Jumat, 03 Februari 2017


Sex, Drugs & Revolution Part 3

    One of the earliest to arrive on the  Laurel Canyon scene was  Jim Morrison,  whose band The Doors, was named after Huxley’s The Doors of Perception. Jim was the son of US Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison, who was in command of  the warships that           purportedly came            under Viet Cong attack,    in the false-flag operation known as the  Gulf of Tonkin incident of 1964. The outcome was the passage by Congress of the  Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which served as president Lyndon Johnson’s  legal  justification  for the commencement of          the Vietnam War. The self-proclaimed “Lizard King,” Jim was a prodigious reader, being interested in  Nietzsche, the Beat poets, and as his former high school teacher reported, in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century demonology. 63 On the  back cover of the Doors“13” album,  Jim Morrison and the other members of the band are shown posing with a bust of Aleister  Crowley.

  The   first of the Laurel Canyon bands to produce an album were  The Byrds,  called “Mr. Tambourine Man.” It was soon followed by releases from the  John Phillips-led  Mamas and the Papas,  Frank  Zappa and The Mothers ofInvention, and  Buffalo Spring fi eld, featuring Stephen Stills and  Neil Young. The Byrd’s  David Crosby was the son of an Annapolis graduate and  World War II  military  intelligence  officer,  Major Floyd  Delafield         Crosby. 64 David Van Cortlandt Crosby was also a scion of the closely intertwined Van Cortlandt, Van Schuyler and Van Rensselaer families, who have produced US senators and congressmen, state senators and assemblymen, governors, mayors, judges, Supreme Court justices, Revolutionary and Civil War generals, signers of the Declaration of Independence, and members of the Continental Congress. It also includes several high-ranking Masons, such as Stephen Van Rensselaer III, past Grand Master of the  Freemasons for New York. 65

  Crosby was kicked out of  The Byrdsand joined up with Graham Nash and Stephen Stills to form  Crosby, Stills & Nash. Suspiciously, Stills wrote a song titled “Bluebird,” which happened to be the original codename assigned to MK-Ultra. A coincidence, perhaps, but since his father was also in the military, Stills spent much of his childhood in Central America, and was educated primarily at schools on military bases and at elite military academies, and would later      spend time fighting in Vietnam.       Crosby, Stills and Nash were later joined by another former member of  Buffalo Spring fi eld,  Neil Young. In 1966, while in Toronto, Young joined the Mynah Birds, fronted by Rick James, who would later transform himself into a pimp persona to create the 1981 hit “Super Freak.”

  Young was introduced to  Charles Manson by  Dennis Wilson, and was impressed enough with Manson’s musical abilities to recommend him to Mo Ostin, president of Warner Brothers. Reminiscing years later, Young seemed to be still enthralled with Mason’s personality, saying: “He was an angry man. But brilliant… He sounds like Dylan when he talks.” 66 He went even further:

  “He’s like one of the main movers and shakers of time—when you look back  at  Jesus and all these people, Charlie was like that.” 67

  For his part, Manson said  in a 1995 interview from prison in California that all his old musician friends  “didn’t give a sh*t,” except  Neil Young, he remembered, who once gave him a motorcycle.68 As  Neil Young explained, “A lot of pretty well-known musicians around L.A. knew him, though they’d probably deny it now.” 69 Manson and his “Family,” with which he used   LSD to effect much of his control over them, also spent time at the Log Cabin and at the  Laurel Canyon home of “Mama” Cass Elliot. 70 Bandmate “Papa”  John Phillips would organize, along with Manson associate  Terry Melcher, the famed Monterey Pop Festival, at which thousands of young attendees were introduced to  LSD, and  which       through  unprecedented            media           exposure  would first  popularize  the  music and fashions of the nascent “hippie” movement. Melcher, the son of Doris Day, was introduced to Mason by  Dennis Wilson of the  Beach Boys.

  “Papa”  John Phillips was the son of US Marine Corp Captain Claude Andrew Phillips and a mother who claimed to have psychic powers. John’s father was stationed as a Marine in  Haiti, as part of a military occupation in 1927, the same year that  David Crosby’s father was in the country. John attended a series of elite military prep schools in the Washington DC area, culminating in an appointment to the US Naval Academy at Annapolis. After leaving Annapolis, John married Susie Adams, whose father, James Adams, Jr., had been involved in what Susie described as “cloak-and-dagger stuff with the Air Force in Vienna.”71

