According to Ibn Humayd— Salamah— Muhammad b. Ishaq—
Muhammad b. Ja'far b. al-Zubayr 158 — *Urwah b. al-Zubayr—
'A’ishah, who said: Only one of their women was killed. By God,
she was by me, talking with me and laughing unrestrainedly while
the Messenger of God was killing their men in the marketplace,
when suddenly a mysterious voice 159 called out her name, saying,
"Where is so and so?" She said, "Here I am, by
God." I asked,
"Alas, what is wrong?" She said, "I shall be
killed." "Why?" I
{1495] asked. She said, "A misdeed 160 that I
committed." She was taken
away and beheaded. ('A’ishah used to say: I shall never forget my
wonder at her cheerfulness and much laughter, even when she
knew that she would be killed.)
According to Ibn Humayd — Salamah — Muhammad b. Ishaq —
Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri: Thabit b. Qays b. Shammas came to al-Zablr
b. Ba$a al-Qurazi, whose familiar name was Abu 'Abd al- Rahman.
Al-Zabir had done Thabit b. Qays b. Shammas a favor in the Time
of Ignorance [before Islam]. (According to Muhammad [b. Isfraq]:
One of al-Zabir's descendants told me that he had done him this
favor at the battle of Bu'ath. 161 He had captured him but had cut
off his forelock and released him.) Thabit came to al-Zabir, now
158. Muhammad b. Ja'far b. al-Zubayr died between
110/728-29 and 120/738.
See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IX, 93.
159. Arabic h&tif, a voice from an unseen source,
often with supernatural
160. Arabic fradathun alfdathtuhu (literally, "a
happening or a novelty that I
caused to happen") usually has a negative sense,
see Lane, Lexicon, n, 528.
161. The battle of Bu'ath, the climax of the war of
Hi{ib between Medina's two
Arab tribes, al-Aws and al-Khazraj, took place ca. a.d.
617, shortly before the
Hijrah and was fought in the territory of the Banu
Quray^ah. See Watt, Muhammad at Medina, 155-58, EP, s.v. Bu'ath.
The Events of the Year 5
old man, and said, "Abu *Abd al-Rahman, do you recognize
Al-Zabir replied, "Can someone like me fail to recognize
like you?" Thabit said, "I want to repay you for your
favor to me."
Al-Zabir said, "Truly the noble man repays the noble!"
then went to the Messenger of God and said: "Messenger of
al-Zabir did me a favor and I owe him a debt of gratitude. I wish
repay him for it. Grant me his life." The Messenger of God
"It is yours." So Thabit went to him and said: "The
Messenger of
God has granted me your life. It is yours." He replied,
"An old man
with no family and no children — what will he do with life?"
Thabit went to the Messenger of God and said, "Messenger of
God, his family and children?" "They are yours," he
said. So
Thabit went to him and said: "The Messenger of God has given
your wife and your children. They are yours." He replied,
household in the Hijaz with no wealth — how can they
So Thabit went to the Messenger of God and said, "His
"It is yours," he said. So Thabit went to him and said:
"The Messenger
of God has given me your wealth. It is yours." He replied,
"O Thabit, how fares it with the one whose face was like a
Chinese mirror in which the virgins of the tribe viewed
themselves — Ka*b b. Asad?" Thabit said, "He has been
"And how fares it," he said, "with the chief of the
settled folk and
the nomads, Huyayy b. Akh^ab?" Thabit said, "He has been
killed." "And how fares it," he said, "with
our vanguard when we
attacked and our defense when we wheeled round, 162 Azzal b.
Shamwll?" Thabit said, "He has been killed."
"And how fares it,"
he said, "with the two assemblies?" (He meant the Banu
Ka'b b.
Quray?ah and the Banu ’Amr b. Qurayzah.) Thabit said, "They
have gone to their death." He said: "Then I ask you for
the sake of
the favor I once did for you to join me to my kinsmen, for by God
there is no good in living after them. I will not wait patiently
God, not even [the time needed] to take the bucket of a watering
trough, until I meet my dear ones." So Thabit brought him forward,
and he was beheaded. When what he said — "until 1 meet my
dear ones" — was reported to Abu Bakr, he said, "He will
them, by God, in the fire of Gehenna, there to dwell forever and
forever." Concerning this, Thabit b. Qays b. al-Shammas said,
mentioning al-Zablr b. Ba{a:
161. Arabic kararna } IH, III, 243, reads fararna,
"we fled"; W, II, 519, reads
wallaw "they turned back." Al-Waqidi gives the
name as Ghazzal b. Samaw’al.
The Victory of Islam
My obligation has been acquitted: I was generous and was
patient, when the folk turned away from patience.
Zabir of all men had the greatest claim to gratitude
on me; therefore, when his wrists were tied with a thong,
I came to the Messenger of God, that I might untie him;
and the Messenger of God to us was a flowing sea. 163
The Messenger of God had commanded that all of them who
had reached puberty should be killed.
According to Ibn tfumayd— Salamah— Muhammad b. Ishaq—
Ayyub b. *Abd al-Rahman b. 'Abdallah b. Abi $a'?a'ah 164 (a member
of the Banu 'Adi b. al-Najjar): Salma bt. Qays, the mother of al-
Mundhir and sister of Salif b. Qays, was one of the maternal aunts
of the Messenger of God. She had prayed with him facing both of
the qiblahs 165 and had sworn allegiance to him after the manner
of women. 166 She asked him for [the life of] Rifa'ah b. Shamwil
Qurazi, who had come of age. He had taken refuge with her and
had previously been one of their acquaintances. She said:
of God, you are as dear to me as my father and mother! Give me
Rifa'ah b. Shamwil, for he has said that he will pray and eat
meat. 167 He gave him to her, and thus she saved his life.
