Selasa, 27 Desember 2016



    The Romans’ allies in suppressing the Jewish Revolt had also included, not  only Herod Agrippa, and Antiochus VI of   Commagene, but also   Sohaemus  of Emesa, the brother to Gaius Julius  Azizus, who was the  first husband       of       the Herodian Princess  Drusilla. In addition, as noted by Roger Beck, a leading modern scholar of  Mithraism, Commagenian military elements under royal command were also engaged in the suppression of the Jewish Revolt, and there  would have been extensive contact with Roman legionary and other troops,  including    those  units   identified among the earlier carriers of the new mystery cult, like the Fifteenth Apollonian. Therefore, according to Beck, “…the  Mysteries of  Mithras were developed within a subset of these Commagenian  soldiers and family-retainers and were transmitted by them at various points of  contact to their counterparts in the Roman world.” 58

  Collusion of these Mithraic families with the  House of Herod seems to have introduced the doctrines of  Merkabah to  Mithraism. Despite its claims to represent the teachings of the  Zoroastrian  Magi,  Mithraism was ideologically identical to   Merkabah, as were all other forms of Hellenistic mysticism. Thus, a  version of  Mithras, known as the  Leontocephalus, who in his darker aspect— like the ancient Kronos—was identified with  Saturn and/or Hades, the god of  the underworld. Also equated with Phanes, the god of Time of Orphism, the  idol was depicted much like the Cherubim of  Ezekiel’s vision, with the head of a lion or a man, two sets of wings, body of a man, cloven feet, and standing on a globe with two intersecting circles,  Ezekiel’s “wheel inside a wheel.”

  According to Timo Eskola in Messiah and the Throne: Jewish Merkabah Mysticism and Early Exaltation Discourse, Christian theology and discourse was also influenced by          Merkabah mysticism. Christian          doctrine is derived mainly, not from the message communicated from the original twelve apostles, but from  Paul, who claimed to have been converted to  Jesus’ mission after having seen him in a mystical vision on the road to Damascus, on his way to persecute the Christians. Interestingly, Paul hailed from Tarsus, the capital of Cilicia, the acknowledged birthplace of Mithraism.

  Suspiciously, after  Paul was arrested in   Jerusalem and rescued from a plot against his life, the local Roman chiliarch transferred him to Caesarea, where he stood trial before Felix Antonius, who was also closely associated with the Herodians. Herod Agrippa had given his sister   Drusilla in marriage to  Azizus, King of Emesa, the son of Sampsiceramus II,   Priest-King of Emesa and Iotapa, the sister of  Antiochus IV of   Commagene.  Drusilla had already been married to her        first cousin,           Epiphanes,   the son of Iotapa’s brother, Antiochus IV of Commagene. Epiphanes had failed on his promise to convert to Judaism, while Azizus agreed to convert and be circumcised. But   Drusilla later divorced  Azizus  to marry  Felix Antonius, the Procurator of Judea. Felix, who was reputed to  be a very cruel and lustful man, was originally a slave, but was manumitted  and promoted by Caesar, and appointed governor of Judea in 52 AD, where he  stayed in       office            until    58 AD. Felix  had first been married to another Drusilla,  the daughter of Ptolemy King of Mauritania, the grandson of Mark Antony  and Cleopatra, before the later  Drusilla. In service to Felix, this  Drusilla had  been convinced to leave her husband by the notorious  Simon Magus who was  a Samaritan sorcerer and a convert to  Christianity, considered    the first of    the Gnostics, baptized by Philip the Evangelist, whose later confrontation with  Peter is recorded in Acts. 59

  Felix and his wife  Drusilla would later on frequently send for Paul and talked with him (Acts 24:24-26). According to Robert Eisenman, a well-known expert on the  Dead Sea Scrolls, these events form part of several suspicious  instances that suggest that Paul, originally named Saul, was an agent of the  House of Herod.60 Eisenman also points out that there is reference in Josephus  about a member of the Herodian family named “Saulus,” which was not a  common name in the period. This Saulus plays a key role in events leading up  to the destruction of  Jerusalem and the Temple. This Saulus is not only the  intermediary between “the men of Power [the Herodians], the principal of the  Pharisees, the chief priests, and all those desirous for peace,” in other words,  peace with the Romans, Josephus also describes him as “a kinsman of Agrippa.”  Likewise, in Romans16:11 Paul writes, “Greet Herodion, my kinsman.” The  mention of Saulus’ relation to “the chief priests” parallels material in Acts,  relating to Paul’s commission from the chief priest to arrest “Christians.”