  Phillips later married  Michelle Phillips, then only sixteen, who became a founding member of the Mamas and the Papas. Already in grade eight, Michelle had become a protégé of  Tamar Hodel, who “groomed” her, providing her a fake ID and amphetamines to allow her to cope in school after staying up all night. And to keep Michelle’s father from disapproving, explained Michelle, “Tamar put on perfect airs around my dad and when it became necessary she would sleep with him.” 72 As described in Vanity Fairin  a December 2007 article titled “California Dreamgirl,” Tamar’s father,   Dr.  George Hodel, was “the most pathologically decadent man in Los Angeles” and “the city’s venereal-disease czar and       a fixture in    it’s A-list demimonde.” Also noted        in the      article  was that “ George Hodel shared with Man Ray a love for the work of the Marquis de Sade and the belief that the pursuit of personal liberty was worth everything.” 73 Tamar and her siblings had grown up in her father’s   Hollywood house, which was the site of wild parties, sometimes joined by director  John Huston and photographer Man Ray. 74 Tamar talked of how she “often ‘uncomfortably’ posed nude… for ‘dirty-old-man’ Man Ray and had once wriggled free from a predatory  John Huston.” 75 Her own father, not so shockingly, had committed  incest with her. “When I was 11” Tamar explained, my father taught me to perform oral sex on him.” Her father also “plied her with erotic books,  grooming her for what he touted as their transcendent union,” and freely shared her    with his influential friends. 76

  George Hodel was arrested followed by the sensational 1949 incest trial. Worse still, as has recently come to light in  Black Dahlia Avengerand Exquisite Corpse, is that   George Hodel was the alleged killer in the gruesome and muchpublicized  Black Dahlia murder. With methods that suggest ritual murder, on January 15, 1947, Hodel killed actress Elizabeth Short, then bled and surgically cut her in two, transporting the halved corpse, with the internal organs intact, to a vacant lot where he laid the pieces out in imitation of certain photographs by Man Ray. 77 Ther have been, however,        numerous suspects identified    in the            case, including  Orson Welles.78

  John and Michelle Phillips’ daughter Mackenzie eventually became the star  of the hit TV show in the 70s called One Day at a Time, before gaining infamy  for substance abuse issues. In September 2009, Mackenzie released her memoir, High on Arrival, which revealed the source of the anxieties she was struggling to cope with. In addition to introducing her to drugs at the age of eleven by injecting her with  cocaine, Mackenzie claimed that “Papa” John had raped her on the eve of her first marriage, and had engaged           in an   incestuous affair with her that spanned a decade, and ended only when she became pregnant and did not know who the father was. Likewise, her sister Chynna Phillips, who hinted as similar abuse,           also eventually entered rehab.  Chynna first            became known in 1990 as third of the vocal group Wilson Phillips, alongside Carnie and Wendy Wilson, the daughters of the reclusive  Brian Wilson of the   Beach Boys, at whose home were held recordings sessions of  Charles Manson playing music.

  In addition to fellow band member Denny Doherty, Michelle would eventually also marry  Dennis Hopper, and have affairs. among many others, with  Jack Nicholson and  Warren Beatty, brother to  Shirley MacLaine. Beatty  and Nicholson were part of a network of actors and musicians known as  Hollywood’s “ Young  Turks,”  who were  featured       in a  series of  films            now considered counter-cultural classics, also featuring such as  Peter Fonda,  Bruce Dern and   Dennis Hopper. One such movie was 1967’s The Tr ip, an attempt to  create   a  film  version  of  an  LSD experience, written by  Jack Nicholson. Nicholson would later star        in the 1975  film version  of  Kesey’s book, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.  Dennis Hopper directed and  Peter Fonda starred in one of the most critically acclaimed counter-cultural  films of the decade,           Easy Rider. The art director of Easy Riderwas Jeremy Kay, who had also worked on  Kenneth Anger’s  Crowley-inspired Scorpio Rising, and was a member of the Solar Lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis(or  OTO). Two weeks after Easy Riderpremiered in 1969, police raided the Solar Lodge’s compound, after which eleven members of the sect were charged with felony child abuse. Various sources have claimed that Manson had ties to the group. 79

  Kenneth Anger enjoyed cult status in  Hollywood as author of two controversial  Hollywood  Babylonbooks, and as underground experimental film maker of  Crowley-inspired  films  that merged surrealism with homoeroticism and the occult. Anger’s Inauguration of the Pleasure Domestarred  Marjorie Cameron as “the Scarlet Woman,” and Anaïs Nin as “ Astarte.” Anger has been cited as an      important influence on later film directors like Martin Scorsese,            John            Waters and David Lynch, who continued to work with the Young Turks network, such as  Dennis Hopper, and  Bruce Dern’s daughter, Laura. Anger’s patron was John Paul Getty, the founder of Getty Oil, named the richest American in 1957. Getty gained much media attention when his grandson was kidnapped and was sent his ear when hefirst refused to pay the  ransom.

