Minggu, 01 Januari 2017



  Sabbatai Zevi arranged  to fulfill an interpretation of the prophecy of the Messiah whereby he was destined to marry an unchaste woman. During the Chmielnicki massacres in Poland, a Jewish orphan girl named Sarah, about six years old, was found by Christians and sent to a convent. After ten years, through some miracle, she escaped, and made her way to Amsterdam. She eventually went to Livorno where, according to some reports, she led a life of prostitution. She also conceived the notion that she was to become the bride of  the  Messiah, who was soon to appear. When the report of Sarah’s adventures reached Sabbatai, he claimed that such a consort had been promised to him in a dream, in   fulfillment of prophecy. He reportedly sent messengers   to Livorno to bring Sarah to him, and they were married. Through her, a new romantic and licentious element entered Sabbatai’s teachings.

  Passing through the city of Gaza, where there lived an important Jewish community, Sabbatai met   Nathan of Gaza, who professed to be the risen Elijah. In 1665, Nathan announced that the  Messianic age was to begin in the following year. Nathan helped explain Sabbatai’s sinning by suggesting that, from the beginning of time, the soul of the   Messiah was held captive in the realm of darkness. The  Messiah must therefore descend into sin to pull his soul from the darkness that held him captive. Sabbatai spread this announcement widely, together with many additional details to the effect that the world would be conquered by him and  Elijah, without bloodshed; that the  Messiah would then lead back the Ten  Lost Tribes to the Holy Land, “riding on a lion with a seven-headed  dragon in its jaws.” These types of messianic claims were then widely circulated and believed.

  Finally, after some hesitation, he publicly declared himself as the expected Messiah in, not accidentally, 1666. Accounts of his activities were exaggerated and spread among  Jews in Europe, Asia, and Africa. His popularity grew as people of other religions repeated his story as well. The  Messianic movement spread to  Italy, Germany, and the  Netherlands and the  Jews of Hamburg and Amsterdam heard about the events in Smyrna from Christians.  Menasseh’s coconspirator,  Queen Christina, became so fascinated with the claims of  Sabbatai Zevi that she nearly became a disciple. She danced in the streets of Hamburg with Jewish friends in anticipation of the apocalyptic event.24

  In Amsterdam, almost the entire Jewish community had become followers of  Sabbatai Zevi. A prominent member of  Sabbatai Zevi’s followers in Amsterdam was the very wealthy Abraham Pereyra, who had provided the main financial backing for the famous printing        and publishing enterprise as well as for the other varied intellectual activities of  Menasseh ben  Israel all over Europe. 25 The Jewish community of Amsterdam had been kept informed of the progress of Sabbatai’s mission through Peter  Serrarius, at whose home  Menasseh ben  Israel first shared his conviction in the immanent        advent of the Messiah. As soon as news reached Amsterdam about   Sabbatai Zevi,   Serrarius was publishing pamphlets in English and Dutch telling everyone about the signs of the messianic era and that the King of the  Jews had arrived. 26

  Serrarius, a leading  millenarian who was also a patron of the philosopher Baruch  Spinoza, had met frequently with  Kabbalistic thinkers at the synagogue in Amsterdam, and worked on  Gematria with them, seeking to determine when the Messiah would appear. 27 Among  Serrarius’ intimate  friends were John Dury,  Comenius, both of whom he was able to convince about the messiahship of  Sabbatai Zevi. 28 Serrarius was also in contact with the alchemist Franciscus Mercurius  van Helmont, author of the Alphabetum Naturale Hebraicum(1667), and the Christian  Kabbalist Christian Knorr  von Rosenroth, famous for his Kabbala Denudata. Van Helmont had served on a diplomatic mission on behalf of Elisabeth of  Bohemia, the daughter of  Elizabeth  Stuart and Frederich V of the  Palatinate who was living in Herford, Germany, when he met with  Henry More and Robert Boyle.  Serrarius was also  in contact with another acquaintance of  Menasseh, Henry Jessey, a founding member of the Puritan religious sect, who worked behind the scenes of the Whitehall Conference.  Serrarius sent regular reports to England, where the known millenarians associated with  Menasseh, like  Royal Society founder Henry  Oldenburg, as well as Puritan   millenarian Nathaniel Homes and Thomas Chappell and others anxiously awaited the latest news. 29

 Serrarius had also been   informing Jean de Labadie (1610–1674) on the progress of Sabbatai’s mission. Originally a Jesuit priest, Labadie became a member of the Reformed Church in 1650, before founding the community which became known as the Labadists in 1669. In 1672, de Labadie and his followers sought refuge with Elisabeth of  Bohemia. In 1676, Elisabeth also first met the son of Sir  William Penn,  William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania.   Penn became close friends with Elisabeth Stuart, celebrating her in the second edition of his book No Cross, No Crown. Penn, also a friend of John Dury, was a member of the Lantern, a circle around Rotterdam merchant Benjamin Furly, which included alchemists  van Helmont, Lady Conway,  Henry More and John Locke. Furly and van Helmont were also connected with a group of students of Jacob Boehme which included Serrarius and who also knew and associated with Spinoza. Furly, like Penn, was a Quaker and a close supporter of George Fox, the founder of the movement, which provided the guiding principles of new state of Pennsylvania.

