Selasa, 01 Januari 2019


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Aaron 120
Abad Ardashir 8 1
Abarwiz b. Hurmuz 149
'Abdallah 80
'Abdallah b. Abbas 170
'Abdallah b. Abu Ja'far 162
'Abdallah b. Abu Najih

'Abdallah b. Abu Salamah
162, 166

'Abdallah b. Ahmad al-
Marwazi 80

'Abdallah b. al-Harith b.
Nawfal 170

'Abdallah b. Mas'ud 169
'Abd Bajr 148
'Abd al-Rafi' 165
'Abd al Rahman 155
'Abd al-Razzaq 157-8
'Abd al Samad b. Ma'qil 21,

113, 120

Abihail (father of Esther) 41,

Abijah b. Rehoboam 20
Abrahah Tubba' Dhu al-
Manar 79

Abraham b. Peleg b. Eber
30, 59

Abu Hilal Muhammad b.

Sulaym 161
Abu Hudhayfah 148
Abu Hudhayl 148
Abu Hurayrah 165-6
Abu Ishaq 165
Abu Ja'far ( = Tabari) 107,
126 , i5r, 160

Abu Khirash al-Hudhali 137

Abu Makhlad 170

Abu Malik 118

Abu al-Sa’ib 103

Abu Sakhr 166

Abu Salih 118

'Ad ( = Iram) 79, 134, 148

Adam rr4, 184

'Adan 13 1

Adamush 75

Adharbayjan 17, 40, 47, 79

'Adi b. Nasr 134

'Adi b. Zayd 145, 147

'Adiya 153

'Adnan 69

Africa 123

Afridhun 92



Aghas b. Bihdhan u, 16
Ahasuerus b. Cyrus b.

Jamasb 48, 50, 51
Ahaz b. Jotham b. Uzziah 3 5
Ahaziah 35
Ahwaz 44, 96
Ajyad 154

Akhust (Frasiyat's brother)


Alexander 86, 88-96, 98-
102, 107-8, 127-29
Alexandra (martyred queen)


Alexandria 88
'Amaliq 131, 134, 139/ 148
Amaziah b. joash 35
'Amilah 79
'Amir 128

'Amluq (tyrant of Yamamah)


Amon b. Manasseh 40
'Amr (of Yaman, crossed the
sands) 78

'Amr b Abd al-JInn al-Jarmi
Hi, 143

'Amr b. Adi b. Nasr b. Rabi
ah 130, 136, 139, 141, 143/
144, 145, 146, 147, 148
'Amr b. Fahm 129- 132
'Amr b. Hammad 55, 118
'Amr b. Maymun al-Awdi

'Amr b. Qays al-Mula’i 156
'Amr b. Tharb 138
'Amr b. Zarib b. Hassan b.
Udhaynah b. al-Sumayda'
b. Hubar al-'Amlaqi 138
Anastasius 127
Anbar 66, 67, 69, 79, 127,
128, 130-32
Andirman (Frasiyat's
brother) 12, 73, 75

Andrew 123
'Anqa 75

Antioch 96, 167, 168, 170
Antiochus 96, 97, 167, 168
Antoninus Pius 126
Antoninus (Eiagabalus) 126
Antoninus (Caracalla) 126
'Anz 153

Apollo 174, 176, 183
'Aqil b. Farij 136
'Arabah 68, 69
Arabia 68, 69, 94, 123, 130
Arabs 66, 67, 69; 127-131;

135, 138, 149/ 150
Proto-Arabs 132, 133/ * 39 /


Aramaic (speakers of) 69, 93
'Araqi 148
Arcadius 127

Archelaus (son of Herod) 125
Ard al-Rum (Byzantium,
Western Asia) 44
Ardashir 79
Ardashir (Bahman the
Mighty) 81

