Senin, 03 April 2017

Encyclopedia World Mind Control by Jim Keith Part 9

Chapter 18:

If  any  event  this  century  was  calculated  as  a  "future  shock" programming  of  the  American  populace,  it  must  be  the assassination  of  John  F.  Kennedy.  Although  a  majority  of Americans  believe  that  the  murder  of  Kennedy  was  performed by  a  conspiracy,  there  are  few  who  would  suggest  that  it  was  an act of pure mind control.

The  seminal  research  suggesting  this  interpretation of  the assassination  is  that  of  "William  Torbitt,"  reported  to  have  been the  pseudonym  for  deceased  Texas  lawyer  David  Copeland. Copeland  was  a  prosecuting  attorney  in  the  early  1950s,  later serving  as  a  civil  and  criminal  lawyer.  He  had  been a  close supporter  of  the  Lyndon  Johnson/Lloyd  Bentsen  political steamroller  in  Texas  until  1963,  when  he  severed  his  ties  with the  group  for  reasons  that  will  become  apparent.  In 1970 Copeland  wrote  Nomenclature  of  an  Assassination  Cabal circulated  widely  in  photocopy,  detailing  information  that  he had  gathered  while  investigating  the  murder  of  President  John F.  Kennedy.  Nomenclature  has  only  recently  been  brought  out  in paperback  from  Adventures  Unlimited  under  the  title NASA, Nazis & JFK, 27 years after the fact.

While  revealing  much  of  the  information  relating  to the  thesis of  the  present  chapter,  Copeland  was  not  aware  of  certain  facts that  I  believe  would  have  allowed  him  to  see  the  broader  overall picture.  According  to  Copeland,  "The  killing  of  President Kennedy  was  planned  and  supervised  by  Division  Five of  the Federal  Bureau  of  Investigation...  Actually,  Division  Five  acted dually with the Defense Intelligence Agency which was acting on behalf of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon."

FBI  Director  and  33rd  degree  Freemason—the  ranking Freemason in Washington, D.C. at the time—J. Edgar Hoover was according to Copeland, one of the conspirators. Vice President Lyndon Johnson was another. Not surprisingly,  William Sullivan, former  assistant  FBI  director,  has  stated  that  Hoover  and Johnson  "mistrusted  and  disliked  all  three  Kennedy  brothers.  President  Johnson  and  Hoover  had  mutual  fear  and  hatred  for the Kennedys." [1]

According  to  Copeland,  "L.M.  Bloomfield,  a  Montreal,  Canada lawyer  bearing  the  reputation  as  a  sex  deviate,  the direct supervisor  of  all  contractual  agents  with  J.  Edgar  Hoover's Division  Five,  was  the  top  coordinator  for  the  network  planning the  execution.  A  Swiss  corporation,  Permindex,  was  used  to head  five  front  organizations  responsible  for  furnishing personnel and supervisors to carry out assigned duties."

Almost  buried  within  the  Nomenclature  text  is  information that  I  consider  among  the  most  important  revelations.  He reports  that  prior  to  the  assassination,  in  1963,  there  was  a  top secret meeting at the Tryall Compound in Jamaica ofSir William Stephenson,  Britain's  top  intelligence  agent.  At  the  meeting was  Major  Louis  Mortimer  Bloomfield  of  the  British  Special Operations  Executive  (SOE),  an  element  of  British  intelligence allegedly created to infiltrate American intelligence; Colonel Clay Shaw, formerly of the OSS; Ferenc Nagy, who had been a cabinet minister  in  the  pro-Nazi  Horthy  government  of  Hungary,  and later  the  prime  minister  of  that  country;  Georgio  Mantello,  a.k.a. George  Mandel,  former  trade  minister  for  Mussolini; and  White Russian  emigrees  Jean  de  Menil  and  Paul  Raigorodski.  Shaw, Nagy,  Montello,  and  Bloomfield  were  all  officials  of  Permindex.

