Jumat, 03 Februari 2017


Islam & Democracy Part 2

At the farthest fringe is  Irshad Manji, the lesbian Muslim “refusenik” who first wrote The Trouble With  Islam, and has since created a website called Project  Ijtihad. “Manji” is a common Ismaili name, and her family are originally from Uganda, which was heavily settled by Ismailis. But Irshad denies the connection, as it would obviously undermine her crusade against Islam.

But likely the most recognized modern proponent of the renewal of  Ijtihadis  Tariq Ramadan, the son of   Said Ramadan, and grandson of Hassan  al Banna, the founder of the  Muslim Brotherhood, currently Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies in the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Oxford University. Reflecting  some  of    the prerogatives outlined in the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Project,” and completely disregarding the traditions of the Madhhabs, Tariq Ramadan believes that Muslims in the West must create a “Western  Islam,” just as there is a separate “Asian  Islam” and an “African  Islam,” which supposedly take into account cultural differences. European Muslims, he believes, must reexamine the fundamental texts of  Islam and interpret them in light of their own cultural  background,            but influenced by European society.          Blah,   blah,   blah…

The American strategy to manipulate the topic of  Ijtihadwas laid bare in a conference in 2004, sponsored by the United States Institute of Peace ( USIP), which was created by Congress as a non-partisan, federal institution and publishes works on  interfaith dialogue and peacebuilding. The conference was titled, tellingly enough, “ Ijtihad: Reinterpreting Islamic Principles for the    Twenty-first Century.”  The  four  presenters,  all    considered  “experts”     on Islamic law and interpretation, included Muzammil H. Siddiqi, a member of the Fiqh (Islamic Law) Council of North America who teaches at California State University and Chapman University; Imam Hassan Qazwini, director of the Islamic Center of America, based in Detroit; Muneer Fareed, associate professor of Islamic studies at Wayne State University; and Ingrid Mattson of the Islamic Society of North America ( ISNA), a  Muslim Brotherhood front.

ISNA developed from the American branch of the Muslim Students Associations ( MSA),  both  affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Munich Islamic Center. The  Muslim Brotherhood trio of  Tontonji,  Barzinji and  Altallib, after study in Britain, had left for the US in the 1960’s, settling in Indianapolis, evidently in pursuit of the goals of “The Project.” They used Saudi  money  to build a national headquarters  in            Plainfield, Indiana. There            they created several  Muslim Brotherhood fronts: the North American Islamic Trust, used to provide  Shar iah“compliant” mortgages for mosque construction and expansion; the Muslim Student Association ( MSA); and   ISNA, which became the largest Muslim advocacy group in the US. 12 In 1980, they also branched into the Council on American-Islamic Relations ( CAIR), America’s largest Muslim civil liberties advocacy organization, created in 1994. However, in 2007 the organization was named by US Federal prosecutors in a list of unindicted co-conspirators in a   Hamas funding case involving the Holy Land Foundation, which caused the  FBI to cease working with  CAIR outside of  criminal investigations.

Despite the  USIP conference attendees’ known ties to Islamic extremism, it included on its board the rabid Islamophobe, the son of neoconservative Richard Pipes,  Daniel Pipes, who was appointed to the  Middle East Forum by  George W. Bush in 2003. Pipes was named in a 140-page report titled Fear, Inc.: The  Roots of the  Islamophobia Network in Americaby the Center for American Progress as one of five who form   a “small, tightly networked group of misinformation            experts guiding an effort that reaches millions of Americans through effective advocates, media partners, and grassroots organizing.” Other than Pipes, they include Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, David Yerushalmi of the Society of Americans for National Existence, Robert Spencer of  Jihad Watch and Stop Islamization of America, and Steven Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism. The group received more than $40 million from the typical Rockefeller and  CIA-connected right-wing donors, like  Richard Scaife, the  Bradley Foundation and others who also fund   Zionist activities. Despite confessing to not known which tradition is truer to the Quran —traditional Islam, Islamism or “moderate” Islam —Pipes has written, “It’s a mistake to blame  Islam, a religion 14 centuries old, for the evil that should be ascribed to militant  Islam, a totalitarian ideology less than a century old. Militant  Islam is the problem, but moderate  Islam is the solution.” 13

