The Victory of Islam
[The Messenger of God and the Muslims remained besieged by
their enemy. There was no fighting between them, except that
some horsemen of Quraysh — among them were ‘Amr b. 'Abd
Wudd b. Abi Qays (a member of the Banu 'Amir b. Lu’ayy),
'Ikrimah b. Abi Jahl and Hubayrah b. Abi Wahb (both from
Makhzum), Nawfal b. 'Abdallah, and Dirar b. al-Khaftab b. Mirda
member of the Banu Muharib b. Fihr) clad themselves for battle. 90 They rode
out on their horses and passed by the Banu
Kinanah and said: "Get ready for warfare, Banu Kinanah. Today
you shall know who are the real horsemen." Then they advanced
toward the trench and halted by it. When they saw it, they said,
"By God, this is a stratagem that the Arabs have never
They headed to a place where the trench was narrow and struck
their horses, so that they rushed through it and carried them
round onto the marshy ground between the trench and Sal'. 'Ali b.
Abi Talib went out with a band of Muslims and blocked the gap
through which they had driven their horses. The horsemen rode at
a fast pace toward them. 'Amr b. 'Abd Wudd had fought at the
Battle of Badr 91 until he was immobilized by wounds, and therefore
he had not been present at Uhud. When the Battle of the
Trench took place, he went forth wearing a mark, so that his
position would be visible. When he and his horsemen drew to a
halt, 92 'Ali said to him, "'Amr, you used to swear to God
that if a
man of Quraysh ever summoned you to one of two alternatives,
you would accept one of them from him." "Yes," he
replied. 'Ali b.
Abi Talib said, "I summon you to God, to His Messenger, and
Islam." He replied, "I have no need of this." So
'Ali said, "Then I
summon you to fight." 'Amr said: "Why, O son of my
brother? By
God, I do not want to kill you." ‘Ali said, "But I, by
God, want to
kill you." 'Amr then became very angry. He jumped from his
90. Parallel with many more details: W, 470-72.
91. At the Battle of Badr in 2/642, a Muslim force from
Medina defeated a large
Meccan force; see al-Tabari* I* 1282-338.
92. IH, III, 225, adds: "He said, 'Who will come
out for single combat?' 'Ali b. Abi
Talib came out to him."
The Events of the Year 5
horse, hamstrung it 93 (or he struck it on its face), and advanced
toward 'Ali. The two fought in single combat With each other, and
’Ali killed 'Amr. His horsemen went away in a rout and rushed
through the trench in flight. Two men werej killed along with
‘Amr: Munabbih b. 'Uthman b. 'Ubayd b. al-Sabbaq b. 'Abd al-Dar
(he was hit by an arrow and died of it in Mecca) and Nawfal b.
’Abdallah b. al-Mughirah of the Banu Makhzum. Nawfal plunged
into the trench and became trapped in it. They pelted him with
stones. He said, "People of the Arabs, a slaying better than
So ’Ali went down and killed him. The Muslims took his body.
They asked the Messenger of God to sell them his body. The
Messenger of God said: "We have no need for his body or its
Do with it as you like." So he left them to do as they
pleased with
According to Ibn Humayd — Salamah — Muhammad b. Ishaq —
Abu Layla 'Abdallah b. Sahl b. 'Abd al-Rahman b. Sahl al-An$ari 94
(a member of the Banu Harithah): At the time of the Battle of the
Trench, 'A’ishah, the Mother of the Faithful, 95 was in the
of the Banu Harithah, one of Medina's strongest fortresses, and
mother of Sa'd b. Mu'adh was there with her.
According to 'A’ishah: That was before the curtain 96 was imposed
on us. Sa'd [b. Mu'adh] passed by wearing a coat of mail
93. A horse was hamstrung when its rider resolved not fa
attempt escape but to
fight to the death,
94. His exact dates are unknown. His name is also given
as Abu Layla b. ’Abdal-
lah b. ’Abd al-Rahman b. Sahl al-An?ari, and he is said
to have been a reliable
transmitter. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhlb, XII, a is.
95. On the title "Mother of the Faithful"
conferred on Muhammad's wives, see
Watt, Muhammad at Medina, 286-87.
96. Arabic: hijab, "anything that veils, conceals,
hides, covers, or protects"
(Lane, Lexicon, II, 516). Originally, the word
designated the curtain that was set up in Muhammad's house to separate his
wives from the view of unrelated male
visitors; in later usage it was applied to a veil or
article of cjlothing concealing any Muslim woman's features and thereby
protecting her frofa the desire of men. The institution of such a curtain in
Muhammad's house is usually dated to this year, a.h. 5, and sometimes connected
with the behavior of certain guests at the wedding of the Prophet and Zaynab
bt. Jahsh. Qur’an 33:53 enunciates the injunction:
"O believers, enter not the houses of the Prophet,
except leave is given you for a
meal, without watching for its hour. But when you are
invited, then enter; and
when you have had the meal, disperse, neither lingering for
idle talk; that is hurtful to the Prophet, and he is ashamed before you; but God
is ijiot ashamed before the truth. And when you ask his wives for any object, ask
thefa from behind a curtain (bi/ab); that is cleaner for your hearts and
theirs." 'A’ishah's account of the so- called "Affair of the
Lie" in a.h. 6 jp. 59, below) implies that by that date seclusion of the
Prophet's wives was in force. On the development of regulations concerning the
modest behavior expected from Muhammad's wives, see Watt, Muhammad at Medina,
284-871 El 2 , s.v. Hidjab, and Stowasser, Women in the Qur'an, Traditions, and
Interpretation, 90-94, 127-31.
