Jumat, 21 Oktober 2016



From the Creation to the Flood

The Duration of Adam's Stay in Paradise. The Moment He Was Created by God and That of His Fall from Heaven to Earth Caused by God

  Various reports on the authority of the Messenger of God have confirmed that it was on Friday that God created Adam, and on Friday that he drove him out of Paradise and cast him down to earth. On Friday, too, God accepted his repentance, and on Friday, he let him die.

The reports on the authority of the Messenger of God on this (subject)

  According to 'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Abdallah b. 'Abd al Hakam [712. The Egyptian historian, who lived from ca. 182 /798[9] to 257/871. Their contact goes back to Tabari's visit to Egypt . See Tahdhib, VI, 208; EI , III, 674 f., s. v. Ibn 'Abd al-Hakam; Sezgin, GAS, 1, 355 f.] -'Ali b. Mabad [713.'Ali b. Mabad died in 218/833. See Tahdhib, VII, 384 f. He appears as a transmitter from Ubaydallah b. 'Amr in Ibn 'Abd al- Hakam, Futuh Misr, 231, 282, 293] -'Ubaydallah b. 'Amr [714. 'Ubaydallah b. 'Amr died in his late seventies in 180/796[7] in al-Raqqah. See Tahdhib, VII, 42 f.] -'Abdallah b. Muhammad b. 'Aqil [715. Died in the first half of the 140s /757-62 in Medina. See Tahdhib, VI, 13-15.] -'Amr b. Shurahbil b. Said b. Sad b. Ubadah [716. For 'Amr, his father Shurahbil , and his grandfather Said , see Tahdhib, VIII, 46, IV, 322, and IV, 37. As in text below, I, 112 , both his father and his grandfather should probably figure in the chain of transmitters.] -Sad b. Ubadah [717. Sa d b. Ubidah is said to have died in the 630s. See Tahdhib, III, 475 f.; Ibn 'Abd al- Barr, Isti'ab, II, 594-99.]-the Messenger of God: There are five distinctions to Friday. On it, Adam was created, cast down to earth, and taken up by God. Also, there is an hour on Friday [718. Muslim , Sahih, 1, 474 f., devotes a chapter to this special hour.] during which God will give a human being everything he asks for, unless it be a crime or a severing (of family ties). And on Friday, the Hour will come. Every angel close to God, every heaven, mountain, earth, and wind- all are in awe of Friday.

   According to Muhammad b. Bashshar and Muhammad b. Ma'mar [719. Muhammad b. Ma'mar died after 250/864 . See Tahdhib, IX, 466 f]-Abu'Amir [720. Abu 'Amir'Abd al - Malik b. 'Amr al-'Agadi died in 204 or 205/ 819-21. See Tahdhib, VI, 409 f.]-Zuhayr b. Muhammad [721. Died in or before 162/778. See Tahdhib, III, 348-50.]-'Abdallah b. Muhammad b. 'Aqil-'Abd al- Rahman b . Yazid al-Ansari [722. Died between 93 and 98/ 711-17 . See Tahdhib , VI, 298 f.] -Abu Lubabah b. 'Abd al-Mundhir [723. See Tahdhib, XII, 214; Ibn'Abd al - Barr, isti'ab, IV, 1740-42] -the Prophet : The lord of the days ( of the week ) is Friday . It is the greatest of days and more revered in the eyes of God than the Day of Breaking the Fast and the Day of Slaughtering . [724. Shawwal i and Dhu al-Hijjah 10.] There are five distinctions to Friday. On it, God created Adam , cast him down to earth, and took him up. Moreover, there is an hour on Friday during which God will give a human being everything he asks for , unless it be something forbidden . And on Friday, the Hour will come . All angels close to God, every heaven and earth , all mountains and winds , and every ocean-all are in awe of Friday , expecting the Hour to come on it. The wording is that of Ibn Bashshar. [725. For the tradition , see Ibn Mijah , 1, 344; In Hanbal , III, 430]

  According to Muhammad b. Ma'mar-Abu 'Amir-Zuhayr b. Muhammad-'Abdallah b . Muhammad b. 'Aqil-'Amr b. Shurahbil b. Sa'id b . Sa'd b . 'Ubadah-his father-his grandfatherSa'd b . 'Ubadah : A man came to the Prophet and said : 0 Messenger of God, tell us what good happened on Friday . The Prophet replied: On it, Adam was created, cast down , and taken up by God. Moreover, there is an hour on Friday during which God gives a human being everything he asks for, unless it be something criminal or a severing ( of family ties ). On it, too, the Hour will come. Every angel close to God, every heaven and earth , all mountains, every wind-all are in awe of Friday.[ 726. See Ibn Hanbal , V, 284.]

  According to 'Abd al - Rahman b . 'Abdallah b. 'Abd al – Hakam Abu  Zur 'ah [727. Listed repeatedly as an authority in In 'Abd al-Hakam 's Futuh Misr, Abu Zur'ah Wahballih b. Rashid died in 211 /826. See Ibn Hajar, Lisan, VI, 235.] –Yunus [728. Yunus b. Yazid died in 159/ 775(6 ). See Tahdhib, XI, 450-52.] -Ibn Shihab [729. The prominent early historian Muhammad b. Muslim b. Shihab al•Zuhri died between 123 and 125 /740-43. See Tahdhib, IX, 445 -51; Sezgin, GAS, 1, 280-83; Horst, 301, n. 12] -'Abd al - Rahman (b. Hurmuz ) al-A'raj [730. Died between 110 and 117/728 -35 in Alexandria . See Tahdhib, VI, 290 f.]-Abu Hurayrah -the Messenger of God: Then best day ever to see the sun rise is Friday . On it, Adam was created, brought into Paradise , and driven out of it.[ 731. See the chapter on the excellence of Friday in Muslim ' s Sahih , 1, 475, where the tradition is quoted.]