  According to American Rosicrucian legend, their order was brought to America in 1694 under the leadership of Grand Master  Johannes Kelpius. Born in Transylvania, Kelpius was a follower of Johann Jacob Zimmerman, an avid disciple of   Jacob Boehme and who was referred to by German authorities as a “most learned astrologer, magician and cabbalist.” 30 It is likely that  Knorr von Rosenroth, the famous author of Kabbala Denudata, introduced Kelpius and Zimmermann. According to Kelpius’s biographer, Zimmermann was  also “intimately acquainted” with Benjamin Furly. 31 Answering Penn’s call to establish a godly country in his newly acquired American lands, Kelpius and  his followers crossed the Atlantic and established a colony in the valley of the  Wissahickon Creek in Philadelphia.

 At the beginning of the year 1666, Sabbatai left Smyrna for Istanbul as Nathan of Gaza had prophesied that Sabbatai would place the sultan’s crown on his own head. However, when the Sultan Mehmed IV was informed of his ambitions, Sabbatai was taken to Adrianople where the sultan’s physician, a former Jew, advised him to convert to  Islam. On the following day, on September 16, 1666, before the Sultan, Sabbatai removed his Jewish attire and donned a Turkish turban on his head as a symbol of his conversion to Islam. The sultan is said to have been very pleased and rewarded Sabbatai by conferring the title Effendi and appointed him as his doorkeeper with a high salary. Despite the immense disappointment experienced by  Jews across the world, Zevi’s conversion was positively received by many  Jews who had been hiding their Jewish identity as a result of the Spanish expulsion of 1492, like the  Marranos or  Conversos, and other crypto- Jews. Numerous secret societies of  Sabbateans developed particularly in Eastern Poland at the end of the seventeenth century. The Polish rabbis attempted to ban the “ Sabbatean heresy” in 1722, but could not fully succeed, as it was widely popular among the Jewish middle class.

  Viewing Zevi’s apostasy as a sacred mystery, some of Zevi’s followers in  Ottoman Turkey imitated his conversion to  Islam. Sarah and a number of Sabbatai’s followers also converted to  Islam. About 300 families converted and came to be known as  Dönmeh, from a Turkish word meaning “convert.” They practiced  Islam outwardly though secretly keeping to their  Kabbalistic doctrines. The  Dönmeh community was localized in  Salonika, in   Ottoman  Greece, which by the time of Sabbatai Zevi’s mission was renowned as a haven for  Conversos and as a center of  Kabbalah and rabbinic scholarship. It was described by one writer as “the only Jewish city in Europe (aside from Warsaw).”32

  The  Dönmeh maintained associations with a number of Sufi   orders. This is largely based on the contention that Zevi’s exile into the Balkans brought him into close contact with several forms of heterodox  S u fi     s m in the region. Salonika was also known for its  Sufis,  like the followers of the path of Mevlana, Jalal ad-Din   Rumi, known as the  Mevlevi, made famous for their Whirling Dervishes. The   Dönmeh became actively involved with the  Mevlevi. Some alleged similarities between  Dönmeh and unorthodox     Sufi practice seem  to exist, including the violation of Halal, sexual taboos, ecstatic singing, mystical  interpretations of sacred scripture, and the practice of ritual meals.

