Jumat, 03 Februari 2017


Conspiracy Theory Part 2

Black was convicted in 1981 for attempted armed overthrow of the government of the Dominican Republic, in violation of the US Neutrality Act. He was sentenced to three years in prison, during which time he learned computer programming, which led him to establish Stormfront. Stormfront featured the writings of William  Luther  Pierce and  David Duke, as well as works by  Carto’s  Institute for Historical Review (IHR). In a 2001 USA Todayarticle, journalist Tara McKelvey called Stormfront “the most visited white supremacist site on the net.” 11 By June 2008, the site was attracting more than 40,000 unique  users each day. 12

Despite some dubious supporters, Paul attracted a wide following by saying a lot of the right things, particularly to the conspiracy-minded crowd. As noted by James Kirchick,   who was the first     to break the story  of Paul’s newsletter in an article in The New Republic, “If you are a critic of the Bush administration, chances are that, at some point over the past six months,   Ron Paul has said something that appealed to you.”13 As Kirchick further describes, “Antiwar conservatives,            disaffected centrists, even young liberal activists have all flocked to Paul, hailing him as a throwback to an earlier age, when politicians were less mealy-mouthed and American government was more modest in its ambitions, both at home and abroad.” 14 But Paul and his associates published a number of newsletters, particularly in the period between 1988 and 1994 when Paul was no longer in Congress, dwelling on conspiracy topics like “industrial-bankingpolitical elite,” the  Bilderberg Group, the  Trilateral Commission, and the  CFR, praising anti-government militia movements and warning of coming race wars. The newsletters offered praise for  David Duke and other controversial figures. On his website,           Duke boasts of the endorsements         and kind words he received from Paul in his newsletters and in turn endorsed Paul for president. During his 1996 congressional election, Paul said the material had been taken out of context, but in later years claimed the articles were ghostwritten and that he was unaware of their content. Paul’s former staffer Eric Dondero said Paul was not telling the truth. 15 Likewise, Paul’s former secretary said, “It was  his newsletter, and it was under his name, so he always got to see the           final product… He would proofit.” 16 Paul continued to deny the accusations and to disavow the material.

Dondero related that Paul’s newsletter was a joint effort between Paul and another popular political commentator,  Lew Rockwell, and others joined in later on. 17 Rockwell is an American libertarian and proponent of the Austrian School of economists, such as  Friedrich  Hayek. He formed the Ludwig Von Mises Institute, which Paul still has a close working relationship with. Ludwig von  Mises (1881 –1973), a member            of the Mont  Pelerin society, who was born to            wealthy Jewish parents in the Ukraine, was another Austrian school economist who had a significant influence on the         libertarian movement in the       US. He had also become one of the closest economic advisers of Engelbert  Dollfuss and Otto  von  Habsburg of the Knights of   Malta as well as Mont Pelerin, who were both in  Coudenhove-Kalergi’s  synarchist  Pan- European Union.

Rockwell was closely associated with a student of  von Mise,   Murray Rothbard, his teacher and colleague. Rothbard was born in the Bronx, the son of Jewish immigrants from Poland. In 1954 Rothbard, along with several other students of Ludwig   von Mises, such as George Reisman and Ralph Raico, associated with novelist  Ayn Rand. Rand was the author of two best-selling  novels, The Fountain head and Atlas Shrug ged, which offered a philosophy of selfishness,            which is the  basis   of libertarianism and  neoliberalism. According to Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism, the proper moral purpose of one’s life is the pursuit of one’s own happiness (or rational self-interest) and the only social system consistent with this morality is complete respect for individual rights embodied in laissez-faire  capitalism. Rothbard also made use of the insights of fascist theorists Gaetano  Mosca and Robert  Michels to build a model of state personnel, goals, and ideology.

Rockwell’s political ideology, like Rothbard’s, combines a form of anarchocapitalism with cultural conservatism and the Austrian School of economics. Rothbard considered the monopoly force of government the greatest danger to liberty, labeling the state as “the organization of robbery systematized and writ large,” and concluded that          all social services could be provided more efficiently            by the private sector.  Rothbard also lent support to the concern among conspiracy buffs about the pernicious role of the  Federal Reserve. 18 As well, Rothbard also reflected the inherent racism that afflicts much       of conservative policy. In a 1963 article, Rothbard wrote that “The Negro Revolution has some elements that a libertarian must favor, others that he must oppose. Thus, the libertarian opposes compulsory segregation and police brutality, but also opposes compulsory integration and such absurdities as ethnic quota systems in jobs.” 19 In a 2003 Southern Poverty Law Center essay, Chip Berlet commented that Rothbard was            “a man who complained  that    the Officially Oppressed’ of        American society (read, blacks, women and so on) were a ‘parasitic burden,’ forcing their ‘hapless Oppressors’ to            provide ‘an endless flow  of benefits.’” 20