  According to Bahr b. Nasr [732. Bahrb. Nasr lived from 18o or 181 /796-97 to 267/881. See Tahdhib, I, 420 f.] -Ibn Wahb-Ibn Abi al-Zinad [733.'Abd al-Rahman b. Abi Zinad 'Abdallah b. Dhakwan died in 174/790(1) at the age of seventy-four. See TB, X, 228-30; Tahdhib, VI, 170-73. His father died sixty - six years old between 130 and 132/747-50. See Tahdhib, V, 203-5] -his father-Musa b. Abi 'Uthman [734. See Tahdhib, X, 360; Bukhari, Ta'rikh, IV,1, 290, no. 1237 or 1238 , Ibn Abi Hatim, IV,1, 153, no. 689 or 690.] -Abu Hurayrah-the Messenger of God: The lord of the days is Friday. On it, Adam was created, brought into Paradise, and driven out of it. And the Hour will come precisely on Friday. [735. The tradition appears with a partly different isndd in Muslim , Sahih, I, 475.]

  According to al-Rabi' b. Sulayman [736. Al-Rabi' b. Sulayman b. 'Abd al- Jabbar was born in 174/790)1 ) and died in 270/884. See Tahdhib, III, 245 f.; Subki, Tabaqat, II, 132-39.] -Shu'ayb b. al-Layth [737. The son of al-Layth b. Sad (above, n. 222) lived from 135/752[3] to 199/814. See Tahdhib, IV, 355] -al-Layth b. Sad-Ja'far b. Rabi'ah [738. Died in 136/753[4]. See Tahdhib, II, 90.] -'Abd al-Rahman b. Hurmuz (al-A'raj)-Abu Hurayrah-the Messenger of God: The sun has never risen over a day like Friday. On it, Adam was created, driven out of Paradise, and reestablished in it.

  According to Ibn Humayd-Jarir (b. 'Abd al-Hamid)-Mansur [739. Mansur b. al-Mu 'tamir died at the end of 132 or in 133/750-51. See Tahdhib, X, 312-15; Khalifah , Tabaqat, 164; Ibn Sad, Tabaqat, VI, 235] and Mughirah [740. (al-) Mughirah b. Miqsam died between 132 and 136 /749-54. See Tahdhib, X, 269-71.]-Abu Ma'shar Ziyad b. Kulayb [741. Died in 119 or 120 /737-38. See Tahdhib, III, 182] –Ibrahim [742. Ibrahim b. Yazid al-Nakha i lived between 50/670 ( 1) and 96/714. See Tahdhib, 1, 177-79.] -al-Qartha' al-Dabbi, one of the first Qur'an readers [743. For al-Qartha', see Tahdhib, VIII, 367 f., Bukhari , Ta'rikh, IV,,, 199 f] -Salman: The Messenger of God said to me: Salman, do you know about Friday? I said: God and His messenger know better. (The Prophet) repeated (the question) three times: Salman, do you know about Friday? (and always received the same answer. Then, he answered his own question): On it, your (sg.)-or your (pl.)-father was put together.[ 744. For the intended meaning of jumi'a (hardly jummi 'a), see above, n. 375; also Tabari, Introductio etc., CLXVIII and DLXXVI. The ordinary meaning of jamma'a "to set up the Friday service" or the like, could hardly be interpreted in such a way that it would apply here.]

  According to Muhammad b. 'Umarah al-Asadi-'Ubaydallah b. Musa [745.'Ubaydallih b. Musa b. Badham/Bidhin was born in 128/745161 and died in 213 or 214/828 -29. See Tahdhib, VII, 50-53.] –Shayban [746. Shayban b. 'Abd al - Roman al-Nahwi died in 164/ 780111. See TB, IX, 271-74; Tahdhib, IV, 373 f] –Yahya [747. Yahya b. Abi Kathir died between 129 and 132 / 746-50 . See Tahdhib, XI, 268-70.]-Abu Salamah [748. The son of 'Abd al-Rahman b . ' Awf (above, n. 177)?] –Abu Hurayrah-Kali: The best day ever too see the sun rise is Friday. On it, Adam was created, entered Paradise, and was driven out of it. Moreover, the Hour will come on it.

  According to al-Husayn b. Yazid al-Adami [749. The form of the name is uncertain . He could be identical with al-I;Iusayn b. Yazid al- Sabi' i who is mentioned as an authority of Tabari in Tafsir, II, 91,1.2. Al-Husayn b. Yazid al - Ansari al-Qattan, who died in 244/Dec. 858-Jan. 859 (Ibn Abu Hatim, 1, 2, 67 ; Tahdhib, II, 376 ) would flt chronologically, but the identity is not certain . Al-Qattin is often mentioned in Tafsir, as well as text below, I, 290. ] -Rawh b. Ubadah [750. Rawh b. 'Ubadah died between 205 and 207/820-23 . See TB, VIII, 401.6; Tahdhib, III, 293 -96; Sezgin , GAS, I, 39 f.] -Zakariyya' b. Ishaq [751. See Tahdhib , III, 328 f.] -'Amr b. Dinar [752.'Amr b. Dinar died in 125 or 126 /742-44. See Tahdhib, VIII, 28-30; Ibn Sa ' d, Tabaqat , V, 353 f.] -'Ubayd b. 'Umayr: The first day on which the sun rose is Friday. It is the most excellent of the days. On it, God created Adam in His likeness . When he finished, Adam sneezed. God inspired him to use (the formula of) praise , and then responded: May your Lord show mercy unto you. [753. See text above , I, 92 and 94.]