  Sabbatai Zevi incorporated both Jewish tradition and  Sufism into his  theosophy and, in particular, was to have been initiated into the  Bektashi  Sufi order,      which long had associations with the Dönmeh.33 The Order was founded in the thirteenth century by the Persian saint, Haji Bektash Veli. They were found particularly throughout Anatolia and the Balkans among a  Shia community known as the Alawis, who believe in a trinity of Allah, Muhammad, and Ali, whom they regard, along with Haji Bektash Veli, as the  “Perfect Human Being,” the Primordial man of the  Sufis .      Bektashi doctrines  are derived from the  Kabbalah . 34The  Bektashis incorporated  Kabbalistic doctrines of letter and number symbolism that linked devotion to the divinity of Ali with beliefs in anthropomorphism, the manifestation of God in human form and reincarnation. Their beliefs also comprise a syncretism of   shamanism, Buddhism , Manichaeism,  Christianity , and  Neoplatonism . Bektashism is also heavily permeated with  Shia concepts, such as the veneration of Ali, and the  Twelve Imams. 35 They had a secret doctrine revealed only to initiates that  involves contempt for Muhammed, the founder of  Islam. 36 The  Bektashis  ignore most conventional Islamic rules, such as abstention from alcohol and pork, the veiling of women and the requirement to face Mecca when praying. 37

  When  Sabbatai Zevi would visit Constantinople he became “accustomed to living in a dervish monastery,” Gershom   Scholem wrote, “[a]nd it can hardly be doubted that there were early secret ties between the order of the  Bektashi  and the  Dönmeh.” Also according to  Scholem:

  It is known that among the  Bektashi orders the doctrine of takiye (dissimulation) was widely practiced; it permitted the adherents of even radical mystical heresies in  Islam to appear to the outside world as a wholly orthodox segment of the Sunni community in order to avoid persecution. It is also known that their enemies always claimed this duplicity of the  Bektashi and accused them of it. Often they also added the even more far-reaching accusation that the  Bektashi, or at least certain of their subgroups, secretly subscribed to a religious nihilism.  Now it is just this theory and practice of takiyewhich, though here for purely internal Jewish reasons, determined the  Dönmeh’s way of life in which the external appearance stood in radical contradiction to what they taught and stood for. Their common status as a mystical heresy with often extreme aberrations was bound to create sympathy between these two groups. Perhaps it is also no accident that the cemetery of the most extreme group of the  Dönmeh, with the grave of its leader Baruchya Russo (in  Islam: Osman Baba), was located in the immediate vicinity of the  Bektashi monastery of  Salonika. According to  Dönmeh tradition, moreover, aside from several groups of  Sabbatean families which still later joined them from Poland, a number of Turkish and Greek nonJewish families also passed over and joined one of their subsects. 3


  As explained by Joscelyn Godwin, a leading historian of the occult traditions of the nineteenth century, “Conspiracy theory is anathema to the historian, but indispensable to the history of occultism.” 1 And no name is more firmly associated with “conspiracy theory” than the notorious Illuminati, who came to prominence with the assistance of the powerful Rothschild family, who were pivotal to the rise of banking and Europe as a colonial power.

  In 1603, King James I negotiated the Treaty of London, ending the conflict with Spain. England’s attention shifted from attacking the colonial interests of other nations to establishing overseas colonies of its own. Thus, the British Empire began consolidating itself during the early seventeenth century, with the British settlement of North America and the smaller islands of the Caribbean, and the establishment of private companies, most notably the English East India Company, to administer colonies and overseas trade. The growing power of England in the eighteenth century was largely attributable to the readmittance of the Jews who brought with them their more sophisticated business practices and international commercial networks, culminating in the founding of the Bank of England in 1694.

  While usury, or interest-based banking, was forbidden in Catholic Christianity, a reversal of this tradition took form with the advent of Protestantism. While Martin Luther and John Calvin both admitted to a certain extent the evil inherent in usury, they both declared it impossible to universally condemn. Francis Bacon in his Wo r k ssupported usury and criticized the Scholastics for “almost having incorporated the contentious philosophy of Aristotle into the body of Christian religion,” adding that Aristotle was “full of  ostentation” and “heretical.” 2

  By 1682, the redefinition of interest  became “a reward for forbearing the use of your own money for a term of time agreed upon, whatsoever need your self  may have of it in the meanwhile.” The trend continued toward distinguishing
between “interest” and “usury,” as defined  by Jeremy Bentham, who defined usury as, “the taking of a greater interest than the law allows… (or) the taking  of greater interest than is usual.” 3 Bentham’s In Defence of Usuryis a further example of the denunciation of Aristotle. But it was Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations, which finally replaced the Bible’s definition of usury and became the “ Bible of  capitalism” in which he redefined interest as follows:

  The interest or the use of money… is the compensation which the borrower pays to the lender, for the profit which he has an    opportunity of making by the use of the money. Part of that profit naturally       belongs to the borrower who runs the risk and takes the trouble of employing  it; and part to the lender, who affords him the opportunity of making  thisprofit. 4