The Southern Poverty Law Center also lists the  Ludwig  von Mises Institute as a neo-Confederate organization. Thomas E. Woods Jr., a member of the institute’s senior faculty, is a founder of the secessionist group the League of the South, and the author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, a pro-Confederate, revisionist tract published in 2004. Paul reviewed the book positively, saying that it “heroically rescues real history from the politically correct memory hole.” 21 As Kirchick describes:

 The people surrounding the  von Mises Institute—including Paul—may  describe themselves as libertarians, but they are nothing like the urbane libertarians who staff the Cato Institute or the libertines at Reason magazine. Instead, they represent a strain of right-wing libertarianism that views the Civil War as a catastrophic turning point in American history—the moment when a tyrannical federal government established its supremacy over the states. 22

According to a Reasonmagazine article on the Paul newsletters, “ Rockwell and the prominent libertarian theorist  Murray Rothbard championed an open strategy of exploiting racial and class resentment to build a coalition with populist ‘paleoconservatives’…” 23 After Paul garnered only 1 percent of the vote in a presidential run as leader of the  Libertarian Party, libertarians had searched for ways to broaden their appeal. Rockwell and Rothbard advocated a coalition of libertarians and so-called “paleoconservatives,” who unlike war-mongering “neocons” were socially conservative, noninterventionist and opposed to what they viewed as state-enforced multiculturalism. 24 A detailed  description of the strategy was presented in an essay Rothbard wrote for the January 1992 Rothbard-Rockwell Report, titled “Right-Wing Populism: A Strategy for the Paleo Movement,” which is summarized by Sanchez and Weigel:

Lamenting that mainstream intellectuals and opinion leaders were too invested in the status quo to be brought around to a libertarian view, Rothbard pointed to  David Duke and  Joseph  McCarthy as models for an “Outreach to the Rednecks,” which would fashion a broad libertarian/ paleoconservative coalition by targeting the disaffected working and middle classes. (Duke, a former Klansman, was discussed in strikingly similar terms in a 1990  Ron Paul Political Report.) These groups could be mobilized to oppose an expansive state, Rothbard posited, by exposing an “unholy alliance of ‘corporate liberal’ Big Business and media elites, who, through big government, have privileged and caused to rise up a parasitic Underclass, who, among them all, are looting and oppressing the bulk of the middle and working classes in America.” 25

Paul’s newsletter’s outlook showed sympathy for the cause of the radical Patriot Movement, where armed revolution against the federal government was seen as  justified.  In January 1995, three months before right-wing militants bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, a newsletter listed “Ten Militia Commandments,” describing “the 1,500 local militias now training to defend liberty” as “one of the most encouraging developments in America.” 26

Ron Paul has given extensive interviews to the magazine of the  John Birch Society, and has frequently been a guest of the radio show of  Alex Jones, a representative of the   Christian  Patriot Movement and the most popular propagandist of the conservative version of conspiracy. The  Patriot Movement are in complete denial of the   Masonic roots of the American Revolution and of its purpose against  Christianity in creating secularism. They have created a cult out of the “Founding Fathers,” and by denouncing the  CFR and other “Globalist” organizations for distancing the United States from the “ideals of the Constitution,” their “libertarianism,” which celebrates the cause of “ Liberty,” is a merely a call for  neoliberalism. But in following the program of the  CNP, JBS and the  Christian Identity ideology of the  Patriot Movement, Jones is also exposed to its latent white-supremacism. Therefore, Jones repeats the excuse put forward by the movement which has rebranded itself as not being against other races, but being “for” white pride, and sees the “conspiracy” as being intent on exploiting minority issues to undermine the rights of pro-gun and “freedomloving” white Americans.

Thus, by serving as the unwitting mouthpiece for their hidden neo- Nazi sympathies, Jones is acting to popularize the racist  Aryan theories that ultimately tie the conservative movement to the  New Age. Though the  New Age denies its close relationship to  Nazism, it nevertheless shares with it its roots in the thought of  Blavatsky, as expressed by Alice  Bailey. Both the  New Age and Nazism hold in common the belief in the creation of an  Aryan race by extraterrestrials on  Atlantis, which has become the basis of the  UFO phenomenon. Presented        as a fulfillment of Bailey’s “ Externalization of the Hierarchy,” and  the  Age of Aquarius, extra-terrestrials are “ Ancient Aliens” who have guided humanity throughout the centuries, and who will now come forward to lead the establishment of a  New World Order according to a  one-world religion.