Ardashir (son of Babak) 82,
93, 96-101, X07, 127/ 129,


Ardawan b. Balash 97, 99-


Ardawanis 130-31
Ariobus 123
Armanis 130-31
Arsacids (Ashaghan) 99, 101,


'Asa (mare and tower) 142
Asa b. Abijah 20-22, 25-35
Asabahar 19

As'ad Abu Karib b. Malkl
Karib (tubba'} 131
Asawira 48
Asb 41



Asbat 55, 118
al-A'sha 153
Asher 61
Ashak 93

Ashak b. Ashak 100
Ashak b. Darius 96, 100
Ashak b. Harah . . . Bishtasb

Ashakan b. Kayqubad 100
'Asim al-Ahwal 170
al-Aswad b. Ghifar 1 5 1
Athaliah 35
Augustus 95, 124
Aurelian 126
Aus, Aws 154

al-A'war b. 'Amr b. Huna’ah
b. Malik b. Fahm al-Azdl
'Ayn al-Tamr 132
Azariah 51, 61-63, 106
Azd 79, 128
Azwarah 82


Babylon-Babylonik 1, 6, 7,
17, 39, 4i, 46, 48-50, 52,
53, 61-64, 67-69, 85-87,
94, 96, 97, 102, 106-109,
in, 123, 130
Badhafrah 74
Bahman 47-51, 79
Bahman Ardashir (city) 81
Bahman bilsfandiyar 78, 83-


Bahman Dukht 83
Bahrain 12

Bahram b. Cyrus b. Bish-
tasp 48

Bahrayn 128, 129
Balash 97, 100
Balash b. Shapur 101
Balharith b. Ka r b 70

Balkh 1, 11, 43, 44, 47, 73,
74, 76

Baqqah 132, 140, 141
Bartholomew (apostle) 123
Barwa b. Fashinjan 13, 14
Batn al-Najjar 139
Batunas 156
Bayhas 144

Bayy b. Judharz 4, 8, 11, 13,


Belshazzar b. Merodakh 49
Benjamin 20, 6 1
Berbers 123

Berechiah b. Hananiah 66,


Berechiah b. Zerubabel b.

Shealtiel 68
Bethlehem 125
Bidarafsh 73
Bifaharid 100

Bihkanid (seven noble men)

Bilqis 78
Biri 87, 88
Bi’r Khasif 17
Birunas 156
Bishr 155

Bishr b. Mu r adh 168, 169
Bishtasb 43, 45~47, 71-74,
76-77, 79, 81-82, 85-86
Bistam b. Judharz 17
Bistam b. Kazdahman 15
Bizan b. Bayy 12, 15, 99, 100
Blacks' lands in Africa 123
Bukfarasb = Boukefalos =
bull-headed 9

Bukhtrashah = Nebuchad-
nezzar 43, 48, 49
Bulqayn 136
al-Buraq (the Prophet's
mount) 68

Burazah b. BIfaghan 1 5



Burzafrah b. Kayqawus 8-
ii, 14

Bushutan (son of Bishtasb)

Buzurjframadhar (the great
commander) 14


Caesar Gaius Julius 95, 124
Carus 126
Cave (Kahf) 155
China 11, 80, 94, 154
Chosroes 99-roi
Christians 51, 85, 102, 107-
8, 122-4, 126
Claudius 126; Claudius II

Cleopatra cf. Ptolemies 95
Commodus 126
Constantine 98, 127; his
sons 127

Constantinople 98
Cyrus 41, 48
Cyrus Kaykawan 48
Cyrus son of Elam b. Shem

Cyrus the Elamite 49, 5 1
Cyrus son of Ahasuerus 5 1,
85-6, 107


Dacianus 173
Dadhana 173
Damascus 44
Damascus = Iram 130
Daniel 45, 50-1, 61-3, 106,

Dara (city) 89
Dara = Daranawa 89
Darabjird 84, 87
Darius b. Ardashir 88, 91-5,
98, 108

Darius the Elder 83
Darius the Great 82
Darius the Mede 49
Darstan 82
Daws al-'Atq 70
Daws b. Adnan 132
David (King) 5, 20, 23, 31,
44, 46, 48, 61, 108
Dayzan-S (Jadhima’s idol-s)

’ 134

Decius 126, 1 57
Dhu al-Adhar 6, 79
Dihistan 77
Diocletian 126
Dirafsh-e Kabyan 11, 74
Diz Nibisht 72
Dizru’In (Turkish city). In
Arabic: "The one of brass"
Domitian 126