  Anger also struck up a close friendship with controversial sexologist Alfred Kinsey, as both shared an interest in Aleister Crowley. In 1955, he and   Kinsey traveled to Crowley’s derelict Abbey      of Thelema        in Sicily in order to film a short documentary titled Thelema Abbey. Anger restored many of the erotic wall-paintings that were found there as well as performing certain Crowleyan rituals at the site. The documentary was made for the British television series  Omnibus, but later lost.

  In 1961 Anton  LaVey and Anger began hosting regular parties in San Francisco for friends interested in  magic and the supernatural. This “Magic Circle” was the precursor of the  Church of  Satan. With his kitschy b-movie version of  Satanism,  LaVey achieved quite a bit of notoriety, attracting celebrities like Jane Mansfield and  Sammy Davis Jr., and attention from talk shows like Donahueand The Johnny Carson Show.  LaVey wrote the bestselling The Satanic  Bible (1969) and later The Satanic Rituals(1971), which employed occult novelist H. P.  Lovecraft, the Enochian Keys of Elizabethan magician  John Dee, psychodrama and the chant “Are We Not Men” from H. G. Well’s The Island of Dr. Moreau, later employed by the rock band Devo.

  Kenneth Anger became  acquainted   with    notable countercultural figures, including Tennessee Williams,  Keith Richards,  Jimmy Page,   Mick Jagger and his girlfriend   Marianne Faithfull, which he involved in his  Crowley-themed works, Invocation of My Demon Brother (1969) and  Lucifer Rising (1972). Faithfull’s father was a British Army officer and professor        of psychology, and her mother, Eva von Sacher-Masoch, Baroness Erisso, was originally from Vienna, with aristocratic roots in the  Habsburg Dynasty and Jewish ancestry on her maternal side. Faithfull’s maternal great uncle was Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, the nineteenth century Austrian nobleman whose erotic novel,  Venus in Furs, spawned the word “masochism.”

  Tony Sanchez, a friend of the   Rolling Stones, describes that   Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, and their girlfriends  Marianne Faithfull and  Anita Pallenberg, “listened spellbound as Anger turned them on to Aleister  Crowley’s powers  and ideas.” 80 Faithful and Pallenberg were fond of reading   Robert Graves’ The White Goddessout loud, and Anger, commenting on Anita, said, “I believe that Anita is, for want of a better word, a  witch… The occult unit within the Stones was Keith and Anita… and  Brian Jones. You see, Brian was a  witch too.”81 The  home of   Brian Jones, where he drowned in his own pool in 1969, was described  by  Marianne Faithfull as “a veritable   witches’ coven of decadent illuminati,  rock princelings and hip aristos.” 82 In the rare footage of a television special  named  Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus,  Mick Jagger tears off his shirt to reveal  a  Baphomet tattoo. 83

  Both Jagger and Faithfull were associated with the Process Church, 84 which researcher Terry Maury, author of The Ultimate Evil, has implicated in Charles Manson (who was also interested in  Scientology) and Son of Sam multiple murders. The  Process Church was founded by the English couple Mary Anne MacLean, the ex-wife of former boxing champion Sugar Ray Robinson, and Robert DeGrimston. Their  Process Church was a religious group that  flourished in            the 1960s and 1970s,  originally headquartered in London, and that had developed as a splinter client cult group from  Scientology. 85 They were often viewed as Satanic as they worshipped both Christ and  Satan, who they believed would become reconciled, and come together at the end of the world to judge humanity. “Christ said,” wrote DeGrimston, “Love thine enemy. Christ’s enemy was  Satan and  Satan’s enemy was Christ.” 86 Process Church venerated Adolf  Hitler and their symbol was a variation of the red   Templar cross in a derivative of the  swastika. 87

  Anger also introduced   Crowley to  Led Zeppelinguitarist  Jimmy Page, who became the owner of one of the world’s largest collections of  Crowley memorabilia, including   Crowley’s notorious Boleskine estate on the shores of Scotland’s Loch Ness. Page, who composed a soundtrack for Anger’s  Lucifer Rising, which was never used, makes a brief appearance, holding an Egyptian stele while gazing at a portrait of Aleister  Crowley. As explained by Gary Lachman, founding member of the New Wave band Blondie, and now author, in Turn Off Your Mind: The Mystic Sixties and the Dark Side of the   Age of Aquarius, “tales of pacts with the Devil followed Zeppelin throughout their career, and stories of orgies, black masses and satanic rites were commonplace, mostly centered around the infamous Chateau Marmont off the Sunset Strip.” 88 Lucifer  Rising was based on the concept from  Crowley’s Book of the Lawthat mankind had entered the Aeon of Horus. Gerald Yorke, a  Crowley associate and  OTO member, was credited as a consultant. Yorke had also been the personal representative of the Thirteenth  Dalai Lama to the West. Starring as Osiris in Lucifer Risingwas Performancewriter and co-director Donald Seaton Cammell, friend of Marlon Brando, and son of Charles Richard Cammell, who happened to be a close friend and biographer of Aleister  Crowley. 89