According  to  Copeland,  the  matter  discussed  at  the  meeting  was the assassination of JFK. [2]

The  Kennedy  family  themselves  were  products  of  "The Conspiracy."  During  Prohibition  "Papa  Joe"  Kennedy  worked with  Newark,  New  Jersey's  Reinfeld  Syndicate,  half  of  which was  owned  by  the  Bronfman  bootlegging  gang  of  Canada.  After the  war,  Kennedy  was  given  a  British  distiller's  license personally  approved  by  Winston  Churchill,  with  the  Kennedy fortune  administered  by  the  the  Lazard  Brothers,  Ltd., Rothschild  affiliates  and  one  of  Europe's  most  influential families.  As  American  ambassador  to  Great  Britain,  Kennedy attached  himself  to  the  pro-Nazi  Cliveden  set,  where  Round Tablers  and  Fabians  congregated.  Kathleen  Kennedy,  the  sister of  John,  Edward,  and  Robert,  married  the  Marquess  of Hartington,  son  and  heir  to  the  Duke  of  Devonshire, the  head  of worldwide  Freemasonry,  and  of  course  prominent  among  the British  ruling  elite.  Harold  Macmillan,  who  became  British prime minister during the John Kennedy presidency, was a member of the Duke's family.

While  in  Britain  Joseph  Kennedy  was  inducted  into  the  Most Venerable  Order  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem.  Joseph  and  John Kennedy  were  trained  in  the  Fabian-founded  London  School  of Economics under the personal tutorage of Harold  Laski, a  Fabian Society controller.

John  Kennedy  apparently  crossed  the  conspiracy,  and died because  of  it.  Robert  Kennedy's  much  touted  war  on  the  Mafia was  in  fact  mostly  a  personal  vendetta  against  Jimmy  Hoffa,  and a  targeting  of  lower  level  operatives.  Men  like  Meyer  Lansky remained  untouched.  But  in  a  number  of  foolhardy  moves Kennedy  began  to  buck  the  directives  of  the  British,  winding down  U.S.  presence  in  Southeast  Asia,  opening  up  a  dtente  with the  Soviet  Union,  and  putting  out  feelers  for  secret  talks  with Castro.

Although  Copeland,  in  Nomenclature,  implicates  a  complex weave  of  conspirators,  including  members  of  the  Mafia,  the fascist  Solidarist  movement,  the  FBI,  NASA,  and  other  groups, what  he  may  have  missed  are  what  appear  to  me  to  be the highest levels of planning. Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield had been  recruited  into  the  SOE  in  1938,  and  while  under commission  in  that  organization,  had  been  assigned  to  the American  OSS,  then  detailed  into  the  counterespionage  Division Five  of  the  FBI.  At  the  time  of  John  Kennedy's  assassination, Bloomfield was still an officer in Division Five.

After  the  war,  Bloomfield  had  resumed  his  career  as an attorney  in  Montreal,  Canada  in  the  law  firm  of  Phillips, Vinefield,  Bloomfield,  and  Goodman.  He  was  attorney and controller  for  the  Bronfman  family  fortune  who  in  these  latter days  affected  an  air  of  propriety  for  those  who  didn't  know  their beginnings.

The  Bronfman  family  is  the  owner  of  Seagrams,  the  largest liquor  company  in  North  America.  During  Prohibition the Bronfmans  made  their  fortune  in  bootlegging,  furnishing  the networks  of  men  like  Arthur  Flegenheimer,  a.k.a.  Dutch  Schultz, Arnold  Rothstein,  Meyer  Lansky,  Benjamin  "Bugsy"  Siegel,  and Charles  "Lucky"  Luciano  with  their  British-distilled  product. After  the  repeal  of  Prohibition,  the  Bronfmans  became  street- legal,  with  members  of  the  family  being  elected  into  the  highest levels  of  the  Most  Venerable  Order  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem  and intermarrying with the Rothschilds. [3]

Bloomfield  was  also  a  high-ranking  official  in  the  United Nations, providing legal advice to that august body. He found his way into that position by being a representative ofthe Round Table-established  International  Executive  Board  of  UK- International  Law  Association,  an  offshoot  formed  in  1873  and charged  with  developing  a  one-world  code  of  law.  Bloomfield was also  a high-ranking member of the Most Venerable Order of St.  John  of  Jerusalem,  and  the  annual  chairman  of  the  Histadrut campaign  in  Canada,  that  owns  over  one-third  of  the Gross National  Product  of  Israel.  Among  his  many  positions, Bloomfield  took  on  the  role  of  consul-general  in  charge  of  the Western  Hemisphere  and  Liberia,  one  of  the  largest  centers  in the world for the transfer of black market monies.

