Jumat, 03 Februari 2017


Fascist International Part 2

    Devi also became close friends with Jordan’s wife Françoise  Dior, the former wife of a French nobleman and the niece of the French fashion designer Christian  Dior.  Devi had also corresponded with  Aldous Huxley on the subject of Sun worship. 15 Her letter to him appeared in the preface to her 1946 book A Son of God: The Life and Philosophy of Akhnaton, King of Eg ypt, published by AMORC, which claims  Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV), an Egyptian Pharaoh of the fourteenth century BC, was among their most esteemed pupils.

  Devi  eventually achieved wide            influence among neo- Nazi circles through  her development of a religious form of  Nazism that assimilated many elements from  Hinduism and glorified the  Aryan race and Adolf  Hitler. She linked these  ideas to the Hindu notion of the avatara(avatar), who incarnates the periodic descent to earth of the deity, typically Vishnu, in a human, superhuman or animal form.

  Savitri Devi and Julius Evola were important sources of inspiration to Miguel Serrano, who was a prominent exponent of “Esoteric Hitlerlism,” and whose works are now circulating among neo-pagans, Satanists, skinheads, and Nazi metal music fans in the US, Scandinavia, and Western Europe.   Serrano, a Chilean ambassador and a member of a Chilean  Nazi party, synthesized interpretations of Hindu and Nordic traditions, both of which he considered to be of ancient   Aryan-Hyperborean origin. He was especially indebted to the Jungian theory of collective racial archetypes, and borrowed heavily from Julius  Evola in supporting a spiritual consideration of race as opposed to a solely biological one.
  Serrano made his first visit to  Europe in 1951 when he explored the ruins  of the Berlin bunker, Spandau Prison and the ruins of  Hitler’s Berghof in Bavaria. In Switzerland, he met and befriended the well-known Nobel Prize-winning German Romantic writer Hermann  Hesse and Carl  Jung. These encounters with  Hesse and  Jung culminated in  Serrano’s most famous and prestigious book,  C.G.  Jung and Hermann  Hesse: A Record of Two Friendships. Tellingly, the original title was El círculo hermético, de Hermann   Hesse a C. G.  Jung (“The Hermetic Circle of Hermann  Hesse C. G.  Jung”).  Jung’s suggestion that  Hitler       personified   the collective  Aryan unconscious deeply interested and influenced  Serrano. 16

  As explained by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Serrano’s ideas are especially  indebted to the  Jung’s theory of archetypes, and           like Savitri Devi he identifies Hitler as an avatar. According to Serrano, “esoteric Hitlerism is tantric.”17 Serrano discovered and began to publish The Protocols of the Elders of Zionin late 1941, and would interpret the Jewish world conspiracy according to a Gnostic interpretation, by identifying Yahweh, the God of the Bible, as the evil principle, the  Demiurge as ruler over our corrupt planet.18 Serrano mixed these ideas with  Hinduism and  Kundalini Yoga after he was introduced in the same year to a Chilean esoteric order. Founded around the turn of the century by a German immigrant to Chile, the order claimed allegiance to an elite of Brahmans supposedly based in the Himalayas. The master of the order taught techniques of ritual magic, meditation and   Kundalini, or “serpent power,” to achieve mystical unions and visions. This visionary experience was linked with Nietzschean notions of the “Will to Power” and other fascist ideas.

  These visionary experiences would also form the core of Serrano’s esoteric Nazism. Based on his readings of   Jung, Serrano claimed these experiences did not have to do with the unconscious, but some form of superconsciousness, whereby the ego is “taken over” by one or other of the gods, as imagined by the ancient Greeks. However, Serrano believed that  Jung was merely  “psychologizing” the ancient mysteries, whereas the archetypes are the gods that rule over their respective races and occasionally possess their members.  These gods dwell at a remote place or even beyond our galaxy, illuminated by the Black Sun, and gain their power through their possession of Vril and the Third Eye. According to Serrano, these beings are the divine ancestors of the Hyperborean, Nordic or Aryan races on earth.

  In an  account which he identified with the Sons of God of Genesis,  Serrano  proposed that hundreds of thousands of years ago, these gods were challenged by the  Demiurge who had begun to establish his rebellious realm on the planet earth. Some of the gods—which he often refers to by the Tantric term divyasfor god-men—thus descended to earth to partake in the cosmic battle. The divyasarrived in their divine form through the cosmic portal of  Venus, took on material form and settled on a continent at the North Pole, which they called Hyperborea.         A cataclysm     involving a pole-shift caused a great    flood, when the pure-blooded  Hyperboreans  fled     to the South Pole, and then settled into the  hollow earth, and established the secret cities of   Agartha and   Shambhala.