  “Freaks” Vito   Paulekas and his wife Zsou’s            three-year-old boy  was the first candidate to play in  Kenneth Anger’s  Lucifer Rising, before dying of a tragic accident. The child’s death was ascribed, in the documentary Mondo  Hollywood in morbid sarcasm, as “medical malpractice,” being that Vito had fed the child LSD before it fell from a scaffolding and died. The child died on December 23, 1966, the very winter solstice heralded the Age of  Satan by Anton  LaVey, who performed the role of the devil in Anger’s Invocation of My Demon Brothera longside Mason “Family” member, Bobby  Beausoleil. The boy’s mother suggested the fall occurred during a “wacky photo session,” which may be connected to the fact that, according to  Bobby  Beausoleil, the eventual star of  Lucifer Rising, some of  Anger’s film projects  were  for  private  collectors:            “Every  once  in a while he’d do a little thing that wouldn’t be for distribution.” According to biographer Bill Landis,  Kenneth Anger was at one time investigated by the police on suspicion that he       had been producing snuff           flicks. 90

  Bobby  Beausoleil was convicted of killing Gary Hinman in 1970 under the orders of  Charles Manson. Manson had instructed   Beausoleil to make it  look like it had been committed by Black revolutionaries, because he had been predicting to his Family that a race war, which he referred to as  Helter Skelter, was imminent.  Helter Skelter was borrowed from a  Beatles’ song of the same name, on the so-called White Album. According to former Manson follower, Catherine Share:

  When the  Beatles’ White Album came out, Charlie listened to it over and over and over and over again. He was quite certain that the  Beatles had tapped in to his spirit, the truth—that everything was gonna come down and the black man was going to rise. It wasn’t that Charlie listened to the White Album and started following what he thought the  Beatles were saying. It was the other way around. He thought that the  Beatles were talking about what he had been expounding for years. Every single song on the White Album, he felt that they were singing about us. The song “ Helter Skelter”—he was interpreting that to mean the blacks were gonna go up and the whites were gonna go down. 91

  Having lost his star performer, Anger then asked  Mick Jagger to play Lucifer , but finally settled            on Anton La Vey.    The film was  released in  1969  with the title Invocation To My Demon Brother.

  The later Manson murders of Stephen Parent,  Sharon Tate,   Jay Sebring, Voytek Frykowski and Abigail Folger involved a series of cross-associations that hint of a bizarre and depraved world involving the celebrities of   Laurel Canyon and the black arts. According to   Sammy Davis Jr., had he been in L.A at the time, he likely would have been at the same residence as the Manson murders. “Everyone there,” he explained, “had at one time or another been into Satanism, or, like myself, had dabbled around the edges for sexual kicks.” 92 The murders took place in a house rented earlier by  Terry Melcher.  John Phillips was one of the investors in Sebring International, founded by   Jay Sebring, hair-dresser to the stars, on whom the 1975 movie Shampoo, starring   Warren Beatty was based.  Sharon Tate, who was eight-an-a-half months pregnant at the time she was killed, was the wife of  Roman Polanski, who had had an affair with  Michelle Phillips in London while he was married to her. Tate had been initiated into witchcraft by Alex Sanders, the High Priest of Gardner’s  Wicca, during          the filming of 13, also known as Eye of the Devil. 93

  Susan Atkins, who stabbed  Sharon Tate to death, was for a time a dancer  in  LaVey ’s Topless Witches Revue, and she would later claim that she was inspired to murder by him. Polanski had just directed  Rosemary’s Babyin 1968, based on the best-selling book by the same name by Ira Levin, major elements of which were inspired by the notion of  Crowley’s Moonchild, as well as the  publicity surrounding  LaVey ’  Church of  Satan. 94 In the movie, the role played by Mia Farrow is drugged by a Satanic coven to be impregnated by  Satan, portrayed by  LaVey, to produce the anti-Christ, to be born in 1966, the same year  LaVey started his  Church of  Satan, and celebrated in the movie as “the Year One.”       LaVey was used as  publicity for the film adaptation, attending the San Francisco premiere. 95 According to  Beatlesbiographer Geoffrey Giuliano, at a party in California in 1973,  John Lennon “went berserk, hurling a chair out the window, smashing mirrors, heaving a TV against the wall, and screaming nonsense           about            film director Roman Polanski being to blame.” 96 John Lennon was shot in 1980 in front of the Dakota Building in New York, which was used in the filming of  Rosemary’s Baby.