By  1958  Bloomfield  had  established  Permindex,  incorporated in  Switzerland  and  purporting  to  be  a  trade  exposition  company, but  in  fact  an  international  assassination  bureau  of  the  Special Operations  Executive.  All  of  the  participants  in  the  Kennedy plot  at  the  Tryall  Compound  were  officials  and  investors  in Permindex.

One  of  the  chief  operatives  of  Permindex  was  Colonel  Clay Shaw of the OSS. Shaw, like Bloomfield, was a homosexual—this mentioned  to  make  the  connection  to  the  long  term  homosexual orientation  of  many  premier  operatives  at  the  highest  level  of the  conspiracy.  Shaw  himself  has  testified  that  he  was  the  OSS liaison  officer  to  the  headquarters  of  British  Prime  Minister Winston  Churchill.  Shaw  returned  to  the  U.S.  after  the  war  and took  over  the  directorship  of  the  International  House/World Trade  Center,  leaving  it  to  found  the  International Trade  Market in  New  Orleans.  Later,  Shaw  would  become  a  director of Permindex,  and  the  ITM  would  become  a  subsidiary  of Centro Mondiale  Commerciale,  an  arm  of  that  assassination  bureau.  In all  probability,  all  of  these  companies  were  fronts for  the  Special Operations  Executive,  that  had  long  adhered  to  a  policy  of working through commercial fronts.

At  the  time  of  this  writing,  there  are  over  50  World  Trade Centers  around  the  world,  run  from  the  World  Trade  Center Association  of  Clay  Shaw,  and  connected  by  computer and satellite.

On  March  16,  1967,  Perry  Raymond  Russo  testified  before  a criminal  district  court  panel  in  New  Orleans,  that  he  had  been present  during  a  conversation  between  Claw  Shaw,  David  Ferrie, and  a  person  calling  himself  "Leon  Oswald."  Ferrie, an  agent  of Division  Five,  talked  about  the  necessity  of  three  shooters  and  a "triangulation  of  fire,"  and  that  a  scapegoat  could be  used  to enable  the  actual  assassins  to  escape.  According  to Copeland,  in Nomenclature  of  an  Assassination  Cabal  the  person  going  by  the name "Leon Oswald" was in fact William Seymour, an agent for a private  detective  agency  called  Double-Chek,  reportedly  used  as a cut-out for Division Five and CIA operations.

According  to  Nomenclature,  seven  riflemen  were  used to shoot  Kennedy,  a  Mexico-based  assassination  squad  whose Oaxaca-based organization had been put together in  1943 by FBI Director  J.  Edgar  Hoover  and  SOE  Commander  Sir  William Stephenson.

Copeland  seems  to  have  intuited  that  there  was  a programming  behind  the  assassination,  although  not  apparently making  the  connect  of  who  was  responsible.  He  said, "It  should be  pointed  out  that  during  a  few  years  following  John  Kennedy's murder,  the  crime  rate  in  the  United  States  more  than  doubled. Public  opinion  surveys  during  the  time  reflected  about  80%  of the  people  did  not  believe  the  Warren  Commission  report.  The general  public  felt  someone  or  some  group  had  been  behind  the murder  of  John  F.  Kennedy  and  the  guilty  ones  had  not  been punished.  Such  an  attitude  on  the  part  of  the  public  leads  to  a gradual breakdown of law, order and morals of society."

What  Copeland  did  not  see  was  that  that  breakdown  was engineered  by  the  very  forces  responsible  for  the  mind  control of  America  and  the  destruction  of  its  way  of  life.  The  Kennedy assassination was a British intelligence—read Tavistock—hit, and its  purpose  was  to  shock  the  American  consciousness into  a near-comatose  state  for  reprogramming,  the  standard Tavistock modus operandi.

