amr 138
Mu'adh b. al-Harith 126
Mu'anah bt. Jawsham 36
Mu awiyah, caliph 50
Mu 'awiyah b. Salih * 85
Mudad 52

Mudar xiv, 29, 34-36, 55
al-Mudlijah 146
Mudrikah xiv, 32 f.

Mughirah * 85

al-Mughirah b. 'AA. 4

Muhalhil, poet 55

M. b. Abd al-A'la * 76

M. b. 'AA. b. Muslim * 49

M. b. 'AA. b. Qays * 47

M. b. 'Abd al-Malik * 69

M. b. 'Abd al-Rahman al-'Ajlani *

M. b. Jubayr * 49

M. b. Ka'b * 108, in, 115, 142

M. b. Khalaf * 60, 154

M. b. Ma'mar * 154

M. b. Maymun * 61

M. b. Musa * 106

M. b. Muslim * 153, 158b

M. b. Qays * m

M. b. Sa'd see: Ibn Sa'd

M. b. al-Sa'ib al-Kalbl * xvi, 1, 9, 13,

16, 19, 38 , 5 h MO
M. b. Salih * 155, 159
M. b. Shihab al-Zuhri * xvif., xxi, xxxix,
h 8, 39 , 49 , 6 6f., 69, 76, 86, I20f.,
127, r 57 , 159 , 162
M. b. Sirin * 158
M. b. 'ubayd * 81
M. b. 'Umar see: al-Waqidi
M. b. 'Umarah * 7
M. b. Yahya * 99
Muharib b. Fihr, B. 28
Mujahid b. Jabr * 83f., 140
Mujalid * 84!, 157
Mulayh 120
Mulayh b. Amr, B. 56
Munabbih b. al-Hajjaj 93, 141
al-Mundhir b. 'Amr 137
Murrah b. 'Awf 25
Murrah b. Ka'b 26f.

Musa b. Dawud * 62, 162
Musa b. 'Isa * 13
Musa b. 'Uqbah xv
Musa b. Ya'qub * 38
Mus'ab b. Thabit * 86f.

Mus'ab b. 'Umayr 99, 127-30
al-Mu'tim b. 'Adi 97, 113b, Ii8n., 119
al-Muttalib (b. Hantab ?) 94
al-Muttalib, B. xliv, 97, 105, 1 12-14,

$6, 38, 121 119m

M. b. Abd al-Rahman al-Tamimi * 147 al-Muttalib b. 'Abd Manat iof.,
M. b. Abi Bakr al-Ansari * II, 13 14-16, 18

M. b. 'All * 47 al-Muzdalifah 31

M. b. Habib xvi

M. b. al-Husayn * 94 N

M. b. Isma'il * 153, 157-59 al-Nabighah 9

M. b. Ja far * 62, 80, 150 al-Nabighah, poet 141, 160



al-Nabit, Nabit, Nabt 39L, 42, 52

Nadlah b. Hashim 112

al-Nadr b. al-Harith 141

al-Nadr b. Kinanah xxix, 21, 29-32

Nafi r * 31

Nahd 159

Na ilah 4, 52

Najd 140-42

al-Najjar, B. 10, 12-14, 125*-, *34, H 7

Najran 35

Nakhlah 29, 117

Namus 68, 72

naqib I32f., 13611.

nasi’ xxix, 55

Nasibin 117

Nasr b. 'Alqamah * 85

Nawfal 11— 16, 18

Nawfal, B. xlivf., Ii9n., 140

Nebuchadnezzar 37

Negus of Abyssinia 16, 18, 98,

105, 114
Nineveh 117
Nizar xiv, 32, 34, 36
Noah xxvii, 42, 5if., 154
Nu aym b. Hammad * 159
Nubayh b. al-Hajjaj 93, 141
Nubayh b. Wahb 26
Nufayl b. 'Abd al-'Uzza 18
Nuh b. Qays * 159
al-Nu'man b. Rashid * 67
Nusaybah bt. Ka'b 132


Persia(ns) 16, 158


Qahtan xiii, xxvii, 14
Qa nab b. 'Attab, poet 40
al-Qasim b. al-Hasan * in
al-Qasim b. M. 48f.

Qatadah * 62, 85, 156
Qatadah b. al-Nu'man xxii
Qaydhar 39, 42
Qaylah, B. 11, 151
Qays 'Aylan, B. son.

Qays b. Ghalib 29

qiblah 13m., 132
Qubit' 150-52
Qubaysah b. Dhu'ayb * I
Quda ah 19-23, 36
Qudayd 146

Quraysh xxviii, xxxiv, xlii, 2-6, 8, i6f.,
20-26, 28-31, 44-49, 51, 55-59,
66, 78, 83, 86, 92-99, 1 01-6,
110-15, 121, 123, 135, 137-41,
I48f., 154, 161
Qurrah b. Khalid * 158
Qusayy xiv, xxviiif., 18-26, 30f., 38,

54, 92, 140

Qutaybah b. Sa id * 158!.

