Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016




Yusuf a.s

  When they went back to their father and told him how Benjamin and Reuben had been left behind, he said, " No, it is rather that your minds have beguiled you into something"-which they wanted. He said, "Patience is seemly" meaning he had no violent grief over the loss of his son. "It may be that God will bring them all to me" meaning Yusuf a.s , Benjamin, and Reuben. Then Jacob turned away from them and said, "Alas, my grief for Yusuf a.s!" As God said, "His eyes were whitened with the sorrow he was suppressing, [470. Ibid., 12:83-84.] for he was filled with sadness and anger. When his sons heard this they said, "By God! You will never stop remembering Yusuf a.s [471. Ibid., 12:85.] or loving him or mentioning him, until your body becomes seriously ill and your brain disordered from loving and remembering him, and you become decrepit and worn out or die." Yakub a.s answered them , " I expose my distress and anguish only to God"-that is, not to you "and I know from God that which you do not know" [472. Ibid., 12:86.] that is, about the truth of Yusuf's a.s dream and of its interpretation that Yakub a.s and his sons one day would all bow down to Yusuf a.s .

   According to Ibn Humayd-Hakkam-Isa b. Yazid-alHasan: The question was asked , " How strong was Yakub's a.s emotion for his lost son? " He answered, " As strong as the emotion of seventy bereaved mothers." He asked, "And what did he have as recompense ?" He answered, "The reward of one hundyed martyrs ." He never thought ill of God for a single moment, night or day.

  According to Ibn Humayd-Hakkam-Abu Muadh-Yunus-al-Hasan- the Prophet : the same.

  According to Ibn Humayd-Salamah -al-Mubarak b. Mujahid-a man of al-Azd-Talhah b . Musarrif al-Yami : I was told that a neighbor of Jacob b . Isaac visited him and said, "0 Yakub a.s! What is this I see? You have become fragile and exhausted, and you have not reached the age which your father reached ." Yakub a.s said, " What has destroyed and exhausted me is concern for Joseph, and remembering him with which God has afflicted me." Then God said to him , " 0 Jacob ! Do you complain of Me to My creatures ?" Yakub a.s said, " 0 my Lord ! It is a sin I have committed, forgive me for it." God said , " I have indeed forgiven you for it ." After that, if he was asked , he would only say, "I expose my distress and anguish only to God, and I know from God what you do not know."

  According to 'Amr b. 'Abd al - Hamad al-Amuli-Abu Usamah-Hisham-al-Hasan : From the time Yusuf a.s left Yakub's a.s presence until he returned , eighty years passed, and for all that time grief did not leave his heart, nor did he cease weeping until his sight was gone. By God, there is no creature on earth nobler to God than Yakub a s. Then Yakub a.s  ordered his sons who had come back from Egypt to go there again and seek news of Yusuf a.s  and Benjamin , saying to them, " Go and find out about Yusuf a.s and his brother, and do not despair of the spirit of God . [473. Ibid., 12:87.] By His spirit he will dispel from us and from you the grief in which we find ourselves." So they went back to Egypt, and when they entered Yusuf 's a.s presence they said, " 0 ruler ! Misfortune has struck us and our folk, and we bring only poor merchandise, so give us the full measure and be charitable to us. God will reward the charitable. [474. Ibid., 12:88.] The " poor merchandise " which they brought with them consisted of spurious, wretched dirhams which could only be taken as a deposit. Some have said it was rings of a sack of ropes or some such thing . Others have said it was butter and wool, while others said it was pine nuts and terebinth fruit. Still others have said that it was very little, less than they had previously used for buying.

  They asked Yusuf a.s to be generous to them and give them as much food as he had given them the two previous times, and not any less. They said to him, "Give us the full measure and be charitable to us . God will reward the charitable."

  According to Ibn Waki`-`Amr-Asbat-al-Suddi: In (the phrase), " be charitable to us," the word " charitable" means something between generosity and baseness . It has been said that " and be charitable to us " meant they wanted him to return their brother to them, and "God will reward the charitable."