  A week before Rosemary’s Babypremiered in Los Angeles,  Polanski and  Tate  attended a party hosted by John Frankenheimer, director of The Manchurian Candidate, where  Robert F. Kennedy was the guest of honor, the same evening that he was later shot to death by Palestinian  Sirhan Sirhan at the Ambassador Hotel. Witnesses to the shooting say that Sirhan’s demeanor was strangely calm, and Sirhan himself claims to have no recollection of the killing. 97 Sirhan had become  interested in the psychic teachings of  AMORC, a subject that also interested  Charles Manson when he was in prison. 98 William Turner, a former FBI agent  and Democratic Party Congressional candidate, who with his campaign manager John Christian co-authored The Assassination of  Robert F. Kennedy: The Conspiracy and Cover-Up(1993), showed that Sirhan’s famous notebook contained numerous allusions to the   Illuminati and “Kuthumi,” the equivalent of   Bailey’s Master, Koot Humi. After his arrest, Sirhan requested copies of  Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine, as well as Talks on the Path of Occultism, Volume I: At the Feet of the Master, co-authored by Annie Besant and Charles W. Leadbetter.

  As most studies of the sixties agree, the idealism of the decade died with  two events: the            Manson murders   and     a tragedy that was showcased   in a film called Gimme Shelter,about the  Altamont Free Concert. The concert headlined and organized by The  Rolling Stones, also featured, in order of appearance: Santana, Jefferson Airplane, The Flying Burrito Brothers, and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. Under the advice of the  Grateful Dead, the  Hell’s Angels biker gang was hired for security, a deal that was rumored to include $500 worth of beer. Many of its members had close ties to  Charles Manson, particularly a club known as the Straight Satans, one of whose members, Danny DeCarlo, watched over the Family’s arsenal of weapons. 99 Fueled by  LSD and large amounts of amphetamines, the crowd also became unruly, attacking each other, the Angels,    and the performers. Caught on camera during the film was Meredith Hunter, a young African-American man, being stabbed to death by members of the  Hell’s Angels, in front of the stage while the   Rolling Stonesplayed on, after he drew a gun. The song they were playing, contrary to most accounts of the incident, was Sympathy for the Devil, as was initially reported in Rolling Stonemagazine based on the accounts of several reporters on the scene and a review of the unedited film stock. 100 Alan Passaro was arrested and charged with murder, but was acquitted on the grounds of self-defense after the jury viewed the footage from the concert. Film critics Pauline Kael of the New Yorker and Vincent Canby of the New York Times led the charge against Gimme Shelter  as  an   opportunistic  snuff  film,           essentially  saying  that  the  filmmakers were complicit in the murder by having photographed it and subsequently profited            from  its theatrical release. 101

Neoliberalism Part 1

   In its rejection of communism, and then “Islamism,” the West has promoted the adoption of secular democracy, which includes capitalism. The propaganda of the post Cold War era has sought to validate the implementation of modern capitalism by suggesting that the alternative, communism, has proven to be a failure. It accomplishes this lie by suggesting that the only alternative to capitalism is the Soviet model of state ownership. Without an apparent alternative, the West has been promoting the particularly harsh brand of capitalism, known as neoliberalism. Based on the rapacity of interest-based banking, deregulation and the elimination of social services, neoliberalism Has been directly        responsible  for myriad    afflictions experienced in the world, particularly the Third World.

  Since the early 1970s, there has been a broad international agenda led  by right-wing American foundations to sway public opinion towards greater acceptance of neoliberalism. Essentially, neoliberalism draws support from the philosophy of Adam Smith. The particular context of Smith’s theories was the Industrial Revolution, which saw the rise of large industrial interests. The banking powers in particular were constrained by the Church’s condemnation of the interest-based transactions. Therefore, Smith was arguing that the Church, or any other authority, should have limited oversight into the actions of industry, and that they should be allowed to determine for themselves what was most conducive to profit,            because the free pursuit  of self-interest would create enough surplus to            benefit all.    In other words,       “greed is good.” This spontaneous redistribution of wealth was attributable to what Smith called “the invisible hand.” This is of course a naïve analysis that presupposes that the leaders of industry will always act morally.