Between 2005 and 2007, the Esalen Institute held three annual conferences to gather the Council of Nine. They were composed of eight channelled discarnate entities and one still living being, who included  Goethe,  Hegel, William James, Alfred North  Whitehead,  Rudolf  Steiner, Sri  Aurobindo,  Carl Jung,  Teilhard de Chardin and the  Dalai Lama.27 According to Palden Jenkins, editor of the 1992 The Only Planet of Choice, a book of channeled information from The Nine by way of Puharich associate Phyllis Schlemmer, which has had an unprecedented influence over the New   Age,    an increasing number       of channellers are realizing that the real source of their wisdom is The Nine.  According to the entity named Tom, in a description reminiscent of the Gnostic idea of the battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness, the Earth was created as a battleground to enable The Nine to confront the Others, the Pleiadean followers of the Beast on a physical plane. Every being in the universe must be incarnated on Earth to experience the delights as well as challenges of free will, which exists nowhere else in the universe, hence the title, The Only Planet of Choice.

The Nine are supposedly guiding the genetic evolution of mankind by the Alteans and the Hoova, who arrived in our solar system 1.6 million years ago, to found the civilizations of  Tibet and Atlantis. They claim that they left a store of knowledge hidden beneath the  Giza plateau, which was to be used as apart of the   final    “awakening” to raise man to a new level of   spiritual awareness to the point where we as a race would be welcomed into a benevolent galactic federation. All the races of the earth are therefore part extra-terrestrial, or “divine,” except the Blacks however, who are the only truly indigenous race of Earth. According to James Hurtak in The Keys of Enoch, his guides Enoch and Metatron advised him not to allow his “…seed to marry with the fallen races of the earth.” 28 Hurtak claims that Islam    has been influenced by   the “Fallen One,” and refers to Muslims as the “Children of Darkness.” According to Tom the Holocaust as a sad tragedy necessary for the creation of the state of Israel, an important part of the plan for Earth: “The greatest portion of these six million came at that time          to sacrifice self, to        make  your planet  aware  that there   were those who would attempt to rule and control humanity.” 29 Ultimately, according to Tom,   Jesus and Jehovah are one and the same, and have a special relationship to The Nine.  Jesus was “the last of us to visit planet Earth.” The Second Coming will be a mass landing of extra-terrestrials, when   Jesus will return as the Messiah of the Jews.

James Hurtak, who was director of the Institute for Noetic Sciences ( IONS), where Willis Harman was president, established himself as a New Age guru, travelling the world giving workshops on his book of channelled revelations from The Nine, The Keys of Enoch.One disciple described him reverently as “almost the Messiah.” 30 Hurtak was also associated with the  Human Potential Foundation, founded in 1989 by Senator  Claiborne Pell, who as well was a member of the Institute of Noetic Sciences ( IONS). Also a member of the   CFR, Pell         was a very powerful figure in Washington,       having served as Chairman of the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee from 1987 to 1994. Pell was also a  leading member of the  Club of Rome as well as friend of Aurelio  Peccei. 31 Pell  was also a close friend of  BCCI figure Clark Clifford. Pell was mentor to former Vice-President  Al Gore, with whom he shares an avid interest in the paranormal, with both supporting government-funded research into the matter. In 1988, Pell introduced a bill to acquire government funding for the new age group the National Committee on Human Resources, of which  Al Gore was a co-sponsor. The resolution was to establish the Center for Human Resource Development and spoke of the “normal aspiration of all citizens to more fully achieve their potential in body, mind and spirit… [and] there is a role for government to assist in research and education on techniques that promote the… fuller realization of human potential.” 32

The  Human Potential Foundation’s president was one of Pell’s aides, C. B. “Scott” Jones, a veteran of US Navy intelligence. According to researcher Jim Schnabel, “Scott was in touch with a ring of psychics around the United States, who he occasionally put      in touch wit various intelligence officials on operational matters.” 33 The  Human Potential Foundation also received funding from  Laurance Rockefeller. Its employees included Dick Farley, who resigned over concern that the  Council  of       Nine exercised  increasing  influence over politicians and decision-makers. He wrote that the Nine “maintain a working network of physicists and psychics, intelligence operatives and powerful billionaires, who are less concerned about their ‘source’ and its weirdness than they are about having every advantage and new data edge in what theybelieve is a battle for Earth itself.” 34

IONS was founded by former astronaut  Edgar Mitchell, who has become one of the chief authorities on the supposed government “cover-up” of extraterrestrial contact. Mitchell has publicly expressed his opinions that he is “90 percent        sure that  many of            the thousands of        unidentified flying objects, or  UFOs, recorded since the 1940s, belong to visitors from other planets”35 and that  UFOs have been the         “subject of   disinformation in order to deflect attention and to create confusion so the truth doesn’t come out.” 36 He offered  his opinion that the evidence for such “alien” contact was “very strong”  and  “classified”       by  governments,  who were  covering up visitations  and           the existence of alien beings’ bodies in places such as Roswell, New Mexico. He further claimed that  UFOs had provided “sonic engineering secrets” that were helpful to the US government. 37

An important promoter of the myth of alien-constructed structures on Mars  first proposed by  Hurtak is  David M. Myers, who is another channeller of  The Nine, also in contact with Tom. Myers is co-author with Britain’s  David S. Percy of Two-Thirds, a history of the galaxy and the human race according  to Myers’ other-worldly      contacts. Percy touts himself as an award-winning  film and television producer, member of the Royal Photographic Society, and is best known as a champion of the “Face on Mars” and the moon-landing hoax theory. He was involved in the making of two Moon Hoax movies, Dark Moon:  Apollo and the Whistle-Blowersand What Happened On the Moon?The “face” on Mars refers to an unusual photograph taken by Viking 1 probe in 1976 when in Mars’ orbit.

