Sabtu, 21 Januari 2017


Modernism & the Avant-Garde Part 2

  In 1919, the Roerichs moved to London where they joined the local Theosophist scene dominated by Annie  Besant. Fully immersed in  Theosophical mysticism, the Roerichs became consumed by millenarian expectations that a new age was imminent, and wished to reach  India as soon as possible. It was in London, in March 1922, that the Roerichs founded their own school of occult thinking, Agni Yoga, which they also referred to as “the system of living ethics.” A successful exhibition led to an invitation from a director at the Chicago Art Institute, offering to arrange for Roerich’s art to tour the United States. It was then that Roerich met H. G.  Wells and his associated, British intellectual Alfred Richard  Orage. A friend of Aleister Crowley, Orage had worked with George Gurdjieff after he had been recommended to him by P. D.  Ouspensky, and eventually became  Gurdjieff’s emissary to the United States. In 1931, in New York City,           Achmed Abdulla, a.k.a.         Nadir  Kahn, confided to the Orage that he had met  Gurdjieff in   Tibet, who was one and the same as Lama  Dordjieff.25

  Orage had co-founded the  Leeds Arts Club in 1903, which mixed the work of radical thinkers like George Bernard  Shaw—whom Orage had met in 1898—as well as the philosophy of Nietzsche, Feminism, Theosophy and art and poetry, to become a center of modernist culture in pre-World War I Britain. Orage also personally knew  Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead. In 1907 Orage left Leeds and moved to London to edit the hugely influential cultural and political journal The New Age. Following his departure the Arts Club came under the sway of Frank Rutter, the founder of the Allied Artists Association and newly appointed Director of Leeds City Art Gallery, and Michael Sadler, the new Vice-Chancellor of the University of Leeds. With the encouragement of  George Bernard Shaw, Rutter became a member of the Fabian Society. Under their leadership the Arts Club maintained its interest  in the relationship between radical politics, spiritualism and art, but this was expanded          to encompass          early   psychoanalysis and, most significantly, abstract art. Using his personal links with Wassily   Kandinsky in Munich, Sadler built up a remarkable collection of expressionist and abstract expressionist art at a time when such art was either unknown or dismissed in London.

  Aldous Huxley, along with George  Orwell, was the protégé of  H. G. Wells, under whose tutelage he       was first introduced to Aleister  Crowley. 26 Huxley also expressed his interest in  Theosophy, by noting that, despite its errors, it was “a good enough religion,” and that “a little judicious theosophy seems on the whole an excellent thing.”27After studying at Balliol, Oxford, Huxley taught French at Eton, where George  Orwell and Stephen Runciman were among his pupils. During  World War I, Huxley spent time among the  Bloomsbury set which included  Bertrand Russell and Clive Bell. Huxley and his wife Maria Nys lived in   Italy in the 1920s, where Huxley would visit his friend  D. H. Lawrence. Following Lawrence’s death in 1930, Huxley edited Lawrence’s letters (1933).

  Huxley’s conception of the possibilities of drugs was shaped from his interest in  William James. In 1932, Huxley wrote his most famous novel, Brave New World, a dystopia set in London in the twenty-sixth century, the entire planet is united as The World State, a peaceful world government established in the aftermath of an apocalyptic global war in the twenty-first  century. Warfare and poverty         have   been eliminated and everyone is permanently happy by being kept immersed in promiscuous sex and the use of a drug called  Soma. The name  Somais telling of Huxley’s occult tendencies, as it is the same as the narcotic drug mentioned in the Rigveda and once used for occult purposes by the ancient  Zoroastrian  Magi .

  In 1937, Huxley moved to Hollywood with his wife Maria, son Matthew, and friend Gerald Heard. Huxley became interested in spiritual subjects such as parapsychology and philosophical mysticism. In 1938 Huxley befriended Krishnamurti whose teachings he greatly admired. Like Huxley, Heard and their friend Christopher Isherwood, another member of the  Children of the Sun, were also interested in the teachings of  Gurdjieff. Beginning in 1939 and continuing until his death in 1963, Huxley had an extensive association with the  Vedanta Society of Southern California, founded and headed by Swami Prabhavananda, of  the  Ramakrishna Order founded by  Vivekananda and his master  Ramakrishna. A key figure in    the introduction of Indian philosophies of  Vedanta and Yoga to the western world,  Vivekananda attracted several followers and admirers such as  William James, Nikola Tesla, Sarah Bernhardt, Nicholas and Helena  Roerich, among many others. Prabhavananda as well was able to attract an illustrious following which included Igor  Stravinsky, Laurence Olivier, Vivien Leigh and W. Somerset Maugham, which led to his writing The Razor’s Edge.