The  USIP study was co-chaired by Radwan Masmoudi and David Smock. Smock was a past staff member of the  Ford Foundation and executive associate to the president of the United Church of Christ, which places high emphasis on worldwide interfaith efforts. Masmoudi is president of the Center for the Study of  Islam and Democracy (CSID). According to Masmoudi, paraphrased in the USIP report, the closing of  Ijtihad“was the beginning of the decline of Muslim civilization. Since then, Islamic law has become increasingly detached from reality and modernity. Old interpretations no longer provide suitable answers to the difficult questions facing the Muslim world.”          Likewise, another panelist was Muzammil H. Siddiqi, a member of the Fiqh Council of North America, who was educated at the University of Medina, the preeminent  Wahhabi institution. According to Siddiqi, there cannot be true  Ijtihadunless scholars are free to express their opinions and therefore, that the “democratization” of Muslim societies is necessary for the process to work. Siddiqi also proposes undermining the authority of the  Madhhabs, suggesting that students should learn from all of  them, but then further dilute the process through the study as well of comparative  religion, modern logic, philosophy and history, economics and political theory.  As the report summarizes:

As Masmoudi pointed out, all four panelists mentioned the lack of freedom and  democracy as serious impediments to  Ijtihad. Without freedom and  democracy, which are sharply limited in the Muslim world and particularly in Arab countries,  Ijtihadcannot be performed. Democracy is the key to opening up  Ijtihad, and  Ijtihadis the key to solving the principle problems confronting the Muslim world today. 14

Despite the earnest sounding calls for reform and  democracy, they serve to disguise plans for Western imperialism. CSID program         officer Aly Abuzakuk was a founding member of the National Front for the Salvation of  Libya (NFSL), a  group  dedicated  to assassinating Muammar Qaddafi  and overthrowing        his regime. According to several sources, the NFSL was supported by  Saudi Arabia and the  CIA. 15 On March 16, 2011, Masmoudi was signatory to a letter to President Obama requesting him to “assume a leading role in halting the horrifi      c violence being perpetrated by       Colonel Qaddafi’s  forces,” urging him to create a coalition to impose  a        no-fly  zone  over Libya. 16 The rebel forces in  Libya were led by Abdelhakim Belhaj, who had fought with the  Mujahideenin  Afghanistan, before being arrested by the  CIA in 2504 who “renditioned” him back to  Libya, where he underwent “deradicalization.” Belhaj and his associates formed the “Islamic Movement for Change” and called for  NATO to intervene on the rebels’ behalf.17

Evidently, the goals of the modernists and the fundamentalists are not too far apart, but converge in their use of “democracy” as a revolutionary principle to  upturn  their governments,  in fulfillment of       the     neoconservative plan for            the wholesale reorganization of the Middle East. Thus, the American invasion of Iraq was just a prelude where the neoconservative ivory tower commandos would brazenly exploit the lives of young Americans in the advancement of their  Zionist ambitions in the region, continuing the use of “freedom” as a  Noble Lie to topple the various governments of the  Middle East, now known as the  Arab Spring.

Ledeen prescribed that a destructive dynamism would transform the Middle East, not only Iraq, but also  Syria,  Saudi Arabia,   Iran, and beyond. According to  Ledeen, the governments of all these countries must be overthrown, either by a US-supported internal rebellion or by outright military invasion.  Ledeen predicted:

Our unexpectedly quick and impressive victory in  Afghanistan is a prelude to a much broader war, which will in all likelihood transform the  Middle East for at least a generation, and reshape the politics of many other countries around the world.18

Similarly,  Richard Perle’s book An End to Evil: How to Win the War on  Terror, coauthored with fellow neoconservative   David Frum, son of wellk nown Canadian journalist and broadcaster Barbara Frum, in 2004, criticized  American bureaucracy, suggesting that “we” as “Americans” must “overhaul the institutions of our government to ready them for a new kind of war against a new kind of enemy” including the  FBI,  CIA, armed forces, and State Department.19 The book also defends the 2003 invasion of Iraq and outlines
important neoconservative aspirations, including ways to abandon all IsraeliPalestinian peace processes, invade  Syria, and implement strict US domestic surveillance, with biometric identity cards and public vigilance to hinder potential terrorist immigrant or terrorist sympathizer threats. Perle and Frum conclude, shamelessly: “For us,  terrorism remains the great evil of our time, and the war against this evil, our generation’s great cause… There is no middle way for Americans: it is victory or holocaust.”20