  Neoliberalism has been the basis of the exploitation of the Third World by  ncorporations through an international banking system headed by the World Bank and the IMF. As revealed by John Perkins, in Confessions of an Economic Hitman, the loans extended by the World Bank and the IMF are coordinated in order that the borrowing nations could “develop” their countries by hiring American engineering firms, like Bechtel and Halliburton. Then,            to ensure the payment of            these  debts  in light of the growing poverty  they inflict, neoliberal  policies are imposed to reduce government expenditures, to discourage state nationalization of industries, and the industry is deregulated to further open  these victim countries to the rapacious activities of Western corporations.The term “ neoliberalism” was coined in 1938 by the German scholar Alexander Rüstow at the Colloque Walter  Lippmann. The colloquium  defined the concept of neoliberalism as “the priority of the price mechanism, the free enterprise, the system of competition and a strong and impartial  state.” 1 The chief propagandists of   neoliberalism in the twentieth century were  Friedrich  Hayek      (1899            – 1992)  and  Milton  Friedman            (1912 – 2006). The first  form   of  neoliberalism, classical  neoliberalism, stems from classical liberalism      and was chiefly created in the period between        the great wars in Austria by economists, including  Friedrich  Hayek and Ludwig  von Mises. They were concerned about the erosion of liberty by both socialist and fascist governments in Europe at that time and tried to restate the case for liberty which became the basis for  neoliberalism.

  Milton Friedman  has been hailed as  the most influential economist of the past half century. To his critics, Friedman is credited with bringing economic disaster to  Chile,  Israel, the United States, and other countries with his “monetarist” theories. It was at the Rockefeller-funded  University of Chicago, that Friedman helped build an intellectual community that produced a number of Nobel Prize winners, known collectively as the  Chicago School of Economics.

  In 1947,  Milton Friedman and  Friedrich  Hayek founded the  Mont Pelerin Society, to coordinate the creation of an international network of think-tanks and foundations, to spread their philosophy of corporate greed.  Mont Pelerin was a sister organization to  Coudenhove-Kalergi’s Pan  European Union.2 Prominent members have included Chancellor Ludwig  Erhard of   Germany,  President Luigi Einaudi of  Italy, Chairman Arthur F. Burns of the US   Federal Reserve Board, US Secretary of State George Shultz, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe of Sri Lanka, Foreign Secretary Sir Geoffrey Howe of the U.K., Italian Minister of Defence Antonio Martino, Chilean Finance Minister Carlos Cáceres, New Zealand Finance Minister Ruth Richardson and President Václav Klaus of the Czech Republic. Eight  Mont Pelerin members, including Hayek and Friedman, have won Nobel prizes in economics.

  Hayek appropriated  fascism’s vehement rejection of communism into the realm of economic philosophy. After   World War II, because of the excesses of  fascism, the right was largely discredited, and communism was gaining widespread popularity in Western Europe. Many considered the nationalization of industries as a positive instrument of progressive economic policy. To counter these tendencies,  Hayek derived his strategy from  Carl Schmitt, to whom, according to William Scheuerman, in “The unholy alliance of  Carl Schmitt and Friedrich A.  Hayek,” he openly acknowledged his debt. According to  Hayek, “The conduct of  Carl Schmitt under the  Hitler regime does not alter the fact that, of the modern German writings on the subject, his are still among the most learned and perceptive.”3 Following Schmitt,   Hayek characterized state  intervention in the economy as tantamount to totalitarianism. 4 Hayek notes  that    the “flawed” conception  of a welfare state   “was very clearly seen by the extraordinary German student of politics,   Carl Schmitt, who in the 1920s probably understood the character of the developing form of [interventionist] government better than most people.” 5

  According to Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine, Friedman’s harsh economic prescriptions were inspired by the  MK-Ultra research performed on behalf of the  CIA by Dr. Ewen  Cameron. She points out, however, that Cameron’s research and his contribution to the  MK-Ultra project was actually not  about mind  control    and  brainwashing,            but     “to design a         scientifically based system for extracting information from ‘resistant sources.’ In other words, torture.” 6 As she has shown, in The Shock Doctrine, Friedman employed  a strategy she refers to as “disaster  capitalism.” Klein states that, using the language of Dr.  Cameron, Friedman proposed taking advantage of the trauma of the   Pinochet coup to implement what he called economic “shock treatment.”  Friedman observed that “Only a crisis—actual or perceived—produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. That, I believe, is our basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive and available until the politically impossible becomes politically inevitable.” 7 Friedman estimated that  “A new administration has some six to nine months in which to achieve major changes; if it does not seize the opportunity to act decisively during that period, it will not have another such opportunity.” 8