  Together with Gerald Heard, Christopher Isherwood, and other followers Huxley was initiated as well by Prabhavananda and were taught meditation and other mystical Hindu practices. Inspired by the universalist teachings of Vivekananda, as well as Sir John  Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon),  Huxley set out to translate Indian ideas into Western literary and intellectual culture with the writing of The Perennial Philosophy (1945), an anthology of short passages taken from traditional Eastern texts and the writings of Western mysticism. Huxley’s book insists on the truth of the occult, suggesting that there are realities beyond the generally  accepted “five senses.”            “Perennial Philosophy”    is another name for prisca theologiaof the  Renaissance mystics or the  Traditionalism developed by René  Guénon. Mirroring the teachings of  Guénon, who is quoted in the book, Huxley explains: “rudiments of the Perennial Philosophy may be found among the traditionary [sic] lore of primitive peoples in every region of the world, and in its fully developed forms it has a place in every one of the higher religions.” 28 Huxley relates that the doctrine that God can be incarnated in human form is found in most of the principal historic expositions of the Perennial Philosophy in  Hinduism, in Mahayana  Buddhism, in  Christianity and among the  Sufis .

The protocols of Zion Part 1

  In the West, we live in societies that tout their greatest virtue as that of defending “freedom,” by comparing themselves favorably to the stifling tyrannies enforced under the former communist regimes. However, the appearance of tolerance is offered under a pretense of “free speech,” by giving voice to a great variety of opinions, both political and religious, but with one very notable exception:  Zionist  influence in Western countries  has been successful to the extent that any mention of   undue Jewish influence or criticism of the      state of Israel is equatedwith “anti-Semitism.” To that effect, “hate laws” have been implemented in most countries, opening up the slippery slope of censorship. The irrational fear that is elicited is the absurdity that any criticism of the Jewish people risks to revive the kind of anti-Semitism that could again lead to genocide.

  Rather, sometimes Jews do evil, and sometimes Jews do great things. They are no worse or better than any other people. The tragic fact that such a patently obvious truth needs to be reiterated points to the grossly excessive nature of the paranoia about “anti-Semitism” that has been created. But, it is not “racism” to point to the errors committed by some Jews. Instead, the true error is to blame all Jews for the crimes of some Jews. And that was the great absurdity perpetrated by Hitler. Nevertheless, the specter of an ant-Semitism, of a virulence like that of the Nazis, is used to denounce any criticism of “Jews,” thus protecting the nefarious actions of certain Zionists from exposure.

  Essentially, the main accomplishment of World War I was to free Arab lands from the Ottoman Empire, leading to the creation of the Saudi state the lynchpin in the control of world politics through oil—and freeing Palestine from Ottoman control. At the conclusion of World War II, as a result of the  appalling revelations of Hitler’s massacre of millions of innocent Jews, the
rest of the world was moved by compassion to concede to the creation of the Zionist state of Israel, as        a final solution to the centuries-old “Jewish question.” As Norman Cohn described them, Hitler’s “warrant for genocide,” were the notorious Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. 1 The Holocaust is one of the great tragedies of history. The utter barbarity of the catastrophe is that Hitler was purportedly eradicating the menace of an insidious worldwide “Jewish conspiracy,” which the Protocolsdescribed, but by sweeping through the ghettos to purge them of simple merchants, artisans, craftsmen, of women, children and the elderly, all innocent, and completely exempting the ultra-powerful Jewish bankers and industrialists, that would otherwise have been deemed responsible for the conspiracy.

  More disturbing is the apparent plot that involved the  Nazis in collusion with these same Jewish industrialists in a Machiavellian plan to bring about worldwide condemnation of Nazi   anti-Semitism, seemingly, to create the sentiments for the acceptance of the  Zionist plan of establishing the Jewish state of  Israel.

  As paradoxical as it would appear, the devious plot was perpetrated by Frankists, among whom, as historian Abraham Duker indicated, anti-Semitism was characteristic, as they despised other  Jews because they were seen to stubbornly adhere to the Torah, and out of resentment for the persecution they were made to endure as heretics.  Frankists believe themselves the superior sect, having superseded the traditional interpretations of  Bible-believing  Jews, who were unwilling, in their minds, to accept the legitimacy of Sabbatei Zevi as the prophesied messiah or his teachings. Inter-religious rivalry is of course common among all faiths. And though it is not commonly recognized as occurring among  Jews,            such conflicts have            often existed in other religions, such as the battles between the Sunni and  Shia of  Islam, or of course the Protestants against Catholics, who not only regard their enemies as outside the pale of the faith, but a greater threat than unbelievers themselves. A similar belligerence would have been adopted by the  Frankists, though pursued through more covert methods.