  Throughout the seventeenth century, precious metals from the New World, and other places like Japan had been channeled into Europe. Due to the free coinage, the  Bank of Amsterdam, and the heightened trade and commerce, Netherlands attracted even more coin and bullion. The advent of this excess wealth brought about the development of the fractional-reserve system of banking and payment that spread to England and elsewhere. The main developers of banking in London were the goldsmiths, who transformed from simple artisans to becoming depositories of gold and silver holdings. The safeguarding of the gold of merchants in strong rooms and issuing notes of credit  in return to the depositors allowed an opportunity for credit to be artificially created. The formula of the safe-keepers became known as fractional-reserve  banking, which relies on the probability that the majority of depositors will not attempt to cash their deposits all at the same time. Therefore, notes of credit can be used in the marketplace as “legal tender.” This practice became the forerunner of the check system and banknotes. Once the public accepted the creditworthiness of these credit notes, the safe-keepers of the deposits realized that only a fraction of the actual wealth held on deposit was necessary to keep in the vaults and that an additional 90% could be lent out at interest.

  In the middle of the eighteenth century Jacob Henriques claimed that his father had planned the establishment of the  Bank of England. 5 Partly as a consequence of the marriage between   Charles II and Catherine of Braganza, and especially after William and Mary became joint sovereigns of England, London  too     became  a  center  of  Sephardi  banking, leading figures being Anthony (Moses) da Costa, Solomon de Medina and Isaac Pereira. The  Glorious Revolution of 1688–1689  replaced  the reigning  king, James II, with the joint monarchy of his  Protestant daughter Mary and her Dutch husband William of Orange. The revolution imposed important limitations on royal authority. Parliament gained powers over taxation, over the royal succession, over appointments and over the right of the crown to wage war independently,  concessions that William considered a price worth paying in return for parliament’s financial support for   his  war  against France. William’s wars, however, profoundly changed the British state. Their massive cost led to the  growth  of modern financial institutions, most notably the  Bank of England, established in imitation of the  Bank of Amsterdam. The  Bank of England, which is the central bank of the United Kingdom and the model on which  most modern central banks have been based, was privately owned and operated  from its foundation.          In the reign  of Queen Anne (1702–14), Manasseh Lopes was a leading banker, and during the eighteenth century  Samson Gideon, Francis and Joseph Salvador, and the  Goldsmid brothers, leading members of  the  Ashkenazi community, were particularly infl         uential.         

  It was the Rothschilds, originally of Germany, who were the preeminent banking family of the modern age, and who created a banking empire that established branches all over Europe. The dynasty was founded by Amschel Mayer Bauer (1744-1812), who took on the name  Rothschild, for “red shield” in German.  Rothschild’s wealth was largely achieved through his association with the family of  Hesse-Kassel.  Rothschild served a three-year apprenticeship in Hanover at the Bank of Oppenheim, at the service to Lt. Gen. Baron von Estorff, who was the principal adviser to Landgrave Frederick II of  HesseKassel. Frederick II was the great-grandson of Elizabeth Charlotte, the of  Frederick V of the  Palatinate, and a member of the  Order of the Garter, as  well as the wealthiest man in Europe. Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel married Maria Princess of Hanover, the daughter of George II King of England. They had two sons, Prince Wilhelm of   Hesse (1743–1821) and  Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel (1744-1836).

  Rothschild business grew through the provision of banking services to Crown Prince Wilhelm, who became Wilhelm IX, Landgrave of   Hesse-Kassel in 1785. Business expanded rapidly following the   French Revolution when Rothschild handled payments from Britain for the hire of Hessian mercenaries to Great Britain during the American Revolution. By the early years of the nineteenth century, Mayer Amschel  Rothschild had consolidated his position as principal international banker to Wilhelm IX and began to issue his own international loans, borrowing capital from the Landgrave.

  According to Rabbi Antelman in To Eliminate the Opiate, the Rothschilds, who were the founders of the Bavarian  Illuminati, were a  Sabbatean family belonging to a sect known as the  Frankists. Also known as Zoharists, the Frankists were founded in 1755 by  Jacob Frank, originally Jacob Leibowicz, who declared himself a reincarnation of Zevi, and who rejected the Talmudin favor of the  Zohar. Jacob Frank is believed to have been born in Eastern Poland, now Ukraine, in about 1726 into a   Sabbatean family. As a traveling merchant he often visited  Ottoman  Greece where he earned the nickname “Frank,” a name generally given in the East to Europeans. He also lived in Smyrna and Salonika where he was initiated into the  Sabbatean  Kabbalah by the radical Dönmeh circle that emerged from Osman Baba (Baruchya Russo). In 1755 he reappeared in Poland, gathered a group of local adherents and began to preach the “revelations” which were communicated to him by the  Dönmeh in  Salonika.

