Sabtu, 21 Januari 2017


Nazism: The blond beast Part 2

  Whether or not  Hitler was involved personally in homosexual relationships, the evidence is extensive that he surrounded himself with practicing homosexuals. Both Jorg Lanz Von  Liebenfels and  Guido von List, who influenced     Hitler’s ideas, were also homosexuals. Jonathan Katz, a  Holocaust historian, writes that most if not all of the founding members of the  German Workers Party were either homosexuals or bisexuals.55 Langer notes that Hitler’s personal bodyguards were “almost always 100 percent homosexuals.”56 SS Chief Heinrich  Himmler’s “pederastic proclivities” were captured on   film by  Nazi film maker Walter Frenz.57 In The Twelve Year Reich, Richard Grunberger
tells of a party given by  Nazi propagandist, Joseph   Goebbels, which degenerated into a homosexual orgy. 58

  It is well known that the Nazis persecuted homosexuals, as they did Jews, Gypsies and other “inferiors.” But as the authors of The Pink Swastikademonstrate, homosexuality was widely prevalent in the Nazi hierarchy. Though, their book has received rather severe condemnations from other academics, who are more concerned with what they see as the “anti-gay” bias of     the authors,        and who therefore            fail to            comprehend the significance    of their conclusions. As openly gay columnist for the London Independent, Johann Hari, in an article tiled “The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists,” dared to acknowledge, “there has always been a weird, disproportionate overlap between homosexuality and fascism.” As the authors of The Pink Swastika demonstrate,  the Nazi           persecution  of homosexuals was reflective of          a conflict that typically divides the gay community, between “fems” and “butches.” As Hari further explained, the Nazis “promoted an aggressive, hypermasculine form of  homosexuality, condemning ‘hysterical women of both sexes’, in reference to  feminine gay men.” 59

  Effectively, the  Nazis perceived the height of veneration of the purported  masculine  virtues  to  be       fulfilled  through   homosexual relations, a  practice common in warrior societies like  ancient  Sparta. Eva Cantarella, a classicist at the University of Milan stated that, “The most warlike nations have been those who were most addicted to the love of male youths.”60 Such societies are profiled in The Sambia, by anthropologist Gilbert Herdt, who studied homosexuality in various societies, and wrote that “ritual homosexuality has been reported by anthropologists in scattered areas around the world [revealing a]… pervasive link between   ritual homosexuality  and  the  warrior  ethos… We          find these similar forms of warrior homosexuality in such diverse places as New Guinea, the Amazon, Ancient  Greece, and historical Japan.”61

  According to the authors of The Pink Swastika, the  Nazi homosexuals “were militarists and chauvinists in the Hellenic mold. Their goal was to revive the pederastic military      cults of pre-Christian pagan cultures, specifically the Greek warrior cult.”62 Plutarch,      a Greek historian of the      first century AD, stated:   “It was chiefly warlike      peoples like the Boeotians, Lacedemonians       and Cretans, who were addicted to homosexuality.”63 Cantarella notes that  Plutarch wrote of “the sacred battalion” of Thebans made up of 150 male homosexual pairs, and of the legendary Spartan army, which inducted all twelve-year-old boys into military service where they were “entrusted to lovers chosen among the best men of adult age.” 64 Sparta was the inspiration for the fascist state found in  Plato’s The Republic, and  Plato had Phaedrus, in the opening speech of the Symposium, praise homosexuality in the following manner:

  For I know not any greater blessing to a young man who is beginning life than a virtuous lover, or to the lover, than a beloved youth. For the principle which ought         to be  the guide of men who would live nobly – that principle, I say, neither kindred, nor honour, nor wealth, nor any other motive is able to implant so well as love… And if there were only some way of contriving that a state or an army should be made up of lovers and their loves, they would be the very best governors of their own city… and when fighting      at each other’s side,          although a mere handful,        they    would            overcome the world.

   Since the open homosexuality of the Greeks was the ideal, German psychoanalyst  Wilhelm Reich in his 1933 classic, The Mass Psychology of Fascism, explained:

  For the fascists, therefore, the return of natural sexuality is viewed as  a       sign of decadence,            lasciviousness,  lechery, and  sexual filth… the         fascists… affirm       the most severe form of        patriarchy and actually reactivate the sexual life of the Platonic era in their familial form of living… Rosenberg and Bluher [the leading  Nazi ideologists] recognize the state solely as a male state organized on a homosexual basis. 65