Specific  techniques  of  mind  control  may  have  also  been employed  in  the  Kennedy  assassination  at  the  microcosmic  level. Lee  Harvey  Oswald  in  September,  1957,  arrived  at  the  Atsugi Naval  Air  Base  to  work  as  a  radar  operator  with  a  security clearance,  odd  for  a  man  so  forthcoming  about  his  pro- Communist  views  that  he  was  dubbed  "Oswaldovitch"  by  his fellow  soldiers.  Atsugi,  aside  from  being  the  launch  base  for  the top  secret  U-2  spy  plane,  also  housed  the  Joint  Technical Advisory Group, where  MKULTRA  LSD  experimentation is said to have taken place. [4]

Once  in  Atsugi,  Oswald  engaged  in  more  than  radar monitoring.  At  a  Tokyo  nightclub  called  the  Queen  Bee,  Oswald became intimate with a hostess who was believed to  be a Russian spy,  and  contracted  gonorrhea.  Oswald's  medical  record  states that  the  disease  was  contracted  "in  line  of  duty,  not  due  to  own misconduct."  Obviously,  Oswald  was  at  the  time  functioning  as an  agent  of  the  military,  probably  performing  surveillance  on  the believed Russian spy at the Queen Bee. [5]

Kerry Thornley, perhaps Oswald's closest friend at the Atsugi base,  in  correspondence  with  the  author  recalls  an  attempt  to recruit  himself,  Oswald,  and  a  third  man  into  a  possible intelligence operation. Thornley writes, "In  the  late  1970s  I  was  contacted  by  David  Bucknell,  who said  he  was  in  Marine  Air  Control  Squadron  Nine  with  Oswald and  me.  When  he  mentioned  that  his  nickname  was  'Bucky Beaver,'  I  recalled  Bucknell—a  large  man  with  buck  teeth  who wore  his  utility  cap  all  the  way  down  on  his  head,  giving  it  a dome shape instead of the common stretched, flat-top shape.