  The Jewish authorities in Poland excommunicated Frank and his followers due to  his      heretical  doctrines,  that  included deification  of          himself  as a            part of  a  trinity  and other  controversial concepts  such      as “purification      through transgression.” The  Frankists believed that in the  Messianic age the laws of the Torahwere no longer valid and all that had been formerly prohibited was now permitted, or even mandatory. Like the ancient Gnostics, they therefore indulged in orgiastic and sexually promiscuous and even incestuous rites, which led the Jewish community to brand them as heretics.

  As the previous  Sabbateans had already passed through  Judaism and Islam, the  Frankists believed they ought now also to assume  Christianityoutwardly, using it to conceal the real core of their belief of  Jacob Frank as the true  Messiah and the living God. Due to the persecution of the Jewish Rabbis for his heresy, Frank gained the support of the Catholic Church upon which Frank publicly burned the Talmud, declaring that he recognized only the  Zohar. In 1759, members of the sect converted to  Christianity but persisted in their heretical ways. Accompanied by his daughter Eve, Frank repeatedly traveled to Vienna and succeeded in gaining the favor of the Holy Roman Empress Maria Theresa, the last of the House of  Habsburg, who regarded him as a disseminator of  Christianity among the  Jews. It is even said that her son, Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II, was fond of the young Eve Frank. Ultimately, Frank was deemed unmanageable and he was obliged to leave Austria. He moved with his daughter and his retinue to Offenbach, in Germany, where he assumed the title of “Baron of Offenbach,” and lived as a wealthy nobleman, receiving financial  support from his Polish and Moravian            followers, who made frequent pilgrimages to Offenbach.

  At their height, the  Frankists claimed perhaps 50,000 followers, primarily Jews living in Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe. The Frankists replicated the practices of the Sabbateans of Turkey, who, as Marc David Baer in The Dönme: Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turkshas shown, developed ways to recognize each other, though they outwardly claimed to adhere to the dominant faith of the country, inter-married with each others, and supported each other financially       and otherwise, to maintain their religious institutions in secret, from generation to generation, for nearly four hundred years. Similarly, the dynasty’s founder, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, ordered his sons to marry        only their first cousins.

  Once converted to  Christianity , the  Frankists nevertheless fully integrated into mainstream Christian society, penetrating even to its highest echelons. Often  Frankists ran independent businesses, occupied public office, or became army officers. In Poland  and  Austria, various  families  were  even           admitted to the aristocracy. Among Frank’s followers, according to   Scholem, some were accepted into the administration and aristocracy of the Habsburgs “but they preserved a few  Frankist traditions and customs, so that a stratum was created in which the boundaries between  Judaism and  Christianity became blurred, irrespective of whether the members had converted or retained their links with  Judaism.” 6 It was reported in the 1840s that  Jews professing  Christianity were  found filling the offices of the ministry,     and that  Frankists had been discovered and probably existed among the Catholic and   Protestant church dignitaries of Russia, Austria and Poland. 7 Continuity was assisted through close intermarriage  among  Frankists.

  According to Gershom  Scholem, Frank had preached a “Religious Myth of  Nihilism.” Ultimately, Frank taught his followers that the overthrow and destruction of society was the only thing that could save mankind. Despite the fact that they were all outwardly religious, the  Frankists sought “the annihilation of every religion and positive system of belief,” and they dreamed “of a general revolution that would sweep away the past in a single stroke so that the world  might be rebuilt.”8 Of the revolutionary philosophy of the  Frankists, Gershom Scholem wrote, in  Kabbalah and Its Symbolism: “For Frank, anarchic destruction  represented all the Luciferian radiance, all the positive tones and overtones, of  the word Life.” 9 As a result, as Abraham Duker has pointed out, anti-Jewishness  was characteristic among the  Frankists, who rejected other  Jews’ adherence to the  Bible and resented the persecution they were made to endure:

  The  Frankists were also united by less positive aspects, namely dislike of the  Jews who forced them into conversion and thus cut them off from their near and dear ones as well as hatred of the Catholic clergy which had its share in this drastic step… The task of raising a new generation under such condition  of double Marranoism was   indeed a difficult one and required much cooperation and close-mouthedness. Kinship and the close social relations have made Frankism to a large extent a family religion, that has continually been strengthened by marriage and by economic ties through concentration in certain occupations. 10