The other major proponents of the “monuments” of Mars and their alleged connection with ancient Egypt is Dr.  Richard Hoagland, who bills himself a former  NASA consultant and CBS News advisor, who has promoted this idea since 1973. In 1971, it was Hoagland who came up with the idea he passed on to Carl Sagan, of equipping the Pioneer 100,  the first space probe to leave the solar system, with a plaque bearing symbolic information about human civilization, and a diagram indicating the Earth as the third planet from the Sun. He  was also instrumental in  the campaign to name the first          space shuttle “Enterprise,” inspired by his friend Gene Roddenbery, creator of Star Trek.

In 1983, Hoagland was working for the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) on a project concerning the rings of  Saturn, and while studying photos from the Viking archive, found what he believed to be a pyramid complex near the “face” on Mars, in the Cydonia region. When Hoagland decided to set up a project to study the features further, he approached the Institute for the Study of Consciouness, founded by Arthur M. Young, who introduced him to Lambert Dolphin Jr., who had headed the SRI expedition to  Giza in the 1970s. Hoagland and Dolphin then formed the Independent Mars Mission, with funding from SRI. The American and European Director of Operations for Hoagland’s Mars Mission were, respectively, David Myers and David Percy.

According to Uri Geller, the Face on Mars had been discovered by remote viewing in the early 1970s. 38 In fact, Hoagland’s interpretation of the “monuments” of Mars comes directly from  The Nine. Hoagland’s writings claim “the Face on Mars” is part of a city built on Cydonia Planitia consisting of very large pyramids and mounds arranged in a geometric pattern, which must be trying to “tell us something.” According to Hoagland:

For it is now clear… that, if appropriately researched and applied to many current global problems, the potential “radical technologies” that might be developed from the “Message   of Cydonia”  could  significantly  assist the world in a dramatic transition to a real “new world order”…  if not a literal New World. 39

Hoagland described his theories in The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge  of Forever, and co-authored the book Dark Mission: The Secret History of  NASA, a New York TimesBest Seller. Hoagland claims that advanced civilizations exist or once existed on the Moon, Mars and on some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and that   NASA and the United States government have conspired to keep these facts secret as explained in the “the  Brookings Report.” Among Hoagland’s other claims are that the US government has covered up the presence of  extraterrestrials, that the Space Agency murdered the  Apollo 1 astronauts, that  NASA missions to Mars are a “well documented interest of the Bush  family,” 40 and that there is a clandestine space program which uses antigravity technology reverse-engineered from lunar artifacts and communicated by secret societies. He goes on to say that  NASA is suppressing knowledge of an ancient civilization on the Moon, and that the advanced technology of this civilization is lying around on the Moon’s surface. 41

All related to the communications from The Nine, and the research of the SRI and ARE at   Giza in Egypt, these authors are characterized by Picknett and Prince, in Stargate Conspiracy,as part of a conspiracy for the “manipulation of beliefs about the origins and history of human civilization, in particular of beliefs about the existence of an advanced civilization in the ancient past and its influence        on  the  earliest known    historical civilizations, primarily            that  of Egypt .” 42 Expressed through     a number of popular pseudo-scientific non-fi            ction   works            of a    field known as “Alternative Egyptology,” the            best-known names in this conspiracy are  Robert Temple,  John Anthony West,  Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock, whose works have been instrumental in arousing interest in the “mysteries” of ancient Egypt.

In 1990, Dr. Zahi Hawass granted a license to John Anthony West and Robert Schoch, known as the Schoch Project, backed by the University of Boston, where Schoch was a professor. Also            influenced by Schwaller de Lubicz, in 1993 West’s work with Schoch was presented by Charlton Heston in a NBC special called The Mystery of the Sphinxthat won West an News & Documentary Emmy Award for Best Research and a nomination for Best Documentary. Investors in the project included Dr Joseph M. Schor, one of two leading members of  ARE,  whose  aim was to  fulfill  the prediction  made  by  Edgar       Cayce in 1933 that a secret chamber would be discovered under the Sphinx that contained the so-called “Hall of Records,” a repository of Atlantean knowledge. ARE had also arranged a scholarship for Dr. Zahi  Hawass at the University of Pennsylvania, where he gained his PhD in Egyptology, before going on to become Egypt ’s Minister of State for Antiquities Affairs. The project’s main discovery was water erosion on the Sphinx, but it also undertook seismographic tests to detect the possible existence of chambers beneath the Sphinx. According to Bauval and Hancock, a total of nine chambers in all were discovered, which they called the Genesis chamber. Also enthusiastic about these discoveries was Dr. Zahi Hawass, who suggested they may represent the symbolic “tomb of Osiris.” 43