"Bucknell  asked  me  if  I  remembered  an  attempt  to  recruit  us (Bucknell,  Oswald,  me)  to  military  intelligence.  I  did  not.  Then he  asked  if  I  remembered  approaching  he  and  Oswald  one  day and  being  told  by  Oswald  that  'This  is  a  private  conversation.' That  I  recalled  clearly.  Bucknell  said  it  happened  as  we  were  on our way to the recruitment lecture.
"Indeed,  I  remembered  the  incident  occurred  as  all  three  of us  were  walking  in  the  same  direction  toward  'Mainside'  on  the base  and  away  from  the  radar  outpost.  Bucknell  said that minutes  earlier,  on  the  outpost,  the  names  of  Oswald,  Bucknell and  Thornley  had  been  called  over  the  P.A.  system  and  that  we were  told  to  report  to  the  squadron  office.  In  the  squadron office,  we  were  ordered  to  report  to  base  security  over  at 'Mainside'  of  L.T.A.,  the  satellite  of  El  Toro  Marine  Base  where we were stationed.
"Bucknell  said  he  and  Oswald  were  running  a  loan  sharking operation  and  their  private  conversation  concerned  whether  or not  they  were  now  being  called  in  for  questioning  about  that. Oswald  doubted  it,  because  I  had  been  called  up  at  the  same time and knew nothing about the operation.
"Bucknell  says  when  we  arrived  at  base  security  we  were seated  in  a  small  auditorium  or  lecture  room  with  a number  of men  from  other  outfits.  Up  in  front,  according  to  Bucknell,  was a  Marine  captain  and  a  Hispanic  man  in  civilian  clothes  with  a flat-top  haircut.  Bucknell  was  surprised  to  see  that  the  Captain was  acting  as  an  'errand  boy'  for  this  civilian,  whom  the  Captain finally introduced as 'Mister B.'
"'Mister  B.'  said,  'We  have  reason  to  believe  that  Castro's  new revolutionary  government  has  been  infiltrated  by  Soviet  agents.' (This  would  have  been  in  late  May  or  early  June  of  1959,  just after  the  New  Year's  Day  Revolution,  before  Castro  'went Communist.'  I  recalled  someone  making  that  statement  in  a lecture I attended, but did not remember the context).
"We  had  all  been  called  together,  said  Mr.  B.,  because  we were reputed to be admirers of Fidel Castro. As I understand it, and  dimly  recall  it,  the  pitch  was  that  Castro  needed  our  help  in getting  rid  of  these  agents.  We  were  being  asked  to volunteer for a counter-espionage program!
"I'm  sure  I  would  have  volunteered.  To  the  best  of  my recollection,  I  was  ostensibly  turned  down  because  I  was  already slated for a tour of duty in the Far East, to beginin June, and the training  program  was  in  the  U.S.—But  not  before  I  signed  some papers authorizing using me for intelligence purposes.
"Bucknell  made  detailed  notes  of  this  extraordinary event  the day  after  it  occurred,  and  when  we  met  in  San  Francisco  in  the late 1970s he read me those notes.
"Volunteers  were  interviewed  on  a  one-on-one  basis  after  the recruitment  lecture.  Bucknell  says  he  had  a  maternal grandfather  named  E.H.  Hunt,  who  he  listed  on  the  recruitment form  as  a  reference.  Mister  B.  looked  startled  and  said,  'Who  is this  E.H.  Hunt?'  Bucknell  explained.  Mister  B.  said,  'Oh!,'  and laughed.  (E.  Howard  Hunt  was  second  in  command  under  Nixon on the Bay of Pigs operation.)
"Bucknell  was  never  contacted  again  in  relation  to  this program. Neither was I.
"Bucknell  says  that  the  Marine  Air  Control  Squadron's  covert security  was  handled  by  Army  Intelligence,  and  we  now  both suspect that Oswald may already have been an Army  Intelligence agent  pretending  to  be  a  Marxist  at  the  time  of  Mr. B.'s recruitment  attempt,  which  may  have  enhanced  his qualifications for Mr. B.'s program.
"At  about  the  time  all  this  happened,  I  began  having  vivid audio hallucinations, usually just before falling asleep." [6]

Two  weeks  prior  to  Oswald's  defection  to  the  Soviet Union, Robert  E.  Webster,  formerly  with  the  Navy,  renounced  his American  citizenship.  Like  Oswald,  Webster  would  later  do  a turnabout  and  return  to  the  United  States—his  return  greased  by "affidavits from Rand."

Webster  had  been  at  a  trade  exhibition  in  Moscow  with  the Rand  Development  Corporation.  When  Webster  renounced  his citizenship,  he  was  accompanied  by  two  Rand  executives,  Henry Rand  and  George  Bookbinder,  both  of  whom  had  been  with  the OSS.  The  Rand  Corporation  had  been  involved  with  American mind  control  research  since  at  least  1949,  when  it  issued  a report  on  Soviet  hypnosis  experiments  and  proposed  an American counter-offensive.

Although  there  is  no  direct  evidence  linking  Webster  or Oswald,  who  inquired  about  Webster  at  the  time  of  his  own return to the U.S., to Rand mind control experiments, it is plain that  if  Oswald  and  Webster  had  been  American  spies  pretending to  defect,  then  they  probably  would  have  received  hypnotic programming to counter the inevitable interrogationin Moscow.

It  is  also  fascinating  to  learn  that  the  address  of Webster's apartment  building  was  in  Marina  Oswald's  address  book,  and that  she  is  known  to  have  said  that  her  husband  defected  after employment  at  an  American  exhibition  that  took  place  in Moscow. This was obviously not Oswald, but Webster. [7]

The  pseudonymous  "Lincoln  Lawrence,"  in  Were  We Controlled, recalls a "deadly rumor" that Lee Harvey Oswald had been  admitted  to  the  Third  Clinical  Hospital's  Ear, Nose,  and Throat  division  in  Minsk,  Russia.  Lawrence  says  that  after Oswald was anaesthetized, a tiny radio receiver  wasimplanted in Oswald's  head  that  could  trigger  at  will  post-hypnotic suggestions  that  had  already  been  induced.  The  same device could be used to erase his memory of events.

