Sabtu, 21 Januari 2017


Nazism: The blond beast Part 3

  FDR was deeply fascinated by the geography and history of Inner Asia, from Tibet to the Siberian border, what he called “the chess board of international politics.” This attitude is    reflected in   the series of        eight letters  addressed to him at the instigation of “the Masters,” and written by Helena  Roerich between late 1934 and early 1936. The “Master” had instructed Helena to “speak about the meaning of the potential of Asia” and that “the New Russia could be the best friend of America.” In her letters, Helena addressed  FDR as “not only the Ruler but the true great Leader” whose responsibility it was to accept “the Highest Help and the Fiery Messages” “at the threshold of reconstruction” of the entire world, when “the fate of many countries is being weighed on the  Cosmic Scales.” The “Master” communicated to the President that:

  …a Great State will be created in the East. This beginning will bring that equilibrium, which is so urgently needed for the construction of the great Future. America was since long linked with Asia. […] Thus one must accept that the peoples occupying the larger part of Asia are destined to respond to the friendship of America. […] The alliance of the nations of Asia is decided, the union of tribes and peoples will take place gradually, there will be a kind of Federation of countries. Mongolia, China and the Kalmuks will constitute the counterbalance of Japan and in this alliance of peoples, Your Good Will is needed, Mr. President. 126

  Although ostensibly organized to research drought-resistant grasses, Roerich’s true ambition was to prepare the coming of a  New Age which would be ushered in by the earthly manifestation of  Maitreya, the Buddha of the Future, who according to   Theosophists is one of the “Lords of the Flame” who accompanied  Sanat Kumara from  Venus. While in  Tibet,  Roerich witnessed a  UFO sighting, describing            it as     “something  big andshiny            reflecting the sun, like a huge oval moving at great speed,” which his        Tibetan guide identified as a sign of protection from Rigden-jyepo. In the Roerichs’ books,  Rigdenjyepo is the prophesied Lord of the New Era of   Shambhala, who is currently preparing an invisible army. He is the “Ruler of the World,” and  Maitreya himself, the Last  Avatar who brings the Kali Yugato an end and opens the new Ktriaor Satya Yuga, and whose representative on Earth is the Dalai Lama. The Roerichs did not expect to wait long to witness these events. Helena  Roerich, channeling “Josephine Saint-Hilaire,” gave the heralds of Northern  Shambhala five years to arrive, and a lama predicted to them “someone of greatness will come” in 1936. 127 Tenzin Gyatso           was born in  1935, and identified as the incarnation of the      Dalai Lama in 1937, becoming the current  Dalai Lama XIV.

  Although he collected some grasses,  Roerich seemed more concerned with visiting Buddhist monasteries and speaking with monks about  Rigdenjyepo and the coming “War of Shambhala.” Wallace initially defended   Roerich’s actions, but  Roerich’s ulterior motives became more apparent when he entered Inner Mongolia. The Soviets became concerned that the Americans, through the support of  Roerich’s expedition, were backing the start of a holy war against Communist rule. When Louis  Horch, one of  Roerich’s staunchest patrons informed Wallace that   Roerich had guaranteed American support for a Mongolian uprising, Wallace ordered him to withdraw from the area.  Roerich either never received or ignored the directive, and continued his efforts to recruit Mongols and former White Russians. Wallace immediately cabled Roerich that “the Plan” was terminated, and forbade him from making any public statements.

  Wallace’s political career was later adversely affected by his association with  Roerich, then widely denounced as a mystic and charlatan, when letters in which he referred to  Roerich as “dear Guru” were published, sinking his chances when he ran for president as the Progressive Party’s candidate.

The Fourth Reich Part 1

  As Guido Preparata explained in Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich, “To annihilate the German threat, the British ruling elites had gambled           for high stakes; for over 30 years (1914–45) they had woven a web of financial      machinations, international complicities, intelligence conspiracies,diplomatic     devilry, military savvy, and inhuman mendacity, and they finally succeeded.” He adds:

  So the West  has   to think again – to  think, in fact, that  there  is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims. 1

  The Nazis received the support of what Charles Higham in Trading With the Enemy: The Nazi American Money Plot 1933-1949, called “the Fraternity,” which was a network of the Rockefeller-controlled Standard Oil and First National City Bank, or the Chase National Bank. The director of Standard Oil was William Avery Rockefeller Jr, who was a co-founder with his older brother John D. Rockefeller of the prominent United States Rockefeller family. He married the daughter of First National City Bank president James Jewett Stillman. William was also a member of the notorious Skull and Bones secret society of Yale. The society was founded after William H. Russell travelled to Germany in the early 1830s and befriended the leader of an insidious German secret society that hailed the death’s head as its logo, and derived from eighteenth-century society the Illuminati. When he returned to the United States, he and Alphonso Taft, the father of US President William Howard Taft, founded the society which they called the Brotherhood of Death, or the Order of the Skull and Bones.