  Hyam Maccoby in The Mythmakerproposes that  Paul synthesized Judaism,  Gnosticism, and mysticism to create   Christianity as a cosmic savior religion. Alan Segal and Daniel Boyarin regard Paul’s accounts of his conversion experience            and his ascent to the heavens as the earliest  first     person accounts     of a Merkabah mystic in Jewish or Christian literature. In Paul the Convert, Segal  shows that Paul makes extensive use of the language of Merkabah, such as  purporting that believers will be change into Christ’s likeness, as believed by  the Jewish mystics, for whom seeing the Glory of God prepared the way for  the transformation into his image. Thus, Paul understood   Jesus as a mystical  figure, the     Archetypal Man, or Adam Kadmon. Paul says: “So it is written:     

  ‘The  first man Adam became a living soul’;  the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. The spiritual          did not come first,        but the natural, and after that the spiritual.  The first man was  of the dust    of the      earth, the second man from heaven.” 61

  Following the Gnostics,  Paul articulated an antinomian doctrine that repudiated the Law. Valentinus, head of the Valentinians, chief among the early  Gnostic sects, claimed that he received from Theudas, a disciple of Paul, initiation into a secret doctrine of God. This secret wisdom, which Paul taught to only a select few, revealed that God, the one whom most Christians ignorantly worship as creator, is in reality only the image of the true God. According to Valentinus, the orthodox preachers mistakenly ascribed to God what actually applies only to the  Demiurge.62

  Whoever achieves this gnosis is ready to receive the secret sacrament called redemption, meaning “release,” or  freedom from moral obligation. Elaine Pagels points out in The   Gnostic Paul:

  Instead of repudiating Paul as their obstinate opponent, the Naassenes and Valentinians revere him as the one of the apostles who, above all others, was himself a  Gnostic initiate. The Valentinians, in particular, allege that their secret tradition offers direct access to Paul’s own teaching of wisdom and gnosis. According to Clement “they say that Valentinus was a hearer of Theudas, and Theudas, in turn, a disciple of Paul.”63

  Paul  came  into conflict with    Jesus’ immediate followers, who composed  the  Early Church of Jerusalem. Also known as  Nazarenes, they were headed by James, the “brother of the Lord,” and strictly followed the laws of orthodox Judaism. Modern research has shown that there was no such place as Nazareth,  but that the word is a mistranslation of Nazarene, a word used to refer to the  earliest followers of  Jesus, and the same word used by the Muslims to refer to  Christians, Nassara. There is still controversy as to whether the  Nazarenes can  be identified with     the  Ebionites, who also existed during the early centuries of the Christian Era. They denied the divinity of Christ and also maintained strict observance of Jewish laws, and practiced such sacraments as the Sabbath,  circumcision, and other Jewish festivals. They used a version of a Gospel in  Aramaic called the Gospel According to the Hebrews, or the Gospel of the  Nazarenes.    For their adherence to Jewish Law, the Nazarenes or  Ebionites are known as  Jewish Christians or “Judaizers.”

  According to Hyam Maccoby, “The  Ebionites are thus by no means a negligible or derisory group. Their claim to represent the original teaching of Jesus has to be taken seriously. It is quite wrong, therefore, to dismiss what they  had to say about Paul as unworthy of attention.” 64

  The  Ebionites regarded  Paul  as a falsifier   of Jesus’ teachings, claiming that he abandoned the observance of  the Law mainly in order to obtain the support of Rome, and that he was mainly responsible for the destruction of the Temple, since his anti-Jewish propaganda incited the Romans against the Jews. The  Ebionites criticized his  Christianity as “Romanism,” blaming him for converting Christians into Romans, instead of  Romans into Christians. 65

  Paul, however, rejected Jewish law, expressing a particular concern for the requirement of circumcision. Robert Eisenman speculates that in pushing forward this issue Paul was acting in the service of the House of Herod, for whom circumcision was a particular impediment to expanding dynastic alliances  with non-Jewish families. Ultimately, Paul created  Christianity as a religion  distinct from Judaism, and also convoluted the simple mission of  Jesus, which  was based on a message of social justice, by preaching an enigmatic dogma,  whereby  Jesus came to be equated with the god of the mysteries, who dies for  our sins. Therefore, since Judaic Law existed only to divert us from our sinful  natures, there was no longer any need to adhere to it. As a result of Paul’s mission,  Christianity grew among non-Jewish communities, referred to as Gentiles, which  became increasingly separated from the teachings of the  Nazarenes of Jerusalem.  Until, the Nazarene community were eventually treated as a deviant sect.

  Additionally, however, early  Christianity     was     also     influenced    by the thought of  Philo the Jew, also known as  Philo of Alexandria (20 BC-50 AD), who wrote a treatise on the  Therapeutae. According to  Philo, the  Therapeutae in their night  rituals, “like the bacchic [ Dionysian] and corybantic ecstatics,” aim to “see” or to  have a vision of the true Being, which is analogous to the Sun. 66

  Although a devout Jew, Philo attempted to rationalize Judaism with his  version of Platonic philosophy. The Bible, to Philo, was compatible with Platonic philosophy, for according to him, perhaps in reference to the legends reported by Iamblichus or Artapanus,  Plato was a follower of  Pythagoras, and  Pythagoras, had been a follower of Moses. Philo placed the God of the Old Testament above the Monad and the Dyad. Below the supreme God, the Monad becomes the Stoic concept of the  Logos, Greek for “word,” the active  principle of God’s creative thought. To Philo, “… he who drives the Chariot  of the Powers is the   Logos, and He who is borne in the Chariot is He who  speaks the  Logos, giving commandment to the Driver for the right driving of  the universe.” 67