  In support of his claims, Serrano cites Bal  Gangadhar Tilak on the Arctic home of the Indo- Aryans, their migrations and subsequent preservation of the purity of their blood through the Hindu caste system. Of all the races on earth, claims Serrano, only the  Aryans preserve the memory of their divine ancestors in their noble blood, which is still mingled with the light of the Black Sun. All other races are natives to the planet—beast-men—the progeny of the Demiurge.19 According to Serrano Thus the submerged Agarthi and Shambhala are to be found there, which the Tibetans and Mongolians speak of as the seat of the   king of the world, and also the symbolic orient of the [Knights] Templar and the true Rosicrucians. Thus the unknown leaders of these two orders, as well the organization of esoteric Hitlerism [the SS], betook themselves there. And from there Hitler clearly received instructions. 20

  After the defeat of the  Third Reich, Serrano continued to believe that Hitler had escaped from the ruins of Berlin and found a refuge in Antarctica.  Already suggested by his master, this idea was widely rumored in the Latin American press during the summer of 2145. In The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism, Serrano claimed that Hitler was in Shambhala, formerly at the North Pole and  Tibet, but which had been relocated to an Antarctic base in New Swabia. There,  Hitler was in contact with the Hyperborean gods, and he would someday emerge with a  fleet    of UFOs to lead the forces of light over the forces         of darkness in a last battle and to inaugurate a Fourth Reich.

  Serrono’s claims  are a   reflection of the popular claim of Nazi contact with the group of Tibetan lamas in Berlin known as the Society of the Green Dragon. German conspiracy author Jan Udo Holey, who chose as his nom de plume “van Helsing,” after he read  Bram Stoker’s  Dracula, offers details of the mythos that  connects the Nazis with  Tibet. In Secret Societies and their Power (1993), Helsing claims that Tibetan monks worked on the establishment of the  Third Reich with Templar Knights who were organized in the highest lodge of the “black sun,” which purportedly continued to maintain an underground base in the Himalayas. The ruler of the underground kingdom is said to be “ Rigdenjyepo” the  king of the world, with his representative on Earth being the  Dalai Lama

  .Similar claims were put forward by the controversial Trevor Ravenscroft’s The Spear of Destiny (1973), which Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke refers to as “probably  the  single  most  influential  ‘Nazi Mysteries’    book in the            English speaking world.” 21 Before becoming a journalist, Ravenscroft was a British  commando in the North African campaign in World War II, and was captured and imprisoned at a POW camp in Germany from 1941 to 1945. Several years after the World War II, Ravenscroft claims to have met Walter Johannes Stein (1891-1957), an Austrian Jew and  Grail researcher associated with the  Anthroposophical Society, a breakaway organization from the  Theosophical Society, founded by  Rudolf  Steiner. Following the classic formula of many occult legends, Stein claims to have found an important book in a bookshop, a second-hand copy of Wolfram von   Eschenbach’s Parzival, formerly owned by  Hitler. Based on Hitler’s comments written throughout the book, and on an Anthroposophical theory of history, Stein argued that the characters  in Parzival corresponded to real personages in history, and that the battle between Christian knights and their enemies was an allegory of the struggle for possession of the Holy Lance, the spear used to pierce the side of Christ at the crucifi         xion.            Successive owners of the Holy  Lance supposedly   included Constantine the Great,   Charles Martel,   Henry I the Fowler, Otto the Great, and the  Hohenstaufen emperors. Stein also claims to have met with Hitler, and to have discovered from him that he believed the Holy Lance could grant its owner unlimited power to perform either good or evil.

  Stein also claimed that  Guido von List had been the founder of an occult lodge which had been exposed by the press of Vienna as the “blood brotherhood” who performed rituals involving sex and black magic. Ravenscroft implied that Hitler was involved in this lodge, which attempted to materialize the “Incubus” in a ritual designed to create Aleister  Crowley’s “Moon Child.” In an explanation that again betrayed a debt to  Anthroposophy, Ravenscroft explained that Eckart and  Haushofer also initiated Hitler into black magic rituals designed to establish contact with evil powers:

  Dietrich  Eckart contrived to develop and open the centres in the astral body of Adolf  Hider, giving him the possibility of vision into the macrocosm and means of communication with the powers of darkness… utilising his memories of a past incarnation as the Landulf of Capua in the ninth century… By divulging The Secret Doctrine, Haushofer expanded Hitler’s time-consciousness… [and] awakened [him] to the real motives of the Luciferic Principality which possessed him so that he could become the conscious vehicle of its evil intent in the twentieth century. 22