Whether  or  not  Oswald  was  implanted,  the  "deadly  rumor" seems  to  have  reached  the  ears  of  CIA  Director  McCone,  who penned  a  memo  to  Secret  Service  head  James  Rowley  on  March 3,  1964.  McCone's  memo  stated  that  Oswald  had  possibly  been "chemically  or  electronically  'controlled'...  a  sleeper  agent.

Subject  spent  11  days  hospitalized  for  a  'minor  ailment'  which should  have  required  no  more  than  three  days  hospitalization  at best." [8]

One  person  who  reacted  with  shock  about  Lincoln  Lawrence's allegation  that  Oswald  had  been  implanted  with  a  control  device was  Marguerite  Oswald,  Lee's  mother.  She  told  Dallas assassination  researcher  Mary  Ferrel,  "I've  got  to  find  out  who wrote  this  book,  because  he  knew  my  son."  Marguerite  Oswald would  not  explain  to  Ferrell  how  she  knew  this,  but Dick Russell,  author  of  The  Man  Who  Knew  Too  Much,  speculates, "Marguerite  would  sometimes  stand  behind  Lee's  chair  as  he played  some  board  game  and  rub  his  back  and  head.  And  she said  the  texture  of  his  hair  had  changed,  it  wasn't soft  like  it used  to  be.  Suddenly  it  came  to  me:  What  if,  when  she  was doing that, she felt a little scar up inside the hairline."

Another  person  concerned  about  Oswald's  appearance  was his  brother  Robert.  According  to  Epstein,  in  Legend,  "The  most marked  change  was  his  hair.  Not  only  had  it  thinned almost  to the  point  of  baldness  on  top,  but  the  texture  had  changed  from soft  to  kinky.  Struck  by  this  loss  of  hair,  Robert  couldn't  help wondering  what  happened  to  his  brother  during  the  intervening years  in  the  Soviet  Union...  [and]  later  speculated that  it  might have been caused by medical or shock treatments." [9]

Herman  Kimsey,  an  Army  counter  intelligence  operative  and CIA  official  who  claimed  an  insider's  knowledge  of  the  Kennedy hit,  was  quoted  in  Hugh  McDonald's  Appointment  in  Dallas  as saying,  "Oswald  was  programmed  to  kill  like  a  medium  at  a seance.  Then  the  mechanism  went  on  the  blink  and  Oswald became  a  dangerous  toy  without  direction."  Three  weeks  after Kimsey offered these revelations to McDonald, he died of a heart attack, at age 55. [10]

One  of  CIA  pilot  and  hypnotist  David  Ferrie's  associates,  in Bowart's  Operation  Mind  Control,  is  quoted  as  having  suggested that  Oswald  had  been  hypnotized  by  Ferrie  to  murder the president.  Ferrie  was  a  CIA  contract  agent  and  the  high  priest of  a  small  religious  group  called  the  Apostolic  Old Catholic Church  of  North  America  that,  according  to  researcher  Loren Coleman,  engaged  in  animal  sacrifice  and  the  drinking  of  blood.

Coleman states, "During Lee Harvey Oswald's last weeks in New Orleans,  he  attended  many  ritualistic  parties  in  private  homes and apartments with David Ferrie." [11]

If  hypnotism  was  used  to  program  Oswald,  hypnotism  may have  been  employed  for  his  ultimate  "deprogramming" through death  by  another  assassin.  On  the  scene  immediately prior  to the  John  F.  Kennedy  assassination  was  William  Crowe,  whose stage  name  was  Bill  DeMar.  Crowe  was  employed  as  a  stage hypnotist  at  Jack  Ruby's  Carousel  Club  on  the  week  of  the assassination.  Jack  Ruby,  of  course,  was  the  man  who  shot  Lee Harvey Oswald. [12]

Another  mind-controlled  assassin  may  have  participated  in the  Kennedy  hit.  In  1967  the  Phillipine  National  Bureau  of Investigation  (NBI)  arrested  24-year-old  Luis  Angel Castillo  on suspicion  of  planning  to  assassinate  President  Ferdinand  Marcos in  league  with  a  group  of  Philippine  guerrillas.  Castillo's passport  identified  him  as  Antonio  Reyes  Eloriaga,  a  Philippine resident  returning  after  expulsion  from  America  for car  theft and  exceeding  the  time  limit  on  his  visa.  The  Manila  Times reported  that,  while  in  America,  Castillo  had  used  at  least  five aliases.