According to Ibn Isfcaq: Then the Messenger of God divided the
wealth, wives, and children of the Banu Qurayzah among the
Muslims. On that day he made known the shares of horsemen and
shares of foot soldiers, and he deducted from these shares the
163. I.e., granted the request. The sea is a metaphor
tor generosity.
164. His name is also given as Ayyub b. *Abd al-Rahman
b. $a'§a’ah. His exact
dates are not known. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, I, 408.
165. The qiblah is the direction that Muslims face in
prayer. Originally
Muhammad followed the practice of the Jews in facing
Jerusalem, but changed the
qiblah to the direction of the Ka'bah in Mecca during
a.h. 2 (see Watt and
McDonald, Foundation, 24-25 (I, 1279-81]) the change is
alluded to in Qur’an
2:136 ££.), In other words, Salma's conversion to Islam
took place before the change in the qiblah. See El 2 , s.v. ftibla.
166. Arabic: baya'athu bay'ata al-nisd’i— this was the
term for a pledge of alle-
giance in which no obligation to fight was involved.
T67. Camel meat is permitted under Islamic dietary
regulations but prohibited
under Jewish regulations.
The Events of the Year 5
[khums ). 168 A horseman received three shares: two shares for the
horse and one share for its rider. A foot soldier who had no horse
received one share. The cavalry at the battle with the Banu
Qurayzah numbered thirty-six horses. It was the first booty
[fay ’) 169 in which shares were allotted and from which the khums
was deducted; and according to its precedent (sunnu/z) and the
procedure of the Messenger of God in it divisions of booty took
place and precedent was followed in [succeeding] expeditions.
However, if a man had horses with him, he appointed shares only
for two horses.
Then the Messenger of God sent Sa'd b. Zayd al-An$ari (a member
of the Banu ‘Abd al-Ashhal) with some of the captives from the
Banu Qurayzah to Najd, and in exchange for them he purchased
horses and arms. The Messenger of God selected for himself from
their women Rayhanah bt. 'Amr b. Khunafah, a woman from the
Banu ’Amr b. Qurayzah, and she remained his concubine; when he
predeceased her, she was still in his possession. 170 The
of God offered to marry her and impose the curtain [hijab] on her,
but she said, "Messenger of God, rather leave me in your
[as a concubine], for it is easier for me and for you. " So
he did
so. When the Messenger of God took her captive, she showed
herself averse to Islam and insisted on Judaism. So the Messenger
of God put her aside, and he was grieved because of her. Then,
while he was with his companions, he heard the sound of shoes
behind him and said, "This must be Tha'labah b. Sa’yah coming
bring me tidings of Rayhanah's acceptance of Islam." He came
him and said, "Messenger of God, Rayhanah has become a
Muslim" — and it gave the Messenger of God joy.
After the affair of the Banu Qurayzah had ended, the wound of
Sa’d b. Mu’adh broke open. The account of this is as follows,
according to Ibn Waki’ — Ibn Bishr — Muhammad b. ’Amr — his
father — 'Alqamah [in a report that he attributed to ’A’ishah):
Sa’d b. Mu’adh had passed judgment as he did on the Banu
Qurayzah, he prayed, saying: "O God, Thou knowest that there
are no men against whom I would rather fight and strive than men
who called Thy Messenger a liar.
168. The khums was the one-fifth of booty reserved to
Muhammad under
Qur'an 8:14 (said to have been revealed after the battle
of Badr) to be used for
communal purposes; see Watt, Muhammad at Medina, 23a, 25
169. On the development of the term fay' ("chattels
taken as booty") see El 2 , s.v.
170. I.e, she never became a full wife. See Ibn Sa'd,
Jabaqat, VIII, 92-94.
The Victory of Islam
O God, if Thou hast saved any
portion of warfare with Quraysh for Thy Messenger, save me for
it; but if Thou hast cut off the warfare between him and them,
take me to Thee." So his wound broke open. The Messenger of
God returned him to the tent he had pitched over him in the
'A’ishah said: The Messenger of God, Abu Bakr, and 'Umar
came to him. By the One holds the soul of Muhammad in His
hand, I could tell Abu Bakr's weeping from 'Umar's even while I
was in my chamber. They were, as God has said, "merciful
themselves." 171
'Alqamah asked ['A’ishah], "Mother [of the Faithful], 172 how
the Messenger of God behave?" She replied: "His eye did
not weep
for anyone. When his grief for someone became intense or when
he was upset, he would only take hold of his beard."
According to Ibn yumayd — Salamah — Ibn Ishaq, who said: At
the Battle of the Trench only six Muslims and three polytheists
were killed. At the battle with the Banu Quray?ah, Khallad b.
Suwayd b. Tha'labah b. 'Amr b. Balharith b. al-Khazraj was killed:
a millstone was thrown onto him and badly crushed him. Abu
Sinan b. Mihsan b. Hurthan, a member of the Banu Asad b.
Khuzaymah, died while the Messenger of God was besieging the
Banu Qurayzah and was buried in the cemetery of the Banu
Quray?ah. After the Messenger of God returned from the trench,
he said, "Now we shall attack them"— meaning Quraysh—
they will not attack us" — and thus it was, until God granted
Messenger the conquest of Mecca.