  The Skull and Bones was the dominant American chapter of the international Brotherhood of Death secret societies, that included the Nazi’s Thule Society. The society’s alumni organization, which owns the society’s real property and oversees the organization, is the Russell Trust Association. The Russell Trust was founded by Russell and Daniel Coit Gilman, member of Skull and            Bones and later president of the University   of California, first president of Johns Hopkins University, and the founding president of the Carnegie Institution. Alexandra Robbins describes the Skull and Bones as “the most powerful secret society the United States has ever known,” and that the society has been dominated by about two dozen of the country’s most influential  families,        including  the Bush,  Bundy,  Harriman,  Lord,  Phelps, Rockefeller, Taft, and Whitney families, who are encouraged to intermarry amongst themselves. 2

  The  Nazis and the Bonesmen were joined together through  Synarchism, which US Army, State Department, and  FBI       files from the World War II period  labeled “Synarchist/ Nazi-Communist,” because of their use simultaneously of both purportedly opposing ideologies, pro- communism and the extreme right, towards the encroachment of a targeted government. 3 Saint-Yves’ followers had finally decided  to use more stealthy means,           by infiltrating their members into key positions in political and economic institutions intending on creating, in the words of Richard F. Kuisel, a specialist in twentieth-century French political history, “a world government by an initiated elite.” 4 According to Gérard Galtier, synarchism influenced         all the Martinists and occultists of the beginning of the century, and “Without doubt, the  Martinist directors such as  Papus… had the ambition  to secretly influence the course of political            events,  notably the diffusion of synarchic ideals.” 5 Papus’ death in 1916, however, resulted in a schism in the  Martinist Order over its involvement in politics. The activists, under Victor  Blanchard, who was head of the secretariat of the Chamber of  Deputies of the French Parliament, formed a breakaway group, the  Martinist and Synarchic Order, which established the Synarchic Central Committee in 1922, designed to pull in promising young civil servants and “younger members of great business families.” 6 The Committee soon became the Synarchic Empire Movement ( MSE) in 1930, with the aim of abolishing parliamentarianism and replacing it with synarchy.

  The  MSE was headed by Vivien  Postel du Mas and Jeanne  Canudo, remembered as an energetic campaigner for European unity.  Postel du Mas was a member of the  Watchers, founded by a French occultist René Adolphe Schwaller  de Lubicz. De Lubicz was also a student of  Theosophy and  SaintYves d’Alveydre’s synarchy. De Lubicz, was the son of a Baltic baron with links to the “Mad Baron” von Ungern-Sternberg, who established a short-lived regime in the Outer Mongolian, and for whom Ferdinand Ossendowsky was a key advisor. Despite being born of a Jewish mother,  de Lubicz with other members of the  Theosophical Society broke away to form an occult right-wing and anti-Semitic organization, which he called Les Veilleurs, “the  Watchers,” to which the young  Rudolf Hess also belonged. 7 Still another member of  de  Lubicz’  Watchers was Julien Champagne, who some believe was the true identity of   Fulcanelli, the mysterious French alchemist and author of Le Mystère des Cathédrales,about the sacred architecture of the  Templars.  Fulcanelli was a confidant of de Lubicz and collaborated with him in several  alchemical experiments. It has also been suspected that  de Lubicz himself was  Fulcanelli.

  Postel du Mas and  Canudo, along with René Guénon, had belonged to the Brotherhood of the Polaires, which claimed to have a direct channel through an “Oracle of Astral Energy” to the  “Rosicrucian Initiatic Center” of  Agartha.8 The Grand Master of the Fraternity was at one time Victor  Blanchard.  Postel du Mas was also a member of the French  Theosophical Society. Around 1936, Postel du Mas founded the  Theosophical branch Kurukshétra. It is this branch that supposedly gave birth in 1937 to the Synarchist Empire Movement.  Postel du Mas and   Canudo both pursued the aims of  Saint-Yves for  France and a united Europe. Postel du Mas also wrote the Synarchist Pact, which argued, based on the “four orders that correspond to the Hindu caste system,” that a “division of people into order is natural and conforms with tradition,” and set out a program for “invisible revolution” or “revolution from above,” meaning taking       over   a state from   within  by infiltrating high offices. The first step was to take control of  France, before creating the “ European Union.” 9

  Canudo began in 1933 by founding the journal Ter r e d’Eur ope(“Land of Europe”), subtitled the Review of the Builders of the United Europe, and setting up the European Team to produce the journal and to create a network of other proEuropean organizations. A leading investigator of   synarchism, Raoul Hussan, related that, “the majority were found, after July 1940, either in the corridors of power in  Vichy, or in the collaborationist circles of Paris.”10 In 1934,  Canudo also founded what later expanded into the Estates General of European Youth, to mobilize European youth in support of a United States of Europe.