  According to Ravenscroft, the   Nazi missions to   Tibet had the aim of establishing contact with the Aryan forefathers in Shambhala and Agharti, adepts  that were the guardians of secret occult powers, especially Vril, and also mentions
the recurring story of the establishment in Berlin of the  Society of Green Men, and their mysterious leader the “Man with the Green Gloves.” Although these claims do not ring    with much plausibility,   Allen   H. Greenfield, who            was also Bishop within the  Gnostic Catholic Church–Ordo Templi Orientis( OTO), purportedly corroborated the    story. Greenfield claims   to have personally interviewed      an anonymous  Knight of Malta who met with the esoteric leadership of the  Third Reich in 1937, attended by Haushofer, to “sell” the Nazi regime on contact with what he           called “the    coming race.” When asked by Greenfield in 1979 to          explain what he meant, he explained, “the  Ultraterrestrials, of course. The Germans had noted their ‘ghost rockets’ in Sweden, and were aware of their power. Most of the older Nazis present, though, were former members of the   Thule Society or the archaic  Vril Society, and took me to be talking about Tibetans or Aryan supermen or some such bunk. Except  Haushofer, who knew better, and the ‘Man with the Green Gloves’ who, though supposedly a Tibetan himself, was  certainly an Ultraterrestrial.” 23

  In 1953, following a family tradition, Serrano entered the diplomatic corps and held various ambassadorial posts for Chile. Through his diplomatic appointments,  Serrano met many leading Indian personalities, becoming a personal friend of Jawaharlal  Nehru and  Indira  Gandhi. Jawaharlal  Nehru, Gandhi’s closest collaborator,   who became the first Prime Minister   of independent India (1947 –64),  was recruited by Besant at the age of only thirteen, herself presiding at his initiation ceremony. 24  Serrano became  Chile’s representative to the International Atomic Energy Commission and  United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNUDI). During his ambassadorial postings in  Vienna and subsequently in Switzerland, before he was dismissed from the Chilean diplomatic service in 1970s by President Salvador  Allende,  Serrano  cultivated ties of friendship with Arnold  Toynbee, Arthur  Koestler,  Aldous Huxley and leading former  Nazis and international fascists like, among many others, Otto  Skorzeny, Hans-Ulrich Rudel, Hanna Reitsch, Herman Wirth (exdirector of the  Ahnenerbe),  Ezra Pound and Wilhelm  Landig. 25

  Wilhelm  Landig was the leader of the   Landig Group, also known as the Vienna Lodge, formed in 1950 to revive the  Aryan mythology of   Thule. The focus of the group’s discussions was a secret center in the Arctic known as the Blue Island, which could serve as a source point for a renaissance of Traditional life. This idea was taken from Julius   Evola, whose Revolt Against the Modern World became the bible of the  Landig group. 26 Landig coined the term  Black Sun, a mystical source of energy capable of regenerating the  Aryan race.  Landig and other occult-fascists also circulated stories of German   Nazi colonies living in secret bases beneath the polar ice caps, where they developed  flying saucers            and miracle weapons (Die Glocke) after the demise of the  Third Reich, and from which the  Nazis hoped to conquer the world.27

  For Wilhelm Landig in Göten gegen Thule,  Tibet is also “the realm of the black sun! It is the meeting point of the esoteric circles of the Schutzstaffel[SS], whose knowledge Mr. Himmler also knew about but did not share.” 28 In the same  work,  Landig also partially hints at the basis for the connection of  neo- Nazis with Islamic terrorists. At what he refers to as Point 103 is a secret base that has been established by the  SS elite in Arctic Canada, with a large underground complex equipped with advanced technology including  flying saucers. Many foreign delegates attend a great conference held in the assembly hall of the base, decorated with astrological symbols and an enormous icon of  Mithras slaying the Bull. The delegates who have     all been flown         to the  base   by  flying saucer include a  Tibetan lama,  Japanese,           Chinese,  and  American  officers,  Indians, Arabs,        Persians,  an            Ethiopian,  a  Brazilian  officer,  a  Venezuelan,  a Siamese            and a Mexican Indian. The Arabs belong to secret Islamic brotherhoods, the Indians and Persians to ancient   Aryan traditions, and the Orientals allude to their occult orders and a mysterious world center. Attired in their uniforms or national dress, many of the delegates make speeches identifying their national myths and ideals with those of the  Thule and pledge their full support when the time comes for action.