  The  Logosis the mediator between God and creation, which at  one  point  he identifies as        a second God. The    Logosis the archetypal man of the  mysteries, and one of a trinity. According to Philo, the   Logos proceeded from  God and Sophia, and is described as the son of God and Sophia, “through whom the universe came into existence.” Sophia, or Wisdom, is the Dyad. Like the  Shekhinah, she is the female life-principle assisting the supreme God in his  work    of creation and administration,       but also somehow fulfilling the  role     of mother to all creation.68  Likewise, the Gospel of John, also known as the “ Gnostic Gospel,” begins by equating  Jesus with “the Word,” which in Greek would have been the  Logos.  Additionally, Philo exercised  an          important    influence       on  the early Christian Fathers, like Justin Martyr, Clement of Alexandria and his student Origen, for his attempt to meld Platonism to  Judaism. The Christian Fathers attempted to do the same for  Christianity, by which  Jesus came to be equated with  Philo’s  Logos as   the “first-begotten” of  God, which was     an attempt to equate  the dying-god of Platonism with the God of the  Bible.

  It was in this way that the occult concept of  Jesus as the “Son of God” became  a core doctrine of Catholic  Christianity, under the authority of  Constantine  the Great, at the  Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. Rather, when Constantine  made  Christianity      the official religion of the Empire, he completed the project incepted by Herod the Great, to subvert the emerging Christian movement  by corrupting it into disguised  Mithras worship. Constantine was the last in  a long line of rulers belonging to the Mithraic bloodline. Constantine’s father  was descended from   Septimus Severus, who married  Julia Domna, daughter of  Julius Bassianus,  Priest-King of Emesa, who was descended from  Gaius Julius  Alexio, the son of  Sohaemus of Emesa and  Drusilla of Mauretania, from after  she had been married to Felix Antonius. Another descendant of  Gaius Julius Alexio was the Syrian queen of the  third century AD,  Zenobia of Palmyra, who led a famous revolt against the  Roman Empire. St.     Athanasius,  Bishop of Alexandria (c.328–373), reported her being “a Jewess follower of  Paul of Samosata.” 69

  Paul of Samosata, the  capital of  Commagene, was known as a “Judaizier” and St. Athanasius also  accused him of wanting to introduce Judaism into   Christianity. But  Paul of  Samosata’s            Jewish influence was of a heretical variety, and likely derived from the Kabbalah, as he inspired the  Gnostic sect of the  Paulicians, who believed  in a distinction between the God who created and governs the material world,  and the “God of heaven” who created souls, who alone should be worshipped,  in other words, Lucifer. Therefore, like all  Gnostic sects before them, they  thought all matter to be corrupt. For the  Paulicians, Christ was an angel sent into the world by their “God.”   Jesus’ real mother was not the Virgin Mary, but  the heavenly  Jerusalem, an idea derived from the “ Shekhina” of the   Kabbalah.

  Because they claimed that  Jesus taught only that to believe in him saves men from judgment, their enemies accused them constantly of gross immorality,  even at their prayer-meetings.

  Another famous descendent of the  Priest-Kings of Emesa was the noted  Neoplatonic philosopher  Iamblichus   (c.245  – c.325). 70 Iamblichus studied  under  Porphyry, a pupil of   Plotinus, the founder of Neoplatonism.   Iamblichus  and  Porphyry both wrote biographies of  Pythagoras recounting his sojourn  among the Magi of  Babylon. Porphyry was also the author of the most extensive surviving text pertaining to the Mysteries of  Mithras, titled On the Cave of the Nymphs, in which he describes the symbolism of a grotto mentioned in Homer,  in relation to the cave rituals of  Mithraism.

  Septimus Severus was succeeded by his son Caracalla. But, in 217 AD, Caracalla was killed and Macrinus ascended to the imperial throne. His cousin, Julia Soaemias, the daughter of  Julia Domna’s sister, Julia Maesa, would not allow the usurper to stand unopposed. Together with her mother Julia, she plotted to substitute Macrinus with her son, Marcus Aurelius Antonius, who appropriated the name  Elagabalus. In 218 AD, Macrinus was killed and Elagabalus became emperor.  Elagabalus replaced Jupiter, head of the Roman pantheon, with the cult of  Sol Invictus, which was harmonized with the cult of Mithras. Their rule was not popular and soon discontent arose, as  Elagabalus developed a reputation among his contemporaries for eccentricity, decadence, and zealotry.