  Rabbi Antelman, in To Eliminate the Opiate, pointed out that the Frankists were the source of Machiavellian plotting against Bible-believing Jews, whom they despised for what they regarded as stubborn adherence to the age-old teachings of  Judaism, just as they did all religions, of which they aimed the complete overthrow. Rabbi Antelman’s research has demonstrated that Sabbateanism was introduced on a large-scale to  Judaism principally through the Reform and Conservative movements, as well as  Zionist-leaning organizations like the American Jewish Congress, the World Jewish Congress and the  B’nai B’rith. In his praise of Rabbi Antelman’s work, journalist Barry Chamish explains: “its crowning achievement was to prove that  Jews are the chief victims of the  New World Order, not its chief promulgators. However, that is not to say that   Judaism lacks powerful traitors.” 2

  Theodor  Herzl  (1860 – 1904),           the father  of  modern  political Zionism, and in effect the State of  Israel, sought a return to  Israel as an alternative to assimilation and to escape mounting   anti-Semitism at the end of the nineteenth century. However, as  Zionism was originally a secular movement, it rejected Jewish tradition, but nevertheless employed Jewish themes of redemption to resonate with other  Jews. Traditionally, a Jew was considered one who adhered to the            Jewish faith. Through the influence of  Zionism, however, being a “Jew” has  become        a nationality,  identified merely    with Jewish ancestry, and  could be applied to an  atheist as much as        a believer. Thus, reflecting          the Frankist inspired  secularizing  influences            and  rejection  of Judaism,  Zeev Jabotinsky  wrote in HaAretz in 1919, “In the national home, we’ll declare those  Jews who fail to rid themselves of the rust of exile, and refuse to shave their beards and side-locks, second-class citizens. We will not give them the right to vote.” 3 As noted by the authors of a documentary in Hebrew titled,  Herzl and  Zionism, “In fact, the Zionists used religious terminology to make the observant  Jews enthusiastic about the  Zionist concept, while their actual intention was as a state which would defy every principle of the religion.” 4

  As outlined in his diaries,  Herzl sought  to  deliberately   inflame          antiSemitism. Referring to the myth about “the  Jews” that became typical of  Nazi anti-Semitism, he said, “the wealthy  Jews control the world. In their hands lies the fate of the governments and nations. They set governments one against the other, and by their decree governments make peace. When the wealthy  Jews play, the nations and the rulers dance. One way or the other, they get rich.” 5 He suggested, “Indeed  anti-Semitism, a powerful and deep-rooted strength of mass-sub-consciousness will not harm the  Jews. I find it helps          build   the Jewish character—group edification of the masses—an education good for bringing about its assimilation. The assimilation is achieved only through troubles. The Jews will adapt.” 6 He therefore concluded, “An excellent idea enters my mind, to attract outright anti-Semites, and make them destroyers of Jewish wealth.” 7

  This specter of a Jewish conspiracy was precisely the motivating factor employed by  Hitler to justify the perpetration of the  Holocaust. Disturbingly, as pointed out by Norman Finkelstein in the Holocaust Industry, the painful memory of that tragedy has been cynically exploited by Zionists to foster continuing support of  Zionist imperialist ambitions. The direct result of the  Holocaust was to provide justification for the fulfillment   of the long-term ambition of the Zionists, the creation of the state of   Israel, believed to prepare the way for the coming of the  Messiah. That  Messiah, according to the  Sabbateans, was Sabbatai Zevi. But Zevi was believed to return in many guises, one of them being  Napoleon, and  Hitler as well, with his pan-European ambitions for the creation of a   millenarian          thousand-year Reich, seems also, absurdly,to          have fit into these aspirations.

  As is popularly known, there had been widespread rumors that  Hitler was himself Jewish. Such a claim was put forward by a prominent New York City attorney named Jerrold Morgulas, in The Torquemada Principal, while still other theories suggested  Hitler was the illegitimate grandchild of a  Rothschild. But, according to Rabbi Antelman, these theories are incorrect. Rather, he claims, Hitler was the deliberate creation of a ritual participated in by his mother, Klara Polzl, and a  Sabbatean  Frankist. The ritual was held on the 9th of Av, known as Tisha B’av, which is observed by  Jews as a fast day commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temples, but commemorated by  Frankists as  Sabbatai Zevi’s birthday, on which they celebrate with their sex rites. 8