The Victory of Islam
tucked up so that his entire forearm was exposed, with his lance in
his hand. He was running about with it and reciting:
Wait a little, and liamal shall be present at the fray:
There is no harm in death when one's time is come. 97
His mother said to him, "Hurry up, son; by God, you are
According to 'A’ishah: I said to her, "Umm Sa'd, 98 I wish
Sa'd's coat of mail were ampler than it is." I feared for him
the arrow struck him. Sa'd b. Mu'adh was shot with an arrow, and
the median vein of his arm was cut.
According to Ibn IJumayd— - Salamah — Muhammad b. Ishaq —
'A?im b. ‘Umar b. Qatadah: The arrow was shot by Hibban b. Qays
b. al-'Ariqah (one of the Banu ‘Amir b. Lu’ayy). When he hit Sa'd,
Hibban said: "Take that! I am Ibn al-'Ariqah." Sa'd
replied: "God
make your face sweat 99 in hellfire! O God, if Thou hast saved any
portion of the warfare with Quraysh, save me for it; for there are
no men against whom I would rather strive than men who hurt
Thy Messenger, called him a liar, and cast him out. O God, if Thou
hast set warfare between us and them, grant me martyrdom, and
do not let me die until Thou make my eye see its desire upon the
Banu Qurayzah."
According to Sufyan b. Waki' 100 — Muhammad b. Bishr 101 —
Muhammad b. 'Amr 102 — his father ['Amr b. 'Alqamah] 103 —
97. The verse was proverbial. Commentators give various
identifications for
Hamal (whose name sometimes appears as Jamal).
98. I.e., "Mother [umm] of Sa'd," using the
form of address (kunyah) that names
a person after his or her first son.
99. 'Arraqa ("make sweat") is a pun on the
name al-'Ariqah.
100. Sufyan b. Waki* b. al-Jarr 3 h al-Kufi died in
147/861, see Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IV, 113-24.
101. Muhammad b. Bishr b. al-Farafi?ah b. al-MukhtSr, a
KGfan scholar, died in
203/818. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IX, 73 - 74 -
102. Muhammad b. 'Amr b. 'Alqamah b. Waqqa? al-Laythi
died in 144/761-62
or 145/762-63. See Ibn IJajar, Tahdhib, IX, 375-77.
103. For 'Amr b. 'Alqamah b. Waqqa? al-Laythi of Medina
(exact dates not
known), see Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VIII, 79-80.
The Events of the Year 5 21
'Alqamah 104 — 'A’ishah, who said: I went out at the time of the
Battle of the Trench following the footsteps of the people. Suddenly,
as I was walking, I heard footsteps on the ground behind
me. Turning around, I saw Sa'd; so I sat down on the ground. With
him, carrying his shield, was his brother's son, al-Harith b. Aws
(who, according to Muhammad b. 'Amr, had been present at Badr
with the Messenger of God). Sa'd was wearing an iron coat of mail,
but the extremities of his limbs stuck out of it — he was one of
biggest and tallest of men. I feared for Sa'd's limbs. He passed
me reciting: 105
Wait a little, and YLamal shall reach the fray:
How fair is death when one's time is come!
After he passed me I stood up and hurried into a walled garden
where there were a group of Muslims. Among them were 'Umar b.
al-Khatfab and a man wearing his tasbighah (according to
Muhammad [b. Hisham], a tasbighah is a mighfar 106 ), so that only
his eyes could be seen. 'Umar said: "You are very brave! Why
you come? How can you tell? — perhaps there may be a retreat or
trouble." By God, he kept scolding me until I wished the
would split open for me to enter it. Then the man threw back the
tasbighah and revealed his face. It was Talftah , 107 and he said
‘Umar]: "You have talked too much! What flight and what
except to God? " Sa'd b. Mu'adh was shot with an arrow that
day by
a man named Ibn al-'Ariqah, who said: "Take that! I am Ibn
al-'Ariqah." Sa'd said, "God make your face sweat in
hellfire! 108
He had hit his median vein and cut it. (According to Muhammad
b. 'Amr: Some have said that whenever a person's median vein is
cut, it keeps oozing blood until the person dies.) Sa'd said,
"O God,
do not let me die until Thou make my eye see its desire upon the
Banu Qurayzah" — in the Time of Ignorance 109 they had been
confederates and clients.
104. Ed. Cairo, index, identifies him as 'Alqamah b.
Qays al-Nakha’I. He was
supposedly ninety years old when he died sometime
between 61/680 and 63/683. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, 276-78. However, the rest of
the isnad points to 'Alqamah b. Waqqa? al-Laythl. See note 133, below.
105 . Literally, "reciting verse in rajaz
106. I.e., "a portion of the mail of the coat of
mail, that is conjoined to the
helmet, and protects the neck" — Lane, Lexicon, IV,
107. For a biography of Talhah b. 'Ubaydallah, a member
of the Quraysh clan of
Banu Taym b. Murrah, who accompanied Muhammad on the
Hijrah and
distinguished himself at the Battle of Uhud, see El 1 ,
s.v. Talha. The incident reveals Jalhah's coolness toward 'Umar and his closeness
to 'A’ishah, elements that would be important in his subsequent career.
108. See note 99, above.
[ 1479 ]
The Victory of Islam
According to Ibn Humayd — Salamah — Muhammad b. Ishaq —
someone not to be doubted — 'Ubaydallah b. Ka'b b. Malik, who
used to say: No one hit Sa'd with an arrow that day but Abu
Usamah al-Jushaml, a confederate of the Banu Makhzum. God
knows best what actually happened.