  With  Elagabalus’ death in 222 AD, his religion ceased, though succeeding emperors continued to be portrayed on coinage with the radiant sun-crown for close   to a century. The    emperor Aurelian        introduced   an official religion  of Sol  Invictus in 270 AD, making the sun-god the premier divinity of the empire, and wearing his rayed crown himself. The worship of  Sol Invictuswas continued  by  Constantine, who some think never converted to  Christianity. In 321,  Constantine instructed that Christians and non-Christians should be united in  observing the venerable day of the Sun (Sunday), referencing the Sun-worship  that            Aurelian had established   as an official cult.    Constantine’s coinage continued to carry the symbols of the Sun. Even when Constantine dedicated the new  capital of Constantinople, he did so wearing the Apollonian sun-rayed Diadem.

  Immediately before his victory at the Battle of Milvian Bridge, in 312 AD,  Constantine is said to have had a vision of a radiant cross suspended in the sky, upon which was inscribed, “by this sign you will conquer.” In response, Constantine ordered the shields of his troops emblazoned with the Christian monogram, known as the labarum, a wheel-shaped sign formed by the first two letters            of the word  Christos, an  X (Chi) placed in front of P(Rho), the Greek letters Chi Rho. The letter Chi was used by the Greeks as a solar symbol, and the abbreviation of the Greek name for  Saturn, Chronos,  as was the wheel-shaped sign      formed by the first            two letters combined, an  X(Chi) placed in front of P (Rho).71 In  Plato’s Timaeus, Chi is symbolizes the  intersection of the earthly and celestial equators, the “wheel inside a wheel” of Ezekiel’s vision and the   Leontocephalus of Mithraism. This passage in the Timaeus, known as the Psychogonia, was the source of much comment by the  Neoplatonists and others, and Justin Martyr in his Apologia, considered that Plato interpreted his Chi from the brazen serpents that Moses had erected as a sign in the form of a cross. 72

  The creed of  Jesus as Son and God was finally formalized and instituted as an orthodox tenet at the Council of Nicaea, personally summoned by Constantine on 325 AD. Under pressure of banishment, all but two of those present signed a revised statement of faith in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, a direct appropriation     of        the      pagan            trinity through         the      infl            uence of Platonism.          

  Christian authors, like Justin Martyr and Tertullian, noted these similarities but claimed that the mysteries were demonically inspired imitations of the true Christianity. The Eucharist was modeled was an adaptation of the cannibalism mysteries, where the cup of the Last Supper is the mixing bowl or cup of the Mithraic and  Dionysian mysteries which holds the blood of the god. Originally mentioned in  Plato’s Timeaus, the cup is found in the Chaldean Oracles, a Neoplatonic text of the second century AD, and is equated with the Monad  in the Corpus Hermeticum, and Zosimus in the fifth century refers     to it as the symbol of spiritual baptism or initiation. To Justin Martyr: “ Jesus took bread,  and… said, “this do ye in remembrance of me, this is my body”; and, after  the same manner, having taken the cup and given thanks, He said, “this is my  blood”; and gave it to them… Which the wicked devils have imitated in the  mysteries of Mithra, commanding the same thing to be done.”73

  In common with   Jesus, Mithras was born in a cave surrounded by animals and shepherds at the Winter Solstice. The later Roman Empire celebrated the Dies Natalisof  Sol Invictus, the “Nativity of the Unconquerable Sun,” on December 25. It was preceded by the Roman festival of the  Saturnalia, a ritual  of Babylonian origin, which is the source of Christmas.74 The  Saturnalia were celebrated in honor of  Saturn, the origin of Santa. Easter, from the Greek Eorestes, or  Astarte, the festival of death and resurrection, was made to coincide with the spring rites of other contemporary cults and mystery schools at the spring equinox. Similarly, the festival of St.  John the Baptist in June supplanted a Midsummer festival of water on the summer solstice. The feast of All Souls in November, the fall equinox, is a continuation of an old heathen feast of the  dead, which became Halloween.


  The   first successful crusade,   known as the Princes’ Crusades, seems to have been a project directly sponsored by a network of aristocratic families with the purpose  of searching out certain lost doctrines, whose discovery led to the advent of  the Kabbalah in southern France in the last half of the twelfth century. These  influences then  produced the lore  of the Holy Grail, based on legends of these  families’ descent, and their association with the Templars, and a Gnostic sect known as the Cathars. The most extravagant claims purport that the families descend from the Merovingian dynasty of France, who in turn were descendants  of Jesus, who supposedly fathered a child from Mary Magdalene. However, any  association with Jesus is a pretense, as these legends have a Gnostic origin, and  cannot be associated with Jesus’ true teachings. Worse still, the idea itself of a  “royal” descend from Jesus is based on a tyrannical and archaic notion of the  “Divine Right” of kings. Even if these families were descended from Jesus, it  would be of no consequence, because it would not necessarily predispose them  to a right to rule.