Also in  1993, Rudolf Gatenbrink famously sent a robot fitted with a camera to explore shafts in the pyramid of  Giza. Bauval seized upon the opportunity to interpret Gatenbrink’s data to suggest that the southern shaft of what is called the Queeen’s Chamber would have been aligned to the star Sirius in around 2450 BC, which therefore must have been the date of its construction. However, Bauval’s claim had nothing to do with the research of Gatenbrink, who rejected Bauval’s theory, but was rather developed  from ideas    first proposed by James Hurtak and derived from   Masonic literature dating back at least to the late nineteenth century. 44

One of the many recurring themes in several of Hancock’s works has been an exposition on the “ Orion Correlation Theory” (or OCT). It was the subject of a bestseller, The  Orion Mysteryby  Robert Bauval, as well as a BBC documentary, The Great Pyramid: Gateway to the Starsin 1994. The OCT proposes  that the layout and formation of the pyramids of  Giza correspond to the stars in  the constellation of  Orion. This is taken as evidence by the authors of advanced knowledge of the stars, which would purportedly indicate the extra-terrestrial origins of its builders.

The book that launched Hancock’s career as a bestseller was The Sign and the  Seal (1992), where, following clues found in the Bible, the Grail epic of  Eschenbach and the Knights Templar, he traces the location of the Ark of the Covenant from its supposed source in ancient Egypt, to Jerusalem, and from there to its final resting            place  in Ethiopia.   In Fingerprints  of the Gods(1995), without stating so explicitly, Hancock attempts to prove the historical accounts of Theosophy, by attempting to prove that a universal cataclysm took place, presumably the sinking of Atlantis, and that numerous cultures of the ancient world report the occurrence of “white gods” who taught them the arts of civilization, the proof of which are the various enigmatic monuments around the world.

Hancock has since updated his Ancient Aliens hypothesis by marrying it with the entheogen thesis, by suggesting that “supernatural” entities such as aliens and fairies are actually transdimensional beings encountered by human beings under altered states of consciousness, most likely achieved by ingesting psilocybin  mushrooms or ayahuasca. It was through such “contact,” he proposes, that early human civilizations learned advanced skills from their encounters with these beings.

These authors started forming expectations about a  Giza discovery around year 2000, which was supposed to herald the Age of Aquarius. The source of these predictions were not only the visions of Edgar Cayce, but the traditions of  AMORC. Spencer Lewis claimed to have inside knowledge about  Giza derived from the “Rosicrucian Archives” which formed a major part of  AMORC’s beliefs. These ideas formed the bedrock of Bauval’s Project Equinox 2000, announced in 1998, and based around a group of twelve authors in addition to himself, whom he referred to as the Magic 12. It originally included GrahamHancock, John Anthony West, Andrew Collins, Robert Temple, Michal Baigent, one of the authors of the Holy Blood   Holy Grail, and Christopher Knights and Robert Lomas, authors of the Hiram Key, which contains a radical hypothesis regarding the origins of Freemasonry, seeking to demonstrate a heritage through the Knights Templar to the Jerusalem Church and Pharaoic Egypt.

The Magic 12 were to hold a series of conferences held on the equinoxes and solstices throughout the year 1999, at locations regarded as the major Hermetic sites of the world, such as  Giza, Alexandria, Stonehenge and San Jose, the headquarters of  AMORC. According to Bauval, the purpose was to perform a global ritual symbolizing the return of the Hermetic tradition to Egypt. The year’s rituals were to culminate on New Years Eve, when the 12 authors would deliver their “message to the planet” in front of the Sphinx, and which would mark the “return of the gods” to Egypt.

Hawass, who is also linked to  AMORC, had announced that a ceremony of blatant  Masonic symbolism was also to take place, where a gold capstone was going    to be  placed on the top   of the      Great Pyramid, but the event was finally cancelled due to overwhelming protests. Hawass has received widespread publicity internationally, and was the subject of a reality television series in the US, Chasing Mummies. But his links to business ventures and the   Mubarak regime have caused controversy. In connection with the awarding of a gift shop contract at the Egyptian Museum and alleged smuggling of antiquities, he was sentenced to a prison term, which was later lifted.