Evidently, the countries  Ledeen lists in the  Middle East do not present a “clear and present” danger to the United States. All these abstract articulations were designed to hide the ignoble pursuit of Israeli foreign policy objectives, as outlined in the  Clean Breakstrategy. Acts of “preemption,” as it prescribed, would therefore include  Israel engaging   Hezbollah,  Syria, and  Iran, by confronting their proxies in  Lebanon. Political commentator Phyllis Bennis pointed to the obvious similarities between the strategies outlined in the Clean Breakand the subsequent 2006  Israel- Lebanon conflict. 21 Already in  September 2006, Taki of The American Conservativereported:

…recently,  Netanyahu suggested that President Bush had assured him Iran will be prevented from going nuclear. I take him at his word. Netanyahu seems       to be the main         mover in America’s official adoption of the 1996 white paper A  Clean Break, authored by him and American fellow neocons, which aimed to aggressively remake the strategic environments of Iraq,   Palestine,  Lebanon,  Syria, and   Iran. As they say in boxing circles, three down, two to go.

Shortly after, Joshua Muravchik, a self-confessed “dyed-in-the-wool, truebeliever neocon,” outlined the pretext for America spreading “ democracy” at the point of a gun. Speaking for the  neoconservatives:

We agreed on the need to address the root causes of  terrorism, but for us that root cause was the political culture of the  Middle East. Political culture did not mean  Islam. Rather, it meant a habit of conducting politics by means of violence. At the time of the attacks, not one of the region’s rulers (apart from  Israel’s) had been freely elected to his post.  All relied on force and intimidation.
     The neocon solution involved overhauling the way the region thinks about politics so that  terrorism would no longer seem reasonable. This was a wildly ambitious idea, of course, but similar transformations had occurred in Europe and much of Asia over the previous half-century. If democracy had shown its potency in discouraging war elsewhere, it stood to reason that it also could be a cure to  terrorism in the  Middle East.22

The eradication of  terrorism and the imposition of  democracy is of course a pretext. The numerous regimes of the  Middle East are clearly not democratic, but corrupt and often brutal. However, these countries all originated in divisions \imposed by the British and French after the dissolution of the  Ottoman Empire following  World War I, and often in support of   Zionist ambitions. And, these puppet regimes have been headed by dictators who have all achieved and have since maintained power over the years through American support.

The upheavals of the  Arab Spring fall within the context of  George W. Bush’s Greater  Middle East Project, proclaimed after 2001 to bring “ democracy” and “liberal free market” economic reform to the Islamic countries from  Afghanistan to Morocco. 23 In advance of the several revolutions of the   Arab Spring, as the Wall Street Journalwas already reporting in 2007, the State Department’s intelligence unit organized a conference of  Middle East experts to examine the merits of engagement with the  Muslim Brotherhood, particularly in Egypt and  Syria.            According to            officials, US diplomats and politicians have also met with legislators from parties connected to the  Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan,  Egypt, and Iraq, to hear their views on democratic reforms in the  Middle East.24

As William Engdahl was reporting in April 2011, “contrary to the carefully-cultivated impression that the Obama Administration is trying to retain the present regime of  Mubarak, Washington in fact is orchestrating the Egyptian as well as other regional regime changes from  Syria to Yemen to Jordan and well beyond in a process some refer to as ‘creative destruction’.” 25 As Engdahl reveals, the template for such covert regime change was developed by the Pentagon, US intelligence and various think-tanks such as the ubiquitous RAND Corporation. Kefaya was at the center of the unfolding Egyptian uprisings, with the  Muslim Brotherhood involved in the background. The word “Kefaya” translates to “enough!” The formal name of Kefaya is Egyptian Movement for Change, founded in 2004 by several Egyptian intellectuals at the home of Abu‘l-Ala Madi, leader of the al Wasat, a party reportedly created by the  Muslim Brotherhood.26