  Legends that associate Britain with the Holy Grail begin as early as the  eighth century AD, when Rabanus Maurus, Archbishop of Mayence, stated in  the Life of Mary Magdalenethat Joseph of Arimathea, the man who donated his  own prepared tomb for the burial of Jesus after Jesus’s            Crucifixion, was sent to Britain accompanied by Mary Magdalene, Lazarus and Salome. William of  Malmesbury mentions Joseph’s going to Britain in one passage of his Chronicle of the English Kings, written in the 1120s. The legend that Joseph was given the responsibility of keeping the Holy Grail was the product of Robert de Boron, according to whom the grail was not only the cup of the Last Supper, but the vessel used   to capture    Christ’s blood after the Crucifixion. Symbolically, theGrail is the cup that receives the divine blood of the god, descended from the  sacred bowl of the mysteries. The legend of Arimathea’s travels to Britain were  eventually encapsulated in the famous hymn of William Blake, “And did those  feet in ancient time.” Joseph was to have concealed the Holy Grail for safekeeping  at Glastonbury Tor, where he established the first         church in Britain Isles,       which developed into Glastonbury Abbey.

  The descendants of Joseph of Arimathea would eventually culminate, according to legend, in the person of King Arthur. King Arthur was also purportedly related to  Constantine the Great who was not only descended  from  Caesar and  Alexander the Great and the Mithraic bloodline but,  according to British chroniclers of the Middle Ages, from Joseph of Arimathea  through his mother Saint   Helena, the  finder of the “true  cross.”  Later medieval  legend claimed that Saint Helena’s father was King Coel, whose mother was  supposedly descended from Anna, the daughter of Joseph of Arimathea, and  Beli Mawr. 1

  King Coel was the grandson Aviragus, who married the daughter  of Emperor  Claudius (10 BC – 54 AD). 2 Constantine was also descended from  the Roman Emperor  Marcus Aurelius.3 Caesar’s grandson, Gaius Calpernius Piso, had married Mariamne, the sister of  Herod Agrippa. Their grand daughter,  Pompeia, was the wife of Emperor  Trajan, who was the grandfather of  Marcus  Aurelius, whose descendants attempted to impose the worship of  Elagabalus,  or  Sol Invictus, as the religion of the Empire. It was the use by   Trajan and  Marcus Aurelius of the dragon standard, or Draco—which according to  Arrian was of originally of Scythian origin—that came to be adopted by the  Pendragon family. 4 Arthur’s sorcerer Merlin would have been a  Druid, the bardic class  that produced the mythical literature and the art of the Celts. The enduring  association of the British Isles with occult legend may be attributable to the  fact that, according to   Roman historian     Pliny the Elder, who          wrote in the first century AD,  magic—meaning the cult of the  Magi—was so entrenched in  Britain that he said it would almost seem as if it was the British who had taught it to the Babylonians, and not the other way around. Magian teachings are  clearly discernible among the   Druids. According to several ancient authors, like  Diodorus of Sicily and Ammianus Marcellinus, the   Druids inherited their occult  teachings from  Pythagoras through his student Zalmoxis, who had ventured among the Celts. Even after Patrick had converted the Irish to  Christianity,   the teachings of the  Druids were never completely abandoned, but instead a  unique culture developed, known as Celtic  Christianity. Essentially, the arts  of the  Druids survived early Irish  Christianity, as its abundant hagiography,  steeped in magical ideas, plainly shows. Saint Columba (521-597), abbot and  missionary traditionally credited with the main role in the conversion of  Scotland to  Christianity, after becoming a monk, lived and studied with a bard  in Leinster, and later defended the cause of the  Druids when their schools and  teachings were attacked.

  Irish legend maintains that the Scottish originate from Fenius Farsaidh, a descendant of Edom, who founded the kingdom of Scythia in southern Russia. Fenius’ son Nel married  Scota the daughter of an Egyptian Pharaoh and contemporary of Moses. A Swiss genetics company has in fact claimed that up to 70 per cent of British men are related to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen. Y-DNA testing on some of the related male mummies of the eighteenth dynasty of Egypt  revealed       them to  belong to a genetic profile    group, known as haplogroup R1b1a2. It is the most frequently occurring Y chromosome haplogroup in Western Europe, with its highest concentrations in Ireland and Scotland, indicating that they share a common ancestor. 5 R1b1a2 arose about 9,500 years ago in the surrounding area of the Black Sea, an area corresponding to Scythia. This should not be taken as corroborating the  Scota legend, but as perhaps pointing to some underlying truth that has later been embellished in legend.

  The  Scythians were related to a legend popular among Medieval  Jews who  equated them with the  Lost Tribes of  Israel. According to the  Bible, the Israelites  became “lost” after the northern kingdom of  Israel was conquered by the  Assyrians, who dispersed them among the  Medes, who lived in  Iran in an area  known as Media. The  Medes, according to Greek mythology, were descended  from Medea the  Colchian  witch from the story of Jason and the Argonauts.

  According to the legend, Medea later married Aegeas of Athens after whom  the Aegean Sea is named. The  Medes were descended from their son Medus  of Colchis. According to a description by  Herodotus, a Greek historian of the  fifth century        BC known as the     “Father ofHistory,”            the Colchians who            welt   in a land located along the western slope of the Caucasus Mountains near the Black Sea, in what is now the state of Georgia, were black and probably Jewish.