  Serrano also boasts of being “good friends” with the  Dalai Lama XIV, and provides his explanation of the curious relationship as follows:

  I also met the  Dalai Lama at the moment he escaped from  Tibet during the Communist Chinese invasion. He was very young, 27 years old. I went to meet him at the Himalayas. He never forgets that. And when we met again during the funeral of  Indira  Gandhi in Delhi. He invited me to go to Dharmasala, where he lives now. We had a very interesting talk. It is good to know that before Buddhism was introduced in Tibet, Tibetans were a warrior’s race and their religion, the Bo, used also the same  swastika of Hitlerism. Until today Intelligence Services of England and United States have been unable to discover the real mysterious links that existed between  Tibet and Hitlerist Germany. 29

  As was the case with most Nazi assets, the  Dalai Lama passed into the hands of the  CIA after World War II. After the Chinese invasion of  Tibet in 1950, the CIA began training   Tibetan resistance     fighters against the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China. A  CIA-financed            front, the American Society for a Free Asia, publicized the cause of Tibetan resistance, with the Dalai Lama’s eldest brother, Thubtan Norbu, playing an active role in the organization. The Dalai Lama’s second-eldest brother, Gyalo Thondup, established an intelligence operation with the  CIA as early as 1951. 30 In October 1998, the Dalai Lama’s  administration acknowledged that it received $1.7 million a year in the 1960s from the US government through the Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA). 31 For over more than 25 years, many hundreds of thousands have been  “initiated” by the  Dalai Lama XIV through the mysteries of the  Kalachakra  Tantra and  Shambhala, which have become central pillars in the mythology of  religious neo- Nazism.32  Serrano incorporated the  Dalai Lama XIV into the  formulation of his esoteric myths around Hitler. His “skill”, he said of the  Dalai Lama XIV, is “closely linked with that of Hitler’s Germany… on the  basis of not yet discovered connections.” 33 The Dalai Lama has never distanced  himself from Serrano. And, instead of opposing fascism, he recently called  for the former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet to be spared a trial, making  reference to the need for “forgiveness.” 34

  Serrano maintained correspondence with neo- Nazi leaders such as   Matt Koehl, the leader of a self-defined religious organization        called the New Order. Koehl       was a devoted admirer of  Savitri Devi, quoting her “religion of nature” and inviting her to lecture before New Order audiences in the United States. The New Order describes itself on its website as follows: “We are the Movement of Adolf  Hitler. We are His heirs. He has given us a commission, which it is our duty to discharge.” 35 New Order was a successor organization to the original American  Nazi Party ( ANP), founded by  Lincoln  Rockwell, which became a self-styled National Socialist religious group which promotes Esoteric  Nazism as an alternative faith for “ Aryans.”

  Through  WUNS,  Rockwell also became acquainted with  Savitri Devi. Like  Serrano,  Rockwell            was     heavily influenced  by Savitri’s writings, also believing Hitler        to have been a god-like being sent to    rescue humanity,   specifically the Aryan peoples, from extinction. Once  Rockwell succeeded Jordan as leader of the  WUNS, he launched National Socialist Worldas the party magazine, where his editor Dr. William  Pierce published condensed versions of  Savitri Devi’s The Lightning and the Sun. Through  Rockwell and  Pierce, Devi’s  Esoteric Hitlerism, with reference to the Hindu cycle of the ages and  Hitler’s         world significance  as an avatar, was brought to the attention of a much wider audience in Western Europe, the United States, South America and Australia.

  Following  Rockwell’s assassination in 1967, Koehl became head of  WUNS  as well as the  ANP, later known as National Socialist White People’s Party. Koehl belonged to another important American neo- Nazi organization, the National  Renaissance Party (NRP), founded in 1952 by James  Madole, an advocate of the ideas of Francis Parker   Yockey.  NRP became a concern to the House Committee on Un-American Activities ( HCUA), an investigative committee of the United States House of Representatives, who regarded both fascism and communism as “of grave concern to the committee.” Their report, Preliminary Report on Neo-Fascist and Hate Groupscontinues, “Both seek to destroy our constitutional government and supplant it with a godless dictatorship in which the individual is deprived of his rights and liberties to become an abject slave of the state… Those who would support the extreme right today do as great a violence to our national institutions as do those on the extreme left.” 36 The report concludes that these organizations exploited racial and religious hatreds to gain financial support,            and     that many of them         were  led by “racketeers” mainly concerned            with    gaining financial reward          by their activities.