  In fact,  Hitler’s     Jewish and African ancestry has  been confirmed through recent genetic studies. 9 Like  Napoleon,  Hitler belonged to the Y-DNA haplogroup E1b1b, which is rare in Germany and even Western Europe. According to Ronny Decorte, genetics expert at Katholieke Universiteit Leuvenwho sampled  Hitler’s current living relatives, “the results of this study are surprising” and “ Hitler would not have been happy.” 10 E1b1b is presently found in various forms in the Horn of Africa, North Africa, parts of Eastern, Western, and Southern Africa, West Asia, and Europe, especially the Mediterranean  Spain and the Balkans. E1b1b is quite common amongst populations with an Afro-Asiatic speaking history, where a significant proportion    of Jewish male lineages are E1b1b1,         including that of Albert Einstein. E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18% to 20% of Ashkenazi and up to 30% of Sephardi Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population.11

  As Abraham Duker noted, given the extent of their assimilation into Christian societies, “It is not by accident that the  Nazi encyclopedia, Sigilla Vreihad nothing to say about the  Frankists. Evidently the  Nazi genealogists preferred to leave them alone, fearful that such revelations might embarrass many persons of importance.” 12 Contrary to conventional views, Mark Rigg, author of  Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers, reveals that a surprisingly large number of German military men were            classified by the Nazis as  Jews or “partial- Jews” (Mischlinge) in the wake of  racial  laws first            enacted  in  the mid-1930s.  Numerous “exemptions”     were made in order to allow a soldier to stay in the service or to spare his family or other relatives from incarceration or extermination.  Hitler’s own signature can be found on many of these “exemption” orders. Rigg demonstrates that the actual number was far higher than previously suspected, being perhaps as many as 150,000 Jewish men who served in the Nazi regime, including decorated veterans            and     high-ranking officers, even generals and admirals.

  In Adolf  Hitler: Founder of   Israel, Hennecke Kardel quotes a book called Before Hitler Came, by a German Jew named Dietrich Bronder, which claims that not only  Hitler, but his leading associates were all also Jewish:

  Of Jewish descent, or being related to Jewish families were: the Leader and Reichschancelor Adolf  Hitler; his representatives the Reichsminister  Rudolf Hess; the Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering; the Reichsleader of the NSDAP Gregor Strasser, Dr. Josef  Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Heinrich  Himmler; the Reichsminister von Ribbentrop (who pledged close friendship with the famous  Zionist Chaim           Weizmann,  the first head of the State of       Israel who died in 1952); von  Keudell;  field            commanders Globocnik  (the   Jewish destructor); Jordan and Wilhelm Hube; the great  SS-Leaders Reinhard Heydrich, Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski and von Keudell II, who also were active in the destruction of  Jews. 13

  Much as  Herzl had outlined, the notion of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy was laid out in the notorious  Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which purported to represent the minutes of a meeting of Jewish elders, who described a Jewish Freemasonic conspiracy to establish a one-world tyranny to be governed by the “King of the  Jews.” The  Protocols were first published      in 1905            by Professor            Sergei  Nilus, an official of the Department of Foreign Religions in Moscow. He claimed to have received his copy in 1901 through an acquaintance of his, who assured him it was a faithful translation of the original documents, which  a woman had stolen from one of the highest and most influential leaders of the  Freemasons at a secret meeting somewhere in  France.  Nilus later claimed in 1917 to have learned from authoritative sources that the   Protocolswere a strategic plan presented by Theodor  Herzl to the  First  Zionist Congress, held in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland. 14

  When Victor Marsden, Russian correspondent for The London Morning Post, first translated the            Protocolsinto English in 1920, they were widely accepted as
genuine by a large segment of eminent diplomats and statesmen. The Times of London called for “an impartial investigation.” The Morning Post, Marsden’s newspaper, carried twenty-three articles dealing with the  Protocolsand the role of  Jews in world affairs, and also called for an investigation. Lord Sydenham, an avid promoter of the  Protocols, writing in The Spectatorremarked like many others as to the way “prophecies” put forward in the  Protocolswere being “now literally fulfilled…”          and also called for  an investigation into the origins. Finally,        in August 1921, The Timespublished an article by its Constantinople reporter, Philip Graves, who claimed to have determined the  Protocolsto be a forgery. Graves claimed to have met a White Russian landowner in 1921, referred to only as “Mr. X,” who had connections to the  Okhrana in Constantinople, and who told him that he knew the  Protocolsto be a plagiarism from a rare old French book.