  Like the  Jews of  Palestine whom he referred to as “ Phoenicians,”  Herodotus also regarded the people of Colchis as deriving from an “Egyptian colony.” He not only pointed to the Colchians’ “black skin and woolly hair” as evidence, but also to their oral traditions, language, methods of weaving, and practice of circumcision. Saint Jerome, writing during the fourth century AD, called Colchis the “Second Ethiopia.” Two hundred years later, Sophronius, patriarch of  Jerusalem, described an “Ethiopian” presence in the same region.  Diodorus of Sicily,     a historian of the first century         BC, in his Universal History, stated:

  They say also that those who set forth with  Danaus [Dan, or  Tribe of Dan], likewise from Egypt , settled what is practically the oldest city of  Greece, Argos, and that the nations of the Colchi in Pontus and that of  the  Jews, which lies between Arabia and  Syria, were founded as colonies  by certain emigrants from their country [i.e., Egypt]; and this is the  reason why it is a long-established institution among these peoples to circumcise their male children… the custom having been brought over from Egypt. Even the Athenians, they say, are colonists from Sais in [the  Nile Delta of ] Egypt.6

  Although the Ten Tribes are considered “Lost,” in ancient Jewish sources their location was well-known. According to  Josephus, “…the Ten Tribes who are beyond the Euphrates till now, and are an immense multitude, whose  numbers cannot be estimated.”7 The Apocrypha also presume to know their location. In the Fourth Book of Ezra, the Ten Tribes were said to have been carried by Hosea in the eighth century BC to the Euphrates, at the narrow passages of the river. From there they went on for a journey of a year and a half to a place called “Arzareth,” referring to the Araxes, a river that borders Armenia,   Iran and Azerbaijan.

  These migrations would have taken them to the land of the  Scythians, whom  Josephus and  others have  identified      as the  descendants  of Gog and Magog, among whom they would have been absorbed.8  The   Scythians first appear in Assyrian annals as Ishkuzai, related to the modern term “ Ashkenazi,” from Ashkenaz, who according to the  Bible was the son of Magog’s brother  Gomer. Scholars recognize the  Scythians to have been a Turkic people who  had   settled  on the  northern       shore            of  the Black Sea.   The  most significant Scythian tribes mentioned in the Greek sources resided north of the Caucasus mountains, at the basin of the Don river, north of the Crimea and east of the Ukraine in Southern  Russia. From there they invaded  Armenia and Cappadocia  to become allies of the early Mede rulers.

  As related by Colin Gow in The Red  Jews: Anti-Semitism in an Apocalyptic Age:  1200-1600, the  Lost Tribes came to be known in Jewish lore of the Middle Ages  as “Red  Jews.” They were believed to reside in  Central Asia, and were expected  to come forth to aid the  Messiah in his conquest of the world. According to  Gow, the legend of the Red  Jews was a conflation of three separate traditions:          

  the prophetic references to  Gog and Magog, the Ten  Lost Tribes of  Israel, and  an episode from the  Alexander Romance. The  Alexander Romanceis any of several  collections of legends recounting the legendary exploits of  Alexander the Great.

  The earliest version is in Greek, produced in the third century AD. Several late versions attribute the work to Alexander’s court historian Callisthenes, but  the historical figure died before Alexander. The        unknown author is therefore referred to as Pseudo-Callisthenes. The text was recast into various versions throughout Antiquity and the Middle Ages, including the languages of Syriac, Arabic, Persian, Ethiopic, Hebrew, Turkish, and Middle Mongolian.

  In the  Alexander Romance, Alexander chases his enemies to a pass between two peaks in the Caucasus. With the aid of God, Alexander and his men close the narrow pass in the Caucasus by constructing a huge wall of steel, keeping the barbarous   Gog and Magog from pillaging the peaceful southern lands.  The wall has            been   frequently identified with the Caspian Gates of Derbent, Russia, and with the Pass of Darial, on the border between  Russia and Georgia. An alternative theory links it to the Great Wall of Gorgan, also known as  “Alexander’s Wall,” on the south-eastern shore of the Caspian Sea, 180 km of  which is still preserved to this day.

  The accounts of the  Alexander Romance are reflected in the enigmatic figure mentioned in the  Quran , named  Dhul-Qarnayn, literally “He of the Two Horns.”  Similarly, on Macedonian coinage of the third century BC, Alexander was  typically portrayed with ram’s horns. In the account found in the  Quran,  DhulQarnayn is not identified            with    Alexander, but the stories are almost identical. Dhul-Qarnayn is described as a great and righteous ruler who built the wall of  iron and copper that keeps  Gog and Magog from attacking the people whom  he met on his journey to the east, “the rising-place of the sun.” 9 According  to Hadith, unable to pass the wall,  Gog and Magog have been digging below  ground ever since, but will emerge at the time of the return of the  Messiah  Jesus, to afflict   the      earth, but Jesus will pray to God to eradicate them.10