Most recently, the pseudo-history of these authors, as well as the ancient astronaut theorists Zecharia Sitchin and Erich von Däniken, has been popularized in another History Channel documentary, called “ Ancient Aliens.” Von Däniken was convicted of several financial crimes  including  fraud shortly after      publication   of his  first book, but later became a co-founder of the Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI Research Association (AAS RA), which produces the Legendary Times magazine, published by Giorgio Tsoukalos, the Consulting Producer for the “ Ancient Aliens” series. However, in Debunking Ancient Aliens, Chris White does an excellent job of not only making evident the dreadfully poor scholarship demonstrated by many of these authors, but also in several cases, the very bold mendacity employed in making many of their claims.

Effectively, the plot to promote  Bailey’s  New Age philosophy takes place on many fronts, even among the most vehement opponents of the “ New World Order.” One such example is the highly popular David  Icke. As revealed in another excellent documentary by Chris White, called David  Icke Debunked,  Icke claims to be imparted with insights from a spiritual entity named  Rakorski, who he also identifies with   the name St Germain. Rakorski is none other than Bailey’s Master Rakoczi, one of the  Ascended Masters of  Theosophy, Lord of Civilization, whose task is the establishment of the new civilization of the  Age of Aquarius. Icke calls him the Lord of All Creation, saying that he is “directly responsible for the changes the earth will undergo.” Essentially,  Icke, like other conspiracy researchers such as Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, and Acharya S,is an ardent critic of the  Illuminati, but presents the myriad speculations of  Theosophy as the truth being suppressed. All his main teachings are  Theosophical.

In 1989, Icke began to feel a presence around him, and in 1990 a voice told him to look in a bookstore at a particular section of books, one of which was by Betty Shine, a psychic healer. When he met her, Shine told him that she had a message for him from Wang Yee Lee, a being who she said looked like a Chinese mandarin and had Socrates standing next to him, that Icke had been sent to heal the Earth and that the spirit world was going to pass ideas to him. Icke decided in 1991 to visit the pre-Inca Sillustani burial ground near Puno, Peru,      where he became  fixated at a          certain mound in a circle of stones, and felt a number of powerful sensations and new ideas began to pour into him. He described it later as the “kundalini,” exploding up through his spine, activating his brain and his Chakras, triggering a higher level of consciousness. He returned to England and began to write a book about the experience, which he titled Truth Vibrations. Icke wrote that he had been channeling for some time, and had received a message through automatic writing that he was a “Son of the          Godhead,”   interpreting “Godhead”   as the “Infinite Mind.”

Michael Barkun has described Icke’s position as “New Age conspiracism.” To  Icke, the  Illuminati are the enemies of the  New Age. The  Illuminati, to Icke, are descended from ETs, called the Babylonian Brotherhood, reptilians humanoid beings from the constellation Draco, and who live in tunnels and caverns inside the earth. In his book on the reptilians, Children of the Matrix, Icke also made extensive use of Maurice  Doreal’s translation of the so-called Emerald Tablets, where he presented dire political warning about a Serpent Race. According to   Icke, the tablets were found in a   Mayan temple where they had been deposited by Egyptian priests. Their supposed author,  Thoth, had written them thirty-six thousand years ago in an Atlantean colony in Egypt. Based on the influence    of Zecharia   Sitchin,  Icke argues that the reptilians are the race of gods known as the Anunnaki in the Babylonian creation myth, Enuma Elish.

One of the main sources for David  Icke’s  reptilian hypothesis is a woman who goes by the name of Arizona Wilder. But on her Facebook page, she apparently retracted anything she confessed to  Icke, claiming she was deliberately programed for the interview. 45 Another of David  Icke’s sources for the  reptilian theory is Stewart Swerdlow, who claims to have been a victim of a mind control operation at Montauk Point from the age of 14 in the early seventies, when he was one of the so-called “Montauk Boys.” He claims to have personally witnessed Lawrence Gardner, author of Bloodlines of the  Holy  Grail, and conservative pundit  William F. Buckley, shapeshift into  reptilian form            during a human sacrifice ritual. Swerdlow also claims his great-uncle, Yakov Sverdlov, was the  first president of the  Soviet Union, and that his grandfather helped found the Communist Party in the United States in the 1930s. To ensure his loyalty to the US government, he says, he was  “recruited” for specific government       mind-control research,            including 13 years  at the  Montauk Project, which was supposed to have enhanced his natural abilities.46 Janet Diane Mourglia-Swerdlow, Swerdlow’s wife and partner in offering their psychic healing services, “sees and hears frequencies on all levels,” an ability she ascribes of her mix of American Indian and Celtic ancestry, as well as her lineage from  Mary Magdalene, which extends back through to the Waldensian heretics.47