  Hitler was closely associated with homosexuals Ernst  Röhm, the founder of the  Sturmabteilung(SA), and  Rudolf Hess who was known in homosexual circles as “Fraulein Anna.” 66 On June 30th 1934, Hitler had Ernst Röhm arrested and shot  on suspicions  of disloyalty, being the most high-profile  execution of the massacre known as “the Night of the Long Knives.” Röhm’s execution was also the beginning of a massive crackdown on homosexuals. According to German historian Lothar Machtan, however, Röhm and the large numberof  homosexual figures within the SA were killed by Hitler to silence speculation about his own homosexuality. A great number of the SA, also known as Brownshirts, were homosexuals. “Theirs was a very masculine brand of homosexuality,” wrote historian of homosexuality Alfred Rowse, “They lived in a male world, without women, a world of camps and marching, rallies and sports. They had their own relaxations, and the Munich SA became notorious on account of them.” 67 Louis Snyder, prominent historian of the Nazi era related, “What was needed,  Röhm believed, was a proud and arrogant lot who could brawl, carouse, smash windows, kill and slaughter for the hell of it. Straights, in his eyes, were not as adept in such behavior as practicing homosexuals.” 68 As Röhm admitted in his autobiography, “Since I am an  immature and wicked man, war and unrest appeal to me more than the good  bourgeois order.” 69 The        officer corps of the SA became the      Sicherheitsdienst (SD), organized by Reinhard Heydrich,  Himmler’s second in command. It was this branch of the  SS security service, that controlled the concentration camps. Of the three  SS divisions, notes Kevin E. Abrams, co-author of The Pink Swastika, the  Sicherheitsdienstwas the most sadistic.70

  The  Nazis were  also  heavily  influenced  by Nietzsche, who was also reportedly a homosexual, and from whom they appropriated the ideas of the “Superman” and the “Will to Power.”  Nietzsche went insane because of syphilis which, according to Sigmund   Freud and Carl  Jung, he contracted at a homosexual brothel in Genoa. 71 Nietzsche’s works, according to Rosemary Agonito, in History of Ideas on Woman, were “peppered with attacks against women,” and he relegated women to the role of breeders and sexual slaves. Men, on the other hand were to be bred for war.72 Joachim Kohler wrote Zarathustra’s Secret, to make the case for  Nietzsche’s homosexuality. For Kohler, explains his reviewer AC Grayling, “ Nietzsche’s swingeing attack on Christian morality  is the  product of this repressed            and     unfulfilled erotic longing, and            explains his ideal of the ‘ Superman’, who overthrows traditional pieties and life-denying inhibitions in order to live passionately and supremely.” 73

  Haushofer developed the doctrine of geopolitics in the early 1920s, which drew on the theories of Halford  Mackinder.  Mackinder’s Heartland Theory was enthusiastically taken up by the German school of Geopolitik, of which Haushofer was the main proponent. According to Haushofer, if Germany could control Eastern Europe and subsequently Russian territory, it could control a strategic area to which hostile sea power could be denied. Allying with Italy and Japan would further augment German strategic control of Eurasia, with those states becoming the naval arms protecting Germany’s insular position. Haushofer thus advocated conquering territory to gain more Lebensraum, meaning living space, as a means of acquiring power. Hess introduced  Haushofer to  Hitler in 1923, while  Hitler was in prison for his failed Putsch, and when  Hitler became chancellor in 1933, he adopted Geopolitics as his policy for the  Aryan race to conquer Eastern Europe,  Russia, and   Central Asia.

  But Haushofer’s theories also had an occult basis. Pauwels and Bergier, authors of The Morning of the Magicans, claim that Haushofer was also a member of the Luminous Lodge, a secret Buddhist society in Japan, as well as the  Thule Society. Haushofer proclaimed the necessity of “a return to the sources” of the human race in Central Asia, which formed the central core. Whoever could control them, he believed, could control the world. He therefore advocated the Nazi colonization of the area in order that Germany could have access to its hidden        centers of power.          The key would be   finding the forefathers of            the  Aryans, the guardians of the secrets of Vril. For this purpose, as various researchers including Pauwels and Bergier claim, after serving as a general in  World War I, Haushofer founded the  Vril Society in Berlin in 1918. It shared the same basic beliefs as the  Thule Society and some say that it was its inner circle. 74

  Pauwels, a former student of  Gurdjieff, in his book Monsieur  Gurdjieff, asserted that  Haushofer was one of the “Searchers After Truth” that  Gurdjieff speaks of in his book Meetings with Remarkable Men, the story of his years in Central Asia.     Haushofer  was  apparently infl            uenced  by Gurdjieff’s teaching that men are asleep and waiting for a strong leader to force them to wake up and become supermen. Haushofer was supposed to have been with  Gurdjieff in  Tibet, and it was then that  Gurdjieff supposedly advised him to adopt the symbol of the  swastika. 75  Dietrich Bronder in Bevor Hitler Kamalso claimed that Haushofer met  Gurdjieff at least three times between 1903 and 1908 in  Tibet, and was supposed to have initiated  Haushofer into the Tibetan mysteries.