Qutbah b. 'Amir 125b


al-Rabab bt. al-Haydah 33f.

al-Rabi' b. Dabu’, poet 160

Rabi'ah b. f Abbad * 120

Rabi’ah b. *Abd al-Rahman * 60, 153

Rabi'ah b. Haram 19

Rabi'ah b. Harithah 28

Rabi'ah b. Najid * 91

Rabi'ah b. Nizar 34-36

Rabi'ah b. 'Uthman * 86

Radman 18

Rafi' b. Malik I25f.

rak'ah I28f.

Rakubah 146
Raqash bt. Rukbah 27
Rashid * 24

Rawh b. 'Ubadah * 61, 154, 156, 159

Rawha' 146

rifadah xxix, 25

Ri'm, Batn 14 j

Rizah b. Rabi ah 19-23

rukn 53

Ruqayyah bt. M. 48, 99 f., no


Sa'd b. Abi Waqqas 87!.

Sa'd b. Dhubyan 27
Sa'd b. Khaythamah 151
Sa'd b. Mu adh 127-29, 150
Sa'd b. 'ubadah 137!., 150



Sadaqah * 85

al-Safa 54, 89, 103

Safwan b. al-Harith 25

Sahl b. Hunayf 152

Sahl b. Musa * 84

Sahl b. Sa'd * 158

Sahlah bt. Suhayl 99!, no

Sahm, B. 57, 141, 146!.

al-Sa'ib b. Abl al-Sa'ib xxxi

al-Sa'ib b. Khabbab * 24

Sa'id b. Abl Arubah * 62

Sa Id b. Abl Maryam * 158

Sa'id b. 'Anbasah * 85

Sa Id b. Jubayr * 89, 95

Sa'id b. Khuthaym * 81

Sa id b. Mina * 107

Sa'id b. M. * 30

Sa Id b. al-Musayyab * 61, 153,

156, 160

Sa'id b. Yahya * 134
Sa'idah, B. 137
sakinah 75

Salamah b. al-Fadl * xi, If., 6, 19, 2.3f.,

26, 28, 33, 38, 44, 46f., 51, 57f.,
62, 65, 70, 73, 77, 82-4, 86, 89,
92f., 96, ioof., 104, 108, 112, 1 1 4f.,
X2of,, I23f., 127, 130, I33f., I37f.,
140, 142, 147, I49f., 162
salat 77, 1280.

Salim b. Abl al-Ja'd * 85
Salim b. 'Awf, B. 126, 134
Salimah, B. 125!., 132
Salma bt. (Zayd b.) 'Amr 9, 14
Salma bt. 'Amr b. RabI ah 28
Salma bt. Aslum jor bt. Asad) 32
Salma bt. Udd 28
Salman 18

Samurah b. 'Umayr, poet 13
Satan 108-II, 135
Sawad, B. 125
Sawdah bt. *Akk 34
al-Sha'bl * 84!., 155, 159, 162
shahadah I28f.

Shank b. 'AA. * 80
Shaybah (*Abd al-Muttalib) 9-11,

13, 15

Shaybah b. RabI 'ah 93, n6f., 140

Shayban * 153

Shu 'bah * 62, 8of., 85

al-Suddi * 94

Sufah 22f., f 25, 55

Suhayl b. *Amr ii8n., 119, 138

Suhayl b. Bayda' 100

Sulaym b. 'Amr 21

Sulayman al-Shaybanl * 69

Sulayman b. Yasar * 86

al-Sunh 151

Suwayd b. Samit, poet i22f.

Syria 8f,, 16-19, 44!., 48, I3lf.


Tabalah 7

Tabikhah b. Ilyas 32 f.

Taghlib b. Hulwan 32
tahannuth 6jn., 70
al-Ta'if xlii, xliv, 98, 115-18
Taihah b. 'Ubaydallah 87
tashriq 130L
Taybah 154
Taym, B. 57
Taym al-Adram 28
Taym Allah 125
Tayy, B. 40
Thaqlf 115-17
Thawr 142, 146, 148
al-Thawri * 155
Tihamah 49, ^3!, 159
Tu'aymah b. Adi 140
al-Tufayl b. 'AA. 146


'Ubadah b. al-Samit I26f., 138
'Ubadah b. al-Walld * 138
'Ubayd b. 'Adi, B. 125
'Ubayd b. M. al-Warraq * 61, 154
'Ubayd b. Sa'ld * 81
'Ubayd b. 'Umayr * 70, 159
'Ubaydallah b. 'Abbas * 99
'Ubaydallah b. al-Mughlrah * 127
'Ubaydallah b. Musa * 81, 153
'Udhrah, B. 19
'Ukaz 85