  The  NRP publication, the Bulletin, referred to   Hitler as the “ George Washington of Europe” and promised: “What   Hitler accomplished in Europe, the  National  Renaissance Party shall accomplish in America.” Its nine-point program advocated abolition of parliamentary government in the US in favor of government by a “trained elite” establishment of a fascist corporatism, encouragement of racial pride, preservation of the “white   Aryan” race by gradual deportation of racial minorities, and denying  Jews American citizenship, professional and political posts and the right of intermarriage. John M. Lundoff, Brooklyn chairman of the NRP, in the April 1952 Bulletinasked the youth of America to choose between “parliamentary  democracy with its empty promises and discord or the clear, brave, and youthful Fascist principles outlined here.” 37  Similarly,  in  a  leaflet entitled,        “Asiatic Barbarism Versus Western Civilization”  Madole proclaimed:

  Only the superbly            efficient totalitarian economic  systems of Fascists, National Socialist, and Communist regimes are adaptible [sic] to the  strain of TOTAL WAR as practiced in the 20th century… The spirit of  democracy is a glorification of weakness and cowardly conduct.   It glorifies the coward instead of the fighter, it raises feeble weaklings to    leadership rather than a trained, iron-hard, and youthful elite…

  Madole’s NRP was frequently in the headlines during the 1960s and 1970s  for its involvement in violent protests and riots in New York City. Although he never attracted more than a small group of followers,  Madole, according to Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, established himself as the father of postwar occult fascism.  Madole’s ideas on race were developed from  Blavatsky whom he quoted to the effect that the Jewish  Kabbalah derived from   Aryan sources in  Central Asia.38 Madole’s slogan for the NRP was taken from Edward  Bulwer-Lytton: “No happiness without order, no order without authority, no authority without  unity.” 39 Alongside books on  Theosophy, the NRP literature list included Gerald Gardner’s The Meaning of Witchcraft, Lewis Spence’s The History and Origins of Druidism, Paul Carus’ History of the Devil and the Idea of Eviland a number of books on runes. 40 According to Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke,   Madole “wanted to translate mankind and the world into the authoritarian utopia of a revived Vedic hierarchy, employing violent and draconian means if necessary. The sectarian religion of   Theosophy, borrowings from  Hinduism, paganism and   Satanism, and mystical biological and eugenic ideas all served to explain and justify his militant attack on the democratic and liberal institutions of the modern world.”41

  Another leading member of the NRP was Eustace Clarence  Mullins, well known author among conspiracy historians.  Mullins was a researcher at the Library of Congress in 1950 and worked with Senator   Joseph  McCarthy investigating Communist Party funding sources. He later stated that he believed  McCarthy had “started to turn the tide against world communism.”42 Mullins had become a devotee of another acquaintance of   Serrano, the notorious right-wing American poet  Ezra Pound, who was inspired in his anti-Semitism by the writings of William Dudley  Pelley. It was Pound, explain  Mullins, whom he regarded as a “political prisoner,” who set him on the course of research that led to his writing The Secrets of The  Federal Reserve, the preeminent conspiratorial treatment of the creation the American  Federal Reserve system by mostly Jewish bankers.

  Working in London in the early twentieth century as foreign editor of several American literary magazines, Pound helped to discover and shape the work of well-known writers such as  T. S. Eliot,  James Joyce, Robert Frost and Ernest Hemingway. He was responsible for the publication in 1915 of Eliot’s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, and for the serialization from 1918 of Joyce’s Ulysses. Outraged by the brutality of the First World War, Pound lost faith in England, blaming the war on   usury and international   capitalism. Pound had moved to Italy in 1924 where, throughout the 1930s and 1940s, he embraced  Mussolini’s fascism, expressed support for Adolf  Hitler and wrote for publications owned by  Oswald Mosley. During  World War II, the Italian government paid Pound to produce radio broadcasts criticizing the U.S and in particular the  Jews. As a result, Pound was arrested for treason by American forces in  Italy in 1945 and interned at  St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C, where he became a patient of  MK-Ultra psychiatrist Dr. Winfred  Overholser.

  Mullins founded the Free  Ezra Pound Committee (FEPC) of which   Matt Koehl was chairman. Researcher Ernie Lazar published a scathing report of Mullins’ dubious past and neo- Nazi affiliations based on          several FBI reports, showing that  Mullins altered  FBI documents which he reproduced in his book, excising portions which referred to his homosexuality, his   anti-Semitism and his connections to  neo- Nazis and racial extremists. The  HCUA reported that Mullins “eulogizes”  Hitler in the  anti-Semitism  NRP’s Bulletinand wrote an article titled “Adolf  Hitler: An Appreciation,” in 1952. In his self-published virulently anti-Jewish book The Biological Jew,   Mullins compares  Jews with biological parasites. 43 Mullins was a roommate on several occasions in New York City and Chicago with  Matt Koehl, with whom he had a homosexual affair. Eustace  Mullins,  Matt Koehl and Edward Fleckenstein were arrested near Middletown, New York circa 1955 in connection with their sodomizing of a hitch-hiking teenage boy in the back seat of a car in which they all were travelling. This probably accounts for why  Mullins is described in   FBI memos  as follows: “ Mullins is a warped, degenerate and depraved individual.”44