According to Ibn Humayd — Salamah — Muhammad b. Ishaq —
Yahya b. 'Abbad b. ’Abdallah b. al-Zubayr 110 — his father,
who said: 111 $afiyyah 112 bt. 'Abd al-Muftalib was in Fari', the
fortress of Hassan b. Thabit. 113
According to §afiyyah, who said: Hassan was with us there with
the women and children. A man from the Jews passed by us and
began to circle the fortress. The Banu Quray?ah had gone to war
and had broken their pact with the Messenger of God. There was
no one between us and them to defend us — the Messenger of God
and the Muslims, being face to face with the enemy, could not
leave them to come back to us when anyone came at us. So I said:
[1480] "Hassan, this Jew, as you see, is circling the
fortress. By God, I fear
he will point out our exposed places to the Jews who are to our
while the Messenger of God and his companions are too busy to
attend to us. So go down to him and kill him." He replied:
forgive you, daughter of 'Abd al-Mut^alib! You know I am not the
man to do it." When he said that to me and I saw that nothing
could be expected from him, I girded myself, took a club, and,
having gone down from the fortress to the man, I struck him with
the club until I killed him.
109. Arabic, "in the jahiliyyah," the
"time of ignorance" before Islam. See El 2 ,
s.v. Djahiliyya.
1 10. Yahya b. 'Abbad b. 'Abdallah b. al-Zubayr b.
al-'Awwam is said to have died
at the age of thirty-six, but no exact date is given.
See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, XI, 234-
35 i 1 1. On 'Abbad b. 'Abdallah b. al-Zubayr b. al-'Awwim,
see Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib,
V, 98. Parallels: IH, HI, 228 (tr. Guillaume, 458),
AghanI, IV, 1 5 |ed. Cairo, IV, 1378).
1 12. Muhammad's paternal aunt; the daughter of 'Abd
al-Muttalib's last mar-
riage, she was slightly younger than Muhammad.
1 1 3. Hassan b. Thabit of the tribe of al-Khazraj in
Medina was the most promi-
nent of the poets supporting Muhammad. See EP, s.v.
Hassin b. Thabit; GAS, II,
The Events of the Year 5 23
When I had finished with him, I returned to the fortress and said:
"Hassan, go down to
him and strip him" — only his being a man kept me from stripping him.
Hassan replied, " I have no need for his spoils, daughter of 'Abd al-
Muftalib." 114
According to Ibn Ishaq: The Messenger of God and his companions
continued in the fear and distress that God has described [in
the Qur’an], because their enemies had leagued together against
them and had come at them "from above them and below
them." 115 Then Nu'aym b. Mas'ud b. ‘Amir b. Unayf b.
b. Qunfudh b. Hilal b. Khalawah b. Ashja' b. Rayth b. Ghafafan
came to the Messenger of God and said, "I have become a
but my tribesmen do not know of my Islam; so command me
whatever you will." The Messenger of God said to him:
"You are
only one man among us. Make them abandon [each other], if you
can, so that they leave us; for war is deception."
Nu'aym b. Mas'ud therefore set out and came to the Banu
Quray?ah — he had been their drinking companion in the Time of
Ignorance — and said to them, "Banu Qurayzah, you know my
affection for you and the special tie between myself and
"Yes," they said, "you are not a person whom we
doubt." He said
to them: "Quraysh and Ghatafan have come to make war on
Muhammad, and you have backed them against him. The position
of Quraysh and Ghatafan is not like yours. The land is your land.
Your wealth, your children, and your women are in it; you cannot
move from it to another. The wealth, children, women, and land
of Quraysh and Ghatafan are elsewhere; so they are not in a position
like yours. If they see an opportunity and booty, they will
take it; if it turns out otherwise, they will return to their
lands and
leave you exposed to this man in your land, and you will have no
strength to deal with him if he is left to deal with you alone. So
not fight on the side of the men [of Quraysh and Ghatafan], until
you take from them hostages from their nobles, to be in your
hands as surety for you that they will fight Muhammad with you
until you have fought it out with him." They said, "You
given good counsel and advice."
1 14. The editor of ed. Cairo adds the following note:
"According to al-Suhayli,
people infer from this tradition that Hassan was very
cowardly. One scholar
disputes this and denies it on the ground that the
tradition has a broken chain of
transmission. He says that if it were true, Hassan would
have been mocked for it:
for he used to compose satirical verses against such
poets as I?irar and Ibn al-
Ziba'rd, and they would engage in polemics and reply to
him? yet no one ever
berated him for cowardice or branded him a coward. This
indicates the weakness of Ibn Ishaq's tradition. If the tradition is true,
perhaps he was sick that day with an illness that prevented him from being
present at the fighting."
115. See note 85, above.
The Victory of Islam
Nu'aym then set out and came to Quraysh. He said to Abu
Sufyan b. Harb and the men of Quraysh who were with him:
"People of Quraysh, you know my affection for you and how I
have separated from Muhammad. Word has come to me of some*
thing that I consider it my duty to pass on to you as a matter of
sincere advice; but keep to yourselves what I say." "We
will," they
said. "Then know," he said, "that the Jews have
regretted what
they did regarding relations between them and Muhammad. They
have sent to him, saying: 'We regret what we have done. Will you
be satisfied with us if we take nobles from the tribes of Quraysh
and Ghatafan and give them to you, so that you can behead them?
Then we will be on your side against any of them that remain/ He
has sent them word saying yes. So if the Jews send to you asking
for hostages from your men, do not give them a single one of your
Then Nu'aym set out and came to Ghatafan. He said: "People of
Ghatafan, you are my stock and my kin, the dearest of people to
me. I think you have no doubts about me." "Truly
spoken," they
said. He said, "Keep to yourselves what I say." "We
will," they
said. Then he spoke to them as he had spoken to Quraysh, warning
them as he had warned Quraysh.