  An important witness to their  synarchism was the Parisian publisher Maurice  Girodias.  Girodias was born Maurice Kahane in Paris, the son of a Jewish father and Catholic mother.  Girodias was the founder of the Olympia Press which published erotica as well as works by Henry Miller, Samuel Beckett, John Glassco and Christopher Logue.  Girodias described   Canudo as the “occult brain behind the radical and socialist parties, a militant adventuress of feminine  Freemasonry and the cause of women in general.” 11 Girodias was involved with an esoteric society that met at  Postel du Mas’ apartment to hear the “secret masters” speaking through a trance medium.  Girodias said of the magical salons: “I saw at his feet men of science, company directors, and bankers.” 12 Girodias first became intrigued            at lectures   by  Krishnamurti at the  Theosophical Society in 1935, where  Postel du Mas and  Canudo led a group dressed as   Templar knights wearing red capes and riding boots.   Girodias was told they were “schismatic theosophists with political designs, and they are linked to Count  Coudenhove-Kalergi… who is a champion of the United States of Europe… Their aim is to launch a pan-European political party and to institute in the entire world, commencing with Europe, a society obedient to a spiritualist idea.” 13

  Count Richard Nikolaus von  Coudenhove-Kalergi was Austrian politician and philosopher, a pioneer of European integration, and also a member of de Lubicz’ Les VeilleursIn conversation with  Girodias,  Postel du Mas named Coudenhove-Kalergi as one of the two major promoters of his and   Canudo’s plans.  Canudo’s Estates General of European Youth was made possible largely through his backing. 14 In their 1968 Synarchy and Power, André Ulmann and Henri Azeau interviewed one of the members of the  MSE who claimed it had “inspired the action of  Coudenhove-Kalergi and his pan-Europeanism.” 15

  Coudenhove-Kalergi’s father was also a close friend of Theordor  Herzl, founder of  Zionism.   Coudenhove-Kalergi writes in his Memoirs:

  At the beginning of 1924, we received a call from Baron Louis de Rothschild; one of his friends,   Max Warburg from Hamburg, had read my book and wanted to get to know us. To my great surprise, Warburg spontaneously offered us 60,000 gold marks, to tide the movement over for its first     three years… Max Warburg, who was one of the most distinguished and wisest men that I have ever come into contact with, had           a principle   of financing  these movements. He remained sincerely interested in Pan-Europe for his entire life.  Max Warburg arranged his 1925 trip to the United States to introduce me to  Paul Warburg and financier Bernard Baruch. 16

  Coudenhove-Kalergi strove to replace the nationalist German ideal of racial community with the goal of an ethnically heterogeneous and inclusive European nation based on a communality of culture, a nation whose geniuses were, in  Nietzschean terms, the “great Europeans,” such as  Abbé de SaintPierre,  Kant,  Napoleon, Giuseppe  Mazzini,  Victor Hugo, and  Nietzsche himself, who also cited  Napoleon frequently as an example of the  Superman.” 17

  In addition to  Nietzsche,  Coudenhove-Kalergi’s   intellectual influences included the fascist theories of German historian and philosopher Oswald Spengler (1880-1936).  Spengler’s most famous work, The Decline of the West (1918), which drew on the influence of  Nietzsche, but mostly  Goethe, outlined the notion of societal decay that became commonplace in fascist thought.  Spengler’s thesis was that all civilizations are subject to an organic cycle of birth, maturity, aging and death. All civilizations eventually reach an apex, followed by irreversible decadence, until the emergence of barbarism once again heralds the beginning of a new epoch.

  Typical to the cynicism of fascist thought, for  Spengler man is not “good” but survives as a “predator” through aggression and destruction. Spengler believed that the Europe of his time was already in decline, but that the German nation would be the main player in the dawning of a new imperialist era, and would revive “Caesarism,” the glory of Ancient Rome, where “blood” and instinct would regain their status as virtues. According to  Spengler, the infection the West was suffering came from certain elements, and he wrote: “I will list them: liberalism,  democracy,  socialism, Free-masonry. The organism of the West has been weakened, debilitated by these ideologies. Well, there is in existence only one movement existing at the present time which has the courage possessing the power of a great nation to be fundamentally, openly, ferociously anti-liberal, anti-democratic, anti-Freemason:  fascism.” 18

  It was through  Coudenhove-Kalergi that  Saint-Yves’s vision of a   synarchist European Union achieved serious political force when he co-founded the  PanEuropean Union ( PEU) with Archduke Otto  von  Habsburg. Otto’s father was Charles I of Austria, the last ruler of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the nephew to Archduke Franz Ferdinand, whose assassination in 1914 precipitated World War I. Although he was not in direct line to the Jacobite pretenders, which passed into the House of Bavaria, his mother was the great-granddaughter of Jacobite pretender King Victor Emmanuel I of Sardinia. Otto, also known  by his royal name as Archduke Otto of Austria, was the last Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary from 1916 until the dissolution of the empire in 1918. He subsequently became the pretender to the former thrones, Head of the Imperial House of Habsburg, and Sovereign of the Order of the Golden Fleece.