  Gurdjieff also had alleged ties to British intelligence, serving as a British asset in Central Asia and            the Near East, and has been repeatedly identified with Lama Dorjieff. 76 It is possible that  Dorjieff was also involved in a later plot to  carve out a huge Mongol empire in Central Asia, by the “Mad Baron” Roman von Ungern-Sternberg. During 1921, in an episode that represented another strange chapter in the saga of the  Great Game, Baron von   Ungern-Sternberg established a short-lived regime in Outer Mongolian during the Russian Civil War. A selfproclaimed warrior Buddhist who dreamed of leading a holy war in Asia, the Baron adhered to the “ Shambhala” myth, believed himself to be a reincarnation of Kangchendzönga, the Mongolian god of war, and allegedly tried to contact the “ King of the World” in hopes of furthering his scheme. His encampment was a hive of espionage activity, including Japanese, Russian, and German agents. Dorjieff’s disciple was Sternberg’s        supply officer, and Ferdinand Ossendowsky was also a key advisor, having joined the baron’s army as a commanding          officer of one of the self-defense troops. Ossendowsky also briefly became Ungern von Sternberg’s political advisor and chief of intelligence.Sukhe Batur established a Mongolian Communist Provisional Government in Buryatia and led a Mongol army against Ungern-Sternberg. He rallied his troops  by  telling them  that  by  fighting  to  free  Mongolia          from  oppression, they would be reborn in the army of Shambhala. With the help of the Soviet Red Army, Sukhe Batur took Urga (now Ulan Bator), the Mongolian capital, in late 1921. The People’s Republic of Mongolia was founded in 1924. After the Japanese takeover of Inner Mongolia in 1937, Japan also exploited the Shambhala legend for political advantage. In an attempt to win the allegiance of the Mongols, it spread the propaganda that Japan was Shambhala.

  The  Thule Society also, alleged Bronder, was to have established contact with the secret monastic orders of  Tibet through a small colony of Tibetan  Buddhists, which was established at Berlin in 1928. According to Pauwels and Bergier, the Thule Society sought to make a pact with  Shambhala, but only   Agarthi agreed to offer help. Following occult legend, much like the version reported by René Guénon, Haushofer believed that following the global cataclysm, the  Aryans then split into two groups. One went south and founded a secret center of  learning beneath the Himalayas, also called Agarthi, the holder of the right-hand path and positive vril. The other Aryan group tried to return to HyperboreaThule, but founded instead Shambhala, a city of violence, evil, and materialism, and the keeper of the degenerate left-hand path and negative forces. Already by 1926, explained the authors, there were colonies of Hindus and Tibetans in Munich and Berlin, called the  Society of Green Men, in astral connection with the Green Dragon Society in Japan, to which Haushofer belonged. The leader of the  Society of Green Men was a Tibetan lama, known as “the man with green gloves,” who supposedly visited Hitler frequently and held the keys of Agharti. 77

  Mel Gordon in Hitler’s Jewish Clairvoyantdiscuss the career of an occult figure in late      Weimar Berlin, sometimes referred to as the “Magician with the Green Gloves,” in the service of the Nazis. He was not a Tibetan, but a Jew who went by the name of Erik Jan  Hanussen. Styling himself as “The Man Who Knows All,”   Hanussen became famous for giving performances of his psychic abilities at La Scala in Berlin, attracting the attention of people like Sigmund  Freud and Thomas Mann to Marlene Dietrich and Peter Lorre. Born Hermann Steinschneider, it is claimed he was a supporter of the Nazis despite his Jewish ancestry, which was an open secret. A devotee of Asiatic and  tantric traditions, he enjoyed the company of Germany’s military and business elite, also becoming close with members of the  SA. In March 1932, when Adolf Hitler’s political future seemed doomed,  Hanussen predicted a resurgence of the Nazi Party. Dr. Walter C. Langer, a psychoanalyst, prepared a psychological profile  of  Hitler  for  the       Office  of  Strategic Services in         1943,            according    to which: “…during the early 1920’s Hitler took regular lessons in speaking and in mass psychology from a man named  Hanussen who was also a practicing astrologer and fortune-teller. He was an extremely clever individual who taught Hitler a great deal concerning the importance of staging meetings to obtain the  greatest dramatic effect.” 78

  In 1932, Hitler’s mistress Eva Brown attempted suicide. Additionally, Hitler’s own political prospects were fading, and became suicidal himself. But his old friend Hanussen produced for him an astrological chart, which predicted that an auspicious future lay ahead, but that Hitler was impeded by a  hex. It order to rid himself of the spell, explained Hanussen, Hitler would have to return to his hometown, on a full moon at midnight in a butcher’s backyard and remove from the earth a mandrake, a man-shaped root known in European folklore for its magical and medicinal properties. Hanussen performed a ritual, and set off to collect the mandrake himself, returning on New Year’s Day 1933 with the root and a prediction: that Hitler’s return to power would take place on January 30, a date approximately equivalent to the pagan Sabbath of Oimelc, one of the four “cross-quarter” days of the witches’ calendar. As unlikely as it seemed at the time, Hitler was Chancellor of Germany on precisely the date Hanussen had predicted.79

  Hanussen also made a further prediction, during a séance held at his “Palace of Occultism” in Berlin, that the communists in Germany would attempt a revolution,  marked  by  the  destruction  (by  fire)  of  an important           government            building.  That  was  the  day before  the infamous      Reichstag     fire,  which  is widely considered to have been a false-flag operation that provided Hilter the            opportunity to seize power and declare himself “Fürer.” But Hanussen was eventually killed six weeks later in the purge of the Night of Long Knives, as some claim, because he “knew too much.” 80