Thus, on a Sabbath eve in the month of Shawwal of the year 5,
by the favor of God toward His Messenger, Abu Sufyan and the
chiefs of Ghatafan sent to the Banu Qurayzah 'Ikrimah b. Abl Jahl
with a group of men from Quraysh and Ghatafan. They said to the
Banu Quray?ah: "We are not in a place where one can stay. Our
camels and horses have perished. Come out to do battle tomorrow
morning, so that we can fight it out with Muhammad and finish
matters between us and him." The Banu Quray?ah sent back word
to Quraysh, saying: "Today is the Sabbath, a day on which we
no labor. One of us violated it once, and you know what befell
The Events of the Year 5 25
him. 1 16 Moreover, we will not fight on your side until you give
some of your men as hostages to be in our hands as surety to us
until we fight it out with Muhammad; for we fear that if the
warfare tests your mettle and the fighting becomes difficult for
you, you will hurry back to your lands, leaving us with the man in
our land, and then we shall have no strength to deal with
When the messengers brought back to them what the Banu
Qurayzah had said, Quraysh and Ghafafan said, "You know, by
God, that what Nu'aym b. Mas'ud told you is indeed true." So
sent to the Banu Qurayzah, saying: "By God, we will not give
a single one of our men. If you want to fight, come out and
When the messengers reached them with this message, the Banu
Qurayzah said [to each other]: "What Nu’aym b. Mas’ud told
is indeed true! The men [of Quraysh and Ghafafan] only want to
fight. If they find an opportunity, they will take it; if not,
they will
hurry back to their lands and leave you exposed to this man in
your lands." So they sent to Quraysh and Ghafafan, saying,
God, we will not fight on your side until you give us
Quraysh and Ghafafan refused. God caused them to abandon each
other. Then God sent against them in the bitter cold winter nights
a wind that began overturning their cooking pots and blowing
away their tents. When word of their disagreement and how God
had disrupted their unity reached the Messenger of God, he called
Hudhayfah b. al-Yaman and sent him to them by night to see what
the enemy was doing.
According to Ibn Humayd — Salamah — Muhammad b. Ishaq—
Yazid b. Ziyad 117 — Muhammad b. Ka’b al-Qurazi, who said: A
young man of al-Kufah 118 asked Hudhayfah b. al-Yaman, "Abu
116 . See note 117, below.
1 17. Yazid b. Ziyad (dates unknown; the name is also
given as Yazid b. Abi
Ziyad, or Yazid b. .Ziyad b. Abi Ziyad) of Medina was a
mawla of 'Abdallah b.
'Ayyash b. Abi Rabl'ah al-Makhzumi. See Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, XI, 328.
1 18. The Muslim garrison city of al-Kufah was founded
ca. 17/638 in the caliphate of 'Umar on the Euphrates near the older city of
al-Hirah; see EP, s.v. This report portrays hudhayfah as being asked many years
later, after the conquest of Iraq and the settlement of al-Kufah, by a young
Kfifan \fat& implies a man who has recently reached military age) to recall
the events of the battle.
The Victory of Islam
'Abdallah, 119 you saw the Messenger of God and accompanied
him?" "Yes, nephew," he replied. The young man
asked, "How
did things go with you?" "By God we toiled!" said
The young man said, "By God, had we lived in his time, we
not have left him to walk on the ground; we would have carried
him on our necks." Hudhayfah said: "Nephew, by God, I
can see
us with the Messenger of God at the trench. He prayed part of the
night, then turned to us and said, 'Who is a man who will go up
and see for us how the enemy is doing?' — the Messenger of God
stipulated for him that he should come back — 'and God shall
cause him to enter paradise/ 120 Not a man stood up. Again the
Messenger of God prayed part of the night and turned to us and
said the same words, but not one of us stood up. Again the Messenger
of God prayed part of the night and turned to us and said,
'Who is a man who will go up and see for us how the enemy is
doing and then come back?' — the Messenger of God stipulated
[1484] that he should return — 'and I will ask God that he may be
companion in paradise/ But none of the men stood up, so intense
were the fear, the hunger, and the cold. When no one stood up, the
Messenger of God called me. I had no choice but to stand up when
he called me. He said, 'Hudhayfah, go and enter among the enemy,
and see what they are doing; make no disturbance, and come back
to us/
"So I went and entered among the enemy. The wind and God's
hosts 121 were taking their toll on them, allowing not a cooking
pot, fire, or tent of theirs to stay put. Abu Sufyan b. Harb stood
and said, 'People of Quraysh, let every man see who is sitting
to him/ So I took hold of the hand of the man who was beside me. 1
asked who he was, and he gave his name. Then Abu Sufyan said:
'People of Quraysh, by God you are not in a place where one can
stay. Horses and camels have perished. The Banu Quray?ah have
1 19. Abu 'Abdallah is Jdudhayfah's kunyah (nickname).
Since the verbs in the
question are in the second person plural, the young man
must have meant something like, "Did you and the people of your generation
see the Messenger of God?"
120. I.e., he would be assured of paradise even though
he had not died a martyr's
121. God's hosts {junud Allah ) apparently refers to
angels (so according to al-
Tabari, Jami' al-bayan, XXII, 81 ). Cf. Qur'an 33:9,
"O you who believe! Remember
God's favor to you when there came against you hosts,
and We sent against them a great wind and hosts [junudan] you could not
The Events of the Year 5
broken their promise to us. Words hateful to us have come to us
from them, and you can see what we have suffered from this wind.