Icke is a classic example of the  Aryan    racism that   typifies the channeled information of the occult.   Icke teaches that Martians came to Earth and founded the  Aryan race, which the reptilians used as a vehicle to overtake the planet, and that the  Aryans who inhabited  Atlantis were blond giants whose skin glowed white. As  Atlantis was destroyed, our ultimate objective is to reattain the powers we once had. According to  Icke, we will enter the  New Age by rediscovering our hidden psychological potential.  Icke said, “Many of you will remember the Atlantean times, you will remember you communicated with, say, dolphins and whales, you understood these sentient creatures, you could levitate, you could manifest things, you could cause spontaneous combustion by not miraculous means at all.” 48

Icke is gifted with an affable charm that is the key to his popularity, and gives every impression that he is sincere. According to Nicholas GoodrickClark, author of  Black Sun:  Aryan Cults, Esoteric  Nazism and the Politics of Identity, “it is clear from   Icke’s book that he is a transmitter of this information rather than its originator. …Who is then guiding  Icke and his  New Age following toward the beliefs of the  millenarian-conspiracy cults?”49 He remarks that recent investigations by Matthew Kalman and John Murray of Open Eyemagazine suggest that far-right and neo- Nazi groups are exploiting   Icke to penetrate the Green and  New Age movements.

In his book The Robots’ Rebellion,   Icke praised the popular  New Age magazine Nexus, which has been exposed for its far-right links. Nexus’range of topics cover “prophecies,   UFOs, Big Brother, the unexplained, suppressed technology, hidden history and more.” Although formerly concerned primarily with Green issues and  Third World causes,  Nexustook up the subject of the US  Patriot movement under its new editor Duncan M. Roads. Roads visited Qadda fi  in  Libya in 1989, and is a close friend of the right-wing   Qaddafi supporter and convert to  Islam, Robert Pash. In the late 1970s, Pash was the Australian contact for the US-based  Aryan Nations and distributed material of the  Ku Klux Klan. As chairman of the Australian Peoples Congress, Pash is also closely involved with the Australian League of Rights, an ultra-right anti-Semitic organization. Among Pash’s other introductions to  Libya is John Bennett, president of the Australian Civil Liberties Union, and an associate of  Holocaust denier David Irving and Willis  Carto. Bennett serves on the editorial committee of  Carto’s Journal of Historical Review. Nexus’British agent is also an admirer of Irving and a  Holocaust denier.50

The London-based  New Age magazine Rainbow Ark            maintainsan  influential  relationship with  Icke, printing excerpts of his work and helping to organize his lectures and meetings. The magazine betrays a wide range of far-right links. In particular is Donald Martin, the anti-Semitic publisher of Bloomfield Books,   who is the leader of the British League of Rights. Donald Martin represents the Australian League of Rights that Robert Pash is involved in. Martin has also run the ultra-right British Federation for European Freedom and the UK armof the  World Anti-Communist League ( WACL). Donald Martin has published in Spearhead, the magazine of John Tyndall, leader of the British National Party, who regards Martin as his ally in opposing immigration. Tyndall, an admirer of Sir  Oswald Mosley, was a former deputy to  Colin Jordan of the neo- Nazi National Socialist Movement in the early 1960s, and corresponded with  Savitri Devi. In 1963, Tyndall eventually fell out with Jordan over Françoise  Dior who, though originally engaged to Tyndall, hastily married Jordan who had been released from prison before him, to avoid being expelled from Britain as an undesirable alien.

In 2004, Tyndall joined in signing the   New Orleans Protocol, written by David Duke. In 2004, Duke organized a weekend gathering of “European Nationalists,” in the spirit of white nationalism in Kenner, Louisiana. In an attempt to overcome the divisiveness that had followed the death of William Pierce in 2002, Duke presented a unity proposal for peace within the movement. His proposal, now known as the New Orleans Protocol, pledged adherents to a pan-European outlook, recognizing national and ethnic allegiance, but stressing the value of all European peoples. The Protocol was signed by and sponsored by a number of white supremacist leaders and organizations, including Don Black and Willis  Carto.

The editor of Rainbow Arkhas steered  Icke toward meetings with militant  US patriots,            and recommended Bloomfield Books. The same editor has hinted at their manipulation of  Icke, by suggesting Icke wasn’t “ready for this yet,”  referring to a spoof document entitled Further  Protocols,outlining plans of  “secret  Zionism” for the “Goyim.”

Ultimately, David  Icke’s message like that of the  New Age itself, spells consequences with fascist overtones, foreboding a new holocaust intended for the “fundamentalists” of  Islam,  Christianity, and  Judaism, who refuse to adapt their age-old faiths for the ecumenism of the  New Age movement. According to  New Age or occult interpretation, the Atlanteans were destroyed because of their transgressions. Likewise, despite their wishy-washy claims of universal brotherhood and tolerance, the  New Age warns of a coming confrontation with all those who resist the transformation promised by the  Age of Aquarius. Betraying these same fascist tendencies, according to Alice   Bailey, “…let us never forget that its the Life, its purpose and its directed intentional destiny that’s of importance; and also that when a form proves inadequate, or too diseased or too crippled for the expression of that purpose, it is—from the point of view of the Hierarchy—no disaster when that form has to go. Death is not a disaster to be feared; the work of the Destroyer is not really cruel or undesirable… Therefore, there is much destruction permitted by the Custodians of the Plan and much evil turned into good…” 51 Similarly, according to David  Icke:

I do not seek to hide the severity of this period of fundamental change. It will be tough for every one of us… Many will return to light levels (die) in the wake of the physical events and the quickening vibrations. The Earth Spirit is already rising up the subplanes, and through the years ahead she will progress through the whole frequencies in her journey back to  Atlantis and beyond… Those who cannot quicken their own vibrations through love         and balance will find themselves out of  synchronization with the environment around them. This process is already apparent. 52

Conspiracy Theory Part 3

Another popular author who employs the conspiracy genre to preach a  New Age doctrine is  Jim  Marrs.  Marrs is a prominent figure  in  the  JFK conspiracy press and his book Crossfi re, which reached the New York Times Paperback Non-Fiction Best Seller list in 1992, was a source for Oliver Stone’s film JFK. Marrs’ Rule By Secrecydescribes a conspiracy linking the  Round Table, Skull and Bones, the   Trilateral Commission, the  Illuminati, and the   Templar, as making use of the knowledge of the ancient mystery schools, revealed to ancient civilizations by extra-terrestrials. In support of his claims, Marrs resorts to the new Egyptologists, as well as David  Icke,  von Däniken,  Sitchin and even the prophecies of  Edgar Cayce. He quotes  Icke as an authority, according to whom humans were creations engineered by extra-terrestrials, who are “a race of interbreeding [‘royal’ reptile-human hybrid] bloodlines… were centered in the  Middle East and Near East in the ancient world and, over the thousands of years since, have expanded their power across the globe… creating institutions like religions to mentally and emotionally imprison the masses and set them at war with each other.” 53 Marrs also quotes  Masonic historian Manly P. Hall, “The ancient knowledge was given to early man by “their progenitors, the Serpent Kings, who reigned over the Earth. It was these Serpent Kings who founded the Mystery Schools… and other forms of ancient occultism.” 54

To Marrs, the   Templars were “non-conformists” mistreated by the evil Catholics, and preserved these traditions that were inherited by the  Freemasons and other secret societies. Therefore, Marrs concludes: “Since it has been clearly demonstrated that this knowledge—or view of the world—is still tightly held within the inner sanctums of the secret societies, there appear to be but three possibilities: the small inner elite continues to accumulate wealth and power in the hope of contacting our ancient creators (nonhuman intelligences); or they have already achieved such contact and are being guided or controlled; or they are the ancient creators, the Anunnaki, the Serpent Kings.” 55

These claims are similar to those put forward by   Dan Brown in his latest novel, The Lost Symbol. Throughout all his books we are teased to believe that the secret societies have been preserving a hidden truth contrary to the teachings of the organized religions. Similarly, in The Lost Symbol, we are pulled into a labyrinth of plot twists only to discover, after all, that the “Lost Symbol,” the Holy  Grail as it were, the great secret that has been kept from us over so many centuries, is the  Bible ! But,   Dan Brown explains, it’s not the   Bibleyou or I read, and he quotes from occult artist  William Blake who confessed, “Both read the Bible day and night, but thou read black where I read white.” In other words, the secret is in an inverse  Gnostic or Luciferian interpretation of the  Bible, the hidden esoteric interpretation of the  Kabbalah . And what is that? That there is no God outside of ourselves and that, allowed to discover our true “potential,”  we will find that            we possess   “divine” powers to be able          to perform works of magic, by which we will become like “gods” and, supposedly, transform our world for the better.

Effectively, it would seem, what is being prepared is the revelation of the expected messiah, known as  Maitreya, the  Mahdi,  St. Germain and Christ, the “King of the  Jews” of the  Protocols, the proposed leader of the  New World Order, who will come down to earth in, as the ancients ignorantly described,  a flaming chariot, which in actuality, we are to believe, will be         a  flying            saucer. This scenario mirrors allegations presented in 1994 by Quebecois journalist and conspiracy theorist Serge Monast. Monast claims to reveal a secret plot known as  Project Blue Beam, with the assistance of  NASA, to attempt to implement a  New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a  New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second Coming. The image of God speaking in all languages will appear in a gigantic “space show” with laser projections of multiple 3-dimensional holographic images worldwide. The project was apparently supposed to be implemented in 1983, but was postponed several times, first to 1995, 1996, and finally by the year 2000.

As absurd as this prognostication may appear to be, these are precisely the expectations of many New Agers, and who knows what other groups, which may include secret societies,  UFO religions,   neo- Nazis and so on. And, given the success of the  2012 hullabaloo, we may wonder to what extent these same expectations         will filter to the rest of society,   and to what effect.           


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