  According to Abu Kurayb-Ishaq b. Mansur [754. Died in 204 or 205 / 819-21 . See Tahdhib , 1, 250 f]  -Abu Kudaynah  [755. For Abu Kudaynah Yahya b. al-Muhallab , see Tahdhib, XI, 289] -Mughirah-Ziyad-Ibrahim-'Alqamah [756.'Alqamah b. Qays al-Nakha'i , an uncle of Ibrahim, was supposedly ninety years old when he died sometime between 61 and 63 /680-83, although dates of death a decade later are also given . See Tahdhib, VII, 276- 78; Khalifah, Tabaqat, 147 f. Note that 'Alqamah does not appear in the almost identical isnad three traditions before.] –al Qartha'-Salman: The Messenger of God said: Do you know about Friday? It is a day on which your (sg.)-or your (pl.)-father Adam was put together.

  According to Abu Kurayb-'Uthman b. Said-Abu al-Ahwas Mughirah-Ibrahim-'Alqamah-Salman : The Messenger of God said to me: Salman, do you know about Friday? (repeating the question ) two or three times ( and then answering it himself): It is the day on which your (pl.) father Adam-or (simply) your (pl.) father-was put together.

  According to Abu Kurayb- Hasan b . 'Atiyyah [757. Died around 211/826[7]. See Tahdhib, II, 294, no. 525.]-Qays (b. alRabi')-Al-A'mash-Ibrahim-al-Qartha'-Salman: The Messenger of God said: Do you know about Friday? or something like that. On it, your (pl.) father Adam was put together.

  According to Muhammad b. 'Ali b. al-Hasan b . Shaqiq [758. In Shaqiq died in 250 or 251/864-65. See Tahdhib, IX, 349 f. For this father, see above, n. 227] -his father-Abu Hamzah [759. Abu Hamzah Muhammad b. Maymun al - Sukkari died between 166 and 168/782-85. See TB, III, 266-69; Tahdhib, IX, 486 f.] -Mansur-Ibrahim-al-Qartha'-Salman: The Messenger of God said to me: Do you know about Friday? I said: No, whereupon he said: On it, your (sg.) father was put together.

The Moment on Friday When God Created Adam
and the One When Adam Was Cast Down to Earth

  There are different opinions on this subject. A tradition transmitted on the authority of 'Abdallah b. Salim and others is the following which we were told by Abu Kurayb-Ibn Idris [760.'Abdallah b. Idris, judge of al-Kufah, lived from ca. 115 / 733 to 192/807(8). See TB, IX, 415-21 ; Tahdhib, V, 144-46. This Ibn Idris is not to be confused with 'Abd al - Munim b. Idris, a descendant of Wahb b . Munabbih and transmitter of his work, whose reputation for reliability was poor and who died ninety years old or older in 228/843, see TB , XI, 131-34; Ibn Hajar, Lisdn, IV, 73 f] -Muhammad b. 'Amr [761. Muhammad b. 'Amr b. 'Algamah died in 144 or 145/761-63. See Tahdhib, IX, 375-77.] -Abu Salamah-Abu Hurayrah-the Messenger of God: The best day ever to see the sun rise is Friday. On it, Adam was created, settled in Paradise, and cast down. On it, the Hour will come. [762. For the preceding portion of the tradition , see text above , I, 112 f . For the remainder, see Tafsir, XVII, 21 (ad Qur. 21:37).] Moreover, on Friday there is an hourindicating (by a gesture with his hand) that it would be a short one [763. Yugalliluhd appears to belong to Tabari 's original text and is not a later adjustment to the text as found in the hadith collections and in Tafsir. For the explanation of the word, cf. Ibn Hajar, Fath, III, 67-74.] during which God will give a Muslim who happens (to I know which hour it is. It is the last hour of daytime on Friday. God says: "Man was created of haste. I shall show you My signs, but do not ask Me to make haste. [764. Qur. 21:37.]

  We were told about the same , including the approximate wording of 'Abdallah b. Salim, by Abu Kurayb-al-Muharibi,[ 765. 'Abd al-Rahman b. Muhammad b. Ziyad al-Muharibi died in 195/810[1]. See Tahdhib, VI, 265 f] -'Abdah b. Sulayman, [766. Died in 187 or 188/803-4. See Tahdhib, VI, 458 f.] and Asad b. 'Amr [767. He is very possibly Asad b. 'Amr b. 'Amir who died between 188 and 190/804-6. See TB, VII, 16-191 Ibn Abi Hitim, 1, 1, 337 f., Ibn Hajar, Lisan, I, 383-85] -Muhammad b. 'Amr-Abu Salamah-Abu Hurayrah. [768. See Tafsir, XVII, 21 (ad Qur. 21:37).]