By God, no pot of ours stays put, no fire of ours keeps burning,
no tent of ours holds together. So saddle up, for I am leaving!'
he went over to his camel, which was hobbled, seated himself on
it, and struck it. It jumped up with him, standing on three legs,
its hobble was untied only after it stood up. Had it not been for
injunction of the Messenger of God to me that I should not cause
any disturbance until I came to him — and I wanted to — I would
have killed him with an arrow."
Hudhayfah continued: "I went back to the Messenger of God.
He was standing, praying in a woolen wrapper woven with a
camel-saddle pattern that belonged to one of his wives. When he
saw me, he sat me at his feet and threw the edge of the wrapper
over me. Then he bowed down and prostrated himself, but I
disturbed him. After he pronounced a greeting, 122 I told him the
news. Ghafafan heard what Quraysh had done, and they hastened
back to their lands."
According to Ibn yumayd — Salamah — Muhammad b. Ishaq,
who said: The next morning, the Prophet of God left the trench
and went back to Medina with the Muslims, and they laid down
their weapons.
The Expedition against the Banu Qurayzah 123
According to Ibn Humayd — Salamah — Muhammad b. Ishaq — Ibn
Shihab al-Zuhri: At noontime Gabriel, 124 wearing a cloth-of-gold
turban, came to the Messenger of God on a mule with a brocadecovered
saddle. He said, "Have you laid down your arms, Messenger
of God?" "Yes," he replied. Gabriel said: "The
angels have
not laid down their arms! I have just returned from pursuing the
enemy. God commands you, Muhammad, to march to the Banu
Qurayzah. I, too, will betake myself to the Banu Qurayzah." 1
122. I.e., either after he pronounced the salutation to
the guardian angels with
which Islamic prayers end or after he greeted Hudhayfah.
123. Parallels: IH, in, 233-54 (tr. Guillaume, 461-69)1
W, D, 496-531.
124. Gabriel (Jibril) was the angel who brought
revelations to Muhammad (cf.
Qur’an 2:97). See El 2 , s.v. Djabrall.
125. IH, in, 233, and W, II, 497, add "and will
shake them."
The Victory of Islam
The Messenger of God commanded a crier to announce to the
people that whoever would heed and obey should not pray the
afternoon prayer until they were in (the territory of] die Banu
Quray?ah. The Messenger of God sent ‘Ali b. Abi Thalib ahead with
his banner to the Banu Qurayzah, and the people hastened to it.
’Ali b. Abi Talib marched and, having approached the fortresses,
heard foul words from them about the Messenger of God. He went
back and met the Messenger of God on the way and said, "Messenger
of God, it would be better for you not to go near these most
wicked men." "Why?" he asked, "I think you
have heard them
insult me." He said, "Yes, Messenger of God." He
said, 126 "If they
had seen me, they would not have said anything of the sort."
When the Messenger of God had approached their fortresses, he
said: "You brothers of apes! 127 Has God shamed you and sent
down his retribution on you?" They said, "Abu al-Qasim,
128 you
have never been one to act impetuously." 129
Before reaching the Banu Qurayzah, the Messenger of God
passed his companions at al-§awran. 130 "Has anyone passed
he asked. "Yes, Messenger of God," they replied.
"Dihyah b.
Khalifah al-Kalbl 131 passed us on a white mule with a brocadecovered
saddle." The Messenger of God said, "That was Gabriel,
sent to the Banu Qurayzah to shake their fortresses and cast
into their hearts."
When the Messenger of God came to the Banu Quray?ah, he
halted at one of their wells in a part of their territory called
126. Ed. Cairo omits "He said," making the
next sentence a continuation of
'Ali's words.
127. The Qur’an contains references to how God punished
a group of Jews who
violated the Sabbath by changing them into apes; cf.
Qur’ 5 n 2:65, 5:60, and 7:166. See pp. 24, above, and 30, below, where the
Jews themselves allude to the legend.
128. Abu al-Qasim (father of al-Qasim) was Muhammad's
kunyah (a familiar
name usually derived from the name of the bearer's first
male child).
129. Arabic: ma kunta jahulan. On the meanings of the
root j-h- 1 , which in-
cludes both the ideas of ignorance and of violent,
blind, or impulsive action, see
Goldziher, Muslim Studies, I, 201-8; and Blachfere et
al., Dictiormaire axabe-
franoais-anglais, I, 1845-46.
1 3 0. According to al-SamhQdi, Khuldfat al-waftf,
575-7*5, the place was located
at the farther end of al-Baqf , alongside the road to
the Band Qurayzah.
13 1. Dihyah b. Khalifah al-Kalbl was traditionally
represented as a rich mer-
chant of such beauty that the Angel Gabriel assumed his
features. When he arrived in Medina, all the women were said to have come out
to see him. See El 2 , s.v. Dihya.
The Events of the Year 5
Anna, 132 and the men joined up with him. Some men came to him
after the last evening prayer. They had not prayed the afternoon
prayer because of what the Messenger of God had said— that no
one should pray the afternoon prayer until in [the territory of]
Banu Qurayzah because of the warfare against them that was incumbent
on them. They refused to pray because the Prophet had
said "until they reach the Banu Qurayzah"; so they
prayed the
afternoon prayer there after the last evening prayer. God did not
find fault with them in His Book, nor did the Messenger of God
reprimand them for it. (This report is according to Muhammad b.