  According to Ibn Humayd-Salamah -Ibn Ishaq : It is said that when they spoke to him in these words , he was overcome and wept, scattering tears . Then he revealed to them what he had been hiding, "Do you know what you did to Yusuf a.s and his brother in your ignorance?" [475. Ibid., 12 :89.] In mentioning his brother Benjamin, Yusuf a.s did not mean what he himself had done to Benjamin when he seized him, he meant their having parted Yusuf a.s from Benjamin when they sold him . When Yusf a.s said that, they said to him, "Then you are Yusuf a.s !" He said, "I am Yusuf a.s and this [that is, Benjamin ] is my brother. God has shown us favor"-that is, by bringing the two together after the other brothers had separated them . " He who wards off evil and endures, indeed God does not forget to reward the kindly." [476. Ibid., 12:90.]

  According to Ibn Waki`-`Amr-Asbat-al-Suddi: When Yusuf a.s said to them, "I am Yusuf a.s and this is my brother," they sought pardon and said, " By God, verily God has preferred you above us, and we were indeed sinful ." Yusuf a.s said to them, "Have no fear this day. May God forgive you ; He is the most merciful of all those who show mercy. [477. Ibid., 12:91-92.] When Yusuf a.s  had revealed himself to them, he asked them about his father.

  According to Ibn Waki`-Amr-Asbat-al-Suddi: Yusuf a.s asked them, "What did my father do after me?" They replied, "When Benjamin vanished from him, he became blind with grief." So he said, "Go with this shirt of mine and lay it on my father's face, and he will recover his sight. Then come to me with all your folk." [478. Ibid ., 12:93 . According to Jewish tradition a seer loses his spirit of prophecy when in a state of grief , hence news of Joseph being alive restored prophecy to Yakub a.s . Ginzberg, Legends, II, 116 ; see also V, 346, n. 198.] When the caravan of Jacob's sons departed, Jacob ( back in Palestine ) said, " I am conscious of the scent of Yusuf a.s ." [479. Qur'an, 12:94.]

  According to Yunus-Ibn Wahb-Ibn Shurayh-Abu Ayyub al- Hawzani : The wind asked permission to bring the scent of Yusuf a.s to Yakub a.s before the messenger bearing the shirt would reach Yakub a s., and it did so. Yakib a.s said, "Truly I am conscious of the scent of Yusuf a.s , though you call me a dotard. [480. Id.]

  According to Abu Kurayb--Waki' -Isra' il-Ibn Sinan-Ibn Abi al-Hudhayl-Ibn `Abbas: About the quote, "And when the caravan departed, their father said, 'Truly I am conscious of the scent of Yusuf a.s,'" it means that a wind stirred up and brought the scent of Yusuf a.s from a distance of eight nights' journey. And Yakub a.s said, "Truly I am conscious of the scent of  Yusuf a.s, though you call me a dotard."

  According to Bishr b. Mu`adh-Yazid b. Zuray`-Sa`id Qatadah-al- Hasan : It was reported to us that on that day there were eighty farsakhs (four hundred and eighty km) between Yusuf a.s in the land of Egypt and Jacob in the land of Canaan; therefore it came a long way.

  According to al-Qasim-al-Husayn-Hajjaj-Ibn Jurayj: Concerning his statement, "Truly I am conscious of the scent of Yusuf a.s," we have heard that there were eighty farsakhs between them when he said, "Truly I am conscious of the scent of Yusuf a.s." He had been parted from him for seventy-seven years. By his words, "though you call me a dotard," he meant "though you consider me foolish and an example of decrepitude and declining intelligence." But those of his sons who were with him said, "By God, you are in your old aberration again" [481. Ibid ., 12:95.] meaning craziness and error brought on by his ren.,? mbrance and love of Yusuf a.s.

  The bearer of glad tidings-the post rider whom Yusuf a.s had sent out to bring Jacob word of him-arrived and told of Yusuf a.s 's being alive and of what had happened with him. It is reported that the messenger ' s name was Judah b. Yakub.

  According to Ibn Waki'-'Amr-Asbat-al-Suddi: Yusuf a.s said, "Take this shirt of mine and lay it on my father's face. He will regain his sight. Then come to me with all your folk. [482. Ibid ., 12:93] Judah said, "The time before, I took the blood-smeared shirt to Yakub a.s and told him a wolf had eaten Joseph. Today I shall take this shirt and tell him that he is alive , to gladden his eye just as I saddened him then ." So he was the messenger of good tidings.