  According to Muhammad b. 'Amr (al-Bahili)--Abu 'Asim (alNabil)- Isi (b. Maymun)-Ibn Abu Najih-Mujahid, [769. See Mujahid, Tafsir, I, 410] commenting on God's word: "Man was created of haste," as follows: (This refers to) Adam's statement when he was created after everything else at the end of daytime on the day of creation.[ 770. The addition of "Friday " in some manuscripts is not justified and is not found in Tafsir, XVII, 20.] When the spirit gave life to his eyes, his tongue, and his head, but had not yet  reached the lower part of his body, he said: 0 my Lord, make haste with my creation before sunset! I was told the same by al-Harith (b. Muhammad b. Usamah)-alHasan (b. Musi al-Ashyab)-Warga'-Ibn Abi Najih-Mujahid.[ 771. This and the following two paragraphs appear in Tafsir, XVII, 20.]

  According to al-Qisim (b. al-Hasan)-al-Husayn (b. Dawud)-Hajjaj-Ibn jurayj-Mujahid, commenting on: "Man was created of haste," as follows: (This refers to) Adam when he was created after everything else. Then he mentioned about the same but said in his tradition: Make haste with my creation! The sun is already in the West.

  According to Yunus-Ibn Wahb-Ibn Zayd, commenting on God's word: "Man was created of haste," as follows: In haste. God created Adam at the end of that day of those two days-meaning Friday-and He created him hastily and made him hasty.

  Some have assumed that God made Adam and his spouse dwell in Paradise after two hours had passed of Friday. It has also been said: After three hours. He cast him down to earth after seven hours had passed of that day. Thus, the duration of Adam and Hawa stay in Paradise was five hours of that day. It has also been said: Three hours. Some said: Adam was driven out from Paradise in the ninth or tenth hour.

Those who said this

  Abu Ja'far (al-Tabari) says: Reading to him, I studied (this report) [772. Tabari apparently studied with his authority the commentary of al-Rabi' b. Anas containing this tradition.] with 'Abdan b. Muhammad al-Marwazi-'Ammar b. alHasan-'Abdallah b. Abi Ja'far-his father-al-Rabi' b. Anas [773. AI- Rabi' transmitted from both Anas b. Malik and Abu al-'Aliyah, but the isnad is no doubt correct as given above, as against the Tabari editions ( see, however, Tabari, Introductio etc. , DLXXVI)] -Abu al-'Aliyah: Adam was driven out of Paradise in the ninth or tenth hour. Then ('Abdan) said to me: Yes, after five days had passed of Nisan.[ 774. This would be the sixth of April, a Friday, assuming that the first of the month was a Sunday.]

  If someone making this statement means that God made Adam and his spouse dwell in Paradise after two hours of daytime had passed on Friday of the days of the inhabitants of this world, which are such that they constitute the (entire) day, [775. The omission of hiya, as suggested in the Leiden edition , is unnecessary. The simpler translation : such as they are today, is unlikely] his statement in this respect is not far off the mark. Reports have come down on the authority of the early Muslim scholars to the effect that Adam was created in the last hour of the sixth day of the days of which each measures a thousand of our years. The conclusion is that a single hour of the hours of that day was eighty-three of our years. [776. In fact, eighty - three years and four months, as correctly stated below.]

  Now we have mentioned [777. Text above, I, 89 ff] that after our Lord caused Adam's clay to ferment, Adam remained forty years before God blew the spirit into him. "Of our years" is no doubt meant here. Then, the extent (of time) after the spirit was blown into him, until the entire process (of inspiriting) was completed and he was settled in Paradise and cast down to earth, can easily be assumed to have been thirty-five of our years. If, however, he means that Adam was settled in Paradise after two hours of daytime had passed on Friday of the days of which a single day measures a thousand years of our years , then the statement he has made is not true . That is because all the preserved statements of scholars say that the spirit was blown into Adam at the end of daytime on Friday before sunset. Then , various reports on the authority of the Messenger of God have confirmed that God had Adam dwell in Paradise on Friday and cast him down to earth on it. If this is sound, the conclusion is that the last hour of daytime on one of the days of the other world and of the days each of which measures a thousand years of our years is an hour (remaining ) after eleven hours have passed; thus, one of twelve hours equivalent to eighty-three years and four months of our years . Now, if this is so, Adam was created after eleven daytime hours had passed on Friday of the days each of which is a thousand years of our years. He then remained a body left lying around for forty of our years without having the spirit blown into him. Then the spirit was blown into him. His stay in heaven afterwards and his sojourn in Paradise , until he committed the sin ( of eating from the forbidden tree ) and was cast down to earth, was forty-three of our years and four months, this (together with the forty years of Adam' s inanimate state) being one of the hours of one of the six days on which God created the creation.[ 778. Tabari is confronted here with contradictory data . They can, of course, not be reconciled , but he tries anyway. He assumes that Adam was created on Friday in the last of the twelve hours of daytime. Now, since Adam's entire existence until his expulsion from Paradise took place on the same Friday , it could at best have covered only one entire hour of Friday. According to the traditions that equate an otherworldly day (of twelve hours ) with one thousand ordinary years, Adam's onehour existence until his expulsion equaled eighty-three years and four months. Now, in his inanimate state, Adam lived forty years. Thus, forty-three years and four months remain to his expulsion. Assuming , as Tabari had just stated, that Adam's stay in Paradise covered a number of hours on Friday, those hours could not be full-fledged years of eighty- three years and four months but had to be adjusted ( as suggested in a footnote in the Leiden edition ) to hours of a complete twelve-hour day constituting those eighty- three years and four months . Taking the number of five hours , as mentioned , this would lead to eighty-three (or eightythree and one-third ) divided by twelve and multiplied by five, that is, 34.588 (or 34.722), which is very close to the number thirty- five given in the text. Adding the forty years of Adam 's inanimate existence , we obtain seventy-five years, which may have seemed to Tabari to be reasonably close to eighty-three years and four months . The discussion of the second alternative, which is rejected by Tabari, fails to make clear its point . The hours mentioned could not be full otherworldly hours, because, at best, forty-three years and four months were available . It could, however, be that Tabari in fact intended to argue that if seven or eight hours, as in the tradition quoted , were involved, the scheme would not work ]