Egypt 40, 45 , 94 / 95 / 101,
114, 116, 117, 12.5
Eli 106
Elijah 175

Elizabeth bint Faqud 103
Esther 41, 50, 51
Esther Asturya 82
Ethiopia 50, 150
Euphrates 67, 132, 140
Ezra 64, 65, 86


Falhawi (at Mah Nihawand)

Faqhal 148
Farakhlad 12
Faramurz 82
Farashkhadh 12
Fars 71/ 74 / 84 / 87, 96, 97 ,
100, 129
Fasal 71



Fartah b. Tafaraghan 15
Farudhah b. Famdan 1 5
Fashinjan 15
Fashutan 75

Firan (Frasiyat's general and
heir) 12-13

Firan b. Wisaghan 3-4, 9
Firuzan 101
Florian 127 (brother of
emperor Tacitus)

Franik 82

Frasiyat 2-5, 8-10, 12-13,
16-18, 76
Furdah 141

Furudh b. Siyawakhsh 9

Gabriel (the Angel) 112-13,
119, 161, 184

Gaius, son of Tiberius 126
Galienus 126
Gallus 126
Ghatafan 129, 13 1
Ghazaliah 3$

Ghumayr 132
Gog and Magog 27
Goliath 23, 31
Gomer 43
Gordian 126
Gratianus 127
Greeks 86, 88-9, 91-3, 95,
99 i 115


Habib 167, 169-170
Habib b. Maslamah 159
Habur (in Hebrew: sincere
convert) no
Hadur 68-9
Hadr (Hatra)

Hadrian 126

Hajjaj 51

al-Hakam b. Bashir 156
al-Hakam b. 'Utaybah 170
Hamadhan 90, 92
Hamasf b. Fashinjan 9
Hammad al-Rawiyah 130
Hananiah 51, 61-3
Hanna bint Faqud 103
al-Harith 161
al-Harith b. Mudad al-
Jurhumi 70
Harran 69

al-Hasan al-Ashyab 161
Hasan b. Hani ( = Abu
Nuwas) 7

Hasan b. Yahya 157-8
Hasan b. 'Umarah 170
Hassan b. Tubba' ( = Dhu
Mu'ahir; = Tubba' b.
Tubba' Tuban; = As'ad b.
Abikarib b. Malkikarib b.
Tubba b. Aqran) 132,

Hayqar b. al-Hlq 129, 130
Hebrew 76
Helakos 95
Helen 90-91
Heraclius 127
Herat 94

Herod 108, 124-5
Herodias 108
Hezekiah b. Ahaz 35, 40,

Hijaz 45, 149

Himyar 6, 79-80, 131, 148,

HIrah 66-7, 79, 127-8,
130-2, 134, 137, 143, 145,
Hiraj 92

Hisham b. Muhammad al
Kalbi 6, 44, 66, 68, 76, 78,



Hisham ( continued )

82-3, 88-9, 96, 98, 108,
127-8, 150-2
Hit 132
Honorius 127
Hudhayl 79-80
Humayniya (on the Upper
Zab) 81

Hurmuz 99-100
Hurmuzan 10 1
al-Husayn 51
al-Husayn b. 'Amr b.
Muhammad al-'Anqari
(and his father Isra’il) 165


'Ibad 148
Iblis 1 1 5, 118-20
Ibn 'Abbas 103, 118, 155,
157-8, 161-2, 166
Ibn Bashshar 155, 170
Ibn Humayd 36, 41, 55, 103,
108, 122-4, 150-1, 156,
162, 165, 167, 169-70, 173
Ibn Ishaq 103, 108, 122-3,
150-1, 156-7, 162, 165,
167-71, 173
Ibn Jumayd 156-7
Ibn furayj 5 1

Ibn al-Kalbi 7, 13 1-3, 144,
146, 150 cf. Hisham
Ibn Mas'ud 104, 118, 165
Ibn Qusayt 166
Ibn Ra’in 148
Ibn Sulaym al-Ansarl al-
Zuraqi 123
Ibn Wahb 166
'Ikrimah 155, 158
Ilsharah 78
'Imran b. 'Amr 128
'Imran b. Mathan (father of
Mary) 102

India 21, 28, 35, 47, 50, 71,
79, 88, 95
Iram 130, 148
Iraq 66, 96, 101, 127, 129-
30, 145-7, 149-50
Isbahan (formerly Jayy) 8,