Ishaq— his father [Ishaq b. Yasar] 133 — Ma'bad b. Ka'b b. Malik
Ansari. 134 )
According to [Sufyan] b. Waki— Muhammad b. Bishr —
Muhammad b. ‘Amr — his father [*Amr b. ‘Alqamah] —
‘Alqamah — ‘A’ishah, who said: The Messenger of God pitched a
round tent over Sa*d in the mosque. 135 He laid down his arms —
that is, when he had come back from [the Battle of] the Trench —
and the Muslims, too, laid down their arms. Then Gabriel came to
him and said: "Have you laid down your arms? By God, the
have not yet laid down their arms! Go out to them, and fight
them!" The Messenger of God called for his breastplate and
put it
on. Then he went out, and the Muslims went out too. When he
passed by the Banu Ghanm, 136 he said, "Who passed by
They replied, "Dihyah al-Kalbi passed by us." (His
beard, and face were likened to Gabriel's.) Then he encamped by
[the Banu Qurayzah]. (Sa‘d was in his tent that the Messenger of
God had pitched over him in the mosque.) He besieged them for a
month or for twenty-five nights. When the siege became too severe
for them, they were told to submit to the judgment of the
Messenger of God. Abu Lubabah b. ‘Abd al-Mundhir gave a sign
that it would mean slaughter. So they said, "We will submit
to the
judgment of Sa'd b. Mu’adh." The Messenger of God said,
to his judgment." So they submitted. The Messenger of God
to him a donkey with a saddle padded with palm fiber, and he was
mounted on it.
134. Also vocalized Una.
133. Ishaq b. Yasar, the father of Muhammad b. Ishaq,
was a mawla of Qays b.
Makhramah. He was considered a very reliable
transmitter. His exact dates are not known. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, I, 257.
134. The brother of 'Ubaydallah b. Ka’b b. Malik al-Ansari.
See GAS, I, 276-77.
13 j. To shelter Sa’d b. Mu’adh while he was
recuperating from his wound.
136. A clan of the al-Awsj see Watt, Muhammad at Medina,
The Victory of Islam
According to 'A’ishah: His wound had healed, so that nothing of
it was visible except what looked like a ring.
Resumption of the account of Ibn Ishaq: The Messenger of God
besieged them twenty-five nights, until the siege exhausted them
and God cast terror into their hearts. Huyayy b. Akhfab had entered
among the Banu Qurayzah in their fortress when Quraysh
and Ghatafan had gone back leaving them> this he did in fulfillment
of his compact with Ka'b b. Asad. When they became certain
that the Messenger of God would not depart from them until he
[1488] had fought it out with them, Ka'b b. Asad said to them:
"People of
the Jews, you see what has befallen you. I shall propose three
alternatives to you. Take whichever one you will." "What
they?" they asked. He said: "That we follow 137 this man
and believe
him; for, by God, it has become clear to you that he is indeed
a prophet sent (from God] and that it is he whom you used to find
[mentioned] in your book. Then you will be secure in your lives,
your property, your children, and your wives." They said,
will never depart from the law of the Torah or exchange it for
another." "Since you reject this proposal of mine,"
he said, "come
let us kill our children and wives and go out to Muhammad and
his companions as men who brandish swords, leaving behind us
no impediments to worry us, until God judges between us and
Muhammad. If we die, we shall die having left nothing behind us
for which we fear; if we win victory, by my life we shall find
women and children." They said: "Kill these poor ones?
would be the good of living after them?" He said: "Since
you have
rejected these proposals of mine, tonight is the night of the Sabbath.
Perhaps Muhammad and his companions feel themselves
safe in it. Go down; perhaps we can take Muhammad and his
companions by surprise." They said, "Profane our Sabbath
and do
on it what none of our predecessors has ever done, except those
you know about — and they were transformed in a way that you
surely know?" He said, "No man among you has ever for a
night shown sound judgment since his mother bore him!"
137. Variant, "swear allegiance to.'
The Events of the Year 5
Then they sent to the Messenger of God, saying, "Send us Abu
Lubabah b. 'Abd al-Mundhir, one of the Banu 'Amr b. 'Awf "
138 —
they 139 were confederates of al-Aws — "so that we can ask
advice in this affair." The Messenger of God sent him to
When they saw him, the men rose to meet him, and the women
and children rushed to grab hold of him, weeping before him, so
that he felt pity for them. They said to him, "Abu Lubabah,
do you
think we should submit to Muhammad's judgment?"
"Yes," he
said, but he pointed with his hand to his throat, that it would be
slaughter. (Abu Lubabah [later] said, "By God, as soon as my
moved, I knew that I had betrayed God and His Messenger.") Abu
Lubabah rushed away at a loss. Before coming to the Messenger of
God, he tied himself to one of the pillars in the mosque, saying,
will not leave this spot until God forgives me for what I have
done." He promised God that he would never set foot on the
territory of the Banu Qurayzah. "Never," he said,
"shall God see
me in a land where I betrayed God and His Messenger." When
news of him reached the Messenger of God — Abu Lubabah was
slow in coming to him, and the Messenger of God deemed him
late — he said, "Had he come to me, I would have sought
for him; but, since he has done what he did, I cannot release
him from his place, until God forgives him."
According to Ibn Humayd — Salamah b. al-Fa^l — Muhammad b.
Ishaq — Yazid b. 'Abdallah b. Qusay?: 140 The forgiving of Abu
Lubabah was revealed to the Messenger of God while he was in the
apartment of Umm Salamah. 141 Umm Salamah said, "I heard the
Messenger of God laughing at daybreak; so I said, 'Why are you
laughing, Messenger of God? — may God make you laugh heartilyl '
138. ‘Amr b. ’Awf was a clan of al-Aws.
139. I.c., the Banu Qurayzah; on the alliance between
the Banu Quray?ah and al-
Aws, see Watt, Muhammad at Medina, 214.
140. Yazid b. ’Abdallah b. Qusayt died in 122/740 at the
age of ninety. See Ibn
Hajar, Tahdhib, XI, 342-43.