According to Ibn Ishaq, the conquest of the Banu Quray?ah took
place in the month of Dhu al-Qa'dah or in the beginning of Dhu al-
Hijjah. 173 Al-Waqidi, however, has said that the Messenger of God
attacked them a few days before the end of Dhu al-Qa'dah. He
asserted that the Messenger of God commanded that furrows
should be dug in the ground for the Banu Quray?ah. Then he sat
down, and 'Ali and al-Zubayr began cutting off their heads in his
171. Qur’an 48:29.
172. See note 95, above.
173. Dhu al-Qa’dah of a.h. 5 began on 24 March 6 i 7
> Dhu al-Hijjah began on 23
The Events of the Year 5
He asserts that the woman whom the Prophet killed
that day was named Bunanah, the wife of al-Hakam al-Qurazi — it
was she who had killed Khallad b. Suwayd by throwing a mill-
stone on him. The Messenger of God called for her 174 and be-
headed her in retaliation for Khallad b. Suwayd.
There is disagreement over the date of the Prophet's expedition
against the Banu al-Mu?$aliq. This was the expedition called the
expedition of al-Muraysf — al-Muraysi' being the name of a watering
place belonging to [the tribe of] Khuza'ah, near Qudayd toward
the coast. 175 According to Ibn Ishaq (as transmitted to us by Ibn
Humayd — Salamah — Ibn Ishaq), the Messenger of God attacked
the Banu al-Mustaliq [clan] of Khuza'ah in Sha'ban of the year 6
the Hijrah. 176 Al-WaqidI has said that the Messenger of God attacked
al-Muraysi' in Sha'ban of the year 5 of the Hijrah. 177 He
asserted that the Battle of the Trench and the battle with the
Quray?ah took place after al-Muraysi' — referring to the warfare
with the Banu al-Mustaliq of Khuza'ah. Ibn Ishaq (as transmitted
to us by Ibn Humayd — Salamah — Ibn Ishaq) asserted that the
Messenger of God returned after concluding the affair of the Banu
Qurayzah at the end of Dhu al-Qa'dah or at the beginning of Dhu
al-Hijjah. He remained in Medina during Dhu al-Hijjah, Muharram,
$afar, and the two months of Rabi'. 178 During the year 5, the
polytheists were in charge of the pilgrimage.
174. For ed. Leiden's da' a biha ("called for
her"), ed. Cairo reads da' a lahu
("prayed for him" — i.e., for Khallad).
175. The place, about 15 kilometers from Medina, was the
site of the shrine to
Manat at al-Mushallal. See the article by T. Fahd in EP,
s.v. Manat.
176. Sha’ban of a.h. 6 began on 16 December 627.
177. Sha'ban of a.h. 5 began on 26 December 626. For
al-Waqidi's account, see
W, 1 , 404 ff. Cf. al-Tabari's account p. 51, below. Cf.
also Hamidullah, Battlefields, 29-30, who argues for the earlier dating.
178. Roughly from 23 April 627 (the beginning of Dhu
al-Hijjah, 5) to 17 September 627 (the end of RabiawaII, 6).
Events of the Year
(May 23, 627-MAY 10, 628)
The Expedition against the Band Libyan 179
According to Abu Ja'far (al-Tabari]: The Messenger of God set out
[1501] during Jumada I 180 at the end of six months from the
conquest of
the Banu Qurayzah to the Banu Lihyan, seeking (vengeance] for
the men [who were betrayed] at al-Raji', Khubayb b. 'Adi and his
companions. 181 To take the enemy by surprise, he pretended to be
setting out for the north. 182 He left Medina and traveled by
Ghurab, a mountain near Medina, on his way north, then by
Makhld 183 and al-Batra’. 1 84 Then he veered to the left and,
passed Yayn and $ukhayrat al-Yamam, 185 his route led him
directly by the main road to Mecca. He traveled quickly and
halted at GhurSn, where there were settlements of the Banu
179. Parallels: W, II, 535-37, IH, III, 279-81 (tr.
Guillaume, 484-86).
180. Jumada I of a.h. 6 began on 18 September 627.
1 8 1. See note 84, above.
181. Arabic al-sha'm means both "north" and
183. IH, III, 279: al-Mahi?) but Yaqut, Mu'jam al-bulddn,
VII, 411, records
Makhid with reference to this passage and gives Mai}!?
as a place within Medina
(VII, 401).
184. Al-Batra’ is a mountain about 130 miles northwest
of Medina, about midway between Medina and Tabuk; it is not to be confused with
the ancient Nabatean city of Petra, which has the same name in Arabic.
185. In W, II, S36, the names are given as Bin and
§ukhayrit al-Thumam,
The Events of the Year 6
Lihyan. (Ghuran is a valley between Amaj and 'Usfan 186 extending
toward a village called Sayah.) He found that they were on the
alert and had taken secure positions on the mountain tops. After
the Messenger of God had halted there and failed to take them by
surprise as he intended, he said, "If we went down to 'Usfan,
Meccans would think that we had come for Mecca." So he set
with two hundred riders of his companions and halted at 'Usfan.
He sent out two horsemen of his companions. They reached Kura'
al-Ghamim 187 and then returned, and he turned back.