RAND Corporation has conducted a detailed study of Kefaya, sponsored by  the  Office  of the  Secretary      of Defense, the Joint Staff,  the  Unified        Combatant Commands, the Department of the Navy, the Marine Corps, the defense agencies and the defense Intelligence Community. The study notes that while the invasion of Iraq showed questionable success, “indigenous reform movements are best positioned to advance democratization in their own country.” 27 In 2008, the  RAND National Security Research Division’s Alternative Strategy Initiative includes, in its own words, “research on creative use of the media, radicalization of youth, civic involvement to stem sectarian violence, the provision of social services to mobilize aggrieved sectors of indigenous populations, and the topic of this volume, alternative movements.” 28

In May 2009, just before Obama’s Cairo trip to meet  Mubarak, US Secretary of State  Hillary Clinton hosted a number of the young Egyptian activists in Washington under the auspices of  Freedom House, another “ human rights” Washington-based NGO, with a long history of involvement in US-sponsored regime change operations from Serbia to Georgia to Ukraine. Clinton and Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman, met the sixteen activists at the end of a two-month “fellowship,” organized by  Freedom House’s New Generation program.29

Freedom House and US government-funded NGO, National Endowment for Democracy ( NED) are the key actors behind the so-called  Arab Spring. Two subsidiary organizations of the  NED are the International RepublicanInstitute and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, mentioned by the  RAND document study of Kefaya as recommending carrying training of reformers. The  NED is active in all the countries that have experienced “spontaneous” popular uprisings: Tunisia, Egypt , Jordan, Kuwait, Libya,  Syria, Yemen, and            Sudan. As the architect and first head of the NED, Allen Weinstein told the Washington Postin 1991, “a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the  CIA.” 30 The late political analyst Barbara Conry noted that “ NED has taken advantage of its alleged private status to influence foreign           elections, an           activity  that is beyond  the scope of AID or  USIA and would otherwise be possible only through a  CIA covert operation. Such activities, it may also be worth noting, would be illegal for foreign groups operating in the United States.” 31

While the upheavals of the  Arab Spring were represented in the media as popular demands for  democracy, they were manufactured by the US as a means to reorganize the  Middle East, by employing the  Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis who, unbeknownst to    Westerners, in their own    way, have characterized the same uprisings as Islamic revolutions. Therefore, on February 18, after the 2011 Egyptian “revolution,” Friday prayers were led in Tahrir Square for an audience estimated to exceed two million Egyptians by Yusuf al  Qaradawi.

A partner with Youssef Nada in the founding of Bank al Taqwa, today Qaradawi is best known for his TV program, ash- Shar iah wal-Hayat(“ Shariah and Life”), broadcast on Al Jazeera, which has an estimated audience of sixty million worldwide. He is also the founder of a popular website, Islam Online, for which he now serves as chief religious scholar. Given his media profile,            Qaradawi’s views tend to be contradictory so as to, at times, attempt to appease Western criticisms of  Islam, while at others exemplifying the type of extremism on which those same criticisms are founded.     This is often  reflective of the      Muslim Brotherhood ’s varying political aspirations. Because they seek success through the democratic process in Egypt, the  Muslim Brotherhood are unable to express their more radical views openly, despite their support for  terrorism elsewhere. Similarly, Qaradawi has been guilty of anti-Semitic pronouncements and of denouncing suicide-bombing, unless perpetrated by Palestinians. He condones suicide attacks on all Israelis including women, since Israeli society is “completely military” and does not include any “civilians.” 32  He also considers pregnant women and their unborn children to be valid targets, as the babies could grow up to join the Israeli Army.33 And yet,  Qaradawi has spoken in favor of  democracy in the Muslim world. On February 22, 2011, he held an exclusive interview with OnIslam.net, dismissing the allegation that he wanted a religious state established in Egypt :  “On the contrary, my speech supported establishing a civil state with a religious background, I am totally against theocracy. We are not a state for mullahs. 34

The Muslim brotherhood won the Egyptian elections on 24 June 2012. Mohamed Morsi became         the  first president-elect  of  Egypt  after the            2011 Egyptian revolution, backed by the  Muslim Brotherhood.