14 1. Muhammad married Umm Salamah Hind bt. al-Mughirah,
whose hus-
band, Abu Salamah, had died of wounds after the Battle
of Uhud, in 4/626; see
Poonawala, Last Years, 132, [ 1 , 1771). Muhammad's
wives lived in separate apartments of his residence, which was adjacent to the
mosque in Medina. He is said to have spent a night with each of them in turn;
cf. Watt, Muhammad at Medina, 284, 396.
32 The Victory of Islam
142 He replied, 'Abu Lubabah has been forgiven.' I said, 'Shall I
not announce the good news to him?' 'Yes/ he said, 'if you will.'
So Umm Salamah stood at the door of her chamber (it was before
the curtain was imposed on them) and. said: "Abu Lubabah, rejoice!
God has forgiven you." The people swarmed toward him to
release him, but he said: "No, by God! Not until the
Messenger of
God is the one who releases me with his own hand!" And so,
he went out for the morning prayer, he released him.
According to Ibn Ishaq: Tha'labah b. Sa'yah, 143 Usayd 144 b.
Sa'yah, and Asad b. 'Ubayd— a group of men from the Banu
Hadl, 145 not from the Banu Qurayzah or al-Na#r (their genealogy
was superior to that), but cousins of the men in question — became
Muslims the night that Qurayzah submitted to the judgment of
the Messenger of God. During that night, 'Amr b. Su'da al-Qura?i
went out and passed by the guards of the Messenger of God —
Muhammad b. Maslamah al-An?ari was in charge of them that
night. When the latter saw 'Amr, he said, "Who is it?"
"'Amr b.
Su'da," he replied. *Amr had refused to go along with the
Qurayzah in their treachery toward the Messenger of God.
"Never," he had said, "will I act treacherously
toward Muhammad."
Having recognized him, Muhammad b. Maslamah said, "O
God, do not deprive me of (forgiveness for) 146 the lapses of the
noble"— and he let him pass. 'Amr went his way and spent that
night in the mosque of the Messenger of God in Medina. Then he
went away, and no one knows to this day into which of God's
lands he went. His story was mentioned to the Messenger of God,
(1491) who said, "He was a man whom God rescued for his
142. Adhaka AUahu sinnaka— literally, "may God make
your tooth laugh";
i.e., may He make you laugh or smile heartily, so that
you reveal your side teeth.
The teeth immediately behind the four eyeteeth were
called fawdifik ("laughers") because they became visible in laughter
or smiling; see Lisan, IV, 2358.
143. So vocalized by ed. Leiden; perhaps to be vocalized
"Sa'iyyah," as by the
editor of W, II, 503.
144. So vocalized by IH and ed. Cairo. Ed. Leiden
prefers the vocalization "Asld"
on the basis of al-Dhahabi, Mushtabih, 299.
14s. On the clan of Hadl, which had become closely
connected to the Band
Qurayzah, see Watt, Muhammad at Medina, 193-94.
146. Understanding iqalah, as in W, 504; IH, III, 238;
cf. ed. Leiden, Glossarium,
p. CCCL.
The Events of the Year 5
According to Ibn Ishaq: Some men allege that he was bound
with an old frayed rope along with the Banu Qurayzah who were
bound when they submitted to the judgment of the Messenger of
God. In the morning his rope was cast aside, and no one knew
where he had gone. Then the Messenger of God said this saying
about him. But God knows best [what really happened).
According to Ibn Ishaq: In the morning, they submitted to the
judgment of the Messenger of God. The al-Aws jumped up and
said: "Messenger of God, they are our clients {mawdll), not
of al-Khazraj. You know what you did the other day with the
clients of al-Khazraj!" (Before besieging the Banu Qurayzah,
Messenger of God had besieged the Banu Qaynuqa', who were
confederates of al-Khazraj. 147 They had submitted to his judgment.
'Abdallah b. Ubayy b. Salul 148 had asked him for them, and
he had given them to him.) Therefore, when the al-Aws spoke to
him, the Messenger of God said, "People of al-Aws, will you
not be
satisfied if one of your own men passes judgment on them?"
"Yes," they said. So he said, "It shall be
entrusted to Sa'd b.
Mu'adh." The Messenger of God had placed Sa'd b. Mu'adh in
tent of a Muslim 149 woman named Rufaydah in his mosque. She
used to nurse the wounded and earn merit for herself by serving
Muslims who were impoverished. When Sa'd was struck by the
arrow in the ditch, the Messenger of God said to his tribesmen,
"Put him in Rufaydah's tent, so that I can visit him from
nearby." 150 When the Messenger of God appointed him judge
the Banu Quray?ah, his tribesmen came to him and lifted him
onto a donkey on which they had put a leather cushion, for he was
a stout man. They brought him to the Messenger of God, saying,
"Abu 'Amr, 151 treat your clients well; for the Messenger of
has put you in charge of the matter only that you may treat them
well." After they had plied him with many such requests, he
"The time has come for Sa'd for the sake of God not to be
by anyone's reproach." Then one of his tribesmen who was
with him went back to the dwelling place of the Banu 'Abd al-
Ashhal and announced to them the death of the men of the Banu
Qurayzah before Sa'd b. Mu'adh reached them because of the
words he had heard from him.
147. For the campaign in 2/614 against the Jewish tribe
of Banu Qaynuqa’ and
their expulsion, see Watt and McDonald, Foundation,
83-87 |I, 1359-62).
148. ’Abdallah b. Ubayy, a leader of al-Khazraj and one
of the leading men of
Medina, had become a Muslim but was usually deemed to be
a "hypocrite"
[munafiq) because of his opposition to some of Muhammad's
decisions; see EP-, s.v. ’Abd Allah b. Ubayy.