  According to al-Harith b. Muhammad-Muhammad b. Sa'd [779. The author of the Tabagat, Ibn Sad, died in 230/845 at the age of sixtytwo. See TB, V, 321 f.; Tahdhib, IX, 182 f .; EI2, III, 922 f., s. v. Ibn Sa'd; Sezgin, GAS, 1, 300 f.] -Hisham b. Muhammad [780. The famous historian Hisham b. Muhammad b. al-Sa 'ib al-Kalb , lived from ca. 120 /738 to between 204 and 2o6/8i9-22. See TB, XIV, 45 f.; E12, IV, 495, s. V. al-Kalbi; Sezgin , GAS, I, 268-71. His equally important father, who was a historian but also the author of a Qur'an commentary, died eighty-years old in 146/763-64. See Tahdhib, IX, 178-- 81; EI2 , loc. cit .; Sezgin, GAS, 1, 34] -his father-Abu Salih-Ibn 'Abbas: Adam left Paradise (during the time) between two prayers, the noon prayer and the afternoon prayer. He was brought down to earth. His stay in Paradise was half a day of the days of the other world-that is, five hundred years-of a day that measures twelve hours and a thousand years as counted by the inhabitants of this world. This, too, is a statement contradicting what has been reported on the authority of the Messenger of God and our early scholars.

The Place on Earth to Which Adam and
Eve Came When They Were Cast Down

  Then, before sunset of the day-Friday-on which God had created Adam, He cast him down from heaven together with his spouse. According to the early scholars of our Prophet's nation,  He brought him down in India. This has been stated by some scholars, such as, for instance

  According to al-Hasan b. Yahya-'Abd al-Razzaq-Ma'mar- Qatadah: God cast Adam down to earth. The place where he fell down was the land of India.

  According to 'Amr b. 'Ali [781.'Amr b . 'Ali b. Bahr al-Fallas died in 249 /January 864. See TB, XII, 207-12; Tahdhib, VIII, 80-82.]-'Imran b. 'Uyaynah [782. For this brother of Sufyin b . 'Uyaynah, see Tahdhib, VIII, 136 f] -'Ata' b. al-Sa'ib-Sa'id b. Jubayr-Ibn 'Abbas: When God first cast Adam down, it was in Dahnaj [783. Dahnal ') is apparently meant to be understood as identical with Dahnaj mentioned text below, 1, 121. It seems to be intended here as a proper name; however, the Arabian desert Dahna' might suggest the general sense of desert. In the fanciful geography of these traditions , a relationship with DaI<ini (see below, n. 858) is not entirely excluded in spite of the different consonant (h/h). In fact, in connection with the Tafsir's commentary on Qur. 7:172 (Tafsir, IX, 76,1.7), Dalana is described as a land in India] of the land of India.

  I was told on the authority of 'Ammar (b. al-Hasan)--'Abdallah b. Abi Ja'far-his father-al-Raba' b. Anas-Abu al-'Aliyah: Adam was cast down in India.

  According to Ibn Sinan-al-Hajjaj -Hammad b . Salamah-'Ali b. Zayd-Yusuf b. Mihran [784. See Tahdhib, XI, 424 f .; Bukhiri , Ta'rikh, IV, 2, 375 f.] -Ibn 'Abbas-'Ali b. Abi Talib: The land with the sweetest smell on earth is the land of India. When Adam was cast down there , some of the smell of Paradise clung to India 's trees. [785. See text below, 1, 126. The above translation seems preferable to "and he made... cling."]

  According to al-Harith (b. Muhammad-Ibn Sa'd-Hisham b. Muhammad-his father-Abu Salih-Ibn 'Abbas: Adam was cast down in India , and Eve in Juddah [786. The preferred vocalization today is Juddah.].  He went in search of her, and eventually they were united. Eve drew near (z-1-f) him, hence al-Muzdalifah. They recognized ('-r-f) each other, hence 'Arafat. And they were united (j-m-') in jam', hence Jam' [787. Like al-Muzdalifah and 'Arafat , Jam' refers to some locality near Mecca connected with the pilgrimage. It is also sometimes considered as just another name for al-Muzdalifah] He continued. Adam was cast down upon a mountain in India called Nudh.[ 788. The reference to the mountain of Nod on the eastern limits of Japheth's territory in Schatzhohle, text, 136 f., trans ., 30, a work which stands out among Tabari's indirect sources, tips the scales in favor of reading the first letter N. Genesis 4 : 16 speaks of "the land of Nod, east of Eden." That Muslim scholars alsooften thought of Nudh with N, is of no real consequence in this case . The Tabari editions prefer Budh /Bawdh . This sounds vaguely Indian because of the seeming resemblance to Buddha . Echoes of the mysterious Meru Mountain may come into play here, but they do not help with the form of the name . The mountain in Ceylon, mentioned later on in connection with Adam's habitat, appears as al-Ruhun in Arabic literature . See Mas'udi, Muruj, I, 6o, Hudud al-'slam, 194.]