Similarly, on behalf of the Americans, armed and   Saudi-funded  Salafi s have been brought in to help destabilize the government of  Iran’s strategic ally in the region,  Syria. 35 According to the Wall Street Journal, the  CIA have been working with  Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and other allies, in helping the opposition Free Syrian Army (FSA) develop logistical routes for moving supplies into  Syria and providing         communications training. US officials  have   also been considering sharing intelligence with FSA, to allow the rebels to evade pro-Assad  forces. 36 The New York Times      reported that, according to American offi cials and Arab  intelligence  officers,  CIA officers inside of  Turkey  have       been  providing support  to Syrian opposition fighters. The weapons,      including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons are being transmitted by way of a network of intermediaries including  Syria’s  Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey,  Saudi Arabia and Qatar. “ CIA officers are there and they are trying to make new sources and recruit people,” said one Arab intelligence official. 37

American subversive activities in  Syria have been coordinated through a Muslim Brotherhood -connected organization, the National Salvation Front (NSF), which unites liberal democrats, Kurds, Marxists and former Syrian officials in an effort to transform President            Assad’s regime. The founders of the NSF were Ali Sadreddin Al Bayanouni who took over as president of the Brotherhood’s Syrian arm in 1979, and Abdul Halim Khaddam,  Syria’s vice president until 2005 who            criticized Assad’s   rule and fled            to Paris. Initial contact between the White House and the NSF was forged by Najib Ghadbian, a University of Arkansas political scientist, who suggested the US work with his group and its contacts, including the Muslim Brotherhood. Ghadbian began meeting with the deputies of prominent neoconservative and former  Iran Contra operative  Elliot Abrams, the White House’s chief  Middle East adviser in 2006. Through these intermediaries, as the Wall Street Journalreported, “the White House exhorted the NSF to build a wide coalition of opposition groups and to run it in a transparent and democratic manner.” 38

As noted by Charlie Skelton in The Guardian, “Indeed, a number of key figures  in  the Syrian  opposition movement      are  long-term exiles who           were receiving US government funding to undermine the Assad government long before the Arab spring broke out.” 39 Generally recognized as “the main opposition coalition” is the Syrian National Council ( SNC). Also a part of the NSF group, The Washington Timesdescribed the  SNC as “an umbrella group of rival factions based outside  Syria.” 40 The most senior of the  SNC’s official spokespeople is the Paris-based Syrian academic Bassma Kodmani, who in 2012 attended her second  Bilderberg conference. In 2005, Kodmani was working for the  Ford Foundation in Cairo, and in September of that year, was made the executive director of the Arab Reform Initiative (ARI), a research program of the  Council on Foreign Relations ( CFR). More specifically, the  ARI was initiated by a group within the  CFR called the “US/ Middle East Project,” chaired by General (Ret.)  Brent Scowcroft, a former national security adviser to the US president, also listed in Sibel Edmond’s “State Secrets Privilege Gallery.” Sitting alongside Scowcroft was  Brzezinski. Earlier in 2005, the CFR assigned “financial oversight” of the project to the Center for EuropeanReform (CER). The CER is overseen by Lord Kerr, the deputy chairman of Royal Dutch Shell, a former head of the diplomatic service and a senior adviser at      the influential British think-tank,  Chatham House. 41

Another oft-quoted  SNC representative is Radwan Ziadeh, a senior fellow at the  USIP. In February 2012, Ziadeh joined in signing a letter calling on Obama to intervene in  Syria, along with former head of the  CIA  James Woolsey,  Karl Rove, and Elizabeth Cheney, former head of the Pentagon’s Iran- Syria Operations Group. In 2009 Ziadeh became a visiting fellow at Chatham House, and in June of 2011 was featured on the panel at one of their events, “Envisioning  Syria’s Political Future,” sharing a platform with fellow SNC members Ausama Monajed and Najib Ghadbian. Along with Kodmani and Ziadeh, Monajed is one of the most important  SNC spokespeople. He is the founder and director of Barada Television, a pro-opposition satellite channel based in Vauxhall, south London. According to the Washington Post’s         report: “Barada TV       is closely affiliated  with the Movement for Justice and      Development,  a London-based            network of Syrian  exiles.  Classified US          diplomatic cables show that the state department has funneled as much as $6 to the        group since 2006    to operate the satellite channel and finance          other activities inside  Syria.” 42