  The  World Bank and  IMF, both private entities owned largely by the Rothschild and Rockefeller families, were created in 1944, at a UN sponsored monetary conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The World Bank and the  IMF were both creations of the  Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), whose chairman was   David Rockefeller. The  World Bank has also had powerful connections to the  Chase Manhattan Bank, which along with  Standard Oil, serves as the economic base for  David Rockefeller. David became the president of Chase in 1960, and under his leadership, Chase spread internationally and became the largest of any bank in the world. The bank was also closely associated with and has financed the oil industry, having longstanding connections with its board of directors to the successor companies of  Standard Oil, especially  ExxonMobil, a major portion of which is owned by the  Rockefeller Foundation. Three presidents of the  World Bank, including John J.   McCloy, Eugene Black and George Woods, all worked at Chase before taking up positions at the  World Bank. A fourth president, James D. Wolfensohn, also served as a director of the  Rockefeller Foundation. 9

  The   CFR    is  considered  to  be  America’s  most  influential foreign-policy think tank. Several members of   Skull and Bones, many of whom have attained influential  positions  in control       of  American  foreign  policy, have served on the  CFR, including Winston Lord, its president from 1977 to 1985. As one historian observed, “At any one time The Order can call on members in any area of American society to do what has to be done.” As Alexandra Robbins explains:

  Under the society’s direction, Bonesmen developed and dropped the  nuclear bomb and choreographed the  Bay of Pigs invasion.  Skull and Bones members had ties to  Watergate and the  Kennedy assassination. They control the  Council on Foreign Relations and the  Trilateral Commission so that they can push their own political agenda. 10

  At least forty-seven  CFR members were among the American delegates to the founding of the  United Nations.11 Among them were John J.  McCloy, Alger Hiss who was later found to have been a Communist spy,  Nelson Rockefeller, and  John Foster Dulles. Past president of the  World Bank, John J.  McCloy, was former High Commissioner of Germany and chairman of the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, as well as chairman of the  CFR where he was succeeded by David Rockefeller, with whom he had worked closely as chairman of the  Chase  Bank. 12 Prior to the war,  McCloy had been legal counsel to  IG Farben. During  the war, as an assistant secretary in the War Department,  McCloy blocked the executions of   Nazi war criminals, forged a pact with the Regime of pro- Nazi Admiral  Darlan, displaced Japanese-Americans in California to internment camps, refused to recommend the bombing of  Nazi concentration camps to spare the inmates on grounds that “the cost would be out of proportion to any           possible benefits,”  and refused  Jewish  refugees entry  to the US. 13 After World War II,  McCloy helped shield  Klaus Barbie from the French. In 1949, he returned to Germany as American High Commissioner. He commuted the death sentences of a number of   Nazi war criminals, and gave early releases to others. One was Alfried  Krupp, the ultra-wealthy German industrialist who was represented by Otto  Skorzeny in  Argentina, and Hjalmar   Schacht, who subsequently went on the payroll of  Aristotle Onassis.14

  The   influence of  the CFR is unparalleled among think tanks. One study revealed that between 1945 and 1972, roughly 45% of the top foreign policy officials  who served  in the United States government were also     members of            the Council. Roughly 42% of the top foreign policy positions in the  Truman administration were filled by       Council members,  with 40% in  the      Eisenhower administration, 51% of the   Kennedy administration, and 57% of the Johnson administration, many of whom were holdovers from the   Kennedy administration. 15  In           the  first several decades of the existence of the CIA, its leaders were drawn from  CFR membership, such as  Allen Dulles, John A. McCone,  Richard  Helms, William  Colby, and  George H. W. Bush. When  Wisner lost the wherewithal to continue “the dirty work” of the  CIA in Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia, and eventually shot himself in 1958, he was replaced by Richard Bissel who ran the covert action department until 1962, when  Richard Helms became Deputy Director for Operations.  Helms was director of the  CIA from 1966 to 1973, when he was succeeded by William  Colby.

  The  CFR is also closely connected with the leading foundations that have acted as  CIA funding fronts. The  Rockefeller Foundation in 1971 had fourteen out of nineteen of its directors also being members of the   CFR; the Carnegie Corporation followed with ten out of seventeen; and the  Ford Foundation with seven out of sixteen; and the  Rockefeller Brothers Fund with six out of eleven board members also belonging to the  CFR. The Council also has extensive ties to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and other major  Tavistock affiliatedthink         tanks, most            especially the Brookings Institution, as well as the RAND Corporation and the  Hudson Institute. As John Coleman explained, “Without a doubt,  RAND is THE think tank most beholden to  Tavistock Institute and certainly the  RIIA’s most prestigious vehicle for control of United States policies at every level.” 16