  When the messenger carne to Jacob with Yusuf a.s 's shirt, he laid it on his face and he became able to see again after having been blind . He said to his children, " Did I not tell you that I know from God what you do not know? " [483. Ibid ., 12:96.] meaning that, from the truth of the interpretation of Yusuf a.s ' s dream in which he saw the eleven stars and the sun and the moon bowing down to him, he knew that which they did not know. Then they said to Yakub a.s, " 0 our father ! Ask forgiveness of our sins for us, for we were indeed sinful." [484. Ibid ., 12:97.] And Jacob said to them, "I shall ask forgiveness for you from my Lord." [485. Ibid ., 12:98.] Some say that he delayed praying for them until dawn, and some say that he delayed it until Friday night.

  According to Ahmad b. al-Hasan al-Tirmidhi-Sulayman b. 'Abd al- Rahman al- Dimashqi-al-Walid b . Muslim-Ibn Jurayj-'Ata' and 'Ikrimah, the client of Ibn 'Abbas-Ibn 'Abbas-the Messenger of God: Jacob said , " I shall ask forgiveness for you from my Lord"- meaning, when Friday night came. When Yakub a.s and his sons and their families came into Yusuf a.s ' s presence, he sheltered his parents with himself. It is said that they came into his presence before they entered Egypt, because Yusuf a.s went forth to meet them.

  According to Ibn Waki`-Amr-Asbat-al-Suddl: They brought their wives and families to him , and when they reached Egypt, Yusuf a.s spoke to the king who was above him, and he and the king went forth to meet them. When they reached Egypt he said, " Come safe into Egypt, if God wills!" And when they came into Yusuf a.s ' s presence he took his parents unto himself. [486. Ibid., 12:99 . The two sentences are in reverse order.]

  According to al-Harith-`Abd al-`Azzz-Ja`far b. Sulayman-Farqad al-Sabakhi : When the shirt was placed on Yakub's a.s  face, he was able to see again, and he said, "Take me with your family, all together." So Jacob was carried with Yusuf's a.s brothers. When Yakub a.s drew near, Yusuf a.s was informed that he was approaching, and went forth to meet him . The people of Egypt rode forth with Joseph, extolling him. When they approached each other Yakub a.s  was walking , supporting himself on his son Judah . Yakub a.s  looked at all the horses and men and said, "O Judah! This is the Pharaoh of Egypt!" But Judah said, "No, this is your son Yusuf a.s." [487. The confusion of Yusuf a.s with the king of Egypt occurs in almost all the accounts ; see Ginzberg , Legends, 11:91-94 , the letter of Yakub a.s to Yusuf a.s] And when they came together Yusuf a.s went to speak the greeting to him first, but was prevented from doing so, for Yakub a.s had more right and privilege to do so than he. Yakub a.s said, " Peace be upon you. Oh one who removes sorrows!"

  When they entered Egypt, " he placed his parents on the dais " [488. Qur'an, 12:100.] and sat them down upon it. There is disagreement as to exactly whom it was that Yusuf a.s raised to the throne and placed upon it. Some have said that one of them was his father Yakub a.s  and the other his mother Rachel. Others have said that the other person was not Rachel but Yusuf a.s 's aunt Liyya, for his mother Rachel had died before that time.

   And Yakub a.s  and Yusuf a.s ' s mother and all the sons of Jacob fell down prostrate before him. According to Muhammad b. `Abd al-Ma-Muhammad b. Thawr-Ma`mar-Qatadah: "They fell down before him prostrate , " [489. Id.] for the greeting among those people was for one to bow down to the other. And Yusuf  a.s said to his father, "0 my father! This is the interpretation of my dream of old . My Lord has made it true." [490. Id.] By this he meant that their prostrating themselves fulfilled the interpretation of his dream which he had had before his brothers sold him-the dream of the eleven stars and the sun and the moon. God had made it true. He said, " He makes the dream true by bringing its interpretation."

  It is said that forty years had passed between the time Yusuf  a.s was shown this dream and the time when its interpretation was fulfilled.

Concerning Some Who Said That

  According to Muhammad b. `Abd al -A'la-Mu' tamir-his father-Abu `Uthman -Salman al - Farisi : Between Yusuf  a.s 's dream and his seeing its fulfillment , forty years passed. It has also been said that it was eighty years.