  Aristocratic in his origins and elitist in his ideas,   Coudenhove-Kalergi identified and collaborated also with       such politicians as Engelbert  Dollfuss, Kurt Schuschnigg, Winston   Churchill and Charles   de Gaulle. At its founding convention in Vienna in 1922, attended by more than 6,000 delegates, the  PEU called for the dissolution of all the nation-states of Western Europe and the creation of a single European state, modeled on the Roman and Napoleonic empires. Tellingly, the backdrop behind the podium was adorned with portraits of  Napoleon,  Mazzini, and   Nietzsche.19 Coudenhove-Kalergi’s movement held its     first Congress in Vienna   in 1926. In 1927, Aristide         Briand, who served           eleven terms as Prime Minister of  France during the French Third Republic, was elected honorary president. Personalities attending included: Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann, Sigmund  Freud, Konrad Adenauer and Georges Pompidou. 20

  The   first person  to join the  PEU was Hjalmar  Schacht, later  Hitler’s Reich Minister of Economics, a member of the  Round Table and the actual author of  Hitler’s slave labor programs.21 His full name was Hjalmar Horace Greely Schacht, and although born in Germany, he spent part of his early upbringing  in Brooklyn and maintained powerful Wall Street connections. 22 Schacht was a close friend of  Montagu Norman, Chairman of the   Bank of England, who was the godfather to one of  Schacht’s grandchildren.   Montagu Norman from 1933 through 1939 met repeatedly with Hjalmar  Schacht to plan the            financing of the  Nazi regime, and guided the strategies of  Hitler’s primary supporters, the Rockefellers, Warburgs, and Harrimans. 23

  Schacht, along with Norman, was one of the main actors in the establishment of the Bank for International Settlements ( BIS). Formed in 1930, the  BIS was an intergovernmental organization of central banks which “fosters international monetary and financial   cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks.”  BIS was formed with funding by the central banks of six nations,  Belgium,  France, Germany,   Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom. In addition, three private international banks from the United States also assisted in financing    the      establishment of     the BIS. The US  Federal Reserve did not join the  BIS, but the three US banks did, representing three times the shares of any other nation. They were, J.P.   Morgan & Company, First National Bank of Chicago and First  National City Bank of New York, which later became  Chase Manhattan Bank when it merged with the Rockefeller-dominated Chase City Bank, and eventually Citibank.

  Even before  Hitler rose to power in the Reichstag,  Schacht pushed for the creation of an institution that would retain channels of communication and     cooperation            between  the  world’s          financial  leaders,  even  in  the           event            of war. It was written into the Bank’s charter, with the consent of the respective governments, that in the event of war the  BIS would be immune from seizure,
closure, or censure. And by the outbreak of   WWII, the  BIS was completely under Hitler’s control. Among the directors under  BIS’s American president Thomas H. McKittrick were Hermann Schmitz, head of the colossal  Nazi industrial trust  IG Farben, Baron Kurt von  Schroder, head of the J. H. Stein Bank of Cologne and a leading            officer and   financier of  the  Gestapo. They also included Dr.  Walther Funk of the  Reichsbank, and the  Reichsbank’s vice-president  Emil Puhl, who were  Hitler’s personal appointees to the board. Though the  BIS was an instrument of  Hitler, its operations were approved by Great Britain, and the British director Sir Otto Niemeyer, and chairman and devoted  Hitler supporter Montagu Norman, remained in office            throughout  the war.24

  In Trading With the Enemy: The  Nazi American Money Plot 1933-1949 Charles  Higham documented the role in the  BIS of  Standard Oil of New Jersey. As  detailed by Antony Sutton in Wall Street and the Rise of  Hitler, it was  Standard  Oil  and  its  network        of German   subsidiaries  who created  the  financial circumstances that allowed the  Nazis to build up their war machine. Higham refers to this international network as the “Fraternity” which, as he describes, were all represented internationally by the  National City Bank or by the  Chase National Bank, which conducted business with the  Nazi High Command in Paris until the war’s end. As Higham explains, the ostensible purpose of the BIS, established under the so-called   Young Plan, was to provide the Allies with reparations to be paid by Germany for   World War I, but “the Bank soon turned out to be the instrument of an opposite function. It was to be a money funnel         for American and          British funds            to flow into Hitler’s coffers and to help  Hitler build up his war machine.”25