14, 94, 97, 100
Isaac 30

Isaiah 35-7, 40-2, 48, 55,
107, 125

Isbahbadh 2, 10, 14, 44
Isfakhram (Frasiyat's
brother) 12

Isfandiyar (son of Bishtasb)
73-6, 79

Isfandiyar Falhawi (at Rayy)

Ishaq b. al-Hajjaj 120, 162
Ishaq b. Yahya 80
Ishmael 30

Isma'il b. 'Abd al-Karim 42,
55, ii3, 120
Isma'il b. Sadus 157
Israfil 184

Israel, Israelites, the children
of Israel 20-1, 25, 31,
35-6, 40, 42-4, 46, 49,
50-2, 54-6, 59, 60-1,
63-5, 68, 70, 85-6, 95,
97-8, 101, 104-5, 107-9,
hi, 120, 126-7
Isra’il 155

Istakhr (Persepolis) 72, 83,

Iyad 79, 134


Jacob 30, 61

Jadhimah al-Abrash b. Malik
129, 132-42, 147-9
Jadis 132, 148, 15 1, 154
Jadmir b. Judharz 1 5



Jair b. Shimei . . . Saul 82.
Jamas 19
Jamasb 41, 73-4
Jamasb b. Qahad 76-7
Jamma (Mountain Aqiq,
near Medina) 123
Jashwadaghan (father of
Judharz) b. Basakhrak b.
Farruyln b. Jabar b. Ras-
wud b. Urath b. Taj b.
Rabasang b. Aras b.
Wedinaj b. Raghar b.
Nawadjah b. Mashwana b.
Nawdhar b. Manushihr
Jawharmaz (brother of Khar-
zasf) 73-s
Jaww (old name of
Yamamah) 132
Jazirah 88, 98, 138
Jehoahaz b. Josiah 40
Jehoiachin b. Jehoiakim 40,

Jehoiakim 40, 49
Jehoshafat b. Asa 35
Jeremiah 44-6, 55-6, 58-
62, 68-9, 107
Jeroboam son of Nabat 20
Jerusalem 25, 27 , 37/ 39,
43-4,46, 48,51, 55,6 o - i ,
85-6, 95, 99-100, 108,
124, 126

Jerusalem (Ulya = Aelia)

Isa 37, 95, 98-103,
108-9, 112, 114-8, 120-2,
124, 126-7, 143, 156, 168,
173, 175

Jews 47-8, 60, 85, 1 2 1, 154
Jezebel 175
JIbal 96, 100

Jihrazad (nickname of Darius
b. Bahman) 87

Jirjls (St. George) 173-186
Joash 35

Jochanan b. Oshia b. . . .
David 84

John (apostle to Ephesus)


John the Baptist (son of
Zechariah) 37, 54-5, 68,
95-7, 101-8, no, 1 14,
119, 127

Jonah b. Amittai (Dhu al-
Nun) 160-6

Jordan River (Urdunn) 98,

Joseph 61

Joseph with Mary 1-3, 112-
14, 125

Joshua, the son of Nun 26
Joshua b. Pandera 125
Josiah b. Amon 40
Josiah b. Amoz 5 5
Jovian 127

Jubayr b. Mut'im 130
Judah 20, 61, 66
Judas (Judas Iscariot) T23
Jubbadh b. WIsaghan 12, 14
Judham 79

Judharz 8, 10-15, 17-18
Judharz b. Abzan 101
Judharz b. Ashaghan 99
Judharz b. Ashakan 97
Judharz b. Bizan 100
Judharz b. Shapur 101
Ju'fi 79, 80, 131
Jur 100
Jurazm 73

Jurd b. Jarhaman 16-17
Jurhum 70, 131
Jurjan 14, 77

Jurjln b. Miladhan 11, 15, 17
Jusham b. Julhumah 70
Justinus I 126



Justinus II 127
Justinian 127


Ka'b al-Ahbar 167
Ka'b b. Ju'ayl b. Ajrah b.
Qumayr b. Tha'labah b.
'Auf b. Malik b. Bakr b.
Habib b. 'Amr b. Ghanam
b. Taghlib b. . . . b. Wa’il
(poet) 131

Ka'bah (the sanctuary) 154
Kalb 79, in, 148
Karardashir b. Dashkal 50
Kasrud (river) 9, 76
Kasutunas 156
Kay Arash b. Kayabiwah 1 7,

Kay Bih Arash 17
Kay Luhrasb 18, 86
Kay Oji b. Kay Manush b.