  Suspiciously, according to his biographer Peter Grose, it was  Allen Dulles, who was in Constantinople developing relationships in post- Ottoman political structures, who discovered “the source” provided to The Times. 15Dulles, a president of the  CFR, later to become the most famous head of the  CIA, and cultivate intimate ties with the  Nazis, was the ultimate intriguer. He was the grandson of John Watson Foster, Secretary of State under President Benjamin Harrison, and nephew to Robert Lansing,  Wilson’s Secretary of State. After graduating from Princeton, he joined the diplomatic service at the outset of World War I, where he eventually topped the list of civilian candidates for Colonel House’s plan to use the United States relief program in Europe after the war as cover for intelligence activities. As a diplomat, Dulles incepted his career as a spy gathering intelligence information from various European countries where he was posted.

  The rare book turned out to be a work of 1864 by   Maurice Joly titled Dialogue in Hell Between  Machiavelli and   Montesquieu. Joly’s book was an attack on the political ambitions of  Napoleon III who, represented by  Machiavelli, plots to rule the world. Joly was imprisoned in  France for fifteen months as a            direct result of his book’s publication. Graves then discovered what he thought were numerous parallels with it, leading him to conclude that much of the  Protocolswere paraphrased from it. According to Norman Cohn’s analysis of the text, in Warrant for Genocide:

  In all, over 160 passages in the   Protocols,  totaling two fifths  ofthe  entire text, are clearly based on passages in Joly; in nine of the chapters the borrowings amount to more than half of the text, in some they amount to three quarters, in one (Protocol VII) to almost the entire text. Moreover with less than a dozen exceptions the order of the borrowed passages remains the same as it was in Joly, as though the adaptor had worked through the Dialoguemechanically, page by page copying straight into his ‘protocols’ as he proceeded. Even the arrangement in chapters is much the same—the twenty-four chapters of the  Protocolscorresponding roughly with the      twenty-five     of the Dialogue. Only towards the end, where the prophecy of the  Messianic Age predominates, does the adaptor allow himself any real independence of his model. It is in fact as clear a case of plagiarism - and of faking - as one could well desire. 16

  Another proposed source of the  Protocolsis a chapter from Biarritz, an 1868 novel by the anti-Semitic German novelist Hermann  Goedsche. Biarritz contains a chapter titled “The Jewish Cemetery in Prague and the Council of Representatives of the Twelve Tribes of   Israel,” in which  Goedsche depicts a  clandestine nocturnal meeting of members of a mysterious rabbinical cabal that is planning a diabolical “Jewish conspiracy.” The chapter closely resembles  a scene in  Alexandre Dumas’ The Queen’s Necklace, published in 1848, where Cagliostro, chief of the  Unknown Superiors, among whom are  Swedenborg, arranges the Affair of the Diamond Necklace. As   Umberto Eco noted, the plans revealed are approximately the same as described in 1880 by the Revue des Etudes  Juives, which published two letters attributed to  Jews of  the fifteenth century. But as Victor Marsden has indicated, it was an account in fact reproduced in 1608 by Julio-Inigues de Medrano’s La Silva Curiosa.In  Goedsche’s version, at midnight, the Devil himself appears to contribute his opinions and insight. The assembled figures each represent the twelve tribes of  Israel who report on their activities during the century. Among them the Levite announces that  Israel is rising again, thanks to the gold which has fallen into her hands, and can now look forward to a near future when the whole earth will belong to them. The representative of Reuben reports that through the stock exchanges the  Jews have managed to place all the governments of Europe in their debt and are thereby able to control them. 17

  Suspiciously, all such works appeared in the pivotal years between 1859 and 1869. This was not long after secret societies had become intensely active, and a number of works directed against  Jews and secret societies began to appear. The period began with the  Year of Revolutions of 1848, followed by the activities of  Mazzini and the   Carbonari, leading up to the creation of the Kingdom of Italy in 1861. Joly was a protégé of Adolphe  Cremieux, the head of the  Alliance Israëlite Universelle and the  Order of Zion, as well as Grand Master of   Scottish Rite Freemasonry and Supreme Council of the Order of  Misraïm. Joly and  Cremieux, like the  Carbonari, with whom he shared connections, despised  Napoleon III.

  Nesta Webster noted that, in addition to the parallels found by Graves, there were two additional ones which also belong to this time period. One was from the program of  Bakunin who founded his Alliance Social Democratiqueon the lines of  Weishaupt’s Illuminati, and in 1869 wrote his Polemic Against the  Jewsin which he refers to the  Jews as “the most formidable sect” in Europe. 18 His  colleague, Netchaieff, arrived at the conclusion that “in order to found a serious  and indestructible society one must take for a basis the policy of  Machiavelli.”19 The other was from  Jacques-Cretineau Joly, in 1859, where he reproduced  documents of the  Alta Venditain which he criticized the Jewish leadership of “the secret societies.” The work was mainly directed against the  Jews of the International Working Men’s Association, which Karl   Marx had formed by consolidating a number of secret societies. 20 Nesta Webster further lists another work that appeared in 1869, titled The  Jews,  Judaism, and the Judaification of Christian Peopleby Gougenot  des Mousseaux, with particular emphasis on the Alliance Israëlite Universelleand “universal”  Freemasonry, “sharing a single life, and animated by the same soul.”