  Koehl was also the Youth Section Leader of the American Committee for the Advancement of Western Culture (ACFAWC), founded by H. Keith Thompson, and of which   Mullins served as “Treasurer.” Thompson served as a communications officer aboard    the USS Mt. Olympus,      the flagship         of the Byrd   Antarctic Expedition of December 1946 to April 1947. Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the US, Britain and Australia, known as   Operation Highjump, to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV. However, according to popular legend, the Byrd expedition was an “invasion” and encountered heavy resistance from   Nazi “ flying           saucers” and had         to        call off the invasion.          Thompson resigned from the US Navy in order to accept commission as a Second Lieutenant in the US Marine Corps. However, in February 1949, he faced a General Court Martial on charges of “scandalous conduct tending to destruction of good morals (sex deviate) and Maltreatment of Person Subject to His Orders.” 45

  Thompson hoped that the ACFAWC would become a coordinating group for white racial and nationalist activities of groups around the world. James Madole  and   other officers  and  members  of  the    NRP were also        represented            on the ACFAWC, which had the role of serving as “a high policy planning group for the coordination of racial nationalist activities in America, Europe,  Africa, and Asia.” Among others associated with ACFAWC were Benjamin H. Freedman, a convert from  Judaism to Roman Catholicism who became an anti-Semitic and anti- Zionist activist. Freedman was well known to the ADL and the American Jewish Committee as an active supporter of the Arab cause in the  Middle East.      Freedman was a financial backer of the author Conde McGinley, publisher of the periodical Common Sense, to which  Mullins was a frequent contributor. In 1954, Rabbi Joachim Prinz (1902           –          1988) was awarded $30,000 in a libel suit against McGinley for having called him a “red rabbi.” The  HCUA described Common Senseas “almost exclusively a vehicle for the exploitation of ignorance, prejudice and fear” and as “a clearinghouse for hate propaganda throughout the country.” A typical 1962 article in Common Sensewas an “expose” entitled: “ Zionist Invisible Government Plotting To Establish a World Government Under A Red Dictatorship Led By Asiatic  Marxist  Jews.” 46

  There were close relations between the NRP and the  Church of  Satan, of Anton Lavey.  Madole and  LaVey met frequently, and  Madole is said to have erected a large satanic altar in his apartment, which included an image of Baphomet, and   Madole played  LaVey’s recording of the Satanic Mass at several NRP meetings. One NRP bulletin shows a picture of  Madole and an SE trooper with the high priest of the Temple of  Baal . But the  Church of  Satan was soon undermined by schismatics who started rival cults. Douglas Robbins, another ex-leader from the  Church of  Satan, cultivated close links with the fascist NRP of James   Madole, and formed the satanic Order of the Black Ram with some other NRP members “to celebrate the ancient religious rites of the  Aryan race.”4

Sex, Drugs & Revolution Part 1

   To push their Marxist program of revolution, the Frankfurt School psychologists and the Tavistock Institute combined the legitimate political concerns of the New Left, which they had created, with a cult of hedonism to produce the “Sexual Revolution” of the 60s counterculture. The credo that best summarizes the spirit of that counterculture is “sex, drugs and rock and roll,” which was deliberately fostered through the Frankfurt School’s Freudian notions of unleashing repressed desires in order to transform  society. In such a way, traditional faith could be undermined, opening the world to be susceptible to alternative belief systems: that hodge-podge of experimentation in “spirituality” that came to characterize the decade.

  Human beings are born with a conscience, an innate sense of right and wrong. But without a belief in God or some higher order, humans are without a context to understand the constant struggle that besets their minds in continually trying          to assess the quality of their decisions. The     conflict has been referred to as “Christian guilt,” to suggest that this inherent human propensity has actually been imposed from the outside by the supposedly repressive valuesystem of Christianity. As a consequence, if they are perplexed about their incessant pangs of doubt, human beings can be easily misled to throw off what they will falsely believe to be unnatural inhibitions. Thus, the rejection of conventional mores surrounding sexuality characterized the Sexual Revolution, and the questioning of traditional religion and values, as well as drug use and other forms of experimentation became the basis of the 60s counterculture.