Kay Fashin b. Kayabiwah
Kayabiwah 17
Kaykadar = Qayqadur 5
Kaykhusraw (son of Siya-
wakhsh) 8-14, 16-19, 43,

Kaykhusrawanh 3
Kayqawus i-8, 86
Kayqubadh b. Zagh b. Buj-
bah 1

al-Khadir 55, 58
Khafiyyah 132
Khardus ( = Herod) 109-10
Kharzasf b. Kay Sawasf 18,

Khatus (wife of Bishtasb) 74
Khazars n, 92
Khazraj 154
Khuman b. WIshgan 12
Khumani (mother of Darius,

nicknamed Shahrazad) 5 1,
74, 81-5, 107
Khunyarth 16
Khuragan 6, 8, 11-12, 43,
84, 92, 94, 154
Khuzistan 17, 86
Kidar b. Fashinjan (brother
of Frasiyat) 4-5
Kindah 131
Kirman 17-73
Lakham 15
Kufah 80, 96
Kurr river (Istakhr) 84


Lakhm 79, 134, 136
Lamis bint Zuhayr (sister of
Jadhimah al-Abrash) 129
Lehi 17 1
Leo I 127
Levi 61
Lifar 40
Lihb 135

Lihyan 79-80, 131
Liunan b. Babuttan 125
Luhrasb 19, 43, 45, 47, 73~4,
77, 86
Luhrasf 18


Ma'add b. Adnan 67-70, 128,

Ma al-Sama’ b. al-Harithah
= al-Ghitrif b. Tha'labah
b. Imru’-l-Qays 128
Macedonia 89
Macrinus 126
Mada’in (Ctesiphon) 101
Maghrib (North Africa) 45,

47, 95, i*3
Magians 106



Magnentius 175
Mah Nihawand 77
Mahiyahind (mother of
Darius II, daughter of
Hazarmard) 88
Mahrin 175
Majlitis 180

Maksimilina (Mahsimilina)

Malik b. Fahm b. Taymallah
1 30-1

Malik b. Farij 136-7
Malik b. Zuhayr b. 'Amr b.
Fahm b. Taymallah b.
Asad b. Wabarah 129, 131
Malkan b. Kindah 131
Manasseh b. Hezekiah 40
Manushihr 18
Marcian 127
Marcus Aurelius 126
Martus 156
Maurice 127
Marw 94

Mary bint 'Imran b. . . .
Solomon 102-3, 108,

1 1 2-4, 116-7, 119-20,
122, 124-5, 143, 156, 168,

Mary Magdalene 122
Marzban 11

Matabikh (in Mecca) 154
Mattaniah (Zedekiah) 41-49
Matthew 123
Maximian 127
Maximinus (ghasmiyanus)

Mecca 70, 154
Medes, Media (Mahat, Mah)
49, 100, 123

Men of the Cave (Ashab al-
Kahf) 155

Merodakh 49

Michael (archangel) 18 1, 184
Mihrud (river) 76
Miladh b. Jurjin n, 16
Miqsam Abu al-Qasim 170
Mishael 51, 61-3, 106
Mordechai 51
Moses 23, 26, 31, 36, 120
Mosul 40, 79, 96-7, 130,
173-4, ( = Nineveh) 160
Mu’ammal 170
Mu'ammar 157-8
Mu'anah (Ma'add's daughter)

Mud 148
Mudar 130

al-Mughirah b. Abi Labid

Muhammad 37, 68, 126-7,

Muhammad b. Askar 5 5
Muhammad b. Ishaq 35, 41,
55 , 124

Muhammad b. Sahl 21, 42,

Mujahid 156—7, 170
Muhr 155

Mukhabbal = Rabi'ah b.