According to Ibn Humayd — Salamah — Ibn Ishaq (who transmitted
the report about the expedition against the Banu Lihyan
from 'A$im b. 'Umar b. Qatadah and 'Abdallah b. Abi Bakr, who
transmitted it from 'Ubaydallah b. Ka'b): Then the Messenger of
God returned to Medina. He had stayed only a few nights before
'Uyaynah b. Hisn b. Hudhayfah b. Badr al-Fazari with horsemen of
Ghafafan raided the milch camels of the Messenger of God at al-
Ghabah. 188 Tending them were a man of the Banu Ghifar 189 and
his wife. They killed the man and carried off the woman with the
The Expedition to Dhu Qarad
According to Ibn Humayd — Salamah — Muhammad b. Ishaq —
'A§im b. 'Umar b. Qatadah, 'Abdallah b. Abi Bakr, and someone
whom I do not doubt — 'Ubaydallah b. Ka'b b. Malik (each of
whom transmitted part of the report about the expedition to Dhu
Qarad): The first person to know about them 190 was Salamah b.
186. Yaqut, Mu'jam al-buldan, VI, 173-74, locates 'Usfan
at two stages or 33
Arab miles from Mecca on the road to Medina. The name is
preserved by a modern town about so miles northwest of Mecca.
187. Kura' al-Ghamim was a mountain on the edge of a
lava field eight miles
from 'Usfan; see Yaqut, Mu'jam al-buldan, VII, 226.
188. For al-Ghabah, see note 73, above. Parallels: W,
II, 537-49? IH, HI, 281-89
(tr. Guillaume, 486-90).
189. The Banu Ghifar, a subdivision of the Banu pamrah
b. Bakr b. 'Abd Manat
b. Kinanah, lived in the Hijaz between Mecca and Medina.
They became allies of
the Muslims and eventually embraced Islam. Some of them
must have settled
within Medina. Cf. p. 5, above, where Muhammad is said
to have left Siba' b. 'Urfu- fah al-Ghifari in charge of Medina during his
absence. See EP, s.v. Ghifar.
190. I.e., the raiding party from Ghanaian mentioned in
the previous paragraph.
The Victory of Islam
'Amr b. al-Akwa* al-Aslami. 191 He set out for al-Ghabah early in
the morning, with his bow and arrows suspended from his
shoulder, accompanied by a slave of Talhah b. 'Ubaydallah. 192
However, the account of this expedition of the Messenger of
God from Salamah b. al-Akwa' [himself dates it] after his return
Medina from Mecca in the Year of al-Hudaybiyah. 193 If that is
correct, the events narrated on the authority of Salamah b. al-
Akwa' must have taken place either in Dhu al-Hijjah of a.h. 6 or
the beginning of a.h. 7, because the return of the Messenger of
God from Mecca to Medina in the Year of al-Hudaybiyah took
place in Dhu al-Hijjah of a.h. 6 . Thus, nearly six months
the date given by Ibn Ishaq for the expedition to Dhu al-Qarad and
the date transmitted from Salamah b. al-Akwa*.
The account of Salamah b. al-Akwa* [is as follows]. According to
al-Hasan b. Yahya 194 — Abu 'Amir al-'Aqadi 195 — 'Ikrimah b.
'Ammar al-Yamami 196 — Iyas b. Salamah 197 — his father [Salamah
b. al-Akwa*], who said: We returned to Medina with the Messenger
of God — that is, after the peace of al-Hudaybiyah. The Messenger
of God sent out his camels with Rabah, the slave of the
Messenger of God, and I went out with him with a horse belonging
to Talhah b. 'Ubaydallah. When we woke up in the morning, we
saw that 'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Uyaynah had raided the camels of the
Messenger of God, driving off all of them and killing their herdsman.
I said: "Rabah, take this horse and get to Talhah. Tell the
Messenger of God that the polytheists have raided his
191. Salamah is more frequently called "Ibn
al-Akwa'," after his grandfather's
nickname ("having a prominent or deformed
wrist"). Known for his bravery, Salamah died in 74/693-94 when he was
about eighty. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, IV, 1 50- 52.
192. The reading of ed. Cairo, "Talhah b.
'Abdallah," is probably a misprint. At I,
1507, ed. Cairo agrees with ed. Leiden in reading
"Talhah b. 'Ubaydalllh."
193. In accordance with the custom of naming years after
their most important
event, a.h. 6 came to be known as the Year of
al-Hudaybiyah, after the episode
narrated at pp. 67 ff., below.
194. Al-Hasan b. Yahya al-Jurjani died in 263/876 in his
eighties. See Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, II, 324-25.
195. Abu 'Amir 'Abd al-Malik b. 'Amr al-'Aqadi died in
204 or 205/819-21. See
Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VI, 409-10.
196. 'Ikrimah b. 'Ammar al-'Ijli Abd 'Ammar al-Yamim!
was bom in al-Ba$rah
and died in 159/775-76. See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, VII,
197. Iyas b. Salamah b. al-Akwa' al-Aslami Abu Salamah
was bom in Medina
and died there in 1 19/737 at the age of seventy-seven.
See Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib, I,
The Events of the Year 6
Standing on a hill, I faced Medina and shouted, "A
raid!" 198 three
times. Then I set out after the enemy, shooting arrows at them and
saying these rajaz verses:
I am Ibn al-Akwa'!
Today is the day for the mean [to receive destruction]. 199
By God, I kept shooting at them and hitting their riding animals.
Whenever one of their horsemen came back toward me, I would go
to a tree, sit beneath it, and shoot at him and hit his mount.