 After  Hitler lost a popular election to von Hindenburg in 1932, thirty-nine business leaders like Alfred   Krupp, Siemens, Fritz Thyssen, and Robert Bosch, sent a petition to von Hindenburg urging that   Hitler be appointed chancellor of Germany. This deal to bring   Hitler into the government was settled at the home of banker Baron Kurt von Schroeder on January 4, 1933. They agreed to fund  Hitler in return for his pledge to break the trade unions. Also attending this meeting were  John Foster and  Allen Dulles of the New York law  firm Sullivan and Cromwell, which represented the  Schroeder Bank. After serving a stint      in Constantinople,  Dulles became the  first new director         of the Council on Foreign Relations in 1927, and joined his brother as a lawyer in the prestigious firm of Sullivan and Cromwell. As Dulles’ biographer Peter Grose notes, Sullivan  and Cromwell,     “constituted  a strategic nexus   of international finance, the operating core of a web of relationships that constituted power, carefully crafted to accrue and endure across sovereign borders.” 26 Prior to the war, Dulles was a director of the J. Henry Schroeder bank in London, a prime instrument employed by  Montagu Norman in his support of  Nazi Germany.

  While at  Sullivan Cromwell, Dulles helped  Standard Oil gain   Saudi Arabian concessions through the assistance of Jack  Philby in 1933. According to Loftus and Aarons, Dulles and  Philby, together with  Ibn Saud “were the secret source  of oil,          wealth, and  international influence that worked behind       the scenes to put Hitler onto the world stage.”27 Dulles had met  Philby while he served in the  Division of Near Eastern Affairs. A large part of the concerns of the division was competition among the great powers over unexplored oil reserves. Already in Constantinople, Dulles met regularly with visiting managers of  Standard Oil, Shell, or Socony, where he was able to discuss various political realities. As Peter Grose also noted, “Next to missionaries, Allen discovered, there were no better sources of international gossip than the oil men.” 28 Therefore, in 1924, Dulles  had           spelled  out in  an official  State           Department            communication his interest in making use of oil exploration as a cover for intelligence gathering.

  As partners            in the  firm  of Sullivan and Cromwell, Allen and  John Foster also  represented            the giant German  chemical firm  IG Farben, which partly owned  Standard Oil of New Jersey along with the  Chase National Bank.   IG Farben was founded in 1925 by Hermann Schmitz as a merger of the following six companies, which included, among others, BASF, Bayer and Agfa. It became the largest chemical company in the world and the fourth largest overall industrial corporation, after General Motors, US Steel and  Standard Oil. IG Paul Manning, a CBS news correspondent in Europe during   World War II, wrote that Schmitz once “held as much stock in  Standard Oil of New Jersey as did the Rockefellers.” 29 IG Farben and Rockefeller’s  Standard Oil of New  Jersey         were  effectively a single firm,   having been merged in hundreds of cartel            arrangements. It was led up until 1937 by Rockefeller’s partners, the Warburgs. Beginning in 1933,  Max Warburg also served directly under Hjalmar  Schacht on the board of the  Reichsbank under the  Nazi regime, before emigrating to the US in 1938. Two executives of  Standard Oil’s German subsidiary were Karl Lindemann  and      Emil Helfferich, prominent figures in Himmler’s Circle of Friends of the   Gestapo,        its chief financiers and close friends and            colleagues of the  BIS’s Baron von  Schroder. 30

  Farben, which was indispensable to the German war effort, was also a Nazi agency for worldwide military and economic espionage and a spearhead of the  Nazi psychological and economic warfare program. It was  IG Farben’s task          to make         Germany self-sufficient in those crucial raw    materials which are indispensable to modern warfare. While   Hitler cynically denounced the company as an “international Jewish organization,”  Schacht nevertheless awarded huge contracts to produce munitions and chemicals for the German military buildup to  IG Farben. The Farben complex both in Germany and the United States then developed into an integral part of the formation and operation of the   Nazi state machine, the Wehrmacht and the  SS. Hermann Schmitz became a prominent early  Nazi and supporter of  Hitler.  IG Farben  also  provided  direct financial assistance to the formation of the  Nazi regime when it contributed 400,000 RM to  Hitler’s    political “slush fund” used to      fi nance         the  Nazi seizure of control in  March 1933.31 Between 1927 and the beginning of  World War II,  IG Farben doubled in size, an expansion made possible in great part by American technical assistance and by American bond issues, such as the one for $30 million offered by  National City Bank. There were over two thousand cartel agreements between  IG       Farben and  foreign firms,          including Standard Oil of New Jersey, DuPont, Alcoa, Dow Chemical, and others in the United States. Dr. von Schnitzler, member of  IG Farben’s Managing Board of Directors and Chairman of its all-powerful Commercial Committee stated in 1943, “The development of IG during the last 12 years can’t be separated from the government’s foreign  policy.” 32 However, the full extent of  IG Farben activities before  WWII will never be known, as the relevant German records were destroyed in 1945 in anticipation of Allied victory. 33