  Examples of  RAND policies implemented include the ICBM program, analyses for US foreign policy making, instigation of the space programs, US nuclear policies, corporate analyses, numerous  projects for the military, and the  CIA in relation to the use of mind altering drugs as part of  MK-Ultra. The  CFR’s influence also extends to      the media.    In 1972, three out of ten directors and five out of nine executives of the New York Timeswere Council members. In the same year, one out of four editorial executives and four out of nine directors of the Washington Postwere also Council members. Of both Time Magazine and Newsweek, almost half of their directors in 1972 were also Council members. 17

 Through his status at the top of this pyramid of power,  David Rockefeller maintains access to leading industrialists and the highest   offices in the world which, as a  private citizen, gives him            uniqu influence in  the world affairs.   In his 2002 autobiography Memoirs, he confessed the goal he and those within his network have pursued:

  For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate  influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

  Rockefeller has also maintained life-long connections to the  CIA.  Rockefeller was close to  Allen Dulles and his brother  John Foster Dulles.  Allen Dulles, an in-law of the Rockefellers, was also a founding member of the   CFR, Chairman of the Board of the   Rockefeller Foundation and Board Chairman of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. It was in the Rockefeller Center that  Allen Dulles had set up his  World War II operational center after Pearl Harbor liaising with  MI6, which also housed their principal US operation in the Center.  David Rockefeller associated with the former  CIA director  Richard  Helms as well as Archibald Roosevelt Jr., a  Chase Bank employee and former  CIA agent. Archibald was the cousin of  CIA agent  Kermit Roosevelt Jr.,  who orchestrated the  Iran coup of 1953. Also in 1953, Rockefeller befriended William Bundy, a key  CIA analyst in the 1950s who became the Agency liaison to the  National Security Council. In Cary Reich’s biography of David’s brother Nelson, Vice President to  Gerald  Ford, a former  CIA agent states that David  was extensively briefed under the direction of  Allen Dulles on covert intelligence operations by himself and other Agency division chiefs. 18

  Displeased with the failure of the  CFR to include Japan,  David Rockefeller founded the  Trilateral Commission in July 1973. Zbigniew  Brzezinski, a professor at  Columbia University and a Rockefeller advisor who was a specialist on international affairs, left his post to organize the group. Other founding members included Alan Greenspan and Paul  Volcker, both later heads of the  Federal Reserve system. According to former Republican Senator Barry Goldwater, the  Trilateral Commission was “a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical…[in] the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation-states involved.” 19

  Henry  Kissinger was also a member of the  Trilateral Commission. German-born and Jewish,  Kissinger was also a  Frankist. 20 David Rockefeller  and  Kissinger first met   in 1954 through their membership in        the  CFR, after which  Kissinger was invited to sit on the board of trustees of the  Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Rockefeller consulted with  Kissinger on numerous occasions, as in the case of Chase’s interests in   Chile and the threat of the election of socialist-leaning President Salvador  Allende in 1970. After  Allende’s election, commercial banks, including  Chase Manhattan, Chemical, First National City, Manufacturers Hanover, and  Morgan Guaranty, cancelled credits to  Chile. 21 Chase was one of a number of corporations doing business in   Chile, along with ITT and Pespi-Cola, who were concerned about  Allende’s left-leaning policies.  These concerns were communicated to President  Nixon, who was personally beholden to Donald Kendall, the President of Pepsi Cola. After discussions with Kendall,  David Rockefeller and with  CIA director  Richard  Helms,  Kissinger went with  Helms to        the Oval Office and gained the support of President  Nixon.

  A coup against  Allende  was unofficially endorsed in 1970 by  the  Nixon administration and the  CIA,  as  substantiated  in documents declassified   during the Clinton administration. The  CIA had inserted covert operatives in Chile in order to prevent a Socialist government from arising, and conducted propaganda operations designed to push   Allende’s predecessor to support a military coup. Known as  Project FUBELT, it aimed at worsening the economic crisis that President  Allende faced, in order to encourage a rightwing coup.22 In a document dated 15 September 1970,  Nixon ordered  CIA  director  Richard  Helms to “Make the economy scream [in  Chile to] prevent  Allende from coming to power or to unseat him.”23 An extended period of political unrest ensued, between  Allende’s Popular Unity government and the conservative-dominated Congress of  Chile. Discontent culminated in the  Allende’s downfall in a coup d’état organized by the Chilean military, led by Commander-in-Chief Augusto  Pinochet. The  Pinochet coup was a watershed event of the  Cold War and the history of  Chile. Before  Pinochet, Chile had for decades been hailed as a beacon of political stability in South America, a continent otherwise rife with military juntas.

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