Whenever the mountain [track] narrowed and they went into a
narrow place, I would climb the mountain and pelt them with
stones. I kept doing this, by God, until I had set behind me every
one of the Messenger of God's camels that God had created and
they had left me free to do as I pleased with them. They had cast
off more than thirty spears and thirty cloaks to lighten them-
selves, and I placed stones to mark everything they cast off so
the Messenger of God and his companions would notice it. Finally
they came to a narrow place on a pass, and 'Uyaynah b. Hi§n b.
Badr came to them bringing
help. They sat down for a midmoming
meal, and I sat down on a ridge above them. 'Uyaynah looked and
said, "What is it I see?" They said: "This fellow
has given us
trouble. By God, he never left us since dawn, shooting at us until
he rescued everything that was in our hands." 'Uyaynah said,
"Four of you get up and attack him." Four of them made
for me.
When they came within speaking range, I said, "Do you
me?" "Who are you?" they asked. I said:
"Salamah b. al-Akwa'l By
Him who has honored Muhammad, I will overtake every one of
you that I pursue, but none shall pursue me and overtake me."
One of them said, "I don't think so!"
They went back, and I did not leave my place until I saw the
horsemen of the Messenger of God coming through the trees. The
198. Arabic: y& sabafrah, literally, "O my
morning!" or "O what a morning!"
See Lane, Lexicon, TV, 1642, for the idiom.
199. Arabic: al-yawmu yawmu l-ruffla'i, literally,
"today is the day of the ones
who suck." In pre-Islamic Arab folklore one sign of
stinginess {one of the lowest of vices in Bedouin society) was for a man to
suck the teats of his milch camel rather than milk it, so that the sound of
milk streaming into the bucket would not attract guests. See Lane, Lexicon,
III, 109S.
4 6
The Victory of Islam
first of them was al-Akhram al-Asadi; following him came Abu
Qatadah al-An$ari, and after him was al-Miqdad b. al-Aswad al-
Kind!. 200 I took hold of the rein of al-Akhram's horse and said:
"Akhram, the men are few. Be on guard against them; don't let
them cut you off before the Messenger of God reaches us with his
companions." Al-Akhram said, "Salamah, if you believe in
and the Last Day and know that Paradise is real and that the Fire
real, do not stand between me and martyrdom!"
I let him go. He and *Abd al-Rahman b. 'Uyaynah met. Al-
Akhram hamstrung 'Abd al-Rahman's horse, but 'Abd al-Rahman
[1505] thrust at him with a spear and killed him. 'Abd al-Rahman
shifted onto his horse. Abu Qatadah overtook ‘Abd al-Rahman and
thrust at him and killed him. 'Abd al-Rahman had hamstrung Abu
Qatadah's horse, so Abu Qatadah shifted onto al-Akhram's horse.
They left in flight.
According to Salamah: By Him who honored Muhammad, I followed
them, running on foot until I could not see any of Muhammad's
companions behind me, or even their dust. Before sunset
they turned aside into a canyon called Dhu Qarad where there was
water to drink, for they were thirsty. They saw me running after
them, and I drove them away so that they tasted not a drop of it.
Then they went up into the mountain trail of Dhu Athir. One of
them turned back to attack me, and I shot him with an arrow that
landed in his shoulder blade. I said, "Take that!": 201
I am Ibn al-Akwa'!
Today is the day for the mean [to receive destruction).
He said, "My al-Akwa' of early this morning?"
"Yes," I said, "you
enemy of your own soul!" Then I saw two horses on the trail,
and I
led them back toward the Messenger of God. My uncle 'Amir met
me after dark with a skin of watered milk and one of water. I made
my ablutions, prayed, and drank; then I came to the Messenger of
God, who was at the watering place from which I had driven them
at Dhu Qarad.
200. He was also called al-Miqdad b. 'Amr; cf. IH, III,
282 |tr. Guillaume, 487).
See EP, s.v. al-M*]cdad b. 'Amr.
|e should follow ed. Cairo in reading the words
"Take that!" as
K art of the verse, which would then form a complete
hemistich of rajaz meter
khudhhd wa najbnuj-'akwa'l However, on p. 48, below, the
same verse is intro-
duced with the words "Take that from me"
{khudhhd minnf), which could not
form part of the verse metrically.
The Events of the Year 6
Behold, the Messenger of God had taken the camels
I had rescued from the enemy and each spear and cloak. Bilal 202
had slaughtered a female camel from the ones I had rescued from
the foe and was roasting some of its liver and hump for the Messenger
of God. I said, "Messenger of God, let me choose a hundred
men and follow the enemy, so that not one of them shall
The Messenger of God laughed until his back teeth became visible
and could be clearly seen [in the light of the fire}; 203 then he
"Would you do it?" I said, "Yes, by Him who has
honored you!"
The next morning the Messenger of God said, "Now they are
being received as guests in the country of Ghatafan."
A man then came from Ghatafan and said that so and so
"slaughtered a camel for them. When they had stripped off its
skin, they saw dust; so they said, The enemy is upon you/ and left
The next morning the Messenger of God said, "Our best horseman
today has been Abu Qatadah, and our best foot soldier has
been Salamah b. al-Akwa'." The Messenger of God gave me the
share of a horseman and the share of a footman. Then the Messenger
of God mounted me behind him on al-'A^ba’. 204 While we
were traveling, a footman of the An§ar who was unbeatable at
running began saying, "Is there no one who will race?"