  In 1937, in Geheime Weltmächte(“Secret World Powers”), S. Ipares mentioned an occult hierarchia ordinis  of  the  Lamaist theocracy, who invisibly influence and control the East. In the same year, Fritz Wilhelmy published Asekha. Der Kreuzzug der Bettelmönche(“Asekha: The Crusade of the Mendicant Monks”),  according to which “Tibetan  Buddhism… [is] openly appointed to play a more than mysterious role in the great global hustle and bustle of suprastate pullers of strings.” 81 Similarly, J. Strunk, in Zu Juda und Rom.  Tibet, Ihr Ringen um die Weltherrschaft(“To Judah and Rome:   Tibet, Their Struggle for World Domination”) (1937) claimed to uncover a conspiracy of an international ecclesiastical elite, formed from members of all the world religions, with the living Buddha, the  Dalai Lama from Lhasa as their head: “What there are of organizations and new spiritual currents running alongside and in all directions  nearly always end up on the ‘roof of the world,’ in a Lama temple, once one has progressed through Jewish and Christian lodges.” 82

  A 1933 book, Les Sept Tetes du Dragon Vert(“The Seven Heads of the Green Dragon”) by Teddy Legrand, also makes mention of the same society. “Teddy Legrand” was a pseudonym, the author’s real name being Pierre Mariel, a journalist with ties to French intelligence, and a self-proclaimed expert on the occult. So the novel seems to be a type of cryptic autobiography. Under the name Werner Gerson, he would later write Le Nazisme: Societe Secrete (“Nazism: Secret Society”), one         of the first books on Nazi occultism.Mariel was also a one-time French grand master of  AMORC and a member of the  Martinist Order, which he hinted was responsible for the French Revolution and other later political upheavals, and which might have had links to the Green Dragon. 83

  The title is an allusion to the dragon of the Book of Revelation, and the book presents the  Green Dragon, or simply “The Greens,” as an insidious international cabal who seek world domination. The Green Dragon was behind the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the  Bolshevik Revolution and the murder of the Romanovs. At the time of the book’s plot, 1929-30, the Greens are active facilitating the rise of the “The Man of the Two Z’s” (double S-rune) under whose “sharp spurs,” according to the Orthodox Patriarch in Istanbul, Basileus III, Europe would soon be made to tremble. Mariel also implies that connected with this conspiracy was also  Rudolf  Steiner, founder of the Anthroposophical Society, through his connections to pan-German secret societies. Mention is also made of  Gurdjieff and   Annie Besant.

  In the book, two brother spies are inspired by their shared curiosity about an object supposedly found on the executed Tsarina Alexandra’s body, which bears an enigmatic inscription in English: “S.I.M.P. The Green Dragon. You were absolutely right. Too late.” They quickly determine            that the first  element, which     is accompanied by a six-pointed “ Kabbalistic” symbol of the  Martinists, stands for “Superieur Inconnu,  Maître Philippe,” referring to  Papus’ “spiritual master.”

  As reported by Legrand, after the murder of the Russian imperial family in 1918, a judicial investigator, Nikolai Sokolov, concluded that German intelligence had been active in both the Tsarist and the  Bolshevik camps. The Tsarina had apparently adopted the symbol of the swastika as her personal signature, which
seems to have been used to communicate with an organisation attempting to
support them. The leader of the organisation, Boris Soloviev, was  Rasputin’s
son-in-law and also a triple agent for the German secret service. Soloviev
deceived the Tsarist camp by pretending to work for their cause, while he actually delivering them all to the Bolsheviks.  Rasputin was an agent in this scheme, receiving letters from his handlers in Sweden signed “The Green.” Supposedly then, Maître Philippe had tried to warn the Tsarina of the threat of the  Green Dragon, represented by  Rasputin, who eventually replaced him at the court.

  During their quest, the two spies also sought the assistance of Ignaz Trebitsch-Lincoln (1879-1943), a real-life character who was a Jewish adventurer of Hungarian origin, who for a time was a Christian priest, as well as British Member of Parliament, convicted fraudster, German right-wing politician and triple-agent, and Buddhist abbot in China. He was initiated to the occult by Harold Beckett, an ex-Indian Army officer who allegedly    had ties with Maître Philippe and  Papus, after which Trebitsch-Lincoln went on to join numerous  secret societies including the  Freemasons, the  OTO and Chinese triads.84 In  1925, Trebitsch-Lincoln underwent a “mystical experience” in a hotel room in China, after which he embraced  Theosophy. His revelation opened his interest in  Tibet and  Buddhism, and he received initiation as Dordji Den at a monastery  outside Lhasa. 85 It was there that he acquired the new name of Chao Kung,  whose presence in Berlin was then known to  Hanussen, who publicly defended  his reputation in the psychic’s newsletter. 86