In a USA Todayop-ed written in February 2012, Ambassador Dennis Ross declared: “It is time to raise the status of the Syrian National Council,” urging for the creation of “an aura of inevitability about the  SNC as the alternative to Assad.” 43 One of the most widely quoted western experts on  Syria and a proponent of western intervention is Michael Weiss. Weiss is also the director of communications and public relations at the Henry Jackson Society, whose international patrons include leading   neoconservatives like  James Woolsey, Michael Chertoff,  William Kristol,  Robert Kagan and  Richard Perle. Weiss is the author of the influential report Intervention in  Syria? An Assessment of Legality, Logistics and Hazards, which was endorsed by the  SNC. Hamza Fakher, a Syrian pro- democracy activist, is the co-author with Weiss of Revolution in Danger, a “Henry          Jackson  Society  Strategic  Briefing,”  published  in February of            2012.            Fakher is the communication manager of the London-based Strategic Research and Communication Center (SRCC), founded by Ausama Monajed. On the board of the SRCC is Murhaf Jouejati, a professor at the National Defence University in DC, “the premier center for Joint Professional Military Education (JPME)” which is “under the direction of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff.” 44

Ideally, Muslims will soon awake to the deception, as next on the neoconservative agenda is  Iran. As he once cried wolf about the Soviet sponsorship of international  terrorism,  Ledeen now rails against Iranian  terrorism in his recent book The Terror Masters: Why It Happened. Where We Are Now. How We’ll Win. According to the Pacifi c News Serviceof May 19,   Ledeen gave a speech at a  JINSA policy forum on April 30, 2011, titled “Time to Focus on  Iran—The Mother of Modern Terrorism.”

Conspiracy Theory Part 1

However, for those astute enough to recognize that the mainstream media are purveyors of lies, and that conspiracies do exist, just as there are left-wing intellectuals to manipulate the debate, so too is the information on conspiracies rife with disinformers to corral the curious into particular beliefs systems and ideologies. At every step of the way as a person advances towards the truth, there is a new snare to deceive him. As a Hadithrelates: “The Messenger of God [Mohammed] drew a line for us and then said: ‘This is the Straight Path of God.’  And he drew lines on the left and right of it, and then said: ‘These are paths of which there is not one except that there is a devil upon it calling towards it.”

As noted by Ernie Lazar, a researcher focused on exposing the lies and sordid connections of modern conspiracy theorists, “We all know that conspiracies exist”:

However: the entire purpose of most political conspiracy theories is NOT to carefully present evidence and then use reason and logic to  arrive at sound,  verifiable conclusions. Instead,  most political conspiracy theories are primarily an intellectual device by which individuals and organizations identify and demonize their perceived enemies whom they propose to vanquish. 1

The intensity of the propaganda against the “threat” of communism has bullied the Left almost into submission, who have had to reinvent themselves, now instead calling themselves “progressives.” However, much like the “noncommunist left” deployed by the CIA of the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) and Operation Mockingbird, today’s Left serve as “gate-keepers,” who are willing the chastise America for its “imperialism” and various other abuses, as long as these critiques don’t slip into the realm of “conspiracy theory.”

Regrettably, the Left have enforced upon themselves a sort of self censorship,           where they have confined themselves  to a    listof tenets  that    are believed to conform to “progressive” dialogue. These are a set of neo-Marxist criticisms of the state and economy, combined with the gamut of “liberal” values, denounced by the Right as “political correctness,” such as women’s rights, same-sex marriage, abortion, and denunciations of racism. However, the concerns of the Left, while often valid, are also for the most part formed from prejudices against religion. The trick of liberal values is they appeal to a sense of compassion, but those who have chosen to exercise concern for others are too easily duped into upholding ideas which they vainly assume are in defense of the wrongly oppressed.