  There were numerous examples of  Frankists as secret Christians exercising anti-Semitic views.  Frankists were accused in 1794 of treason and espionage on  behalf of   Russia with attempts at pogroms.11 In Jassy, a city in north-eastern  Romania, as Duker reports, an old man, an “Epicurius,” told the missionaries  that “both he and his son belonged to a secret society in Tarnopol…” with the  chief rabbi there as its head: “They work like   Jesuits, conforming externally to  Judaism, but diffusing their principles in secret Jewish families in Jassy, whose  children are            entirely under his influence, hating Judaism and keeping Christian as well as the Jewish  Sabbath. Another is baptized and is enjoined to bring up  the youth as Christian.” 12

  A leading crypto- Sabbatean, who collaborated with a   Sabbatean network of Frankists in England, Holland, Poland, and Germany, and who would exercise an important influence in Masonic and occult circles during the eighteenth century was Dr. Samuel Jacob  Falk. Known as the “ Baal Shem” of London, Falk had been denounced by Rabbi  Jacob Emden as a Sabbatean, and in Westphalia at one time Falk was sentenced to be burned as a sorcerer, but escaped to England. Frank was unwelcomed among the Jewish community of London, until he received the patronage of Aaron   Goldsmid, founder of the wealthy family of financiers.

  Falk rapidly gained fame as a  Kabbalist and worker of miracles, and many stories of his miraculous powers were current, which he was reputed to exercise through his supposed mastery of the magical names of God. Falk kept a diary containing records of dreams and the  Kabbalistic names of angels, which can be found in the library of the United Synagogue in London. 13 The following is  a summary provided in the Jewish Encyclopedia:

  Falk claimed to possess thaumaturgic powers and to be able to discover hidden treasure. Archenholz (England und Italien, I. 249) recounts certain marvels which he had seen performed by  Falk in Brunswick and which he attributes to a special knowledge of chemistry. In Westphalia at one time  Falk was sentenced to be burned as a sorcerer, but escaped to England. Here he was received with hospitality and rapidly gained fame as a Cabalist and worker of miracles. Many stories of his powers were current. He would cause a small taper to remain alight for weeks; an incantation would  fill his cellar with coal; plate left with a pawnbroker would glide back to his house. When a fire threatened to destroy the Great Synagogue, he averted the disaster by  writing four Hebrew letters on the pillars of the door. Dr. Hermann Adler, the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire from 1891 to 1911, observed that a horrible account of a Jewish  Kabbalist in The Gentleman’s Magazineof September 1762, “obviously refers to Dr.  Falk, though his name is not mentioned.” 14This  Kabbalist was described as “a christened Jew and the biggest rogue and villain in all the world,” who “had been imprisoned everywhere and banished out of all countries in Germany.” The writer goes on to relate that the  Kabbalist offered to teach him certain mysteries, but explained that before entering on any “experiments of the said godly mysteries, we must first avoid all churches and places of worshipping  as unclean.” He then bound the writer to an oath and proceeded to tell him that he must steal a Hebrew Bible from a Protestant and also procure “one pound of blood out of the veins of an honest Protestant.” The writer therefore robbed a Protestant, and had himself bled of a pound of blood, which he gave to the sorcerer. He then describes the ceremony that took place, when the following night they went into the writer’s garden, and the  Kabbalist put a cross, painted with the blood, in each corner, and in the middle a three fold circle. Then, all in blood,  in the first circle were written all the names of God in Hebrew; in the second the names of         the angels; and       in the third the first chapter of  the Gospel of John.  He then described the ritual sacrifice of a he-goat.

  According to Nesta Webster in Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, “ Falk  indeed was far more than a Mason, he was a high initiate—the supreme oracle  to which the secret societies applied for guidance.” 15 Falk would have been one  of the “ Unknown Superiors” which Karl Gottlieb  von Hund claimed instructed  him in his creation of a new   Scottish Rite in Germany, which he renamed  “Rectified Masonry,”       and after 1764 the            “ Strict Observance.” In Paris, Hund had become acquainted with members of the  Jacobite cause and had supposedly learned from them their secrets. The  Jacobites were a political movement in Britain dedicated to the restoration of the  Stuarts. In what became known as the “Glorious Revolution,” in 1688 William of Orange invaded England in an action that ultimately deposed the last  Stuart King,  Charles II’s brother, James II of England. William won the crowns of England, Scotland and Ireland, and ruled jointly with his wife Mary II, until her death in 1694, a period referred to as the reign of “William and Mary.”

  Though William and Mary were of Stuart lineage, the Scots were disappointed at the loss of a Stuart monarch, and in 1689, the year of James II’s deposition, Bonnie Dundee led a force of Highlanders against government troops at Killiecrankie. The rebellion was called a  Jacobite Rising because of their support of James II, a name derived from the Latin Jacomus, or Jacob in Hebrew. The emblem of        the Jacobites, was  the five-petal  White Rose of York.