  Among the secrets Beckett supposedly revealed to  Trebitsch-Lincoln was that there are only seventy-two “True Men” for each generation. These are identified with the  Green Dragon or, more simply, “The Greens,” who number   precisely 72 conspirators, who were, presumably, the “72 unknown superiors” of occult legend. They are also considered the same as mentioned by  Walter  Rathenau, a Jewish politician who served Foreign Minister of Germany during the  Weimar Republic.87 Just before he died, he blamed the “seventy-two men who control the world,” as responsible for his assassination on June 24, 1882, two months after the signing of the Treaty of Rapallo which renounced German territorial claims from World War I. All conspirators were members of the ultra-nationalist secret Organisation Consul (OC), who hoped that Rathenau’s death would bring down the government and prompt the Left to act against the  Weimar Republic, thereby provoking civil war, in which the OC would be called on for help by the Reichswehr. One of the assassins, Erwin Kern had argued that Rathenau had, in addition to close ties with the Bolsheviks, had confessed to be one of the three hundred “Elders of Zion” as described in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. 88

  Trebitsch-Lincoln boasted that before the war he had been “an active spy in Central Asia, working as a Buddhist monk.” 89 Trebitsch-Lincoln himself was suspected of being the “Man (or Lama) with the Green Gloves.” 90  According to Trebitsch-Lincoln, who also went by the name of “Lama Dorji Den,” the society of the Green Men, the parent of the Thule Group, originated in  Tibet. 91  In 1939, Edouard Saby published Hitler et les forces occultes, in which he depicts  Hitler as a medium, a magician and initiate, and also refers to the connection  with  Tibet: “Wasn’t it Trebitsch-Lincoln, the friend of the Tibetan Badmaiev, who initiated Hitler, by revealing to him the doctrine of Ostara, a secret school of  India, where the lamas teach the supremacy of the Aryan?” 92 The Mongol  Dr.  Piotr Badmaev, a practitioner of Tibetan herbal medicine, was an associate  of Lama  Dordjieff,  Ukhtomskii,  Bokii, Nicholas   Roerich and  Blavatsky’s cousin  Sergei de Witte, in St. Petersburg at the court of Nicolas II, whom they envisioned as the “White Tsar of Shambhala.” 93

  Trebitsch-Lincoln’s troubled history with the British government is interpreted as merely serving as an elaborate cover, as he remained a secret British agent for many years, and perhaps for the remainder of his life. To René Guénon, Trebitsch-Lincoln was an “agent of the Counter-Initiation,” a representative     of dark occult influences associated with       Aleister Crowley, calling them “brothers,” as both double-agents of the British and Germans. 94 Guénon  made note of later links between Trebitsch-Lincoln and British agents in Central Asia. As late as 1937, French writer Robert Boucard referred to Trebitsch-Lincoln as an agent of SIS alongside  T. E. Lawrence and Gertrude Bell. 95

  Trebitsch-Lincoln was associated with a Russo-Polish Jew named Salomon (Shlomo) Rosenblum, but better known as “Ace of Spies”  Sidney George Reilly, who was the role model for Ian Fleming’s James Bond. Reilly was employed by Scotland Yard, the British Secret Service Bureau and later the  SIS, but he was also alleged to have spied for at least four nations. Reilly hinted of his connections to international business  and finance  as the “Occult Octopus.”96 An intelligence report of April 1918 concluded that Reilly was “a shrewd businessman of undoubted ability, but without patriotism or principles and therefore not to be recommended for any position which requires loyalty…”97 Nevertheless, in May of that year, the SIS hired him to undertake the Ambassadors’ Plot, an endeavor to depose the  Bolshevik Government of Russia and assassinate Vladimir  Lenin.

  Trebitsch-Lincoln  and     Reilly  were  employed by international financier and arms trader, Basil Zaharoff, the infamous “Merchant of Death,” who operated a private intelligence service. It is not known whether he was Greek, Jewish, or Russian. But the British gave him an Order of the British Empire and a Knight Grand Cross of the Bath for his special services. French  investigative journalist Roger Menevee, was convinced that not only was he a key British agent, but also a leader of an “International Oligarchy” which dominated the world’s economy. 98 Zaharoff was intimately connected with future Prime Minister David  Lloyd George, for whom Trebitsch-Lincoln also performed intelligence work. According to Donald McCormick, a “triangular association” existed among Zaharoff, Lloyd George and Trebitsch-Lincoln based on the fact that “each knew a secret about the other.” 99 Zaharoff ’s infl    uence reached its peak during    the World War I, as “Allied statesmen and leaders were obliged to consult with him before planning any great attack,” according to T. P. O’Connor. 100