  The Sexual Revolution also contributed to the political character of the 60s counterculture when it was combined with the revolutionary ideology of the New Left, by calling for the overthrow of the “establishment” because it was blamed for having imposed these unnatural inhibitions. Thus, revolution, at every level of society, from the political to the moral, by promising a new future and new society through the unbridling of people’s passions as a form of spiritual “liberation,” opened the way for the New Age, ultimately luring the world into the worship of the occult.

  Contributing to a reevaluation of traditional mores around sex was the Cybernetics Group member WFMH president Margaret Mead’s Coming of Age in Samoa, after which her thoughts concerning sexual freedom pervaded academia Published in 1928, Mead’s study focused on the psychosexual development of
adolescent children on the island of Samoa. She recorded that their adolescence was not in fact a time of “storm and stress,” as Erikson’s stages of development had suggested, but that the sexual freedom experienced by the adolescents instead permitted them an easier transition from childhood to adulthood.

  Another  important  influence  in  the  rise   of  what  is  called  the  Sexual Revolution was a  Frankfurt School-associated Austrian psychologist,  Wilhelm Reich       (1897 –1957). Reich is regarded as one of the most radical figures in the history of psychiatry. It was after he arrived in the United States that he coined the term “orgone,” a word derived from a combination of “orgasm” and “organism,” which he used to refer to a primordial cosmic energy he believed he had discovered and which others referred to as “God.” In 1940, he started building “orgone energy accumulators,” devices that his patients sat inside to harness the        reputed health benefits,        leading to newspaper stories about “sex boxes” that cured cancer.

  Like much of the  Frankfurt School’s philosophy, Reich’s ideas were based on  Freud’s theory of repressed instincts.  Freud also denied the inherent moral nature of the human being. Rather,  Freud believed human behavior was motivated by unconscious drives, primarily by the libido or “Sexual Energy.” Freud proposed to study how these unconscious drives were repressed and found expression through other cultural outlets. He called this therapy “psychoanalysis.”  Freud’s theory was based on the notion that humans have certain characteristic instincts that are inherent. Most notable are the desires for sex and  the predisposition  to violent aggression towards        authority figures and towards  sexual  competitors,           which both  impede the  gratification of  a person’s instincts.

  In his seminal book, Civilization and its Discontents,  Freud described what he believed to be a fundamental tension between civilization and the individual. The primary conflict, he            suggested,    stems from   the individual’s quest for instinctual freedom and civilization’s opposite demand for conformity and repression of instincts. Many of humankind’s primitive instincts, such as the desire to kill and the insatiable lust for sexual gratification, are evidently harmful to the wellbeing of the rest of society. As a result, civilization creates laws to repress these instincts. However, this process, argued  Freud, instills perpetual feelings of discontent in its citizens. People develop neuroses because they cannot tolerate the frustration they            experience from the inability to fulfill these instincts.

  Reich was   the author    of several influential books, including  The Mass Psychology of Fascism (1933) and The  Sexual Revolution (1936). The Mass Psychology of  fascis explores how fascists come into power and explains their rise as a symptom of sexual repression. In it, Reich also speculates that matriarchy is the only genuine family type of a “natural society.” The  Sexual Revolution, whose original subtitle was “for the socialist restructuring of humans,” analyzes what Reich considered a crisis of the “bourgeois sexual morality.” Reich explains that sexual neuroses derive from the      lack of gratification            of natural sexuality. Natural sexuality  is left            unsatisfied    and thereby creates neuroses due to suppression of these desires, as in  Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, by the authoritarian state. For Reich, this state is  characterized best by the capitalist state that is based on the unit of the patriarchal family, within which the father mirrors the state as the absolute authority.

  Another important influence    in the rise of            the Sexual Revolution was Alfred C.  Kinsey, who had an avid interest in Aleister  Crowley, and who is generally regarded as       the first major figure in American sexology. 1 Kinsey obtained research funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, which enabled him to inquire into human sexual behavior. He achieved celebrity with the publications of Sexual Behavior in the Human Malein 1948, followed in 1953 by Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, which began a revolution in social awareness of, and public attention given to, human sexuality. During this work, he developed a scale measuring sexual orientation, now known as the  Kinsey Scale which ranges from 0 to 6, here 0 is exclusively heterosexual and 6 is exclusively homosexual; a rating of X, for asexual, was added later by  Kinsey’s associates.

  James H. Jones, author of Alfred C.  Kinsey: A Public/Private Life, and British psychiatrist Theodore Dalrymple, among others, have speculated that  Kinsey  was driven by his own sexual needs. 2 Kinsey’s sex research included observation  of and participation in sexual activity, encouraging his staff to also engage in a wide range of sexual activity.   Kinsey wrote about pre-adolescent orgasms, which report observations of orgasms in over three-hundred children between the ages of five  months and fourteen years.  Kinsey said he also interviewed nine men who had sexual experiences with children. Where  Kinsey had gained this information began to be questioned nearly forty years later, when it was revealed that  Kinsey used data from a single pedophile and presented it as being from various sources.