According to Abu Hammam [789. Abu Hammam ( Humim ?) al-Walid b . Shuja ' b. al-Walid al-Sakuni died presumably in 243/857, but the preceding year and even 239/853( 4) are also mentioned as the year of his death. See TB, XIII, 473-76; Tahdhib, XI, 135 f. His father Shuja ' died between 203 and 205 / 818-21 . See TB, IX, 247-50; Tahdhib, Iv, 313 f.] -his father-Ziyad b. Khaytha mah [790. According to Abu Hammim as reported by al-Bukhari , Ziyad b. Khaythamah died two years before al-A'mash , which would be around 146/763. See Tahdhib, m, 364, no. 668; Bukhari, Ta 'rikh , II,I, 321; Ibn Abi Hatim , 11,1, 530.] -Abu Yahya Ba'i' al-Qatt' [791. Probably , "the fodder seller," and identical with Abu Ya)iya al-Qattit, listed in Tahdhib, XII, 277 f., but cf. Abu'Ubayd , Gharib al-Iladith , I, 339 (Hyd. 1384-87).]-Mujahid: We were told by Ibn 'Abbas that when Adam came down, it was in India.

  According to Ibn Humayd-Salamah-Ibn Ishaq: The people of the Torah on their part said: Adam was cast down in India upon a mountain called Wasm on a river ( valley ) called Buhayl between two places in the land of India , al-Dahnaj and al-Mandal .[ 792. The entry Wisim in Yiqut , Mu'jam, N, 891 , is obviously derived from this Tabari passage. Neither it nor Buhayl ( the form is totally uncertain) can be identifled. For Dahnaj , see above , n. 783 . Al-Mandal is too general a term to allow identification , see Hudad al- 'slam, 87 and 240. The entry Wishim in Bakri, Mu'jam, N, 1364, refers to lbn Ishaq, but may not have been taken from Tabari . Bakri, II, 539, has a separate entry Dahnaj, which is derived from the entry Wishim.] They continued . adam as was cast down in Juddah of the land of Mecca.

  Others said: Rather, Adam was cast down in Sarandib (Ceylon) upon a mountain called Nudh , Eve in Juddah of the land of Mecca, Iblis in Maysan, [793. Mesene , or Charakene, a province in southernmost Babylonia is slandered here as is Isbahan . In the case of Mesene, it certainly was because of its unhealthy climate . Al-Ubullah was the principal town of Maysin in Antiquity.] and the snake in Isbahan . It has also been said that the snake was cast down in the desert (al-barriyyah) , and Iblis on the shore of the sea of al-Ubullah.

  The soundness of this can be established only by a report serving as (conclusive ) proof, but no such report on this subject is known to have been transmitted, except the report of Adam having been cast down in India. Its soundness is rejected neither by the Muslim scholars nor by the people of the Torah and the Gospel . Proof is firmly established by reports from some of them.

  It has been mentioned that the summit of the mountain upon which Adam was cast down is one of those closest to heaven among the mountains of the earth and that, when Adam was cast down upon it, his feet were upon it while his head was in heaven and he heard the prayer and praise-giving of the angels. Adam became ( too) familiar with that , and the angels were in awe of him. Therefore, Adam 's size was reduced.

Those who said this

  According to al-Hasan b. Yahya-'Abd al-Razzaq-Hisham b. Hassan [794. Died between 146 and 148/763-65 . See Tahdhib, XI, 34 -37k Bukhari, Ta'rikh, TV, 2, 197 f.] -Sawwar, the son-in-law (khatan) of 'Atai [795• For Sawwer b. Abi Hukaym , see Bukhari , Ta'rikh, 11,2, 169] -'Ata' b. Abi Rabah: When God cast Adam down from Paradise, Adam's feet were upon earth, while his head was in heaven and he heard the speech and prayers of the inhabitants of heaven. He became (too) familiar with them, and the angels were in awe of him so much so that they eventually complained to God in their various prayers (du'a' and $aldh). God, therefore, lowered Adam down to earth. Adam missed what he used to hear, from the angels and felt lonely so much so that he eventually complained about it to God in his various prayers. He was therefore sent to Mecca. (On the way, every) place where he set foot became a village, and (the interval between) his steps became a desert, until he reached Mecca. God sent down a jewel (yaqut ["ruby"]) of Paradise where the House is located today. (Adam) continued to circumambulate it, until God sent down the Flood. That jewel was lifted up, until God sent His friend Abraham to (re)build the House (in its later form). This is (meant by) God's word: "And We established for Abraham the place of the House as residence." [796. Qur. 22:26 . The tradition occurs in Tafsir, I, 428 f . (ad Qur. 2:127). See text below, 1, 131 and 193.]

  According to al-Hasan b. Yahya-'Abd al-Razzaq-Ma'mar Qatadah: God founded the House together with Adam. Adam's head was in heaven, while his feet were upon earth. The angels were in awe of him. So his size was reduced to sixty cubits (30 meters ). Adam was sad because he missed the voices and praisegiving of the angels . He complained about it to God, and God said: Adam, I have cast down a house for you to circumambulate, as one circumambulates My Throne, and to pray at it as one prays at My Throne. Adam left and went off. His steps were lengthened, and the interval between each (two) step(s) became a desert. These deserts continued to exist afterwards. Adam came to the House, and he and the prophets after him circumambulated it. [797. See Tafsir, I, 429 (ad Qur. 2:127)]