  American intelligence regarded  Trebitsch-Lincoln as the organizer of the Kapp Putsch, a coup attempt in March 1920 aimed at undoing the results of the German Revolution of 1918–1919 and overthrowing th     Weimar Republic.101 Guido Preparata, author of Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich, believes that the British used Trebitsch-Lincoln as “an agent steeped in counter-insurgency tactics and disinformation to thwart, expose and burn all the monarchist conspiracies against the  Weimar Republic.”102 Preparata refers to a British report which suggests that Trebitsch-Lincoln was sent to Germany by then Secretary for War  Winston Churchill. The same report claims that when the right-wing Kapp plot began to fail, Trebitsch-Lincoln switched to “working to bring about  Bolshevism in Germany.” Although US military intelligence reports declared that Trebitsch-Lincoln “was and still is an English agent,” he was also reported to be “actively engaged in the ‘Red Movement’” and “working in the interest of the Soviet Government in Austria and Hungary.” 103

  In 1938, British officials  in China determined that Trebitsch-Lincoln was on  his way to Lhasa, claiming simultaneously to be the reincarnations of the  Dalai and Panchen Lamas. 104 Trebitsch-Lincoln is also known to have collaborated with the Abwehr’s station in Shanghai, which in 1941 informed Berlin that Chao Kung had long been a member of the “Grand Council of Yellow Cap Lamas” who exercised great influence in  Tibet and   India. 105 Trebitsch-Lincoln  even  won      the confidence  of  the  Gestapo’s  local  representative,  SS  Colonel Joseph “The Butcher of Warsaw”  Meisinger, who he convinced he could rally the  Buddhists  of the East against  any remaining British influence         in the area. Meisinger urged that the scheme receive serious attention, and sent him to Berlin, where Heinrich  Himmler was enthusiastic for it, as was Rudolf  Hess, but it   was abandoned after his flight  to Scotland   in May 1941. Haushofer, therefore, apparently acquainted Hitler with the teaching of the Society of the Green Dragon, and taught him the techniques of  Gurdjieff ’s Fourth Way,   which were  ostensibly based on the    teachings of the Sufis and the Tibetan        Lamas. Under the   influence of  Haushofer,   Hitler  authorized   the creation of the Ahnenerbein 1935, thatsponsored expeditions to locate the Aryan forefathers in  Shambhala and  Agartha. The 1939 expedition was said to have gone to  Tibet with           the specific          purpose of setting up vital radio contact between the  Third Reich and the lamas in 1939, and  Blavatsky’s  Stanzas of Dz yan were used as a code for all messages between Berlin and  Tibet during the World War II.106  Pauwels and Bergier argue that Hitler sent the expedition out of his desire to        find    Agarthi, which he   had been made aware of from   his relationship            with “the man with the green gloves.”

  Ernst  Schäfer, a German hunter and biologist, participated in three expeditions to  Tibet, in 1931,            in 1934–1935, and  in 1938–1939, supposedly for sport and zoological research. Among the expedition was Dr. Bruno  Beger. Beger, a member of  Himmler’s personal staff, who was the actual “expert” who  pushed forward the racial studies of the  Ahnenerbe. 107 In 1939 he went to  Tibet as a member of the SS Expedition. He measured the skulls of more than 400 Tibetans in order to investigate a possible relationship between the Tibetan and  Aryan “races.” In 1943,  Beger was sent to  Auschwitz where he took the measurements of 150 mainly Jewish prisoners. In 1971  Beger appeared in a German court and was sentenced to three years imprisonment on probation for his national socialist crimes.

  Beger was also connected to the current reigning  Dalai Lama XIV, later to go on the  CIA payroll, and who was revered as representing a special  connection between the  Nazis and   Tibet. 108 Acting as the young  Dalai Lama’s personal tutor until the early 50s, and teaching him about all the “wonders” of Western civilization, and introducing him to the English language as well, was former  SS officer, Heinrich  Harrer, an Austrian mountain climber, competition skier, geographer, and author. 109 Harrer is best known for being on            the four-man climbing team that            made the first ascent of   the North Face of the Eiger in Switzerland, and for his books, including Seven Years in  Tibet (1952),            which was the basis of two films of the same title,  the first in 1956 and the second in 1997, starring Brad Pitt in the role of  Harrer. A strong friendship developed between  Harrer and the  Dalai Lama that would last the rest of their  lives. 110 After joining the  SS in 1938,  Harrer received instructions to climb  Nanga   Parbat  in  the  Himalayas  after   an  official  meeting with Adolf Hitler. After returning to Europe in 1952,  Harrer was cleared of any pre-war crimes and this was later supported by Simon Wiesenthal. In his memoir, Beyond Seven Years in  Tibet,  Harrer called his involvement with the  Nazi Party a mistake made in his youth when he had not yet learned to think for himself.