1 77

'Umar, caliph xlvi, 24, 62, 6sf., 105,

Umar b. Abi Bakr * 39
'Umar (b. 'AA.) b. 'Urwah * 75, 114
'Umarah b. al-Walid 97
'Umaylah b. al-A'zal 55
Umaymah bt. 'Abd al-Muttalib I
'Umayr b. Ilyas 33
Umayyah, B. 18, 100
Umayyah b. 'Abd Shams 17
Umayyah b. Abi al-Salt, poet 42, 53
Umayyah b. Khalaf 107, 141
Umayyah b. Khalid * 158
Umayyah b. Zayd, B. 130
Umm Bakr bt. al-Miswar * 8
Umm Habib bt. Asad 6
Umm Kulthum bt. M. 48
Umm Ma'bad 149
Umm Qattal 5
Umm Salamah 38, 99
'umiah, lesser pilgrimage 12, 122
'Uqbah b. Abi Mu'ayt 102
'Uqbah b. 'Amir I2sf.

'Urwah b. al-Zubayr * xvi, xxi, xxiii,
xlii, 49, 61, 67, 69, 75, 86, 98,

1 01, 104, 115, 136, 138, 145,

147, 150

Usayd b. Hudayr 127-29
'Usfan 146
al-'Ushayrah xix

'Utbah b. Rabi'ah 93, Ii6f., 119, 140
'Uthman, caliph 87, 99f., no
'Uthman al-Himsi * 153
'Uthman b. Maz un 99
'Uthman b. Mihsan * 159
'Uthman b. al-Mughirah * 91
'Uthman b. 'Ubaydallah * 160
'Uthman b. 'Umar * 73f.

'Uwaym b. Sa'idah 126
al-'Uzza 107-12, 120

Waddan xx

Wahb b. 'Abd Manaf 5
Wahb b. 'Abd Qusayy, poet 17
Wahb b. Jarir * 67

Wahb. b. Kaysan * 70

Wahshiyyah bt. Shayban 26

Wa'il, B. 130

Waki' * 74, 81, 85

al-Walid b. al-Mughirah sjt, 93,

107, in

al-Walid b. 'Ubadah * 138
Waqidah 16

al-Waqidi * xiv-xvi, xxi, 8f., 30f., 49,
63!-, 11 , 84/ 86f., 92, 99f., 155
Waqif, B. 1 30

Waraqah b. Nawfal xxxi, xxxiii, xxxviii,
5f., 68, 70, 72f.

Warqa b. Abd al- Uzza 15


Yahya b. 'Abbad * 23

Yahya b. Abi Kathir * 73!., 102, 153

Yahya b. 'Afif * 81

Yahya b. (Abi) al-Ash'ath * 82

Yahya al-Barmaki xv

Yahya b. Ja'dah * 61

Yahya b. Miqdad * 38

Yahya b. M. b. Qays * 60, 153

Yahya b. Sa'id * 6of., 134, 153

Yahya b. Wadih * 85

Ya'la b. Umayyah 159

Ya'mar b. 'Awf 23f.

Ya'qub b. Ibrahim * 107
Ya'qub b. Ishaq * is8f.

Ya'qub b. 'litbah * 96

Yasar * xii, 26

Yathrib 9b, 64, 66

Yazid b. Abi Habib * xii, 127

Yazid b. Ziyad * 108, 115, 142

Yemen xxvii, 16, 18, 28f., 37, 53,

n 8 , 159

Yemenites xxvii, 28^ 32, 37
Yunus b. 'Abd al-A la * 1, 37, 69,
76, 102

Yunus b. Abi Ishaq * 45, 159
Yflnus b. Bukayr * 82
Yunus b. M. * 99
Yflnus b. Yazid * I

i 7 8



Zafar, B. 127
Zakariyya' b. Isa * 39
Zakariyya' b. Ishaq * 154, 159
Zakariyya' b. Yahya * 80, 91, 157
Zam'ah b. al-Aswad 113!., 141
Zamzam 2, 15, 53, 78
al-Zanji b. Khalid * 7
Zayd b. 'Adwan 55
Zayd b. f Amr 64!.

Zayd b. Arqam * 8of.

Zayd b. Harithah xiv, xli ; 86f.
Zayd b. Kilab 19 see: Qusayy

Zaynab bt. M. 48

Ziyad b. *AA. al-Bakka'l xi

Ziyad b. 'ilaqah * 13

al-Zubayr b. Abd al-Muttalib 1

Al-Zubayr al- Awwam xvi, 73, 87, 99L

al-Zubayr b. Bakkar * 38f.

Zuhayr, poet 141

Zuhayr b. Abi Umayyah U2f.

Zuhrah, B. 5, 7, 57, 100, Il8n.

Zuhrah b. Kilab I9f.
al-Zuhri see: M. b. Shihab
Zurayq, B. 125!.

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