  In March 1702, William died and the throne passed to Mary’s sister who became Queen Anne. The failure of either Anne or of her sister to produce an heir precipitated a succession crisis, for, in the absence of a Protestant heir, the Roman Catholic James II could attempt to return to the Throne. The Parliament of England then passed the Act of Settlement in 1701, whereupon the Electress Sophia of Hanover, the sister of Elisabeth of  Bohemia, and both daughters of Frederick of the Palatinate and Elizabeth Stuart of the Rosicrucian Chymical Wed d in g, was designated heir to the British throne, if William III and his sisterin-law, Anne, both died without issue. When Sophia died a few weeks before Anne, Sophia of Hannover’s son became King George I in 1714. Through his mother, George inherited the haplogroup T2, indicating secret Jewish ancestry, and became the ancestor of the British Royal family into our time. 16 According to Leslie Gilbert Pine, the editor of the prestigious Burke’s Peerage,  Jews “have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual. So closely linked are the Jews and the lords that a blow against the  Jews in this country would not be  possible without injuring the aristocracy also.” 17

  Since the exile of James II, the  Jacobite Cause strove to return the  Stuarts to the thrones of England and Scotland, united in 1707 as Great Britain. The grandson of James II,   Prince Charles Edward, also known as  Bonnie Prince Charlie, would lead the unsuccessful  Jacobite uprising, which ended in defeat at the Battle of Culloden in 1746. Among the  Jacobite exiles living in  France was Charles   Radclyffe who in 1725 is said to have founded a lodge in Paris, the  first  Masonic lodge outside of England, and was eventually acknowledged grand  master of all French lodges.  Radclyffe kept         a relatively low profile and seems to have worked through such men as the Chevalier Andrew  Ramsay, another supporter of the  Jacobite cause as well as a member of the  Royal Society. In 1737, Ramsay wrote his: Discourse pronounced at the reception of  Freemasons by Monsieur de Ramsay, Grand Orator of the Order,in which he alluded to   Freemasonry’s connection to the  Templar s .  Ramsay sent a copy to Cardinal Fleury, asking for a Church blessing of the principles of  Freemasonry. However, the obvious allusion to the heretical  Templars led Cardinal Fleury to reply with an interdiction of all Masonic reunions.

  While English  Freemasonry offered three degrees of initiation that became universal throughout the order about 1730,  Radclyffe appears to have been responsible for promulgating, if not in fact devising,  Scottish Rite Freemasonry, which introduced higher degrees and promised initiation into greater and more profound mysteries, supposedly preserved and handed down  in Scotland. The  Jacobite cause alleged that a  Masonic lodge had been founded  in Scotland, during the early eighteenth century, which drew its charter from a surviving  Templar chapter in Bristol, that had already been in operation for several hundred years.

  Hund claimed to have been initiated in 1741 into the Order of the Temple by his “ Unknown Superiors,” whose identities he was not to reveal. The history of the Order of the Temple is supposedly revealed in a text known as the  Larmenius Charter, a manuscript purportedly created by Johannes Marcus Larmenius, meaning “the   Armenian,” in February 1324. Not surprisingly, however, most researchers have concluded that it is a forgery, based on analysis  of the deciphered code, as well as of the circumstances of the supposed  discovery of the charter. 18

  In the document  Larmenius claims that the Grand Mastership of the Templars was transmitted to him by the imprisoned Jacques   de Molay, the last Grand Master.  Larmenius was supposedly a Palestinian-born Christian who had joined the Order during the Crusades. After the  Templar exodus from the Holy Land to Cyprus, after the fall of Acre in 1295,  Larmenius was left in charge as  Templar Seneschal, the second highest rank in the Order, until  de Molay was tricked into coming to Paris to be tried for heresy, for which he was eventually executed. In the document,  Larmenius states that he transferred his  Grand Mastership to Franciscus Theobaldus, the Prior of the  Templar Priory  still remaining at Alexandria, Egypt . Thus he secured a line of succession through to its semi-private unveiling at the Convent General of the Order at Versailles in 1705 by  Philippe, Duke of Orleans, elected Grand Master of the  Templar Order, and later also Regent of  France.