Awf al-Sa'di 147
Mukran 4

Muluk al-Tawa’if 46
Muqatil 156
Murrah al-Hamdani 118
Musa b. Harun al-Hamdani

55, 104, 1 18
Mu'sa b. Talha 80
al-Mutalammis 144
Mutammim b. Nu way rah

Muthanna 120
Muthanna b. Ibrahim 162




Nabat of the Sawad 130
Nabataean 146-7
Najran 67
Naphtali 61

Nahshal b. Harri (of Tamim)

Najdah (a tribe of ’Amaliq)


Namir b. Tawlab al-'Ukli 153
Narsi 99, 101
al-Nasr (deity) 143
Nasr 148

Nasr b. RabPah 149-50
Nastur b. Zarin 73
Nazareth 125

Nebuchadnezzar b. Nabuza-
radan b. Sennacherib b.
Darius b. Nimrod . . ,
40-1, 43-5, 48-55, 59,
61-71, 86, 104-7, 127-8,

Nebuzaradan 109- n
Nero 126
Nerva 126

Nihlus (Ephesus ?) 157
Niffar 130-1
Nineveh 40, 161
Nizar b. Ma'add 70
Nu'man 130

Nu'man b. al-Mundhir 149-

Numarah 136, 141
Numarah b. Lakhm 129
Numarah b. Qays b. Nu-
marah 131


Omri 35
Ostahan 12


Pekoros 10 1

Palestine (Sha’m) 24, 41,
45-6, 48, 52-3, 61, 64,
98-9, 103, 105, 108-9,
116-17, 125-7, 173
Palmyra 139
Paul 123, 126
Persia, Persians 5, 27, 43,
76-7, 82, 85-6, 89, 92-3,
95-6, 98-100, 102, 124-5,
129, 149, 15 1
Pertinax 126
Peter 123, 126
Pharaoh 23, 31
Philip, emperor 126
Philip of Macedon 89, 92-3
Philip (Herod's brother) 108
Philip the Apostle 123
Phocas 127

Pilate (Pontius Pilatus) 125
Probus, emperor 126
Ptolemies of Egypt, Muf-
qanis (Macedon). Ptolemy
(b. Lagos, Dionysos, Cleo-
patra, Philadelphus,
Euergetes, Epiphanes,
Soter, Alexander) 95


Qabus = Kayqawus 6, 44,
76, 78
Qahtan 6
Qalansuwah 7
Qalus 156
Qanas 129, 130
al-Qa'qa' b. al-Darma
al-Kalbi 139
al-Qasim b. al-Hasan 5 1
Qaslr b. Sa'd 140-7
Qatadah 155, 158-9, 168-9



Qayrawan and Carthage 123
Quda'ah 79

Quintillus, emperor 127
Qutqutanah 132


al-Rabl' 162
Rahab bint Pinchas 82
Raka’ik 80
Rami 19
Ramin r9
Raqash 134
Raqim 155, 156
Ra’s al-Kalb 153
Rasmunas 156
Rass 68
Rastin 87, 88
Raysut 69, 70
Rayy 77, 96-7
Rehoboam 20-82
Reuben 61

Riyah b. Murrah 152
Roman Rulers 126-7
Rome, Romans 47, 82, 84-5,
97-8, 123-5, 158, 167,


Rum (Asia Minor) 94
Rushanak 88, 90-1, 93, 95
Rustam 2, 4-7, 76, 81
Ruyin b. Firan 12


Sabah b. Sabah 129, 13 1

Sabians 77

Sadiq 168

Saduq 168

Safa 148

Sa'id 168-9

Sa'id b. Jubayr 51, 53, 162,

Sakkun 79

Salam 92

Salamah 55, 103, 122-4,
150-1, 156-7, 162, 165,
167, 169-71, 173
Salamah b. al-Fadl 36
Salaman 41

Salaman, the left-handed 40
Salih b. Hilwan . . . b.