  At the 1933 meeting with  Hitler at the  Schroeder Bank,  Schacht and  John Foster Dulles agreed to coordinate all trade between Germany and America in a syndicate  of 150 firms set up by the Harr imans. 34 It was Jacob  Schiff who financed the purchase of         the Union Pacific for robber baron  Edward H. Harriman, who would play a key role in the rise of  Bolshevism in   Russia. Harriman was the father of later world statesman W.  Averell Harriman, a member of the infamous Skull and Bones society of Yale University. In 1919,  Averell Harriman founded W. A. Harriman & Co with fellow Bonesman   George Herbert Walker, the grandfather of   George H. W. Bush, which led the way in directing American money to German companies.  Averell Harriman had made contact with the powerful Thyssen family of steel magnates. August Thyssen had created a network of private banks, including the  Union Banking Corporation, founded in New York in 1924 with   George Herbert Walker as president. August Thyssen’s son and successor Fritz Thyssen was an enthusiastic supporter of  Hitler and had been funding the  Nazi Party since 1923. In 1926, Walker made his son-inlaw, another Bonesman,  Prescott Bush, vice president of W. A. Harriman. In 1931, W. A. Harriman merged with Brown Brothers creating  Brown Brothers, Harriman & Company, where more than a third of partners were Bonesmen. As Alexandra Robbins explains, “Through these companies,  Skull and Bones provided        financial backing to Adolf  Hitler because the society then followed a Nazi—and now follows a neo- Nazi—doctrine.”35

  Montagu Norman was also partner in Brown Brothers and a close friend of Prescott Bush, and Union Banking became a  Nazi money-laundering machine. Walker helped take over North American operations of Hamburg-Amerika Line, a shipping line and cover for IG Farben’s   Nazi espionage unit in the United States. Hamburg-Amerika smuggled in German agents, and brought in money for bribing American politicians to support  Hitler, and a 1934 congressional investigation showed that Hamburg-Amerika was subsidizing Nazi propaganda efforts in the US. Finally, the US government investigated both Walker and  Prescott Bush, and under the Trading with the Enemy Act, seized all shares of Union Banking, including shares held by  Prescott Bush, because “huge sections of   Prescott Bush’s empire had been operated on behalf of  Nazi Germany and had greatly assisted the German war effort.”36 In the late 1930’s Fritz Thyssen, concerned about the potential economic impact of the coming war, started concealing his assets, placing many of them with the Union Banking Corporation in New York. He was aided in his transactions by Prescott Bush,  Walker, and  Allen Dulles.37

  Referring to the support of American corporations in the rise of the  Nazi regime, Sutton said, “whereas      this financial            and technical assistance  is referred to as ‘accidental’ or due to the ‘short-sightedness’ of American businessmen, the evidence… strongly suggests some degree of premeditation on the part of  these American financiers.” 38 The American government did sanction such suspect interactions, either before or after  Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. A presidential edict was issued by President  Roosevelt six days after the attack, which instead set up the legislation to supersede restrictions against licensing arrangements for trading with enemy industries. As Higham details:

  The government smothered everything, during and even (inexcusably) after the war. What would have happened if millions of American and British people, struggling with coupons and lines at the gas stations, had learned that in 1942  Standard Oil of New Jersey managers shipped the enemy’s fuel through neutral Switzerland and that the enemy was shipping Allied fuel? Suppose the public had discovered that the  Chase Bank in  Nazi-occupied Paris after  Pearl Harbor was doing millions of dollars’ worth of business with the enemy with the full knowledge of the head            office in Manhattan? Or  that    Ford trucks were being built for the German occupation troops in  France with authorization from Dearborn, Michigan? Or that Colonel Sosthenes Behn, the head of the international American telephone conglomerate  ITT, flew from New York to Madrid to Berne during the war to help improve  Hitler’s communications systems and improve the robot bombs that devastated London? Or that  ITT built the Focke Wulfs that dropped bombs on British and American troops? Or that crucial ball bearings were shipped to  Nazi-associated customers in Latin America with the collusion of the vice-chairman of the US War Production Board in partnership with Goring’s cousin in Philadelphia when American forces were desperately short of them? Or that such arrangements were known about in Washington and either sanctioned or  deliberately ignored? 39

  Ultimately, worldwide condemnation that followed revelations of the horrors of  the  Holocaust were so forceful that there was little opposition to a resolution put  forward by the UN General Assembly on 29 November 1947, recommending the adoption and implementation of the plan to partition Palestine by the newly created United Nations, which is basically an American invention, to serve American interests, and situated in New York on land donated by John D. Rockefeller. On 14 May 1948, David  Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World  Zionist Organization and president of the Jewish Agency for  Palestine, declared the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz  Israel, to be known as the State of  Israel, a state independent from the British Mandate for  Palestine.