As such, it becomes easy to recruit “progressives” into justifying the same American imperialism, with the false claim that military action is carried out with the purpose of coming to the defense of human rights. The propaganda machine of the  CIA is then marshaled to spew forth a barrage of either fabricated or largely exaggerated incidents, to elicit the liberal sympathies of the American populace. A well-known case is the  Nayirah Testimony which provided much of the pretext for America’s initiation of the  Gulf War of 1990-91. In a testimony given before the non-governmental Congressional Human Rights Caucus, a female calling herself Nayirah, stated that she had witnessed Iraqi soldiers taking babies from incubators in a Kuwaiti hospital, and leaving them to die. It was later revealed that she was the daughter of Saud bin Nasir Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States, and that her testimony was organized as part of the Citizens for a Free Kuwait public relations campaign, which was run by Hill & Knowlton for the Kuwaiti government.

Likewise, the Left can be easily mobilized to oppose nuclear energy for the sake of the oil industry, who in turn are denounced as “Big Oil,” who supposedly oppose the controversy of human-induced  Global Warming, a cause they have in fact themselves fostered. As revealed by Alexander King in The First Global Revolution, a report from the  Club of Rome, in 1993:

The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit       the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself. 2

And according to Stephen Schneider, a Stanford University scientist and co-author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that shared the 2007 Nobel Prize with former Vice President Al Gore:

…we need to get some broad based support, to capture the public’s imagination… So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts… Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest. 3

Today, Noam  Chomsky, like  Michael Moore and Amy Goodman, are among the leading left-wing intellectuals who continue to deny the numerous suspicious facts surrounding 9/11. Chomsky has been described as a prominent cultural figure, and          was voted the “world’s   top public intellectual” in  a 2005 poll. Suspiciously, he views himself as a libertarian socialist or anarchosyndicalist or communist anarchist, in the tradition of Bakunin, Kropotkin and others.  Chomsky has been a Senior Scholar at the   Tavistock-affiliated Institute         for Policy Studies ( IPS), which has stage-managed the Left since the 1960s.  In his book The Conspirator’s Hierarchy, Dr. John Coleman named  Chomsky as a deep cover  CIA agent working to undermine social protest groups. With reference to  Chomsky, Canadian journalist Barrie Zwicker, author of Towers of Deception,recalls that  Redstockings had asserted: “one major  CIA strategy” during the Cold War “was to create or support parallel organizations which provide alternatives to radicalism and yet appear progressive enough to appease dissatisfied      elements of  the society.” According to  Zwicker:

A study of  Chomsky’s stands on particularly dreadful actions such as JFK’s assassination, 9/11, and with regard to the roles of the  CIA and FBI, shows   Chomsky to be a de facto defender of the status quo’s most egregious outrages and their covert agency engines. He conducts his de facto defence of the Empire he appears to oppose through applying the very propaganda methods against which he has warned, including use of the derogatory phrase “conspiracy theorist,” which in one context he has characterized as “something people say when they don’t want you to think about what’s really going on.4

Michael Moore’s Farenheit 9/11was a farce, which utterly failed to make light of all the information surrounding the attacks that was being circulated by the alternative media, particularly with regards to the scheming of the neoconservatives. When Austin Texas radio host  Alex Jones questioned Moore on why he wasn’t willing to ask more penetrating questions, Moore rudely dismissed Jones and said “…That would be un-American.” 5 Worse still, Moore’s recent message to the Syrian people is presented alongside clips from President Obama and Hilary Clinton denouncing the atrocities of the Assad regime and defending the people’s aspirations for “freedom” and “democracy.” 6

But for those who are not intimidated into denying the darker realities, just as there are left-wing intellectuals to manipulate the debate, so too is the information on conspiracies rife with disinformers to corral the curious into particular beliefs systems and ideologies. The Christian Right, in particular, continues to maintain some disturbing connections with advocates of white supremacy.  Influential  is Willis  Carto who helped found the Populist Party that served as an electoral vehicle for neo- Nazi and  Ku Klux Klan members such as  David Duke in 1988, and  Christian Identity supporter Bo Gritz—on whom the movie character of Rambo was modeled—in 1992.  Carto’s current American Free Press (AFP) continues in the spirit of the  Liberty Lobby’s The Spotlight, running  columns by  Joe Sobran,  James Traficant, Paul Craig Roberts, and presidential candidate  Ron Paul. Writers for the newspaper also include  Michael Collins Piper, and James P. Tucker, Jr., a longtime Spotlightreporter known for this coverage of the  Bilderberg Group. AFP focuses on conspiracy theory, nationalist economics, and anti- Zionism. It continues to promote alternative theories to the 9-11 attacks and supports presidential candidates favoring individual liberty.