Quda'ah 139
Salome 108
Samarqand 94, 154
Sami (a Hebrew prophet)

Samir Dhu al-Janah 154
Samson 17 1
Sasan 82-3
Satan 184-5
Satih 150

Sawad 67, 81, 88, 96, 98-100
Sayhun, Persian King in
Babylon 52-3
Sayha’in 105-6
Seleucus Nicator 96
Sennacherib 36-8, 40, 48-9,

Septimius Severus 126
Sergius (martyr) 124
Severus Alexander 126
Shadus b. Judharz 7, 1 5
Shahr 5

Shahr b. Hawshab 161
Shahrah 5
Shahrazur 94
Shah Ustun (steppe) 10
Shalum 168
Shapur 99-101
Shapur b. Afqur 127
Sharqi 66
Shealtiel 66
Shidah 16
Shiqq 150



Shumahan n, 16
Sijistan 2, 73, 76-7, 81
Silf 148
Simak 15s
Simeon 120, 123
Siyamaq 12

Siyawakhsh (Siyawush) 2-4,
7-8, 11-14, 17
Solomon 5, 20, 23, 26, 31,
48-9, 78
al-Suddi 118
Sudhabah 2
Sufyan 156, 170
Sul gate (near Derbend,
Caucasus) 76
Sulayman 80

Surin Falhawi (in Sijistan) 77
Susa 51

Syriac 123, 126, 128, 136,
138, 173


Tacit, emperor 126
Talut = Saul 82
Tamidhar, mountain 74
Tamim 79-80
Tarasf b. Judharz 9
Tanukh 129, 136
Tarkhan (Turkish dignitary)
Tarshish 29
Tasm 132, 148, 15 1 -2
al-Tawi 148
Tayyi’ 79 / 136, 148
Tazid b. Hulwan . . . b.

Quda'ah 139
Thabit 80

Theodosius I, II, The Great

Thomas 123

Tiban As'ad (king in Yaman)

Tiberias 44

Tiberius (son of Augustus)

Tiberius II emperor 127
Tibet 76

Tibet, Arabs in 95
Tifshll (a dish)

Tigris 44, 81, 161
Tihamah 128-9
Titus (son of Vespasian) 99,

Trajan 126
Tranquilinus 175
Transjordan 45
Traqbalina 181
Tubba' (king of Himyar in
Yaman) 79

Turks 2-5, 8-10, 12-18, 27,
44, 72-4, 76,79
Tus b. Nudharan 5, 8-9


Ubagh 134
Ubullah 130, 16 1
Ufaq 148

'Umar b. 'Abdallah b. 'Urwah
b. al-Zubayr 123
'Umar b. al-Khattab 163
Umaym 148
Umm 'Amr 136-7
Umm Salamah 165
Ushtasb b. Lahrasib 41
al-'Uzza (deity) 143
Uzziah 35


Valentinian II; III 127
Valerian 126
Vashti 51
Vespasian 126
Vittelius 126




Wabar 132
Wadi al-Qura 45
Wadi al-Raml 78
Wahb b. Munabbih 21, 42,
55, 65, 113, 118, 120, 122,
157, 167, 171, 173
Wahishtkank (city) 76
Washin 9
Wishgan 13, 15
Wisfafarid 3, 8


Yabrin 134

Yahya b. Berechiah 102
Ya'la b. Muslim 5 1
al-Yamamah bint Murrah (a
Jadis woman) 152, 154
Yamamah (formerly faww
and Qaryah) 133, 15 1-3
Yaman 2, 6-7, 78-80, 123,
128, 131, 149-50, 154
Yamlikha 156
Yamnlkha 156
Yaqtan 148

Yasir b. 'Amr b. Ya'fur
( = Yasir An'am) 78
Yathrib 45, 154

Yazid 155, 169
Yazid b. Ziyad 163, 165
Yazid b. Zuray 168
Yubil 181
Yunus 166


Zab river 8 1

Zabba ( = Na’ilah) 139-148
Zabiba (Zabba 's sister) 139
Zabulistan 7

Zandah b. Shaburighan 15
Zandaray (Frasiyat's brother)

Zarin b. Luhrasb 73
Zebulun 61

Zechariah 37, 103, 108, 119-

Zechariah b. Berechiah 102
Zedekiah 35-8, 40-1, 49
Zeno, emperor 127
Zerah (Zarj, the Indian king)
21, 24, 27-9, 32-4
Zerubabel b. Shealtiel 82-3
Zion, Mt. 1 1 3

Zoroaster, 46-7, 7i~3, 76-7
Zoroastrians ro7-8
Zuhr 129

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