At  his  request,  Castillo  was  given  truth  serum  and  hypnotized. The  hypnotist  reported,  "Initially,  the  subject  indicated  an admixture  of  desired  susceptibility  to  hypnosynthesis  but  deep- seated  resistance  due  to  the  presence  of  a  posthypnotic  block.

This  block  appeared  to  have  been  connected  with  the presence—nightmarish—of  a  Mrs.  Kreps.  The  total  removal  of this block may pave the way for maximum results." [13]

The hypnotist discovered that Castillo could be inducted tofour  different  levels  of  hypnosis,  which  he  termed  Zombie  states I-IV,  with each level possessing a different personality.  Zombie  I went  by  the  name  Antonio  Loriaga,  and  he  was  involved  in  anti- American  espionage.  Zombie  II  was  an  unidentified  CIA  agent.

Zombie  III  was an agent who was suicidal over having his  cover revealed.  Zombie  IV  may  have  been  Castillo's  true  identity, Manuel  Angel  Ramirez,  a  29-year-old  native  of  the  Bronx. Although he had little memory of his childhood, hislater life had apparently  been  as  an  hypnotically-programmed  operative  for the Special Operations Group of the CIA.

Castillo  revealed  to  the  NBI  that  he  had  been  contacted  for training in espionage when he was a private in the  Cuban militia, and received his initial training from Americans  and Cubans near the Bay of Pigs.

Castillo  also  revealed  that  he  had  been  programmed  for another  assassination,  this  one  involving  a  man riding  in  an  open car in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.

According  to  Castillo,  the  earlier-mentioned  Mrs.  Kreps,  who had  a  German  accent,  was  one  of  several  persons  who hypnotically  programmed  him  in  Dallas.  He  also  recognized  the names  of  several  persons  at  the  time  being  investigated  for  the assassination of John Kennedy by District Attorney  Jim Garrison, and was able to provide a detailed  account of his participation in the plot. After  the  NBI  contacted  the  FBI,  the  story  was  squelched.

Castillo  was  returned  to  the  U.S.,  and  imprisoned  for  37  months for  robbery.  After  his  release,  Castillo  apparently dropped  off the face of the earth, and has not been located since. [14]

1.   Sullivan,  William,    Quoted  in  "The  Nazi  Connection to  the  John  F. Kennedy Assassination," by Mae Brussell, The Rebel,November 22, 1983
2.  Brussell
3.  Editors  of  the  Executive  Intelligence  Review,  Dope, Inc.  (Washington, D.C.: EIR, 1992)
4.  Krupey,  G.  J.   "The  High  and  The  Mighty:  JFK,  MPM,  LSD  and  the  CIA", Steamshovel Press magazine, number 11, 1994
5.  Krupey
6.  Thornley, Kerry, correspondence with the author, August 30, 1997
7.  Russell,  Dick,    The  Man  Who  Knew  Too  Much.  (New  York,  Carrol  & Graf, 1992); Dickson, Paul, Think Tanks. (New York: Ballentine Books, 1971)
8.  Lawrence,  Lincoln,  pseud.,  Were  We  Controlled?  (New Hyde  Park,  New York: University Books, 1967); Russell
9.  Cited in Russell
10.  Constantine,  Alex,    Psychic  Dictatorship  in  the  U.S.A.    (Portland, Oregon: Feral House, 1995); Russell
11.  Constantine;    Coleman,    Loren,   "The    Occult,  MIB's,   UFO's   and Assassinations", The Conspiracy Tracker, December 1985
12.  Russell
13.  Bowart,  Walter,      Operation  Mind    Control.      (New  York:    Dell Paperback, 1977)
14.  Ibid.

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