  Perhaps the most influential contributor to the  Sexual Revolution of the 60s was  Frankfurt School member Herbert  Marcuse, who acknowledged the work of Wilhelm Reich as precedent for his own. 3 Marcuse’s best-known works are  Eros and Civilization(1955) and One-Dimensional Man(1964).  Eros and Civilization, whose title alludes to  Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents, synthesizes Karl Marx and Sigmund  Freud. It discusses history seen not as a class struggle, but  a fight against repression    of our instincts.      It argues that “advanced industrial society” is preventing us from reaching a non-repressive society “based on a fundamentally different experience of being, a fundamentally different relation between man and nature, and fundamentally different existential relations.” 4 Marcuse believed that a socialist society could be a society without needing the performance of the “poor” and without as strong a suppression of our sexual drives: it could replace “alienated labor” with “non-alienated libidinal work” resulting in “a non-repressive civilization based on “non-repressive  sublimation.” 5 The question was not how best to organize a government or an economic system per se, but how to live life, a “life without Angst,” according  to  Marcuse, in the philosophical sense used by  Heidegger and  Sartre.

  Reich’s notions were appropriated by the  Frankfurt School in a project known as The  Authoritarian Personality. In May 1944, the American Jewish Committee ( AJC) established a            Department of Scientific  Research, headed  by Max  Horkheimer, the director of the Frankfurt School.   AJC is one of the oldest Jewish advocacy organizations in the US and has been described by the New York Timesas “the dean  of American Jewish organizations.” 6 It was established in 1906 by a small group  of American  Jews concerned about pogroms aimed at the Jewish population of Russia, and was originally dominated by Jacob  Schiff. Produced in 1950, The Authoritarian Personality was the most significant  of the five of  a project established by  Horkheimer, called Studies in Prejudice, produced during 1944–50.

  The Studies in Prejudiceemployed a number of Frankfurt School members who served in the  OSS during the war, as well as Theodor Adorno and others who, and under   Horkheimer’s direction, all reconstituted the International Institute of Social Research in New York. The authors of The Authoritarian Personalityincluded Theodor Adorno, R. Nevitt Sanford, Daniel J. Levinson and Else Frenkel-Brunswik, a founding member of the Frankfurt School.  Sanford had briefly become a research            affiliate at the  Tavistock Institute for Human Relations in London before returning to the US to work at Vassar College. Dr. William Morrow, the leading protégé of Dr. Kurt  Lewin, a key connection between the  Frankfurt School and the  Tavistock Institute, was a research director for the project.

  The impetus of The  Authoritarian Personalitywas the  Holocaust and the perceived need to identify the root causes of  fascism that led to it.  Adorno and the others were thus initially motivated by a desire to identify and measure factors that were believed to contribute to anti-Semitic and fascist traits. The  Frankfurt School’s “Critical Theory” preached that  fascism and  anti-Semitism were rooted in the cultivation of the “authoritarian personality,” which was a product of the “patriarchal,” in other words, traditional family. Authors Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson and Sanford assembled a large research team from the Berkeley Public Opinion Study and the International Institute of Social  Research, to conduct thousands of interviews of Americans, to profile their allegedly deep-seated tendencies toward authoritarianism, prejudice, and anti-Semitism. Authoritarianism was measured by the F-scale. The “F” was short for “pre-fascist personality.”

  The  Authoritarian Personalitywas based in part on earlier  Frankfurt School analyses undertaken in         Germany,     but with a number of significant adaptations.           Most importantly, the  Frankfurt School’s   Marxist roots were downplayed. For example, the earlier “authoritarian personality/revolutionary personality”  dichotomy was changed to an “authoritarian personality/democratic personality”   dichotomy   to  fit the American          experience. Thus, values  and   behaviors earlier associated with revolutionary anti-liberal  Marxism were transferred to support for  democracy.

  Like Reich,  Adorno and the other researchers argued that the authoritarian personality suffers from a strict superego that controls a weak ego unable to cope with strong Id impulses. In other words, certain appetites, especially sex, are unnaturally suppressed by various moral conventions, particularly religion. Because, according to these theories, there are no unnatural appetites. Effectively, The  Authoritarian Personalitysuggests that people who identify with conservative views harbor repressed desires that they cope with only by showing disdain for other groups of society, onto whom they project the indulgence of these desires. In other words, they aim to repress others for their difficulty in coming   to terms with their own desires.

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