  Philippe, Duke of Orleans, was the son of King Louis XIII of  France and Anna of Austria, a descendent of  Barbara of Celje. Though a notorious  homosexual, he married Elizabeth Charlotte, Princess Palatine, the granddaughter of  Frederick V of the  Palatinate and  Elizabeth  Stuart, thus founding the House of Orleans, a cadet branch of the ruling House of Bourbon. As Joscelyn Godwin explained in The  Theosophical  Enlightenment, “The whole Orleans family, ever since Philippe’s great-grandfather the Regent, was notoriously involved  in the black arts.” 19 Last in succession in the  Larmenius Charterwas BernardRaymond  Fabré-Palaprat, who revealed the existence of the Charterin 1804.

  In Paris, in 1758,  Jacobites participated in a Grand Council of Emperors of the East and West which organized a Rite of Perfection, the precursor to the Scottish Rite. In 1761, Frederick the Great, King in Prussia, was acknowledged as the head of  Scottish Rite  Freemasonry. Frederick, who had been principally responsible for Prussia’s rise to power, was the grandson of King  George I of England, and therefore great-grandson of   Frederick V, Elector of the  Palatinate of the Rhine, and   Elizabeth  Stuart. In 1761, a Jew named Stephen Morin bearing the title of “Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Master” was sent to America by the “Emperors” with a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Paris with  orders of establishing a lodge. In 1766, however, he was accused by the Grand  Lodge of England of “propagating strange and monstrous doctrines” and his  patent of Grand Inspector was withdrawn. Nevertheless, Morin succeeded in establishing the Rite of Perfection in America, where sixteen inspectors, nearlyall Jewish, were appointed. They included Isaac Long, Isaac de Costa, Moses  Hayes, B. Spitser, Moses Cohen, Abraham Jacobs, and Hyman Long.

  According to Jean-Pierre Bayard, the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,  first  practiced in       France,  in which the 18th  degree is called Knight  of  the Rose Croix, was one of two Rosicrucian-inspired  Masonic rites that emerged towards the end of eighteenth century. The other was the  Rectified Scottish Rite,      that issued from the influence of Martinism.20 Martinism started with French mystic Martinez  Pasquales, who founded the Ordre des Chevalier Maçons  Elus-Coën de L’Univers(Order of the Knight Masons, Elected Priests of the  Universe), in 1754. Gershom  Scholem has called attention to the contacts  between  Frankists and the Ordre de Elus-Coën, 21 and  Pasquales had frequently been described as a Jew. A   Martinist named Baron de Gleichen wrote that, “Pasqualis was originally Spanish, perhaps of the Jewish race, since his disciples inherited from him a large number of Jewish manuscripts.” 22

  Saint-Martin devoted his later years almost entirely to the translation  of  Boehme and  his  chief  works.           Through  the influence of  Jacob Boehme, Martinism became a form of mystical  Christianity . It involved theurgical procedure, referring to the practice of rituals sometimes seen as magical in nature, performed with the purpose of invoking the action or evoking the presence of one or more “gods.”  Martinism purports to be concerned with the fall of the first man, his state of        material privation  from his divine source, and the process of his return, called ‘Reintegration’ or illumination. It was later propagated in different forms by  Pasquales’ two students, Louis Claude de Saint-Martin and Jean-Baptiste   Willermoz.  Willermoz was the formulator of the Rectified Rite, or Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité-Sainte (CBCS), as a variant of the Rite of  Strict Observance, including some items coming from the Elect Cohen Order. The occult historian A.E. Waite said of the  Rectified Scottish Rite that he “had come to see the Régime  Ecossais  et  Rectifiéas maintaining, more than any other rite, the essence in ritual form of that secret tradition that ‘tells us not alone that the Soul “cometh from afar” and that the Soul returns  whence it came, but it delineates the Path of Ascent’.”23 It was, for him, truly  the secret tradition in practice.

  In the  Rectified Scottish Rite,   which was widespread in Central Europe, there was a strong presence of the Golden and Rosy Cross. The  Golden and Rosy Cross (Gold- und Rosenkreuz) was a revival of the seventeenth-century Rosicrucians organized in 1710 by a Saxon priest, Samuel Richter, known as Sincerus Renatus, who had studied the alchemist Paracelsus and Jacob  Boehme. The order began with Renatus’ The True and Perfect Preparation of the Philosopher’s Stone of the Brotherhood from the Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross Brotherhood. Under the leadership of Hermann Fictuld, because of political pressure, the group reformed itself extensively in 1767 and again in 1777. Its members claimed that the leaders of the  Rosicrucian Order had invented Freemasonry and only they knew the secret meaning of   Masonic symbols. The  Rosicrucian Order, they also claimed, had been founded by Egyptian “Ormusse” or “Licht-Weise” who had emigrated to Scotland with the name “Builders from the East.” Then the original Order disappeared and was supposed to have been resurrected by  Oliver Cromwell as “Freemasonry.”2

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