  But the  Nazis were not expended with after serving their purpose. On the contrary, they seem to have deliberately feigned defeat and to have gone underground to assist the Americans in their  Cold War against communism. Prior to the end of the war, the  Nazis, recognizing the inevitability of their mpending defeat, developed a contingency plan by which they would be able to reorganize themselves and continue their political projects beyond their loss to the Allies in 1945. In other words, a Fourth Reich. Despite being presented as a
diabolical aberration, and responsible for the horrors of the  Holocaust, the  Nazis
would be assisted in their secret resurgence by the very nation responsible for
their defeat: the United States. Moreover, the US and ex- Nazis would continue  a covert collaboration that would be behind not only much of the terror of the late twentieth century, but which would also be responsible for the bizarre racial theories that would persist under the guise of the  New Age movement.

  As later discovered by United States army counter-intelligence, a meeting was held in great secrecy on August 10, 1944, at the Hotel  Maison Rouge in Strasbourg, at which were present the most powerful industrial, political and commercial interests of the  Nazi regime. The meeting was the culmination of a year’s preparation by Deputy Fuhrer Martin  Bormann, following the crushing defeat of the  Nazis at Stalingrad. The conference chairman, Dr. Scheid, who  held one of the highest ranks in the  SS, declared:

  Germany has already lost the battle for  France. Henceforth German industry must prepare itself for the economic campaign which will follow the end of the war. All industrialists must strengthen their contacts and companies abroad, each on his own account and without drawing attention to himself. And that is not all. We must be ready to finance  the Nazi party which is going to be driven underground for some time. 40

  The plot was outlined in the Red House Reportproduced by a French spy who was at the meeting. Scheid ordered the industrialists to make contacts and alliances with  foreign  firms. They  were  especially  to exploit the finances  of German firms that    had already  been   used   as fronts for            economic penetration in foreign countries, such as the steel giant  Krupp, and the  Hamburg-America Line shipping company, whose American operations were taken over by George Herbert  Walker. But a further smaller meeting ensued, reserved for only the elite, to whom it was explained how, even though the industrialists had been informed that war was lost, resistance against the Allies would continue until a guarantee of German       unity could  be confirmed. He         then laid out the secret three-stage strategy for the Fourth Reich. They were then informed of a three-staged plan. In stage one, the    industrialists were  to “prepare themselves to          finance the Nazi Party, which would be forced to go underground as a Marquis,” using the term for the French resistance. Stage two would involve the government allocating large sums to German industrialists to establish a “secure post-war foundation in foreign countries,” while    “existing financial   reserves must be    placed at the disposal of the party so that a strong German empire can be created after the defeat.” In stage three, German businesses would set up a “sleeper” network of agents abroad through front companies, which were to act as covers for military research and intelligence, until the   Nazis could eventually return to power.41

  The conference agreed on a plan for the transfer to neutral or non-belligerent  countries of      a significant     portion of the funds of the major companies of the Third Reich. The  Nazis had executed a policy of looting the assets of its victims to finance the war,           collecting them in central depositories. By that time, the SS had become the head of a huge economic empire, and in addition to enormous financial and industrial assets,         it was running gigantic slave labor projects with concentration camp prisoners, while also enriching itself with the seized assets of persecuted  Jews. It is estimated that at their disposal was some $800 million. This treasure was apparently divided into several caches, of which the one at the  Reichsbank in Berlin included almost three tons of gold (much of it the so-called tooth-gold from the slaughter camps) as well as silver, platinum, tens of thousands of carats of precious stones, and perhaps a billion dollars in various currencies. 42 750 companies were set up throughout the world using Nazi funds: 112 in   Spain, 58 in   Portugal, 35 in Turkey, 98 in   Argentina, 214 in Switzerland and 253 in various other countries.

  There were allegations that  Schacht’s International Bank of Settlements ( BIS) had helped the Germans loot assets from occupied countries during  World War II. During the        period of 1933–45, the board of directors of      the  BIS included Walter Funk, a prominent  Nazi    offi      cial,            and     Emil Puhl, who were both convicted at the  Nuremberg trials after  World War II, as well as Hermann Schmitz the director of  IG Farben and Baron von Schroeder, the owner of the J. H. Stein Bank, that held the deposits of the  Gestapo. As a result of these allegations, the Bretton Woods Conference in July 1944 proposed the liquidation of  BIS. Though initially approved, the liquidation of the bank was never undertaken, and the decision to liquidate the  BIS          was     offi            cially reversed in 1948.   