149. IH and ed. Cairo: "a woman of Asiam."
150. Muhammad's house adjoined the mosque.
1 5 1. Addressing Sa'd by his kunyah.
The Victory of Islam
According to Abu fa'far [al-Tabari]: When Sa'd reached the Messenger
of God and the Muslims, the Messenger of God said (ac-
cording to Ibn Wakr— Muhammad b. Bishr— Muhammad b.
'Amr- his father— 'Alqamah, in a report that he attributed to Abu
Sa'id al-Khudri, 152 who said: When he— that is, Sa'd— came into
sight, the Messenger of God said), "Arise and go to your
{sayyid )" (or he said "to the best of you"),
"and help him dismount."
The Messenger of God said (to Sa'd], "Pass judgment on
them." He replied, "I pass judgment on them that their
shall be killed and their children made captives and that their
property shall be divided." The Messenger of God said,
"You have
passed judgment on them with the judgment of God and the judgment
of His Messenger."
Resumption of the account of Ibn Ishaq: As for Ibn Ishaq, he said
in his report: When Sa'd reached the Messenger of God and the
Muslims, the Messenger of God said, "Arise and go to your master."
So they arose and went to him and said, "Abu 'Amr, the
Messenger of God has entrusted you with your clients ( mawali ),
so that you may pass judgment on them." Sa'd said,
"God's oath
and covenant be upon you in this matter, that the judgment on
them shall be what I judge!" "Yes," they replied.
He said, "And
(1493] upon the one who is here"— (this he said] in the
direction of the
Messenger of God, while turning away from the Messenger of God
out of respect for him. The Messenger of God said,
"Yes." Sa'd
said, "I pass judgment on them that the men shall be killed,
property divided, and the children and women made captives."
According to Ibn Humayd — Salamah — Muhammad b. Ishaq —
'A§im b. 'Umar b. Qatadah — 'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Amr b. Sa'd b.
152. Abu Said Sa'd b. Malik b. Sinln al-Khudri al-An$ari
(the Bani Khudrah
were a small group in the Banu al-Harith clan of
al-Khazraj, cf. Watt, Muhammad
at Medina, 1 67 ), a companion of the Prophet, used to
give legal opinions in Medina. He died ca. 63/682-83. See Ibn Sa'd, Tabaqdt,
II/2, 124, 127, Ibn tfajar, I$&bah, HI, 78-80.
The Events of the Year 5
Mu'adh — 'Alqamah b. Waqqa§ al-Laythi, 153 who said: The Messenger
of God said to Sa'd, "You have passed judgment on them
with the judgment of God from above seven heavens." 154
According to Ibn Ishaq: Then they were made to come down,
and the Messenger of God imprisoned them in the dwelling of al-
Harith's daughter, a woman of the Banu al-Najjar. 155 The Messenger
of God went out into the marketplace of Medina (it is still
its marketplace today) and had trenches dug in it; then he sent
them and had them beheaded in those trenches. They were
brought out to him in groups. Among them were the enemy of
God, Huyayy b. Akhfab, and Ka'b b. Asad, the head of the tribe.
They numbered 600 or 700 — the largest estimate says they were
between 800 and 900. As they were being taken in groups to the
Messenger of God, they said to Ka‘b b. Asad, "Ka'b, what do
think will be done to us?" Ka'b said: "On each. occasion
you do not
understand. Do you not see that the summoner does not discharge
(anyone] and that those of you who are taken away do not come
back? By God, it is death!" The affair continued until the
of God had finished with them.
Huyayy b. Akh{ab, the enemy of God, was brought. He was
wearing a rose-colored 156 suit of clothes that he had tom all
with fingertip-sized holes so that it would not be taken as booty
from him, and his hands were bound to his neck with a rope.
When he looked at the Messenger of God, he said, "By God, I
not blame myself for being hostile to you, but whomever God
forsakes is forsaken." 157 Then he turned to the people and
153. ‘Alqamah b. Waqqa? al-Laythl was bom during the
lifetime of the Prophet.
See Ibn flajar, Tahdhlb, VII, 280-81.
154. The phrase, which uses the Hebrew loanword iaqT for
"heaven," is usually
taken to mean, "You have judged with the judgment
of God (written on the pre-
served tablet) above the seven heavens"; cf. Lane,
Lexicon, III, 1137.
155. The Banu al-Najjar were the most numerous clan or
clan group among al-
Khazraj; see Watt, Muhammad at Medina, 165-66.
156. Arabic fuqqdhiyyah refers either to the color of
the garments (that of the
desert flower called fuqqak) Lane, Lexicon, VI, 2424),
or to a kind of embroidery
(IH, III, 241).
157. Here and in the verses that follow I read man
yakhdhuli lldhu, rather than
man yakhdhuli Uaha, the voweling of edd. Leiden and
Cairo, which would mean
"whoever forsakes God." Huyayy, who remained a
Jew to the end, certainly would not have considered hostility to Muhammad to be
a forsaking of God. Furthermore, khadhala (fail to aid, forsake] and its
opposite na?ara (aid) are normally predicated of God. Cf. Qur’an 3:154:
"If God helps you, none can overcome you, but if He forsakes you, who then
can help you after Him?"
The Victory of Islam
"People, there is no injury in God's command. It is the book
God, His decree, and a battlefield of great slaughter ordained
against the Children of Israel." Then he sat down and was be-
headed. fabal b. Jawwal al-Tha'labl said:
By your life, Ibn Akhtab did not censure himself [for his action];
but whomever God forsakes is forsaken.
He fought until he made his soul attain its vindication,
and he strove to the utmost seeking glory.
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