  According to al-Harith-Ibn Sa'd-Hisham b. Muhammad-his father-Abu Salih Ibn 'Abbas: When Adam' s size was lowered to sixty cubits, he started to say: My lord! I was Your protege (jar) n Your house,[ 798. Jar " mansion" is used because of the rhyming effect , and the entire phrase jaruka fi darika (jdrak ft ddrak) may be understood as being under someone's protection without any specific reference to housing . If "house" is indeed intended, it might refer in the context to Paradise rather than the Kabah.] having no Lord but You and no one to watch out for me except You. There I had plenty to eat and could dwell wherever I wanted. But then You cast me down to this holy mountain . (There, J I used to hear the voices of the angels and see them crowd around Your Throne and to enjoy the sweet smell of Paradise. Then You cast me down to earth and reduced me to sixty cubits . I was cut off from the voices and the sight ( of the angels), and the smell of Paradise left me. God replied: Because of your disobedience have I done this to you, Adam. Then, when God saw the nakedness of Adam and Hawa, He commanded Adam to slaughter a ram from the eight couples of small cattle He had sent down from Paradise. Adam took the ram and slaughtered it. Then he took its wool, and Hawa spun it . He and Hawa wove it. Adam made a coat for himself, and a shift and veil for Hawa. They put on that clothing. Then God revealed to Adam: I have a sacred territory around My Throne. Go and build a house for Me there! Then crowd around it, as you have seen My angels crowd around My Throne. There I shall respond to you and all your children who are obedient to Me. Adam said: My Lord! How could I do that? I do not have the strength to do it and do not know how. So God chose an angel to assist him, and he went with him toward Mecca. Whenever Adam passed by a meadow or place that he liked, he would say to the angel : Let us stop here! and the angel would say to him: Please do! This went on until they reached Mecca. Every place where he stopped became cultivated land. and every place he bypassed became a desolate desert . He built the House with (materials from) five mountains: Mount Sinai, the Mount of Olives, (Mount ) Lebanon, and al-Judi, [799. AlJudi is the mountain where Noah's ark came to rest and which in later tradition was identified with Mount Ararat ( see below , n. 1137) . See Tafsir, I, 428 (ad Qur. 2:127), and E12, 11, 573 f., s. v. al-Djudi] and he constructed its foundations with ( materials from Mount) Hira' ( near Mecca). When he finished with its construction, the angel went out with him to `Arafat. He showed him all the rites (connected with the pilgrimage) that people perform today. Then he went with him to Mecca, and (Adam ) circumambulated the House for a week . Returning to the land of India, he died upon (Mount) Nudh.

  According to Abu Hammam-his father-Ziyad b. Khaythamah -Abu Yahya Ba'i' al -Qatt-Mujahid-'Abdallah b. 'Abbas: When Adam came down, it was in India. From there, he performed the pilgrimage to Mecca on foot forty times. I (Abu Yahya) said: Abu al-Hajjaj, [800. Mujahid's patronymic]  could he not have ridden instead ? He replied: What could have carried him? Indeed, each of his steps covered the distance of a journey of three days, and his head reached heaven. (It led to ) the angels complaining about his pride. [800. In view of the idiom translated below "felt properly chastised " (taqasarat ild Adam nafsuhu), nafsahu, and not nafasahu ("his breath"!, understood metaphorically, should be read also here] The Merciful One faulted him for that, and he was in a state of humbleness for forty years.

  According to Abu Ma'mar Salih b. Harb, the mawla of the Hashimites [802. See TB, IX, 316 f., where Salih b. Harb is described as a mawla of Sulaymin b. 'Ali b. 'Abdallah b. al.'Abbas.] -Thumamah b. `Abidah ('Ubaydah ) al-Sulami [803. This Thumamah was considered a "weak " transmitter . See Bukhiri, Ta'rikh , 1,2, 178; In Hajar, Lisdn , II, 94. Neither source mentions the nisbah alSulami.]-Abu al-Zabir [804. Abu al-Zabir Muhammad b. Muslim died in 126/743[4]. See Tahdhib, IX, 440-43.] -Nafi' (the mawla of Ibn 'Umar)-Ibn 'Umar: While Adam was in India , God revealed to him that he should perform the pilgrimage to this House. So Adam left India to go on the pilgrimage . Wherever he put down his foot on a place, that place became a village . Every interval between his steps became a desert. Eventually he reached the House. He circumambulated it and performed all the rites (of the pilgrimage). Then he wanted to return to India and went off. When he reached the two mountain passes of 'Arafat, the angels met him and said : You have performed the pilgrimage faultlessly. This surprised him. When the angels noticed his surprise, they said: Adam! We have performed the pilgrimage to this House two thousand years before you were created.[ 805. See Ya'qubi , Ta'rikh, I, 3.] He continued. And Adam felt properly chastised.

Perfumes , Fruits, and Other Things Adam Brought from Paradise

  It has been mentioned that when Adam was cast down to earth, he had upon his head a wreath made from (leaves of ) the trees of Paradise . When he reached the earth and the wreath became dry,  its leaves scattered, and the various kinds of perfume grew from them.

  Some( one) said : Rather, this is what God has told about Adam and Eve, that they started to cover themselves with leaves of Paradise stitched together, [806. Cf. Qur. 7:22.] and when those leaves became dry, they scattered, and the various kinds of perfume grew from those leaves . God knows best!

  Others said: Rather, when Adam realized that God would cast him down to earth , he started taking a branch of every tree he passed in Paradise and when he fell down to earth , those branches were with him. When the leaves on them became dry, they scattered . This was the origin of perfume.