He said
this several times. When I heard him, I said, "Do you not
honor a
generous man and fear a noble man?" He said, "No, unless
he be
the Messenger of God." So I said: "Messenger of God, you
are as
dear to me as my father and mother! Permit me to race the
"If you wish," he said. So I leaped down and ran. I held
back for one
202. Bilal, an Ethiopian slave, tortured by his pagan
master for accepting Islam,
was rescued by Abu Bakr and became the first muezzin of
the Muslim community. See EP-, s.v. Bilal b. Rabah.
203. Arabic nawajidh could be used for the wisdom teeth,
all the molars, or the
teeth next to the eye teeth. The lexicographers were
concerned about the possibility of Muhammad's laughing immoderately. See the
discussion in Lane, Lexicon, VIII, 2769. Instead of ed. Leiden's [bada aw banat
nawajidhuhu ) "his back teeth became visible or could be clearly
seen," I translate ed. Cairo [bada wa-qad banat nawdjidhuhd \fl daw’i
al-nar J). The bracketed words are from the parallel text in the $akih of
Muslim (3:1433-41).
204. Al-'A^ba’ ("slit-eared," or "short
in the foreleg") was Muhammad's she-
camel; see Lane, Lexicon, V, 2071.
The Victory of Islam
or two hills, 205 then I caught up with him and slapped him be-
ll 507] tween the shoulders. "I've beaten you, by God,"
I said. "I don't
think so!" he said. 206 So I beat him back to Medina. We
there only three nights before setting out for Khaybar. 207
Resumption of the account of Ibn Ishaq: 208 Salamah b. al-Akwa*
was accompanied by a slave of Talhah b. ’Ubaydallah, and with
the slave was a horse of Talhah's that he was leading. When Salamah
went up into al-Wada* Pass, 209 he saw some of [the raiders']
horsemen; so he looked in the direction of Sal' and shouted,
raid!" Then he set out at full speed after the enemy — he was
like a
beast of prey. Having overtaken them, he began to turn them away
with arrows. When he shot, he would say, "Take that from
me" —
I am Ibn al-Akwa'!
Today is the day for the mean [to receive destruction].
Whenever the horses came toward him, he fled and attacked them
from the side. Whenever he could shoot, he would shoot and say,
"Take that" —
I am Ibn al-Akwa'!
Today is the day for the mean [to receive destruction].
One of their men said, "Our little al-Akwa* it is at the
beginning of
the day!" 210
When a report of Ibn al-Akwa"s shout reached the Messenger of
God, he sounded the alarm in Medina. The horsemen all came
following one another to the Messenger of God. The first of the
205. The text in the $al?ihi of Muslim is fuller:
"I held myself back from him for
one hill or two to save my breath; then I ran on his
heels. I held back from him for one hill or two; then I sprinted and overtook
him"; see ed. Leiden, Glossatium, p. CCLVl.
206. Following ed. Leiden (in a?unnu); ed. Cairo reads
innf d?unnu, "I think so."
207. See pp. 116-24, below, for an account of the
expedition to Khaybar in a.h.
208. This continues the report begun at al-Tabari, I, 1
502, above.
209. Thaniyyat al-Wada' ("Farewell Pass"| was
the pass over which the road to
Mecca left Medina. See Yaqut, Mu'jam al-bulddn, IH, 25;
photograph in
Hamidullah, Battlefields, 10.
210. The text is uncertain. Ed. Leiden reads, ukayyfuna
huwwa awwala
l-nah&ii, which is what I have translated. This seems
to be a contemptuous rejoinder, using the diminutive form of the name al-Akwa’.
Ed. Cairo has a different reading, which also puns on the name: a-wa-yaki'uni
huwwa . . . (and will he sting, or butt, us . . . ).
The Events of the Year 6
horsemen to reach him was al-Miqdad b. 'Amr. The first horseman
to stand by the Messenger of God after al-Miqdad from the
An§ar was 'Abbad b. Bishr b. Waqsh b. Zughbah b. Za'ura (a member
of the Banu 'Abd al-Ashhal); then came Sa'd b. Zayd (one of the
Banu Ka’b b. 'Abd al-Ashhal), Usayd b. Zuhayr (a member of the
Banu Harithah b. al-Harith, but there is uncertainty about him),
'Ukkashah b. Mih$an (a member of the Banu Asad b. Khuzaymah),
Muhriz b. Nadlah (a member of the Banu Asad b. Khuzaymah),
Abu Qatadah al-Harith b. Rib'i (a member of the Banu Salimah),
and Abu 'Ayyash (that is, 'Ubayd b. Zayd b. §amit, a member of the
Banu Zurayq). When they had gathered round the Messenger of
God, he appointed Sa'd b. Zayd as their commander and said, “Set
out in pursuit of the enemy until I catch up to you with
According to a report that has come to me from members of the
Banu Zurayq, the Messenger of God said to Abu 'Ayyash, “Abu
'Ayyash, why don't you give this horse to a man who rides better
than you, so that he can overtake the enemy?"
According to Abu 'Ayyash, who said: I replied, "Messenger of
God, I am the best rider among the people!" Then I struck the
horse, but I swear to God that before it had run fifty cubits it
me. So I marveled about how the Messenger of God had said, 'Why
don't you give it to someone who rides better than you?' and about
how I had said that I was the best rider among the people."