  Coinciding with the  Schäfer  expedition  of 1934 – 1935 was another        conducted by Nicholas  Roerich in search of  Shambhala, in inner Mongolia, Manchuria and  China, organized by the US Department of Agriculture. 111 Heinrich Müller, who was in charge of a  Gestapo section of the  Nazis, claimed that  Roerich was known to the  Gestapo under the code word “Lama,” and that he had contacted the  Nazi regime in 1934 to ascertain whether they were  interested in supporting his undertakings in Inner Asia. 112 Harvey Spencer Lewis was keen on making  Roerich a legate of  AMORC on his expedition to Tibet, which apparently  Roerich never was, in spite of his close relationship with Lewis. Nevertheless,  AMORC claims to this day that  Roerich communicated certain occult techniques from  Tibet which were since integrated in their Rosicrucian teachings. Lewis boasted of the correspondence he received from Roerich’s second expedition. 113

  According to several   Theosophical accounts,  Roerich’s mission was to return  the “ Chintamani”            stone,            a wish-fulfilling jewel from both Hindu and Buddhist traditions. According to  Roerich, the stone was brought to earth by emissaries of the star  Sirius. To the Roerichs’ the gem was known to the alchemists of the West      as the “philosopher’s stone,”      which was also identified      with    the      Holy Grail.  According to the Roerichs, it magically appeared and disappeared at pivotal movements in history to be handed to the righteous ones who would guide humanity to a better future.  Roerich related that it had at one time been in the possession of King Solomon, Tamerlane, Ghenghis Khan and Akbar the Great, among whom it was known as the “Treasure of the World.” It held the power to endow its possessor with the ability to see into both the past and the future, and to assume the position of “ King of the World.” Supposedly, a piece of the Chintamani was entrusted to the founders of the   League of Nations in order to support their project of establishing world government. But when the League was dissolved,  Roerich was chosen to convey the stone back to Shambhala.

  In Shambhala: In Search of a New Era,  Roerich also hinted at a similarity between Shambhala and Thule, and mentioned the association of Shambhala with the underground city of  Agharti, reached through tunnels under the Himalayan mountains.  Roerich     was first exposed   to mystical Buddhist teachings and heard of Shambhala in St. Petersburg, Russia, during his involvement with the construction of the Buddhist temple under the guidance of Lama Agvan Dorjieff,        the Russian agent   who has been identified   with    Gurdjieff.114

  One of Roerich’s followers was a young Russian Theosophist, Vladimir Anatol’evich Shibaev, an agent for the Communist International (Comintern) working with Indian nationalists. Shibaev introduced the Roerichs to other Soviet         officials  and  encouraged  their  plans  to  move  to  India  as  a    first    step towards their Great Plan. London’s  MI5 kept a close eye on Shibaev and  his relationship with Roerich. 115  When the Roerich’s moved to New York  in October 1920, evading the scrutiny of British intelligence, they secured support from a number of wealthy Americans. One such benefactor was Wall  Street broker Louis Levy  Horch who helped found the Roerich Museum.  Though a successful businessman with important connections in American  politics,  Horch was also an undercover operative for the  Cheka, the  Bolshevik  secret police (later renamed OGPU, NKVD and eventually KBG). The head  of the   OGPU’s “Special Department” was G. I.  Bokii, a former member of  Papus’  Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix ( OKR+C), the “inner circle” of the  Martinist Order, and devotee of Tantric sex rituals.

  During the Stalinist purge trials,  Bokii confessed to having been part of a  Masonic lodge in 1909 that had been founded by  Gurdjieff and that included Nicholas Roerich and his wife. 116  Bokii was an associate of Aleksandr  Barchenko, also a former member of the  OKR+C, and a former student of Gurdjieff. Bokii had put Barchenko in charge of a special laboratory within the Moscow Institute of Experimental Medicine to study hypnosis, telekinesis, remote viewing, ESP, with the aim of making use of them for intelligence purposes. Bokii was also a member of the Edinoe Trudovoe Bratstvo( ETB), founded by Barchenko. The Lodge’s name bears a striking similarity to an earlier group formed by  Gurdjieff’s followers, the Edinoe Trudovoe Sodruzhstvo(“United Labor Fellowship”), and at least one prominent member of ETB, was a devotee of  Gurdjieff. The ETB, whose primary aim was establishing direct contact with Shambhala, included numerous other current or former Chekists and British double-agents, like Yakov Blumkin and Konstantin Konstantinovich Vladimirov.117 The ETB lasted until it was disbanded by Stalin in the late 1930s, following charges leveled against Bokii, Barchenko and their associates, that their occult activities were part for treasonous plots associated with British intelligence in the Far East.

  It was Bokii and Barchenko who were charge of the OGPU’s effort to exploit the services of Nicholas Roerich. Roerich’s expeditions began in 1925, attended by OGPU agents. According to his wife Helena, they were also under the guidance of one of one of  Blavatsky’s “ Mahatmas,” Master Morya, or Master Allal Ming.  Roerich’s  Ascended Masters instructed him that, among other illustrious persons, he was a reincarnation of the 5th  Dalai Lama Lozang Gyatso (1617-1682), the            first  Dalai Lama to wield effective political power over  central  Tibet. He initiated the construction of the Potala Palace in Lhasa, and was known for unifying the country under the leadership of the Geluga, the “Yellow Hat” sect, and a secular ruler, the prince of Tsang. Since there was a dispute about the legitimacy of the 6th  Dalai Lama,  Roerich could claim to be the continuation of the true lineage. 118 According to Markus Osterrieder, the opening of the archives of  Roerich and his wife Helena Ivanova revealed the messianic ambitions of their “spiritual geopolitics.” As Osterrieder explains:

  It cannot be denied that they seriously interpreted themselves and their “mission” as part of some larger spiritual Plan that ultimately should serve the advance of human evolution, especially since Master Allal Ming warmed them up by revealing their illustrious previous incarnations, thereby freeing vanity and arrogance—a phenomenon that       occurs  not  exclusively  in  esoteric         circles,  but finds  a especially fertile grounds among adepts—and politicians. 119

  Only a small inner circle of confidants in New York were            initiated in the full extent of the Roerichs’ plans. Their ultimate objective, usually referred to as the “Grand Plan,” like  Dorjieff and von  Ungern-Sternberg, was to establish a pan-Buddhist, transnational “New Country” spanning from  Tibet to southern Siberia, including territory that was then governed by China, Mongolia,  Tibet, and the Soviet Union, to be ruled by the  Panchen Lama, the spiritual leader of  Tibet,            who had been forced to  flee the country in 1923  because of disagreements with the then  Dalai Lama, the country’s secular leader. This “New Country” was conceived as the earthly expression of the invisible Kingdom of  Shambhala, “the Holy Place, where the earthly world links with the highest states of consciousness.” 120 It was prophesied that the  Panchen Lama’s return would signal the beginning of a new age.

  Roerich informed the Soviets that he had letters from the  Mahatmas for  Stalin, and that their task was to “unite Buddhism with Communism and  to create a great Oriental Federation.” Drawing on   Dorjieff’s expectations,  Roerich mentioned the prophecy that  Tibet would be freed from foreign  invaders [the British] by protectors coming from the north [the Soviets]. The Soviets surmised that it was  Roerich’s mission to retrieve the  Panchen Lama  from exile in Mongolia and then liberate  Tibet from the British. As Lachman  explains in Politics and the Occult:

  Although the Soviets later regarded  Roerich as an American spy, and the British thought of him as a Russian agent, getting the  Panchen Lama out of Mongolia and into  Tibet was something practically everyone involved in the new Great Game wanted. Yet none of the players wanted others to get credit for it, and the British were especially concerned that  Roerich’s real aim was to use  Tibet’s spiritual leader as a rallying point for a Soviet-backed revolution. 121

  Hearing that Roerich’s expedition was nearing the Tibetan border, the British counseled the Dalai Lama not to allow him to reach Lhasa. The expedition was detained by           the government for five     months, and            forced to live in tents in subzero conditions  during which five  members of        the expedition lost their lives.     In March 1928 they were allowed to leave  Tibet, and made their way south and settled in  India, where they founded the Himalayan Research Institute.

  Roerich then set out again on a second expedition, this time with the support of the Vice President Henry A. Wallace, who became his close associate. Wallace too was a member of the  Theosophical Society. According to Arthur  Schlesinger, Jr., “Wallace’s search for inner light took him to strange prophets… It was in this search that he encountered Nicholas  Roerich, a Russian émigré, painter,  theosophist. Wallace did  Roerich a number of favors, including sending him on an expedition to   Central Asia presumably to collect drought-resistant grasses.”  In a letter to  Roerich Wallace stated, “The search —whether it be for the lost word of Masonry, or the Holy Chalice, or the potentialities of the age to come—is the one supremely worthwhile  objective. All else is karmic duty. But surely everyone is a potential Galahad?  So      may we strive         for the Chalice and  the flame above it.” 122

  It is widely suspected that it was  Roerich who inspired Wallace to add the  Great  Seal of the United           States, first   designed in   1782, on the reverse side of the dollar bill, featuring          an unfinished pyramid and the        Illuminati symbol of the All-Seeing Eye.123 Wallace proposed the idea to President Roosevelt in 1934.  According to Wallace, in a letter dated February 6, 1951:

  Roosevelt as he looked at the colored reproduction of the Seal was first struck with the representation of the        ‘All-Seeing    Eye,’   a  Masonic representation of Great Architect the Universe. Next he was impressed with the idea that the foundation for the new order of the ages had been laid in 1776 (May 1st, 1776, founding of the  Illuminati) but would be completed only under the eye of the Great Architect. Roosevelt like myself was a 32nd degree Mason. He suggested that the Seal be put on the dollar bill rather than a coin. 124

  With Wallace’s help, the Roerichs were also able to gain President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s support for  Roerich’s Pact, for which  Roerich was nominated for the Nobel Prize. The Pact was signed in the White House in 1935 with the participation of  FDR. Roosevelt himself had become a member of the high grade Scottish Rite in 1929, and was appointed as Honorary Grand Master of the New York Order of DeMolay in 1934 at the White House. In 1942, inspired by James Hilton’s 1933 novel Lost Horizon, modeled on   Roerich’s quest for  Shambhala, but named in the novel as Shangri-la, a utopian lamasery in the mountains of  Tibet whose inhabitants enjoy longevity, Roosevelt named his new retreat in the Catoctin Mountain Park, Camp Hi-Catoctin [today’s  Camp David], by the same name. 125

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