  According to  des Mousseaux, the first practitioners of the  Kabbalah were  the sons of Cain, who after the        flood  were  succeeded by the sons of Ham, who became the  Chaldeans. They passed their secret on to the  Jews who in turn influenced the Gnostics, the Manicheans, and  the  Assassins. They transmitted their diabolical cult to the  Templars who handed it to the  Freemasons, where at all times the  Jews were the Grand Masters. According to  des Mousseaux, the chief symbols of this cult of  Lucifer were the serpent and the phallus, with rituals including sexual orgies. By murdering Christian children, the  Jews, who were  witches, acquired demonic power. Finally, in the last chapter of his book, the Antichrist would be a Jewish king who all nations would accept as savior and ruler of a one-world government.

  …the  Jews will raise up a man with a genius for political imposture, a sinister bewitcher around whom fanatical multitudes will cluster. The Jews will hail this man as the   Messiah, but he will be more than that. After destroying the authority of  Christianity, he will unite mankind in one great universal brotherhood and bestow on it a superabundance of material goods. For these great services, the Gentile nations will accept him, exalt him, and worship him as a god—but in reality, for all his apparent benevolence, he will be  Satan’s instrument for the perdition  of mankind. 21

  In the same year, both des Mousseaux and  Bakunin had described a leak of information from secret societies. In 1870,  Bakunin explains that his secret society had to be disbanded because of it. Des Mousseaux had also reported in The Jewthat in December of 1865, he had received a letter from a German statesman to the effect:

  Since the revolutionary recrudescence of 1848, I have had relations with a Jew who, from vanity, betrayed the secret of the secure societies which he had been associated, and who warned me eight or ten days before hand of all the revolutions which were about to break out at any point of Europe. I owe to him the unshakeable conviction that all these movements of “oppressed peoples,” etc., etc., are devised by half a dozen individuals, who give their orders to the secret societies of all Europe. The ground is absolutely mined beneath our feet, and the  Jews provide a large contingent of these miners… 22

  So while the  Protocolsmay have been in part plagiarized from the work of Joly, he may in turn have derived his information from some other source.  Joly was also accused of plagiarizing a popular novel by Eugene Sue, Les Mystères de Par is. According to Lord Alfred Douglas in Plain Englishin 1921, Joly was a Jew and his real name was Moses Joel. A similar accusation was made by Kerry Bolton in The  Protocols of Zion In Context, where Joly’s real name was Joseph Levy, and he was a lifelong Freemason and a member of the Rite of  Misraïm. Joly, a protégé of  Cremieux, was a friend of  Victor Hugo, himself a friend of Saint-Yves and  Bulwer-Lytton’s son, the  Earl of Lytton. Both were purported members of the  Rosicrucians. 23 Joly’s work is also predated by another of Cremieux’s protégés, Jacob Venedy, entitled,  Machiavelli,  Montesquieu,  Rousseau. Venedy was also claimed to have been a Jew, a Freemason, a communist and a  friend of Karl   Marx.24

  It is the  Misraïm lodge that seems to have been the origin of what eventually became known as the  Protocols, as they emerged from the  Theosophical circles in  connection with Russian intelligence in Paris. In the mid 1930s, Russian testimony in the  Berne Trial linked the head of the Russian security service in Paris, Pyotr Rachkovsky, to the emergence of the  Protocols. It was the selling of the  Protocolsby the National Front that led to the   Berne Trial, a famous trial held in Berne, Switzerland between 1933 and 1935, which caused an international sensation. The plaintiffs were the Swiss Jewish Association and the Jewish Community of Berne, who sued the Bund Nationalsozialistischer Eidgenossen(BNSE). The defendants were financed in their defense by            Nazi agents working for the German government. Theodor Fritsch of the National Front declared the  Protocolsgenuine, and as having been produced during the  First  Zionist Congress at Basel, and cited what he regarded as incriminating testimony from Rabbi Marcus  Ehrenpreis            (1869 –1951) from Stockholm Synagogue. As reported by Victor Marsden,  Ehrenpreis is  to have said earlier in 1924:

  Long have I been well acquainted with the contents of the  Protocols, indeed for many years before they were ever published in the Christian press, The  Protocols of the Elders of Zionwere in point of fact not the original Protocols at all, but a compressed extract of the same. Of the 70 Elders of Zion, in the matter of origin and of the existence of the original Protocols, there are only ten men in the entire world who know.
  I participated with Dr.   Herzl   in the first Zionist Congress which was held in Basle in 1897.  Herzl was     the most prominent  figure  at  the Jewish World Congress.   Herzl foresaw, twenty years before we experienced them, the revolution which brought the Great War, and he prepared us for that which was to happen. He foresaw the splitting up of Turkey, that England would obtain control of  Palestine. We may expect important developments in the world. 25

  Experts Arthur Baumgarten and C. A. Loosli declared the  Protocolsas a plagiarism and a forgery produced by helpers of the Tsarist Russian  Okhrana, to promote anti-Semitic feelings during the time of the Pogroms, and in particular for influencing       Tsar Nicholas II against any moves towards modernizing and industrializing  Russia by identifying such policies as Jewish-inspired. However, anti-Semitic expert Ulrich Fleischhauer claimed that they were genuine but of `uncertain authorship, possibly composed by the Jewish author Ahad Haam.

  Ahad Haam was the pen name of Asher Zvi Hirsch Ginsberg, one of the foremost pre-state  Zionist thinkers, who was said to have been a member of the  Alliance Israëlite Universelle. 26 Ginsberg’s originally Hebrew version would have   been   translated into Russian,    and finally French           for the members of           the Alliance Israëlite Universelle, and passed at a secret meeting of  B’nai B’rith which purportedly took place  in 1897 during the first Zionist Congress at Basel.27 Many authors maintain that it was Matvei Golovinski, the agent of Rachkovsky who, in Paris in the early 1900s, authored        the first edition of the       Protocols. 28

  His father, Vasili Golovinski was a friend of Fyodor Dostoyevsky. However, in his book The Non-Existent Manuscript: A Study of the  Protocols of the Sages of Zion, Italian academic Cesare De Michelis writes that the hypothesis of Golovinski authorship was based on statements by Princess Catherine Radziwill, who was known to be an unreliable source. She claimed to have seen the manuscript of the   Protocolswritten by Golovinsky,  Rachkovsky and  Manusevich in 1905, but in 1905 Golovinsky and  Rachkovsky had already  left Paris and moved to Saint-Petersburg. 29 In his 2001 book, The Question of  the Authorship of “The  Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” a Ukrainian scholar Vadim Skuratovsky provides evidence that Charles Joly, a son of   Maurice Joly, visited Saint Petersburg in 1902 and that he and Golovinsky worked together at Le Figaro            in Paris. Skuratovsky also traces the        influences of Dostoyevsky’s prose, in particular The Grand Inquisitorand The Possessed, on Golovinsky’s writings, including the  Protocols.

  The purported forgers in  Rachkovsky’s circle were also said to have made use of an earlier version of the   Protocolsdiscovered by  Papus, the leading proponent  of  synarchism, who was a member of the  Hermetic  Brotherhood of Luxor and Grand Master of the lodge of  Memphis- Misraïm.30 In 1920, a Russian language newspaper, the Organ of the Democratic Idea, published an article that asserted that Papus had undertaken a special tour through Europe and collected information on  Masonic circles.  Papus had reported on a conspiracy on the part of one of his protégés, the mystic  Maître Philippe and his supporters, against Tsar  Nicholas II of  Russia.  Papus shared a series of  Protocols of the sittings of the secret  Masonic Lodges, who had sworn to destroy the Russian imperial family. 31 In 1901,  Papus also collaborated with an anti-Semitic journalist, Jean Carrere in a series of articles  published in the Echo de Paris  about  a  secret  financial  syndicate            opposed  to French and Russian relations.    Their  attacks were directed at        important figures   in the Russian government, specifically  Rachkovsky and his sponsor, Count  Sergei Witte, a cousin to  Blavatsky, as well as close ally of Prince Ukhtomskii, a sponsor of Lama Dorjieff. 32 According to   Papus:

  It does not  see that in all conflicts whether arising within or between nations, there are at the side of the apparent actors hidden movers who by their self-interested calculations make these conflicts        inevitable….
  Everything which happens in the confused evolution of nations is thus prepared in secret with the goal of securing the supremacy of a few men; and it is these few men, sometimes famous, sometimes unknown, who must be sought behind all public events.Now, today, supremacy is ensured by the possession of gold. It is the financial syndicates who hold  at this moment the secret threads of European politics…
  A  few  years  ago there was  thus  founded  in  Europe  a  financial syndicate, today all-powerful, whose supreme aim is to monopolise all the markets of the world, and which in order to facilitate its activities has to acquire political influence. 33