William  Luther  Pierce, who  Carto had recruited to his National Youth Alliance, and who went on to become leader of the National Alliance, later became infamous for his authorship of The Turner Diaries, which depicts a violent revolution which leads to the overthrow of the United States government, nuclear war and ultimately to a race war. It includes a detailed description of “the Day of the Rope,” referring to mass hangings in the streets of Los Angeles of “race traitors,” especially  Jews, homosexuals and those in inter-racial marriages, followed by the systematic ethnic cleansing of the entire city. This violence and killing is called “Terrible yet Absolutely Necessary.” The novel has been associated with a number of violent crimes committed by white separatists, and is believed to have inspired Timothy McVeigh, the perpetrator of the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. 7

Eventually writing for  Carto’s magazine Barnes Reviewaround the end of his life was  National  Renaissance Party member Eustace  Mullins, the well-known author of the Secrets of the  Federal Reserve, considered a classic of conspiracy research. In 1987,  Mullins wrote a strange work called The Curse of Canaan, which regurgitates ideas expressed by  Christian Identity minister William Potter  Gale.  Mullins followed the course of history as a battle between the descendants of Shem against the descendants of Canaan. The descendants of Canaan are polluted through interbreeding with a “ pre-Adamite” population, who are black-skinned, and with demons from the time of the  Sons of God of Genesis. Throughout history they represented parasitical merchants, beginning with the  Phoenicians and to the Black Nobility of our time. The descendants of Shem, or Semites, he believes, should not be confused with the  Jews, who are impostors descended from Edomite   Khazars. The descendants of Shem are the builders of civilization, and ancestors of the Irish. Thus, explains  Mullins, “the history of mankind for the past three thousand years has been the history  of struggle between the fair-skinned descendants of Shem and the darkerskinned descendants of his brother, Ham, yet you will not find this struggle defined          in any historical work.”

The other well-known critic of the  Federal Reserve system is  Edward G. Griffin, author of the 1994 book, The Creature from Jekyll Island. Griffin was also involved in the network of paleoconservatives around  George Wallace run for President in 1968, serving as a writer for Wallace’s vice presidential candidate, Curtis LeMay, a retired General of the Air Force. He has been a member and officer of the John Birch Society for much of his life and a contributing editor to its magazine, The New American.  Griffin’s work stresses the point which Federal Reserve chair Marriner Eccles made in Congressional testimony in 1941: “If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn’t be any money.”8 In 2002,  Griffin founded Freedom Force International, a libertarian activist network.        The organization’s position regurgitates  neoliberal prerogatives, that the exclusive role of government is to protect people’s rights and property, not to provide services like welfare, reflecting Griffin’s          view that collectivism and freedom “are mortal       enemies.” 9 He endorsed  Ron Paul for President in the 2008 elections.

Similarly, Don Black, former  Ku Klux Klan leader and white nationalist activist, told the New York Timesthat it was  Ron Paul’s newsletters that inspired him to become his supporter. 10 Black created  Stormfront.com, which started as an online bulletin board system in the early 1990s, before being established as a website in 1995 which popularizes the ideas of  Esoteric Hitlerism. Black was a  member of the  American  Nazi Party in the 1970s, when it was headed by  Matt Koehl who, drawing on the teachings of  Savitri Devi, began to suggest that National Socialism was more akin to a religious movement than a political one. Koehl espoused the belief that  Hitler was the gift of divine providence to rescue the white race from gradual extinction caused by a declining birth rate and racemixing.  Hitler’s death in 1945 was viewed as a type of martyrdom, that looked forward to a future spiritual resurrection of National Socialism.

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