  Kevin Alan Brook, among others, has speculated that the legend of the Red  Jews was actually based on vague memory of the  Khazars, the people  who were the descendants of the  Scythians who converted to  Judaism in the eighth century AD.        Like the Armenians, the  Khazars were identified with Gog and Magog, and were also sometimes credited with  Armenian origin.11 This is stated by the seventh-century  Armenian bishop and historian Sebeos, and  the fourteenth century Arab geographer Dimashqi. 12 The Cambridge Document,  discovered by Solomon Schechter in the late nineteenth century, and also known  as the  Schechter Letter, the Schechter Text, and the Letter of an Anonymous Khazar Jew,  discusses how Jewish men fled either through or from         Armenia into the Khazar kingdom in ancient times. According to Eldad ha-Dani, a Jewish traveller of the  ninth century, the Khazars were remnants of Simeon and Manasseh. Likewise,  one version of the  Schechter Letterreported that the Khazars had a tradition that  they were descended from the Tribe of Simeon. The Cochin Scrollalso maintains  that the Khazars were descended from Simeon and Menasseh.

 According to ancient Greek historian  Herodotus, the  Scythians “have all  deep blue eyes, and bright red hair.” Like their ancestors the  Scythians, the  Khazars were also described as blue-eyed and red-haired.13 In the History of  the Nation of Archers,  Armenian historian of the thirteenth century AD, Grigor  Akner, claimed the  Khazars were derived from  Edomites, descended from  Esau, whose name was also Edom, meaning red because he was supposedly red-haired. Red hair is commonly found in regions of Jewish or Central Asian ancestry. It is fairly common amongst the  Ashkenazi Jewish populations, and occasionally among the Berbers of North Africa. In Asia, red hair can be found sporadically from Northern  India, and the northern  Middle East, such as  Iran, Iraq,  Syria,  Lebanon, Jordan,  Israel and   Palestine. Red hair can also be found amongst those of Iranian descent, such as the Persians, Lurs, Nuristanis and Pashtuns. Red hair, of course, is found at its highest concentrations in Scotland.

  The name of Scotland was originally intended to refer to the “land of the  Scythians.” 14 The idea that the Scots came from Scythia is also found in most  legendary accounts and also in unedited versions of the Venerable Bedeof the  eighth century. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, written in the ninth century AD, begins  by saying that the   Britons, like the  Saxons, came from  Armenia and the  Picts  of Scotland from the south of Scythia. The Pictish Chronicleof the tenth century  mentions “Scithe et Gothi” ( Scythians and Goths), as being the ancestors of the  Picts, the people living in ancient eastern and northern Scotland.

  The inhabitants of the Orkney Islands in the north of Scotland are descended  from Vikings who, like the Saxons, according to various medieval legends, were  descended from   Scythians who migrated north. Both nations claimed descent  from Uldin, later  Odin, or  Wotan, a           fifth-century         leader of the Huns who had settled in the land of the   Scythians, with whom they became intermingled along  with Viking traders. By some genealogies, Odin married Frigg (or Freya), the  great-granddaughter of King Coel. 15 According to the Yngling Saga, written from  historical sources available to the Icelander Snorri Sturluson,  Odin originally  came from Asia. Noted explorer Thor Heyerdahl surmised that Odin and his  people, who were known as Asir, may have been the Azeris of Azerbaijan. 16 Snorri  speaks of   Odin making “ready to journey out of Turkland, and was accompanied  by a great number of people, young folk and old, men and women; and they had with them much goods of great price.” Snorri here speaks of the land east of the  Don River being known as Asaland, or Asaheim, and the chief city in that land  was called  Asgaard, the home of   Odin. The city may have been Chasgar, located  in the region of the Caucasian ridge, “called by Strabo Aspargum, the Asburg, or  castle of the asas.”17  This would have been approximately 450 AD, when Odin’s  descendants were said to have founded the nations of the Danes, Swedes, and  Norwegians, and in Germany, the Saxon tribes.

  Studies have discovered that the genetic component of the population of the  Orkney islands is characterized by a type not found in other British samples,  but one in high frequency in  Russia, Ukraine,  Bohemia, and throughout  Central  Asia, and rare in East Asia and Western Europe. According to a study titled  The Eurasian Heartland: A continental perspective on Y-chromosome diversity, conducted  by the National Academy of Sciences, the distribution of this gene grouping  is “…likely to represent traces of an ancient population migration originating  in southern  Russia/Ukraine,” where it is found at a high frequency. In other  words, this specific genetic type originated     in Scythia.18

  R1a1, which is found all over  Armenia, Georgia and Eastern Europe in general, including the Sorbs, the Poles, and many people of central Europe, is also found in Finland, and many R1a1 people went west to Scotland and Scandinavia. As noted by David Faux, the largest number of close matches to the  rare haplogroup R1a1 Norse signature from Shetland, just north of the  Orkney  Islands, was not seen in large and diverse European samples in which R1a1  predominates, like Poland, but among the tribal Siberian  Altai of  Central Asia. 19