Some of the Banu Zurayq asserted that the Messenger of God
gave Abu 'Ayyash's horse to Mu'adh b. Ma'i§ (or 'A’idh b. Ma'i§)
Qays b. Khaldah, who was an eighth man. Some people count
Salamah b. *Amr b. al-Akwa' as one of the eight and reject Usayd
zuhayr of the Banu Harithah; however, Salamah on that day was
not a horsemen: he was the first to overtake the enemy on foot. So
the horsemen set forth in pursuit of the enemy and met them.
According to Ibn Humayd — Salamah — Muhammad b. Ishaq —]
'A$im b. 'Umar b. Qatadah: The first horseman to overtake the
enemy was Muhriz b. Nadlah of the Banu Asad b. Khuzaymah
(Muhriz was called al-Akhram and was also called Qumayr).
When the alarm was sounded, a horse belonging to Mahmud b.
Maslamah started running around in its enclosure when it heard
the neighing of the horses — it was a specially tended,
horse. Some of the women of the Banu 'Abd al-Ashhal said (to
him) when he saw the horse running around in the enclosure,
The Victory of Islam
dragging the trunk of the palm tree to which it had been tied,
"Qumayr, would you like to ride this horse — you see how it
is —
and catch up with the Messenger of God and with the Muslims?"
He said yes; so they gave it to him, and he set out on it. The horse
being rested, it did not cease to outstrip the [other} horses
until it
reached the enemy. Muhriz stopped before them and said,
you sons of vile slave women, until the Emigrants and Ansar
riding after you catch up with you!" One of them attacked him
and killed him. The horse wheeled round, and they could not stop
it until it stood by its pen among the Banu ‘Abd al-Ashhal. No
other Muslims were killed. The name of Mahmud's horse was
Dhu al-Limmah. 21 1
According to Ibn Humayd — Salamah — Muhammad b. Ishaq —
someone whom people do not doubt — ‘Ubaydallah b. Ka'b b.
Malik al-An$ari: Muhriz in fact was riding a horse called al*
Janah 212 belonging to 'Ukkashah b. Mih?an. When Muhriz was
killed, al-Janah was taken as booty. When the horsemen met, Abu
Qatadah al-Harith b. Rib'i of the Banu Salimah killed Habib b.
'Uyaynah b. Hi?n, covered him with his cloak, and rejoined the
men. When the Messenger of God approached with the Muslims,
there was Habib covered with Abu Qatadah's cloak. The people
exclaimed, "Surely we belong to God, and to Him we
return!" 213
and said that Abu Qatadah had been killed; but the Messenger of
God said, "It is not Abu Qatadah, but someone killed by Abu
Qatadah; he has put his cloak on him so that you will know that
he did it." ‘Ukkashah b. Mih$an overtook Awbar and his son
b. Awbar, who were riding on one camel, and ran them through
with a spear, killing both of them. They rescued some of the
camels. The Messenger of God traveled until he halted at the
mountain of Dhu Qarad, and the people came to him in groups.
The Messenger of God made camp and stayed there a day and a
night. Salamah b. al-Akwa‘ said to him, "Messenger of God, if
sent me out with a hundred men, I would rescue the remaining
animals and seize the enemy by their necks." The Messenger of
God said, as I have been informed, "They are now being given
hi. Dhu al-limmah means "having a long lock of hair."
in. Al-janak means "wing."
113. Qur’an 1:156, traditionally said in times of
The Events of the Year 6
their evening drink in (the territory of] Ghatafan." The
of God divided the meat of one camel among each hundred of his
companions. They stayed there, and then the Messenger of God
returned to Medina. He stayed there part of Jumada II and Rajab;
then he raided the Banu al-Mus^aliq 214 [clan] of Khuza'ah in
Sha'ban of the year 6. 215
The Expedition against the Banu al-Muftaliq 216
According to Ibn Humayd — Salamah b. al-Fadl and 'Ali b.
Mujahid 217 — Muhammad b. Ishaq — 'A?im b. 'Umar b. Qatadah,
'Abdallah b. Abi Bakr, and Muhammad b. Yahya b. Habban. [Ibn
Ishaq] said, "Each transmitted to me part of the report on
the Banu
al-Mu§taliq." They said: Word reached the Messenger of God
the Banu al-Musfaliq were gathering against him under the leadership
of al-Harith b. Abi Dirar. (Al-Harith was the father of
Juwayriyah bt. al-Harith, [who subsequently became] the wife of
the Messenger of God.) When the Messenger of God heard about
them, he set out toward them and met them at one of their watering
places called al-Muraysi', near Qudayd toward the coast. The
people advanced toward each other and fought fiercely. God put
the Banu al-Mustaliq to flight and killed some of them. He gave
their children, women, and property to the Messenger of God as
booty — God gave them to him as spoil. A Muslim named Hisham
b. $ubabah from the Banu Kalb b. 'Awf b. 'Amir b. Layth b. Bakr
was wounded by one of the An§ar who was a close kinsman of
'Ubadah b. al-$amit ; he mortally wounded him by mistake, thinking
he was one of the enemy.
While the people were at that watering place, they brought their
animals down to drink. With 'Umar b. al-Kha^ab was a hired man
of his from the Banu Ghifar named Jahjah b. Sa'id, leading his
214. The name is given sometimes in its full form of
Banu al-Mu$taliq and
sometimes in the abbreviated form of Balmu${aliq. I have
normalized to the longer form throughout.