Those who said this

   According to Abu Hammam -his father-Ziyad b . Khaythamah -Abu Yahya BA'i' al - Qatt-Mujahid-`Abdallah b . 'Abbas: When Adam was leaving Paradise, he toyed with everything he passed. The angels were told : Let him do it! Let him take along whatever provisions from Paradise he wants to! When he came down, it was in India. The perfumes brought from India come from what Adam took out from Paradise.

  Those who said : When Adam was cast down from Paradise, a wreath from the trees of Paradise was upon his head: I was told on the authority of 'Ammar b. al-Hasan-'Abdallah b. Abi Ja'far-his father-al-Rabi ' b. Anas-Abu al -'Aliyah: Adam left Paradise , and when he did, he had with him a staff from the trees of Paradise , and upon his head there was a crown or wreath made from the trees of Paradise . He continued . He was cast down to India . From ( that crown or wreath ) comes every perfume in India.

  According to Ibn Humayd-Salamah-Ibn Ishaq : Adam fell down upon it-meaning upon that mountain-having with him leaves of Paradise . He scattered them on that mountain. This was Other said: Rather, God provided him with some of the fruits of Paradise. Those fruits of ours come from them.

Those who said this

  According to Ibn Bashshir-Ibn Abi 'Adi, 'Abd al-Wahhab, and Muhammad b. Ja'far-'Awf-Qasimah b. Zuhayr-(Abu Masi) alAsh'ari: When God drove Adam out of Paradise, He provided him with some of the fruits there and taught him how to make everything. Those fruits of ours come from the fruits of Paradise, except that they change while the fruits of Paradise do not.

  Others said: Adam's sweet smell clung to the trees of India.

 Those who said: Perfume is found in India because, when Adam was cast down there, his sweet smell stuck to its trees According to al-Hirith b. Muhammad-Ibn Sa'd-Hishim b. Muhammmad-his father-Abu Salih-Ibn 'Abbas: When Adam came down, the smell of Paradise was with him. It clung to India's trees and river valleys, and everything there was filled with perfume. Therefore, perfume with the smell of Paradise is brought from there.

  As it was said that some of the perfume of Paradise was brought down with Adam, so it was said that the Black Stone, which was (originally) whiter than snow, was brought down with him, as well as the staff of Moses made from the myrtle of Paradise, which, like Moses, was ten cubits (five meters) tall, and also myrrh and incense. Then, anvils, mallets, and tongs were revealed to him.

  When Adam was cast down upon the mountain, he looked at an [1271 iron rod growing on the mountain and said: This comes from that, and he began to break up trees that had grown old and dry with the mallet and heated that (iron) branch until it melted. The first thing (of iron) he hammered was a long knife, which he used for work. Then he hammered the oven, the one which Noah inherited and that boiled with the punishment in India. [807. Cf. Qur. 11:40 and 23:27 and text below, I, 186 and 193 ff. In Tafsir, XII, 25 (ad Qur. 11:40 ), Tabari refers rather unenthusiastically to this interpretation of " the oven that boiled ." See also Speyer, Biblische Erzahlungen, 103.]

  When Adam fell down, his head brushed against heaven. As a result, he became bald, and he passed on baldness to his children. Because he was so tall, the animals of the field fled (from him) and became wild animals from that day on. While Adam was standing on that mountain, he heard the voices of the angels and enjoyed the smell of Paradise. His size was (therefore) reduced to sixty cubits, which was his size until he died. All of Adam's beauty combined was not found in any of his children except Yusuf. [807a . The paragon of beauty in Islam. ]

  It has been said that when Adam was cast down to earth, God provided him with thirty kinds of fruit-ten with shells, ten with stones, and ten with neither shells nor stones. The fruits with shells include walnuts, almonds, pistachio nuts, hazelnuts, poppy, acorns, chestnuts, coconuts, pomegranates, and bananas. Those with stones include peaches, apricots, plums, dates, sorbs, lotus fruit, medlar, jujubes, the fruit of the doom palm, [808. For muql, see, for instance , Biruni, Saydanah , text, 350 f., trans ., 307 f. See also Lane, 937b, s. v. dawm] and shahluj plums. [809. See Biruni , $aydanah , text, 24 f. and 388, trans ., 17 f. and 347.] Those with neither shells nor stones include apples, quinces, pears, grapes, mulberries, figs, citrus fruit, breadfruit, ginger, and melons.[ 810. Mas 'udi, Muruj, I, 61 f., has quththa "' cucumber " instead of "melon."]

  It has been said that among the things Adam took out from Paradise, there was a bag with grains of wheat, but, according to another statement, Gabriel brought wheat to Adam when he became hungry and asked his Lord for food, whereupon God sent him seven grains of wheat with Gabriel. When Gabriel put  them in Adam's hand, Adam asked him what it was, and Gabriel said to him: This is what drove you out of Paradise. [811. Because it is the fruit of the " tree" from which Adam and Eve had been forbidden to eat and which became such a nuisance for them on earth when they had to work hard to grow the wheat they needed for sustenance]  Each of those grains weighed ioo,8oo dirhams. When Adam asked Jibril what he should do with them, Gabriel told him to spread them in the soil, and Adam did, whereupon God immediately made them grow. Thus, putting seeds into the soil became the custom among Adam's children. Then God commanded him to harvest the wheat, collect and husk it by hand, and winnow it. Then (Jibril) brought two stones to him, and he placed one upon the other and ground the wheat. Then God commanded him to knead it and bake bread in the ashes. Gabriel gave Adam stones and iron, and (Adam) struck them together, producing fire. He was the first to bake bread in the ashes.

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