  It has also been found that about half of   Ashkenazi Levites possess the R1a1 haplogroup. R1a1 is almost never found among Sephardic Levites.  Interestingly, the R1a1 was introduced only 900-1000 years ago into only the Ashkenazi Levite male population. A team of geneticists in the September 2003 issue of the American Journal of Human Geneticsproposed that R1a1 may have been  introduced by Slavs, or  Khazars who converted to  Judaism. 20 Arthur   Koestler,  author of The Thirteenth Tribe, had proposed the theory widely popular in  conspiracy circles, that the majority of  Ashkenazi  Jews were actually descended  from the  Khazars, and not the Israelites of the Old Testament. 21 Modern genetic  studies, however, have proven  Koestler’s theory incorrect.  Ashkenazi  Jews  are a group with mainly central and eastern European ancestry. Ultimately,  though, they can be traced back to  Jews who migrated from  Israel to  Italy in  the first and second centuries,       andwho eventually moved         to Eastern Europe  in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. A 1999 study published in the Proceedings  of the United States National Academy of Sciencescompared the Y chromosomes  of  Ashkenazi, Roman, North African, Kurdish, Near Eastern, Yemenite, and  Ethiopian  Jews with 16 non-Jewish groups from similar geographic locations.  It concluded that:

  Despite their long-term residence in different countries and isolation  from one    another, most Jewish  populations  were  not  significantly different from one another at the genetic level… The results support  the hypothesis that the paternal gene pools of Jewish communities from Europe, North Africa, and the  Middle East descended from a  common Middle Eastern ancestral population, and suggest that most  Jewish communities have remained relatively isolated from neighboring  non-Jewish communities during and after the Diaspora. 22

 Q, which is found in Norway and its colonies, is found predominantly in Central Siberia,   Central Asia and among Native Americans. One hypothesis is that Q came        to Europe with the Huns  in the fifth century. 23 K, which turns up  very occasionally in Sweden, is typically found at lower frequencies in the  Middle  East, and    in a significant  group of Palestinian Arabs. Approximately 32% of Ashkenazi  Jews are in haplogroup K. This high percentage, according to Doron  M. Behar and others, points to a genetic bottleneck occurring approximately 100  generations ago from a Hebrew/Levantine mtDNA pool, whose descendants  lived in Europe. 24 As David Faux concludes, the one people among whom the  three Asian genetic signatures discovered in Shetland correspond most closely  with are the Azeris.25

  Additionally, as documented by Tejral, the archaeological record shows new  artistic features that manifest themselves in Scandinavia in the early       fifth century that have been attributed to  Scythian influences. 26 Animal motifs with imaginary  beasts and elephants with elaborate decorative work appear which “points  unquestionably    to definite Eastern connections.” 27 The dramatic alterations  in artifacts and burial practices strongly point to a change that would have a  signifi cant    impact on all aspects of life in Scandinavia     by a people “coming from the south around 450 or a little earlier.” 28 As David Faux summarizes, “Basically  the archaeological evidence       strongly suggests that from the fifth   century there was a strong cultural continuity between the areas in Scandinavia and points  south and includes artifacts from as far east as  Afghanistan.”29

  Legends about the so-called “sacred lineage” of the  Holy Grail typically pertain to the influential            Scottish families of the Stuarts  and the Sinclairs, who became the hereditary Grand Masters of Scottish Freemasonry. The  Sinclairs, originally  St. Clair, were a noble family which had its origins in Saint-Clair-sur-Epte in  Normandy,  France, in 911 AD. Like the  Dukes of Normandy, the  Sinclairs were  descendants of   Rollo the Viking, the son of Rangvald the Wise, Jarl of  Orkney.  According to genetic researchers Elizabeth Hirschman and Donald PantherYates, authors of When Scotland was Jewish, the  Sinclairs, originally St. Clair, were  secret  Jews among the many Sephardic  Jews from   Spain and southern   France  that entered Scotland from      around 1100 AD onward. The first group would have accompanied William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, and assisted in  setting up the civil administration in England.

  The  Sinclairs and the  Dukes of Normandy, through the marriage of  Rollo  the Viking to Poppa of Bavaria, the great-granddaughter of   William of Gellone  (755  –812/4 AD),            were            purportedly also     descended    from   Rabbi Makhir of  Narbonne.30 According to Arthur Zuckerman,  William of Gellone was the son  of Theodoric, or Thierry, the name assumed by Rabbi  Makhir of  Narbonne.31 In the Medieval romances, Thierry is called Aymery and was the father of William of Gellone. Zuckerman based his claims on a tradition preserved by  Abraham ibn Daud in his Sefer ha- Kabbalah, written about 1161,  that Charlemagne  (742-814), the founder of the Carolingian Empire, had appointed   Makhir, a  Babylonian-Jewish scholar, perhaps the Exilarch of the  Jews of  Babylon, at  the end of the eighth century as ruler of a Jewish principality in  Narbonne in  Southern France. “Exilarch” refers to the leaders of the Jewish community  who held through the Persian and Muslim Empires until the eleventh century  AD, an office traditionally assigned to a hereditary family tracing their  lineage to King David.

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