  Organizing the physical removal of the   Nazis’ wealth and the escape of SS personnel were the tasks of Otto  Skorzeny,  Hitler’s “favorite commando,” who      was     simultaneously an  officer of the SS, the  Gestapo and the Waffen  SS. 43 Skorzeny achieved infamy during the war for his many daring exploits, including  the rescue of the deposed  Mussolini from captivity; leading Operation Greif, In which            German soldiers were to infiltrate through enemy lines,   using            their enemy’s uniforms; and the kidnapping of the son of Hungarian Regent, Admiral Horthy, to force him to resign.  Skorzeny’s last task of the war, he claimed, was to create a corps to defend  Hitler’s alpine hideout at the Eagle’s Nest on the Austro-Hungarian border. In actual fact, his task was to coordinate the escape networks of leading   Nazis. Instead, as   Stuart Christie explained:

  The   stories of a   fortified zone in the Austrian Alps were part of a disinformation exercise connived at by US intelligence chief Allan  Dulles and elements of the  Nazi party and Wehrmacht to provide the latter with an orderly breathing space to ensure the German political and social infrastructure remained intact as a “cordon sanitaire”  against  Bolshevism. 44

  Skorzeny worked closely with  Bormann and  Skorzeny’s father-in-law Hjalmar  Schacht in transporting the  Nazi assets to safety outside Europe and in creating the infamous  ODESSA network. Soon after the war’s end, there is evidence that  Skorzeny was organizing former members of the  SS into an underground movement, known as the “ Skorzeny Movement.” 45 Also known  as the Bruderschaft, it eventually became known as  ODESSA (Organization of Former  SS Members), which maintained escape routes called “ratlines,” to shuttle ex- Nazis to various safe havens around the world. Using the cover names of Robert Steinbacher and Otto Steinbauer, and supported by  Nazi funds,  Skorzeny set up a secret organization named  Die Spinne, to assist in the escape of former  Nazis. As  Skorzeny’s biographer notes, “There was an ironic similarity between the  Die Spinneescape routes and those used by Bricha, the Jewish refugee organization that transported  Jews to  Palestine illegally. It wasn’t unusual for the two organizations to have escapees and refugees in the same ‘safe house’ at the same time!” 46

  The Sovereign Military Order of  Malta ( SMOM) was also responsible for helping thousands of ex- Nazi  SS members to escape through the ratlines. The Knights of   Malta descend from the Knights   Hospitaller, also known as the Knights of St John, founded around 1023, who were bequeathed the  Templar s assets after their disbanding. The order is a unique papal entity which, although the order has no landmass other than a small headquarters in Rome, holds the status of nation-state. It mints coins, prints stamps, has its own constitution and issues passports to an accredited diplomatic corps. The Grand Master of the order holds a rank in the Church equal to a cardinal and is recognized as a sovereign chief of state by 41 nations. “The Knights of  Malta comprise what is perhaps the most exclusive club on earth,” Stephen Birmingharn, the social historian, wrote. “They are more than the Catholic aristocracy… [they] can pick up a telephone and chat with the pope.” 47 According to Russ Bellant, “Although it poses as a Catholic organization, the Order of St. John of  Jerusalem is a  Masonic group that claims to be the real Knights of  Malta. It’s Grand Master for fifty years  until    his death several years     ago was Charles Pichel, and adviser… to   Hitler aide Ernst Hanfstaengl.”48

  William  Donovan  who  was head of the Office of Strategic Services  ( OSS),  the predecessor of the  Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA), during  World War II, was also a Knight of   Malta. The  OSS, according to John Coleman, was a Round Table creation. 49 On July 11, 1941,  Donovan was named Coordinator of Information (COI), and organized its New York headquarters in the Rockefeller Center in 1941 and asked  Allen  Dulles to head it.   The offices Dulles   took over had been the location of the operations of Britain’s  MI6. In 1942, the COI became the Office of Strategic       Services ( OSS). In 1944, Pope Pius XII decorated Donovan with the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Sylvester, the oldest and most prestigious of papal knighthoods, given to only a hundred other men in history, who “by feat of arms, or writings, or outstanding deeds, have spread the Faith, and have safeguarded and championed the Church.” 50

  ODESSA also assisted in  Operation Paperclip, through which numerous Nazi scientists were brought to the US, such as  Wernher von Braun, who was recruited to  NASA.  Operation Paperclip was a project of the  OSS, whose contacts with  Nazis inside the  Third Reich were initiated by  Allen Dulles, who had been stationed in Berne, Switzerland, where he was the organization’s Swiss Director. Investigative authors John Loftus and Mark Aarons described  Dulles “as one of the worst traitors in American history, an economic version of Benedict Arnold.” 51 They revealed that, together with his brother  John Foster Dulles and St. John  Philby, Dulles established an international            financial network among  Nazi corporations, such as  IG Farben, American oil interests, like  Standard Oil, and  Saudi Arabia for the benefit of the  Third Reich. 52

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