Concerning Some Who Said That

   According to `Amr b. `Ali-`Abd al -Wahhab al-Thaqafi -Hisham-al -Hasan: Between the time when Yusuf  a.s departed from Yakub a.s  and the time the two of them met , eighty years passed . Grief had not left Yakub 's a.s  heart and tears flowed down his cheeks, yet no one on earth was more beloved of God at that time than Yakub a.s .

  According to al - Hasan b . Muhammad-Dawud b . Mihran-`Abd al -Wahid b. Ziyad-Yunus-al-Hasan : Yusuf  a.s was cast into the pit when he was seventeen years old, and eighty years passed between that (time) and his meeting Yakub a s. ( in Egypt). After that he lived twenty - three years and died at the age of one hundred and twenty.

  According to al-Harith-`Abd al-Aziz-Mubarak b. Fadalah -al-Hasan: Joseph was cast into the pit when he was seventeen, was separated from his father for eighty years, and then lived-after God reunited them and Joseph saw the fulfillment of his dream-for twenty-three more years, and then died at the age of one hundred and twenty.

  Certain people of the scriptures have said that Yusuf a.s entered Egypt at seventeen and remained in the house of Potiphar for thirteen years. When he reached thirty, Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, whose name was al-Rayyan b. al-Walid b. Tharwan b. Arashah b. Qaran b. 'Amr b. `Imlaq b. Lud b. Shem b. Nuh, [491. See the previous listing, Tabari, 1, 378, above.] made him his chief minister. This king became a believer and died. After him reigned Qabus b. Mus`ab b. Mu awiyah b. Numayr b. al-Silwas b. Qaran b. `Amr b. 'Imlaq b. Lud b. Shem b. Nuh, who was an infidel. Yusuf a.s called upon him to believe in God, but he did not respond . Then Yusuf a.s made his brother Judah his heir, and died at the age of one hundred and twenty years. Yakub's a.s  separation from him lasted twenty-two years, while his stay with Joseph in Egypt after God brought them together lasted seventeen years. When death came to him, he made Yusuf a.s his heir. Yakub a.s had come to Egypt with seventy men of his family, and when he'died he made Yusuf a.s promise to take his body back to be buried next to his father Isaac. Joseph did that for him, taking him to be buried in Syria and then coming back to Egypt. Yusuf a.s ordered that his own body be taken to be buried with his ancestors, and when Musa a.s left Egypt he carried the coffin with Joseph's body with him.

  According to Ibn Humayd-Salamah-Ibn Ishaq: It was mentioned to me-but God knows best-that Yusuf a.s 's absence from Yakub a.s lasted eighteen years. But the people of the scriptures claim that it was forty years or thereabouts, and that after Yakub a.s came to Joseph in Egypt he remained with him for seventeen years and then God took him. It has been reported to me that Yusuf a.s was buried in a coffin of marble in the waters of the Nile. Someone has said that Yusuf a.s lived twenty-three years after his father's death, and was one hundred and twenty years old when he died.

  In the Torah it is said that he lived one hundred and ten years, and that Ephraim b. Yusuf a.s and Manasseh b. Yusuf a.s  were born to him. Nun was born to Ephraim, and to Nun b. Ephraim was born Joshua b . Nun who was the manservant of Musa a.s. To Manasseh was born Musa a.s [492. See the story of Musa.s  b . Manasseh ( Tha'labi, Qigas, 126, has Mishi), Kisai, 208. Most Muslim Qur' an commentators associate the story referred to him ( see n . 493, below) with Musa a.s b. Amram, but a minority attribute it to this otherwise unknown figure who, according to Tha ' labi, lived two hundred years before Musa b. Amram]. b. Manasseh, and it is said that Musa a.s b. Manasseh was a prophet before Mousa a.s b. Amram. The people of the Torah claim that he was the one who sought al-Khidr. [493. AlKhidr or al-Khidir is the popular figure in legend and story who is primarily associated with silrah 18 : 6o-82 . The name does not appear in the Qur'an, but most of the commentators say that he was the " servant of Moses" mentioned there . See Shorter Encyc ., 232ff. Compare this with the Jewish story of "R. Joshua b. Levi and the Strange Actions of Elijah " in Brinner, Relief, II, 13-r6; Obermann, Elijah, 387-404]z

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