215. Sha'ban of a.h. 6 began on 16 December 627.
216. Parallels: W, I, 404 -II, 426 (dated a.h. 5, see p.
41, above); IH, III, 289-96
|tr. Guillaume, 490-93).
217. 'Ali b. Mujahid b. Muslim al-Razi, a historian and
traditionist, was bom in
100/718 in Rayy and died in 182/798. See Ibn Hajar,
Tahdhib, VII, 377-78; GAS, I,
312 -
52 The Victory of Islam
horse. Jahjah and Sinan al-Juhani (a confederate of the Banu 'Awf
[1512] b. al-Khazraj) began crowding each other at the watering
place and
fought. Ai-fuhani shouted, "People of the An$ar!" and
shouted, "People of the Emigrants!" ‘Abdallah b. Ubayy
b. Salul,
who had with him a band of his fellow tribesmen including the
young lad Zayd b. Arqam, 218 became angry and said: "Have
really done it? They have tried to outrank us and outnumber us in
our own lands. By God, the proverb, 'Fatten your dog and he will
eat you up!' fits us and [the wearers of] the jilbab 219 of
Quraysh to
a tee. By God, if we go back to Medina, those who are stronger
drive out the weaker from it." 220 Then he turned to his
who were with him and said: "This is what you have done to
yourselves! You allowed them to settle in your lands and divided
your wealth with them. Had you kept from them what you had, by
God they would have moved to lands other than yours."
Zayd b. Arqam heard this and took it to the Messenger of God —
this when the Messenger of God had finished with his enemies —
and he gave him a report. ‘Umar b. al-Khaftab, who was with him,
said, "Messenger of God, order ‘Abbad b. Bishr b. Waqsh to
him." The Messenger of God said: "'Umar, how will it be
if people
start saying that Muhammad kills his companions? No, announce
our departure instead." (It was at an hour when the Messenger
God usually did not break camp.) So the people departed.
218. Zayd b. Arqam b. Zayd b. Qays b. al-Nu’man b. Malik
b. al-Agharr b.
Tha’labah b. Ka b b. al-Khazraj al-Angari participated
in seventeen expeditions
with the Prophet. He later emigrated to al-Kufah and fought
on 'Ali's side at §iffin. He died between 65/784 and 68/688. See Ibn Hajar,
Tdhdhlb, 394-95.
219. Arabic: jalabib Quraysh "the shirts (or coarse
waist wrappers) of Quraysh."
The origin of this apparently derogatory epithet for the
Emigrants remains obscure; none of the older Arabic dictionaries explains it.
Abu Pharr's note printed in most editions of IH, reads: "An epithet that
the polytheists applied to the Emigrants who had become Muslims. Jalalib
(plural of jilbab) originally means 'coarse waist wrappers.' They used to wrap
themselves in them, and so they acquired this nickname."
One may see it as a reference to poverty or simply to
distinctive dress. At p. 59,
below, 'A’ishah uses the word to designate the outer
garment in which she
wrapped herself and lay down while waiting for the departed
caravan to notice her absence. See ed. Leiden, Glossatium, p. clxvh. W. Arafat
has argued that the word may be derived from the verb jalaba (to import) and
may therefore mean "the imported ones." See the note in his article,
"A Controversial Incident in the Life of yassSn b. Thabit," p. 197 n.
220. Qur’an 63:8 quotes these words.
The Events of the Year 6
Now when 'Abdallah b. Ubayy b. Salul heard that Zayd b. Arqam
had informed the Messenger of God of what he had heard him
say, he went to the Messenger of God and swore, "By God, I
not say what he said, neither did I speak of it." 'Abdallah
b. Ubayy
was a great noble among his people; so those who were present
with the Messenger of God — companions of his from the An§ar —
said, "Messenger of God, perhaps the lad was mistaken in his
report and did not remember exactly what the man said." They
said this out of affection for 'Abdallah b. Ubayy and to defend
After the Messenger of God had mounted and set out, Usayd b.
liu^ayr met him and, having greeted him as a prophet and wished
him peace, said, "Messenger of God, you have set out at an
unheard-of hour at which you usually do not set out." The Messenger
of God said to him, "Have you not heard what your companion
has said?" "Which companion, Messenger of God?" he
asked. "'Abdallah b. Ubayy," he answered. "And what
did he
say?" he asked. He replied, "He said that if he returned
to Medina,
those who are stronger would drive out the weaker from it."
Usayd said: "You, by God, O Messenger of God, will drive him
out, if you wish. He is the weak one by God, and you are the
strong." Then he said: "Messenger of God, be gentle with
him. By
God, God caused you to arrive at the very moment when his
people were stringing precious stones to make him a crown; so he
thinks that you deprived him of a kingdom."
The Messenger of God traveled all that day until evening with
the people, all that night until dawn, and the first part of the
until the sun hurt them; then he halted with them, and they fell
asleep as soon as they felt the touch of the ground. He did this
to distract them from the talk that had taken place the day
before — what 'Abdallah b. Ubayy had said. In the afternoon he set
out with the people, marched through the Hijaz, and halted at a
watering place in the Hijaz called Naq'a’, a little above
al-Naqi'. 221
When the Messenger of God set out in the afternoon, a strong
wind blew on the people, hurting them, and they became fearful
about it. The Messenger of God said, "Do not be afraid: it blew
only because of the death of one of the great men among the
221. The place is mentioned by Yaqut, Mu'jam a-buldan,
VUI, 309, as belonging
to the tribe of Muzaynah.
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