  Umberto Eco points out in  Foucault’s Pendulumthat  Rachkovsky seems to be connected to the Comte  St. Germain.  Although Eco’s is            a work of fiction, intended to mock the tendencies of conspiracy theorists to pull together strings of coincidences to fabricate insidious plots, K. Paul Johnson has suggested that  Blavatsky’s “ascended masters” were real people, such as Jamal ud Din al Afghan and Max   Theon, and so on. It was  St. Germain who was said to have initiated Count  Cagliostro into  Egyptian Rite  Freemasonry, from which the Rites of  Memphis and  Misraïm descended.34 Among his numerous aliases,  St. Germain had assumed the identity Rakoczi, at least according to the ambassador in Dresden of Frederick II of Prussia, the Grand Master of Scottish Rite  Freemasonry. St. Germain was reputedly the son of  Francis II Rakoczi, the Prince of Transylvania, who was the grandson of   George II Rakoczi and Sophia Bathory, two families who employed the emblem of the Order of the Dragon.35 And as Eco points out,  Prince Charles of  Hesse-Kassel, grandson to King George II of England, and the Grand Master of the  Asiatic Brethren, at whose residence  St. Germain was supposed to have died, said that St. Germain was of Transylvanian origin and his name was Rackoczi. And, Comenius, the  Rosicrucian of the  Hartlib Circle, dedicated his Pansophiaeto a landgrave named Ragovsky.

  Some esoteric groups regard  St. Germain as having been the High priest of  Atlantis 13,000 years ago; to have been the magician  Merlin; a reincarnation of Christian  Rosenkreutz; to have written the works of Shakespeare or to have been  Francis  Bacon. Others credit him with inspiring the Founding Fathers to draft the US Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as providing the design of the  Great Seal of the United States. Both  Blavatsky and her pupil Annie  Besant claimed to have met the Count. In the works of their successor Alice A.  Bailey,  St. Germain is called  Master Rakoczi or simply Master R, where his spiritual title is said to be Lord of Civilization, whose task is the establishment of the new civilization of the  Age of Aquarius.  Bailey stated that “sometime after AD 2025,” the  Jesus, the  Master Rakoczi, Kuthumi, and others in the Spiritual Hierarchy would “externalize,” by descending from the spiritual worlds, and interact in visible tangible bodies.

  Blavatsky was also closely acquainted with another Rachovsky agent, Yuliana  Glinka, to whom is most often attributed the role of having procured the earliest copy of the  Protocolsfor Nilus.  Glinka was the granddaughter of a colonel whose  Masonic        affiliations had led to his  arrest for involvement in        the  Carbonari-inspired Decembrists’ plot of 1825 against Tsar Nicholas I. 36 Yuliana’s father, Dmitri Feodorovich  Glinka became a general and entered  the diplomatic service and, as a result, she spent time in  Portugal and Brazil where she became acquainted with  Candomblé, a Brazilian version of Caribbean Santería. Through family connections Yuliana got a position as maid of honor to Tsaritsa Maria Alexandrovna, Empress consort of Alexander II of   Russia. She spent most of her time in Paris where she attended séances and consorted with the disciples of Eliphas  Lévi. She became involved with Rachkovsky through her uncle, General Orzheyevsky. She also later joined the Theosophical Society and became a personal companion to  Blavatsky. 37 Like Blavatsky,  Glinka became a disciple of the Hidden Masters.38

  According to Bolton and Marsden, in 1844, Yuliana  Glinka hired Joseph Schorst-Shapiro, a member of Joly’s  Misraïm Lodge, to obtain sensitive information, purchasing from him a copy of the  Protocols. 39 Glinka subsequently gave them to a friend who passed them on to  Nilus. Thus  Nilus’ cohort George Butmi de Katzman claimed: “the aforementioned  Protocolswere taken from the acts of the  Masonic Lodge of the Egyptian of ‘Mizraim’ rite, into which above  all the  Jews enter.”40 The  Protocols were first mentioned in    the Russian   press  in April 1902, by the Saint Petersburg newspaper, Novoye Vremya. The article, written by a famous conservative publicist Mikhail Menshikov, “reported how the lady of fashion (Yuliana) had invited him to her house to see the document of vast importance. Seated in an elegant apartment and speaking perfect French, the lady informed him that she was in direct contact with the world beyond the grave and proceeded to induct him into the mysteries of   Theosophy… Finally,  she initiated him into the mysteries of the  Protocols.” 41

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